The 12 Angry Man (Cruz, Jhazmine)

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San Mateo, Rizal


Movie Review

12 Angry Men



This movie review challenges your senses in analyzing, and assessing people’s

behavior. Your ability to dissect and scrutinize situations based on your background

knowledge and experiences will greatly enhance your evaluation, opinion and

decisions. Let us then explore through this movie review.

Your paper should cover the following points:

1.. Summarize the purpose and membership of the group.

2. Discuss the behavior of every role in the movie and connect this to the stocks and flow?

3. What are the roles, goals, tasks, values, and relationships of this group?


1. What pattern of behavior of this group shows?

Oscilation because they start being executed or from corrective action being executed and
how long it takes to affect the system because of that all these delays may cause for the
system to oscillate to the next model.

2. How does the group make decisions? Is this a useful process? Why?

The 12 angry man, votes to know who’s on the side of guilty or not guilty about the murder
case of 18 yr old boy. 11 out 12, one person is agree that he is not guilty and the reason he
has a reasonable doubt like he is not sure of what suspect does. Davis start to think and
questions the others about he’s reasonable doubt in the case. They start explaining one by
one why they choose guilty or not guilty. After that they are arguing and some are shouting.
While davis is starting explaining why he choose not guilty, The others are starting to
convince that the murderer is not guilty until Davis convinced 10 of their group members
and 1 person are still not convince. Everyone are looking to this person who’s still thinking
guilty because of he’s trash explanation until he switched to not guilty.

That is useful because they analyzed the situation and evaluate the actions or testimony.
We can believed in some evidence with strong evidence but the story are need to evaluate
because they have possibility that is not true on the other side. Lets think that testimony is
possible, if we look on the other situation that might happen. We can still think that is not
true or true.

3. What are the characteristics of the patterns of behavior?

Calm, anger issues, patience, understable, Fair in everyone and some of them has respect to
each opinion. One of them is criticize the suspect about his background.

4. Is this group a “team”? If so, what tells you it is a team?

Yes because if some of them are convince that is guilty they are encouraging the others to
vote the same. Same with Davis who’s on the side of guilty and he start explaining and
others starting to convince of his reasonable doubt explanation.

5. What type of team are you studying--Problem-solving? Self-Managing? Cross-

Functional? Virtual?

Problem Solving because they analyzing and evaluate the murder case.

6. How is trust gained or lost with this group?

Gained because Davis convinced everyone with his reasonable explanation.

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