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Microindentation hardness testing

Article · January 2000

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George Frederic Vander Voort

Vander Voort Consulting LLC


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ASM Handbook, Volume 8: Mechanical Testing and Evaluation Copyright © 2000 ASM International®
H. Kuhn, D. Medlin, editors, p221–231 All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1361/asmhba0003272

Microindentation Hardness Testing

George F. Vander Voort, Buehler Ltd.

IN MICROINDENTATION HARDNESS of the test specimen. It is assumed that recovery 1(b) shows examples of Vickers indents to il-
TESTING (MHT), a diamond indenter of spe- does not occur upon removal of the test force lustrate the influence of test force on indent
cific geometry is impressed into the surface of and indenter, but this is rarely the case. The size. The test was developed because the
the test specimen using a known applied force Knoop test is claimed to eliminate recovery, Brinell test, using a spherical hardened steel in-
(commonly called a “load” or “test load”) of 1 but again, this is not true for tests of metallic denter, could not test hard steels. They chose
to 1000 gf. Historically, the term “microhard- materials. For the Vickers test, both diagonals the pyramidal shape with an angle of 136° be-
ness” has been used to describe such tests. This are measured and the average value is used to tween opposite faces in order to obtain hard-
term, taken at face value, suggests that mea- compute the Vickers hardness (HV). The hard- ness numbers that would be as close as possible
surements of very low hardness values are be- ness number is actually based on the surface to Brinell hardness numbers for the same speci-
ing made, rather than measurements of very area of the indent itself divided by the applied mens. This made the Vickers test easy to adopt,
small indents. Although the term “microhard- force, giving hardness units of kgf/mm2. In the and it rapidly gained acceptance. Unlike
ness” is well established and is generally inter- Knoop test, only the long diagonal is measured, Rockwell tests, the Vickers test has the great
preted properly by test users, it is best to use the and the Knoop hardness (HK) is calculated advantage of using one hardness scale to test all
more correct term, microindentation hardness based on the projected area of the indent di- materials.
testing. vided by the applied force, also giving test units In this test, the force is applied smoothly,
There is some disagreement over the applied of kgf/mm2. In practice, the test units kgf/mm2 without impact, and held in contact for 10 to
force range for MHT. ASTM E 384 states that (or gf/µm2) are not reported with the hardness 15 s. The force must be known precisely (refer
the range is 1 to 1000 gf, and this is the com- value. to ASTM E 384 for tolerances). After the force
monly accepted range in the United States. Eu- is removed, both diagonals are measured and
ropeans tend to call the range of 200 to 3000 gf the average is used to calculate the HV accord-
the “low-load” range. They do this because forces Vickers Hardness Test ing to:
smaller than 200 gf generally produce hardness
numbers that are different from those deter- 2000 P sin(α / 2 ) 1854.4 P
HV = = (Eq 1)
mined from tests conducted with forces ≥200 gf. In 1925, Smith and Sandland of the United d2 d2
This problem is discussed later in this article. Kingdom developed an indentation test that
The hardness number is based on measure- employs a square-based pyramidal-shaped in- where d is the mean diagonal in µm, P is the ap-
ments made of the indent formed in the surface denter made from diamond (Fig. 1a). Figure plied load in gf, and α is the face angle (136°).


Fig. 1 Vickers hardness test. (a) Schematic of the square-based diamond pyramidal indenter used for the Vickers test and an example of the indentation it produces. (b) Vickers
indents made in ferrite in a ferritic-martensitic high-carbon version of 430 stainless steel using (left to right) 500, 300, 100, 50, and 10 gf test forces (differential interfer-
ence contrast illumination, aqueous 60% nitric acid, 1.5 V dc). 250×
222 / Hardness Testing

