Makalah Modals Perbaikan

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1. Windy oktavia ( 2226010056 )
2. Visi natalia ( 2226010053 )
3. Agustina mahadewi ( 2226010046 )

Kelas : 4B



Thank God for the presence of Allah SWT. Because of the abundance of His mercy
and grace, the author has been able to complete his English course assignments.
Shalawat and greetings are also conveyed to our lord Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Because it is thanks to him that we can experience a world that is as advanced with
science as it is today. Thank you to Junitri Dian Syahdanis, M Pd for guiding the
author in the English course so that we can complete this paper.

Hopefully this paper can provide benefits to readers and the results can be used in
everyday life. As a human being, the writer is aware that this paper still does not
deserve to be called a perfect work. The author is aware that this article still has many
errors, both in terms of grammar and writing technique itself.

So the author apologizes and asks for constructive suggestions so that the author can
make this paper even better. So, hopefully this is useful and adds to the reader's

Bengkulu, 17 april 2024





A. Introduction Background
B. Formulation of the Problem
C. Objective


A. Understanding Modals
B. Types types of Modals
C. Modals formula
D. Use of Modals


A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion


A. Intrucation Background

With English we can increase our insight and knowledge for the progress of our nation and
country, because we will be able to read English literature, listen to foreign radio broadcasts,
and watch other scientific films. Every language certainly has its own rules or what we often
call its own grammatical terms, as well as English, there are many rules that must be taken
into account when using it, especially in the field of writing. Therefore, the author tries to
present four rules from the many rules of the English language, apart from fulfilling college
assignments, it also aims to hope that this short article can increase our insight into the
English language.

B. Formulation of the Problem

1. what is the meaning of modals?

2. what are the types of modals
3. what is the modals formula?
4. how to use modals

C. Objective

1. to understand the meaning of modals

2. just to find out the types of modals
3. to know the modals formula
4. to find out the use of modals

A. Understanding modals

In English, we know a type of auxiliary verb called modals. Modals are generally used to
express the speaker's attitude towards something: whether it is needed, recommended,
permitted, possible, etc. Basically, all modals are always followed by the first form of the
verb (V1).

in english sentences the use of modals is always followed by the main verb or ordinary verb.
of the many modals verbs that you can learn, there are several models that are mots often
found in everyday.
Example, must, shall, will, should, can, could, may, might,And many more.

Modals verb also have several relus that make them slightly different from ordinary verbs for
Example .

● Even though it is classified as a verb you don't need to add the letter“s” to the end of the
modal verb for the third person tense.This means “he cans”, “she mays”, or “Chandra
shoulds” is an example that doesn't

● Ask is a modal verb that cannot be followed by the affix -ing which is usually in sentences
that use the present continuous tense. Tandanya, “I’m canning”, “He’s wounding”, or “You
are shoulding”are wrong examples.

B. Types types of modals

1. Modals Present
(Modals: Will, Shall, Can, May, Must, Should)
a. Will (akan)
Used to express:
– it means “akan” in the from future simple tense, the same to be going to
Example: I will go to Bandung tomorrow
Example: Will you carry that bag for me?
b. Shall (akan)
Used to express:
– it means “akan” in the from future tense
Example: I shall go to Jakarta tomorrow
Example: Shall i turn on the light?
Example: I shall meet her tomorrow
c. Must (harus, mesti)
Auxiliary verb which means must or must is used to express:
– must
Example: You must go now
– in negative sentences and malking answers from interrogative sentences always use need
not or needn’t bukan must not or mustn’t

Example : Must I go now? Yes you must / yes you need

-Must not (musn’t) indicates whether or not it is prohibited
Example : You must not smoke in the class
– Must = have to (she/he has to)
Example: You must read this book = You have to read this book
– Must has no shape past tense. the shape of the lamp which has the same meaning is “had
to”, And the shape is the same for all objects
Example: I had to meet my sister yesterday

d. May (mungkin, boleh)

