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com | Online Language Dictionaries

Two steps to faster search in Firefox

Chrome users: see the Chrome shortcuts for your address bar for faster searches.

You will create a bookmark, then add the "keyword".

Once it is created, you can simply type "enfr dog", for example, to quickly translate "dog" from English to French.

1. Right-click* one of these links. Choose "Bookmark This Link", then "Save".

link keyword link keyword keyword

WR English-Spanish enes WR Spanish-English esen WR Spanish Conjugation conj
WR English-French enfr WR French-English fren WR French Conjugation conj
WR English-Italian enit WR Italian-English iten WR Italian Conjugation conj
WR English-German ende WR German-English deen
WR English-Portuguese enpt WR Portuguese-English pten
WR español-français esfr WR français-español fres
WR español-portugués espt WR portugués-español ptes
WR diccionario español es
WR English dictionary en
WR sinonimos sin
more dictionaries are at the bottom of this page

2. Right-click* the same link again. Choose "Bookmark This Link" again. Now you can add the "Keyword".

In "Keyword", add the abbreviation for the dictionary. Use one of these:
enes, enfr, enit, ende, enpt,
esen, fren, iten, deen, pten
esfr, espt, fres, ptes,
en, es, sin
For the monolingual dictionaries use "en" for English, "es" for the Spanish dictionary and "sin" for sinonimos.
Click "Save".

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Now you can search for words directly in the Location bar by typing the abbreviation and a word. If you installed the English-French dictionary, you can type "enfr fast" to get the
translation for "fast".

*Mac users should ctrl-click if they cannot right-click.

More dictionaries:

link abbreviation link abbreviation

WR English-Russian enru WR Russian-English ruen
WR English-Polish enpl WR Polish-English plen
WR English-Romanian enro WR Romanian-English roen
WR English-Czech encz WR Czech-English czen
WR English-Greek engr WR Greek-English gren
WR English-Turkish estr WR Turkish-English tren
WR English-Chinese eszh WR Chinese-English zhen
WR English-Japanese enja WR Japanese-English jaen
WR English-Korean enko WR Korean-English koen
WR English-Arabic enar WR Arabic-English aren


1. I see a page saying: Bad Request - Invalid URL

You need to right-click (or ctrl-click) the bookmark as explained in step 2.
(The bookmark is not meant to be clicked directly. It is just a way to create the functionality in the URL bar.)
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2. How do I remove it?
It is just a bookmark. Find the bookmark and delete it.
3. Can I move the bookmark from the Bookmark toolbar?
Yes, click Bookmarks>Organize Bookmarks and move it wherever you want. It will still work.

Problems? Ask in the forums.

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