The hardness can be computed with the for- The Knoop indenter has a polished rhombo- 1960s, ASTM initiated a more modern, system-
mula and a pocket calculator, or using a spread- hedral shape with an included longitudinal an- atic approach for all hardness tests and adopted
sheet program. Most modern MHT units have gle of 172° 30′ and an included transverse an- the acronyms HV and HK for the two tests, yet
the calculation capability built in and display gle of 130° 0′. The narrowness of the indenter the former acronyms are still widely used (as
the hardness value along with the measured di- makes it ideal for testing specimens with steep are many other obsolete acronyms, like BHN
agonals. A book of tables of HV as a function hardness gradients. In such specimens, it may and RC instead of HB and HRC). Style guides
of d and P also accompanies most testers, and be impossible to get valid Vickers indents as for many publications do not seem to track
ASTM E 384 includes such tables. the change in hardness may produce a substan- these changes carefully.
The macro-Vickers test (ASTM E 92) oper- tial difference in length of the two halves of the For stating the actual hardness results,
ates over a range of applied forces from 1 to indent parallel to the hardness gradient. With ASTM advocates the following approach.
120 kgf, although many testers cover a range of the Knoop test, the long diagonal is set perpen- ASTM E 384 recommends expressing a mean
only 1 to 50 kgf, which is usually adequate. The dicular to the hardness gradient and the short hardness of 425 in the Vickers test using a 100
use of forces below 1 kgf with the Vickers test diagonal is in the direction of the hardness gra- gf applied force as 425 HV100, while by ISO
was first evaluated in 1932 at the National Phy- dient. rules, it would be expressed as 425 HV0.1 (be-
sical Laboratory in the United Kingdom. Four For the same test force, Knoop indents can be cause 100 gf would be expressed as 0.1 kgf).
years later, Lips and Sack constructed the first more closely spaced than Vickers indents, mak- ASTM Committee E-4 is currently recom-
Vickers tester designed for low applied forces. ing hardness traverses easier to perform. The mending adoption of a slightly different ap-
Knoop indenter is a better choice for hard brit- proach: 425 HV 100 gf. While it has proven
tle materials where indentation cracking would difficult to get people to adopt a unified expres-
Knoop Hardness Test be more extensive using the Vickers indenter at sion style, it is important that the stated results
the same load. The Knoop indent is shallower indicate the mean value, the test used, and the
(depth is approximately 1 30 the long diagonal) test force as a minimum.
In 1939, Frederick Knoop and his associates than the Vickers indent (depth is approximately
at the former National Bureau of Standards 1 the average diagonal). Hence, the Knoop test
developed an alternate indenter based on a is better suited for testing thin coatings. On the Microindentation
rhombohedral-shaped diamond with the long negative side, the Knoop hardness varies with Hardness-Testing Equipment
diagonal approximately seven times as long as test load and results are more difficult to con-
the short diagonal (Fig. 2a). Figure 2(b) shows vert to other test scales.
examples of Knoop indents to illustrate the in- A variety of microindentation test machines
fluence of applied load on indent size. The are produced, ranging from relatively simple,
Knoop indenter is used in the same machine as Expression of Test Results low-priced units (Fig. 3) to semiautomated sys-
the Vickers indenter, and the test is conducted tems (Fig. 4a) and fully automated systems
in exactly the same manner, except that the (Fig. 4b). In most cases, either a Knoop or a
Knoop hardness (HK) is calculated based on Historically, the official way in which Vickers indenter can be used with the same ma-
the measurement of the long diagonal only and Vickers and Knoop hardness numbers have chine, and it is a relatively simple matter to ex-
calculation of the projected area of the indent been presented has varied with time, although change indenters. The force is applied either di-
rather than the surface area of the indent: many users seem to be unaware of the preferred rectly as a dead weight or indirectly by a lever
style. The acronyms VHN and KHN were in- and lighter weights. New testers using a
1000 P 14229 P troduced many years ago and stand for Vickers closed-loop load-cell system (Fig. 5) are also
HK = = (Eq 2)
Cp d 2
d2 hardness number and Knoop hardness number. available. The magnitude of the weights and
DPN, for diamond-pyramid hardness number, force application must be controlled precisely
where Cp is the indenter constant, which per- was introduced at approximately the same time. (refer to ASTM E 384).
mits calculation of the projected area of the in- While some have claimed the DPN and VHN Most tester systems use an automated test cy-
dent from the long diagonal squared. are not the same, this is not true. In the early cle of loading, applying the load for the desired


Fig. 2 Knoop hardness test. (a) Schematic of the rhombohedral-shaped diamond indenter used for the Knoop test and an example of the indentation it produces. (b) Knoop in-
dents made in ferrite in a ferritic-martensitic high-carbon version of 430 stainless steel using (left to right) 500, 300, 100, 50, and 10 gf test forces (differential interference
contrast illumination, aqueous 60% nitric acid, 1.5 V dc). 300×
Microindentation Hardness Testing / 223

time, and unloading to ensure reproducibility and the plane-of-polish is automatically indexed sired test location. The measuring eyepiece is
in the test. Vibrations must be carefully con- perpendicularly to the indenter. Historically, it generally 10×. Naturally, the optical system must
trolled, and this becomes even more important has been a common practice to simply place a be carefully calibrated using a stage microme-
as the applied force decreases. Manual applica- specimen on the stage and proceed with inden- ter. In general, indents are measured to the
tion and removal of the applied force is not rec- tation, but if the plane-of-polish is not parallel nearest 0.1 µm with an accuracy of no more
ommended due to the difficulty in preventing to the back side of the specimen, it will not be than ±0.5 µm in length. A proper Köhler illumi-
vibrations that will enlarge the indent size. perpendicular to the indenter, introducing tilt nation system is necessary to fully illuminate
The indenter must be perpendicular to the errors. the specimen. In general, a magnification that
test piece. An error of as little as 2° from per- The stage is an important part of the tester. makes the diagonal between 25% and less than
pendicular will distort the indentation shape The stage must be movable and movement is 75% of the field width is ideal; however, it is
and introduce errors. A larger tilt angle may usually controlled in the x and y directions by not always possible to follow this rule.
cause the specimen to move under the applied micrometers. Once the specimen is placed in Calculation of the hardness is based on the
force. To aid in controlling this problem, most the top-indexed holder, the operator must move length of the diagonals. The major problem is
testers come with a device that can be firmly at- the stage micrometers to select the desired loca- defining where the indent tips are located. This
tached to the stage (Fig. 6). The mounted speci- tion for indenting. If a traverse of several hard- requires proper illumination, adjustment of the
men, or a bulk unmounted specimen of the ness readings is desired at inward intervals optics for best resolution and contrast, and
proper size, can be placed within this device from a side surface of the specimen (as in careful focusing. Every laboratory should have
case-depth measurements), then the surface of a regular schedule for cleaning the optical com-
interest should be oriented in the holder so that ponents of their MHT apparatuses, as well as
it is perpendicular to either the x or y direction for verifying their calibration. A Filar microm-
of the traverse. If the Knoop indenter is chosen, eter is used for the diagonal measurement. The
its long diagonal must also be parallel to the micrometer lines have a finite thickness, which
surface of interest. For example, if the Knoop requires use of a systematic measurement scheme.
long axis is in the direction going from the front Several indent measurement approaches can be
to the back of the tester, then the surface of in- used. One popular approach is to bring the two
terest must also be aligned in the same direc- Filar lines just into contact and then zero the
tion. Accordingly, the x-axis (left to right) mi- micrometer. The interior sides of the Filar lines
crometer is used to select the desired indentation are then adjusted so that the indent tips just
positions. The micrometers are ruled in either touch the inside of each line.
inches or millimeters and are capable of mak- In recent years, the MHT system has been au-
ing very precise movement control. tomated by coupling it to an image analyzer
Because the diagonals must be measured af- (Fig. 4b). The image-analysis system software
ter the force has been removed, the tester is is used to control all of the functions regarding
equipped with at least two metallurgical objec- indent location, indent spacing, number of in-
tives (i.e., reflected light), usually 10× and 40×. dents, indenting, measurement of the indents,
Some systems may have a third or fourth objec- calculation of hardness values, and data plot-
tive on the turret. For measurement of small in- ting. For those who perform a substantial num-
dents (<20 µm in diagonal length), a higher- ber of hardness traverses, this equipment is
power objective (60×, 80×, or 100×) can be very useful because the test work is automated,
used in place of the 40× objective if the tester allowing the metallographer to do other tasks.
has places for only two objectives. The objec-
tives should have a reasonably high numerical
aperture for their magnifications to give the Hardness Conversions
Fig. 3 Example of a simple, low-cost manual
microindentation hardness-testing unit with a best resolution. The 10× objective is usually
Filar micrometer for measurements but no automation used as a spotter, that is, simply to find the de- Sometimes it is desirable to know the equiva-
lent hardness in a scale other than the Vickers

