PDF Bamboo The Gift of The Gods Oscar Hidalgo Lopez Compress

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IV v


PLANT 16 -The influence of the culm age
Determination of the culm age
7 Cu lm branches
THE PLANT The leaves
2 What is bamboo 18 Types of cu lm sheaths or culm leaves
Pa leobotan Culm sheath (Culm leaf)
Etymology 19 Anatomy of bamboo culm
Herbaceous and woody bamboos The epidermis
The woody plants
plants - Classification The inner layer of the culm wall
Bamboos and trees from tropical and temperate . The Fibro·vascu la r area
zon s
4 Bamboo Morphology and physiology Vascular bundles
21 Anatomical characterization of the vascular
Parts of the plant
T he Rhizome bundle
Types of bamboos 22 Types of Vascular bundles
23 Fibers
5 Leptomorph
Rhizome Rhizome
System of Leptomorph type Relationship between the fiber lengths
6 Dir e tion whi h the l eptomorp h r hizome ta in the internode
takes when it starts its growth
achymorph Rhizome 2 BAMBOO FLOWERING
8 Metamorph Rhizome
T he Culm 25 Types of floweri ngs
Fo rmation and growing of the culm base 1 Sporadic or irregular flowering
and culm shoot in species with leptomorph 2 Gregarious flowering
rhizomes. 26 The flower
Growing process of the culm shoot in species The fruit
with Leptomorph and Pachymorph Rhizomes. Problems caused by gregarious flowering
10 Daily growth of the culm shoot 27 The importance of the life cycles
11 Characteristics of the culm Is it possible to predict the gregarious flower
Nodal and internodal morphology flowering
Nodes - Internode
nodes s 28 Dates of gregario us floweri ngs and life cycles
Color of culm
the culms of some species from As ia and the Americas
12 Natural forms 29 Gregarious flowerings in the Amer icas
T he natural square bamboo from China Gregarious flowering of Bambusa arundinacea
Internodes with the shape of bottles in India, Puerto Rico, Panama and Colombia
Triangular 30 Gregarious flower in g of Bambusa arundina
Flat cu lms ce in Colombia
Freak culms 31 Gregarious flowering of Guadua ngustifoli in
Turtle shell bamboo South America in 1977-78
Budda s face bamboo Gregarious flowering of Guadua amplexifolia
Spiral bamboo
The abnormality of the i nternodes TAXONOMY AND DISTRIBUTION
14 Abnormality in culms of Guadua ngustifolia 3
athematical relationships of the culm OF BAMBOOS IN THE WORLD
Identification of bamboo species by mathema-
tical relationship 32 Distri bution of bamboos in the World
15 Aproximate mathematical determination of the Distribution in the Amer
icas Aaia . Oceania

culm height dimensions of some giant bamboos

Approximate and Africa
33 Original distribution of bamboos in the world
of Genus Guadua at the time of Columbus arri- Genera of bamboos native to the Americas
val in the Americas in 1502 34 Genera of bamboos native to Asia Oceania
The huge dimensions of giant bamboos in and Afric
ancient China 35 T he Classification of woody bamboo genera

80 Parts of the culm which have the lowest and bamboo

36 The most important species of Asia and the Artificial induction of flowering
highest strength Effect of microwave treatment on the green color
Americas. 61 Bamboo Hybrid ization
The extraordinary tensile strength of vascular conservation and durability of bamboo
The most important species of genus Guadua Crossbreeding different bamboo species and
bundles Treatment with inorganiC salts
in the Americas genera
8 Axial and transversal bamboo structure Treatment developed in Japan for the preservation-
37 The three most important native species
speci es of genus rossbreeding between bamboo and rice
82 The mechanical properti es of each of the of bamboo s greenness
Guadua in Colombia Oriza sativa)
internodes vary along the culm Gluing of bamboo surfaces
38 The encounter of Columbus with the giant species 62 Management of bamboo stands
83 The ability of bamboo cells to generate electrical 110 Bamboo laquer ware
of the Americas 63 Cultivat ion of bamboo shoots
40 - Species of ggenus
enus Guadua
Guadua that still have not b
een Fertilizer application signals when stressed 111
electrical properties in and the influence
the modeling and ofremode-
their 112 Preparation of strips and
Bamboo processing round sticks by hand
identified Irrigation
ling of their hard tissue 11 4Manufactur e of bamboo weaving and baskets
41 Original distribution of the giant species of Harvest season
Mechano sensing system and adaptive modeling Bamboo weaving
genus Guadua in the Americas 64 Types of commercial bamboo shoots
of bamboo. 115 Square weaving -Yotsume-Ami
42 Destructi on of the giant bamboo species of genus Storage and preserving of shoots
85 Evaluation of the tensile strength of the culm wall 116 Hexagon weaving-Mu tsume Ami
Guadua in Latin America 65 The bamboo shoot cannery technique
The basic principle for the evaluation of the 119 Ajiro weaving
44 The destruction of the giant native species from
mechanical properties of bamboo 124 Bottom weaving
Mexico to Ecuador PESTS AND DISEASES IN LIVING 86 Radial distribution of tensile strength in the wall 125 Border weaving
46 Consequences of the aversion and ignorance
AND FELLED BAMBOOS 87 Tension tests of culms 129 Some of the many applications of bamboo baskets
which exist in our countries towards the giant
88 Compression strength parallel to the grain 131 Some applications of woven boards
native species
65 Decay fungi and insects which attack living Testing of bamboo to compression 132 Manufact ure of a creche
48 DNA (Deoxyri bonucleic acid) and the identifi -
bamboos 89 Testing in compresion sections of 1-2 and 3 134 Bamboo culm-base carving
cation of species
Decay fungi in living bamboos meters long 135 Bamboo internode re relief
lief sculp
What is DNA?
Decorative fungus 91 Bending strength 136 Bamboo furniture
Chromosome number in bamboo
Insects in living bamboos 92 Shear strength- Impact tests Types of jOints used in the manufacture of furniture
Fingerprints of bamboo
49 Estimat ion of DNA content of some bamboos 67 Decay fungi and insects which attack felled 93 Suggested specimens for testing memechanical
chanical 137 Somes types of chairs- tables
bamboos properties of bamboo 138 Bending or straigh tening of giant bamboo culms
I nsects
94 How to upgrade the bamboo mechanical proper-
ties (reformed bamboo)
with fire
139 Bending of small diame
ter bam
boos with fire
Termites General structure and properties of bamboo
5 Environmental conditions for bamboo growth Borers 95 Manufactur e of reformed bamboo
Latitud and altitud 69 Plagues The structure of reformed bamboo
Temperature 96 Mechanical properties of reformed bamboo PART
Rainfall 97 Disadvant ages of reformed bamboo
51 Soils PART 2 - BAMBOO PROPERTIES 98 Chemical properties
Topography Chemistry of bamboo shoots and culms
The influence of tree species in the development
of bamboo in mixed forests (biotic factor)
52 Above ground biomass of bamboo stands CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 99 Lignin
The main chemical elements entering into the
53 Bamboo propagatio n methods
composition of bamboo culms
Nursery land selection and preparation 72 Physical properties
Cellulose and hemicellulose 142 The durability of some species
onn land preparation
Propagation methods Density -Specific
Moisture content gravity 100 Preparation of Materials 143 Rules for fe
lling bamboos for construction and
Cellulose other uses
Propagation by seeds (Sexual propagation) 73 Equilibrium moisture content (E.M.C.)
Pentosans 144 Uses of bamboo culms according to their age
Asexual propagation of leptomorph Fiber saturation point F .S.P.)
Alcohol extract in the clump
(monopodial) bamboos in areas with very cold Shrinkage
Lignin 145 The moon and its effect on felling bamboos
winters 74 Splitting
103 Culm chemical composition with reference to the 146 Physical and chemical treatments against
54 Methods for propagation of Leptomorph bambo Thermal conductivity
culm age insects and decay f ungi
By rhizome cutting Hardness
Propagation by culm base with rhizome and roots 75 The bamboo that survived the radiation of an Physical Treatments (curing)
55 By the culm (with some branches) rhizome atomic bomb PART
TS Curing in the clump
and roots 76 The influence of bamboo physical properties on Curing by immersion
Methods for propagation of pachymorph bamboo the acoustical quality of the sound field in a 147 Curing with heat
Propagation by rhizome cuttings bamboo forest
Rhizome with part of the culm and lower branches 77 Mechanical properties of the culm WARES Curing with mud
Rhizome without culm 78 Differ ences between wood and bamboo Curing in beach sand
56 Propagation by culm cuttings 79 The main factors which we have to keep in mind Curing by sea-water supernatans
106 Preliminary treatments Protection by white washing
57 Propagation
Propagation by
by branch
layeringcuttings for
Climate the mechanical properties of the culm Resin or oil extraction 148 Chemical treatments
58 Propagation by tissue culture The Topography What we have to know before treating bamboo with
107 Dyeing of bamboo
The principal methods of propagation T he Soil chemicals
59 Techniques of microprop agation 108 Painting of bamboo Methods for treating bamboos with chemicals
T he Altitude above sea level
60 Tissue culture propagation of Dendroca/amus The Influence of the culm s age 109 The smoke finishing of bamboo products Temporary or prophylactic treatment of bamboo
strictus Conservation of the characteristic green color of 149 Long term chemical treatments -S tepping method

Open tank method Preparation of the composite and the tests spe 196 Manufacture of laminated bamboo plastic 225 How to avoid the crushing of horizontal members
Hot and cold process for the treatment of mens - Results veneer 226 Types of joints used in bamboo construction
bamboo boards and split bamboo Bamboo fiber-reinforced polypropilene (PP) com- 197 Glued laminated bamboo pieces made with Manufacture of the main types of joints
150 Boucherie method for the treatment of round posites bamboo boards 227 Joints of horizontal and vertical members
green bamboos 170 Grafting procedures 198 Bamboo in the field of biomimetics 228 Fixing horizontal and vertical members with pins
Modified Boucherie method using pneumatic Preparation of BFRP composites What is biomimetics and bolts
pressure Molding procedures Composites imitating bamboo 229 Double and quadruple beams-suppor ts
152 Pressure treatment Charpy impact test 230 Horizontal joints (not for structural members)
The effect of steam treatment and pressure
treatment 171
R esults and
Interfacial discussion
adhesion of BFRP composites CEMENT-BASED COMPOSITES
Horizontal splicing (not for structural members
Prevention and control of fungal attack on bas- Effect on bamboo fiber sizes 13 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION -
kets and handicrafts made of bamboo Comparison to commercial wood pulp composite FIBERS
1 53 Seasoning or drying of bamboo 172 Reformed bamboo/aluminium alloy composite
Air drying Manufacturing technique 199 Natural fibers used as reinforcement
Kiln drying Properties of reformed bamboo/aluminium com- 200 Bamboo fiber cement composites 232 Footing types
posite- Conclusions 2 1 Cement mortar boards reinforced with bamboo 233 Footings for different types of grounds
Impact properties pulp 234 Foundation and bamboo substructure on sloping
PART 5 - MANUFACTURE OF SIN- 174 Reformed bamboo/glass fabric/aluminium Bamboo wool-cement board ground
235 Bamboo substructure of elevated floors
GLE AND COMPOSITE MATERIALS composite Air-cured bamboo pulp reinforced cement
Manufacture of reformed bamboo/glass fabriC/ 202 Cement mortar reinforcedwith bamboo
DERIVED FROM BAMBOO aluminium (RBIGF/AI) (Bamboo-cement) 14 BAMBOO WALLS
Mechanical properties of RB /GF/AL The ferrocement story
175 Hygroscopic properties 203 -Manufacture of small tanks and toilets with 236 Quincha Wall-Peru
9 O
176 Bamboo based panels Bamboo-
Bambo o- cement 237 Peru - Bamboo architecture with quincha

BAMBOO MATERIALS 177 Types of bamboo based products

Plybamboo-types 204 -Manufacture
boo -cement of large water tanks with bam- 238
Ecuador-Ancient and present bamboo architec
Crammed wa wallll with clay -Colombia
156 Manufacture of channels, splints and strips Non structural plybamboo 205 -Manufacture of panels reinforced with bam- 240 Bahareque wall with double bamboo board
of the culm 178 Structural plybamboo panels boo mesh Colombia
157 Manufacture of bamboo boards Colombian structural plybamboo panel Manufacture of prefabricated slabs 241 Cross section of a double bamboo board wall
158 Rotary and sliced bamboo veneers 179 Manufacture 206 Concrete reinforced with bamboo 242 Tendinous wall-India - Colombia
Rotary veneer 180 Plybamboo with wood core Methods used for reinforcement of concrete 243 Woven bamboo boards for walls and windows
Sliced veneer 181 Structural plybamboo manufactured in with bamboo 244 Bamboo mat board for walls doors and windows-
Sawed veneer China 208 Summary of conclusions from results of tests Asia
159 Internodal bamboo veneer taken from the Chinese plybamboo on bamboo reinforced concrete beams carried 245 Japanese bamboo wall
surface part of the culm wall-Manufacture Production process out by H. E Glenn (1944)
182 Laminated curtain bamboo board (with resin 210 Design and construction principles recomen-
160 Applications of the surface bamboo veneer
Manufacture of plates and boxe impregnated paper ded by Glenn (1950) for bamboo concrete.
161 Intemodal bamboo veneer taken from the 183 Bamboo particle board 211 Problems caused by the use of splints and
184 Bamboo fiberboard small diameter culms as reinforcement in con 246 Light roof truss
in ternal part of the culm wall
Woven plybamboo board crete 247 Bamboo li ght truss with rafters
Manufacturing methods and uses
248 Fastenings of purlins and rafters
Bamboo mat process
Manufacture board 213
214 Concrete reinforced
Manufacture with cables
of bamboo bambooforcables
reinforcing 249 Bamboo rigid frame
1 MANUFACTURE O BAMBOO 185 Surface treatment of bamboo mats (plastifying) concrete 250 Construction of peak roofs with spanish tile
COMPOSITE MATERIALS Corrugated bamboo matboard 215 Manufacture of bamboo stirrups
Bamboo curtain board 216 Beams and slab foundation reinforced with 251 Peak roofs with ceiling and spanish ti le-
186 Bamboo mat and bamboo fiber mat used bamboo cables (Colombia)
163 What are composite materials
as reinforcement of epoxy resin 217 Culms and bamboo boxes used as voids. In 252 Hip roofs with corbels-(Colombia)
Structural advantages of natural bamboo
188 Impact test specimen the construction of concrete slabs in buildings 253 Hip roofs with ceiling and spanish tile-
189 Glued laminated bamboo for the manufacture Culms sections used as voids in Colombia (Colombia)
164 Analysis of the bamboo internode
of ski poles and fishing rods 218 Bamboo boxes used as voids in Colombia 254 Details of join ts on storehouse roofs
Extraction of bamboo fibers and their use as
Manufacture of ski poles 219 BUilding concrete slabs with bamboo boxes 255 Bamboo and grain stalk thatched roofs
reinforcement in composite materials
190 Manufacture of glued laminated bamboo for 220 Culms used as joists in concrete floors 256 Bamboo and palm leaf thatched roof
Deligni fication
structural furniture and floor uses 221 Culms used as joists supporting concrete slab 25 7 Roof type A for a small house
165 Mechanical techniques for fiber separation
Manufacture of glued laminated bamboo in 258 Roof type A for a small coffee beam
Composite preparation
Colombia treatment plant
Fiber and composite testing
191 Details of bamboo glued laminated pieces PART 6 BAMBOO CONSTRUC - 259 Constructio n of the roof
166 Results and discussion
261 Roof covered with half sect ions of bamboo
Epoxy coated bamboo fiber
Experimental study of unidirectional bamboo-
193 Glued laminated
Manufacture bamboolaminated
of bamboo furniture turned
in Colombia
194 Manufacture of glued laminated bamboo in China 263 Roof covered with bamboo shingle tiles
epoxy laminate
169 Chemical resistance and tensile properties Manufacture of laminated bamboo flooring
of short bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy com 195 Bamboo laminated floor tiles and plates USING BAMBOO IN CONSTRUC
posites TION
x NT E NTS xi

PREFABRICATION OF BAMBOO Mosque built with tied laminated bamboo-

STRUCTURES GENERATED BY 379 Plastering of the bamboo walls.with
16 306 Construction details 19
307 How to build tied bamboo laminated arches 380 The first bamboo housing project in Manizales
308 Glue laminated bamboo beams and arches FORMATION OF LIVING CULMS 381 House plan and distribution
264 Experimentat program of prefabricated houses 309 Glue laminated bamboo arches with 382 Longitudinal sections
in Ecuador or
266 Housing program 2 3 articulations 347 Structures generated by the flexibility of the 383 The largest structures built by Colombian
310 Bamboo composite beams ( I and Box architects.
267 Types of forms used in the prefabrication culm
bamboo beams) The bamboo roof of Carlos Vergara
of walls 348 Natural longitudinal deformations of culms
Ply bamboo web beams with bamboo laminated 384 Perspective and plan of the structure
268 Larger forms used in the prefabrication 349 Artificial longitudinal deformation and its applica-
flanges 385 The latest bamboo roof structures of Simon Velez
of the walls tlion in the construction of three hinged arches
3 11 I and Box bamboo beams 386 The bamboo roof structure in Ecuador 387
269 Fixing the studs inside the forms structures
312 Construction of floors and roofs with \ 388 The circular bamboo roof of Zeri Pavilion
270 Furring the panel with bamboo boards 350 Process of deformation of longitudinal arches
and Box beams 389 The Zeri Pavillion-
o n- Roof details
27 1 Construction of the slab foundation 351 Types of arches which can be made by
313 Construction of rigid frames with I 390 Cross section and construction details
272 Plan and prefabricated walls of type I house deforming culms
and Box beams 391 Roof construction details developed b by
y S. Velez
273 Assembling of the type I house 352 Experiment for making a bamboo Warren truss
314 Conical thatching bamboo roofs 392 Tensile tests of bamboo roof joints
274 Plan and cross sections of type II house Application of deformation
Conical roof with tension ring 393 Conclusions of the tests carried out by
275 Assembling of the type II house 353 How to make square and rectangular bamboos
315 Conical thatching roof with radial tension cables Garzon & Diaz
279 Improvement of dwellings & housing prefa- 354 Manufacture and placement of the forms
317 Bamboo conical roof supported by a concrete Recommendations in the use of internodes
briication program in Costa Rica. 355 Removing the forms and painting the culm
structure with cement mortar (by O. Hidalgo)
Improvement of dwellings in poor areas 318 The bamboo domes of Y. Friedman & E Schaur
280 Prefabrication of bamboo houses in Costa Rica THE EFFECT OF EARTHQUAKE
282 Prefabrication of bamboo houses in Colombia 319
Construction of domes with bamboo slats
Types of domes built with bamboo slats 2 FORCES ON BAMBOO BUILDINGS 22 TRADITIONAL BAMBOO
283 Prefabrication of houses in the town EI Penol 324 Construction of roofs with bamboo slat rings ARCHITECTURE IN ASIA
284 Prefabricated piramidal bamboo cupolas-Peru Y. Friedman) 356 The basic structural components
Roofs made with bamboo slats rings 357 Design of small bamboo houses in earthquake 395 Was the Homo erectus the first architect in
UCTION OF BAM- 327 The woven bamboo conical dome (Africa) zones China?
The woven bamboo conical dome used The foundation 396 Was the first man engendered by a
BOO STRUCTURES as housing 359 Construction mistakes in bamboo structures bamboo culm?
328 Double layer bamboo space structure 360 Inappropriate structures for earthquake zones 397 Evolution of primitive conical timber and bamboo
Construction 361 Some construction details recommended as japanese roofs
17 329 Construction of joints earthquake-proof 399 The use of bamboo scissors in primitive houses
SCAFFOLDINGS (KNOT-TYING) 330 Construction of joints using a metal cone 362 The use of bamboo as re reinforceme
nt of adob
e 400 Evolution of bamboo conical roofs in South
331 Not recommended joints walls in earthquake zones East Asia
286 Small bamboo scaffolding
scaffolding - Colombia 332 -Bamboo laminated geodesic dome PlaCing of vertical reinforcement 402 Bamboo roofs in South East Asia and the
287 Types of knots used in the construction of sca- Dome construction 363 PlaCing
PlaCing of horizontal reinforcement influence of boats on their architecture
ffoldings 333 Geodesic geometry 403 Bamboo & timber roof architecture (Southeast
-Knots used in scaffoldings for fixing hand-rails
Bamboo bipod and tripod for hanging pulleys
Bamboo geodesic dome-Types of joints
Types of framing used in the geodesic dome PART 8 -THE BAMBOO CULTURE 404
Bamboo roof architecture in South E East
ast Asia
290 Hanging scaffolds 337 Geodesic dome struts IN THE AMERICAS AND ASIA 405 Roof construction in Indonesia-
291 Knot tying for vertical transportation of bamboo 338 Bamboo geodesic dome-Construct ion The Toradja house
Rope ladder How to calculate the lengths of the struts accor- 406 The Toradja House-Construc tion
292 Construction of bamboo scaffoldings for ding to the dome diameter 21 ANCIENT AND MODERN USES 407 Indonesia-Tradit ional bamboo house construction
high rise building in Hong Kong 339 Bamboo hyperbolic paraboloid structures OF BAMBOO IN THE AMERICAS 409 Ancient bamboo architecture in China
294 Scaffoldings for repair or building small structures Types of hyperbolic paraboloids The ancient bamboo house
340 Construction of regular paraboloids 410 The Porch-Details of joints and vierendeel
Bracing of wood and bamboo posts
Structures built with regular hyperbolics 366 The first bamboo construction known trusses
295 Bracing of scaffoldings in China
paraboloids 367 The ancient cities Details of the bamboo rigid frames
296 Different shapes of scaffoldings for small
341 Construction of a bamboo paraboloid in Hawaii The use of bamboo in the construction of the 411 The origin of the Chinese roofs
buildings (China)
297 342 Roof with several bamboo hypars Chan Chan city in Peru 412 Ancient bamboo architecture in India
Splicing and bracing of bamboo scaffoldings
298 343 Bamboo conoid structures for roofs and walls 370 Bamboo architecture in Colombia The building styles
Bracing of bamboo scaffoldings
Types of bamboo conoid roofs-Construction Resurgence of the bamboo culture in 413 Evolution of bamboo domes and bar barrel
rel roofs
344 Bamboo tensile structures (Tensegrity) Colombia in the eighteenth century
18 BAMBOO SPATIAL STRUCTURES 414 The shapes of the houses or cottages in the
Applications 371 Manizales, the cradle of the bamboo
architecture Bengal villages
345 Bamboo tensile structures Domical and barrel roofs
299 Triangular flat bamboo slat-trusses 346 Catenary arches made with bamboo sections 374 The traditional bamboo architecture Vaulted roofs
300 Tridimensional triangular bamboo slat roof Construction of catenary arches 375 Bamboo construction technology developed The lotus or horseshoe arch
trusses in Manizales The lotus dome
302 Tridimensional round bamboo roof trusses 376 Bamboo and wood house construction 415 The lotus arch and the lotus dome
304 Bamboo roof truss construction 377 How the bamboo substructures and structures 417 Bamboo curved roof and its evolution in
305 Structures made with tied laminated bamboo of houses were built in the hi llsides bamboo cupolas
(not glued) 378 Construction of houses perpendicular to the


484 Superflywheel characterist ic s BAMBOO IN THE FIELD OF

41 8 Roofs types
Architectural design
486 The electric lamp of Thomas A. Edison made 31 WEAPONS
CIVIL ENGINEERING with a bamboo carbon filament
Constru ctional elements
The electric lamps patented by Thomas A.
419 Traditional Japanese roof (timber & bamboo) 513 Bows and arrows
arrows Ancient bows Bow strings
448 Bamboo
Bamboo ropes or cables Use s in engineering Edison
The method of making the rope 515 Bamboo and gunpowder
Development of gunpowder composition
PART 9 APPLICATION OF BAM Tension tests of the plaited bamboo rope used
for traking junks in China after the Sung Dynasty
HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 516 Rockets-Fire arrows-The rockets
BOO IN DIFFERENT FIELDS OF 449 Pl aited bamboo ropes used for tracking junks
Fascine bundles made with bamb oo ropes Kind of fire arrows
452 Gabions made with bamboo rop es tTheir uses in 488 Bamboo rural aqueducts- Explosive bombs used with fire arrows
bridges Types of bamboo joints 5 7 Fire lances
Bamboo pipes 519 Some of the bamboo weapons used in
23 BAMBOO IN THE FIELD OF 453 Bamboo gabions used in bridges and verbanks
the Vietnam war
454 Bamboo bridges 490 Nomograph for flow in bamboo
AERONAUTICS Primitive Chinese suspension bridges
bridge s 491 Bamboo fountain-Bamboo supports
455 Types of primitiv e suspension br idge s
primitive 492 Different types of bamboo and wood joints
422 The use of bamboo in the construction 456 The most advanced premodern bamboo bridges 493 Bamboo water pumps-Parachute pump PART 10 BAMBOO IN THE FIELD
of airplanes 457 Differences between the Hymalayan and Chinese 494 Bamboo pipes used in the well salt industry OF MEDICINE
Kites and gliders
gl iders suspension bridges in China
423 The use of bamboo in the first airplanes The Himalayan suspension b ri dge
424 The use of bamboo in the dirigible balloon of Chinese Catenary bridge 28 BAMBOO IN THE FIELD OF 32 ANCIENT AND MODERN USES OF
Santos Dumont 458 The catenary suspension bridge N UnC LTECHNOLOGY BAMBOO IN MEDICINE
425 The Demoiselle Santos-Dumont's monoplane 459 Construction details-The bridge house
Lateral and front elevation
el evation 460 -The position of the bamboo cables in the bridge 522 Bamboo knives for surgery-
426 -Plant view 461 The largest catenary suspension bridge in China 496
497 Bamboo
The bambooshiphogging
in China
used in the Surgical knives
427 Details of rudder 462 Tu bular bamboo suspension bridge in India Cutt ing of the um bilical cord
428 Detai ls of the rudder and the steering
Detai 463 The Paeces' bamboo stayed bridge in Colombia Chinese and egyptian boats
Ci rcu
429 Detail of the left-hand wing struct ures deri ved from the Paeces
Roof structu 498 St ru ctures derived from bamboo hogging
Bl ood letting
430 Details of the frame stayed bridge tr
Head hunting
432 The first airplane made with a 464 Bam
boo scissor bridge 499 Bamboo boats and rafts
Castration of animals
bamboo fuselage 466 Temporary bamboo bridge with different supports Bamboo internodes used as cup ping
Application of the mat 468 Construction of an emergency bamboo bridge BAMBOO IN THE FIELD OF 523 Pharmacology
433 Mat application on the fuselage type A 9 Therapeutic uses of the bamboo plant
434 Conclusions 470 Construction of an emergency bambobambooo bridge MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
Therapeutic uses of roots
435 Effect of interweaving bamboo strips in the type Y Therapeutic uses of rhizomes
diagonal compression length 471 Construction of temporary bridges with pyramidal 503 Bam boo water wheel drive Therapeutic uses of culm shoots
Bamboo airplane propellers supports Machinery 524 Therapeutic uses of bamboo culms
436 Bamboo fuel basket tanks for combat 472 Bam boo tripod supports used in the constructi
construct ion Wa te r wh
eel drive Therapeutic uses of sap
aircrafts Manufacture of dikes 5 1 The Bamboo Noria (cylinder wheel) Therapeutic uses
uses of culm water
439 The origin of the helicopter 473 Construction of bamboo bridges following old 502 Chinese bamboo noria 525 Therapeutic uses of bamboo le leaves
models of wooden bridges developed in Europe Noria f r hogh lifts uses of bam boo con cr
Therapeutic uses et ions and
24 BAMBOO IN THE FIELD OF Types of wooden bridges which can be built 503 The ox-drawn wheel-The water turned wheel secretions
with bamboo Bamboo windmills
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Bamboo bridge with roof cover-Colombia
504 Tabashi r Chemical composition Th era peutic use
476 Chinese horizontal and oblique 526 Manna secre
Manna secr e tio n
477 Ulluco's bridge with roof cover-Colombia bamboo windmills Poi
soning from bam boo
44 Bamboo paper-The use of bamboo tablets 478 Pereira's bamboo bridge -Colombia 505 Chinese oblique-axis bamboo windmills 527 Bamboo in Biomedical
Bi omedical Engineer in g
for writing 479 Bamboo Coquiyo's bridge 506 Ve rt ical bamboo windmillS The fu ture use of bamboo in orthoped i implants
441 The invention of paper 480 Bamboo mats used as geomembranes 507 Cons truct ion of the crank drive 528 Bamboo as a biomedical m materi
The ancient technology of bamboo hand made in earthworks 508 Cons truction of the sail windwheel 532 Ort hopedia-Bamboo Prosthesis
paper in China Geosynthetics 509 Types of valves
442 Chinese paper making as illustrated in
the 7th century book
Bamboo mats 510 T he use of bamboo in the construc tion
of machinery
444 -The traditional technology of hand made paper BAMBOO IN THE FIELD OF Trunk sawing machine DIFFERENT FIELDS
Bamboo fiber character 26
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Bamboo rolling bearings
445 Bamboo storage and material preparation 533 Bamboo in transportation 1.
Chipping and material preparation
BAMBOO IN THE FIELD OF Bamboo bullock carts in India
446 Fuels derived from bamboo 481 -Bamboo flywheels for energy storage 534 Bicycle with bamboo frame -Brasil
Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) T he use of bamboo in the construction of 3 TEXTILES 535 Bamboo stylus (needle) used in phonographs
447 Liquid diesel fuel flywheels Bamboo spring lock
Other products derived from bamboo 482 The modern flywheel 536 Use of bamboo in ca rt ography
511 Undershirts and armors made wi th bamboo
Activated charcoal absorbent 483 T he potenCial use of bamboo in the construction
512 Bamboo cloth
Bacte ricides and fungicides for meat products of flywheels
Deodorants from bamboo Shape factors (K) for common flywheel design
The story of the bamboo and silk 537 BIBLIOGRAPHY

One afternoon in 1963 at the end of the lecture which I gave to the t is very important to point out that Colombia is the only

n t ro d u ct i o n last semester students at the College of Agricultural Sciences of the country in Latin America which has still preserved most of its native
species, thanks to the Colombian Institute of atural Resources
National University of Colombia in Palmira, about the traditional uses of
guadua (the vernacular name of our main giant bamboo species, Gua- (iNDERENA). In 1960, when our giant native bamboo species were
dua angustifolia Kunth) in rural construction, one of the students asked on the brink of extinction due to the intensive destructio
n of the nat-
me: What is guadua? What is its origin? When he noted
noted the surprise his ural bamboo plantations which began in the nineteen fifties, this
question caused me, because I am an architect and he was almost an institute forbade the cutting of bamboo without its permission and

agronomist, he told me, I have to write a thesis about guadua nd so f r fortunately

This bookthisisnorm is stillofinmany
th e result force.years of research that I have car-
I have not been able t find any botanica
botanicall or technical information about
this plant in the library. ried out at the National University of Colombia at the School of
I could not believe what he said. I could not believe that there were no Architecture, where I founded the CIB M (Bamboo Research Cen-
scientific or technical studies about the most useful of all our plants, ter); as a United Nations consultant in Ecuador and Costa Rica; as a
which for centuries has contributed to the social and economic develop- consultant for the Acuerdo de Cartagena P DT -REFORT in Peru
ment of Colombia, where about 60% of the total population of the cities and Bolivia, and in the libraries of several universities including
and rural areas use this material not only in the construction of their Washington University in Canada, the University of Columbia in
houses, but also in buildings, factories and in the construction of stables, New
York, and the University of California in Berkeley, where I
bridges, aqueducts and many other uses. received great collaboration.
Based on my belief, I promised my student that I would get some This book includes some traditional applications
applications of giant bam-
information for his thesis. During several days, I visited the libraries of boos and some of the most important and advanced studies on this
various universities incl uding that of Natural Sciences in Bogota where I plant carried out in recent years by outstanding researchers from-
found hundreds of books written by our botanists even about plants China, India, Japan Germany and United States in different fields.
which have no economic value, but I could not find any botanical or tech- The first part of the book include: Anatomy and Physiology of
nical information about our guadua . My student was right and I became bamboo in which I received the collaboration and guidance of my
frustrated because I could not help him with any information. Unfortu- friend and teacher Professor Dr. Walter Liese of Germany. I think
nately, this student died in an accident two months later, not knowing that this is the most important part of the book because the anatomy
that his questions were the seeds which created in me a great interest for and physiology of bamboo are the basis for understanding n ot only
the study of our marvelous guadua in whic whichh I have spent m any years of the structural behavior of bamboo, but also the thousands of differ- differ-
my life. ent applications ofthis marvelou
marvelouss pl ant that has been considered to
What was the reason for the lack of interest of our botanists, agrono- be a gift of Gods since ancient times.
mists and forestry universities in the study of this plant? I talked with sev- The other chapters deal with the use of bamboo in different fields
eral forestry engineers who told me that at that time (1963), there were so of ancient and modern architecture, in different branches of engi-
many large natural plantations of bamboo in our country that this plant neering, and in theconstruc
theconstructiontion of modern structures. t also consi-
was considered to be a weed and the Cinderella of our natural resources ders its use inthe manufacture of new types of composite materials,
since it was only used by poor people in the construction of their houses. which will generate new applications of bamboo in the future, and
Consequently, nobody was interested in the study of this plant since it was finally its use in the field of medicine and as a biomedical material.
considered a waste of time. For this reason, there was no technical or sci- I hope that this book will contribute to the technical and scienti-
entific information
information about this plant. Therefore, students had not received fic study of our native giant bamboo species, to the development of
any information about it from their professors at the university
university,, not even many industries related to the manufacture of composite materials,
about the way it could be cultivated. I became frustrated, because if there and the development of new types of structures, in Colombia and the
was no information about this plant, how could I start studying it? other countries of the Americas where this marvelous pl ant can
Several weeks
weeks later I received from my friend Dr. Guillermo Ramos grow.
Nunez a small publication, Bamboo as Construction Material written in Finally, I want to dedicate this book with my deepest grati tude
1953 by Dr. Alonzo McClure at the U.S Department of Agriculture, to my student, who changed the direction of my life with his ques-
Washington D.C In this publication, I learned that guadua was not a tions, to Dr. Walter Liese, to
to Mrs Ingrid Radkey of the University of
tree (as it was believed to be in Colombia) but a giant grass, which was California and many other people of other institutions, who
who taught
considered to be one of the bes t bamboos in the world for durability and and helped me in my reseach.
strength. For me, this information opened the doors of that marvelous
world of bamboo in which I have been wandering for many years and
which has taken me to visit several countries of Asia such as Japan China,
the Phillipines, Taiwan and Indonesia, where I started my studies on

There has been little interest in this plant in Latin America as a
result of the lack of technical and scientific
scientific information written in Span-
ish about our native bamboo species, so most Latin American coun-
tries have destroyed their native giant species up to the point that in most
of them bamboo is on the brink of extinction like in Venezuela, Mexico
and Guatemala.


