Pidato Dedek

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First lets thanks to allah, who give us merciful and blessing so we can gather here, in this happiness


Seconly solawat and salam to our big prophet Muhammad sollohualaihi wa sallam who brought us
from the dark era, to this bright era, “Allohumma solli……”

Honorable Buya Mudir Ma’had darul ulum

Honorable all of our educator, all of our teacher that really help us and give attention and affection
in school and also in dormitory

And of course I wouldn’t forgot to all my friends that I loved.

Today in here, in this morning I will give some speech about “ JUDUL PIDATO”

Ladies and Gentlemen who blessed by Allah, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in the Qur'an which
means, hold fast all of you to the rope of God's religion and do not be divided, the verse tells us to
always hold fast to the rope of our religion, which is unity and it can be specialized in loving our
homeland and forbid us to divorce, and allah also said that we should not divorce.

Sheikh Ismail Haqi Al barosawi in the book of interpretation Ruhul bayan volume 5 page 321 explain
that, the cause of discord or division is when you disagree, imam Jalaluddin Al mahalli and imam
Jalaluddin as Suyuti also said in the book of tafsir jalalain volume 2 page 371 that division is a
destruction and unity a salvation so we must be united in the religion of Islam, because what ??? its
because association and union are very important.

Do you believe association and union are very important ? I think we really used to hear the proverb
state that in unity we stand apart divorce we fall apart, then we as an Indonesia young
generations,we as islam young narratives must be able to be the pioneers of unity like a century ago
that succeeded in pledging the momentum of the youth oath that said
1. We, the Sons and Daughters of Indonesia, claim to shed the blood of one, the homeland of
2. We, the Sons and Daughters of Indonesia, claim to be one nation, the Indonesian nation
3. We, the Sons and Daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language of unity, Indonesian.

But the question for us is how to create solid and strong association and union ???. The first is to
hold fast to the rope of allah religion , which is the Book of God, the Sharia of God and the Sunnah of
His Messenger. We must be united in the unity of religious, unity of nations and unity of states

The second way to create strong unity is by obeying the leader of Islam, who is sacrifice himself to
brought us here, the prophet Muhammad, may allah bless him and grant him peace, as mentioned
in the verse of Surah An-Nur, verse 54, which means that whoever obeys him, God will guide him
and show him the good way

The third way to create a strong association and union is by strengthening the friendship by loving
each other, because there is a hadith said that Anyone who is happy to be given more prosperity
(wealth) and longevity he must establish a good relationship with his parents and siblings.

Therefore my brothers let us all be united in loving our religion and our country.

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