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SECOND SEMESTER , AY 2023 – 2024

Activity Task No. 4


Date: May 03, 2024

Course & Year: BSBA-MM3H


Module 6 - Application of Systems Thinking using CAUSAL LOOP DIAGRAM

I. Self -Test

1. What are the key points in the module?

 For me, the causes and effect in the casual loop like when I made a problem and
do actions and the problems end. Everything that we do has an effect and can
affect also in the other factors.

 Example: when someone is sad because he can’t get the thing that he wants and
I helped him then he is happy now and get what he wants.

2. Based on your experience as a MARKETING student, how can you apply content from

module to your studies or personal life?

 As a marketing student, there is a seller or business woman that doesn’t have a

customer so I decided to resell her product then both of us will benefit. She will
have a customer.
 As a marketing student, my dream is to become a CEO of my company. Many
people is sad or desperate for looking a job so I decided to look for them or
helped them by giving them a work from my company then they will be happy
and make money and my company will grow as big.

3. What insight did the module provide in your behavior, personal experience and beliefs?

 From behavior, it gives me a lesson that be careful of decisions we made in our

life because it can affect negatively or positively.

 From personal experience, don’t make rush decisions based on our emotions
because it can give a negative effect and will affect also in other factors.

 From beliefs, same thing but put god first. Do the right thing, because I believe
that this module is just a guide or lesson to learn in everything that happens in
our life. It’s up to you if you will believe and obey.

4. How has those Figures in this module influenced your thinking on this topic?

 It helped me to be more careful in everything like observe first and think carefully
because like I said it can affect on the other factors in our life. Maybe good or

 It also teach on how I deal or make decisions in my life, is like a perception if

these kind of situation happened to me.
5. How can the learning’s in this module improve your role in your systemic behavior,

Reinforcing and balancing processes?

 By giving me learning’s and insight if these might happened to me. We already

know this kind of situation but we can’t know easily that this thing will happen
because of our emotions in this kind of situation. We choose emotion first
before making decisions.

6. What kind of systemic behavior does your organization or your section do to make a
plan such as submitting and deciding on your project in System Thinking subject in

 For me, the casual loop, balancing loop and reinforcing loop because we all know
that most of the students for me is doing procrastinations and will affect in
deciding on our project or just making decision for us to have project without
thinking if this is right or wrong (mema, mema ipasa lang at magawa)

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