The amboo Plant


Herbaceous and woody
Bamboo orphology and
Physiology 4
Leptomorph rizome 4
Pachymorph rhizome 6
Methamorph rhizome 8
The culm 8
Characteristics of the culm
Mathematical relations 14
Culm branches Leaves 17
Anatomy of bamboo culm 19


Sporadic and Gregarious
Flowering 25
Gregarious flowering in the
Americas 29


The most important species
of Asia and the Americas 36
DNA and the identification 48


Propagation methods 53
Tissue culture 58
Bamboo Hibridization 6
Management of stands 62
Cultivation of bamboo shoots 63



Decay Fungy and Insects which

attack living bamboos
Decay Fungy and Insects which
attack felled bamboos 67
2 Part One-
One- Section 1-The bamboo plant Part One- ection1-The bamboo plant 3


Fig. 1 . 1

A.- TROP ICAL BAMBOOS Pac hymorph ) B. -TEM P ERATE BAMBOOS Lept omorph)

The culm generally

is hollow but in few Culm
species is solid or

WHAT IS BAMBOO have small lumen Branch

Bamboo is not a tree as it is considered by the majority Herbaceous and woody bamboos
of people. but a giant arborescent grass, or in other words, a Culm Culm bud
The subfamily Bambusoideae is divided into two broad
woody giant herbage . As such, it belongs to the family
groups: The herbaceous bambusoid grasses, or herbaceous Node
C,.amineae (Poaceae), subfamily Bambusoideae, whose Culm leaf
bamboos, that usually have soft culms, and the woody
members possess a similar distinctive in the leaf blade
bambusoid grasses or woody bamboos, or simply bam- or sh attl j f+
anatomy. i.e., fusoid cells and arm cells, which sets the bam- Phloem
boos . This latter group forms the tribe Bambuseae (See
boo apart from grasses. All grasses that possess this ty-pe of
Table 3-3) which have woody culms, usually hollow and
leaf anatomy are known as bambusoid grasses . They
are divided by septums or diaphragms. They branch at the
range from a few centimeters in height, such as those of
nodes and usually reproduce from rhizomes that give rise to
genera Raddiella which grow on wet rocks near rapids in
new long-lived culms. They flower
flower only after many years, at
America,, to giant species up to 40
the Guianas, South America
which time most of them produce seeds and then die, in the
meters high, as Dendrocalamu
Dendrocalamuss giganteus, from India.
majority of cases, while grasses only flower annuall y and
most commonly reproduc e by seed
PAL E OBOTANY or sprout
In relation to the origin of the plant. Velenovsky claims Classification o f h e woody plants
that the bamboo plant fl ourished in the Cretaceous period, The basic anatomical element of the plant is the cell..
when grasses and cereal appeared, just before the beginning The joining of cells forms the tissue, and the joining of tis- Rhizome bud
of the Terciary period, when the first humans also appeared. sues forms the woody body or mass. As a woody grass,
(Porterfield 1925). bamboo is a member of the woody plants, which also
Fossils of Chusquea rolloti of the Tertiary were found in include trees (softwoods and hardwoods) and palms. All of
the area of La Virginia near Girardot, Colombia (about '40 them have differences in their morphology, and also in their '\r- Rools
kilometers from Bogota). (Berry 1929). According to Taylor anatomical structure and tissue organization.
Smoot (1984), the earliest recorded paleobotanical contribu- The woody plants are classified into two groups: Gym- Growing
tion was the description of foss
il bamboo shoots by the nospenns and angiosperms. The Gymnosper711s include the rhizome
coniferous species or softwoods , which have needle like Rhizome neck
Chinese scholar Shen Kua (1029-1093), publisl)ed in 1 86 in
his work entitled Dream Pool Essays . leaves, such as pines or scale- like leaves which,
which, except for a
Although the beginning of paleo-botany may be traced couple of species,
species, remain on the tree throughout the year.
to this work, it was not until the seventeenth century that The Angiosperms, are subdivided into two groups: C - TROPICAL TRE ES (HARD WOODS ) D.- TEM PE RATE T REES ( SOFT WOODS)
paleobotanical investigation began in Europe. Shen Kua dicotyledons and monocotyledons. Dicotyledons include
reported in his work that in the year 1080 there was a land- the hardwoods which have broad leaves. They are often
slide in China on the bank of a large river in Yung-Ning deciduous and shed their leaves in the fall or during the
Kuang near Yenchow; ...The bank collapsed, opening a winter, except in warmer regions, depe n ding on the
space of many meters, and under the gr'ound a Jm'est oj species. Bamboos and palms are the most i mportant mem-
bamboo was thus revealed. t contained several hundreds bers of the Monocotyledons. The palms i nclude rattan,
bamboos with their roots (rhizomes) and trunks (culms) which has solid but flexible stems and belongs to the clim-
bing, spiny palms. Once the spines are removed, it is used in Bark
complete, and all tllrned to stone. Now bamboos d do
o not
grow in Yenchow. Perhaps in very ancient times the climate the manufacture of furniture. Rattan has certain similarity
was different so that the place was low, damp, gloomy, and with some bamboo species, but they are different, bamboos
suitablefor bamboos (Deng. 1976; Li . 1981). are generally hollow and rattan is solid.
Besides the differences which exist in the anatomical
ETYMOLOGY characteristics of the woody plants, they have also diffe- Resin canal
rences in their growing process. The growing process of the
The origin of the word bamboo is a puzzle
puzzle to etymolo-
woody plants is based on the formation of new cells by spe-
gists. Some believe that this word is Malayan in origin and it Fibers
cia1ized tissues known as meristems. For instance, in trees Ray tracheids
is the onomatopoeic for bam-boom, the cracking sound made
by the culms when they are burned. With the heat, the air in (softwoods and hardwoods), the initial growth of the plant
is due to the primary or apical meristem which is later Vessels
the sealed hollow bamboo internodes expands until t hey blow
apart. Other authors consider that the term bamboo had its replaced by a lateral meristem known as cambium located Ray parenchyma
origin in mambu , the ancient Indian term for bamboo. between the bark and the wood. In bamboos there are not medular ray
cambium because bamboo does not grow in diameter, as
will be explained in this chapter.
4 Part One-
One- Section 1 Bamboo Morphology and Physiology Part One- Section 1- Bamboo Morphology and Physiology 5

B MBOO MORPHOLOGY determine whether a lateral bud of the rhizome is going to

forrn a rhizome or a culm shoot when it is still dormant. The
form a new node at the young sheath position, and divide
the derived meristem into several intercalary meristems.
meristem generated in the lateral bud forms a culm neck The growth of a rhizome is mainly determined by the
N D PHYSIOLOGY which tu rns its apex upward forming the culm base and the stretching action of a terminal portion of the rhizome which
consists of 14-16 actively elongating internodes. The intern-
culm shoot, and finally the culm proper. The buds on the
culm-base can only grow into rhizomes and cannot grow odes of the streching portion elongate according to the
into new culms. rhythm of slow-fast-slow from back to front. The latter
The culms and the rhizomes grow in alternation all sections of the stretching portion mature and stop stret-

PARTS OF THE PLANT through the year. According to Ueda (1960), in temperate
zones the rhizome grows during summer and autum when
ching. As the growing season proceeds, the apical meristem
produces new nodes and internodes co ntinnuously. The
the temperature is relatively high, and the culms grow new int ernodes formed by the meristem at the terminal
1. THE RHIZOM E (especially paquimorph bamboos). The difference in through winter to spring when the temperature is relatively end, act in succession replacing the former part of the
chromosome number and nucleous type can help to low. The rhizome begins to develop after the new culm sho- stretching portion. The rhizome tip continues to grow.
Bamboos are perennial plants consisting of a ramifying explain the systematic development, and clasification of ots have attained their full growth and the new branches The apical meristem of the rhizome shoot is tightly
system of segmented vegetati ve axes which form a regular bamboos. and leaves have developed. This usually s tart s in March embraced la yer by layer by hard thick sheaths and is
alternation of nodes and internodes. These segmented axes, In 1879, the Rivieres were the first to publish a clear sharply pointed like a borer which can penetrate through
after the soil temperature ri ses up to about 5° C. The rhy-
according to their shape and position on the plant, have the distinction behveen the two basic forms of the bamboo rhi- zome grows fastest in August and September, and ceases to the hard-textured soils or the gravel gaps with driven force
following names:the culm or stem with the branches, which zomes. They used the terms caespitose , or clumpin
clumpingg for generated from the internodal elongat ion. The rhizome
grow graduall
graduallyy from November onwards.
forms the aerial part of the plant and the rizome system pachymorph, and or running for leptomorph. In
The rhizome shoot is slender and runs its apical meris- shoot does not necessarily maintain a horizontal position
with its roots which forms the subterranean part of the 1925 McClure introduced the terms monopodial and tern forward, parallel to the ground surface. The elongation nor does it fal10ws in a fixed direction but it may hvist, bed,
plant; and its structural foundation. The rhizome perfonns sympodial when he was living in China, and later, at the of a leptomorph rhizome shoot depends on the activity of shrink, elongate or wind with the topogragraphica l and soilsoil
important functions in the life of the plant; it is the vital Smithsonian In stitution, in Washington, he developed the conditions. It grows in all directions, and forms a complex
hvo meristems: the apical me ;stem at the terminal end of
organ with which bamboo plants reproduce vegetatively or concept of leptomorph and pachymor ph respectively. interwined nehvork. It may run to considerables distances
the rhizome, and the intercalm'y or intermediate me ;s-
asexually through the branching of rhizomes. As an organ, Today the terms
terms leptomorph and paquimorph are used and send out many single culms that appear on the ground
terns located between the internodes of the rhizome. The
it the of
hasThe culms
ents. function of storage
depend and transportation
on rhizomes for their growth,nutri-
vigor in the Americas
terms by athe
monopodial nd botanists
sympodialand in
Asia. ts, and the apica
apicall meristem consists of tunica-corpus and its derived scattered at certain distances every year.
meristem. The cells of a derived meristem differenciate into Veda (1960) made extensive excavations of the lepto-
and spacing on the ground. morph rhizomes of several species of Japanese bamboos,
sheaths, buds, primordial roots and vascular bundles. The
a).-LEPTOMORPH RHIZOME original slanted bundles and enlarged parenchyma ce cell
Types of b a rnb
rnb o o s The leptomorph rhyzome is also known by the names
As mentioned above, the tree species are commonly of monopodial, trac;ant, indeterminate, and runnig bam-
divided into two large groups according to their geographi- boos. Bamboos with leptornorph rhizomes are usually dis- Fig. 1.2 RHIZOME SYSTEM OF THE LEPTOMORPH TYPE
cal position. They are: softwoods which naturally grow in tributed in temperate regions, such as Japan, Korea and
the temper ate zones, and hardwoods which grow in the China, where winters are severe. They are characterized by The shoot generated
Rhizome roots
tropical zones. These two groups have differences particu- relatively strong frost-resistance, and consequently th ey by the rhizome bud
larly in the anatomy of their trunks and their leaves. can be cultivated at high elevations in the tropics.
tropic s. can form a new culm or
Like trees, bamboos are also classified in two main Bamboos with this type of rhiwme are represented in a new rhizome
types on the formation pattern of the subterranean part of Asia by the genera Arundinm'ia, and Phyllostachys. The
the culm which also depends on the geographical position most cold-resistant are: Phyllostachys praecox, Ph. propin- t <;Lllm shoot
where they grows
grows naturally. These main groups or types qlW Ph. dulcis, Ph. iridenscells, Ph. nuda, Ph. angusta, Ph.
are: the leptomorph or monopodial type which grows in aW'eosulcata, and Indocalamus. In the Americas there are Culmbase
temperate zones; and the pachymorph or sympodial type only three native species of leptomorph type which belong roots
which grows in the tropical zones. There is a subgroup or to the asiatic genus Arundinaria, and grow in the temperate
intermediate known as metamorph which is a combination zones of the southeaste rn of the United States up to 46 0 Culm base
of the two main groups, but has no relation with the geo- north latitud.
graphical position. The subterranean part of the plant consists of two
The only thing that these two groups have in common major parts, the culm-base with its root system and the
is the morphology and anatomy of their culms and their rhizome system (See Fig. 1.1). The culm-base corresponds
growing process.The aer ial part of these two groups is so to the subt erranean prolongation of the aerial culm and is
similar that if the species are not known, it is difficult to conected to the rhizom e by the cu lm neck. The internodes
recognize visually to which group they belong, unless the at the lower part of the culm-base are the shortest and there
rhyzomes can be be seen, be
cause there is a great difference are usuall y 13-16.
in the morphology and in the form of branching of the rhi- The leptomorph rhizome has the creeping habit. It is
zomes between the two main groups and in the formation long and slender, with a cylindrical
cylindrical or subcylindrical form,
of the culm shoot, as can beseen in the Fig 1.1. and a diarneter usually lless
ess than that of the culms originat-
On the other hand, the two main groups of bamboos ing from it. The internodes are longer than broad, and they
have differences in t he number of chromosomes, which in are generally shorter than those of the culm . They are typi-
the leptomorph type is 2n=48, and in the pachymorph type call y solid with narrow lurnen. Every node bears a solitary Apical
is 2n=72. The basic number of chromosomes is assumed to lateral bud and an encircling belt of roots at the node.
be 2n=18. Bamboos with low multiple chromosomes are Beyond the bud there is a longitudinal groove. meristem Growing rhizome-The growth of a rhizome is
considered to be of the advanced type and those with high Most of the lateral buds are temporarily or permanen- mainly determined by the stretching action of a
ones are of primitive type. The basic number for most tly dormant. The majority of those that germinate generate terminal portion of the rhizome which consists of
bamboo species is X=12, except for certain bamboo species single culrns, directly, or rhizomes. But it is very difficult to 14-16 actively elongating internodes
6 Part One Sectio n 1 amboo Morphology and Phys i ology Part One
One Section 1 amboo Morphology and Physiology 7

of bamboo. According to Takenouchi (1932), the rhizome of sharp-pointed resistant shield around it to protect it when
Pleioblastus simoni (Madake) and Phyllostachys nigra the rhizome is pushed through the soil by the elongation of
henonis (Hachicu) continue to function actively to the third the rhizome internodes during its growing process. Once
year, after which they gradually decline in vigor and from developed, (in two or three months , depending on the
about the fifth year they slowly go into decay and die in the species),the new rhizome turns its distal end or apical
seventh or eighth year. In P edulis (Mosochicu) the period meristem turns upward and forms the culm shoot.
of highest activity of the rhizome is from the third to the In the tropics new culm shoots or sprouts begin to
sixth year. In the eighth or ninth year decay sets in, and appear after the beginning
beginning of the rainy season. They pro-
kills it in the twelfth or thirteenth year (Takenouchi 1939, trude from the ground as scaly cones covered with sheaths.
Wen et al l. 1981. ;Xiao 1991 . In warm regions vvith precipitation at frequent
frequent intervals
through out the year, the growth is often more or less con-
Directio n wh ich t h e l e p t o m o r p h tinuous.Once the culm-shoot is formed, the apical meris-
tern stops its function and the intercalary meristems located
r hizome t akes when it starts i t s gr owt h behveen the nodes start the growing process of each one of
The following information was found in the Chinese the internodes starting from the lowest one.
book Treatise on Husbandry (Chi min yaoshu) , written by In pachymorph species, the distance behveen the culms
Chia Suniu in the 5th century: Owing to the nature of the depends on the length of the rhizome neck and on the posi-
bamboo it has a tendency to spread its rhizome growth in Fig. 1.5 Rhizomes of Guadua angustifolia in which the
tion of the rhizome. When the rhizome neck is short, and
a southwesterly direction. Therefore they are usually length of the neck the separation of the culms nd the
the position of the rhizome is almost vertical, densely caes-
planted in the northeastern part of the garden or grove. short necks developed by the rhizomes for providing a
pitose clumps of bamboo are formed, as in the genera Bam-
After several years they will spread in their growth unh'l colective foot to support the heavy culms can be seen.
busa (Bambusa vulgaris), Dend,.oca
Dend,.oca amus and some
the culms fill the whole garden. There is a tradidition that species of genus Cuadua such as Guadua brasilera , which
Fig. 1.3The soil has been removed by Ueda in order to
if he bamboos are planted on the western side of he house is cultivated in Costa Rica .Fig 1.6 B. When the neck of the (pachymorph) in wbich the culms are separated by more
show the intrincate system of rhizomes which form a net-
their roots will spread, covering the ground until they
ding just below the surface
This means and
t hat the conect
whole most
is onethe stan-
plant. reach a neighbor's house 011 the west. rhizome isaslong
position, and theMe/ocana,
in genera rhizome has an almost
I-ol'gesia, andhorizontal
Cuadua al than 3 al
grows meters. In somelly
most vertica ll yspecies the neck
and looks and the
like part rhizome
of the culm
Taking into account that China is located in the nor-
angush'fo/ia, the culms grow separate ll y and open clumps (Fig. 1.6).
thern hemisphere, I think that it is very important to
are formed. According to Arbelaez (1996) the minimu m and In general, the pachymorph rhizome system is super-
plotting the pattern and rate of their extension. He found experiment this interesting theory south of the Ec uador, ( maximum separation beetwen
beetwen the mother bamboo and the fic ial and does not penetrate more than 0.60 meters below
that the total length of living rhizomes per 0.1 ha. in bam- in the southern hemisphere), in order to see if there is any
new culm shoot in a clump of Guadua angustl/o/ia was ground level. The longevity of the pachymorph rhizome
boo groves of Phyllostachis eticulata was from 6.300 to change in the direction the rhizome takes when it starts 0.85 to 1.70 meters. In Asia there are species of Melocanna varies with the specie of bamboo.
18.740 meters; in groves of Pleioblastus pubescens from its growing process.
47.000 to 57,920 meters.
The rhizome neth under the ground prevents landslide
and collapse of river bank and hill sides where there are an b .-PACHYMORPH RHIZOME
erosion problems. Bamboo cultivation for the protection of This type of rhizome is also known as clump type, o
river banks was recommended in Japan in the sixteen cen- sympodial, caespitose and determinate. It is typical of ulms
tury. This is also the reason why a bamboo pl antation is tropical zones of the Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
considered a safe refuge when an earthquake takes place. t can not withstand freezing temperatures. Bamboos =
The depth that the rhizome travels on the ground also with this type of rhizome are represented in the Americ-
varies with the type of bamb oo. The horizonta l growth as by genus Cuadua, and in tropical Asia by the genera
mostly take place in the upper soil layer behveen 10 -30 cm Dendrocalamus and Bambusa.
in d epth, where water, heat, and air are easily available. The morfology and growing process of pachymorph rhi- =
Very few rhizomes grow deeper than 50 cm. zomes is different from th at of the leptomorph rhizomes
The annual extention of the rhizomes ranges from 0.30 and has the follovving characteristics: The culm-base does
to 0.70 meters in small bamboos and about 4- 6meters in not exist in the subterranean part of the culm an d the aerial
large culm bamboos such as Phyllostachys bambusoides culm is generated directly by the rhizome, which, in this
(Madake). Their length varies according to species and habi- case could be considered as the culm-base.
tat. The growth period is shorter in areas of high latitud and The rhizome is solid, vvith roots on the lower side, the
high elevations than in low latitudes and low elevations. The shape is usually more or less curved,
curved, and the internodes are
same is the case on shaded slopes compared to sunny broader than long. The maximum thickness of this rhizome
slopes. is somewhat greater than that of the culm that generates.
According to Takenouchi (1932), in special conditions, The lateral buds of the rhizome are dome-shaped and gener-
the rhizome top goes out of the earth or soil and some con- ate only rhizomes. The rhizome is narrow at the neck where
tinue to grow upwards to become bamboo shoots. Some, it is attached to the mother rhizome, and thick and broad at
however, enter the earth again after stretching a bit on the other end whose apex protudes out of the ground and
earth, forming the socalled
socalled ''jumping rhizome like a bow. grows into a new culm shoot which generates the culm. In
Jumping rhizomes tend to appear where the upper layer of the following year a new rhizome grows, which is is genera- Roots
ted by the meristematic zone of one of the lateral buds of A. Hori z ont al rh i z ome B. Vert i cal rhi zom e
forest soil is hardened and impervious. The same author
points out that when the rhizome is injured or cut off, the the mother bamboo.
nearest bud behind the injured part develops into a new The bud protrudes forming first the new rhizome neck, F ig.1.4 Rhizome system of pachymorph type of tropi- Fig.l .6 The spacing between culms depends on the
rhizome, which continues to grow in the same direction of and then the shoot of the rhizome itself, which is covered cal areas. n this case the rhizome bud only generates length of the rhizome necks and the vertical orientation
the parent rhizome. with sheaths. In the rhizome, the sheaths have the function new rh izomes with their respective culms. of the rhizome as in the case of G.brasilera.
The longevity of the rhizome also varies with the specie of protecting the tender apical meristem by forming a

8 Part One- Section 1- Bamboo Morphology and Physiology Part One- Section 1- Bamboo Morphology and Physiology 9

According to Deogun (1936), the rizhome of Dendro- 2.-THECULM Fig.1.S FORMATION AND GROWING PROCESS OF THE CULM BASE AND CULM
calamus strictus show signs of deterioration in their fifth
mentioned above, in species with leptomorph rhi- SHOOT IN LEPTOMORPH BAMBOOS
year, so one would not expect new cu]ms from rhizomes of As
culms five years or more in age. zome, the culm consist of two parts: the aerial part or culm
According to Bahadur (1979), the rhizome of Dendro- proper and the subterranean part of the culm known as
calamus hamiltonii with slight trimming and dressing is an culm base with its root system, which is conected to the rhi-
exact replica of a rhinoceros horn which fetches a fabulous zome by the culm neck.
price as an aphrodisiac. Perhaps only an expert can identi- In species wi th pachymorph rhizome, the culm base
fied the imitation rhino horn from the real one. The nefari- with roots does not exist and the aerial part of the culm is
ous use, however, needs to b e discoraged. Be carefu l conected directly to the rhizome, which in this case could be
considered as a culm base.
Known also as amphipodial, the metamorph rhizome For mat i on and growing o f th e cul m '
includes those species which have the capacity to produce
b a s e a n d c u l m sh o o t in s peci es with S
both typical pachymorph and typical leptomorph rhizomes ,)
in the same plant. In America this is a characteristic of l ept omor ph r hi zomes
ChllsqueaJendle/ i (Fig. 1-7) and others species of this Ame- In species with leptomorph rhizomes the culm is gener-
ated from one of the apical meristems located in one of the Rhizome
rican genus. In Asia, according to Tian (1989), Bashania
jargesii from China, produces shoots in sp ring, summer buds of the rhizome, which protrudes and forms the culm
and autumn, but 98.9 of its total shoot output is produced neck and then it swe
ll s until it becomes a long shoot or
in spring. sprout, thicker than the rhizome and covered
covered with sheaths,
The peak period of shooting comes when the soil tem- wh ich looks like two cones joined by their bases (See Figure ''2
perature at the depth of 10 cm underground reaches 10° to 1.9). Compressed in the short lower inverted cone,th
is shoot E
120C. The formation and emergence of shoots are closely includes 13 to 16 nodes, wh ich once developed form th e (,) Neck
related to the altitud. With every ri se of 200 m in elevation, culm base. The upper cone, which is longer, than the low er
shooting begings by 13 - 15 dadays
ys later. one, corresponds to the culm shoot, which once elongated
Both the rhizome bud and culmbase lateral bud of this becomes the culm(See Figure 1.8). - Root s
bamboo come up into shoots due to its its amphipodial rhi- An interesting feature of this long shoot, is that all th e
zome system. This results in the mixed distribution of shoot nodes of the culm base, and the nodes of the culm shoot that
in the stands. The shoots develo ped from culmbase side once elongated will become the whole culm, (the aerial culm
buds are more and better than those from rhizome buds. and the cu lm base) are compressed into it. In other words,
The rhizome system keeps its shooti ng power for for more than most of the nodes of the culm lie flat one on the top of the
of the walls of each one of the intern-
15 years, while the side buds only 5- 6 years. The buds of 4 - other like a pile of plates, with the pith betwen them larger
odes of the culm shoot st arting from
5 years old rhizome is most productive. The shoots attained and thicker on the bottom, and tapering off to the smaller and
the lowest.
their full height in 90 days. thinner at the top near the growing point or apical meristem.
Once the formation process of the
Once the apical meristem have finished the formation
culm shoot is completed by the apical
of the whole culm shoot, it stops its function and th e inter-
meristem, it stops its function and the
calary meristems located between the nodes of the culm-
base, start the construction or elongation of their internodes
growing process or growing of the oo
internodes of th e culm shoot conti- r::

The elongation of the internodes of the culm base is very nues. Thus each internode has its grow- '
short because its function is to rise the maximum diameter ing zone or intercalmoy meristem S
or base of the culm shoot (which
(which separate the culm proper U
Culm between th e nodes a nd consequent ly
y from the culmbase) up to the ground level. Once the growing
each internode grows separately,
separately, start-
proccess of the culm base has been completed, and the base
ing from the ba sal internode The culm
of the culm shoot is already lo cated at th e ground level,
elongates joint by joint until it reaches
starts its growing process. its maximum height. The culm shoot j)

Rh izome ceases growing on ly when the last '

Growing pr oces s o f th e cul m s hoot internodal growth is completed. It can '
in species wi t h l ept omor ph an d pachy- be confirmed that the growth of each S
internode is completed when the culm U
mo rp h rh y z o me s. sheaths peel off slightly from their base
The growing process of the culm shoot or aerial culm, is
or sheath scar.
the same for species with leptomorph and pachymorph rhi-
Sprout emergence of tropical bam- Rhizome
zomes, but is different of that of tree trunks. Unlike trees the
boos is commonly at th e onset of the
bamboo culm does not grow in diameter and the growing Fig_1.9 Longitudinal section of a shoot Fig.1.1o The subterranean p rt of
rainy season and in temperate bamboos
process as
of the culm is carried out by two kinds of meristems
apical meristem and intercalar meristems. The it is in spring. Nevertheless, it can vary or sprout of Phyllostachys pubescens the plant which includes the rhizome,
according to the species, the vigour of (Ph. edulis) showing most of the inter- the neck, the culm base, and part of
apical meristem is in charge of the formation of the rhizome the mother bamboo, and the environ- nodes of the culmbase and culm shoot the culm or aerial part. The front roots
shoot, culm base and culm shoot, and branch shoots. The mental co ndition of the site Even in one compressed, nd the rhizome in th e of the culm base have been removed
Fig. 1.7 Metamorph rhizome of Chusquea fendleri. intercalar meristems l ocated between the nodes, are in
This kind of rhizome can produce leptomorph nd bamboo grove, however there are varia- lower part. (Young 1961 . in order to show the internodes of the
char ge of the growing of each of these parts which have been culm base. (See bamboo carving).
paquimorph rhizomes in the same plant. tions of 50 to 60 days between ea rl y
formed by the apical meristems, including the growing
and late sprouting.

10 Pa rt One- Section 1-
1- amboo Morphologyand Physiology Pa rt One- Section 1
1-- amboo Morphologyand Physiology 11

(65 days for underground growth and 106 days for above-
Fig.1.11 GR OWING PR OCESS OF THE CULM SHOOT IN PACHY MORPH BAMBOOS ground growth). The total growth in this time or accu- Fi g. 1.12 - No dal a n d i nt er nodal m o r p h ol ogy
mulative growth) was 712 cm and the mean daily growth
was 6.71 cm.
According to the updat ed records mentioned by Ueda
(1960, 1981) the greatest gro\\1h rates of a bamboo culm
Br anch Upper edge of
shoot per day (24 hours) are the following:
a) 91 .3 cms by Bambu sa a,.undinacea observed at diaphragm
Kew Garden in England in 1855.
Culm b) 88 cm by Phylloslaeilys e dulis (Ph. pubeseens Nodal ridge
which K. Shibata observed at Koi shikawa Botanical Garden
in Tokio in 1898. Diaphragm
c) 11 9 em by Moso-chiku, Phyllostachys edulis (diame-
ter of 16 cm), observed on May 24, 1956 by Koiehiro
Koiehiro Veda Sheath scar
in Nagaoka, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
* - - Culm shoot d) 1 2 1 cm by Madake, Phyllostaehys retiet lata (12 cm
in diameter) which is the maximum record of daily elonga-
tion (24 hours). It was measured by Koiehiro Veda on the
outskirts of Kioto on June 23, 1955.
In Colombia, th e maxi mum elongation observed in A. Nodal Morphology (Liese, 1998)
Guadua angustifolia has been 30 cm in 24 hours. I have
. . ' .
'. '
observed only elongations of II to 15 cm. (Hidalgo 1978)

the culm shoot S TICS OF
finished theTH E C Uof
elongation LMthe
st internode it becomes a culm. The culm or stem of bam-

:cJ[J, :::.:-
boos consists of a regular alternation of nodes and inter-
nodes, generally hollow, which together with the hard, thick
and cylindrical
cy lindrical wall gives the culm great mechanical strength.
Rhizome nA k l
The no d es are important centers of morphogenetic
activity and intercalary growth. Roots and branches emerge
The growing period is longer for early sprouts and fthe apex of the growing culm shoot is cut off, the
only at the nodes and in many species they may be swollen.
shorter for the late sprouts. Early sprouts tend to develope The culm node consists of sheat h scar, the supra-nodal
supra-nodal B. Morphology of internodal bamboo sections
elongation of the remaining portion do es not stop. This
ridge, th e diaphragm and the intranode. In most species
into larger culms with superior quality. while late sprouts shows that when the intercalar me ri stems are activated, the
culm buds emerge from the midle part upwards on alter-
develop into sroaner culms with inferior quality. When the apicaJ meristem is deactivated. Once the full growth of the
nate sides of the culm ju st above the sheath scar at succes- drochloa distans tamyinwa) of southern Burma , which
precipitation is low the number of sprouts decreases. (Ueda last internode is completed the heig ht of the culm do not
sive nodes, but in Guadua angustifolia culm buds emerge may reach a length of 1.80 meters.
1960, Lu et alI989). encrease any mor e. At this point, the growing process of the
from the lower to the top part of the culm Culms of the same clump and with the same high do not
In Northern India Bambusa arundillQcea and Dendro- lateral branches of the culm which are generated from the
According to Yulong Liese (1996) The intranode have the same number of internodes In Colombia,
Colombia, I have
co/a us sO'ictus send up their new culm shoots in June or meristematic ne located in the culm buds (axiHary meris-
July when the south west monsoon rains begins, but in terns) starts. zo (between the nodal ridge and the sheath scar) can vary in
length between 3-10 mm. The nodadl region of bamboos
found in two culms of Guadua allgustifolia with lengths of
South India the new culms shoots appear in September or 17.13 m and 17,3
6 m., 80 and 76 internodes respectively
respective ly,, and
The branch shoot emerge from the buds located on revealed that the anatomical str uct ures are basically simi-
October with the northeast monsoon rains. in two culms of 18-40 and 19 meters, 82 and 78 internodes
alternate sides of the culm just above the sheath scar at suc- lar between pachymorph and leptomorph specie species.
s. Most of respectively. This means that there is no relation ship
According to Kurz (1875) in some provinces of India cessive nodes, and they elongate in the same way as the the bamboos have distinct nodes, which differ in shape between the height of the culm and the number of intern-
there is the belief that a thunderstorm is necesary before
before the cul
m. Once the fu ll growth of the last internode is comple- amo ng the species . Some pa c hymorph species develop odes. Some of the internode characteristics are the surface
bamboo can shoot. Perhaps this is due to the coincidence of ted. development of the leaves s tarts. dense air roots around the nodal ridge at the bottom part of texture, the combination and pattern of colors, and the type
the rainy season and storms. This is confirmed by Wang
the culm. The form of the diaphragm can vary along one of pubescense. The internodes are usually glabrous and
(1993) who says that the Chinese specie Phyllostachys pme-
Daily g r o wt h of the culm-shoot culm. It may be plane or its central part formed upwards or smooth or rough and hairy, becoming glabrous at maturity.
cox ,sp routs when thunder occurs in early spring so it is downwards or it may e ven be folded. Furthermore
Furthermore,, the
According to several studies, the daily growth correlates When young they are covered , ith a waxy coating on top. A
caned . praecox, which means thund er shoot . nodal structure is important for the liquid moveme nt during
When the culm shoot of giant bamboos appears on the positively with temperature and negatively with humidity. characteristic of many bamboos is th e appearance of a white
drying and preservation as well as for the physical and exudate on the surlace of the culm internodes.
ground covered with sheaths and it has a height of about 30 In most of species of leptomorph type such as those of
mechanical properties of the culm.
to 40 ems, the culm base has reached its maximum diameter, genus Phyllostachys which sprouts in the spring in Japan ,
and thereafter this will never increase. The culm shoot starts The in t e rn od es are delimited by a shea th scar,
the elongation of the culm sprout occurs more during the
which marks in the exterior surface the insertion of the culm Color o f he culms.
growing by elongation of the internodes, starting at the lowest
low est day than during the night. However, the pachymorph bam-
sheath or culm leaf to the culm. The internodes are s horter Not all the bamboo culms are green, some are green
internode. At first they grow slowly, then very fast and finally
very slowly again until they complete their full growth. In boos in tropical regions are the opposite. For example, Den- on the bottom and top of the culm and are generally longer with yellow stripes such as Guadua angusnfolia var. bicol-
d"ocalamus strictus grows twice as much during the night or, which is the most beautiful specie of the Am ericas. Other
spec iess of pachymorph type the whole growth takes about 80 at the middle part of the culm. For examp le in Guadua
days, and in giant species such as Guadua angustifolia.up to as during the day, and there are species such as Bambusa culms are yellow or yellow with green stripes such such as
angustifolia the average lengths a r e : 12-24 cm. (bottom),
180 days. In species of the leptomorph type, it takes 30 da days
ys oldhami which grows three times more during the night 40 cm. (middle) and 30 cm (top). There are species such as Phyllostachys viridis sulphw'ea and Bambusa vulga";s
for the small species and up to 130 days 4-5 months) for the than during the da y. Pieioblastus l onginte1'nodios in which the length of the var. vittata. It is important to point Qut that the ye llow and
giant species Then it develops the branches and leaves and Jin (1989) reported that in the southern region of iang, internodes varies between 70 -94 ems. (yang 1989). In some green colors of this specie were chosen for the Brazi Brazi lian
becomes a mother bamboo before completing the first year. China, the total growth of Bambt sa oldhami lasted 171 days species the inter nodes of the base are very long as in Den- flag. Ther e are species that are black like Phylloslae hy s

12 Part One-
One- Section 1- amboo Morphologyand Physiology Part One-
One- Section 1- amboo Morphologyand Physiology

nig"a, or black with ye]]ow stripes like guadua rayada mountain between Hsing-tzu and Chiu-chiang distiricts in
amarilla (still not identified) of Colombia.
Colombia. Also
Also,, there are Kiangsi). The culm and the nodes are flat and very long. It is Fig . 1. 13 NATURAL SHAPES OF BAMBOO CULMS
small white and red species. said that this variety has been flattened into this form by the
According to Tai Kai-chi (265 -306 A.D.), in China there Buddist God. Probably this specie is the same square bam-
were red and white giant species such as the Kuei chu (cas- boo or a similar variety.
sia bamboo), whose culms we re red and the largest one had
a circunference of two chi chi (0.66 mts). The white specie
known as Huang ehu (Bushy bamboo), has a skin as white F r e aare
There k cseveral
u l m sbamboo species that suffer a typical
as hoar frost . The white specie which was known as Pai Iu
chu, (white deer bamboo) has the characteristi c that in the deformation during their growing proccess. These deforma-
hot summer season, the white skin and flesh both become tions are known as freeks and make them valuable pieces
red . This variety is found in Wuling (Changte). used for decorative purposes. The most important varia-
tions are the following:
1). -Tu rt l e s h e ll b a m b o o . -In Chinese this defor-
mation is referred to as Loo Hann because of its strangeness
N a t u ra l c u l m fo rm s
and rarity and it is regarded as a vehicle of divin ity. In
Most of the bamboo species have round culms in sec-
Japan it is known as Kikko-Chiku. t is considered by
tion but there is also a specie which has natural square
botanist as Phyllostachys pubescens var. heterocycia form
culms, and in ancient China there were also species with tri-
angular culms. It is important to point out that the culm can
2 ) . - B u d d a s fa c e B a m b o o . This is known in
be deformed artificially, transversally and longitudinally as
Japan as Butsumen-Chicu. It is an unusual form of Phyl-
we will see in other chapter. The following are some of the
lostQchy s pubese ens. Ph. edulis) For many people the form
unusual bamboo forms:
of turtle shell and budda's face bamboos are not clearly
1.- Th e n a t u r a l s q u a r e b a m b oo
o o fr o m Ch i n a distinguished.
According to Porterfield (1925), the first information
In both cases, the internodes of the lower part of the
about the square bamboo Tetragonoca amus angu/attls
culms of this two forms forms are greatly reduced in length and
Phyl-lostachys qlladranglllm·is), appeared in a Japanese A
are arranged obliquely in a zigzag fashion. In Budda's face
book Mo Ku Kin Yo Siu (Trees and shrubs with ornamen- -Natura l square bamboo Tetragonocalamus angulatus)
the oblique arrangement of the nodes is such that each A
tal foliage) published in Kioto in 1829. It is said that this
node almost form right angles with the nodes immediatelly B.- Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro var. lagenarius Lin.
bamboo was introduced from China.
above and below it. C .- Bambusa ventricosa
The earliest references to square bamboo (Fang chu) in
- S p i r a l b a m b o o or aobadake . Pleioblastus
3 ) . -S
Chinese literature, says th a t in the year 128 B. C. in
gramineus f. rnonstrispiralis (Rasetsu chiku) . This specie
Szechuan, walking-stiks or staves made from square bam- F ig. 1.14 FREAK CULMS
has rhizome meta morph (anphypodial), culms 2 2-4
-4 meters
boo of Chiung which never breaks were used. The Chinese
height and a diameters of 1 4 centimeters . The culms that
atribute the squamess of this peculiar bamboo to superna-
shoot out with leptomorph branching are normal types, and
tural powers.
many of the ones with pachymorph branching are abnor-
The Ningpo Gazetteer say that a Ko Hsien (fairy) pre-
mal. The long spiral cu lms are used for decoration. (Oka-
pared some elixir of life which he drank and ascended the
murka 1986).
mountain called Ling feng in Ting hai, where he planted
some chopsticks which grew and developed into bamboo
with square form. (Kuang-chi, 1640) A b n o rma l i t y of he i nt er nodes
This bamboo grows from 3 to 10 meters high. The According to Zang and Ma (1991), plant species repro-
squareness is not so evident in smaller and less mature culms duced via asexual means are genetically stable, yet due to
as it is in the older and specially the larger cu]ms.
cu]ms. This specie their heterozygote nature, some variations and mutations
is valued chiefly
chiefly aass an ornamenta l garden plant. It was first might occur during the process of asexual reproduction,
discovered in the form of staves being used by Buddhist under certain specific conditions. Mean while, due to the
monks and village elders. The smaller and less squarish extensive existence of changeable genes, some individual
culrns were used for opiwn pipes, and the still smaller ones become the chimaera of mutated and unmutated genes. genes.
for tobacco pipes. (See How to make square bamboo). It is not unusual for vegetative plants and their progeny
2- In t e r n o d e s w i t h th e s ha p e of bo tt l es to produce diversifications,
diversifications, variations and m utations. Ph.
These are found in the species: Dendroca amus lati- edulis var. heterocycia which has a very high ornamental
flor'us M W H " O var. [agenarius Lin. and Bambusa ventricosa value is a specie resulting from a virus infection of normal
McClure. This is one of the most beautiful bamboos. Ph edulis which causes abnormality of the culm's internode.
3 .- T ri a n g u l a r . In the book KlIan Chlln Fang Pu Due to the fact that this mutation occurs only under
published in China in 1707, there is a description of an certain specific conditions, reverse mutation might occur
ancient Chinese bamboo known as San leng chu (Trian- when the specific conditions disappear. Other examples
gular bamboo). The culms of his variety had th ·ee angles. include Bambusa vu[ga,.is cv. wamin, Bambusa ventricosa
4 .- F la t c u l m s . In the same book the Pien chu (Flat cv. nana, and Phyl/ostachys aurea which have swollen and
bamboo) is also mentioned. According to Sun pu this vari- inclin
ed internode at the base of the culm.
A The turtle shell Phyllostachys pubescens var. hetem- C-Spiral bamboo
bamboo Pleioblastus gr
amineus f monstrispi·
ety was grown in large numbers in the Kuang lu shan, a
cycla form subconvexa). ralis) Rasetsu).
B -Budda s face bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens).