(a) (b)

Fig. 4 Semiautomated and fully automated microindentation hardness testers. (a) Semiautomated tester with a Filar mi-
crometer for measurements, automated readout of the test results with its equivalent hardness in another selected Fig. 5 Closed-loop load-cell microindentation hard-
scale. (b) Fully automated tester interfaced to an image analyzer to control indenting, measurement, and data manipulation ness tester
224 / Hardness Testing

Fig. 6 Examples of fixtures for holding test pieces for microindentation hardness testing

or Knoop. It is not uncommon for product spec- version chart agrees with your bulk test speci- 6, 3, or 1 µm diamond finish. For lower loads, it
ifications to define the hardness for a case mens before utilizing the conversions. is advisable to completely prepare the speci-
depth in the Rockwell C scale, which, of course, men to a damage-free condition. Excessive re-
is a bulk test scale unsuitable for case depth de- sidual damage from sectioning and grinding
termination. Although this seems (and is) illog- Specimen Preparation will influence test results and produce errone-
ical, it is widely practiced, probably because ous hardness values. Depending on the nature
designers are not familiar with the Vickers or of the specimen, preparation damage can cause
Knoop scales. Hardness conversions are devel- Specimen preparation for microindentation either an increase or a decrease in the apparent
oped empirically, and there is a degree of error hardness testing is not a trivial matter and be- hardness relative to the true hardness. Guide-
associated with all conversions. The primary comes more critical as the applied force de- lines for preparing metallographic test speci-
source for hardness conversions is ASTM E creases. Further, if testing is to be done near an mens are given in ASTM E 3 and in standard
140, which lists the conversions in tabular form edge, then edge preservation (i.e., flatness out textbooks (Ref 3) and handbooks (Ref 4, 5).
and also contains equations based on the tabu- to the edge) is also required. For relatively high Microindentation hardness testing near the
lar data. Some MHT units have these tables or test forces, for example, 300 to 1000 gf, a per- edge of a specimen is used frequently to deter-
the equations built in and will list an equivalent fectly prepared specimen is not required. How- mine the hardness of coatings or to evaluate the
ever, this does not mean that sectioning and extent of the increase in surface hardness due to
hardness of your choice with each measure-
grinding damage need not be removed. Rather, treatments such as induction hardening, carbu-
ment. The most common conversion is from a
the normal preparation procedure could be rizing, or nitriding, or due to the loss in hard-
Vickers or Knoop scale to a Rockwell C scale.
stopped after grinding and polishing down to a ness because of decarburization. A variety of
In general, these conversions are most com-
monly available for steels, aluminum alloys,
and nickel alloys. Conversions between various
scales may be material sensitive. 1400 80
Load, gf
Conversion of Vickers data to other scales is 1300
more straightforward than converting Knoop 1200 300 200 100
data to other scales. Basically, the ASTM E 140 70 50 25 15
conversions between Vickers and other scales 1100 1000
Calculated Rockwell C hardness (HRC)

10 g load
can be used for any test force greater than 100 1000 60
Knoop hardness number

gf. Conversions of Knoop to other scales are 25 g

problematic because Knoop hardness varies 900
50 g
more with load. If the published conversion is 800 50
for a 500 gf applied load, then this conversion
is best for that load and reasonably accurate for 700
loads slightly lower and generally adequate for 100 g
600 40
greater loads, as the Knoop hardness is reason- 200 g
ably constant for loads of 500 gf and above. 500 500 g
Aside from the E 140 conversions, two pub- 400 30
lished conversion charts are worth noting. First,
Emond (Ref 1) published a correlation chart of
Vickers hardness (10 kgf load) to Knoop hard- 200
ness at loads of 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 gf
(Fig. 7). Second, Batchelder (Ref 2) published 10
conversions from Knoop hardness, with loads 0 200 500 1000 1500 2000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
of 15, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 1000 gf, Vickers hardness (HV), 10 kgf load Knoop hardness (HK)
to Rockwell C (Fig. 8). Before using these con- Correlations between Knoop hardness at loads
Fig. 7 Correlations between Vickers hardness deter- Fig. 8
versions, it is a good practice to test your mate- mined with a 10 kgf load and Knoop hardness from 15–1000 gf and Rockwell C hardness.
rial with both scales to see how well the con- determined with loads from 10–500 gf. Source: Ref 1 Source: Ref 2
Microindentation Hardness Testing / 225