The auxiliary verb which means may may be used to express:
– permit application
Example : May I borrow your motorcycle? Yes, you may
– requests and hopes
Example: May you both full of happiness
e. Should/ought to (seharusnya)
Used from:
–Auxiliary verb which means should or should
Example: She ought to be here now
– Declare tasks incomplete fulfilled or neglected
Example : The work ought to have been finished last week
f. Can (dapat)
Used from:
– a person abilities or skills
Example : I can sing
– ask permission
Example: Can I borrow your book?
Example: He can be ill

2. Modals Past
Modals Past: Would, Should, Must/Had to, Might, Could)

a. Would
Used from :
– Pats from of will which means “akan”
Example: He would be punished before he escaped
-a request a polite request
Example : Would you please help me?
-when used with words “like” then shows desire or desire
example : i would like to eat
– combined with the word“rather” indicates the meaning of (prefer)
Example: I would rather be a doctor than a president
b. Should
Used from:
– The shape of the lamp from shall
Example : When he came to my house I should go
– recommendation means bets
Example : You are ill, you should go to the doctor soon
Example: He should study hard
– In the past tense it means showing an activity that should have been done but in reality was
not done or it can also mean regret in the pats.
Example : You should have studied hard before take an exam
The meaning of the subject is not studying hard but still talking tha exam.

c. Must/Had to
– form Past from Must.
–Necessity ( cannot be done )
Example: You must/had to study in Biology class yesterday.

d. Might
– States a news sentence in the form of Past Tense.
Example: The newspaper said it might rain tomorrow.)
–Express more polite expressions .
example: Joni might do the exam well.
–States a big possibility.
Example: Ariel was absent yesterday. He might be sick.
e. Could
is from past tense form can and the form is the sama for all objects but in use it is not always
meaningful past tense the past . Could can be used to express:
– past from of can
Example: Mary could sing a song when she was young
Example: Could you help me now? (can you help now)
Example : She could be at home now, but she usually plays volleyball

3. Modals Perfect
(Modals perfect: Must, Might, Should, Could)
a. Must have + V3
Past conclusions.
Example: Anto passed the exam. He must have studied.

b. Might have + V3
Past conclusions.
example: Anto was absent. He might have been sick.

c. Should have + V3
obligations that were not carried out in the past.
example: Anto didn’t pass. He should have studied.
Facts contradict meaning : he didn’t study.

d. Could have + V3
real ability used in the past .
Anto could have done the homework himself.
fact contradicts meaning: He didn’t do the homework himself.

C. Modal Formulas

1. Modals Present
Formula modals present, yaitu (S + Modals Present + Verb 1)
2. Modals Past
Formula modals past, yaitu (S + Modals Past + Verb 1)
3. Modals Perfect
Formula modals perfect, yaitu (S + Modals Perfect Have + Verb 3)

D. Use of modals

This modal sentence can also be used in everyday life.The following is the use of modals in
everyday life.

Can be used to express an obligation (expressing necessity).

Can be used ton indicate a choice (expressing preference).
Can be used as a guide to determine abilities (showing abilities).
Cab be used to give advice to others (advisability).
Can be used to ask for help (polite request).


Based on the modal paper it can be concluded that in the modal there are 9 types of english
modal: Can (dapat, bisa, mungkin, boleh), Could (dapat, bisa) dalam bentuk past
(lampau),dan (mungkin, mau) dalam bentuk future (akan datang), May (mungkin, boleh),
Might (mungkin [dg kemungkinan yang relatif kecil]), Must(harus, mesti, pasti), Will (akan,
mau), Would (akan, mau, mungkin),Shall (akan, boleh, harus), Should (seharusnya,


Hopefully this paper can be useful for readers, maybe this paper is less than perfect. I hope
you can understand that because I am in the learning process.

Annonimu(2012).English(Online) pada hari Rabu,
tanggal 18 Januari 2012.pukul 16.00 WIBAnnonimus (2012).
English SMA(Online) pada hari Rabu,
tanggal 18 Januari 2012.pukul 16.20.

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