14 Part One
One Section 1 amboo Morphology and Physiology Part One
One Section 1 amboo Morphology and Physiology 15

2. -A p p r o x i m a t e m a t h e m a t i c a l d e - 11.500 cm3 of water capacity.

Fig 1.15 ABNORMALI TY IN CU LMS OF G u a d u a a ng u s t o li a If the exterior diameter was 22 cms. the interior was
te r mi nat i on of he culm 's he ight
about 18 cms.This means that the length of the internode
There is a mathematical relation between the culm was about 48-50 cms. Probably was taken of the center of
height and the girth or circumference of the culm taken at the culm where are found the largest internodes.
the eye level. as is traditional in Japan; but it can be taken Marco Polo said than on his trip to India in 1290. he
at the breast level (the difference between the girth at breast saw very large bamboos with a diameter of 45 centimeters
levell and that at eye level is very small). which were used as boats by the natives for going frofrom
m one
Most buyers of bamboo culms in Japan, multiply the side to the other of the largest rivers.
culm girth at eye level by a constant = 60 to obtain the culm Without doubt he was refering to the specie Dendro-
length, or they multiply the diameter by by pi (3.1416) and calamus giganleus. the largest bamboo native to India.
then by 60 . This procedure is applicable to the culms over 7 According to Prosea (1995), this bamboo today is 18-25 ems
cm. in diameter. In Japan thi method has used as means to in diameter and 26- 30 meters height. This means that this
judging the quality of the culms. If the culm is longer or the specie also has reduced its dimensions by 50 % in 710 years.
same length as that determinated mathematically. the culm According to the above, the diameter and height of the
is of very hihgt quality. f it is smaller then it is very low bamboo culms in Asia and the Americas have been reduced
quality and consequently has a lower cost. little by little, probably due to continuous climatic cbanges
The constant varies according to the species. In Colom- in the world and to the destruction of the bamboo forests in
bia I cut about 60 culms of Guadua angustifolia for my the last 200 years.
experime nts. With Prof. Jorge Escobar we took all the
measurements of each culm in order to find the const ant Th e huge dimensions o f g i a n t
that we had to use in order to calculate approximately the
height of a culm in this specie, and the result was 58.2. b a m b o o s in a n c i e n t China
For example. if the girth at breast level is 0-40 mts. the Up until now I have been very sc eptical about the
aproximately height of the culm will be 0.40 x 58.2 = 23.28 information I had found in several ancient books frol11
m. Using the diameter instead of the girth, the height will China a bout the extraord inary and incredible dimensions
be: diamet er x 3.1 416 x 58.2. which some bamboos in that country had 3000 years ago.
But keeping in mind the reductio n of the dimensio ns of
On the Cotove farm belonging to the Nacional University in the State of Antioquia, near the city of Santa Fe de Antio· the culms of most of the giant species in the world. I think
quia, there is a small plantation (0.33 hectares) of Guadua angustifolia According to Anacilia Arbelaez, in the central Ap p ro x imate d imen sio n s o f s o m e that this informations could be valid.
part of the internodes, most of the cu/ms have like a woode
woodenn rod with an average diameter of about 5 mm which con- gi ant bamboos of genus G u a d u a at th e For example. according tothe book Sheng iching
(Records related to the marvelous things) written by Tung
nects several diaphragms along the culm's length, but n some internodes the rod disappear. t i me of Columbus arrival in the Ame-
Fang. who lived in the 2nd century B.C; in the southern
ricas in 1502 . wildernesses in China there was a bamboo known as Ti chu
Howeve r, these characteristics are some time stable MATHEMATICAL RELATION- Us ing on the above mathematical relation which allows (Weeping bamboo) which grew to a height of several hun·
and some time unstable in their progenies. The segregation us to determine approximately the height of the culms of dreds of chan (one chan= 10 feet=3.33 01; one Chinese foot foot
of the progenies often makes producers very uncertain. This S H I P S O F T H E CULM giant species of Genus GuadllO using the girth or circumfer- or chi = 0.333 m). The circumferece of this bamboo was 3
is caused by the instability of the genetic factors, or the Bamboo is the only plant which have a mathematical ence of the culm. it is possible to calculate approximately chan and 6 chi; and the culm thickness was eight or nine
environmental conditions which playa leading role in the relationship between the circunference and the internode the height of the giant culms of genus Glladua, which there tsun . (tsun =one inch). Us shoots are delicious and if
occurence of such diversifications which need convincing and the circumference and the length of the culm, which were in the Americas at the arrival of Colubus. five hundred they are eaten they will cure ulcers
test data to be proven. permits not only the identification of the species but also years ago. For this purpose we can take in account the infor- f the dimensions have not changed
changed since ancient
Therefore, no one is able to take the iniciative in pro- the determination of the culm height. mation which exist about the dimensions of their circumfer-
circumfer- times and if there is no mistake in the dimensions given by
duction. In addition there are changeable genes in the vege- ences at that time. Hagerty (1919) in his translation of this book, this bamboo
tative plants which produce chimeras. This can be seen in For example; in 1526. Oviedo. a Spanish historian. had a circunference of three chan antd ssix ix chi =36 Chine-
the chimeras of various co lors on the culms, branches and
I.-Ide ntification o f b a mboo s pecie s
wrote in ancient Spanish, about the circunferences of bam- se feets = 12 m, which corresponds to a diameter of 3.80 m •
leaves of many bamboo species such as Phyllostachys by mat hemat i cal r el at i ons hip.
hip boo species in Ecuador: But among a ll types of bamboo, and the thickness of the wall wou1d be about 20-22 cm.
bambusoides f tanakae Makino, Ph. glauca f youzhu Lu Dickason (1941) developed an interestin g theory relat- there are some that moe extremely large and the intern- The book Chu u written by Tai Kai Chi (265·306) says
which have spots or strips of various colors on the culms, or ed to the identification of the species using as diagnosis the odes are as big as a heavy man's thigh, and they are three that "in Yuang-chiu a bamboo known as Tin Chun Chu
on the culms, branches and leaves. Human be ings often mathematical relationship which exists between the circun- palms or more in cir'cumference" (Patino 1975). - The grows. This bamboo is so la,.ge that a boat can be mad e
make use of these variations to breed new bamboo species ference or culm girth C taken at a height of 1.35 meters palm is an old Spanish measurement = 23 cm=9 inches. f from each one of their internodes , this is confirmed also
of various ornamental values. (4.5 feet) above the ground, and the length of the internode the largest bamboo in Ecuador (Guadua angustifo/ia) had by Kuo Po of Erh ya.
Many species of the genera Phyllostachys, Bambusa, L located at this elevation (1.35 meters). a circumference of 3 palms or more. this means that the The Treatrise on Agriculture (Nung Cheng Chuan
etc. have many varieties or mutans which possess strips of He gives the followi
ng relati ons IL taken in some minimun circumference was of 3 palms = 0.69 m. which Shu) compiled by Hsu Kuang-chi and originally published
various colors. For example the normal color of the culms, species: Bambusa waming Sr. 1.4; Dendroca/aus gigan- co rresponds to a diameter of 0.22 m.Then the minimum in 1640 says that the P'ei chu (Giant bamboo) is found in
branches and leaves of Ph edulis are green. Ph. edulis f teus Mun. 1.2 ; Thyrsostachy
Thyrsostachyss siamensis Gam. 0.94; Bam- high of this bamboo was 0.69 x 58.2 (constant) =40 meters. the southwestern part of the Han-shan district in Anhui Anhui
luteosuicata is a specie of gene mutation which has regular busa vulgaris Schrad. 0.92; Bambusa vulgm'is var. striata f we compare these dimensions with those that this specie pro-ince. According to the Tz 'u YUQng this variety me a-
yellow strips on the concave site of the internodes. Ph. Riv. 0.90; Dendroca amus membranaceus Mun. 0·70. has today: 0.10-0.12 m in diameter by 18 to 21 m hight; this sures one-hundred chan (= 333 m in height), has a cir-
edulis J nabeshimana has yellow and green strips on Meloccanna bambusoides Trin. 0-44; Cephalostachyum means that the dimensions of Guadua angustiJo/ia have cumference of three chan and five or six chi (about 35 chi
culms, branches and leaves. Ph. aureosu[cata, Ph . bambu- pel'gracile Mun . 0.35 ; Meiocanna humilis Kw'z 0.17. been reduced by 50% in almost 500 years. = 11.65 m = 3,70 01 in diameter. The thickness of the culm
so des, Ph. praecox, Ph. vivax, Bambusa glaucesce
ns, B. He sugested this height (1.35 mts )above the ground In di scussing to the dim e nsions of the internodes, wall is eight or nine 'tsun'. Its lumbe r can be
be used for build-
vuigaris,all have similar variations. as a matter of convenience: it is easy to reach, it is usually Simon (1637) points out that The largest intemodes have ing boats. Its seeds have a good flavor and, if they are eaten
not covered by persiste nt overlapping sheathes, does not the capacity oj one arroba oj water'" The arroba is a Span-
they will cure ulcers or sores.
require the cutting of the culm. is
ishh liquid measure which is equal to 25 pounds= 11.500 gr.=

16 Part One-
One- Section 1- Bamboo Morphology and Physiology Part One-
One- Section 1- Bamboo Morphology and Physiology 17

amboos the branch primordium ramifies pr ecociously in

The same Treatrise on Agriculture (1640), says that the method for deter mining the age of bamboo culms accurate-
Lung kung chu (Dragon duke bamboo) is a large variety the prophyll at the ea rly stage. In Sasa, Sasamo pha and
ly. is marking each culm shoot using an aluminum plate with
that has a diameter of seven chi 1 chi= 0.333 m x 7 = Branchesare generated from the branch bud, or 3.xillary most Sasaella, the primordial branch axis possesses no
a collar (nylon) located around the shoot with the year and
2.33 m in diameter ) and between each joint (internode) date of its emergence. meristem, which are arranged on alternate sides of the basal buds and does not ramify. so the branch remains so li -
there is a space of one chan (ten Chinese feet) and two culm. Each internode bear s a branch bud (p rimordium) tary. Phyllostachys typically ramifyes one time and is bina·
In the second method, visual factors that are not vel)'
chi 12 chi =0.333 x 12 = 4 m). The leaves of this variety located just above the culm leaf sca scar,
r, and may be found ry; the primary and secondary branches being unequal.
exact are used. In this method the one year old culms of
are like those of the Chiao (banana ) which grows in the La from the lowermost node upwards as in in Guadua allgustifo- some times a third much smaller one develops between the
many giant species of genus Guadua are easily recognizable
shan (range of mountains in the Kuangtung province). lia, or from the midculm node upwards. In some species species other two. The primary branch emerges, and re main s
fOli by the emeral green co lor of the culm, and b ecause they still
In the book Tu Shu Chi Cheng there is information have the lower sheaths partially fixed to the culm in its lower branches deve
de ve lop while the culm is still growing, in others strongly dominant. Subsequent
Subsequent orders of axes that develop
about two varieties from the Fan yu hsien district which they develop on ly afte r the culm reaches its full height. from its basal buds gradua ll y become smaller in size and
have the same characteristics as the above species, but with The three years old culms can be recognized because the In some bamboos the branch bud is solitary. The shorter in length.
different names, the Dragon duke bamb oo is known as
green color is not so dark and sman white dots about 1 - 2 mm branch system is often very characteristic of bamboo
King of Yueh bamboo (Yueh wang chu) which has a culm genus. f he apex of the culm is damaged, the dormant pri-
appear on the surface With the years these increase in diam-
mary branch axis of each node will grow and elongate to
so thick that it requires about four or five people with eter and become large li chens when the culms are 5 to 6
replace the main culm. The array of branches may develop Probably the specie which have the largest leaves is
joined hands to encircle it. This variety of bamboo produces years old. One of the best methods consists in counting the
shoots in the fourth and fifth months, the vo lume of whi
ch at a single culm node and is called a bra nch complement. I n Neumlepis elata from the Andes which may reach a length
scars in the branches as is shown in the Fig. 1.16
leaf scars
bamboos whose culms are branched, it is at the mid-culm of 5 meters and a width of 0.50 m. While the smallest are
are the size of a tou toU=100 liters).
nodes than the typical form of the branch complement those of Arthrostylidium capilliJolium which are no wither
The opposite in dimensions is the Lung sun chu A.= One year old
than 3 mm.
D ragon's grandson bamboo) which grows in Chen-chou =
B. Two years old appears.
The number of branches on each node of the mid-culms According to Ueda (1987) , bamboo leav es fall off at
(locality in Huna n) ussualy in the valley
valleyss and ravines. They
are as fine and slender as a needle with a height that does
C. =
Three years old is important taxonomically and it differs with the genus. one year after they appear and are renewd. Old leav es
not exceed 30 cm. The branch complement appears most typical typically
ly at the mid- change into new leaves at the same time. Even the season
culm nodes. The lowermost and uppermost branch comple- and the way of renewal are different according to th e
ment are generally less well developed than those at the species. The season for the species of large size bamboos is
The influence of the
of the culm's culm
age on age va lue is
its economic mid-culm nodes. In bamboo plants there is only one bud at spring in general. This special ability for quick renewal is
efficient for staying greeen and heightening th e efficiency
perhaps greater in bamboos than in any other timber. The each node in all genera.
About the branch primordium and its growth. In many of photosynthesis.
age of the culm when cut has an important bearing on its That is because a bamboo ough t to be strong in air
use in the manufacture of industrial products and as mate-
polution. In general the small species also stay green by
rial for construction.
gradual1y changing old leaves for new ones as a unit of indi-
Age is a very important factor fo forr the development of
vidual living bamboos.
certain strength properties. It is the general
general assumption In japan leaf change of new bamboos with pachymorph
that bamboo culms
culms mature in about three years and have
rhizome is finished in Ju ly. This is the period for vigorous
then reached their maximum strength.
growth of new leaves and is also the period for new rhiwme
According to Liese (1985), investigations withwith growth. Th ere is a close re l ationship between the lea f
Dendrocalam us strictus have shown that in the green con- change and shoot sprouting. The number of sprouts is less
dition, older bamboo culms have higher strength properties
in leaf changing year, but increases the next year.
than younger ones. According to my experiences with
Nonaka &Sasaki (1992), observed that in the damage of
Guadua angustiJo/ia the age of the culm increases only cer-
tain strength properties,
properties, such as compression strength and A c bamboo groves in Fukuoka, Japan , by a typhoon in 1991
leaves lost color and withered in a few days just after the

\ B
shearing stress,between
little difference but in the case of tensil strength there is
young bamboos one or two years typhoon but about ten days later new leaves appeared.
Us e s.-Bamboo leaves are used for thatching houses
with older ones.
and provide valuable fodder for catt le and for elephants in
In the experiments I did with bamboo strips taken from
India. According to Kawase & Uj ie (1987), in Japan, the
the external part of the culm wall, the maximum tens il
leaves of miyakozasa, or tini Sasa, have been used as the
strength was 3,217 kg/cm2 for culms 3.5 years old, and
feed for pastured horses since old times. Dried matur e
3,206 kg/cm2 for culms one year and a half old. Probably
bamboo leaves are used for deodorising fish oils. At the
this is the reason why the Chinese used bamboo strips one
same time, ther e has been the folkl ore belief that th e
year old or less for the manufac ture of bamboo cables
extracts from the leaves are effective for the treatment of
which they use for the construction of suspension bridges
some cancers, and an infusion prepared from them has
with more than one hundred meters of span.
The durability of an individual culm varies according been drunk.
Since the cancer became a leading cause of mortallity
to the specie and the maximum is about 12 years at the end D E F
in Japan , the medicinal effect of the e>..1:ract from Sasa leaf
of which the culm dies and becomes dry and white.
(called Bamfolin ) has been brought to the atention of the
According to my observations the strength of Guadua Leaf scarf
3 medical and farmaceutical fields. A lot of useful results are
angustiJolia starts decreasing in the grove when it is about
reported by the tests of animals receiving transplanted can-
yeas old,
years oldconsequently
be used in allitthe
is fields
recommended that culms
of construction.
c Fig.1.17 Examples of diverse basal proliferation in
the mid-culm branch complement in several genera:
(A) Guadua angustifolia, (8) Phyllostachys dulcis, C)
cer cells. In relatively few clinical tests, Oshima treated 69
patients of seriously cancerous diseases with Bamfolin for
Fig. 1.16 Determination of the culm age by number of over six months and reported that some curing effects were
Deter mination o f t h e culm s age Shi·bataea kuma sasa , D) Arundinaria tecta, E)
recognized by 10 of all patients, besides a promotion of
leaves scarfs in the branches. The top branch A)belongs to Arundinaria simonii, F) Semiarundinaria fastuosa.
ke trees
trees,, the diameter and height of a bamboo appetite and an alleviation of pain. (See Pharmaceutical
a bamboo one year old The branches (8 and C) belong to
culm do not determine its age, but certain changes are gen- McClure /966). uses of leaves).
plants two and three years old respectively
erally recognizable as the culm becomes older. The only

18 One- Section 1- Bamboo Morphology and Physiology

Part One- Part One-
One- Secti
on 1- natomy of bamboo culm 19


The ana tomical structure of the bamboo culm is the parenchyma cells as a ground tissue and vascul ar bundles
basis for underst anding the physical and mechanical prop- composed of a conducting tissue (metaxylem vese
s, sieve
erties of the culm and its struc tural behavior. tubes with companion cells.) and fibres.According to Lies
As mentioned earlier, the bamboo culm is a tapered (1998), on an average, a culm consist of about 52% of pa-
cy linder, generally hollow divided into segments or intern- renchyma, 40% fibers and 8% of conducting tissue. These
odes separated by diaphragms (nodes) which, together with va
lu es vary with the species as can be see in Table 1-19
the hard, thick and cylindrical wa ll gives the culm great
mechanical strength. While the culmss of most bamboos
are hol1ow and erect, in others they are solid and either PARENCHYMA
erect, scandent, or climbing and vinelike. Solid culms, The ground tissue of the fibrovascular area of the culm
known as ma le bamboos are found in the Americas in wall, consists of parenchyma cell
cellss which surrounds the vas-
genera Chusquea ,Atractantha.and Otatea from Mexico. In cular bundles. There are two types of parenchyma cells:
India are found in the specie Delld,.ocalaT7lus strictus. vertically elongated cells (100 x 20 mm) and short cube-like
According to Deogun (1936),this specie is solid when it ones interspersed between them. The verticall
y elongated
grows on arid slopes, ridges a nd rocky soil
so ils,
s, and hollow parenchyma ce ll s are characterized by thicker walls with a
when it grows in the moisture valleys, and Sometimes some polylamellate struct ure. They already become lignified in
A . - S h e a t h of B ambusa vul gari s (upper part) B. S h e a t h of Guadua angust i f ol i a of the lowest internodes of a culm are solid but the rest of the early stages of internodial development or shoot
the culm is hollow. growth, but can st ill be alive in culms more than ten years
C . - D i f f e r e n t s h a p e s of c u l m s h e a t h s Along the culm axis, the average internode l ength old. The wa ll s of the short parenchyma cells remain mostly
increases from the base to about the middle part, and then non-lignified even in mat ur e culms; these cell
cellss have denser
decreases to the top of the culm. In the internodes the ce ll s cytoplasm and thinner wa ll s and retain their cytoplasmatic
are axiall
axia ll y oriented whereas in th e nodal diaphragm an activity for a long time. The function of these two different
intensive branching of the vessels provides transverse and types of parenchyma ce ll s is still unknown. (Pararneswaran
radial conduction through the nodal diaphragm so that all Liese 198 1. ; Liese, 1995).
parts of the culm are intenvoven. Liese (1992).
The transversal section of an i nternode wall of a ma-
ture culm, shows the following typical anatomical s tru cture: VASCULAR BUNDLES
1) - T h e e p i d e r m i s , or out er most layer of the cor· When we c ut the tr ansverse section of a bamboo
tex. is formed by two epiderm al cell s layers with a high culm many brown dots can be observed in the wall. These
silica conten t which
which strenghtens the ep epid
id ermal layer. The dots at the out s id e and inside of the cross-section have dif-
epidermal cellce llss of the cortex are covered by a cutinized ferent shapes. Each one of these dots is a vascul ar bundle.
layer or glossy surface known as cuticle compos ed of cellu- Enlarged photographs of the cu lm wall showing the vascu·
Arundinaria Teinostachyum Melocana Schizostachyum Phyllostachys Dinochloa lo se and pectin with a wax coating on top. Beneath the epi-
lose lar bundles can be seen in Fig. 1.19 and 1 .2 0 .
dermis lies the hipodennis, consisting of several layers of The gross anatomical structure of a transverse section of
thick -walled sde renchymatous ce ll s (Liese, 1985). any culm internode is detennined by the shape, size, arrange-
Fi g . 1.18 Types of culm s h e a t h s or culm leaves. 1.' Upper part o the sheath o Bambusa vulgaris showing ment and nwnber of vascular bundles which are composed of
2) - T h e i n n e r l y e r o f t h e c u l m w a l l in th e
one part o the structures that are important in classification and n identification o the different
different bamboo species: a) interior or central cavity called lacuna, is composed of lay- both the m echanical tissue made up by ibers, and the cond1lct ·
Sheath proper, b) Sheath blade, c) Ligule,
Ligule, d) Pair o auricles. 2.·Upper part o the sheath o Guadua angustifolia n ing tissue which consist s of two metaxylem vessels, phloem, a
ers of parenchyma cells which are often thick and highly
which it can be sheath. 3.· Some different types o sheaths.
be seen that the triangular border s continuous around the sheath. few sieve ru bes with their companion cells and protoxylema,
lignified and some times shows a s ub erized m em brane
which makes the chamber formed by the internodes imper- which are the main arteries for the longitudinal movement of
vious and airtigth. This thin m em bran e ma y be closely sap. The vessels transport water from the roots of the under·
C u l m s h eath (Culm leaf) attached to the inner wall wall or loosely attached even in a one ground rhiwme all the way to the upper leaves. The sieve tubes
As was explained before, the growing of the bamboo genus or species. The inside face is smooth and shiny;
shin y; when year old culms. This occurs in the first year in some species transJX>rt nutrient solu tion or assimilates from the leaves to the
cu lm takes place in the internodes. The upper part of each young the outside or the back is usuall
y covered with irri- Phyllostachys viridigiallcescens, P. and after thr ee parenchyma cells in the rhiwm e and culm, and the protoprotoxylem
node consists of meristematic tissue, surrounded by the tant hairs which may be white, pale brown, go lden brown or years in P. heterocycla. located between the two large metru.1 lem vessels, has the func-
culm sheath, which has the function of protecting
protecting,, supp ort· black. The sheath also varies in color and may be green, According to Takenouchi (1939), In Japan, people used tion of transporting water to the shoot in its early stages of
ing and stiffening the tender meristematic zone of th e bluish or purpHsh-green, or yellow tinged with orange. to cal
calll this membrane bamboo paper . It is, of course, a growth. Because of he length of the b mboo culm the conduct·
internodes of the culm and branches during their growing Culm sheaths genera ll y shed the culm upon a tt aining dead and dry pith tissue, not a paper. This membrane was ing tissue is reinforced by an outside mechanical tissue which
ss. In the culm sheath there are many vascular bundles maturity, but may also be persistent Sasa, Pleioblastus), used in playing the Japane se flute by covering a finger hole embrace the conducting tissue and protect it when the culm is
running longitudinally in almost para}]ellines. late desiduous (Indocalamus Semim undinaria, Fargesia with it to produce a characteristic sound. bent by the wind. The vascular bundles are surrounded by the
According to McClure (1966), when Chinese gardeners etc.) or early deciduous Bambusa, Phyliostachys. Dendro- The same author points out that the inner surface of parenchyma ground tissue.
wish to dwarf a bamboo, they remove each culm sheath pre- calamus etc.). In the external fo rm, the sheaths of Guadua th e culm wall varies with the kind of bamboo. In some According to Taihui and Wenwei (1985) the parenchy·
maturely, beginning with the lowest, before the elongation and Chimonobambusa are triangular, wh il e those of Den- species like Pseudosasa japonica (Yadake) there are small sma ll rna in the vascular bundles serves as a buffer zone con-
taking place above its node is completed. Upon the removal dro calam us and Phyllostachys are bell-shaped, and for scattered floccose particles resembling cotton which vary tributing to the elasticity of the culms, without which the
of a sheath, the elongation above its node ceases. Schizostachyum and Lignania,they are lanceolate. Sheath in fonn. They could be fairly large, arran ged in cros-stripes culms would be inflexible and brittle.
The culm-sheath is an important st ructure for bamboo leaves of Chimonobambusa are short and sma ll , and awl- or s tepladde r, while in others the surface is clean and The thickness of culmwa
culmwall ll decreases from base to the
classification. The shape, size, thickness and hairiness of shaped. (Keng and Wen, 19 91). smooth. top due to the reducction of its inner portion containing
both the sheath proper and sheat h blade and the existence Uses: Bambo
Bambooo sheaths provide substitute mate ri al for 3) - T h e f i b r o - v a s c u l a r re is located between more parenchyma a nd fewer vascular bundles.
of auricle or oral setae are invaluable for recognizing the lining hats and sandals, and used also for packing food. the cortex and the inner layer of the culm. It consists of

20 One- Section 1- Anatomy of bamboo culm

Part One- Part One-
One- Section 1- Anatomy of bamboo culm
Section 21

The upper part of the culm with more vascular bundles latter. Espiloy (1985) reported that the density of vascular
A Fig. 1.19 T H E V ASeULAR BUNDLES a nd less parenchyma. has a higher specific gravity and bundle at the top of the cu lm is larger than that at the base.
therefore bending and compression strengths increase with Along the axis of the culm of Bambusa blumeana, she found
Fiber strand height. Only the fibre length exhibits a slight decrease in the 3.80 for the top and 1.74 by square millimeter at the base.
top part . Liese (1995).
(1995). Liese Weiner (1996). T h e v e s s e ls. The diameter of vessels increases from
The total number of vascular bundles in the culm wall the epidermal layer to the inner pith cavity of the culm wall.
decreases from outer to inner parts and from the bottom to Wu Hsien reported that in Dendro calamus latifl orus the
top. At the peripheral zone of the culm, the vascular bundles averagee diameter in the 6th, 14 th and 22th internodes are
are smaller and numerous, at the inner part of the culm 18.8 15.0 and 15.2 espectively at the outer part
they are larger and fewer, and reach its maximum dimen- of the cu lm wall. The average diameter increases to 164.6
sion at the innermost
innermost part ofthe culm wall. 151.4 and 132.0 at the middle part of the cu lm
Th e v a s c u la r b u n d le s immediately below the cortex wall and increases further to 205.0 J 1 m , 202.4 /Jm, and
are circular in transverse section. Towards the midle of the 176-4 t the inner part of the culm wall.
culm wall, the vascular bundles become larger and more In Phyllostachys pubescens var. pubescens the varia-
widely spaced. In most species, they exhibit their maximum tion of vessel diameter increases from the base to the top of
size and characteristic form form in the central part. In the inner the culm. Espiloy (1985) found that the average diameter of
culm part , the vascular bundles again became smaller. vessels of 8ambusa blumeana is 186.3 J.1m at the bas e
( Liese 1998). To char acterize the two-dimesional variation internode, decreases to 136.6 /Jm toward the middle part
of vascular bundles in different internodes within a culm, and increases to 173.6 J..11Il at the top.
Grosser (1971) developed vascular bundles patterns or dia- According to Liese (1998) The vessel area at the inner
grams for several species in which bundle shape and fre- half of the culm generally amounts to double that at the
quency are given in horizontal rows for succesive inter- outer half. The area and size of metaxilem vessels in trans-
nodes. Fig. 1.20. verse sectionare very
very important for determining the conduc-
The density of vascular bundles or number of vascular tivity of water in the living plant, and also for the preserva-
bundles ocurring in one square millim iter varies from the tive treatment of fresh culms by the sap displacem e nt
A Thre e- dimensional view of a transversa
Three- transversall section B Vascular bundle with two large metaxylemves· epidermal layer toward the pith peripheral la yer and accord- method, since the vess vessel
el area is a decisive factor for calcu-
of a culm wall, showing part 01 the libro·vascular area ing to the species. In the study conducted in Taiwan by Wu
sels (4) l nd phloem (3) surrounded by libers 1. late the treatment parameters.
with several vascular bundles surrounded by parenchy· Wang (1976) on the density of vascular bundles, at the
Courtesy 01 W Liese). A detailed analisis of the bundle types and their varia·
ma courtesiy 01 W Liese).
middle part of the culm wall, they found one vascular bun· tions was undertaken by Grosser (1971) and Grosser and
die by square millimeter in endrocalamus fatiflorus and Liese (1971,1 973) for 52 species in 4 genera. They analyzed
about 3 4 for Phyllostaehys pubescens var. pubescells. the variability of vascular bundles in form and size, and
Wu Hsieh (1991) found in DendrocDendrocalamus
alamus lati florus grouped them into four basic types. There are a consider-
and Phyllostachys pubeseens var. pubescens at the first mil· ably variability in the appearance in the vascular bundles
lime ter inside the epidermal layer, there are significantly within one culm, both across the culm wall and longitudi-
high densities of vascular bundles with 8-10 for the fonner nally along the culm for simpodial bamboos. Further inves-
and 7-8 for the the latter. The density decreases at the se- tigations on other species have contributed additional infor-
cond milimeter, 2.5-3.5 for the former and 3.5'4.5 for the mation. (Liese 1998),

Fig. 1 20 Anat omi cal charact eri zat i on o f h e vasc u l a r bundl es of Phyllostachys

edulis Riv. in s ix internodes Groser 1971; Li eese 1998)


3 Internode
18 th internode

10 Intern
•••••• f.: •
14 th internode
18 Intern
, - r ;,
10th internode
26 Intern
c ' C -l
6 th internode 34 Intern

C.- Changes in the vascular bundle st ructure at the 6th, 10th. 14th nd 18th inter·
46 Intern
nodes along the culm height in Oxytenanthera nigrociliata.
nigrociliata. )Courtesy 01 Walter Liese . .
o s 10 1,5 2.0mm

22 Part One-
One- Section 1- Anatomy of bamboo culm Part One-
One- Section 1- Anatomy of bamboo culm 23




6 .,

10 .. 20° 55-1

Type I Type III

Vascu lar b u n d le Type I -(Op en type ) Vascu lar b u n d le type III ( B r o k e n waist) ML

This type onsists of one central vascular

vascular strand with This type consists of two parts, the centra l vascular
supporting tissue only as sclerenchyma sheaths. The vascul ar strand with sc1erenchyma sheaths and one isolated fiber
bundles sheaths are of the same size and symmetrically locat- bundle. The sheath of the inner vascular bundle between
ed. Most of the bamboo species which possess this type of the cells (protoxylem) is usuall
y smaller tha n the other vas- Fig. 1.22 Model o polylamellate structure o thick-walled Fig.1.23 Polylamellate structure o a parenChyma cell
vascular bundle sheath are of monopodial and amphipodial cu lar bundle s heath s. Bamboo species of this type all bamboo fiber Figures on the left indicate the fibril angle. wall Phyllost achys pubescens Syn. Ph. edulis) 19/000 X.
types. Examples are the genera Arundinaria, Phyllostachys, belong to pachymorph type (sympodial). Courtesy o W Liese. 1998). Courtesiy o WLiese. 1998).
Pieiobiastus, Shibataea Bashania , B .achystachyum Examples are genera Bambusa, Ampelocalamus, Den-
Cephaiostachyum, Chimonob
ambusQ, Chimonocalamus, drocalamopsis, Dendrocalamus Melocalamus, Pseu-
Neomicroca[amus, Pseudosasa, lndosasa, Qiongzhueeo, Aci- dostachyunl, Gigantochloa, as well as some species of FIBE RS by thick, polylamellate second ary walls.
walls. This lamellation
dosasa, Oligostachyum, and Sinobambusa. Schizostachyum. consists of al ternating broad and narr ow layers with differ-
Fibers are the mechanica
mechanicall tissue and their function is
ing fibrillar orientation. In the broad lamellae the fibrils are
essentially to impart strength to the culm. They constitute 40-
oriented at a small angle to the fibre axis,
axis, whereas the nar-
50 of he total tissue. They occur in the internodes at the vas-
row ones mostly show a transverse orientation_CSee Fig.
cular bundles as fiber caps Csclerenquima sheaths) surroun-
1 . 2 2 ) The narrow lamell ae exhibit a higher lignin
lignin content
ding the conducting elements and in some species additional-
than the broader ones. This polylamellate wall structure is
ly found as isolated strands. At the periphery of the culm near
present especially in fibres at the periphery of the culm and
the epidermis, there are generally one or two layers of fibre
their significance for bending properties appears obvious.
strands closely arranged giving mechanical strength.
(Parameswaran Li ese 1981); Liese 1976, 1995, 1998).
The ultrastructure of most of the fibers is characterized
Type II Type IV
Fig. 1.24 Relatio n s hip b etween th e fib er len g th s in the internode


Vascu lar bundle Type II (Tight-wa is t) Vascu lar bundle Type IV (Do u b le-b ro k en ) Culm shoot
This type consists of one central vascular strand with This type consists of three parts, the central vascular
supporting tissue only as sc1erenchyma sheaths. The sheath strand with sma ll sclerenchyma sheaths and two isolated
at the intercellular space (protoxylem) is strikingly larger fibres bundles outside and inside the central strand. Bam-
. ,
than the other three and e:x1:ends in a fan-like shape. Bam- boo species of this type are all pachymorph type (sympodi-
boo species which possess this type of vascular
vascular bundle are all and grow into dense clump. Examples are the genera
pachymorph type (sympodial). Examples are the genera Thyrsostachys, Gigalltochloa, Dinochloa, Dend, ocala-
Rhizome Intercalar Shortest fiber
Schizostachyum, Melocana as well as some individual mopsis, Dendrocalamus as well as some species of 8am-
species of Cephallostachyum. busa and Neosinoca/amus.
After Grosser and Liese (1971,1 973)

Ty p eV. The shortest fibers are always located near the nodes and the longest are to be found in the middle part o the inter-
-In 1992 Ya Xu added the type V that they the y called Vasc ular bundle ty p e V (semi- nodes. This means that the strongest and weakest part o the internode are located respectively in the center and the
o p en ) There is no fiber sheath, but the lateral and inner vascular bundle sheaths are linked together. nodes. This made possible that the the first civilizations coul d cut the bamboo with stone axes See Homo erectus , cut-
Bamboo species ofthis type are the genera Sasa, Sasamorpha, Yushallia, Fw gesia, as well as some indi- ting the culm It two cm above the node, where the intercalary meristem starts and the grow o he internode finishes.
vidual species of Qiongzhuea
Qiongzhuea and lndosasa