procedures have been developed to provide dent to measure the long diagonal is more diffi- is less than 16 µm, so it would be best to use a
good edge retention. Today, with a good ther- cult than with a Vickers indent because the higher load. A 300 gf applied force produces ap-
mosetting epoxy resin (for best results, cool contrast at the Knoop indent tips is not as proximately a 27 µm diagonal for 750 HV and
back to ambient temperature under pressure strong. The ±0.5 µm measurement variability approximately a 47 µm diagonal at 250 HV,
during mounting), automated preparation for the same person as a function of time may and it may be a better choice than a 200 gf or
equipment, and modern consumable products be a bit conservative for the Knoop test. 100 gf load. If the hardened case is rather shal-
(use napless cloths for best results), adequate If the operator has a rough idea of the hard- low, it may be necessary to space indents along
edge retention is readily achievable without re- ness of the test piece, then a good estimate can several different parallel traces at different
quiring protective surface platings (e.g., be made of the appropriate test load to choose. depths so that the gradient can be assessed sat-
electroless nickel). It is also possible to prepare The harder the specimen, the greater the test isfactorily without tight indent spacing ad-
unmounted bulk specimens with adequate edge load needed to keep d greater than 20 µm. Fig- versely influencing the test data.
retention using automated equipment and ures 9 and 10 can be used as a guide. For exam- The opposite problem, that of an excessively
consumables. ple, assume that a hardness traverse is to be large (d > 75% of the field width) indent is less
made on an induction-hardened specimen that common, but may arise depending on test con-
is expected to vary in hardness from approxi- ditions. In general, MHT is performed in an ef-
mately 750 HV at the surface to 250 HV in the fort to measure spatial variations in hardness or
Important Test Considerations core. Figure 9 says that an applied force of the hardness of small regions. But sometimes it
200 gf will produce approximately a 22 µm di- is used as a convenient substitute for a bulk
agonal indent for a 750 HV steel and close to a hardness test on a small specimen of homoge-
All tests require both properly operating 40 µm diagonal indent for a 250 HV steel. For a nous nature at the same time as the structure is
equipment and knowledge of how to use it. To 100 gf applied force, the diagonal for 750 HV examined. In that case, the indent size is not too
obtain precise, unbiased hardness data, a prop-
erly prepared specimen must be tested in the
correct manner using a properly operating, cali-
brated tester. ASTM E 384 provides guidance 50 gf 100 gf
on operating variables developed both theoreti-
cally and empirically over a long period of
time. Conservative application of these rules is 800
advisable. 25 gf
Vickers hardness (HV)

Indent Size. In general, the larger the indent

is, the better the precision will be. Due to the
mathematical approach to defining the Vickers
and Knoop hardnesses (Eq 1 and 2, where the 1000 gf
denominator is d 2), the curves of diagonal length
versus HV or HK get steeper as the test force 400
decreases, as shown in Fig. 9 and 10. Note that
as the test force decreases, smaller and smaller 200 gf 500 gf
variations in diagonal length correlate to larger
and larger variations in hardness.
Experience has shown that a single operator 10 gf
typically exhibits a ±0.5 µm variation when
measuring the same indent over a period of 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
time, while multiple operators exhibit approxi-
Mean diagonal length, µm
mately a ±1.0 µm variation over time. Larger
variations have also been observed (Ref 6, 7). Fig. 9 Relationships between the mean diagonal length and the Vickers hardness for loads of 10–1000 gf
A ±0.5 µm variation in the measured diagonal
has a greater influence on hardness as the test
load decreases, that is, as the diagonal size de- 1000
100 gf
creases. 25 gf
As an example, Fig. 11 shows the change in
Vickers hardness when 0.5 µm is either added
to, or subtracted from, the diagonal measure-
ment for diagonals ≤40 µm in length. Note that
Knoop hardness (HK)

subtracting 0.5 µm has a greater effect on the 50 gf 1000 gf

calculated HV than adding 0.5 µm. This is 600
again due to the d 2 divisor in Eq 1. The graph 500 gf
shows that for a Vickers indent with a 10 µm
average diagonal, a ±0.5 µm measurement vari- 400
ation can produce approximately a 10% rise or
drop in the hardness. If the hardness is low, this 200 gf
is not too much of a problem, but for high-
hardness specimens, a ±10% variation is sub- 200
ASTM E 384 recommends that the operator 10 gf
should try to keep indents larger than 20 µm in 0
d. Figure 11 demonstrates the reason for this 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
recommendation. A similar graph could be con- Long diagonal length, µm
structed for the Knoop test. In general, deter-
mining the location of the tips of the Knoop in- Fig. 10 Relationships between the long diagonal length and the Knoop hardness for loads of 10–1000 gf
226 / Hardness Testing

critical as long as a ±0.5 µm measurement vari- Law); however, this usually does not occur at to 63.2 HRC, using six test forces from 1 to 50
ation has only a small influence on the calcu- forces under 100 gf. kgf. At each force, six impressions were made,
lated HV. With a very soft material, the indent Reference 6 shows four trends for force and the mean results are in Fig. 12. The Filar
should be small enough that it can be kept en- (load) and Vickers MHT data: micrometer used a magnification of 100×. Note
tirely in the field of view of the optics. that the HV is essentially constant for forces of
Indent Spacing. In general, the same guide- • Trend 1: HV increases as force decreases 10 kgf and greater. For each test block, the
lines used in bulk hardness tests are used for (n < 2.0). hardness decreased for test forces less than 10
MHT. Indenting creates both elastic and plastic • Trend 2: HV decreases as force decreases kgf. The degree of decrease increased with in-
deformation and a substantial strain field (n > 2.0). creasing hardness. Thus, for this macro Vickers
around the indent. If a second indent is made • Trend 3: HV essentially constant as force tester, HV was not constant but exhibited trend
too close to a prior indent, its shape will be dis- varies (n = 2.0). 2, the most commonly observed trend for stud-
torted on the side toward the first indent. This • Trend 4: HV increases, then decreases with ies of MHT and HV force.
produces erroneous test results. decreasing force. The exact same steel test blocks were also
In general, the spacing between indents subjected to Vickers microindentation hardness
should be at least 2.5 times the d length for the Trends 1, 2, and 4 are more easily detected in tests using nine different forces from 5 to 500
Vickers test and at least twice the length of the hard specimens than on soft specimens where gf (Ref 3). Again, six impressions were made at
short diagonal for the Knoop test. The mini- trend 3 is observed. Many publications, partic- each test force, and the mean values are plotted
mum spacing between the edge of a specimen ularly those reporting trends 1 and 2, have at- in Fig. 13. These impressions were measured at
and the center of an indent should be 2.5d, al- tributed these trends to material characteristics. 500×. Again, the same basic trend is observed.
though values as low as 1.8d have been demon- The Knoop indenter does not produce geo- In most cases, HV is essentially constant at
strated to be acceptable. metrically similar indents, so the hardness should forces down to 100 gf, then the hardness de-
increase with decreasing test force. Due to the creases. The magnitude of this decrease again
poor image contrast at the Knoop indent tips increases with increasing specimen hardness.
Hardness versus Applied Test Force (long diagonal), it is far more likely that d will
be undersized, leading to a higher hardness
number. Consequently, the Knoop hardness in- 800
For the Vickers test, especially in the macro creases with decreasing test force, and the mag- 63.2 HRC
applied force range, it is commonly stated that nitude of the increase rises with increasing 700
the hardness is constant as the load is changed. hardness. However, a few studies reported a
For microindentation tests, the Vickers hard- variation in this trend: HK increased with de- 600

