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1. Choose best possible answer.

i. Keeping in view the size of atoms which relation is correct:

(a)Mg>Sr (b)Ba>Mg (c)Li>Na (d) Cl>I
ii. Mark correct statement:
(a)Na+ is smaller than Na (b)Na+ is larger than Na
(c)Cl- is smaller than Cl (d) Cl- and Cl are equal
iii. Which of following increases up to middle of periodic table than decreases :
(a)I.E (b) M.B & B.P (c) Hydration energy(d) all
iv. Which of the following is less basic:
(a)MnO (b)MnO2 (c)Mn2O3 (d) Mn2O7
v. Elements of group II-B are called........elements:
(a)Representative (b)Non-typical transition (c)Transition (d) Coinage
vi. When hydrogen loses 1 electron it resembles with:
(a)Alkali metals (b)Alkaline Earth metals(c)Carbon family (d) Halogens
vii. One of following form amphoteric oxide:
(a)Ca (b)Fe (c)Cu (d)Zn
viii. More than 80% of elements are :
(a)Metals (b)Non-metals (c)Metalloids (d)Transition metals
ix. Which produces strongest acid when reacts with H2O:
(a)SO2 (b)P2O4 (c)Cl2O7 (d) SiO2
x. Ionic radius of F- is:
(a)72 (b)132 (c)157 (d) 95

2. Give Short Answers of any TEN.

I. Second I.E is usually shown with positive sign. Why?

II. Why diamond is insulator while Graphite is conductor in one direction?
III. "d" & "f" block elements are called transition elements. Why?
IV. Give names of families in periodic table?
V. Why elements have been divided in blocks?
VI. Na2O is basic while P2O4 is acidic, while Na and P belong to same period, Why?
VII. What is Lanthanides contraction? How does it controls size of elements of 6th & 7th periods?
VIII. Define Mendeleev's periodic law & Modern periodic law?
IX. Define Atomic & Ionic radius with examples?
X. Explain variation of M.P & B.P in a period?
XI. Define amphoteric oxides with examples?
XII. Distinguish b/w Ionic & Covalent hydrides?

3. (A) Explain position of hydrogen over ALKALI METALS & HALOGENS?

(B) Define I.E with example ? Explain its Periodic variation?

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