24 Part One
One Section 1 natomy of bamboo culm Part One Se ction 2 Bamboo flowering 25

Tab le 1- 1 The average fi ber di mensi ons

In the mIddle part of the internode the maximum fibre
length reache s 2-49 mm and 1.98 mm respectively. The BAMBOO FLOWERING /

of so m e b a m b o o sp eci es. variation showed that the shorter fibers occurred about 2-3
centimeters near the node.Vertically, the fiber length
Specie Length Width
increased from the basal part to the middle and decreased
mm at the top (3.17-3.27-2.78 mm).These means that the fibers
in the middle part of culm are the longest, next are those m
Arundirwria alpina 2.30 23.0
the lower part, and those on the top are the shortest.
Bambusa anlndinacea 1.73 22.0 Generally, the bamboo fibers are much longer than
B.longispiculata 2.31 13 .5
those from hardwoods, but shorter than those of softwoods. TYPES OF FLOWERINGS
B. multiplex 2.20 14.0
Their length increases from the peri eral layer inwards t? a
B. tulda 1.45 24.0
maximum in the outer third of the culm wall and decreasmg
B. vulgaris 2.64 10.0 The physiology of bamboo flowering is unique among Asiatic s pecie with green strips which are very common in
again towards the inner wall. Different values have been our parks. and have never been obsen'ed to flower gregari-
Dendrocalamus strictus 2.23 22.0 fl owering plants, since most species of bamboo flower peri-
reported within the same species. This is mainly due to the ously. There is information on its sporadic flowering in Cen-
Guadua angustifolia 1.60 11.0 odica ll y and some once during their life time and die soon
considerable variation of fibre length within one culm. tral America and Brazil in a few culms that die after flower-
Oxytenanthera abyssinica 1.51 12.0 afterwards. The factors which determine the life cycle of
According to Liese (1990)the fiber length-to-width
Phyllostachys ba17lbusoi
des 2.15 15.0 bamboos, the occurrence of gregarious or general flowering ing. The flowers so produced are reported not to have seeds.
ratio varIes across the culm from 7 0 : 1 to 150:1 (which is In contrast, there are some species that have a persis-
P.edulis 1.56 13.0 and subsequent death are still considered by scientist as a
considered as suitable for pulping). As fiber length
length is an
P. nigra 1.04 10.0 botanical enigma surrounded by some mysterius facts, such tent tendency to flower. such as Bambusa atra B. lineata)
important pulping property, any measurement has to con-
P. rericulata 1.56 13.0 as the factors that switch a bamboo plant from a vegetative from Malaya. Also. there are species that flower annualy
sider the pattern of variation within the culm by taking rep-
Pseudosasa japollicQ 1.34 18.0 to a flowering state. There are two types of flowering among without dying. such as Indocalamus wightianus (Syn.
resentative samples. The fiber length positively and strongly
Sinocalamus latiflorus 2.88 14.0 bamboos: The sporadic or irregular flowering , and the Arund in aria wightiana) and Ochlandra rheedii, or the
correlated with fiber diameter , cell wall thickness and
ThyrsostQchys siamensis 1 .81 10.0 gre garious or periodical lowering. specie Phylostachys heteroclada solida that flowers twice
internode diameter. a year in China.
10 40 11m
Source: Liese and Grosser (1972) Li ese (1998) The fiber
diameter from diameter
2 to 20 varies from
11m and the celltowall thickness
the lumen
from 1) Spor a dic or i r r egul ar flowering When gregarios flowering occurs in any specie, all the
Most of the bamboo species flower sporadically or culms of a clump, and all the clumps tbat belong to the
4-10 Runkel ratio (2Xwall thickness: lumen diame-
irregularly every year at any time, for several reasons, such same stock or have been raised from the same see d source,
Fibers con tribute 60-70% of the weight of the total ter) ranges from 1 to 4 . These values are influenced by fibre
as a fire in the area. or insect attack. In this case, one or se- flower simultaneously a ll over the world, wherever this
culm tissue. They are long and tapered at their ends. The maturation, which leads to an increase in wall thickne ss.
veral culms of any age of the same clump flower and die species grows naturally or has been cultivated or repro-
ratio of length to width varies between 150:1 and 250:1. Immature culms are some times investigated for th eir pulp-
soon aftenvards, but the entire clump does not die. die. Some duced by tissue cu ltur e, and regardless of the geographic
The fiber length shows considerable variation both between ing quality. But their small fibers wall a
sporadic flowering in one or several culms takes place every location, climatic conditlons, soil differences or age of the
species and withing individual species. Across the culm wall lower Runkel ratio that makes them unsUItable for pulpmg.
year in practically all bamboo areas. clump.
the fiber length often increases from the periphery towards Bamboo fibres have hight tearing resistance. but low tensil
If a new culm and its rizome spring from the rhizome According to Soderstrom (1979), it appears as if the
the middle of the wall and decreases towards the inner part . strength based on their sl enderless ratio and flexibility
of a flowering culm, this new culm generally produces flow flow-- plant had an internal physiological calendar that contro ls
In the inner zone fibres are 20-40 shorter . A greater coefficient CWidjaja and Risyand 1987; Latif 1995).
ers in the first year of its growth and then dies. With the the length of the vegetative period. It seems like there is an
variation in fiber length exists longitudinally within one Ma (1993) reported that the fiber lengths in culms of
death of a culm after flowering, the rhizome from which it alarm clock in each cell of the plant that rings once its vege-
internode. The shortest fibres are allways near the nodes, 26 different species are: 1.33-2.22 mm , averaging 1.89 mm;
ar ises also dies in most of he cases. tative period or physiological life ciele is over. At this
the longest fibres are in the midle part of the internode. the width of fibers ar c 10.8- 18.7 mm, averaging
averaging 6 .1 mfr.. .
moment and before its death, n its energy goes toward
This variation could be within one internode of up to 100% The ratio of length and width is 87-153, averaging 121. The flower and seed production, and its vegetative growth ceas-
or more. ratio of fiber length and width of different parts is the same. 2).Greg ar i ous flowering es, as the bamboo sacrifices evelything for the production of
According to Wu and Hsieh (1991),the fiber length at shorter
the lower node ofthe second internode above the ground of Certain species
Phyllostachys edulisgenerally
(1.5 mm),have fibers,
Ph . pubescens (1.3such as
mm.), This type of floweringtak
es place at long intervals its off-spring.
which are known as life cycles or physiological life cicle. When flowering take place, all the leaves of the culm
Dend"oca[amus latij10rus is 1.52 mm and 1.40 mm for other longer ones like Dendrocala171us giganteous (3.2
This cycle is more or less constant for each specie of bam- are replaced by flowers and the flowering is completed with-
Phyllostachys pubescens var. pubescens. The upper node of mm), Oxytenanthera Iligrocilliata (3.6 mm.) Dendrocala
boo and it varies fromfrom 4 to 1 2 0 years, depending on the in 2-3 months The flowering is so profuse that the whole
the same internode are 1.385 mm and 1.25 mm. mus membranaceous (4.3 mm) have longer ones.
species. The longest cycle
cycle known in bamboos is that of 1 2 0 culm, from top to bottom is transformed into a gigantic
The fiber length influences density and years in Phyllostachys bambusoides and Phillostachys inflorescense. In some bamboo plants the flowers first
Tabl e 1 2 Percent age of ce ll t ypes in bamboo speci es strength properties and it is c10sely related to nigra henonis, which are native to China and Japon. Of appear on part of the branches or on one branch.
elastic bending stress. So far fiber length is course no culm in a clump lives to be 1 2 0 years old. At most, However, the flowers appear at upper and lower pos i
Species P arenchyma Fibers hardly considered when selecting a bamboo a culm reaches an average of 12 years of age in the clump tion on bamboo culm at the same time or they can appear
Tissue species for a given purpose, except pulpIng, on only one side of the culm while the other SIde is left bare.
and then becomes dry and dies. The reason for this is that
8 but from practical experience such relation- bamboo is a perennial plant, which means that the clump is The sequence of flowering generally continues from upper
Bambusa polymorpha 48 44
45 8 ships may already be utilized (Liese 1992). a continuous plant that produces new culms (in giant to lower part of the bamboo, but in some species (Dend,.o-
Bambusa tulda 47
Cephalostachyum pergracile 52 40 8 spe ci es) every year. The life cycle starts when the bamboo calamus atij1orus) the formation of the inflorescences
8 T h e Ta b l es 1 1 a n d 1 2 are very seed germinates, and ends when the clumps formed by this begins at the lowest node and proceeds toward the tip. In
Dendrocalamus hamiltonii 51 41
7 important for manufacturers of paper, com- seed flower gregariously many years later at the end of their most species, the plant then produces l arge quantities of
Dendroca[amus strictus 50 43
50 7 posite materials and for builders because the life cycle_ This means that the period between successive seed and dies.
Melocmma bambusoides 43
Oxitenanthera nigrociliata 51 43 6 length of the fiber influences the pulping gre garious flowering of any bamboo species in the same If all the culms of a clump flower, the entire clump dies.
8 properties and the strength of the culm. On area represents its life cycle or physiological life cycle.This Nevertheless, there are species such as Guadua angusriJoJia
Phy/lostachys edulis 54 38
37 8 the other hand the most strongest bamboos cycle varies with different species and is more or less con- which do not die after flowering gregariously.
gregariously. proba-bly
Phyllostachys machinoi 55
8 have height percentage of fibers and the low- stan for a given specie and site. In the Table 2 1 are listed because only part of the leaves of the culm are replaced by
Schizostachy u17l brachycladum 54 38
8 est percentage of parenchyma. the lyfe cycles of some of the most important species from flowers as I could
could observe in the gregarious flowreing which
Teinostachyu17l dullooa 52 40
As ia and the Americas. took place in Colombia in 1976. Only the cul ms in which all
Source: Liese (1998)
(1998).. There are species such as Bambusa vulgaris the yellow the leaves were replaced by flowers died.

26 Part One-
One- Section 2- amboofl owering Part One-
One- Section 2- amboo flowering 27

The ripe seed which have fallen to the ground germi- or caryopsis type which is the most common one. one. Mo st of T he i mpo rtan ce o f th e li fe cy cl es longest (2.64 mm) among bamboo species. b) The most
nates immediately or when the first rains come, thus start- them resemble grains
grains of wheat, rye or other similar cere
als As it was explained before the life cycle of a bamboo important is that this specie has not flowered gregariously
ing a new life cycle. Soon aft er the fall of the ripe seed, and and consist of a pericarp enclosing the seed.
seed. The seed itself specie co rr espons to period between successive gregarious up to th e present time as was explained before. c) This
some times before, all the culms of the clumps that have consists of the en do spe rm and an embryo comprising a flowering of any bamboo species in the same area. specie is very easy for cultivate. d) It grows very fast, and e)
flow ered start dying from the top downwards and become radicle, a plumule and a scutellum. In several genera of Asia Trought informations found in ancient publications of Because the rhizomes of this specie are almost vertical the
weakened and easily bended and b roken in his base by the and the Americas, the pericarp of the fruit is thick and China, India and Japan about gregarious flowering of se- clums are very dense and consequently has more cu culm
lm s by
wind, as can be seen in the Fig. 2.6. fles
hy. veral bamboo species which took place in these countries square meter.
mete r.
The seeds may cov
er the ground as much as 12-15 cms f for any reason is not posible to get this specie, two or
Generally the young and old culms which have flow- flow- many year ago,ago, was posi ble to find out the different dates
ered die about one year after the seed has fallen
fallen and gener- depth. A 33 square meters clump of Indian Dendrocalamus of their gregarious flowering and consequently to establish three different species with the longest life cicles ( 30-50
ally also the rhizome from from which they arises. Cu t t i n g strictus can produce 320 pounds. There are 800-1000 seeds their life cycles.
cycles. Some of them are shown in the Table 2-1, years) should be culyivated, taking into account that the
d o wn a clu m p in fl o we r will not s to p it fr o m dying. of this specie to the ounce. By hand gathering and threshin, For eexample:
xample: Janzen (1976) points out that in the year 919 , year of the flow ering does not coincide.
In gregarious flowering, all the clumps do not flower
flower in and adult can collect 4-6 pouns of D. strictus seed per day the main- land Chinese bamboo Phyl/ostachys bambu- 2.-For the manufacture of composite bamboo mate ri -
the same year; there is a main mast flowering year in which (Janzen 1976). soides seeded in mass. According to the records of Kauamu- als, such as plybamboo and laminated beams etc. it is neces-
most of the clumps flower, while some clumps flower a year ra (1927) this specie flowered again in Japan sometime sary to use straight culms with the largest
largest diameters (larger
earlier, and some a year later. This is the reason why gre- between 1716 and 1735 of the Kioho era, and again in 1844 than 10 cm) of the central part of the culm. For this purpose,
P ro bl ems ca u se d by th e gr eg a r i ou s B vulgaris is not recommended because in most cases the
garious flowering m ay take three or more years. to com- and 1847 in the Kokwa era. The last gregarious flowering
plete. Gregarious flowering often progresses in a definite flo we ri n g occured in 1960 in Japan and also in England, United States culms are not straight. Instead, the use of GuaduQ angusti-
direction in succesive months involving one grove after In ssome
ome parts of India , BuBurma
rma and other countries of and Russia ,where stocks were trans planted from Japan. folia, guadua de castilla 0 guadua brasil era is recommended.
another. This is the reason why why there is little difference in Asia, farmers believe that the flowering of the bamboo her- Kawamura (1927)
(1927) found the following records
records of gre- The life cycle of the latter, is still unknown.
time between the floweflowering
ring of the mother clump and those alds times of famine. But on the other hand, in other areas garioous flowering of Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis
generated from the mother clump that has been cultivated of these countries the flower
ing of the bamboo is consid- (Hachiku) in Ja pan. They occured in the years: 813 - 931 - Is it pos s ibl e to p re di ct th e gr e ga r i-
in di fferent plaplaces
ces of the world. For example, when the ered as a God s blessing since bamboo have flowered in 12
47 - 166
6 - 178
17866 - 1848 - 1908
1908.. He concluded
concluded that the ou s flowering ?
flowering of Guadua angistzjolia took place in Colombia in times of drought
drought and famine andand the ir seeds had been used flow
ering of Hachiku has occurred at intervals of about According to so me au thors the gregarious flow ering of
1976, it progressed from north to south, starting in the by p oor people as a food
food which is prepared in the same way 120 years (occasionally 60) years.
Antioquia State and then continue in the states of Caldas, than rice. Numata et al (1927) reported the follO
\ving historical a bamboo
certain specie
signs, suchcould
as thebe predicted one year in advance by
Valle del Cauca, and Cauca respectively and aproximately In the first case, according to Parry (1931), in India in records of the universal flowering and withering of the bam- a) According to Ho sain (1962), normally only younger
one month later this specie was flowering in Ecuador. the Lushai Hills District, natives know that bamb oos flower boo specie hachiku Phyl/ostachys n ig m henonis) in
bamboos contain free water within their internodes. During
In India where the largest extensions of natural bamoo at regular intervals, seed and die. After the seeding millions Japan, including the year and the bibliographical source. the year of flowering of Mellocana bambusoides in East
plantations are found, after a gregarious flowering thou- of rats suddenly appear, invade the flowering area and
Pakista, however, all the culms, irrespective of age, were ob-
sands of culms are found dry and they have to be removed devour the seed that the plants produce, and the grain in Year 813 - Nihon-Kiryaku . served to contain free water within their hoUow internodes.
before a fire starts . Because these culms have lost their the graneries. Then they go on to ravage rice fields and con- 931 - Fusso
ki Furthermore, the amount of water contained in each culm
strength, it is recommended that they dont be used as con- sume everything edible. Having devoured all they can find, 1247 - Matsunoya-Hikki (vol. 40) was much greater than which is normally contained in a
struction mate rial. Nevertheless they could be used in the the rats die, presumably of starvation, and the native peo- 1666 - Honzo Bengi
Bengi (voI.4, 1681)
1681) young culm. This appears to be nature's provision for the
manufacture of pulp and paper and rayon. According to ple have not food for several months. 1786 - Gokoku Muzinzo (1787
(1787)) growth of the flowers and fruits, as before flowering the rhi-
Sharma (1980), between 1960 and 1965, Bambusa ar·undi- The same author points out that in 1911-12 , after the 1848 - zome becomes incapable of maintaining the flow of water to
naeea and Dendroealamus strictus flowered gregariously. flowering of Meloceana bambusoides (which flowers every 1908 - the culm.
The dead bamboo clumps were all clear-felled and supplied 50 years in the Lushai Hills), th e Districtt was absolutely
b) A decline in growth rate. c A decrease in amount of
to paper and rayon industries. desvastated by millions of rats which swept right throug h it, Taking into account the lack of complete chronological bamboo sprouts. d) The early formation of bamboo shoots.
shoot s.
devouring everything that lay in their path. The Govern- records such as the above, we may be justified in conclud- e) The bamboo clump does not produce any additional
ment had to give out large sums in loans as the people were ing that the flowering of Hachiku , has ocurred at inter-
Th e flo we r absolutely destitute. vals of about 120 years (occasionally 60 years). The same culms for a year prior to the gregarious flowering.
t) Frequently emerging short, slender culms were seen
Bamboos, as member of the grass family, have a com- Lackhers only recognize one famine, the Maotam, as author recognised that Madake , Phyl/ostachys reticul/ata, as undergrowth in the tall bamboo stands, at a time which
pound inflorescense consisting of many flowers or florets they call it the Mawta. They say that the period between also flowers every 120 years. does not always coincide with the ordinary season.
that are usally very small (2-15 mm long) .The flower
flower struc- two Mawtas is about fiftyfifty years and that during the inter- It is very important to know the life cycles of our most g The formation of leaves which are smaller than us ual
ture consist of a lemma, a palea, 3-6 stamens, a pistil, three val a bamboo called 1 ongal in Lushai and rangia in Lackher important and useful bamboo species, particularly when we or the appearance of amoeboid leaves and. h) Breakable
lodicules and an ovary with 1-3 stigmas. The whole structure (Cephalostaehyum capita um) flowers. The seed of this are planning tho establish large bamboo plantations for the bamboo wood.
is called a spikelet When flowering, the lemma and palea bamboo does not seem to induce a plague of rats and the manufacture of pulp, paper and rayon, for the manufacture
open, with ext ended stamens and stigma splits in three period of its seeding is generally a period of very good crops of bamboo composite materials or for the construction of
directions. After opening, the flowers last for about 2-3 According to Janzen (1976), in Madagascar bamboo houses and other purposes.
hours, and then close. When th e weather is dry, the flowers mast crops contributed to an ivasion of an estimated 40-60 f we plant a bamboo specie on a large scale using asex-
closes more quickly. million rats to nearby 10,000 ha of crops , which were ual propagules or tissue culture taken from the same clump
Bamboos general1y flower between 5-9 o'clock in the destroyed before the rats starved to death. and we ignore the life cycle of this speci
speci e. It is posible that
morning and th e flowers close at noon. Good flow ers occur On the other hand, in times of famine in some parts of this specie is on the brink of flowereing, for example, it may
when the temperature is between 20 0 C and 25 0 C. High India and other countries, bamboo flowering
flowering was consid- be in flower two years later. When this occurs, all the small
temp e ratur e would affect the quality of bamboo flowers. ered as a God's bl essing. plants will flower and die and consequently we are going to
Pollen distribution usually begins one hour after flowering. According to Munro (1868), in 1864, during a general lose a lot of money. In order to avoid this problem we have
Bamboo pollen loses its germination capacity very eas il y flowering of the bamboo in the Soopa jungles in India, a to take into account the following recommendations:
due to the influence of light, rain and air humidity. (Zhang very large number of people, es timated at 50,000, came 1 . Choose the specie ,vith th e longest life cycle which is
G.C. Chen 1991). from Dharwar and Belgaum districts to collect the seed. appropriate to the final purpose. For example, for the man-
Each party remained about ten to fourteen days, taking ufacture of pulp, paper, and rayon the most recommended
F ig. 1 Seeds o Bambusa arundinacea fromthe flower
The f r ui t away enough for their o own
wn consumption during the mon- is the specie Bambusa vulgaris due to the following rea-
The bamboo fruit varies greatly in size,size, shape, and soon months, as well as some for sale. Sons: a) The average length of their fibers is one of the ing which took place n Colombia.
other characteristics. and can be of the pear type, berry type,

28 Part One-
One- Section 2- Bamboo flowering
Part One-
One- Section 2- Bamboo flowering 29



Species Count ri e s a n d ye a rs of flowering Life Cycle Source I.-Gregarious

I.-Gregar ious flowering o f B a m b u -
ye a rs)
s a a r u n d i n a c e a in I ndia, Puer to Rico ,
Arundinaria fa/cat
a India (Simia and Jaunsar) 1858 1886 - 1 9
16 28-30 Blatter 1929 Pana ma and Colombia
Bambusa arundinacea 1)- India (Dehra Dun
Dun)) 1836 - 1881 -1926 -1970 45 Seilritz 1950- Blatt.l29
At the
species, beginning
including of the last
Bambusa century several
anmdinacea bamboo
were brought
(3 life cycles 1 2, 3,) 2)- Brazil - 1804
2)- 1804 - 1836
1836 -1868
-1868 - 1899 30 Janzen 1976-Blatt. /29
from India to the Federal Experiment Station of Mayaguez
3 -India (Orisa)- 1881 - 1913
1913 -1976 30 Blatter 1929 in Puerto Rico. In 1920, this specie and some others were
Puerto Rico 1945 - 1975 -Colombia Panama 1975 30- 32 Hidalgo/ 1981 taken from Puerto Rico to the Summit Garden of Panama
and to other botanical gardens in tropical America. In 1940,
Bambusa bambos (India,China,Thaiiand and Indo-China) intervals16-32-45 16 (?) PROSEA 1995
plantlets of Bambusa arundinacea and Bambusa vulgaris
Bambusa polimorpha Bangladesh, Thailandia 60 Blatter 1929, PROEA were brought from the Summit Garden of Panama to the
Bambusa 1ulda Burma, 1852
1852 - 1913 25 Blatter 1929 Granja Experimental located in Palmira, Co lombia, where
they were planted in the central oval. In October of 1974 I
Dendrocalam. gian1e
us Burma, 1865 1892 - 1914 and
and India, 30-40 PROSEA 1995
was visiting this place where there were thr ee dense
Dendrocalamus strictus Burna India
I 20 Gupta 1952 of Bam.busa arundinacea, each one with a diameter of
(6 life cycles) 1)- Burma
Burma about 8 cm. and about 12 meters
meters high, and at that time they-
25 Banik 1980
were starting to flower.
2 - South India,
India, Mysore State
State 40 Brandis (Blatter 1929) In April 4th, 1975 I wrote a letter to Thomas Soder-
3 - North India, Uttar Prade
sh. 65 Troup (Blatter 1929) strom, Curator of the Department of Botany at the

4 - East India, Horshiarpur, Punjab 47 Watanabe & Hamada Smithsonian

him about theIn stitution
floweringin ofWashington
Bambllsa Darundinacea
C reporting in to
5) - Taiwan
Taiwan 44 Watanabe & Hamada Co lombia. He answered my letter on April 10 th, and he
Fig. 2 2 The flower of Bambusa arundinacia in the gre-
6 - Cuba 25 Kennard(1955) gave me the news that this specie was also flowering in
garious flowering which took place at the same time in
Puerto Rico and Panama. By July 19 76, all cu lm s were dry
Guadua amplexifolia Puerto Rico - Colombia - Venezu
ela -1953 - 1978 32-35 Hidalgo 1981 India, Puerto Rico Pana and Colombia in 1974.
and dead. However, the most spectacular thing was to know
Guadua angustifolia Colombia 1854, Colombia Puerto Rico 1945 -1976 32 Parodi (1955) almost simultaneously with the flowering of this specie
Panama, Puerto Rico, and Colombia the mother plant
Guadua trinii Brazil 1902 - 1934 . Argentina 1922 - 1953 30-45 Varmah&Bahadur1980
also .flowering
.flowering in In dia in the south of Orissa. I got this
Me/oeanna baccifera Bangladesh, Burma, India 30 Varmah & Bahadur mformation from The Indian Forester NO.7 (July 1976, page
Oxytenantera abyssini- Tropical Africa, Rhodesia 15 Bean 1907,Ginku11936
1907,Ginku11936 473), where a etter was published from Mr. T. Das, in which
he reported the occurrence of the flowering of Bambusa
ca China, Japan, All the world.
world.-- Italia (Florencia)
o rencia) 1876 Gamble 1920 arundinacea that he observed in February 1976 in the Gan-
Phyllostachys aurea Belgica, England, Rusia 1904.-Japo n Europa, 15 Kawamura 1927 jam District (South Orissa) on both sides of the Nat ional
Highway (NO.5) between Berhampur and Rambha. All the
Argentina 1919-1934-36. -Taiwan, England 1966. Janzen 1976,Lin 1974
existing culms were in full bloom.This
bloom.This means that the flow-
China -999 - 1114 -Japon 1716-35
1716-35 - 1844-47 1900 04 Kawamura 1927
at the which tookas
same time place
in theinAmericas.
Orisa also started in 1974 almost
Ph. bambusoides Japan , Taiwan.
Taiwan. United States, England 1960-70 120
From Mr Das in formation, we can come to the follow-
Japan -813 - 931 - 1247
1247 - 1666
1666 -1786 1848 1908 Kawamura 1927 ing conclusions: a) The specie of Bambusa Of ulldinacea
Ph. nigra henonis Japan 120 Watanabe 1981 cu ltivated in the Americas belo ng s to the same clone of the
Ph .pubescens Burma, Thailand, India mother clump located in the Gamjam District in the South
67 Watanabe 1981
of Orissa,
Orissa, India. b) That the mother plant' flowering also also
Thyrsostachys olivery 48 started in 1974-
In order to complete this story, at the end of ebruary of
1971 I receIved
receIved a letter from the Forest Research Instit ute
Dehra Dun, India, signed by Mr. F. R.l in which he offered
me seeds of Bambusa arundinacea at a cost of 600 rupi-
asl/ki logram.
In Colombia, in July 1976 the clumps had produced a
lot of seeds, and the culms had started to dry from top to
The life cycle varies with different species and is more or less constant for a given species and site. Nevertheless botto m and some of hem had died. We planted part of the

some species such as Bambusa arundinacea, and Dendrocafamus strictus have five different life cycles, one for India seeds near theofnorthern limitUniversity
of the grounds of the beside
and other for Brazil. Some authors consider that this is due t the long distance between these countries. However, of Agronomy the National in Palmira, a
from the experience I had wdh the gregarious flowering of Bambusa arundinacea, which occurs at the same time in chanel of combined sewage.
Puerto Rico, Panama and Colombia and also at the same time in India; I think that the great difference which exists Bearing in mind that in Orisa this specie has a life ccycle
between the life cycle in Brazil and in India is because the seeds brought from India to Brazil originated from a spo- of 3?-32 years, specie will flower again gregariously in
Fig. 2.3 of are
Fig. 2.3 Spikelet of Bambusa arundinacea. The seeds are
radic flowering that occurred in India or even in Brasil. IndI3, Puerto RI CO, Panama and Colombia between the
- ./
used as human food in India and are prepared in the same
rs 2004 and 2007.
way as rice.

30 Part One Section 2 Bamboo flowering Part One Section 2 Bamboo flowering 3

Fi g 2 4 The gregarious flowering of ambus a ar undina ce a in Colombia Gregario us flowering of Guadua angustifolia in South America in 1977-78

In many cases, a bamboo specie can have a sporadic

flowering once or twice before the gregarious flowering. This
was th e ca se of the specie Cuadua Qrlgusti folia which had
two sporadic
sp oradic flowerings before the gregarious flowering
In Colombia, between October 1976 and December 1977
there were two sporadic flowerings and one gregarious flow-
erin g of Cuadua angllstijoiia.
angllstijoiia. The first one took place in
the whole country between October 1976 and February
1977 The second one took place from the end of March to
May of the same year; while the Gregarious flowering start-
ed in October, 1977 in the states of Antioquia, Cald as, Risar-
aida, and Quindio. In December of the s ame year all the
side this figure shows a clump
A - On the left side guadua forests of the Cauca Valley, and Cauca States started
of Bambusa vulgaris var villata. On the right their fl owering. This means that the direction of the flower-
side a clump of 8ambusa arundinacea start- ing was from north to south. In January 19 78 the guadua
ing its gregarious flowering s shown. The forests of Ecuador started flowering (Personal information
color of their leaves has changed and they Edgar Caldas, 1978)
1978).. Mo st probably it the flowering conti-
will be replaced by flowers and seed as nued inSouth America to northern of Argentina.
shown in Fig.C . It is important to point out that when the flowering Fig. 2 6 Gregarious flowering of Guadua angustifo/ia in
bega n in the northern Colombia there was a drought Colombia and Ecuador in 1976 Only the flowering culms
througho ut the country. On the other hand the production which lost all their leaves died and were felled by lhe wind
of seeds was very poor. The most important conclusion of
this fl owering is that most of the culms did not lose all their
leaves and did not die. Only the few culm s that had lost all 3 Gregarious flowering of Guadua
the ir leaves died. Generally, these culms were broken at the amplexifolia -1979
base by the wind. See Fig.2.6 in relation with the life cycle of
Guad u angustifolia according to old dates of flowering,
the life cycle of Guadua angustifolia cou ld be about 32-35 The specie Guadua ampiexifolia is native to northern
years. This means that this specie will probably flower again Venezuela and Colombia, Central America and southern
between the years 2 0 0 7 2 0 1 0 . Mexico. Its culm is almost so 1id at the base and it is 6 1 0 em
in diameter and 1 0 1 2 meters height. It is not useful for
construction and the only industria
industriall application that it has
in Venezuela is in the manufactue of pulp and paper.
The following information is related to its flowering in
Venezuela and Colombia because there is not information
of its flowering in Central America and Mexico, probably

because it was not observed.

On March 5, 1979 I received in Bogota a telephone call
from Mr. Carlos Seijas, the Manager of MAMPA Co. in
Venezuela inviting me to go to Caracas to study a problem
that they had in the factory of Papeles Maracay with the
bambu guafa (Guadua ampiexifoiia) that they used for
the manufacture of paper and that was becoming dry in the
clumps. As I supposed, the problem was a gregarious flow flow--
ering, and this was confirmed when I visited several small
clumps with Dr Alfredo Gonzalez D in our trip from Mara-
cay to Acarigua and then to Barquisimeto.
I found that the life cycle of this specie is about 25 years
based in the quotation made by McClure on t page 86 of his
book The bamboos a fresh perspective which according to
Kennard this specie flowered in the Federal Experimenta
Station in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico in 1954. This information
was confirmmed by a farmer in Venezuela who told me that
he saw the same problem w ith this specie 25 years ago.
This means that this specie will flO\ver again between 2 0 0 3
and 2005.
D. When we cut the clump near the base we found some E. Many seeds of this flowering were planted in the North
small green culms which flowered died n one week. ern boundary of the School of griculture in Palmira
Fig. 2 5 Spikelet of Guadua angustifolia.

32 Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the world Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the world 33




The purpose of the taxonomy is to distinguish, identify eastern chain of the Andes in South America, where the
and classify plants. The identification of plants is mainly specie Neul olepis al istata can be found.
based on their flowers and fruits. However, the identifica- The giant woody species are distributed horizontally
tion and classification of bamboos present more problems between the south of Mexico (22 0 north latitud) down to
to taxonomists than any other group of flowering plants . about 34 0 south latitud in in the Parana river.
because, as was explained before, most bamboos flower at The herbaceous bamboos are distributed between 29°
long intervals, some only once or twice in a century and north latitude in M ex ico and 34 0 south latitude, and they
most of them die soon aftenvards. are confined to warm humid environments, within forests
On the other hand, there are also species like Bambusa usually under dense shade. Vertica lly they are rarely found
vulgaris, the rnost common species, which remains mostly higher than 1,200 meters above sea level. (Soderstrom
sterile, and this makes the collection and study of their Calderon 1979).
flowers and fruits difficult. Because of this problem
botanists have been forced to make their identification on 2)- In Asia a n d Oceani a. Asia is the richest conti·
the basis of specimens either with flowers or with vegetative nent in bamboos, with more than 1 000 species
species and about
organs, but separately. 72 to 82 genera. They are found in large area, covering
For this reason, there are many cases where the same southeast Asia between a latitude as far north as 51 ° on
specie has been classified by di fferent botanists in different Sakhalin Island where the specie Sasa kurilensis is found,
genera, or the sa me species may be described under differ- and a southern limit at about 20 0 south latitud.
e nt names. This has created a lot of confusion for bamboo This area include th e southern half of China, Japan, Woody bamboo genera Herbaceous bamboo genera
taxono my in the world . For example, Chao (1989) revised Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Burma, Bangladesh,
42 sp ecies originally described under Ar-Ulldinal ia by I . Ac tinocladum Soderstrom (1 )-Brazil 1. Anomochloa Brongniart (1 )-Brazil
India , Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, New
Munro, Gamble, A. Camus
Camus and others. He found that o nly 2 ·Alvimia Soders. & Londo. (3) Brazil 2. ·Arberella Soders. & Cald. (7)·Costa Rica and Pana.
Guinea, the Northern Territory of Australia, and the Pacific (10·15)·Brazil,
(10·15)·B razil, Ecuador ,
tvlO species are considered to be true Arundinaria, the rest 3.·Apoclada McClure (4)· Brazil 3 ·Cryptochloa Swallen
Islands where, according to Watanabe (1987), many bam· San Bias, Panam to Mex.
40) have b een transferred into seven other genera: 4 ·Arthrostylidium Ruprech (20)· Brazil
boos grow spontaneously on the Molucca islands, and a few 4 ·Oiandrolira Stapf (5)·Brazil
Sinal undinaria, Tamnocalamus, Chimono-bam busa, bamboos are also distributed over the islands of Fiji,
5.·Arthroostachys Bentham (1 )·B razil
6 ·Atractantha McClure
5 ·Ekmanochloa Hitchcock (2)· Cuba
Recemobambos, Acidosasa, and others. Consequently
Consequently bam- Samoa, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, and New Ireland. There (9·1 0)·Brazil
7 ·Aulonemia Goudot (25·30) ·F rom Mexico to 6 ·Eremitis Ooell (5)·Brazil
boo classification is far from complete and most genera are are some in the Caroline Islands, but is not clear whether all
Bolivia, Guiana and Brazil 7.·Froesiochloa G.A.Black 1 )·French Guiana, Brazil.
sti l not very clear. of h ese bamboos are native.
B ·Chusquea Kunth (120)· Mexico to Argentina B ·Lithachne Palisot de Beao (4)·Central America, West
The vertical distribution of bamboo in Asia is from sea Chile, Juan Fernandez Indies, Paraguay- Parana
level to a maximum of 4,000 meters in the subalpine zone
DISTRIBUTION OF Islands, Uruguay,
Uruguay, Brazil , basin, Brazil.
of Himalayas in Sikkin and Buttan, where the specie Arun- Caribbean Islands 9 ·Maclurolyra Cald. & Sod. (1 ·Panama
BAMBOOS IN THE WORLD dina ria racemosa is found. The greatest number of bamboo
species and the greatest proportion of bamboo forests are
9.·Colanthelia McClure (7)·Brazil 10.·Mniochloa Chase (2)·Cuba
Worldwide there are about 1,600 bamboo species dis-
Worldwide 10,·Criciuma Sod . & Londono (1 )·Brazil II. Olyra Linnaeus (23)-Mexico and northen
tributed in about 121 genera (25 herbaceous and 96 woody). found in India and China. 11 ·Elytrostachys
McClure (2)From Venezuela and Central America, Brazil
Geographically, th ese species are found in the tropical, sub· Colombia to Honduras 12 ·P ariana Fusee·Aublet (30)·Fr
(30)· Fr om Costa Rica to
tropical and temperate areas of all the continents, except 3 In Africa. This co ntin ent has the smallest 12.Eremocaulon Sod. & Lond. (1 )·Brazil Bolivia, Brazil.,Trinidad
Europe where there are no indigenous species. number of species less than 12). But according to 13 ·Glaziophyton Franchet (1 )·Brazil 13 ·P harus P. Brown (7)·Mexico to Ecuador.
The approximate continental distribution of bamboos is Watanabe (1987) the island of Madagascar has about 40 14 ·Guadua Kunth (35)·From Mexico to north 14 .·Piresia Swallen (6) ·B razil, Guianas, Trinid.
as follows: 67 in Asia and Oceania: 3 in Africa, and 30 in species and 11 genera. On the cont in ent the species are Argentina and Brazil IS. ·Raddia A. Bertoloni (5·7)·Venezuela, Guianas,
the Americas.
Americas. distributed horizontally from a northern limit that goes IS. ·Merostachys Sprengel (40)·From Guatemala to Brazil.
1) - In the Americas. According to Thomas Soder· from Southern Senegal (16 0 north latitude) over to th e Argentina and Brazil 16.-Raddiella Swallen (8)·Guianas, Co lomb. B Bra.
strom et al (1988), about 440 species native to the Americas high mountains in Kenya and Uganda, and then going 16.·Myriocladus Swallen (20)·Venezuela and Brazil 17·Rehia Fijten (1 ,Surinam, Brazil
ha ve been identified, of which approximately 320 are woody through the highlands of East Africa down to southern 17. Neurolepis Meisner (10)· Venezuela and Col. to 18.·Reitzia Swallen (1 ·Brazil
and 120 herbaceous, distributed in 41 genera (20 woody, and 21 Mozambique, while on the Atlantic side, the distribution Peru, Brazil, Bolivia. 19 ·Streptochaeta Nees fon (3)· From Mexico to
herbaceous). There are still a great number of woody species to areas are spread across tropical areas in the Central IB.·Olmeca Soderstrom (2)·Mexico Esenbeck Argentina
be identified. Africa, and then to Cape in South Africa. t9.·0tatea Calderon & Sod. 1 )·Mexico and Central 20. Streptogyna Palisot de (2)·Africa,lndia. Sri Lanca.
Horizontally these species are distributed in the The vertical
vertical distribution in Africa
Africa reaches 2,000-3 ,300 America Beauvais. South America.
Americas between 46° north latitude, in the temperate m. above sea level
level on Mt. Kenya and high mountains where 20. ·Rhipidocladum McClure (15)·Mexico to Argentina, 21.·Sucrea Soderstrom 1 )·Brazil
zone of the Un ited States, and 470 south latitude , in lake large communities of Arundinaria alpina are found Other Trinidad
Buenos Aires betwe en Argentina and Chile, where is species such as Ol eobambos bunchwaldii K. Sch. and Oxy-
found the specie Chusquea culeau. Vertically they are dis- tenanthe,.a abyssinica Munro grow indigenously from 2 0 0 -
tributed from sea level up to almost 5,000 meters in the 2,000 m. in Rwanda and around Lake Tanganyka.
Source: Soderstrom et al (1988)·0. Ohmberger & J.Goerrings 1983).