Vickers hardness (HV)

54.9 HRC
ness is not constant over the entire range of test creasing force and then decreased at the lowest
forces. For Vickers tests with an applied force applied force. 500
of 100 to 1000 gf, the measured hardnesses are It is widely claimed in the literature that the
usually equivalent within statistical precision. Vickers hardness is constant with test force in 46.8 HRC
The Vickers indent produces a geometrically the macro force range (≥1 kgf). However, a
similar indent shape at all loads, and a log-log search in the literature for data to prove this
plot of applied force (load) versus diagonal point yielded very little evidence. Reference 3 300 35.0 HRC
length should exhibit a constant slope, n, of 2 gives measurements made on five polished HRC
22.9 HRC
for the full range of applied force (Kick’s test blocks, with hardnesses ranging from 22.9 200

45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Load, kgf

40 Measured Vickers macrohardness for five

Fig. 12 steel test blocks using test forces from 1–50
kgf. Source: Ref 3

∆HV (±0.5 µm d error), %

700 63.2 HRC
Vickers hardness (HV)

54.9 HRC
d – 0.5 500

15 46.8 HRC
d + 0.5 400

300 35.0 HRC

5 200 22.9 HRC

0 100
3 4 5 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Load, gf
Length of indent diagonal (d ), µm
Fig. 13 Measured Vickers microindentation hardness
Influence of a measurement error of ±0.5 µm on the calculated Vickers hardness as a function of diagonal for five steel test blocks using test forces from
Fig. 11 length 5–500 gf. Source: Ref 3
Microindentation Hardness Testing / 227

For several of the data, the hardness appears to 4. Statistical analysis of all of the test data sug- below the mean in one case, and were above the
rise slightly as the force drops below 100 gf, gested that these nine people obtained mean in another case. A calibration error would
and then it decreases (trend 4). Thus, for the essentially the same test results while some or produce a consistent bias in all of the data;
work detailing MHT in HV versus the test all of the data from the other five people repre- however, this could not be the case for this per-
forces, both trends 2 and 4 were obtained. sented “outlier” conditions. Figure 15 shows son’s test results. Interestingly, this person was
These results, using the same set of five spec- the data for the five outlier labs for the F1 spec- an experienced metallographer, not a novice.
imens with a wide range of hardnesses and tests imen (where lab F was defined as an outlier lab There are times when the hardness tester can
with both micro- and macro-Vickers units, re- based on results for other specimens—their re- be the source of a variation in the load-hardness
vealed basically the same trend. At small indent sults for specimen F1 were marginal). The relationship. Before using a new MHT unit, it is
sizes for both testers, measurements yielded “good max” and “good min” lines in Fig. 15 en- a good practice to select a specimen with a ho-
lower hardness (indents being oversized) than compass the range of “good” data shown in Fig. mogeneous microstructure and a known hard-
they should. This can only be due to visual per- 14. Again, several HV-versus-force trends are ness and then perform a series of tests using the
ception problems in sizing small indents at the observed: labs E, H, and J follow trend 1, and full range of applied test forces available for the
tester magnifications employed (100× for the labs F and M follow trend 2. Because exactly unit. To obtain good statistics, make a number
macro system and 500× for the micro system). the same indents were measured, these varia- of impressions at each load. As an illustration
No material characteristic can possibly explain tions in test results come only from measure- of this problem, two testers were evaluated over
this problem. ment inconsistencies. This study reveals that their full ranges using a hardened specimen of
To further demonstrate that the observed the most commonly obtained trend was trend 2, type 440C martensitic stainless steel. For tester
trends of HV versus test force (load) are due to decreasing HV with decreasing test force, and A, six indents were made at each available test
measurement difficulties, the results of an this is the most commonly reported trend in the load, while for tester B, only three indents were
ASTM Committee E-4 interlaboratory round- literature. Thus, it is more likely for an operator made at each load due to time limitations with
robin test program is cited (Ref 6, 7). In this to oversize small Vickers indents than to under- the unit. The mean results are plotted in Fig. 16.
study, one person indented three ferrous and size them or to measure their true size. While tester A produced virtually identical re-
four nonferrous specimens at test forces of 25, Measurements of the Knoop indents also re- sults over the full load range, it is clear that
50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 gf (five times at veal substantial variations in the data. In most tester B was applying excessively high test
each force). Then, twenty-four people mea- cases, the HK rose as the test force decreased, forces at all loads under 1000 gf. Clearly this
sured the indents: thirteen measured all of the with most of the increase occurring at forces was a machine problem because the same per-
Knoop and Vickers indents in the ferrous speci- less than 200 gf. In general, HK results were son performed both sets of measurements on
mens (fourteen actually measured specimen statistically identical for each specimen at the same specimen. Verification of the instru-
F1), and eleven measured the Knoop and forces from 200 to 1000 gf. For the nonferrous ment using properly calibrated test blocks
Vickers indents in the nonferrous specimens. specimens, one rater consistently obtained the should help identify this type of problem.
Agreement was best for the low hardness speci- very unusual trend of decreasing HK with
mens, as would be expected, because they had forces less than 200 gf. One other rater ob-
the largest indents and the effect of small mea- tained a similar, but less pronounced, decrease Repeatability and Reproducibility
surement errors is minimal. The Vickers hard- in HK with decreasing test forces; but this was
ness, in most cases, decreased with forces be- only for the hardest nonferrous specimen (mean
low 100 gf, but all four possible trends reported hardness, approximately 330 HK). Appendix X2 of ASTM E 384, along with
in the literature can be seen in the measurement The visibility of the tips of the long diagonal Ref 6 and 7, describes the results of an ASTM
data for the same indents. on the Knoop indent is poorer than for Vickers interlaboratory round-robin program used to de-
As an example, Fig. 14 shows the data for indents. Thus, for Knoop indents, undersizing termine the precision of measuring Knoop and
nine of the fourteen people who measured the the indent is far more likely than oversizing. Vickers indents and the repeatability and repro-
Vickers indents in the hardest ferrous specimen However, it is clear that one of the eleven peo- ducibility of such measurements. Repeatability
(specimen F1). The overall trend for the data is ple who measured the Knoop indents in this is a measure of how well an individual operator
trend 2. However, examination of the data study consistently oversized the Knoop indents. can replicate results on different days with the
shows that test lab 8 followed trend number 1, At test forces above 200 gf, this person’s results same specimen and the same equipment. Repro-
lab 1 followed trend 3, and lab 3 followed trend agreed with the mean results in two cases, were ducibility measures the ability of different op-
erators, in different laboratories, to obtain the
900 1100
same results, within statistical limits. Repeat-
ability and reproducibility were best for
Lab A
Lab B
Lab E low-hardness specimens and got poorer as the
1000 Lab H hardness increased; that is, as the indent size
Lab C
Lab M
800 decreased. Repeatability was always somewhat
Vickers hardness (HV)

Lab D Lab J
better than reproducibility, as might be expected.
Vickers hardness (HV)

Lab G Lab F
Lab K
Lab L
700 Good max 800
Lab N
Vickers hardness (HV)

Lab O Tester A
600 Tester B
Good min
600 700

600 200
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0
Load, gf 500 0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 200 400 600 800 1000 Load, gf
Fig. 14 ASTM E-4 round-robin interlaboratory Load, gf
Vickers microindentation hardness-testing Curves showing load versus Vickers hardness
data for the hardest (F1) test specimen and nine people Data shown in Fig. 14 (all points fall within
Fig. 16 for two testers (with the same operator) evalu-
(measuring the same indents) who produced “good” data
Fig. 15 the two lines) plus the individual data from ating the hardness of the same type 440C martensitic
for test loads from 25–1000 gf. Source: Ref 6, 7 four “outlier” raters. Source: Ref 6, 7 stainless steel specimen (62.7 HRC)
228 / Hardness Testing

For a material with a hardness of 900 HV, re- parts or material forms that are too small or too For example, for a foil 0.002 in. thick (51 µm)
peatability for a 25 gf load was approximately thin to test with bulk test procedures. Likewise, with high hardness (e.g., greater than 500 HK),
±170 HV, and for a 1000 gf load it was approx- MHT allows hardness measurements of micro- test forces up to 800 gf can be used. However,
imately ±25 HV, while reproducibility for a 25 structural constituents. For example, the deter- if the hardness is not known, and a 500 gf load
gf load was approximately ±220 HV, and for a mination of hardness of specific types of car- indicates a hardness of approximately 200 HK,
1000 gf load it was approximately ±40 HV. For bides, nitrides, borides, sulfides, or oxides in then it would be advisable to retest the foil us-
a material with a hardness of 900 HK, repeat- metals has been widely performed, particularly ing a force of, at most, 300 gf because the test
ability for a 25 gf load was approximately ±75 in wear and in machinability research. at 500 gf may not be valid.
HK, and for a 1000 gf load it was approxi- There is a long list of applications where Hardness tests of thin materials and thin
mately ±25 HK, while reproducibility for a 25 MHT is indispensable. A few examples are de- coatings often require very low applied forces
gf load was approximately ±105 HK, and for a scribed in this section. The examples are just a (loads). As already demonstrated, it is quite dif-
1000 gf load it was approximately ±40 HK. few of the many that could be chosen to dem- ficult to measure very small indents. MHT
This shows that the repeatability and reproduc- onstrate the value of MHT. To a large extent, units are readily available for making impres-
ibility values at the highest loads were similar MHT can be considered as simply an extension sions at forces down to 1 gf, and special testers
for both types of indents, but as the test load de- of bulk hardness testing, in that it can be used are available that can indent at even lower
creased, the longer Knoop indent (at each load) for all the same purposes as bulk hardness tests. forces. (These devices are not discussed in this
yielded better repeatability and reproducibility However, due to the very small size of the in- article, however.) In the case of MHT systems
than the smaller Vickers indent at the same load. dent, MHT has a host of applications that can- using indenting forces less than 25 gf and in-
These trends again highlight the importance of not be performed with bulk tests. It can also be dents between 1 and 25 µm, it may be advisable
trying to use the greatest possible load for any test. considered as a strength microprobe and, thus, to place the tester on an antivibration platform
an extension of tensile testing. When properly and to use at least 60× objectives with a high
used, MHT is a great asset in any laboratory. numerical aperture for measurements. Oil-im-
mersion objectives may be required, particu-
Applications Hardness Testing of Thin Products larly for materials with poor light reflectivity.