34 Chapter1
Chapter1 - S.3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the world Part One- S. 3 - Taxon
omy - Distribution of bamboos in the world 35

Wo o dy b a m b o o genera Wood y ba mb oo ge n e r a
FAMILY Poacea (Grami n eae)
I -Acidosasa (4)-Asia 43. -Neomicrocalamus Keng (2)-Asia
2.-Ampelocalamus (2)-Asia 4 -Neosinocalamus Keng 20)-Asia, China
SUBFAMILY Bambusoi deae A . & G .
3.-Arundinaria Michaux 81 )-Asia,Africa, U.S.A 45. -Ochlandra Thwaites 11 )-Asia,Madagascar
4 -Bambusa Schreber 91 )-Tropic. Asia, Austr. 46. -Oligostachyum W Y 1 )-Asia
5 -Bashania Keng Yi (2)-Asia 47.- Omeiocalamus Keng (1 -Africa TRIBE Bambuseae Ne e s
6 -Bonia Balansa 1 )-Asia 48. -Oreobambos Shumann (1 -Africa
7 -Brachystachyum Keng 1 )-Asia 49. -Oreocalamus Keng (2) 1.-SUBTRIBE Art hrost yl i di i nae RIB E Guadui nae
8 -Burmabambus Keng 1 )-Asia 50. -Oxytenanthera Munro (16)-Africa, New Guinea 13 genera confined to the Americas 5 genera confined to Americas tropics
9 -Butania Keng 1 )-Asia 51.-Perrierbambus Camus (2)-Asia Criciuma
10.-Cephalostachyum Munro (17)-lndia , Malaysia 52.-Phyllostachys Sieb. Zu. 41 )-Asia Actinocladum Colan helia Eremocaulo n
II . Chimonobambusa Makino (9)-Asia S3.-Pleioblastus Nakai (26)-Africa A/vimia Elytrostachys Guadua
12. Chimonocalamus Hsueh 11 )-Asia 54. -Pseudocoix 1 )-Asia Apoclada G/aziophyton O/meca
13. Decaryochloa (1) Africa 55. -Pseudosasa Nakai (13)-Asia Arthroostachys Merostachys Otatea
14.-Dendrocalamopsis Keng (8)-Asia 56. -Pseudostachyum Munro (1-2)-Burma ,India Arthrosty lidium Myrioc/adus
IS. -Dendrocalamus Nees (29)-lndia-Philippines 57. -Quiongzhuea Hsueh Yi (6)-China ha
Atractant Rhipidocladum 6.- SUBT R IBE Mel ocanni nae= Schi zost a-
16.-Dendrochloa Parkinson 1 )-Burma 58. -Racemobambos Holttum (16)-Malesia Au/anemia chydi nae
17. Dinochloa Buse (20)-Philippines , Indone. 59. -Sasa Makino Shibata (38)-Japon 8 genera mostly tropical Asia.
18. Drepanostachyum Keng (4)-Asia 60. -Sasaella Makino (13)-Asia 2.-S UB TRIBE Arundi nari i na e
19.- Fargesia Franchet (76)-China (Yi Tongpei) 61.-Sasamorpha Nakai (6)-Asia 14 genera confined to temperate regions and high moun- Cepha/ostac hyum Ochlandra
20.-Ferrocalamus Hsueh,Keng 1 )-Asia 62. -Schizostachyum Nees (4S)-South East Asia, tains in the tropics of Asia and United States in North Davidsea Pseudostachyum
21.-Gelidocalamus Wen (S)-Asia Africa America (*). Me/oeanna Schizostachyum
22. -Gigantochloa Kurz (16)-lndia , Philippines 63. -Semiarundinaria Makino ( 11 )-Asia N eohouzeaua Teinostachyum
23. -Glaziophyton Franchet (1)- Australia 64. -Shibataea Makino (4)-Asia Acidosasa Himalayacalamus
24 .-Greslania Balansa (4)-Asia 65. -Sinarundinaria Nakai (13)-Asia Ampelocalamus Ind ocalamus 7.- SUBTRIBE Nast i nae
25 .-H ibanobambusa Marruya 1 )-Asia 66. -Sinobambusa Makino (17)-Asia Arundinaria ( ) Indosasa 6 genera, mostly in the southern hemisphere of he Old
26 .-Hickelia Camus (2)-Africa 67. -Sinocalamus S) -Asia Borinda Pseudosasa Wor ld tropics.
27 .-Himalayacalamus Keng 1 )-Asia 68. -Soejatmia (1 -Malaysia Chimo noca/amus Sasa Decaryochloa Hitchcockella
28.- Hitchcockella Camus 1 )-Asia 69. -Sphaerobambos (3)-Malesia Drepanostachyum Thamnoca/amus Gres/ania Nastus
29 .-Holttumochloa (3)-Peninsular Malaysia 70 -Swallenochloa McClure 9)-Asia Fargesia Yushania Hiekelia Perrierbamb us
30 .-lndocalamus Nakai (2S)-Asia 71. - Teinostachyum Munro (3)-Asia Hickelia
31.- lndosasa McClure
3. - SUBTRIBE B a m b u s i n a e
(18)-Asia 72. - Tetragonocalamus Nakai (1)-Asia
13 genera, mostly tropical Asia 8. -SUBTRIBE Racemobambosi nae
32 .-Kinabaluchloa (2)-Malaysia 73. - ThamnocaJamus Munro (4-6)-Asia, Africa, Aus-
33 . Klemachloa Parker 1 )-Asia tralia 3 genera, Himalaya and tropical Asia
34 . L eptocanna Chia 1 )-Asia 74.-Thyrsostachys Gamble (2)-Thailand a Vietnam Bambus a Melocalamus Neomicrocalamus
35 . Lignania McClure (12)-Asia 75. Vietnamosasa 3)- Thailand to Vietnam Dendroca/amus Oreobambos R acemobambos
36. -Maclurochloa 1 )-Malaysia 76 Dinochloa Oxy lenanthera Vietnamosasa
37.-Melocalamus Bentam (2)-lndia , Burma, Thai- .-Yushania Keng)-Asia (12)-Taiwan, Malasia Gigantochloa Soejatmia
land. Holttumochloa Sphaerobambos 9.-SUBTRIBE Shi bat ei nae
38. -Me/oeanna Trinius. (3)-lndia Kinabaluchloa Thyrsostac hys 5 genera, temperate Asia
He rba c e ou s ba mboo ge n e r a Maclurochloa Chimonobamb usa
39. -Menstruocalamus Yi (1 -China
40. -Morospatha (1) -China .-Buergersiochloa Pilger Phyllostachys
41. -Nastus Jussieu (23)-lndones ia, New 2.-Guaduella Franchet 4. -SUBTRIBE Chusquei nae Semiaru n di naria
6) Africa Central
Guinea 3.-Leptaspis Brown 2 genera, Americas Shibataea
10}-Asia, Africa ,
42 .-Neohouzeaua Camus (S)-Bangladesh to Thail. 4.-Puelia Franchet 6)- Africa Central Chusquea S inobambusa

Source: Lin 1970), Tewari (1992), Chen Ju (1994), Su 199 1 Yi (1992), Ohrnberger and Goerrings (1985). Source: Soderstrom Ellis, (1987). - Prosea (1995).

NO TE: Here is a refresher course/or those who are notfamiliar with botany and do n ot know or do not remember
th e meaninig of he terms sp ecie ge nu s , and family:
My na m e is Oscar Hid algo or HID AL GO oscar = GUAD UA angust i f ol i a Kunth

With these example it is easy to understand O mi
that th echel = GU
last name AD UA acis
HIDALGO eata Ruprecht
ulequivalent to ge nu s GUAD UA ,
and the names: osc ar and m i gu el are equivalent to the s pecies a n g u stifo lia and ac ulea ta . In this example, be
careful no t to confuse HIDALGO and GUADUA with FAMILY. At the pr esen time about 1 6 0 0 species distributed in
about 121 genera 96 woody and 5 he ,obaceous)eous).. have been identifiedAll of hose 121 genera form the FAMILY
cea or Gramineae-The thi d name lo cated after the specie, (Kunth) is the last name o/the person who identi-
fied the species with the scientific name ofGuadua Dngustifolia.

36 Part One- S 3 - Taxonomy - istribution of bamboos in the world Part One- S 3 - Taxonomy - istribution of bamboos in the world 37


The mos t i m p o r t a n t sp ecies of As ia the scientific names of ambusa guadua and Bambusa la-
In South East Asia,
Asia, where there are more than 1 0 0 0 ti/olia. They included these species in the Asiatic genus
species, only about 250 species 200 from China and 50 Bambusa. due to the similarities which they found behveen
from other countries) have some economic value in different the South American and the Asiatie species which
which belong to
fields such as human food. housing construction, handi- this genus, as it is indicated in the book Plantae Equinoe-
crafts and industrial purposes. tialis published by them in Paris in 1908.
The most outstanding species from Asia, from the eco- In 1822, the German Carl S. Kunth, decided to place
nomical point of view are t he following: Bambusa bambos the two New World species in a new genus that he called
Voss; B. blumeana J.A J.H Schultes; B. polymorpha Guadua. Later, Alonzo.McClure (1973), (1973), uncertain of its
Munro; B. textilis McClure; B. tulda Roxb.; B. vulgaris generic separation, reduced it again to a subgenus of Bam-
Schrad.ex Wendl.; Cephaiostachyum pergracile Munro; busa, and in 1987 Soderstrom and Londono restored Guad-
Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes f.) Backer ex Heyne; D. ua to generic status based on a number of distinctive fea-
giganteus Munro; D. latiflorus Munro; D. strictus (Roxb.) tures, i.e., a triangular sheath leave in which the margins of
Nees;: Gigantochloa apus J.A y J.H. Schultes; G. levis the sheath and blade are continuous or almost so, presence
(Blanco) Merrill; G.pseudoartmdinacea (Steud.) Widjaja; of thorns on the culms and branches, a distinctive band of
Melocanna baccifel O (Roxb.) Kurz: Ochlandra Thw.(Spp); short white hairs both above and below the scar or nodal
Phyllostachys aurea Carr. ex A C Riviere; Ph . bambu- line, and a palea of firm te.x1:ure with prominent wings ema-
soides Sieb.; Ph. pubescens Mazel ex H. de Leh.; and Thyr nating from the keals.
sos tachys siamensis (Kurz) Gamble. At present, the genus Guadua includes about 36 identi-
fied species and some still unidentified giant species, with
diameters which varies between one and 22 em, and heights
The most i m por t ant species of which varies between and 30 meters and more. Around 20
genus G u a d u a in t h e A me ri c a s species of this genus are native from Brazil. andt 8 are
Of the about 440 native species which there are in the native from Colombia.
Americas 320 woody and 120 herbaceous). Non of the The other countries of Latin America wi th the excep-
herbaceous and about the 95% of the woody species have tion of Chile where these giant species do not grow), origi-
had any aplication so far. Only about 15 species (5%) of the nally had from one to 3 native species. Unfortunately due to
woody species which belong to the genus Guadua, are con- the lack of interest which exists in all the countries towards
Fig. 3.2 Guadua angustifolia
angustifolia Kunth (macana) Fig.3 .3 Guadua cebolla (onion guadua ) Still has not
sidered to be the best species of the Americas. This is our giant species, most of these countri es, such as Mexico,
The strongest bamboo of the Americas and the most been identified. It is one of the best for construction and
because of their large size, their use in construction and, Venezuela and the Central American con ries have
du rable ofthe world. It has branche s with thorns on the weaving. It has no branches on the lower part of the culm.
specially their industrial potential. However, up to the pre- destroyed all of their native species. Co lombia is the only
lower part of the culm.
sent time, this has not been taken into consideration, due to country that has preserved most of its species.
our ignorance regarding these species, which in our coun- The most outstanding giant species of Colombia are the
tries are regarded as weeds, used only by Indians and poor following: members of the genus Guadua:
people in the costruction of their houses a). guadua macana (Guadua angustifolia Kunth).Its
of diameter varies from 10 to 14 cm and its height from 18 to
rested the reason, non countries
our and
study, cultivation have been
preservation inte-
of their 23 m. It s is considered to be one of the best specie of the
species. On the contrary, bamboos have been destroyed to world due to its durability and high strength; it is the most
the point that most of the 15 giant species which grew from widely used ba mboo in Co lombia and Ecuador in construc-
the southern Mexico down to Argentina and Uruguay have tion. This specie grew from Co lombia to the north of
disappeare d from many of our countries or are on the brink Argentina, and Venezuela, but it has dissapeared from the
of extintion, exce pt in Colombia which is the only country latter country.
in the Americas which has preserved most of their native b) guadua de castilla , native to Colombia, it still has
giant species. not been identified.
identified. It is the largest species in Colombia
Due to this destruction, of the 15 giant native species with a maximum diamter of 20 cm andabout 30 meters
which there were in the fifties, today there are only 8 of height. It is the best material for the manufact ure of bam-
which 4 are the most widely used in Colombia in construc- boo boards used in the construction of walls, flo or, ceilings
tion, and 4 are found in Brazil and northeastern part of and it is the most appropiate forfor the manufacture of ply-
South America. bamboo and other composite materials. This species is in
In the Americas, most of the giant native species of the the brink of e.x.1:intion.
genus Guadua, have been described by European botanists. c) Guadua cebo ll a (Onion guadua ). This species is
of them of countries in the the native to Colombia, and has diameters of 10 cms and is 17
Some visited
nineteenth century. several
Others madeourthe identification using meters height. It is an excelent material for construction
the specimens that were transported to different herbari- and for the manufacture
manufacture of woven boards.
ums in Europe. d) Guadua rayada verde (Guadua angustifolia var.
Alexander von Humboldt and Aime Bonpland, who vis- bieolor, This is the most beautiful spec ie s in the Americas, Fig. 3-4 Guadua de castilla .is still not identified. It has a maximum diameter of 20 centimeters and its height varies
ited several of our countries including Colombia Ecuad or but it is now on the brink of ext in ction. It is used in con- between 30 and 36 meters. This species has an excellent industrial use in the manufacture of composite materials
Peru, Venezuela and Mexico. In 1806, in Colo:nbia t h e ; struction. Its diameter physical and mechanical character- such as plybamboo and l aminated structures.
described two of our giant species of bamboo and gave them istics are similar to guadua maCQna .

38 Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - istribution of bamboos in the world Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - istribution of bamboos in the world 39

The following list includes most species of genus Gua- where it is known with the vernacular name of guadua Fig. 3.5
duo which existed in the nineteen fifties and the place rayada . Culms 15 to 18 meters high and 10 to 11 cms in Guadua angustifolia, native
where they grow; most of it was made at that time by Dr. diameter. The co lor of the culm is gr een with yellow stripes. to South America. n Colom-
Alonzo McClure at the Smithsonian Institution. Unfortu- 3. -Guadua ac ul e at a Ru p r e c h t ex Fo u r n ie 1881 bia is known as macana
nately the list is not complete and in many cases only the -130. Originally this species grew from the southern Mexico and in Ecuador as caflabra-
scientific name of the species was indicated. In most cases I and Central America
America to Panama . Its diameter is 9-13 cms. va . It is very similar to Gua-
have included some additional information that I got from and its height
height is 15-18 meters. This species is closely relat- dua aculeata which is native
E.G. Camus(1913) It is very important to point out that ed to Guadua angustiJolia and it can be differenciated only to Mexico. Its culm is erect
many of these species have disappeared from the places by means of vegetative features and also by the culm habit; with a little curve at the top.
indicated by Dr. McC lure. and Camus. in this species the culms a re broadly a rched above,while in
1. -Guadua angustifolia Kunth , 1822 b: 253. Glldlla angustifolia the culms are erect. In Mexico and
As was mentioned above, this is one of the the most Guatemala this species was known with the vernacular
important species in the world, due to its great strength and names of tarro and also as ca nabrava due to th e long
durability and consequently it is the best material for build- thorns on their branches . This species is on the brink of
ing structures, and it has a great potential for the manufac- extinction in all the countries from Mexico to Panama. and
ture of composite materials. in some of them it ha hass dissape ared.
Its diameter varies from 10 to 14 cm and the height of 4. -Guadua amplexifolia Presl, 1830: 256.This
the culms varies from 17 to 23 metros. One of the character- species was distributed on the Atlantic coast of Venezuela,
istics of this species is the long branches with long thorns Colombia, and also from Central America to theYucatan in Fig. 3.6 Guadua aculeata,
which grow in the lower part of he cu lm. Mexico. In Venezuela it is known by the vernacular nam e of is known as cana bra va in
This species is native to South America where it grew guafa , in Colombia as guadui1la
guadui1la and in Mexico where it Mexico and Central America.
originally from P anama and northern Colombia to about grows in swampy areas of Yucatan, it is known as jimba . ts cul m i s curved at the
28 south latitud along the Parana River on the north bor-
The culm of this species is almost solid at the base with a base.
der between Argentina and Paraguay. This species was ori- small lumen. Diameter is 6-10 cms, and the height is 10-12
gina lly found in the banks and in the basins of the largest meters. 7. - G ua d u a C ha c o e n s i s (Rojas) Londono. The of Paraguay to Venezuela, Panama, Nicaragua, EI Salvador,
rivers of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, the Guayanas, According to McClure (1973), this species is very thorny Cu lms are 10-20 meters height; with a diameter 8-15 cms. It Mexico and Brazil in the state of Goias, Porto imperial, and
Brazil and Paraguay. It grew in the banks of the Parana in Venezuela and Colombia up to EI Salvador in Central grows in the northern part of Argenina, southern Paraguay Tocantins river. Culms from 9 to 12 meters height; diame-
River from Minas Geraes and Goias down to Po sadas and Am erica and progressively less thorny forms appea r from EI and southeastern Bolivia. at elevatio
ns between 75 to 450 ters 5 to 7 cms. It has thick but weak walls(Swailen, 1955).
Corrientes in Argentina on the border wit h Paraguay. Salvador northward , and a completely unarmed form is meters above sea level. 18.-Guadua par aguay ana Doell, in Martius 1880
Unfortunately it has been destroyed in Venezuela
Venezuela and in found in the state of Sinaloa in Mexico. This species flowers 8. - G uadua d isto rta Nees, 1834:470. This species 179. This species has solid culms 3-5 mts high and diame-
most of the countries of Central and South America , except gregariously every 25 years and dies after flowering. Of all grows in Brasil in the s tat e of Santa Catarina and in Sao teres 2 -4 cms in the base. t could be found in the Para-
in Colombia. the giant species of genus Guadua this species is the less Paulo in the Serra of Catareira. guay river from the north of the country to Reconquista,
This specie is known by different common names in useful and it is not recommended for construction because 9.-Gua dua glaziovii (Hackel) Camus, 1903:194. This state of Santa Fe in Argentina. (Parodi, 1936).
each country: In Panama is known as Cafiaza ; in Colom- it is easily attacked by insects. species is found in the state of Rio de Janeiro. 19.-Guadua r e f r ac t a Munro, 1868:84 Brazil, in
bia guadua or 'macana ; in in Ecuador as cafia guadua or s . - G uadua bar bat a Trinius, 1835:627. This species lo.-Guadua glomerata Munro, 1868:79. It grows the state of Goiaz.From the capital of Goiaz to Calvacante.
cana brava ; in Venezuela as guafa ; in Brazil grows grows in Brazil in the state of Minas Gerais. in the state of Amazonas, Brazil;
Brazil; Barra, Gapo on the Negro 2o. - G uadua r i ogr ande ns i s (Dutra) Herter, 1941:
as tacuaruc;u '; in Argentina, as tacuara ; en Paraguay 6. - G uadua c a p ita ta (Trinius) Munro, 1868:81. It river; state of Para; Santarem and Guayanas. 49.1t is found in Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do sui s ui ,
as tacuru-pucu
tacuru-pucu;; and in Peru as cana de Guayaquil . grows in Brazil in the state of Matogroso do SuI on the 11.-G u a d u a i n e r m i s Ruprech ex Fournie. This 21.-Guadua s pi nos a (Swallen) McClure, 1954:82.
2. -Guadua angust i f ol i a var. bicolor McClure Pardo River, which a tributary of the Parana River. species grew in Mexico and Central America. According to Arthrostylidium spinosum Swallen). Known also with the
the inf ormation 1 got in Mexico in 1980, it disappeared vernacular name of Jimba in Mexico, Guatemala and
Londono (1989). I have seen this specie only in Colombia from Mexico and Central America in the nineteen fifties Belie
e. The .culms 5 m high, and 5 cms in diameter, thorn y,
becausese it has not thorns and therefore was the most com- oftem clambering bamboo, found at low elevations (up to
T HE ENCOUNTE R OF COLUMBUS WIT H T HE GIANT S P ECIE S OF T HE AMERICAS monly used for construction. Due to. its lack of thorns, this 60 meters) along rivers an d in poorly drained areas.
specie was known by the vernacular nam e of cana mansa . 22. - G uadua sp in o sissim a ( Ha ckell) E.G. Camus
weeks later, he visited the mouth of they were dragged by the sea, but 12.-Gu a d u a Lin d n ta n i Camus 1913. t grows in 1913; 1:112. This species grows in Brazil, in the state of Santa
the San Juan River which today is the nobody new their origin. These cir- Braz il, State of Rio Grande do SuI. Col onia Martius . Catarina near B1umenau.
border between Nicaragua and Costa cumstances also con tributed to the 13.-Guadua latifolia (Humboldt et Bonpland 1808: 23.-Guadua s upe r ba Huber, 1904'479 . This species
Rica There he saw for the first time discovery of the Mexico Gulf Stream. 67), Kunth,1822:254. This species. grows in Brazil, State of has culms up to 20 meters high with a diameter of 10 to 15
the beautiful giant bamboo species of The reason for this mystery was Amazonas, Negro river, from Barcellos to San Gabriel. cms at the base. It is found in Peru and Brazil, in the state of
the Americas th a t he describes as that in the rainy season, many bam- 14.-Gua dua longifimbriata E.-G . Camus, 1913, I: 113. Acre, along the Purus River, and in the state of Amazonas,
canes so thick as the legs of a strong boo culms from the forests of Mexico Brazil, in the State of Rio de Janeiro;in Petropolis; an Cristavao at Redondo lake ne ar Born Logar.
man . He was referring to Guadua were carried by the flooding of the (where the Don Pedro Palace which is now the National Muse- 24.-Guadua t agoar a (Nees) Kunth, 1834:611. This
a uleOIQ and Guadua inermis, native rivers to the Gulf of Mexico
Mexico,, and from um is located)- This is probably the same species being culti- species is found in Brazil, in the state of Sao Paulo at
to Mexico and Central America. there they were carried to the Euro- vated in Costa Rica that I call by the vernacular name of guad- Taubati and Lorenau and in the state of Parana at Ca-pao
The encounter of Columbus with pean coasts by the gulf streams. ua brasilera (See guadua brasilera at the end of his list). Bonito and Santa Catarina. The culms are 20 to 25 meters
these giant bamboo species con- The discovery of the Gulf
high and the diameter is 8 to 15 cms.
In September of the year 1502 on tributed to the clarification of the Streams in which bamboo had a great 15.-G u a
Thisspecies is dfound
ua mainc rBrazil,
o s t a c in a Ruprech,
h ythe 1839:39.
state of Para. from 2s.-Guadua tessmannii Pilger, 1924:124 (?)
his fourth and final trip to the Ameri- mystery of the origin of the gian part, made it posible for European
Santarem to Obidos. Cayena (French Guyana). 2 6 .- Gu a d u a to me n to s a Hackell Lidman, in Lid-
cas, Cristopher Columbus, arrived at canes which, according to Fray Pedro ships to travel faster from Mexico and
16.-Guadua m ac ul os a (Hackel) E.G. Camus, 1913, man, 1900:20. Is found in Brazil at Rio Branco do suI and
the cape that he called Gracias a Simon, Spanish Clergyman, were Central America to Europe.
1106. This species is found in Brazil, in Goias. Colonia Ijuh y.
Dios , in Centra l America between periodically seen on the beaches of
17 . -G u a d u a p a n i c u l a t a Munro , 1868:85.This 27.-Guadua Tr in ;; (Nees) Nees ex Ruprech, 1839:
Honduras and Nicaragua Several several European countries, where
species grows from sea level to 300 meters, from the north 40. Culms from 6 -10
-10 meters high with a dia meter of 3 to 5

40 Part One S 3 Taxonomy Distribution of bamboos in the world Part One S. 3 Taxonomy Distribution of bamboos in the world 41

have disappeared and all the bamboos had been destroyed, Today, in Mexico and Centra l America the specie G.
and replaced by new streets, avenues and several apaltment inel mis has disappeared , and C aeu/eata is in the brink
buildings and houses. of extinction. In Panama most of the species have been
The same day we traveled throughout the region look- destroyed and there are only very small patches of G.
ing for this specie but we could not find it, and nobody gave allgHstijoiia in the state of Chiriqui near the border with
us information about this plant. I think that it can be found Costa Rica.The on ly countries in Centra l America whieh
in other place of of Brazil. have planted giant bamboo species ar e Costa Rica and EI
I gave to this specie the vernacular name of guadua Salvador.
brasilera in order to avoid confusion, because it was erro- T h e s e c o n d r e g i o n is located between the nor -
neously identified as GuadHa angustifolia, later as CHadua thern Co lombia and the Gulf of Guayaquil in Ecuador. This
acuieata, an finaly as Guadua chacoensis. Probably the sci- region consist of two areas: the area of Colombia and the
entific name of this specie is Guadua iongijrimbiata. ar ea of Ecuador. The area of Colombia originally had the
The rizomes of guadua brasilera have the characteris- largest forests and the largest number of species, which at
tic that they are samail and grow almost veltically and con- that time were distributed along the basins of the Cauca
sequently their culms are very near each othe r, which is a and Magdalena rivers
rivers .
problem for harvesting them. According to Eng. Francisco Today, in this ar ea there are only about 7 giant species,
Castano from Colombia , who made in Costa Rica Rica a study of of which only thre e have a scientific name while the other
the number of culms per hectarea of guadua Brasilera in 4 are known by their common names. They are: Guadua
19 96, there were an average of about 6 0 0 0 0 culms per allgllstifoiia (guadua macana), Guadua angustifoiia val'.
hectare, while in a hectare of Guadlla augustiJolia there are bicolor (guadua rayada . Guadua amplexijolia (guaduilla),
only between 7.000 and 10.000 culms due to the length of and the other 4 are: guadua de castilla, guadua cebolla,
the rhizome neck, the rhizome length and the fact that the guadua cotuda, guadua rayada negra . All of these giant
position of the rhizome is horizontal. sp ecies are known in Colombia by the vernacular name of
F i g . 3 .7 Guadua brasilera, native from de Brasil. The F ig . 3 .8 Guadua cotuda from Colombia. This bamboo species is considered to be the most out- guaduas .
largest bamboo from the Americas. standing species of the Americas from the economic point of In t he area of Ecuador, there are only two species:
cms. It grows from the south of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sui) 33 x- Gua du a co tuda (goiter guadua). This specie view. I consider guadua brasilera to be the best material for Guadua angustifolia, which also is known as ca na brava
up to 340 40' south latitud in Argentina. t grows in the presents a protruding zone which
which surrounds the top and the the manufacture of bamboo boards which are used in the because of the thorns, and the other is know n as cana
Parana delta and tributaries of Uruguay river. This specie specie lower part of each internode. I saw this characteristic in construction of walls, ceilings, floor and roofs and in the mansa ,which is the same species known in Colombia as
has a flowering cicle of 30 years. (Parodi, 1936,1955). about ten culms located in the central area of a Guadua manufacture of plybamboo and bamboo laminated beams guadua cebolla . Both species are known in Ecuador by
2 8 . -Gu a du a ve n ez u el ae M unro 1868 :86. This al1gustijoiia plantation in Caicedonia, near Armenia in and other composite materials. the vernacular name of canas guaduas . these species are
species is found in Venezuela, along the Orinoco River up to Colombia. For this reason, I think that these culms are found main ly in the basins of the Napo, Santiago, Caya-
Maranhao. abnormalities of CuadHa allgustijoiia. (See Abnormalities Or iginal d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e giant pas, Daule and Babahoyo Rivers.and will disappear from
29.-G u a du a vi rg at a (Trinius) Ruprech, 1839: 40. of the internodes). The height of the culm is about 20 Ecuador in three or four years if their destruction is not
This species is found in Brazil in the state of Minas Gerais at meters and the diameter is 10-14cms. s pe cies of th e genu s G u a d u a in t h e
stopped or controlled. The biggest problem in Ecuador is
Mount Geraldo. 34 x.- Gu a d u a r ay a d a n egra . This species was only Am er icas the aversion which exists towards the giant species of
3 0 . -Gu a d u a w e b e r b a u e ry Pilger, 1905:152. This found on one farm located in the Quindio state in Colombia. As it was explained before, these 18 giant species, of bamboo which are genera ll y used by the poor people for
sp eci es has the longest internodes of this genus; they have It is black with yellow stripes and its characteristi...:s
:s si- ge nus Guadua (which probably they were many more in th e construction of houses of very low quality and an
an average of 90 ems. The culms are 8-10 meters high and milar to those of Guadu
Guadua a angustijolia. (See Abnormalities precolumbian times), were originally distributed between unpleasant aspect.
have a diameter of 5-6 ems. The thickness of the wall is of the internodes). Mex
iico and northern of Argentina, in five large areas or T he t h i r d r e g i o n is located in South America and
about 4 to 6 mm. It is found in Brazil in the states of Acre 35 x.- Gu a d u a b ra sil er a . This is the largest species regions, located along the basins of the largest rivers of the covers Venezuela, Guyana, Sur inam , and French Guyana.
and Amazonas, and in Peru in the Amazon area. of the Americas. The culms are 30-36 meters in height and Americas, forming inmense natural pure and mixed bamboo The bamboo forests are located along the basin of the
the diameters are up to centimeters. This species is native forests , which are gradually disappearing . Today most of Orinoco river. In this region there are several species: the
to Brazil, but it disappeared from that country many years the largest original forests have disappeared and only very first is Guadua angushJo/ia; the second is the same species
Sp e c i e s of t h e g e n u s G u a d u a t h a t ago. Fortunately, this species was introduced to Costa Rica sma ll patches can be seen in a few of our count ries but they known in Colombia as guadua ceboll ceboll a ; the third one is
s till h a v e not been identified and cultivated on the Bremen Ranch, in Canton Siquirres, by too will soon disappear. The original distribution of this Guadua amplexijolia; and the fourth is G. venezuelae. All of
The fol1awing giant bamboo species from Colombia, the owner, Mr. Manuel Rojas Quiroz.
Quiroz. During a conversation I giant speciees is as follows: these giant species are known in Venezuela by the vernacu-
and Brasil, still do not have scientific names. They include had with Mr. Rojas at his home in San Jose, Costa Rica, on T h e f i r s t r e g i o n coversd the North and Central lar name of guafas and all of them are in the period of
thre e of the most outstanding species in the world, and are January 25, 1989, he told me that in 1946 he brought the Am erica, from Mexico
Mexico to Panama. The largest pure bamboo extinction, due to the aversion which exists towards th is
considered among the best for construction. They are known rhizomes of this species from the Quitandinha Hotel located fo rests consists of Guadua acu eata (caiia brava) and plant because it is considered to be a weed.
by the following vernacular names: in Petropolis near Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, where he and his Guadua inermis (tarro). In Panama alone. there were 3 T h e f o u r t h r e g i o n of natural pure bamboo
31 x. - Gu a d u a de cas tilla , This species is native to wife spent their honeymoon. At that time the hotel and the species induding GuadHa angustifolia which in this coun- forests was
was formed by the basin of the Parana River, cov-
Colombia. It is the largest species in this country with a gardens were surrounded by these huge and beautiful bam- try is known with the vernacul ar name of canaza . ering Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Northern Argentina.
culm height of 30-34 meters and diameters from 17 to 20 boos. The rhizomes which he brought were planted first on It is said that the extraordinary qualities of Guadua In this area several species, which include Cuadua
centimeters. This bamboo is the most used in the manufac- the Eva farm (Canton Sarchi) and then on Atirro farm in Tur- angustifolia were discovered by the Mayas and Aztecs of al1g11stIJolia, C. Chac oe ns is , G. t r i n i i , a n d G.
ture of bamboo boards. It has an excellent potential in the rialba and finally on the Bremen farm where 1 saw this specie Guatemala and Mexico who in precolumbian times used ParagHayal1a, were found. Today,in many places these
manufacture of composite materials. This species is on the for the first time .This
.This species is one of the best in the world. to come to to the Darien mountains , between Panama and species have disappeared because people are not i nterest-
brink of extinction. In 1995 , 1 had to travel to Brazil to give a seminar on Colombia in or der to get med icinal plants. On their return ed in preserving them and on ly very sma ll patches that
32 x. - Gu ad ua cebo ll a (onion guadua). This species bamboo at the Pontifica Universidad Catolica of Rio de trips they took with them seedlings of this specie of bam- will probab ly disappear soon can be seen.
is native to Colombia and Ecuador, where it is known as Janeiro. After the seminar, I traveled with Professor Khos- boo which they planted along the main road in order to
In my trip to Paraguay in August of 1996 I saw several
cana mansa because it has no spine s. It is on the brink of row Ghavami to Petropolis, where we visited the famous old fac ilitate its future transportati on to the ir countries. This is
is small forests of G. Pal'Qguayana that probably will desap-
extinction. In Venezuela (guafa) has been eliminated. In Quitandinha Hotel. We found out that in the sixties the hotel probably why this species can be found in several Central pear if they are not used in any purpose. I think that is . very
Colombia ,it is commonl y used for construction and for was transformed into an apartment building but preselving its Am erican countries. import ant for this country to make a study about its poten-
many other purposes. beautiful original
original German architecture. Mo st of the gardens

42 Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the world Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the world 43

tial in the paper industry, or in the manufacture of comf

composit materials like fiberboards See the chapter of com-
posite materials).
The fifth regi on was located in the Amazon jungle,
in Acre, in the border of Brasil, Bolivia and Peru, and in the
basin of the PU f U S River, an affluent of the Amazon River
It was the largest mixed forest of the Americas.
According to the Colombian newspaper Ef Pais

1976), in that year the RADAM org anization Radar de

Amazonas), using aerial photographs as part of its survey
of Brazilian vegetation, discovered an area of 85.000 sq.
kilometers which inclu de around four giant species around
this location.

Destruction of the giant bamboo

species o f th e genus G u a d u a i n L at i n
A me ri c a
1) Dest ruct i on of t he gi ant nat i ve speci es in
t h e Amazon a r e a of Brasi l . In 1993, 17 years after
Fig.3.11 Even this type
of bamboo which does not belong Fig.3.12. The destruction of the jungle. All of the large
the RADAM Organization Radar de Amazonas) found this
to the Genus Guadua coul d be used for the manufacture of trees are cut and sold. The rest inc luding bamboos are
huge area of giant bamboos on the Purus river, the publica-
particle boards. destroyed by fire.
tion: Diagnostico Geo a mb ien ta l e S o cio Eco n o mico
PMACI (Projeto de Prot e,ao do Meio Amb ien te e das I will remember with terror for the rest of my Hfe,the have appreciated very much, is the offer of lands for plant-
Comunidades lndigenas)- IBGE - IPEA) stated that there four hours that we got lo st in the jungle with Manuel Mar- ing this species that I received from FUNTAC Fuda<;ao de
were on ly 32.000 sq . kilometers on the Purus river. This quez, looking for a bamboo species. Technologiaa do Estado do Acre) in Rio Branco.They
m eans th a t in 17 years 53.000 sq . kilometers were 0 - - 0 - - -0
-0 - - - Guadua trini
During my visit to the Purus river I could observe how offered me 4 0 ,0 0 0 hectares, when I needed only 20
destroyed 3.100 square. km.per year). Guadua paraguayana
the bamboos were set on fired. Figs. 3.11 and 3.12. The hectares. Also the University Stadual Paulista UNESP, and
In order to st udy the possibility of saving these species -- - -- Guadua angustofolia
problem is so serious that according to the co lonists that I the Botanical Garden of Bauru, Sao Paulo, both offered me
by cultivating them in other areas of Brazil, in August 1996, met in Sena Madureira and Rio Branco on my return, at the small areas for cultivating and preserving these species.
I visited part of the area of the Purus River, in Acre, Brasil, Fig 3.9 The map shows part of the four regions present rate of destruction, the remaining species in this I alsowant to thank also to Paulo Rob erto Zan-
near the town of Sena Madureira. I was very luc lucky
ky to find where the species Guadua trinH, G. paraguayana and G. area, which in the nineteen seventies was the largest bam- domingues, Director of researches in FUNTAC and Prof.
kindly families that invited me to spend several days at their angustifo/ia were found in 1936 in the northeastem part boo reserve of the Americas, will disappear in the first Marco Antonio Pereira of the UNESP for their interest in
homes onthe Puru s Ri ver, like the family of Manuel Mar- of Argentina in the basin of Parana River. Most of the decade of the 21 st century. helping me.
quez de Oliveira and his wife Lourdes, and Adolar Rosella, bamboo of this region has disappeared .(Parodi 1936 . Unfortunate ly, all the efforts that I have made up to During the ten days I spent in the Amazon jungle I
for whom I feel th e deepest gratitude. now to get financial support for saving these especies, have was only able to visit two places on the Purus River thanks
been in vains
vains because in Brazil and in general in the Amer- to Manuel and Adolar. My purpose was to visit other
icas nobody is interested in the preservation of our native places on the Purus River, but to rent a canoe with a driv-
giant species of bamboo , and the American foundations er, two helpers and fuel was very expensive and I could
B.- Enl arged a r e a shown i n t h e m a p which I have asked for money have answered that they do not afford it ( 2,000 U.S dollars for three days) and the
not have money or that they are not interested on bamboos. money that was obtained from a Hawaiian foundation for
The only collaboration that I received in Brazil, which I this purpose disappeared.

Fig, 3.10 A Map of South America showing the

location of the largest bamboo reserve of the
Americas which in 1976 had an area of 85 000
sq. kilometers in 1993 only 32.000 since the rest
had been destroyed by the colonists.
Fig. 3.13 After everything is consumed by the fire grass Fig. 3.14 The Purus river in the dray season. In the basin
is planted for the cattle. In other contries
contries instead of grass of this river
river the largest bamboo reserve
reserve of the Americas
different crops are planted. which may disappear in few years is located.

44 Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the wo rld Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the world 45

In order to have an idea of the largest bamboo forests Fruit Co. of the United States, was established in Co lombia
which existed in Colombia in the sixteenth centu ry, inside of and Ecuador, and based on the belief that the species Gua-
which the Indians used to build their towns, I would like to dua angustifo lia, G.aculeata and G. amplexifolia were
quote Fray Geronimo Escobar, a Spanish clergyman who plants indicative of good so il for planting bananas, this com-
made the following reference to the city of Cartago, which at pany transformed great extensions of pure bamboo forests
first was located at the present site of the city of Pereira in into banana plantations in these countries. In Co lombia
the state of Risaralda, Colombia, ' This town is sun'olmded alone, this company destroyed more than 60 ,000 hectares
by a dense bamboo fo,.est with large canes more than ten of bamboo forests which were transformed into 4l banana
leagues wide (Patino 1975). (One league=5,752 meters). plantations, which were reduced to 4.000 hectares in 1986
This means that the bamboo ring which surrounded the EI Tiempo, November 9, 1991 .
city was more than 57 kilometers wide. Today it is necessary But the largest scale destruction of the bamboo forests
to travel almost the same distance from Pereira in o rder to in Latin America started after the Second World War, in
find a sma ll bamboo grove Needless to say, thousands of the nineteen fifties, when President Eisenhow er of the
square kilometers of bamboo were destroyed by fire by the United States promoted agricultural and cattle develop-
Spanish co nquerors , not only during the conquest of the ment in most Latin American countries, Since that time,
Americas, but also during the colonial period when the millions of hectares of bamboo forests have been razed to
largest cattle farms were established by Spanish families. be replaced by coffee, rice, sugar cane, corn, or banan as
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the second and cattle development.
largest destruction of bamboo in Central America, Co lombia The worst part, though, is the fact that from that time
and Ecuador occurred. It began in 1899, when the United up to the present, it has been impossible to res train this

Fig. 3.16 In this species that we found n the Amazon jun-
gle the main branch has two lateral branches which are not
seen in the Fig. 3. 15. Th is species is probablyGuadua
superba Huber. This species has the same diameter and
height as that shown in Fig 3. 15.

Fig. 3.15 This species is Guadua angustifolia because it 2 T h e des t r uct i on o f th e gi ant native
has the same characteristics: one main branch in each species f r om Mexico to E c u a d o r.
node and the lower branches are long with thorns.
The destruction of the giant bamboo species of the
Americas which originally grew in all th e countries from

For this reason 1 could not visit other places that were souther
conquestn of
Mexico to northern
the Americas Argentina,
with the arrivalbegan during the
located far away. But in these two places I found the two of the
types of culms of genus Guadua. shown in Fig 3.15 and conquerors to Mexico , Central America and northern
3.16. They are different varieties because the base of the South America, where they started a sanguinary per secu-
branches are different tion against the Indians in order to steal their treasures or
The diameter of both culms are 14 centimeters, the with the purpose of dominating them.
thicknes of the walls at the base is 2.5 em and the height is This period ended in the sixteenth century with the
about 2 meters. The quality of the cu lms is very good and genocide of 90% of the indigenous population of the Ameri-
they could be used in the manufacture of composite materi- cas, many of which perished incinerated by the Spanish
als and structures. co nquerors in the bamboo forests where they sought pro-
On my return from Sena Madureira to the city of Rio tection or where they used to have their towns. With them,
Branco, [ met Mr. Nielson Paulo Piovesan who had tra- their traditions disappeared
disappeared as did the precolumbian bam-
veled to this city in order to buy an area of about 3·330 boo culture that existed in most countries from Mexico to
hectares in the Amazon jungle which he was to transfonn in Peru. Consequently, many lar ge cities, such as Guamarcaah \ J

pasture in about 8 t010 years. Two of his friends bought the in Guatemala, disappeared. -
- - ---- -----
rest of the land in order to complete one mimon hectares. According to Resinos (1952), Guamarcaah, the largest
j --l
Mr Piovesan told me that between 1975 and 1994, a jungle and most important city in Central America, was the capita]
area of 600 kilometers long by 200 kilometers wide located of the Quiche culture, whose people were the descendants \ f..-
between Porto-Velho and Cuiba was transformed into large of the Mayas. The Aztecs of Mexico called this city Utatlan,
cities and towns. In this area millions of bamboos were which means the city of cafiaverales or canefields, because
destroyed. it was surrounded by bamboo forests. This city was set on
If the government of Brazil would have established the fire by the Spanish conquerors after killing the king, and
nonn that the co lonists had to leave tempora rily small pat ches
with different species of bamboo, they had not di sappeared.
most of the inhabitants we re incinerated. YE R 1500 YE R 2000

46 Chapte
r1 - S.
3 - Taxonomy - istribution of bamboos in the world Part One- S 3 - Taxonomy - Di stribution of bamboos in the world 47

destruction, because none of the goverments of O U f coun- economic and social development of the country. known by the vernacul ar name of guadua ; in Ecuador as do not know how to distinguish one species from another
tries were opposed to it. Colombia was the only country On the other hand , in most countries in Southeast Asia cana guadua ; in P er u as cana de Guayaquil ; in Boliv
ia in the forest, for example, GuaduQ angustifolia from guad-
which, in the nineteen sixties, could stop the d est ruction of and particularly in China, Japan and India, bamboo is the as tacuarembo; in Argentina as tacuara ; in Paraguay as ua cebolla , with the exception of guadua rayada amarilla
our native species when they were on the brink of extincion, plant which for many centuries has exerted a great influence tacurup ucu ; in Bras il as tacuaru u ; in Venezuela as or guadua rayada negra . As a consequence, the same pro-
thanks to the Colombian In s titute of Natural Resources on their life, cculture
ulture and economy and today they are the guafa ; in Panama as cafiaza ; and in Mexico and other blem mentioned in item 5 will occur, that is, if someone goes
(INDERENA), which at that time established a regulation leaders in the research on their most important native bam- Central America countries they are known by the vernacular to a bamboos nu r s e r y and wants to buy tlOdua
that is still in effect.
effect. According to this regulation, it is for- boo species. Many
Many stu dies and publications have been made names of tarro and cafiabrava .The te rm caliabrava is allgustifolia, they could sell him a different species. I believe
bidden to cut bamboo, and it is necessary to get permission by their universities and research centers, not only in the also used for other species of canes. that this problem has caused the one described in item 5.
from the INDERENA (or its representatives) in order to cut sc ientifi c fields, which include taxonomy , morphology ,
it. Thanks to this entity, we havehave preserved most of our physiology, anatomy, ecology and genetics, but also in the 4. -The erro neous belief that in Colombia there is only 7 .-Another problem that causes a lot of co nfusion
native species. Otherwise these spe cieswould have disap- technological field in which the industrial uses of their most one gia nt bamboo species which is known by the vernacular occurs when the common or vernacular name that is given
peared from Co lomb ia many years ago, as has happened in important species have bee studied. name of g uadua and by the scientific name of Cuadua to a specific species of bamboo in one country or region, is
the rest of Latin American countries, including Mexico, Due to the lack of technical and scientific information angustljolia, has caused a lot of confusion in the thesis writ- the same as that given to a different species of bamboo or to
Venezuela and some Central American countries where which exists in our countries about our bamboo species, ten by engineering s tudents about studi es of the physical a cane that is not a bamboo in another country or region.
their native giant species were razed while in other countries there are no professors in our schools and universities, and and mechanical prop erties of this material. Generally the For instance, in Ecuador the term cana bra va is used as
they are on the brink of extinction, as in Ecuador. particularly in the forestry engineering and agricultural titles of these thesis are Study of the Physical and Mecha· the vernacular name of the species Guadua angushfolia, on
On the other hand , in Co lombia bambo o is the most colleges, who transmit to their s tudent s the most elemental nical Properties of Guadua or Physical and Mechanical account of the thorns on its branches. In Mexic o and
important material for farmers who live in areas where this knowledge about this plant. As a consequence, the great Properties of Guodua Angustifolia . These studies have no Guate mala the species Cuodua aculeata is known by the
plant grows because this mat erial is used in rural areas in majority of professionals who complete their studies in value, because in the first case they do not indicate which of same vernacular name for the same reason.This has origi-
the construction of house s, warehouses, milk pails, these coll eges not only ignore the fact that our giant species the 7 species of guadua was used in the experim ents. nated such confusion that there is an article in a magazine
henhouses, bridges, telephone and electrical posts, fences are not tre es, but also how to cultivate them. They believe The second case, it is very difficult to know if the stu- in which the author said that the s ame bamboo species,
etc. For thi s reason, on most farms, there are one or several that if they have not received any information about the dents rea lly used macana (Guadtla angustifolia) or if they known as calia brava in Ecuador grows in Mexico . But the
bamboo pat ches depending on the size of the farm. This is bamboos in their colleges. it is because this plant rea ll y is a used guadua cebolla
cebolla or guadua de castilla or some other term cana brava is also the common or vernacular name
why farm ers believe that a farm which has one or several weed which is not important for the country. Due to this, species which, for them, has the same scientific nam e. Con- that, in many countries, is given to a native cane that is not
patches of guadua is more valuable, whereas on the coast when they get high positions in the manageme nt of forestry sequently these studies ar e not trustworthy. a bamboo. This cane has the scientific name of Gynerium
of Ecuador, farmers believe the opposite: that a farm with programs, they do not include our bamboo species because The same problem exists in Argentina in relation to the sogittah1m and is al so used in the construction of walls and
bamboo patches has a lower value and it is necessary to cut they have no interest in this plant. study abo ut the physical and mec hanical propertie s of ceilings in several countries.
them in order to increase its value. This is due tothe aver- As a consequence of the above, there is a complete igno- tacuara (the vernacular name of the giant bamboo species
sion which exists in Ecuador towards the giant native spe- rance in all social, econom ic and academic levels in our in this country) which was carried out in one of the schools S.-The lack of scientific name s for some of the giant
cies of bamboo because of the low quality houses that they countr ies about our giant bamboo species and particularly of engineering with the title Physical and Mechanical Stud· species that are the most used in construction in Colombia,
build with this material. about the botany of this plant, which has generated the fol- ies of Tacuara' . The thesis did not indicate which of the 3 such as guadu a de castilla and guadua cebolla , has been
lowing problems: species of tacuara that they have in Argentina was used in a barrier for the use and the identification of these species
C ons equences of the aver s ion and this study. On the other hand, the students who know that in technical and scientific works.
1.-Most people associate the tern1 bamboo only with the there are only 2 species believe that both hav e the same In September of 1980 I asked two of the most impor'
i g n o ra n c e w h i c h e x i st in o u r countr ies plant which generally has ye llo w culms with green stripes and tant botanists in the United States, who were dedicated to
mechanical and physical properties, and this is not true, as
towar ds t h e giant native species. adorns the parks of our towns and cities (Bambusa vulgaris we will see in the chapter on mechanical properties. the study and identification of herbaceous bamboos of the
The aversion towards the native giant bamboo species val . vittata), which is believed to be native to India or Burnla. Americas, why th ere was more interest in the study of
is found in Colombia and other Latin American countries, There is the belief that the giant green bamboo species ar e not S.·So me of the people who are in charge of bamboo herbaceous bamboos, that are not so important from the
but to a lesser degree than in Ecuador. t is possible that we bamboos but trees because many times th ey are found mixed nurseries confirm the belief that there is only one species in economic s tandpoint instead of first st ud ying the giant
ha ve inherited it from the Spaniards who came to the Amer- with trees in the forests of our countries. For this reason, it is Colombia, based on the fact that th ere are no clear diffe· bamboos tllat are used the most and do not yet have a sci-
icas in the sixteenth century and who had as a maxim that very corrunon
corrunon to see articles in the newspapers and magazines rences between the seedlings of different species of gua- entific name.
Spaniards who have any self respect do not live in bamboo in Colombia in which
which reference is made to guadua and bam- dua (when they are small). They erroneously believe that The answer was, First, because the herbaceous species
houses but in adobe houses . This was not interpreted as a boo a nd really
really guadua is a bamboo. any of the seedlings of guadua that they are selling will m'e disappearing from the Americas, and second, because
safety measure (although the Indians used to set fire to the generate one of the 3 best known species used in construc- the woody giant species of he genus Guadua ar e the most
Spaniard's houses when they first li ved in bamboo houses), 2.-As was mentioned before, the giant bamboo species tion, depending on the place or habitat where it is cultiva- difficult to ident£ftj. Fmo these reasons, most taxonomists
but was considered as an aversion towards the giant bam- of the genus Guadua were originally distributed from Mexi- t ed. In ot her words, any guadua seedling can genera te moe more ded£cated to the identificat ion of herbaceous
boos, which, due to their abundance, were looked upon we- co to Argentina and in each country (except Chile where this guadua de castilla , guadua cebolla , or Guadua angusti- bamboos thall they are to th e ide ntification of the giant
eds that were on ly used by the Indi ans and poor people in species do not grow) there were generally a minimum of 2-3 folia, depending on where it is cultivated. This is as absurd woody spedes.
the construction
construction of their houses. Consequently these plants different giant species. In Colombia, there were about 7 -8 as believing that if a lemon seed is planted at 2 meters I still don't understand how it was possible that Hum-
were considered as the Cinderella of our natural resources. giant species and in Brazil about 12. Some of these species above the sea level, this seed will produce oranges and at bolt Bonpland, Kunth and other European botanists who
This aversion has been the cause of the lack of interest grew in several countrie s, as is the case of Cuadua angusti- 700 meters, it will produce grapefruit. As a consequence, if came to the Americas at the beginning of the nine teenth
in studying the giant bamboo species in the scientific and folia which grew in most of the countries in South America. anyone goes to a bamboos nursery and wants to buy Cua- century could have identified most of the giant species using
technical fields or for preserving these species, that exists in dua allgustifolia, they could se ll him a different species, for a small low quality magnifying glass , vithout any informa-
our universities and forestal research centers. This iswhy 3-Due to the similarty which exists among all the giant example guadua cebolla . I want to cl arify that the people tion about bamboos because at that time there were not any
many species have disappeared from the Americas, as was bamboo species in relation to the shape of their shoot and at the nurseries do not do this in bad faith but rather out of scientific publications about this plant. How is it that today,
explained before. f we revise the great diversity of treatises the shape and color of the culms of all the species once they ignorance. when the best electronic microscopes exist, and the most
which Latin American botanists have written about the flora are developed, the maj ority of peop le in different Latin complete information about bamb oos ha s been developed
of their countries, we find very thorough studies, even on American countr ies believe that all their native species are 6.- The most common problem is that most people, in Japan, China and India, it is stilI difficult to identify the
plants with practically no economic value. the same with different dimensions. This is why in each including many of those who work in the bamboo nur series, giant bamboo species of the genus Guadua?
However, the most ironic part of this is that in these country, all of their native giant species are known by one
treatises one cannot find any botanical information about vernacular name which varies from one country to another.
any of the n at ive bamboo species, not even in Colombia For example, in Colombia all of the 7 giant species are
where this plant has made the greatest contribution to the

48 Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the world Part One- S. 3 - Taxonomy - Distribution of bamboos in the world 49

however is the complete lack of controllable bamboo flowe flower-

DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid) an d th e identification o f species ing, whi ch still remains one of the greatest mysteries in botany. Ta bl e 3-4 Est i ma t i on of DNA c ont e nt in 16
t e m p e r a t e a n d 1 t ropi c a l ba mboo spe c i e s
Colombia is the only country in the Americas where sti ll rigid, for the same information must pass from generation 3.- E s t i m a t i o n of DNA c o n t e n t of usi ng flow c yt ome ry (FC) a n d confocal l a s e r
exists a bamboo culture but related to the use of its largest to generation. Distinct regions of DNA conta in distinct bits sc a nni ng mi c rosc opy ( CLSM)
native species in construction. In this field this country has of information. The specific regions of information are so me b a mb o o s
DNA To estimate if the complexity of the DNA of bamboo was DNA (pg) 2C M
developed the best construction
the world. Nevertheless, technologies
as I explained whichisexist
above there in
in this caBed genes.
film. Like In some
film, DNA ways
is subdivided intoil arframes
is sim to motion
make compara bl e to rice DNA , Gieli s, et al (1997), carried out an Bamboos
country the most complete ignorance about our giant sense when seen in the correct order. In DNA the estimation of the DNA content of 16 temperate and 10 tropi- FC CLSM
species and particularly of the four giant spec ie s which are frames correspond to the letters in the genetic code. When cal bamboo genotypes using flow cytometry (FeM). When a
ro c hr ome is applied to the cells and binds to the DNA,
fluo roc Bashania fargesii 4.45
the most used in construction. a number of frames or genetic letters are organized into a
this DNA gives a flurorescent color when il1uminated by a Chimonobambusa quadrangularis 5.17
As I explained before, most of the people believe that al\ specific combination, they create a scene in the case of film
laser beam and the color intensity is measured by the Flow Chimonobambusa marmorea 4.4
these gian t native species are the same specie which is and a gene in the case of DNA..
Cytomete r. The range of app lication is very large; among Fargesia murielae 5.11 5·32
known with the common name of guadua guadua and with the sci- Information in genes is used primarily for the manufac-
other uses, FCM can measure cell size and DNA content. Indocalamus tesselatus 5.18
entific name of Guadua angustifolia This is due to the simi- ture of proteins. Proteins are chainlike molecules that fold
An important result has been that two distinct groups of Phyllostachys aurea 4.18 4·8
larity which exists among the cu lms and particularly among in a precise way to form specific structures. Some proteins
bam boo exist, namely tropical bamboos and temperate Ph. bambusoides 4.18
the seedlings of these species when they a re small. Due to contribute to the architecture of the cell while others direct-
bamboos. The l atter group has fewer chromosomes (2n = Ph edulis 4.19
this reason some people which works in bamboo nurseries ly control cell chemistry.
48), but it has a higher DNA content than tropictropical
al bamboos Ph nigra 4.17
believe that if one of these seedlings is cultivated in different Occasionally we can easily see the effects of particular
wh ich have 72 chromosomes. The chromosomes of tropical Ph vivax 4.25
locati ons the y can generate 'guadua macana ', Glwdua genes and proteins; for example, a small group of genes is
bamboos are more numerous, but they are also much smal- Pleioblastus viridistriatus 4.67
angustifolia or ' guadua de castilla , or ' guadua ceboll
cebollaa responsible for detennining eye color. It is the spec ifi c infor-
ler. The DNA content in bamboo is comparable to the PI pygm eus var pigmaeus 4.66
depending of the habitat where the seedling is cultivated. mation in the D A, in the genes, that makes human beings
In order to solve these problems and the identification different from honey bees or fir trees. Information in your amount present in rice if calculated per chromosome (rice Sasaella glabra f alboslriata 5.35
of our giant species which st ill has not scientific name it is DNA makes yo u different from anyone else on earth, unless has oonl
nlyy 24 chromosomes in the vegetative state). This co n- Sasa p lm l 4.95
firms the very
ve ry close evolutionary relationship between bam- Shibataea kumasasa 5. 11 5·3
very important to study the DNA of each one of our most you have an identical twin eDrlica 1992).
boo and ri ce (Gi elis 2001). Yushania anceps 4.5
important species. By the other hand this informat
ion will
Bambusa mulliplex
solve the doubt s which exists about the identification of 1.- C h ro mo so me n u m b e r in bamboo 3.03
Bambusa multiplex cv Fern leaf 3.23
some of our native species in Colom
bia and other countries If bamboo is going to be fully domesticated and used in
Bambusa vulgaris
of the Americas. breeding programs,
programs, an understanding of its basic genetics is
Old leaves 2.45 2·56
a prerequisite; unfortunately genetics of bamboo remain to
Young leaves 2.85 2·98
be unravelled and the st udy of bamboo genetics has been
W h a t i s DNA? restricted mainly to chromosome counts. In many bamboos,
TC leaves 3.02
Bambusa striata
Informatio n governing the characteristics of all organisms the somatic numbers may differ between tissues, and the
Young leaves 2.7 2.68
is stored in long thin molecules of deoxyribonuc
deoxyribonucleicleic acid number referred to is the most common number. Common
Old leaves 2·39
(DNA) . DNA molecules contain regions (genes) that specify numbers are 2n = 48 for temperate bamboos, and 2n = 72
Dendrocalamus sper 3.04
the structure of other molecules ca ll ed proteins. Protein- for tropical bamboos. In subtropical China, a number of
Dendrocalamus strictus 2.9
molecules in turn control cellular chemistry and co ntribute species are found with chromosome numbers 2n = 64. The
Guadua anguslitolia 3.03
to cell structure. highest chromosome number is in ambusa variostroiatus
Oxythenanthera abissinica 2.94 3·11
The basic unit of life is the cell, an organized set of where 2n = 96 (Guangzhu 1987)·
chemical reactions bounded by a membrane and capable of Thyrsostachys siamensis 2.353.
2.- Finger pr ints of bamboo Lilhachne humilis 3·56
self-perpe tuation. Our bodies are co nections of trillions of
cells working together, with each ce ll having its own identity According to Gielis, 2 0 0 1 (personal communication) In Source: J.Gielis P. Valenle C Bridts JP V 1997.
and function. With few exceptions, every cell contains all the the second half of the twentieth century very rapid progress
information required for an independent existence;
existenc e; indeed, has been made in unravelling the secrets of life, in DNA and Fig. 3.18 Flow cytomelry pe ks ot bamboos: A. Fargesia murielae. B Shibalaea kumasasa. C Bambusa vulgaris slriata
und er the right condit ions, human cells can be removed proteins. Several biotechnological techniques and tools
from the body and grown in laboratory dishes.
According to Drlica (1992), the information necessary
make it possible today to study the DNA of bamboo. One of
the mo st promising techniques is fingerprinting of bam-
A c
3: PPI0201008IFL3-HIFL3-Height 0 3: PPI0201 01 OI FL3-HIFL3-Height 3: PPI0201 011 IFL3-HIFL3·Height
to control the chemistry of the cell (i.e. the chem istry of life) boos. With tools such as Amplified Fragment Length Po ly- o (' )
is stored in the long thin fibers called DNA. Each D A fiber morfism fingerprints can be generated that a ll ow to distin-
is a molecule, a group of atoms joined together to form a guish every individual bamboo, or every single seed in a
di st inct unit. DNA fibers are found in every cell ce ll except seed lot. While today taxonomists, ecologists and foresters
mature red bood cells, and they dictate how a particular have great difficulty in distinguishing different bamboos
cells behaves. Thus D A con tr ols our body chemistry by within a single species, DNA-based technology circumvents
co ntrolling the chemistry
chemist ry of each of our ce ll s. all problems.
Isolated DNA lo oks like a tangled mass of string. Our Building a database of such fingerprints will be an
cell s, which are generally less than a millimeter long, con- important aid for bamboo study. It would a ll ow to distin- M2H
Ml Ml r Ml
tain about two meters of DNA specially packaged to fit guish several clones of GuadlLQ that are nowadays consi-
inside. DNA can be bent, wrapped, loop ed , twisted, and dered as the same species. Besides
Bes ides fingerprinting DNA based
even tied into knots. Many D A molecules are circles,
which are sometimes found interlinked like a magician's
rings. In terms of three-dime
nsional structu re, DNA is very
technology will also allow in th e future to precisely deter-
mine specific gene sequences in bamboo, and this in turn
wi1l allow to modify certa in characteristics of bamboo. The

100 10'
ti.11)2 103 1()4

100 10'
10> 103 10 4

10 10'

11)2 1(J3 104

flexible, but in terms of information content, DNA is quite amin problem for genetic improvement through breeding Source: J.Gielis P. Valente C Bridls JP V 1997.

50 Part One
One Section 4 amboo Ecology and Silvi culture Part One
One Section 4 amboo Ecology and Silv i culture 51

However, bamboos retain their green leaves all year
round when they grow along ri vers or st reams. Bamboos
receives intense sunlight, and on a n ort hern slope the bam-
like ly to be injured by snow in the winter season.
boo is likely
that grow in moist so il s generally have larger leaves than do Ho wever, since Phyllostac hy s nigra henollis as compared
SILVICULTURE those species growing in drier sites.
On the average, an annual rainfa ll of 1, 0 0 0 / 2,0 00 mm
wi th other bamboos, has a stronger resistance to wind and
snow, it is better to develop a hillside grove of this species
is needed. Probably the minimum and maximum average on a slope where st rong winds blow.

ll required for a bamboo species is that indi-
Deogun 1936) for Dendroca[anlus s tr i ctus in
On the other hand, topogr aphy has a very important
influence on the bamboos' strength. Experiments conducted
India: a minimum of about 762 mm (30 inches) and a maxi- in Indonesia (Soeprayitno, et al 1988) came to the conclu-
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS F OR BAMBOO GROWTH mum of 5, 0 0 0 mm 2 0 0 in ches). The best giant species of sion th at the specific gravity, sta tic be ndin g and tens il e
the genus Guadua are located in places where the annual strength of the culms growing on hill slopes are higher than
Bamboo silviculture is the science that deals with the and 47 south latitude. In the case of the species of genus rein al l is above 2 , 0 0 0 mm. they are in those growing in the va lley. Fo r this reason, it is
tec hn ology and methods for bamboo afforestation or refo- Guadua the y grow approximately between th e Tr opic of recommended that hill slopes areas be used for planting
restation. According
According to Ma (1994), different species have Cancer in Mexico and as far south as about 34 0 south lati- 4.- Soils giant bamboos for construction and other uses instead of
diffe rent growth and de ve lopment patterns, and different tude along th e Parana and Uruguay Ri ver s. Most of the Most bamboos are unsuited to so il with excessive mois- wasting these areas. Bamboo is also the most appropriate
requirements for envi ronme nt al conditions. In the same g iant bamb oos of th e gen era Guadua grow at altitudes ture. They grow best on well-drained, fertile, friable soil, plant to be grown in areas where there are problems of ero-
way, bamboo forest growth and development are dependent which vary between almost sea level and l ,gOO meters.The such as sandy loam,
lo am, loam with a granular st ructure derived sion or inorder to prevent it.
on the genetic characteristics of the species and on the en vi - best quality of these species is fo und between 1 0 0 0 and fr om river alluvium or from the unde rl yi ng rocks. Soils that
ronmental co nditions. Forestry is different from agriculture. 1,600 mts above sea leve l. Above l ,gOO m. th e diameter and are suitable for bamboo growing vary from yellow, to cl clear
ear 6 -T h e in flu e nce of tr e e s peci es in
Its production period is longer than that of agriculture; gen- height, start their reduction. reddish yellow, to br ownish yellow.
es which grow in fertile soil, are usually taller and th e d eve l o p m e n t of bamboo in m ix e d
era lly nine or ten years are needed. There are species that predominate at low and medi-
In ord er to achieve expectations, i. e. fast growth, high um altitudes of th e tropical areas an d others at high ele- have a greater diameter than the same species cultivated in forest s biotic fa ctor )
quality, high yield and stre ngth, it is necessary to select vations or altitudes in tropical areas or in temperate cli- d ry or poor soils. But there are also bamboos like Dendro- Besid es th e envir on m enta l conditions mentioned
the species with th e best adaptability and the highest eco- mat es in high latitud es . Altitude and temperature are calamus strictus from India, which, according to Deogun above, the distribution of areas where bamboo can be grown
nomic profit according
according to particular environmental con- closely related and it is difficult to separate one from the (1936), prefer coarse grained dry soils such as those derived is somewhat governed by the surrounding flora. In the st udy
ditions, or to select th e best climate, so il and topography other. For example, some species of Ph yl10 stachys which from sandstone, gra nite and granitic gneisses. It is com- conducted by Hu ang (1988) in Fujian, China, he found that
for a certain bamboo species. That is to s a y , selecting a grow in temperate zo nes at low elevations can al so grow pl ete ly absen t from the pure qu ar zi te so il s p a rticularl y some tree species se riously affect th e growth of Phyl-
suitable species for a certa in site. In ord er to reach the at high elevations in the tropics. favored by salt. In some places of India it has been success- lostachY5 pubescens. When this species is mixed with tr ees
targ et me ntion ed above, fir st of all, it is n ecessar y to fu lly pl anted on sand dunes. such as Myrica rubra Photinia glabra and Liquidamlar
know th e requirements fo r each species as regards cli- 2.- T emper at ur e La nd vvit h a high water table or low land to which water formosana the per unit area yield of phyllostach
ys is hi gher
ma t e, t opograph y, so il, etc. For exampl e, different Temperature is a very important factor for the growth easily flows is very unsuitabl
unsuita bl e for growing bamboo. A ri ver than that of pur e bamboo stands. However, while mixed
species need differe nt climatic conditions such as temp e- of bamboo. Hi gher temperatures generally promote their b ank is an apparen t exception to thi s rule, but it is with Ta xodiaceae Pinus and Fagaceae its per unit area
ratur e, precipitation, relative humidity and so on. growth, and lower t empera tur e inhibit it. Most bamboos su
me rged only temporarily and the flood waters carry fertile yield is lower than that of pure bamboo stands.
The environmental conditions for the growth of bam- grow at temperatures which vary between go C. and 36 0 C. soil and deposit it along the bank. For this reason, we see The average breast-height diameter, whole heig ht and
boos vary widely among the numerous bamboo speci spe cies
es and (48 0 F. and 97°F). Guadt/a angustijo[ia and other giant many bamboos forming picturesque sta nd s along river clear-bole height of Ph. pubescens in mixed forests are all
are co ncerned with many associated factors like lat itude and species of this genus grow well at temperatures between 200 banks. Rarely can one find bamboos in continuosly swampy higher th an those in pur e stands whose density is less than
altitude, t em perature, rainfall, soil, and topo grah y. The pl aces, with the exception of Guadua apl exifolia which 2250 culms/ha. The obse n'ations showed that trees like
C and 260 C. with a relative humidity of 80%.
growth of bamboo in No rth China is obviousl
obviouslyy consistent grows in swampy areas in Yucatan, MeA lCo. Liquidamlarr /orm05ana a nd Myrica
Photinia glabra Liquidamla
Most pachy morph bamboos have lower resistance to
with the climatic cycle during th e year. Seasonal changes cold, so only a very few, such as Bambusa glaucescens Initthe bookthat
is said Kuang Chun Fang
in ancient ChinaPuin(Thesaurus of Botany
the southern part of rubra are good accompanying species, which should be
influence the growth and phenological phases of bamboo. can grow in the natu ral conditions in ce ntr al subtrop ical
17 0 8 )
retained in mixed forests. Qu ercus acutissima and Pinus
Similar temperatures are required for the sprouting and Omei Mountain in Sichuan Province, where the face of the massoniana are harmful to th e growth of bamboo , and,
areas. Most of the leptomorph bamboos have higher cold
growth of bamboo shoots, in spr ing and in autumn alike. mounta in is as vertical as a wall, there was a bamboo known
resistance to the cold, so th ey can be planted at high ele- therefore, they should be cut. Cunninghamia /anceoiata is
The four se as ons of the year are very distinct in North as Chien sui chu (Thou sa nd year bamboo) that could only
vations in tropical areas. more valuable, thou gh it is n ot good for b amboo, so it
China, and the growth of bamboo in this area is such that in gr
ow on gravel and stone soils. In order to propaga te this
The te mperatur e is det er mined more by altitude than should be retained moderately.
spring the bamboo sprouts, in s ummer, the rhizomes grow, variety, one should set the young bamboo in a basket fill ed
by latitude. Generally a rise in the altitude of 2 7 0 meters The same author co nsidered that if the vast a re a bam-
in aut umn new shoots are de veloped, and in winter the 'with gravel and stones. This bamboo was used as an orna-
accounts for a fall of 10 C. in mean temperature. boo mixed forest were changed into pure bamboo stands,
plant becomes dormant, following the climatic cycle. ment to suspend from the front eaves of the house. f earth
Acco rdin g to Young 1946), the U.S. Department of the eeco
co logical balance would be destroyed and diseases and
is piled up around its culm, it will wither and die.
Agriculture began cultivation of the specie Guadua al1gus h - insect pests would increase.
1.-La t i t ude an d altitud e folia in Florida, and found that the pl ants suffer from frost
Tr opical bamboos have weak sa line resistance and
Port er field (1926) points out that bambo o in China
In the world, all
a ll of the bamboo species are distributed sa li ne soils are not good for their growth and development.
injury at temperatures below -30 C and are cut to the ground does not grow in the presence of oak or chestnut. Persim-
at different latitudes and altitudes according to the species. A pH of about 5-6.5 is most suitable for bamboos. According
at temperatures 2 or 3 degrees lower while at -8° C ) mon tr ees do not check the production of shoot
s. This is
Geographically, bamboos are distributed horizontally in the to Uch imura (1987), even with a pH 3.5 it is possible to grow
they may be killed outright. probably due in part to the effect of root excretion. Some
tropical, subtropical, and te mp erate areas of all co ntinents bamboo. (pH values from 0 to 7 indicate acidity, and from 7
to 14 indicate alkalinity). may have observed the frequent association of bamboo with
(except Europe), between a latitude as far north in Asia as 3. -R a i n fal l conifers in many pl aces of Ch ekiang, in the Fang district of
510 and 4 70 south latitude in Argentina and Chile. Accor- There is not a single environme ntal factor that limits Hupeh. On the other hand, according to Barrett (1992), in
ding to Porterfield (1926), in China bamboo does not grow the growth of bamboos more than rainfall. As a component 5.- Topo gr aph y J apa n the bamboo splints used for the manufacture of the
wild north of 350.
of the climate, it affects the distribution of bamboos. During In growing bamboo, it is best to select land with good common type of mold or flexible screen known as su on
The vertical distribution is fr
om sea level to a maximum the dry season, the plant reduces transpiration by shedding natural drainage. In this respect a hills id e or the foot of a which the finest paper is still made by hand, are taken from
of 4,000 m in the Himalayas in As ia, and almost 5,000 m. leaves.With the first rains, new bu ds or culm shoots emerg
emerg e mountain is the proper pl ace to develop a grove. According bamboo growing among cedar tr ees. In such an environ-
in the eastern chain of the Andes in South America. and the culms will then e crowned with leaves. This shows to Take nouchi 1932), a hillside with a s lop e of 7 to 8 ment, the bamboo has a tendency to grow s tr aighter and
In the Americas, the native spe ci
es grow between 46 0 that the vegetative growth in bamboos is more affected by degrees is most desirable. In Jap an, it is preferable to select with a gr eate r dis tan ce between nodes, as a result of its
north latitude in the southeastern part of the United States so il moisture as a result of rainfall than by temperature. a slope facing southeast or south. A south or southeast slope effort to reach the light above the cedars.