Because hardness tests are a quick and con- Foil or wire product forms depend on MHT Case Hardness Measurement
venient way to evaluate the quality or charac- in quality-control programs. In general, the in-
teristics of a material, hardness testing is widely dent depth should be no more than 10% of the Perhaps the classic application of MHT is the
used in quality-control studies of heat treat- thickness or diameter of the products. Figure 17 assessment of changes in surface hardness: usu-
ment, fabrication, and materials processing. It shows the relationship among the minimum foil ally increases due to surface treatments, such as
is also a key test used in failure analysis work. thickness that can be tested, the applied force, and carburizing, nitriding, or localized surface-
Microindentation hardness testing provides the Knoop hardness. As this figure shows, for hardening processes, are analyzed, but de-
the same benefit as bulk hardness testing, but thicknesses less than 0.010 in. (254 µm), test- creases in hardness due to local chemistry
with a much smaller indent. Because the in- force selection becomes more critical as the changes (decarburization) or localized heating
dents are small, MHT can be used for many thickness decreases and the hardness decreases. are also examined. While these changes are
usually detectable by eye on a properly pre-
pared metallographic cross-section, hardness
traverses define the magnitude and extent of
such changes with greater precision and detail.
It is not uncommon for quality-control tests to
require determination of the depth to a specific
hardness for a carburized or nitrided part.
Figure 18 demonstrates the measurement of
case depth by a series of indentations that traverse


Vickers hardness (HV)




0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Distance, mm

Fig. 18 Vickers traverse showing the hardness profile

results from a flame-hardened SAE 8660 gear
using a fully automated microindentation hardness-
Fig. 17 Minimum thickness of test specimens for the Knoop test as a function of applied force (load) and Knoop hardness testing system
Microindentation Hardness Testing / 229

a cross-section from a flame-hardened SAE depth of approximately 3 mm. The prior- course, the very interesting rise in hardness
8660 specimen. The hardness traverses used a austenitic grain size was coarse at the surface (Fig. 19) from the surface to 4.1 mm would not
Vickers tester with the fully automated device and decreased in size through the hardened be detected. This may have an adverse effect on
(Fig. 4b) and a 300 gf load. The surface hard- case. These trends are caused by the tempera- the wear behavior and presents a dilemma for
ness is approximately 830 HV, and the hard- ture profile from induction heating. The hard- the analyst because the surface hardness is less
ness drops steadily until, at 2.5 mm depth, the ness drops rapidly in the depth range of 4 to 4.6 than the hardness criteria for the effective case
core hardness (~200 HV) is reached. The effec- mm, and the microstructure changes from pre- depth. Note that the surface does not exceed
tive case depth (the depth to 550 HV) occurs at dominantly martensite to ferrite and pearlite 550 HV until a depth of approximately 1.5 mm.
a depth of 1.95 mm. with a hardness of approximately 230 HV. Then, the hardness raises to approximately 680
Figure 19 shows the hardness profile for an When manual MHT systems are used to de- HV at approximately 4 mm depth. The hardness
induction-hardened SAE 1053 carbon-steel gear termine the effective case depth, it is quite com- falls again to 550 HV at approximately 4.5 mm
using the fully automated system and a 300 gf mon to etch the specimen and find the depth depth. The detailed variation of hardness with
load. Note that the surface hardness increased where the microstructure changes from hard- depth can be observed more easily with auto-
slowly from the surface to a depth of 4.1 mm. ened to unhardened. Then, the operator places a mated traverse hardness tests.
In this specimen, the microstructure contained few indents in this region and interpolates the Figure 20 shows a hardness traverse for a
at the surface substantial retained austenite, depth to the desired hardness, most often 500 or carburized SAE 8620 mold that exhibited sub-
which decreased until it was undetectable at a 550 HV, depending on the carbon content. Of stantial retained austenite in the hardened case.
Again, the specimen was evaluated with the
fully automated system in Fig. 5 with a 300 gf
800 load. Note that the hardness is somewhat erratic
Case in the fully hardened surface layer (surface to
approximately 1.8 mm depth). This is due to
the presence of retained austenite in this zone,
600 which is substantially lower in hardness than
plate martensite. If a lower test force were used,
Vickers hardness (HV)
Vickers hardness (HV)

the scatter would be greater. Very low test

forces, producing very small indents, might
produce a hardness variation of several hundred
HV in the case. The effective case depth (depth
to 550 HV) is at 2.1 mm, and the core is
reached at approximately 2.5 mm (~400 HV).
Again, if testing were performed manually and
200 200
only in the transition zone, the metallographer
would not have observed the variability in
hardness in the fully hardened zone.
0 0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Alloy Phase Hardness Measurements
Distance, mm Distance, mm

Vickers traverse showing the hardness profile

Microindentation hardness testing has been
Fig. 19 Vickers traverse showing the hardness profile Fig. 20
results from an induction-hardened SAE 1053 results from a carburized and hardened SAE widely used in alloy development research,
gear using a fully automated microindentation hardness- 8620 mold using a fully automated microindentation particularly in multiphase alloy studies. Be-
testing system hardness-testing system cause hardness can be correlated to strength,

Knoop indents in ferrite (dark) and austenite (white) grains in a dual-phase Fig. 22 Knoop indents (50 gf) in alpha (white) and beta (dark) grains in naval brass
Fig. 21 stainless steel (differential interference contrast illumination, aqueous 20% (C 46400) (differential interference contrast illumination, Klemm’s I reagent).
nitric acid, 3 V dc). 500× 500×
230 / Hardness Testing

Vickers indents (100 gf) in alpha (white) and martensite (dark) grains in a Fig. 24 Vickers indents (50 gf) in the matrix (dark) and in the intergranular beta
Fig. 23 high-carbon version of 430 stainless steel (differential interference contrast (white) phase in as-cast beryllium copper (C 82500) that was burnt in solu-
illumination, aqueous 60% nitric acid, 1.5 V dc). 500× tion annealing (differential interference contrast illumination, aqueous 3% ammonium
persulfate and 1% ammonium hydroxide). 500×

MHT can be used to determine the properties of equiaxed, the Knoop indenter was used (with a 99.9% confidence level. Figure 21 shows the
phases or constituents. Some such examples are 50 gf load). The specimen was lightly etched microstructure of this specimen along with a
described here. electrolytically with 20% nitric acid, which col- number of Knoop indents.
Example 1: Hardness Measurement on ors the ferrite grains. Indents were made in a Example 2: Hardness Measurement on Al-
Ferrite and Austenite Grains in Dual Phase number of grains (six or more indents per con- pha and Beta Phases in Naval Brass. Micro-
Steel. Microindentation testing was performed stituent type, as a rule) to calculate the mean, indentation testing with a Knoop indenter was
on the ferrite and austenite grains in a specimen standard deviation, and the 95% confidence in- performed on the alpha and beta phases in a
of hot-rolled dual-phase stainless steel. The terval. The ferrite had a hardness of 263.5 ± 5 specimen of naval brass (C 46400). A longitu-
specimen was prepared so that a plane parallel HK50 (mean ±95% confidence interval), while dinally oriented test plane was evaluated, and
to the hot-working direction could be observed. the austenite had a hardness of 361.8 ± 18.6 the Knoop indentor was used due to the elon-
Because the phases were elongated rather than HK50. This difference was significant at the gated shape of the grains. A test load of 50 gf
was used to keep the indents within the grains.
The specimen was tint etched with Klemm’s I,
which colors the beta phase. Again, indents
were made on a number of grains of each
phase. The alpha phase had a hardness of
178.1 ± 8.8 HK50, while the beta phase had a
hardness of 185.4 ± 13.7 HK50. The difference
in hardness between alpha and beta phases was
not statistically significant. Figure 22 shows
the microstructure of this specimen and several
of the Knoop indents.
Example 3: Microindentation Hardness of
Phases in 430 Stainless Steel. Similar tests
were performed on a dual-phase, ferrite and
martensite, high-carbon, type 430 stainless-
steel specimen. It was possible to test with a
100 gf load using the Vickers indenter. The fer-
rite had an average hardness of 152.3 ± 5.7
HV100 while the martensite had a mean hard-
ness of 473 ± 41.5 HV100. Again, at least six
impressions were made in each constituent.
The specimen, shown in Fig. 23, was electro-
lytically etched with aqueous 60% nitric acid at
Vickers indents (100 gf) in the matrix (dark) and in the intergranular beta (white) phase in an age-hardened
1.5 V dc. The difference in hardness between
Fig. 25 as-cast beryllium copper (C 82500) that was burnt in solution annealing (differential interference contrast the alpha phase and martensite was statistically
illumination, aqueous 3% ammonium persulfate and 1% ammonium hydroxide). 500× significant at the 99.9% confidence level.
Microindentation Hardness Testing / 231

Example 4: Hardness of Phases in As-Cast 416.6 ± 8.6 HV100. This difference in hardness in Converting Knoop to Rockwell C Hard-
Beryllium Copper. MHT can be used to study was statistically significant at the 99.9% confi- ness, ASTM Mater. Res. Stand., Vol 9, Nov
effects of heat treatment and segregation on the dence level. The intergranular beta phase also 1969, p 27–30
hardness of the phases in as-cast beryllium cop- exhibited a crosshatched etched appearance and 3. G. F. Vander Voort, Metallography: Principles
per (C 82500) that has been solution treated at had a hardness of 521.6 ± 31.9 HV100. The dif- and Practice, McGraw-Hill, 1984; reprinted
871 °C, hot enough to cause incipient melting. ference in hardness of the intergranular beta by ASM International, 1999, p 356, 381
One specimen was age hardened and one was phase in the aged versus unaged condition was 4. Metallography and Microstructures, Vol 9,
not. Because the phases were essentially statistically significant at the 99.9% confidence ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1985
equiaxed in shape, the Vickers indenter was level. The specimens were etched with aqueous 5. G.F. Vander Voort, Ed., Metallography,
used. In the unaged specimen, a 50 gf test force 3% ammonium persulfate-1% ammonium hy- Metals Handbook Desk Edition, 2nd ed.,
was used, while in the harder, aged specimen, droxide. It is best to use the same applied force ASM International, p 1356–1409
100 gf could be used. Again, a number of in- for each phase or constituent when doing such 6. G.F. Vander Voort, “Results of an ASTM
dents, at least six, were made in each phase. For comparisons, rather than the highest possible E-4 Round-Robin on the Precision and Bias
the unaged specimen, shown in Fig. 24, the al- applied force in each phase or constituent. of Measurements of Microindentation
pha matrix had a hardness of 107.6 ± 4.8 HV50, Hardness Impressions,” ASTM STP 1025,
while the intergranular beta had a hardness of “Factors that Affect the Precision of Me-
401.0 ± 63.0 HV50. For the aged specimen, REFERENCES chanical Tests,” ASTM, 1989, p 3–39
shown in Fig. 25, the alpha matrix exhibited 7. G.F. Vander Voort, “Operator Errors in the
light and dark crosshatched etched areas sug- 1. L. Emond, Vickers-Knoop Hardness Con- Measurement of Microindentation Hard-
gesting chemical segregation. The light etching version, Met. Prog., Vol 74, Sep 1958, p ness,” ASTM STP 1057, “Accreditation
alpha had a hardness of 316.1 ± 38.3 HV100, 97, 96B; Vol 76, Aug 1959, p 114, 116, 118 Practices for Inspections, Tests and Labora-
while the dark etching alpha had a hardness of 2. G.M. Batchelder, The Nonlinear Disparity tories,” ASTM, 1989, p 47–77

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