52 Part One Section 4 Bamboo Ecology and Silviculture Part One Section 4 Bamboo Ecology and Silviculture 53


Biomass of bamboo stands is the amount of living mat- 127.0 ton / ha in a Gmelina or'borea forest in the Philip-
ter in a particular area, s uch as culms, branches, leaves and pines, as well as 4-8 ton/ ha in a Miscarlthus sinensis com- N u rse ry l and selection at the time of tilling. If soil of a clay or gravelly nature is to
rhizomes, in relation to the diameter at breast height (or 1.3 munity on grassland are known. and pr epar at i on be improved, a sandy loam should be added. Soil prepara-

m height above ground ) expressed as weight weight per unit area Thus, the above ground biomass of bamboo stands is The quality of the nursery site directly affects produc- tion must be done in autumn or at the start of winter.
of habitat or as volume or weight per unit volume of habi- considered to be smaller than that of the ordinary tr ee tion costs, output and quality of the nursery s to ck. Great
tat. Such investigation is necessary to understand the eco- species mentioned above, and much larger than that of the loss has been causesd by poor site selection (Tan Hongchao PROPAGATION METHODS
logical ch aracterist ics of bamboo species in comparison grass community, but it is roughly similar to that of some 1996) According to Ma (1994), in China bamboo nursery
There are two methods for raising seedlings and propa-
with tree species. fast growing tree species, such as A.falcata and G. a,.borea. land should be selected on the lee side in areas where there
gating bamboo: the reproduction by seeds, known as sexual
One of the few investigations in this field in Japan was The total above ground biomass divided by the average are typhoons in s ummer or strong winds. In general the site
reproduction, and vegetative propagation, known as asexual
carried out by Suzuki (1987
), using the following method: height gives the apparent density of dry organic matter per selected should be sunny with little slope (12-15 ) and
reproduction, which is carr ied out using culm or branch cut-
The pl ot s ize for the investigation is ordinarily from unit of space occupied by the forest. As shown in table 4-1, good drainage, near a water source and easy to irrigate. The
the dry organic matter density of bamboo stands of three tings, layering, stumps with rhizomes, or rhizomes alone,
10 x 1 m to 2 x 2 m depending on average height of nursery soil should be loose and fertile sandy loam, or loam
and tissue culture . Some of these vegetative methods are
standing bamboos. After setting up the plot in the stand, species was in the range of 0-44-0.80 kg/ m3. On the other wi th a granular structure. The gr ound water level can not be
hand, that of fully closed forests in Japan tends to be 1.0-1.5 more aproppriate for the propagation of leptomorph and
diam eter at 1.3m high
high above th e ground (DBH) of all bam- h ig h; usually it should be lower than one meter. Land where
some for the propagation of pachYl
Tlorph types of bamboos.
boos is calipered, and then about ten sample bamboos are kg/ m3. The dry organic matter density of the fast growing the so il is rod. Y , sandy and very sticky and stro ngly saline-
selected and felle
d. After the height of each sam ple bamboo species A. Falcata and G. a,.bor'ea was estimated at 0.6 and alkali
alkali should no t be selected as nur sery land.
is measured, the bamboo is divided into one or two meter 0.8 kg/ m3, which is similar to that of the bamboo stan ds. Before raising seedlings, nursery land requires overall soil Pro p a g a t i o n b y se e d s
deep strata, excepting the base and the top. The leaf biomass of bamboo stand s was in the range of preparation, i. e. loosening soil for increasing and preserving
(se x u a l p ro p a g a t i o n )
The fresh weight of each part of each stratum, such as 4.2-6.0 ton/ ha. These values were much greater than the soil fe rtility and humidity, weeding. and sterilizing to eliminate
the culm, branches leaves and other living organs, is meas- .6-1.7
.6-1.7 ton/ ha in A. falcata s tands and the 1.4 ton/ ha in G. soil pests. Overall soil preparation can create favorable condi- This method has the advantage that the seeds can be
transported eas il y and it gives a broad genetic base, but it
ured separately. For conversion of fresh weight to dry arborea stands, and they were also greater than the 3.1 ti
ons fo r bamboo seedling
seedling gr
owth and development.
development. ursery
depends on seed availability.
availability. Some bambo os only flower at
weight, small samples of each part are brought back to the ton/ ha in Japanese deciduous broadleaved forests. Howev
Howev-- soil should be deep plowed and carefully
carefu lly prepared.
long intervals and generally they produce fewer viable
laboratory and dried at 85° C to obtain a constant weight. er, they were a little smaller than the 9.3 ton / ha in S. In temperate areas, the time for soil preparation is usu-
seeds. As soon as the seeds (fleshy-type and grass type) are
To calculate the leaf area of the study s tand , the leaf area of mac,.ophyla stands and the 8.6 ton/ ha in Japanese ever- ally before freezing or after thawing in spring. The best time
mature, they will ge rminat e readily in a moist medium in a
the leaf samples is measured by an automatic area meter green broad leaved forests.The leaf area index was in the fo r plowing is the beginning of winter. Digging out roots and
nursery, if sown immediately after gathering. The seeds are
before drying. range of 8.1-11.6 ton / ha forthe stands of two bamboo rocks, raking the soil and scattering the soil are essenti al to
generally dibbled in beds or in trenches with 5-8 seeds per
tricc correlation has been the main metho d used species. These values nearly correspond to thel0-4 ton/ ha soilpreparation. After deep plowing, nurseI) soil should be
hole, and covered with a layer of 3-5 cm of soil. Then they
for the estimation of forest biomass in Japan. This method in S. 17wc ophyla s tand s, the 8.9ton / ha in dipterocarp made into seed-beds. These are usually 1 meter wide and 15-
are covered with straw and watered. After germination,
is based on the relationship between D2H and the amount forests, and are much greater than the 2.2 ton/ha in A.fal 20 em high, with alength determined according to the ter-
when the seed lings are about 10 cm high, they should be
of parts in the sample bamboo. The relationship is repre- cata stands and the 1.6 ton/ ha in G.orborea stands. rain. The space behveen beds is 50 cm. Low seedbeds can be
individual containers, or the y can be
transplanted into individual
sented asfollows:
asfollows: Log W = A log. D2H + B where W is dry The leaves of bamboo species usually fall annually or made in high terrain and in well drained places where the
planted out in the field when they are 0.75
0. 75 to 1 meter high,
weight, D is DBH , H is height ,and A and B are constant. A every other year, but they are immediately renewed. seedbed level can be 5-20 cm. lower than its dike. f possi-
or when they are 1 or 2 years old.
and B are calculated by the least square method. Bamboos of the phyllostachys species change their ble, enough manure or plant ashes should be applied as
The viability of th e seeds lasts only up to about two
Results . Table 4-1 shows the above ground biomass in foliage in Mayor June, when most bamboo sprouts have basic fertilizer for improving the bamboo seedlings growth
months, but it can decrease if they are not kept und er suit-
five bamboo stands of hree species whi
ch are popular in Japan, appeared on the ground. and root development (Ma , 1994).
able conditions. Seeds may retain th eir viability for
for periods
estimated using the regression fonnula mentioned above. Veda, et al (196
1) analyzed the seasonal changes in the up to 2 years when stored in a place \-vith low humidity (6-
The above ground biomass of the five bamboo stands chemical properties of Phyllostoch
Phyllostochysys reticulata foliage in Affore st a t i o n l and pr epar ation
detail and reported that the water content and some chem i- 10 ) at low temperatures (between -50 C and 4 0 C).
shown in Table 4-1 ranges from 48.2 -105.6 ton/ ha. On the The Tr eatise on Husbandry (Chi min yao shu) by Chia
other hand , in cases of tree stands, 254.4 tonfha was found cal nutrients varied periodically,
periodically, especial1y
especial1y in the season of Su-niu in the 5th century, says that the land suitable for
in a Chamaecyparis obtusa forest in Jap an, 260.5 ton/ha leaf renewal. Therefor
e, the leaf biomass and leaf area growing ba mboo is found in high level places; sites near Asexual pr opagation o f leptomor ph
in a Swietenia macrophylla stand, 261.8 ton/ha in a dipte- index may vary with the seaso ns. (Takeyoshi Suzuki 1987)· hills which
which are somewhat elevated, are very suitable. In low ( monopodial) bamboos in ar eas w i t h
rocarp forest, 75.6 ton / ha in a Albiziafalcata stand, and level fie
lds, the culms obtain too much water and die. v e ry c o l d w i n t e rs
. Acc
ording to Takenouchi (1932), after selecting plant-
For monopodial bamboo, rhizome buds can grow into
mg land and before the bamboos are planted, the soil shou ld
both rhizomes and shoots, which can be used to raise
be thoro ughly tilled in order to bring it to a friable state.
plants. Li (1985) recommends the following environmental
T able 4-1 Above ground Bi omass of each bamboo stand (Source: Suzuki , 1987) Well hoed soil will allow the rhizomes to sprea d freely, has-
conditions for the cultivation of leptomorp h species in areas
ten growth and pro duce a good quality culm.
Phyllostachys edulis where there are very cold winters and wind, as in northern
Ph Phyllostachys Ph Phyllostachys If the land selected is on the edge of a cleared forest, the
edulis Bambusoides China: a) Choose plots sheltered against the wind. Int er-
bambusoides Pubescens roots and stumpsshould be dug out and burned In the case
mountain basins or the foot of a hillslope are preferable if a
of an open field, the wee ds should be dug out and not
Number: 1000 pcs / ha 8.8 5.1 8.9 4.8 15.2 water supply is available, and b) During the shooting period,
burn ed but s pread over the surface. In tilling it does not
the soil moisture should be kept at a level of 20 .
Average diameter
Average height (m)(cm) 9.2
13.3 9.3
13 .2
13.2 7.2
14.1 8.7
16.7 4.4
9.2 matter from what direction th e soil is hoed if the land is Oat Monopodial bamboos prefer a s it e \vith a w a r m
but on sloping land it is re-commended that the tilling
Dry weight of culms (ton/ha) 87.6 49.2 61.2 55.2 36.6 started from the lower side. moist c l i ma t e and annual precipitation of over 1.200
Dry weight of branches (tontha) 12.5 9.2 13.7 12.4 7.2 mm. They grow fast and have strong underground rh i-
In order to improve the soil, organic fertilizers, such as
Dry weight of leaves (ton/ha) 5.5 4.2 6.0 5.4 4.4 zome-root systems which grow in soil 20-30 ems deep ,
fall en leaves, hay, straw or compost, are somet imes hoed in
Totali dry weight (tontha) 105.6 62.6 80.9 73.0 48.2 and do not exceed 50 cms.
OrganiC matter density (kg/m3) 0.80 0.47 0.57 0.44 0.52
Leaf area index (ha/ha) 11.6 8.8 8.1

56 Part One-
One- Section 4 - Bamboo Ecology and Silviculture Part One-
One- Section 4 - Bamboo Ecology and Silviculture 57

2.-Propagation b y cu lm cuttings from which the cuttings are made, which include: a) Cut- the no des of the cutting and number of surviving stock; the with auxin, they put forth new roots which into a
tings from the lower part s of the culm; b) Cuttings from the three node cuttings are second. This means that the one and root system. First, healthy leading branches, and secondary
Fig. 4.5) middle part of the culm; and c) Cuttings from the upper twO node cuttings that are 2 or 3 years old are the most suit- branches, which are fresh and green, 1 -2 years old, with
Either the whole culm or culm segments can be used part of the culm. The species usedused in these experiments able fo r propagation. plump buds, and free from disease and insects should be
as vegetative propagules. If the whole culm is used, it is were: Dendrocalamlls latiflorus, Bambusa stenostachya, c) In Bambllsa dolichoclada, the bamboo's age shows selected. When taking bran-ches. do not hurt the branch
buried. This will stimulate the alternating buds to pro- and Bambllsa dolichoclada. The results obtained may be no significant difference in the percentage of sprouts from stumps and do not let them be exposed
exposed to the sun.
duce young branch shoot. These gradually transform into summari zed as follows: the nodes of the cutting, or the number, height and diame- After long distance transportation, the viability of

s tronger culmlets which at the same time form roots. Study on proper latiflorlls
1) Dendrocalamlls
tings: period forshows
the bestbypercentage
level cut- t er of surviving
showed stock. Indifference
a high significant this study, the bamboo node
in height and diameter branch
in cuttings
running water.can be restored
They should beafter 3-12with
treated hoursABT
of soaking
McClure and Kennard (1955) suggested that two year old
cullTIs would produce the highest percentage of planting of sprouts from nodes of cuttings in February and March; of su
rvi ving stocks but no significant difference in the per- powder NO. 1 5 ppm) or NO.2 (100 pm) for 30 to 40 mm. 3
material. It has been found, however, that one year old in April the results are the second best, and after May they ce nta
ge of sprouts from nodes and the number of surviving branches slatingly put into one hole radially.
culms of tropical bamboos give the highest percentage of are the worst. stock. The two and three node cuttings are better than one They should be buried 8-10 em. deep with one inter-
planllets (Prosea 1995). 2) Study on the different
different ages and the number of nodes node cutting for propagation. node left above the soil, and then covered with loose soil
The second method involves culm portions or cuttings, of cuttings: a) In Dend,.oc[amus lahjlorus, the 3 year old 3) Study of the cuttings from the different parts of the and compacted. They are mulched with hay t avoid being
bearing from 1 to 3 nodes taken from the culms at the age of cuttings appear to be the best in the percentage of sprouts culm of Dendrocalamlls lahjlorus, Bambusa stellostachya, exposed to the sun. To ensure survival, branch selection and
one to 2 years depending on the species. Two or three node on the nodes of the cuttings, and in the number and height and B.dolichoclada. Cuttin gs from the lower part of the planting should be done in the same place. Each branch
sections or cuttings may be planted horizontally, level with of the surviving stocks; 2 year old cuttings are the second cul ms are the best in the percentage and the number of sur- should have one or two internodes, and only two branches
the ground. A 2.5 em hole is made in the center of each best; and 1 year old cuttings are the worst. The two node vi ving stock of Dend,.oclamus latiflorus, in height and are inserted in each hole.
internode and it is filled with water to about 3 /4 of the cuttings are the first in the percentage of sprouts from the diameter of surviving stock of Bambusa stenostachya, and Large and medium clump type bamboos with thick
internode capacity. This method is successful for Cuadua nodes and number of surviving stocks; the three node cut- in per-ce ntage of sprouts from the nodes of the cuttings and culm walls and branch buds that are easy to root should be
species, and Bambusa vulgaris. tings are the second; while the one node cuttings are the the number of surviving stock of Bambusa dolichocla
da. selected.After being transported a l ong distance, mother
Lin (1962) conducted several studies at the Taiwan last. This means that the 2 and 3 year old, and two node cut- The middle part of the culm was the second best; and the bamboo and branches should go though treatment before
Forestry Research Institute on the propagation by level cut- tings are the most suitable for propagation. upper part of the culm was the worst. This proves that the planting so as to have their viability restored.

tings of various bamboos.(Fig. 4.5) The purpose of these

studies was: 1) To find out the optimum period for cuttings; b)inInone
stock Bambusa year old cuttings height
and twostenostachya,
appears tosurviving
be very cuttings collected
acceptable; from
the middle part of the culm are
co ll ected from the lower part
coll of the
(2) Todetermine the most suitable ages and nodes for cut- good, but in 3 year o ld cuttings, it is fair. The one and two culm are most suitable for propagation. 4.- Pr opagation by layering
tingsj and (3) To compare the different parts of the culm node cuttings are the best in the percentage of sprouts from In conclusion, February and March, before sprouting, Success was achieved by both ground and air layeri ng in
is th e best period for propagation by level cuttings of bamboo, mainly in the midculm zone, but it varied from
Dendrocalamus latiflorus. It is not suitable to use them species to species. Several methods of propagation by layers
after May because the shoots grow up from the bud at the can be applied. Either a whole culm, or only that part of the
Fig.4.5 Pr opagat i on by culm cuttings, Lin 1960) node of the cuttings. The two node cuttings collected from culm bearing branches, is bent down to the ground into a
2 or 3 ye ar old Dendrocalamus latiflo1 us, one or two shallow trench and fastened in place by hooked or crossed
x :Y node c uttings from 3 year old Bambusa stenostachya stakes; sometimes it is notched below the branch bearing
. . - . ... . • . ,.,. ,. .. . .... .: ·· and two or three nodes cuttings fromi to 3 year old Bam- nodes. It is then covered with soil or some other suitable
X: Buds in the nodes . .


. • • .. .

g busa dolichoclada are suitable for propagation. The cut- medium.However, this is a rather cumbersome method and
of cuttings. d
tings made from the lower part of the culm are better is probably useful only for sma ll bamboos.
than those from the middle part, and the upper part of For the propagation of Bambusa tulda and B. vulgaris,
a One node cuttings the culm is not suitable for propagation. the layers are made by partly cutting a culm and layering in
a the soil for rooting. When the shoots appear, the internodes
c Three node cuttings
; .
3.-Propagat i on by br anch cuttings areraised
be cut, and the layer
in several is planted
ways, i.e. in aseparate
. The cuttings
stagnant can
... .,'
Branches with 3 nodes are collected from 1 to 2 year old floating in a pond and in the bed of water courses. Stump
culms; care should be taken not to injure the dormant buds. layers maybe prepared by cutting off one or more culms in a
Y: Branches on the The presence of root primordia is essential for successful clump, leaving 1 or 2 nodes with a bud or a branch comple-
nodes of cuttings. propagation, and induction of root primordia in situ may be ment. The stu mp s prepared in this way are then covered
h po ss
ibl e. The branch cuttings may be treated with 100 ppm with a suitable mulch.
b Two node cuttings indoleacetic acid (IAA) and propagated in sand. Normal Another method is a form of air layering known also as
b branch cuttings develop roots only after 3-6 months, and Marcotting. This involves bending a one year old culm and
d- i Planted horizontal
ly rhi
rhizozo mes after 12-15 months. making an undercut at its base. The branches at the nodes
and hurried with soil Pro pagules bearing roots, rhizomes and shoots are con- are pruned to about 2.5 em in such a way way that the dormant
.... . : '
6 -10 em in depth .. : ,;... ' , . . : s id ered essential for successful establishment and develop- buds are not injured. A mv,:ture of garden soil and leaf mold
ment of bamboo plantations. Artificial induction of roots is placed around each node and wrapped longitudinally with
and rhizo
rhi zo me formation at the branch base is possible by coconut fiber or surrounded by a suitable propagating medi-
chopping off the culm tops and removing newly emerging um held in place by a receptable.
. culms yielding pre -rooted and pre-rhizomed
pre-rhizomed plants (Banik
.. . .. When roots and shoots develop at the nodes, the
,: .
for 7). Thismass
future method of propagation seems to be promising
propagation of, for instance, Bambusa vul- buried or covered parts are separated from the mother
plant, the internodes are cut, and the layers are planted
garis and Dendmcalamus aspe,. (PROSEA 1995). In the separately. Layering of Bambusa vulgaris and Dend,.o-
' .. : . .
'.: '.' s tudi es ca rried out in Ch ina , Tan (1997) found that the calamus giganteus showed only 10% success Banik
. . ': . species Bambusa vulgaris, B.Jntermedia, Dendrocalamtls 1987). and there are bamboos that do not respond to any
- . .' b .andisii, D.jarinosus, D. hamilton i D. semiscandens and layering methods. However, air layering in Dendrocala-
D. YUnnane nsis, have healthy branches, and most of the mus aspe,. appeared to be fairly successful
successful (up to 50%) in
branch stumps have formed root primordium. When treated Indonesia (PROSEA 1995).

.:r .

58 Part One-
One- Section 4 - Bamboo Ecology and Silviculture Part One-
One- Section 4 - Bamboo Ecology and Silviculture 59

The bamboo species that have been used for plant tis- Principles and procedures have been established, and it is
PROPAGATION BY TISSUE CULTURE sue culture are the foll owing: Bambllsa arundinacea, B technicall y possible to apply the same methods to certain
beecheyarw var. beecheyana, B glaucescens, B multiplex, plants as a specialized method of micropropagation.
In a few years, the present shortage of woody material Using tissue culture methods, year round production of B oldhami, B. ventt icosa, B vulgaris, Dend,·ocalamus A freshly isolated plant part usually bears bacteria or
in Latin American countries, due to the continuous destruc- plantlets, which ensures a steady supply of planting stock, is brandisii, D.giganteus, D Hamiltonii, D.latifiorus, D stric- fungi or both. Consequently, the initial requirement in
tion of forests, will be a serious problem for the factories possible. Most of these methods are based on micropropa- tus, Phyllostachys aurea Ph. viridis Sasa pigmaea preparing for micropropagation is to eliminate such

which use this material in the manufacture of paper, houses, gation and somatic embriogenesis from seedling tissue. Sinocalamus latifiora, Schizostachyum brachycladum, and microorganisms; second, a sterile culture medium contain-
furnit ure com posite materials for construction, etc. Somatic embryogenesis is defined as embryo in itiation Thyrsostachys siamensis. ing the required nutrients must be prepared; and third, the
As I intend to show in this book, with the new bamboo and development from ce ll s that are not products of gametic The availability of explants a ll year round for tissue cul- sterile plant part must be excised, planted, and grown in
composite materia ls and technologies which have been fusion. Thus, hundreds of plantlets can be formed from ture is not a problem. Moreover diverse explants, such as such a way that no recontamination can occur.
developed in the last 25 years,bamboo can replace wood in embryoids.
embryoid s. For obtaining somatic embriogenesis,
embriogenesis, different inflorescenses, immature embryos, mature embryos Nutrients needed in the cu lture medium vary with the
strength, durability, cost and fast growth in all the fie lds in explants, such as inflorescenses, immature and mature (plantlets throug h somatic embryogenesis), seedling leaf kind of plant and the purposes for which the culture is pre-
which wood has been used up to the present time. Conse- embryos, seedling roots, or seedling sheaths are used. sheaths, seedling roots, seedling rhizomes, seedling nodes, pared.Required substances can be conveniently grouped
quently, in a few years it will be necessary to establish large In recent years, methods have also been standardized seedling basal
basal nodes, mature nodes, shoots, and mat ure rhi- into several categories: 1) Inorganic elements, 2) Sugar, 3)
plantati ons of giant bamboo species in the underdeveloped for tissue culture propagation of bamboos from mature zomes can be used for tissue culture work. Vitamins, 4) Growth regulators, and 5) Organic complexes,
countries of the Americas, Asia and Africa large pla ntations explants.Using mature tissue as the starting material per- (i.e. coconut water, tomato juice, etc).
of giant bamboo species. mits the selection of desirable characteristics, but the life Techniques o f micropropagation Most cul tures are grown on a semi-solid medium
While the traditional methods of propagation are large- cycle of the clump from which the explan ts are collcoll ected The techni que of m ic ropropagation (or in vitro vege- made by adding powdered agar to the solution. This
ly app li ed with good or partial success, they seem to be must be known
known Using explants from a mat ure clump in tative propagation), can yield millions of rep li cas of an mater ial dissolves wh en heated but, when cool, solidifies
inadequate to increase the desired levels of production. Tis- the later stage in its vegetative growth phase, or a clump original parent plant. In bamboos, the minor nodes bear to a semi-so li d gel th at can be used as an effective sup-
sue culture methods offer an attractive alternative to offsets, nearing the flowering stage, presents a disadvantag
disadvantage e as axillary buds or lateral meristems which remain dormant port for tissue and organ cultures. An alternate procedure
cuttings and seeds for the propagation of bamboos and the the plantlets may also flower, seed and die along with the most of the year and generally sprout during the rainy is to grow the c ultures in a liquid medium, but some
best solution for rapid large scale propagation of different mother clump. seaso n; these buds have the capacity to transform them- means of aeration is required.
bamboo species. Tissue culture is a laboratory technique for Using seedling explants has both an advantage and a dis- se lves into complete pl antlets (McClure 1966). This has A tissue culture is an independent mass of callus tissues
culturing plants, organs or tissues under aseptic conditions advantage. The advantage is that the selection of only vigor- been achieved in tissue culture, although with uneven growing separately from the plant on an artificial medium.
and it has been successfully employed for the propagation of ous seedlings as the starting material is possible; the disad- success in some bamboos. It increases in size by continuous division of cells within
some plant species which are genera ll y difficult to propagate vantage is that seeds are available only at long intervals, and Meristem culture techniques invo
in vo lve the dissection of the mass. This techni que is a method of reproducing a
by any conventional vegetative means. under norm al conditions, seed viability is lost very quic kly the shoot's apical domes and culturing them on a nutrient clone. It is used co nsiderably in research and has potential
medium where differentiation and complete plant develop- value as a specialized propagation procedure. The practical
ment take place. However, the required conditions for each significance of tissue culture propagation depends on a
Fig.4.6 THE PRINCIPAL METHODS OF PROPAGATION plant speciesvary and must be ascertained experimental1y. plant's capacity of reproduction from a single cen or from a

Propagation from
I r:2JMerislem

M.,.istem cult..... r---s oot tip culture---.j

axiUwy buds


axillaryshoots __ t
oJ> Rooted
Direct shoot Rooted

DIRECT .t..il
Propagation from varJous_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Explant ' shoots
ventitious shoots
. . embryos
E:ll "'-.. Direct ;}g
is-- omatic _ n g s
0 -
Ca kJ:x:.ao::" \ J
shoots Indirect

t: I

(from single cells)

• ./ eedlings

Fi g. 4. 7 Tissue culture of an apical meristem. Fig . 4.8 The first bamboo plant developed by tissue cul-
Diagrammatic representation of different source material and methods that can be used for micropropagafion.
ture in Colombia.
Source:Lindseyand Jones, 1989).

60 Part One-
One- Section 4 - amboo Ecology and Silviculture Part One-
One- Section 4 - amboo Ecology and Silviculture 61

a sma ll clump of cells or the ab ili ty of callus from it to diffe- 4·-Subculturing is done at 20-day intervals.
rentiate roots and shoo ts with sub sequent growth into a 5·-Shoots are excised and given rooting treatment in half BAMBOO HYBRIDIZATION
normal plant. It is possible to app ly these techniques on strength liquid MS medium containing 2 sucrose and auxins
bamboo, but the best medium for it and the kind of material (IAA, IBA, IPA, NAA, etc. at concentrations ranging from
The hybridization of bamboo is the production of hy- ring lowering. T.T.
T.T.V. solution with a concentration of 0.1
that gives the best results st ill needs to be investigated. 0.05 to 5.0 mg I 1 for varying
varying periods of ime in the dark.
brids by crossbreeding different bamboo species and genera was sprayed 2 or 3 times and this helped to control them.
6.- The shoots are then moved to the same medium in or der to get a hybrid which co mbines the best mechani- 2.- C r o s s b r e ed i n g b et we e n b a mb oo a n d
without auxins for root development, and lat er to light for
T i ssu e cu ltu re p r opagat i on of en cal, anatomical, and physiological characteristics of the two rice (Ori za sa t i va) . According to Soderstrom et al
root and shoot growth to produce plantlets.
dr oc a l a m u s s tr i c t us 7·-P1antlets 50-60 mm high are planted in a sterile 1:1:1 species or parent bamboos.
i. -Cross b re e di n g d iffe rent bamboo speci es
(1988), the grass family is currently divided into fiv e sub-
Dendrocalam us strictus is one of the most widely di s- mixture of san d: soil: vermiculite. families, one of which is the Bambusideae which includes
tributed and cultivated bamboos in India. It has solid culms a n ge n e r a. Natural and artificial
artificial hybridizations have the true bamboos as we ll as ri ce (Oriza) and related genera.
8.-Plantlets are acclimatized, initia ll y at a hi gh relative
and isalso one of the best and hardiest bamboos as it can played significant roles in the evolution of grassses. In cere- According to Gielis (1997), bamboo and rice probably share
humidity (>90%) and gradually the humidity is reduced.
withstand drought. A method for the rapid large-scale mul- als, high yielding hybrids are produced and used for aug- the same basic chromosome
chromosome number (X=12). Rice Ri ce is diploid
9·-New shoots emerge in 30- 40 days.
tiplication of D. so-ictus been standardized (Mascarenhas, et menting food production. However,
However, introducing br eeding (2n=24), while tropical bamboos are hexaploid (2n=72) and
lo.-After co mplete hardening, plantlets are field plan-
a. 1990). The proced ure is as follows: programs in bamboos is very difficult. This is because of the temperate bamboos are tetraploids (2n=48), If the lowest
ted. Small scale field trials using mi cropropagat ed plantlets
I. -Seeds are husked, the surface is st er ili
zed and inno- peculiar fl owering and seeding behavior of most species, value of tropical woody bamboos is divided by 3, the result
of D. strictus indicate
d many advantages, the most impor-
culated on a semi-solid. White's basal medium (White 1963) involving long species-specific vegetative growth phases, is about 0.8 , which ap proximates the 2CDNA cont ent of
tant being early clump formation and culm production in
containing 2% sucrose, and they are incubated in the dark. plantations raised from tissue culture derivated plantlets as ranging between 3 and 120 or more years (Jansen 19 76). rice (0.78-0.91 pg/2C) (Arumugana than Earle 1991 1991).
). This
2.-After about a week when seeds germinate, seedlings Although there are various difficulties in bamboo plant indicates th at the complexity of the bamb oo genome is
compared to seedling raised plantation s.
are tranferred to light conditions for bealthy growth, and in This information needs further confirmation in large scale crossbreed ing, according to Zhang Ma ( 19 94), researchers higher in absolute value, but is theoretically comparable to
15 t020 days they attain a height of 40-50 mm. fi eld trials. f found consistently, this could cut down the
at the Guandong In stitute of Forestry in Chin a have rice when calculated per basic chromosome number, x =12. =12.
3.-Seedling sections are transferred to liquid MS medi- gestation period and offer ear ly returns from bamboo plan- o bt ained good bamboo crossbr eeds, such as "8ambusa per- This opens possibilities to unravelling the genetics of bam-
um (Murashige & Skoog 1962) containing 0.2 mg I ·' 6-ben- tation s. (Mascarenhas et al 1990; Nagauda, John, Joshy,
va,.iabilis x Dend,.oca amus ahjlorus No 1 , "Bambusa tex- boos. According to Zhang Ma (1994), in 19 70, researchers
zy lamin op urine + 5 coconut water (CW) + 2 sucrose, in Parasha rami, Mascarenhas 1997;
1997; Gielis 1995). h·/is x D endrocalamus atijlorus No 4 and "Sinoca amus
Dendrocalamus at the Agricultural Research Institute of Haifeng County in

250 ml flasks and kept in a rotary shaker at 120 rpm, for Dendroca amus atijlorus No 5 etc. These good
mino,. x Dendroca Guandong Province in China, succeeded in crossbreeding
shoot multiplication. bambo o crossbr eeds have the following exce ll ent merits: rice (Oriza sativa) and bamboo plant s and obtained th e
good shooting ability, good shoot ta s te , fine mechanical crossbred seeds. In this cross br eeding, they used the proge-
s trength , not easy to split or too high of a ratio of fiber nies of the crossbreeding between Keng rice (Oriza sativa)
length and width, high ti ss ue vo lume, good paper-making and Hsien rice (Oriza sativa subs p. hsien), which have great
features, etc. va riations, as the maternal line and Bambusa textilis as the
The fonowing effective measur es were taken by Zhan paternal line, and they succeeded in obtaining seed s. The
ARTIFICIAL I ND U CTION OF FLOWERING Chen (1985) to raise the percentage of seed se tting. progenies of ri ce and bamboo showed a special basic leaf
t.-B amboo were transplanted in a special nursery or morphological st ructure and a longer growth period which
It is very difficult to get two or more species of bamboo to Chambers, et al.,1991;
al.,1991; and Rout Das, 1994.
1994. In all, fflower-
lower- in a large pot. Fertili zers with on ly phosphorous and are absent in rice. H owever , along with the increase in
flow er concurrently in time and space. The majority of bam- ing could be induced in six species: 8ambusa aru ndinacea, p o ta s s iu m were a p p lie d and li ght co n d itio n s were generations, the growth period has shortened. For example,
boos fall at two physiological extremes: ei ther constant sterili- B. vulgaris, De ndr oca amus brandisii, D. giganteus, D. improved. The flower bud s developed normally so as to Fl of rice and bamboo eared and seeded in two year s, while
ty (Arundinaria variegata, Bambusa vu gar'i gar'iss and Sasa tes- promote seed setting. While transplanting, the experimen- F2 did so in one year an d a half and F3 in less than one year.
hamiltonii and D. s tri ctus. When a ll four re port s are
se ata) or gregarious flowering manifested by the cyclical analysed,
analyse d, there are some similarities and some differences.
differences. tal materi
mate ri al was c ut into dwarf plants in order to p01l1inate The progenies of the hybrid between rice and bamboo have
recurrence of the flow
ering state at species-specifi
species-specificc intervals. The similarities are the use of seed/ seed ling tissue as the the flowers conve
con ve niently. shown great variat ions in plant type, and tiller and disease
In 1990, Nadgauda, et aI, reported artificial indu ct ion starting material, and the use of benzyladenine (BA)/6-ben- 2.-During the period from February to Jun e, especially resistance, but all feature a stro ng stalk. Through multiple-
of flow ering in thr ee bamboo species: ambusa ar undi- zy la min o p u r in e (BAP) / aden in e s u lp h a te (AdS), a in May and June , bamboos ower in great quantiti es. Gen- Gen- crossings, some progenies have approached rice morpholo-
nacea, Dend,.oca amus Brandisii and D. strictus. In brief, cytokinin-like activity, in the medium. The differences are eraIly s pe aking, the earlier the flowering, the b ette r the gy, showing promising features, such as sma ll , thick and
the procedure for th e in-vitro induction of flower ing is as th e use of different basal media and the presence/absence of seed setting. Therefore it is preferable to do the hybridiza- straight leaves, a stro ng tillering ability, sma ll hard stalks,
follows. c oconut water in th e m edium (Mascarenas et al 1990 ; tion work in the early part of the seaso n. stro
ng disease and pest resistance, and optimal characteris-
I.-Surface-steriliz ed seeds are germinated on White's Nagauda, John , Jo sh y, Paras harami , Mascare nha s,1997). 3.-During this season, man y flowers are formed but tics of the ear and grain. If further back crossing and multi-
basal medium (White 1963) in the dark. What is the significance of this phenomo n? The obvi- not all of these be pollinated, so it is reasonable to remove ple crossing are und e rtaken , it may be possible to breed
2.-Excised seedling explants containing col eopt ile ous answer to this question is that, in bamboos which nor- some of them in order to reduce nutritie nt consumption. plant lines, st rain s and new var ieties which possess the
regions are cultured in liquid. MS medi um containing 0.5 mally tak e many years to fl ower and seed, indu c tion of The flowers in the middle part of the spikelet develop much e x c e lle n t c h a r a c te r is tic s o f b o th bamboo and rice.
mIl -, 6benzylaminopurine, 5 coconut water (CW) and 3% flowering by in vitro t echniques is useful in perennial seed better than those at the top of the sp ikelet. Therefore, it is Sexual crossing involves the fo llowing techniques:
sucrose, with the pH adjusted to 5.8. productio n and in hybridizations. It provides a me an s to better to select the flowers in the middle part of inflorecense 1.- Crossing season: It is suggested that crossbreeding

3.-After several subc ultures, spickelets emerge in the overcome the barrier placed by nature on hybridization to pollinate in order to get a larger percentage of seed set- heundertaken during th e season of full blossoming
majority of the subcu ltur es. betw een bamboo species, by providing predictable, fre- ting in hybridization. because at this time the development of pollen is better
4 · - Wh e n inflores
cense segments are separated and quent and synchronous flowering iin n two or more species. 4. -Bamboo owers generall y open between 5 a.m. and with lar ge quantities of m at ure pollen and a low rate of
sub cu ltured in the sa me medium, they multipy, givng rise to (Nagauda et ai, 1993 ) . 9 a.m. and close at noon. It is necessary to pollinate them pollen abortion.
an infloerescence culture. What are the problems and prospects of using in vitro in the early morning because it is cooler and atmospheric 2.-Pollination: It is suggested that well developed
5· -ln 30-50 of the cu ltur es, seed-set is observed. flowering for perennial seed production and hybridization? humidity is higher, which is good for ca rr ying out con- strong flowers from the mid ear be selected for pollinatio n.
However, seed viavility is very low. So far all reports are based on seed / seedlin g/ soma tic trolled pollination. Pollination should be carried out between 5 and 9 a.m. or in
6.-Flowering s hoot s tran splan ted to the field afte r embrio-derived pl antlet explants. This is one of the serious 5.- Precaution s should be taken again st bad weather the evening when the air is humid, which is beneficial for
excising the spickelets and rooting, do not produce any limitations of using this technique for perennial seed pro- which affects the germination abili
ab ility
ty of pollen. During,
During, and th e s u ccess of poi in at on . As the dis tan cro ssb r eedi ng
spickelets. duction and hybridization. Induction of flo wering in mature soon after, pollination tile plant should be left out of sun- between bamboo and rice (Oriza sativa), it is suggested that
So far there are fo ur reports on the induction of flower- clump-derived explants woul be almost useful
use ful advance. shine and rainfall. The parent mat er ial should be grown in th e rice ears be soa ked in warm water so as to so lve the
ing in bamboos: Nadgauda et aI, 1990; Rao& Rao, 1990; large pots so th ey can be moved into the sun or the shade, as issue of synchr o ni zing the flowering period and emasc ul a-
the case may be, and 6.-It is necessary to control pests du- tion. This should be accompan ie ied
d by repeated pollinations.

62 Part One-
One- Section 4 - amboo Ecologyand Silviculture Part One-
One- Section 4 - amboo Ecologyand Silviculture 63


Bamboo stands should be managed on a yearly basis, Regular exploitation increases the production of newe bam- Edible bamboo s hoots
not only for harvesting but also for maintenance. Usually the boo stock Continued and excessive
excessive cutting results in reduced Th e b amb o o sh o o t or sp ro u t . As was explained
felling cycles are 3-4 years, as systematic and regular exploi- diameter in new bamboos and finally extermination of the before, a bamboo generally reproduces asexually after a bud
tation increases the production of the bamboo stock. Man- clump. Felling all the culms (both young and mature) of a on a rhizome swells up, becomes a culm shoot or sprout and
agement of bamboos is based on the physiological develop- clump will kill the clum p in 2 to 3 years. grows into a young culm. This bamboo shoot has been used
ment of the clumps. In tropical bamboos, the new cu llTI S are The following felling rules are recommended: traditionally in many Asian countries as food source from
produced from the rhizome, generally along the periphery of 1) All culms should be cut above the first node above the immemorial times.
the clump. ground. No portion of the internode (above the first node) The various kinds of dishes and the techniques for their
New cullTIs shoots appear at the beginning of the rainy should be left. In India, culms of Bambusa blumeana were preparation, as described in many Asiatian cookbooks, dif-
season in the form of cones whi whi ch are covered with overlap- cut at a height of 2-3 m, just above the dense growth of spiny fer from one country to another and even from one ethnic
ping sheaths inserted in the nodes. The culms develop fast, branches. However, it was found that removal of the spines group to another. Since each country or ethnic group has a
reaching their full height in about 3 to 5 months, depending and the cutting of cu lms close to the ground increased the specific name for every recipe, it is unavoidable that some-
on the species, Le . GuaduQ angustifolia and other giant number of shoots that appeared each year, reduced shoot times similar dishes will have different names.
species of genus Guadua take at least 5 months to reach mortality and reduced the number of deformed cu]ms. In the Americas, only Brazil has bamboo plantations
their full height. 2) Inmature culms younger than 2 years old should not for the production of bamboo shoots for the large Japan-
Generally branches develop only after the growth in be cut. ese colony living there. In the rest of Latin American this
height is completed. Once the growing process of the culm is 3) The centrifugal direction in which the clump (pachy- tradition does not exist and consequently, it is very impor- Fig_4.9 Shoot s
finished, its mechanical properties are very poor and it can morph) expands leaves most of the younger cu]ms on the tant to warn people that bamboo shoots can be consumed ca n s of a mb o o
only be used for manufacturing woven panels and baskets, periphery enclosing the older ones. A of the younger ones only once the hydrocianic acid, which the sap contains, ma n u fa c tu re d in
but in no case as construction material. Due to their lack of on the periphery (unless dead) should be retained. In this has been removed by cooking. (See therapeutic uses of China and Japan
strength, young culms can be bent by the wind; consequently, case, it is suggested that the horse-shoe method of exploita- bamboo shoots).
during the fellings it is necessary to leave 3 or 4 culms of dif- tion be used for removing the o ld er culms. Culms left uncut Some of the many species of bamboo in the temper- on each node of the rhizome. Rainfa l in December is of
ferent ages to suppor t the young culms which are growing. should be evenly distributed throughout the clump. ate zones of China and Japan used in the production of great importan ce to improving shoot development. Rainfall
As explained above, there are several import ant factors 4 In clumps with an annual felling cycle, not more than bamboo shoots are the following: Phy/lostachys pubes- from February to April has a great effect on the shape, size
that we have to consider in th e management of bamboo forests 50 of the living mature culms (three years old and over) cens, Ph. p,.aecox, Ph nigra var. henonis, Ph . bambu- and apparent color of bamboo shoots during this period,
with clump formation (pachymorph) and individual culms should be cut. In clumps with a biennial felling cycle, no so ides, Chimonobambusa mar morea Pleioblastus hinsii, which is the time of shoot development. Irrigation is neces-
(ieptomorph), which are: the material selection, the felling more than 65 of the living mature culms shou ld be cut; and 8asa paniculata. sary if annual rainfall is not enough to maintain 1.S-2.0 PF
e, the intensity of felling,
felling, and the time of harvesting. and in clumps with a triennial felling cycle, not more than In tropical zones of Asia, the species most used for which is suitable for soil moisture. f his condition is main-
The general practice in the material selection is to select 75 of the living mature culms should be cut. It is important the production of bamboo shoots are: Dendrocalamus tained, bamboo shoots can smooth ly develop. When soil
the mature culms and to harvest them. Young culms, less to point out that the number of culms to be cut depends l at i f l or us D.hamiltonii D. m i nor a n d Bam bus a temperture increases, early harvesting is possible. On dif-
than 3 years old, are considered to be immature with less entirely on the conditions of the clump. bechegana. The hvo most important species for bamboo ferent topography, hole digging can be adopted. The method
stre ngth and consequen tly not useful for construction. Over-mature and other non-marketabl culms (dry shoot production are Phyliostachys pubescens and Den- of water retaining can en sure soil moisture.
Mature culms are those 3 -4 years old, depend ing on the culms or those with cracks) should be cut out to preserve drocalamus lahflorus. The best harvesting time for bamboo shoots in temper-
species. Guadua angustifolia is considered mature when it is maximum vigor and productivity of the rhizomes and culms. T h e s i t e . According to Nonaka (1989), for the sake of ate areas is in the spring. Bamboo shoots begin to come up
3 years old. (See determi nation of the culm's age.) If dry culms are not removed from the clump, the coppice marketing bamboo shoots earlier, it is importan to select around April lsth and finish coming up during the first ten
For management purposes, it is very important to know shoots produced in such a clump may also caus congestion. proper sites, apply fertilizer to the mothe r bamboo. irrigate days of May. Bamboo shoots come up early and th e amount
the average life span of a culm. The life of an individual culm Coppice shoots, which are thinner than the culms, are some the sites and maintain the proper temperature. The most of bamboos growing is high if the soil moisture is great.
(in the clump) varies depending on the species and the site times referred to as switches. suitable site for bamboo stand is on a gentle southeash vard Strong bamboo shoots come out of the ground early. The
where it grows, but it rarely lives more than 12 years. Tn 5) All of the debris and cut branches of the culm should slope, with a water source near by. The desired density of height growth can be divided in three periods: Before May
GuaduQ angustifolia , the average life span is about 7 - 8 be completely removed. the mother bamboo is 150-200 culms of different ages per 9th is consid
cons id ered to be the ear li er stage and growth is sl ow.
years, but the culms begin to show signs of deterioration and 6) Bamboos should not be cut in the year of their flo w- 1,000 m2. The composition of the age groups should be 25 After May 9th is the later stage and gr o\'\Ith is faster. During
start to dry one year earlier. ering; all
all such clumps should be clear-felled after they have one year old bamboos, 35 two years old and 40 three last ten days May, there is stable growth (Fang 1988).
The felling cycle, is the time th at elapses between suc- shed their seed. years old. The cu tting of the parent bamboos is best done in The shoot producing period for the species of tropical
cess ive
iv e principal fellings in the same area. It differs from 7) The optimum spacing for productivity is very impor- the winter when they are S-6 years o ld . areas like Dendmca/amus hamiltoni is from mid May to mi
rotation, which is the number of years between the forma- tant. The distance recommended for giant species is S-7m Fert i l ize r application. According to an investiga- November. The vigorous period is from June to September 8-
tion or regeneration and the final felling of a forest crop. in square (sxS m),according to the position of their rhi- tion, for the output of 1.000 kg shoots, 4.0-4.6 kg nitrogen 14 shoots and culms can be produced. Cutting should be con-
Rotation does not exceed 5-8 years, while the felling cycle zomes. f the rhizomes grow almost vertically, such as in can be absorbed. In addition, mother bamboos and rhi- ducted in the last ten days of September, and cleaning up oper-
may e annual, biennial and triennial and sometimes quad- Bambusa vulgaris, the separation in square could be sxs m. zomes also also need to absorb nutrients, so the amount of fertil- ations after the cutting should be finished before the end of
rennial. It is thus clear that rotation and felling cycles apply In the case of Guadua angustifolia, which has long horizon- izers applied needs to be considered. At the same time, the October. Fertilizer application is generally carried out in Janu-
to culms and clumps respectively. tal rhizomes, he separation must be 7 meters in square. natural supply of nutrients in the soil is preserved. To pro- ary, May and August, although nitrogenous fertilizer should be
The length of the felling cycle is determined by the min- 8) Fertilizer app li cation. According to PROSEA (1995), duce 1000 -1200 kg of shoots, 30 - 3 5 kg nitrogen (N), 15 - applied in February and October (Nonaka 1989; Xie 1996).
imum age at which the culm is exploitabl e. A felling cycle of it has been shown that fertilizer application increases the
imum age at which the culm is exploitabl A felling cycle it has been shown fertilizer application increases 20 kg phosphorus(P), and 20 - 2 5 kg potassium (K) are Harvest season: Bamboo sprouts are han 'ested when
3 - year
yearss is therefore generally prescribed, depending on the production of culm shoots. In the case of Thyrsostachys sia- needed. After shoot sprouting, from mid May to early June, the surface of he soil has cracked at least 5 cm and the tips of
species; too short a felling cycle brings about the deteriora- mensis, Dendro calamus asper and D Strictus, the applica- abo ut ' 30-' 50 kg N, 80 kg P and 110 kg K/ ha are applied
applied.. the shoots are ye ll owish. According to Porterfield (1926), at
tion of the clump, and a long felling cycle may result in over- tionof IS-I S-IS NPK fertilizer resulted in a significant Irrigat ion There is a close relationship between that time the farmers feel along the ground their bare
crowding. If clumps are not regularly managed, they become increase in the yield of culm shoots by applying 100-100 and bamboo shoot growth and rainfall. Precipitation directly feet and when their toes come across the point of a shoot, a
dense and congested, so cutting w ill be extremely difficult. 200 kg / ha of fertilizer respectively. affects the quality and output of shoots. Rainfall from July small mound of earth is piled over the place, not only to mark
to September is closely related to bud sprout ing and quality it, but to keep it under cover as long as possible.

64 Part One Sectio n 4 Bamboo Ecology and Silviculture Part One

One Section 5 Pests and deseases in living and felled bamboo 65

This is the same kind of treatment accord

ed asparagus
to keep it white. If the bamboo shoot is exposed to the sun,
are to keep the normal color, sme ll and taste, to prevent rot
and to increase economic benefits. PESTS AND DISEASES I N LIVING

it turns green immediately. Very often, instead of piling In th e experiments carried out by Liu (1996) in his
earth over the young shoot, farmers cover it with a wooden
bucket to keep it in the dark.
s tudy on storage method s for conserving Phyllostachys
pubescens shoots, healthy living shoots 10-15 cms in height
Nishino (1995) points out that from the time of th e without insect pests were dug out from Dayuan Forest Farm
shoot sprouting (in April) in temperate areas, the old leaves in Zhejian, in April 1986.
of mother bamboo begin to fall and new leaves come out in The fresh weight of the uninjured shoots without '
mid April. In the case of new mother bam boos retai ned for stumps averages 0.5-1 kg. Loaded in baskets
baskets,, the shoots are
shoot growth, the branches come out with leaf growth from transported promptly with ventilation. Baskin
early May to June. During this period the nutrients stored in sho uld be avoided and the shoots should be kept at low
the rhizomes, culm, branches and leaves are supplied for t emperat ur e after transportation and sto red quickly. All living species of bamboo and felled bamboos are
shoot growth, so the nutrient source is very important as The time elapsed from digging to storage should be less
less liable to the attack by fungi and insects. Generally, the
long as possible. than 48 hours. The fresh shoots are put into two polyvinyl microorganisms and insects which attack living bamboos
There are two ways to force an earlier emergence of bags separately. The tops of the bags are bound, and they are different from those that attack fe ll ed culms, unless the
bamboo sprout s. One is to advance the period of sprout are packed into cardbo ard boxes with each box weighing 7.5 living culms were sick. In the Americas very little informa-
emergence by 7 tOlD days. There is a practical means of kg,. Four boxes are filled at a time with 7-10 fresh shoots tion exists about this field and most of the following
following infor-
doing this. By covering the soil with a vinyl sheet for about with sheaths or 15-20 shoots without sheaths in each box. mation is from Asia.
one hundred days before the beginning of the emerging Packing
Packin g is done under normal conditions w with
ith a constant
period, the underground temperature can rise 100 C and we temperature of 1° C after packing. They studied five tre at- I.-DECAY FUNGI IN LIVING BAM-
can advance the emerging period. On the other hand, we ment methods:
can harvest sprouts about 30-40 days e arlier than usual by 1.- Air tight cold storage with shoot sheaths: vacuum BOOS
rising the underground temperature to 13 or 150 C starting packed plastic bags are put into cold storage at lO o In Brazil, Bambusa vulgar-is is affected by a disease
in January. However, the cost is great and today this means 2. -Quick frozen cold storage with sheaths: vacuum caused bythe
lowing of Tomentella bambusina,
culms, droping whose symtoms are: yel-
of the bracks and shrivelling of
is not practical. packed shoots are quick frozen in the bags at a low tempera-
Standing bamboos over 6-7 years old old should
shou ld be har- ture (-18 0 C) for 20 minutes and then put into cold storage. the whole plant. Young shoots suffer most severely, becom-
vested because they are like and age woman bamboo. f hey 3.-Bags are put directly into boxes and are put in cold ing completely dessicated. The rhizomes are also invaded, Fig.5.l A princess fungus Dictyophora, (C
are st ill remain, development of new bamboo shoots is storage (contrast). the cortex rots entirely and only the centra l cylinder
influenced and productivity goes down. 4.-Cold storage without sheaths: the sheaths are remo- remains more or less intact. Micropaltis bambusicola P. Henn and Shirai which is para-
The executive plan to be thought at the present problem ved, the air is extracted fromfrom the bags, and then they are In India, according to Banerjee and Ghosh (1942), of sitic on the cu lms of Sasa paniclliata and gives rise to the
is that the harvested bamboo culms shou ld be used to make put into cold storage. the 31 higher fungi collected on bamboo, seven occurred on round spot disease.
charcoal and the cbarcoal should be applied to shoot culti- living plants: Polyporus durus, P j,.iabilis, Canoderma Many attractive objects can be made from cu]ms affect-
5.- Quick frozen cold s torage withou sheaths: the
vation stands. Then these bamboo culms should be put to lucidum, mauroderma ,.ugosum, T,.emetes persoonii, ed by this fungus. Miyoshiellajusisporo Kawamura is para-
sheaths are removed from the shoots and then they receive
practical use as substitute sources of energy, raw materials the same treatment as 2. Merculius similis, and Ste,.eo
eo percom e The fungus Shiraia sitic on the culms of Semiarundillariajastuosa making the
for pulping, and fodder for livestock. The results show that the quick frozen method with bambusicola P. Henn , is parasitic on the young twigs of so called t iger pattern , also known on the market as spot-
For the cultivation of bamboo shoots, it is really neces- sheaths in vacuum packed plastic bags can conserve shoots Phyllostachys bambusoides, P nigra henonis, and other ted bamboo of Okayama. Miyoshiella macrospora Kawa-
sary to apply gre at deal of labors In order to improve stands for the longest ti me (over 3 months) in edible condition. bamboos, and it is the cause of red-pat ch disease. Acicu- mura is parasitic on Bambusa shimadai from Taiwan and
with low productivity, it is necessary to carry out reasonable The second most effici
e ffici ent method is cold s tor age in va- losporium Miyako is parasitic on thebranches of several creates a characteristic pattern on the culm surface known
selective felling, adopting appropriate stand density and cuum packed plastic bags with sheaths, while cold storage species and causes the 'witches -broom disease, particular - as the leopard-pattern bamboo of Taiwan. Leptosphaeria
introducing fertilization management in accordance with with air in the bags or without sheaths can only conserve the ly in old bamboos. tigrisoides Nara is parasitic on Phyl-lostachys barnbusoides
physiological and ecological theories. For fertilization, not fresh shoots for a short time in edible condition (Liu 1996). Phyllachora
Phyllacho ra shiraiana Syd. is parasitic on the leave
s, and produces a beautiful pattern on the culm known as the
only chemical fertilizers, but also organic fertilizers should and gives rise to b ]ack spot disease. Ustilago Shiraiana P. tiger pattern . Aste,.inella hiugensis causes the rare and
be applied. Henn, is parasitic on the growing tips and tender internodes beautiful spots on Phyllostachys bambusae bamboos.
The bamboo shoot cannery technique of some species and is the cause of smut. Ste,.eoost,.atum Phragmothyrium semiar
ria (Micropeltis bambusi-
Raw mat eri al p r e p a r a t i o n : The length of bam- cor ticioides Magnus is parasitic on several species and
Types of c o mme rc i a l bamboo s hoot s cola) also produces a handsome spotted effect on Semi-
boo shoots shou ld be less than 35 cm , free from insect and causes the mat disease of bamboo, alsoknown as red arundin area narikir ae (Takenouchi 1936; Hino 1934).
There are three types of commerical bamboo shoots:
desease and mechanical damage. The time from digging to coat or vermelion desease . Ptlccinia kuisanoi Diet is par-
fresh shoots,
shoot s, dried shoots and canned shoots, of which there
processing in not more than 24 24 hours (in winter iti s not asitic on leaves and causes a rut disease . 2.-INSECTS IN LIVING BAMBOOS
are two types. One is canned shoots of the genus Dendro-
more than 24 hours). The weight of each shoot dug in early Co ntroL -In most cases, it is essential to cut down and
ControL Insects that attack living bamboos are: A,.tona juner-
calamus for Chinese dishes and the other is Phyllostachys
stage sho uld be no more than 1.5 kg. Shoot should be solid burn the affected culms before the spores scatter. In some alis Butl. (Fam. Zygaenidae). The larvae make a mass attack
pubescens. One ton of dried shoots is generally produced
with four basal inter nodes, and have red root points. cases, it is only necessary to spray the affected area with on the leaves. According to Chin (1937), in Hangchow ,
from 20 tons of fresh shoots, while 40 tons of domestic
The technological process is : grading of raw materials fungicide or to scrape off the affected area before using fun- China, its larvae sometimes defoliate more than 80% of the
canned shootswere to be produced from 100 tons of fr esh
->preliminary cooking -> cooking -> pealing of sheaths for gicide. Bamboo groves must be thoroughly fertilized and the plants. Atrachea vulgaris distincta (Phalaenidae, syn Noc-
shoots, but 70 tons of imported cannned shoots were made
better looking -> rinsing -> improving shoot shape -> grad- aim should be to have ventilation
ventilation and penetration of sun- tuidae) Warren, In the same area (Hangchow. China), its
from 100 tons of fresh shoots 20 tons of fresh shoots = 1 ton
ing -> filling cans -> Adding soup -> sterilizing -> sealing light into the grove. Some di seases break out mostly in larvae attack young stems and shoots, causing them to
of dry shoots;. 100 tons of fre
sh shoots = 40 tons of domes-
tic boiled can shoots ;100 tons of fresh shoots =70 tons of the cans ->. can cooling -> storage. crowded groves with saturated soil. In this case, it is neces- dieback. The larvae pupate in so il. About 30% of them are
According to different demand, cans of different size sary to obtain good drainage and thin out the grove. parasited by Apanteles spp. The best metbod of control is
imported boiled can shoots
are used. In a 18 litre can, the shoot flesh should not be less cutting off the infected shoots for several years.
than 11 kg. and 9 litre one not less than 5 kg. It is not allow- Decorative fu n g u s According to Ma 1934). Estigmina chinensis
St or age an d pr es er vat ion of s hoot s able of negative weight error. No microorganism and rot- Not all the fungus deteriorates bamboo. Some of them (Chrysomelidae), attacks the new growing culms, typically
The requirements for storage and shoot preservation ten shoot should be found in cans. (Shi, Q. 1994) create beautiful patterns or spots on the surface of the culms the internodes become short and sometimes crooked. Eggs
of some species, and these are used for making various are laid on the tender growing culms and then the larvae
kinds of expensive art goods. This is the case of the fungus work their way inside
in side the internode arresting the growth of the

66 Part One Section 5 Pests and deseases in li ving and felled bamboo Part One Section 5 Pests and deseas
es in living and felled bamboo 67

culm. If the attack is on one side, the internod e bends to Co n t ro l: Dig the diseased bamboos up in time and
that side. f he attack is on both sides of a shoot, the intern-
odes do not lengthen
burn them. The old ones should be cut as soon as possible DECAY FUNGI AND INSECTS WHICH A r r A C K FELLED BAMBOO
and new moth er bamboos should be selected from a dis-
Cy,·totrache lus longipes (Curculionide). According to ease-free forest.
forest. Improvements should be made to strength- Insects
Deogun (1936), this is a we evil which attacks the growing en the stand, such as loosening the soil, weeding, fertiliza- Most bamboo species, once felled, are highly suscepti-
The insects which attack felled culms and produce seri-
tops of the new cu]ms and , in the majority of cases, eats out tion, and thinning. bl e to att ack by decay, fungi, and insects (beetles, borers
ous damage in round bamboos, or bamboo culms tran s-
the top bud. Growth is diverted to new lea der s which arise 3· Smut. Damage: Dark stains appear on the surface of and termites), particularly
particularly if th
ey are less than three years
from the upper nodes. the branches and leaves. The time of incidence is during the old and if the moisture content is above the fiber saturation formed into splints or boards are termites and beetles
borer s. These generally attack the inner part of the culm
mchytripus porten tosus l icht (B. achatinus Sta l) bamboo growing seaso n. point (18% in bamboo). Decay fungi (brown rot, white rot,
wall, which is the softest part, and consequently, the most
(Fam. Grillidae), This insect bores holes in the culm near Co n tr o l: Aphids and scales are the main insects that so ft rot) and staining fungi, attack especia
y in tropical susceptible to beetle attack. It appears that in most species
the ground line causing much damag e. Odonaspis inusita- must be killed in the forest. Timely thinning of the stands is areas where deterioration can be very severe and reduce the the top pa rt of the culm has a higher resistance to insect
tus Green Aspidictus inusitatus Green) (Fam Coccidae) carried out to facilitate air circulation and let in more sun- bamboos' natural durabil ity. In sea water, bamboo is des- attack than the bottom and middle portions due to a lower
occurs in Japan and Ceylan. The male insects lodge in the light. Bamboos are sprayed with a mixture of 0 . 2 - 0 . 3 degree troyed by marine organisms in less than one year.
amount of parenchyma and consequently less starch. Split
space between culm and the leaf sheath a nd suck the juic juice.
e. lime sulfur solution. On the other hand , in Colombia, where bamboo is used
bamboo and bamboo boards are more rapidly destroyed
Odonaspis secrelus Ckll Aspidiolus secretus Ckll) occurs 4· Oligia vulgar·is. Damag
Damage:e: Shoots are bored by larvae, in conjunction with hardwoods in the construction of hous-
than round bamboos.
in Japan and Hawaii. resulting in lower quality shoots. The time of incidence is es, generally the beetles or borers that attack felled culms,
ChionQspis signata Mask (Chion asp Kuwana) (Cocci- from March to Ma y, when the insects feed on weeds and do not attack timber and vice versa, exce pt the subter-
dae) occurs in Japan. The females are parasitic on the leaf ranean termites, that attack both, particularly when they
farm crops, and then they bore the shoots in mid June.
surface Chionaspis bambusae Ckl1. occurs in Japan and is are used in contact with the ground. This can be observed in Termites are among the few insects capable of utilizing
Control: Strengthen tending and weeding. Shoot s
parasitic on the lower surface of the leaves. Aclerda tokionis cellulose as a source of food. There are two types of ter-
s hould be covered with earth and the damaged shoots Colombia in many old bamboo houses that were built using
Ckll. occurs in Japan and North America. The female lives mites, subterranean and nonsubterranean or dry-wood ter-
should be dug out early. A 223 emulsion (25%) diluted 200 the species Guadua angustifolia and guadua cebolla (sti (still
inside of the leaf sheath . The juice secreted by the insects mites, which live in bamboo as well as in drywood in some
times is sprayed in the forest or nursery. not identified), together with hardwoods. In some cases,
causes the growth of a sooty fungus. Phenacoccus takae areas of Southeast Asia. In Colombia, I have never seen
5 gedonia coclesalis. Damage: larvae spin and envel- there is old wood which has had to be replaced by new
Kuw. (Coccidae) occurs in Japan. op the leaves in a web, then they eat the bamboo leaves. The wood because of insect damag e, while the bamboo still bamboo culms attacked by non subterranean termit es.
Eriococcus onuki Kuw occurs in Japan . During their remains in very good condition; while in others, the oppo- Bamboo culms used as posts or columns, are attacked by
time o f incid e nce is j from May to Se p te mb e r .
growth, they secrete the honey-dew on which a sooty fungus su bterranean termites, that li
ve in the ground and build
Co nt r ol : HHill
ill leveling and soil loosening can kill the site occurs.
grows. Polydesma vulgaris Butl. (Phalaenidae). The larvae earthen tubes above theground to reach their food, the cel-
wintering larvae. During the larval period, Dipterex liquid
feed on the bamboo shoots of several species, which finally lulose of the bamboo wood.
d il uted 5 0 0 times or Dichlorvos emulsion diluted 1 0 0 0 Decay fungi. Control. -The subterranean termites can be contro ll ed
die and decay. times can be sprayed. Thrichrogramma evallescens can also Moisture cont ent has an important effect on suscepti- by: 1) Destruction of the earthen tubes. 2) Installing a metal
Cosmotriche albomaculata Brem. (Lasiocampida e). be used for biological control at a release rate of 22.5 mil- bility to decay. In bamboo, most decay fungi require a mois-
The larvae feed on bamboo leaves. Neope goschkevitchii shield on the top of the pedestal piles and the bas es of
lions/ha. or 2-3 ml of systemic pest icides such as Acephate ture content above the fiber saturation point to develop .I n
Menertries (Satyridae). Clytanthus annular-is F. (Ceram- or Omethoate may be injected in each new bamboo.
co lumns. 3) Poisoning the so il adjacent to bamboo houses or
addition, it is essential that they have a favorable tempera-
bycidae) larvae bore holes in the culm and rheum and fill s under them. For treatment against termite attack, Sulthon
6 Oregma bambusicola. Damage: They congregate on ture, an adequate air supply and a source of food.
th em with a powdery substance. Oligomerus brunneus (1990) recommends a simple and cheap method of bamboo
leaves and branchlets to suck bamboo sap, causing smut. Cut bamboo (round, split or transformed into boards),
Steph. Lyctus brunneus Steph. (Fam. anobiidae). This preservation, soaking air dried bamboo in 7 copper sul-
The time of incidence is from May to September. are commonly attacked by decay fungi when stored in non
insect bores holes in the culm and fill s the hole with a pow- phate solution or in diesel oil. He treated sma ll air-dried
Co n t r ol: A 50% Dimethoate emulsion diluted 2000- ventilated areas, in contact with the soil, or continuously
dery substance. It occurs in Japan and Europe. (SX46 cm) stakes with a cold soaking for a period of seven
3 0 0 0 times , Dichlorvo s diluted 2 0 0 0 time s, or a 5 0 % wet from rain, or in cases that green bamboo boards are
Co n tr o l: The best method of control is cutting off and days. The treated samples were p ut into the ground in the
1 6 0 5 emulsion diluted 1000- 2000 times is sprayed. Bio- stacked for several days one on top of the other without any
burning all of the attacked culms in winter (rainy season) open for one year. It is clear that both the copper sulphate
logical control is carried out using lady bugs.
when the sap is low and the insects are hibernating. Also it 7· Leaf hoppe r. Damage. These damage the leaves and separation.
(as But bamboo
when sumerged) that is continuously
or continuously water-soaked
dry (with a moisture and the diesel oil effectively prevented tennite attack_ How-
is recommended that a light ground fire be run though the ever, the di esel oil treatme nt proved to be much cheaper.
suck the sap from them. The time of incidence is from June co ntent below its fiber saturation point) will not decay.
infested areas, as the insects are believed to spend the win- to October. Fell
Fe ll ed bamboo culms, transformed into splints or
ter under debris on the ground. Con tr o1: a Dimethoate emulsion diluted 3 0 0 0 times boards, when green or mature, are more severely deterio-
Tan Hongchao (1996), in his study about high yield culti- or Dichlorvos diluted 2 0 0 0 times is sprayed. rated by white rot, and especially soft rot fungi, th an by Starch, soluble carbohydrate and protein are essencial
vation techniques for Dendrocalamus giganteus, includes the 8 Ceracris kiangsll. DamagDamage:e: Adults and nynphs all eat brown rot. Under humid co nditions, bamboo articles can be food requirements for a borer attack. These food m ater ia ls
following infonnation about control of the m ain insect pests: bamboo leaves.The time of incidence is May to October. discolored by molds. vary wi th the season. The most active period of borer
1. Shoot rot. Damage: The shoot tops and young leaves attack in India is from March onwards.
Co n tr o l : A 6 BHe WP diluted 200 times is sprayed White and brow n -rot fungi produce progressive
on the internodes and the buried culm are damaged. Rot or the fumigant Dichlorvos is used at a dose of 7.5 kg /ha. A Starc h, soluble carbohydrates and prote in are the
changes in the chemical properties of bamboo components,
can be seen where brown spots appear. This disease occurs mixture of 50 kg. of urine with 2 kg of 6 BHC becomes a such as carbohydrates and lignin. Brown rot in progressive essential food requ iremen ts for a borer attack. These food
in the s hoot sprouting period of he first year. solution, in which straw is soaked and used for locust trap- supplies vary with the season, and the most active period i
decay reduces the weight of the culms, and decreases the
Co n tro l: Kitchen garden, pine and fir forest land should ping. Masses of people are roused to catch them when an of borer attacks in India is from March onwards.
hemicellulose an alphacelluJose.
not e used for nurseries. A basic composite manure should outbreak occurs. Because of the rich content of starch, polysaccharides, In Asia, the most dangerous borers that attack felled
be used and pl anllets should be grown from healthy moth er g.Chiollaspis bambusae. Damage; They live on branch- and water so luble in bamboo , a staining type of fungus, banlboos, bamboo articles, bamboo houses and structures
bamboos 2-4 years old. Shoots with rotten tips should be cut es, twigs or culm tops for sap sucking and cause smut. known as mold, can quickly infect and propagate on bam- are the species of Dinoderus (Coleoptera: bostrichidae),
off at the base. A Bordeaux mixture of 1:1:150 times or 0.1% Co n t r ol: Strengthen the quarantine for mother bam- Dinoderus minutus Fabr., D ocellaris Steph, D. japonicus,
potassium permanganate should be s pra yed at the initial boos. Dichlorvos diluted 1 0 0 0 times or malathion diluted booconditions
the culms afteroffelling and during and
high temperature usage when they are in
humidity. D brevis, and also Bostrichus paralelus Bostrichidae),
incidense of disease and it should continue to be sprayed 1 0 0 0 times is sprayed during the nymph period. When This means that mold is an indication of moist condi- and StTomatiu
StTomatium m barabatum (Cerambicidae).
days, until the pl antlets show vigorous growth.
every ten days, Song-Jian Mixture is used, it is diluted 1 0 - 2 4 times in sum- In the Americas, the most serious damage is produced
tions, which are conducive to the development of decay.
2. Witches' broom. Damage; This causes a cluster of mer and to 8-L 2 times in winter, or Fluoro acetamide dilut- by Dinoderus minutus Fabr. known as the pO\'\'der-post
Mold does not materially destroy the strength of bamboo,
branchlets grow on part or all of the bamboo. The time of ed 20 time s may be poured 6 10 cm deep into the except its toughness, but it causes a decrease in the value of beetle, which al so attacks a large number of other vegetable
incidence is from March to August when branching and le af soil around the bamboo roots. products. The crisscross tunnels produced in the culms
bamboo culms and products.
unfolding take place. reduce their useful li fe. This insect attacks the bamboo for

68 Part One-
One- Section 5 - Pests and deseases in living and felled bamboo Part One-
One- Secti
on 5 - Pests
Pests and deseases in living and felled bamboo 69

F ig . 5.4 PLAGUES
In 1972 I started doing research on the use of bamboo
cables as reinforcement in concrete beams at the National
University of Colombia
Colombia in Palmira . 1 cut about 90 culms of
Guadua angustifolia and a few of them had a crack about 12
mm wide (See figs
figs 5.3C) by 100mm long. The internodes in
this part of the culm were very short. This indicates that the
insect attack was made during the elongation process of the
internode. We opened these culms longitudina ll y but we did
not find the insect. However, in other culms that we opened
longitudinally, which did not have a crack, we found a white
worm living at the end of some of the internodes, separated
from the re st of the interno de by a thin wall. (Fig. 5.JA).
2). The worm (Fig.5.3B) was about 8-10 ems long with
a diameter of 9 mm in the central part and an inverted Y
in the front. According to Dr. Adalberto Figueroa, who at
that time was an Entomology professo r at the Agronomy
College of the National University in Palmira, the moth lays
its eggs above the node and the small worm perforates the
culm wall in order to go inside the internode (Fig.5.3 (1).
When the worm is bigger, it opens a hole one centime ter in A 1) 2) 3) (4)
diameter from the inside to the outside, next to the node
(Fig.5.JA (4)), through which it will leave the culm intern-
Fig.5.2 n young culms (from 9 months to 2 years old) F ig. 5 .3 In older culms the insects only attack the interior ode once transformed into a moth. The worm builds a wall
even the cortex or exterior part of the culm is attacked by from a fly that attacks
or partition in order to protect itself from
soft part of the culm wall if t has starch.
the insects. the worm and this fly goes inside the internode through the
hole. Later on, woodpeckers locate the worm by the vibra-
the starch, and the damage it causes is proportional to the tion of the culm, open a large hole in the culm, and with a
According to Plank 1948), once the insects penetrate
starch content of the culms. The starch is detected by the the cut ends to the inner culm wall, they extend their cylin- small branch chase the worm.
beetles almost immediately after the culms are felled and drical galleries along the soft inner portion of the wal l. For The moth was sent to the Smithsonian Institution in
assembled for drying or storage. Washington D.C . where its genus was identified as Mielobia
the purpose of oviposition, the adults extend their gal1eries
F1i es swarming over the cut ends of felled green bam- at right angles to the grain of the wood in the soft tissue. sp. (I think that it is important to verify this identification.)
boos are a sign that that particular bamboo culm is going to Inside the culm, in the tubular vessels of the fibro-vascular t is not recommended that sections of culms with
be attacked. There is a rather definite correlation between bundles thus cut, they deposit elongated oval eggs that
this type of cracks (as shown in fig , 5.30) be used in con-
susceptibility to insect attack and the starch content of the. hatch within 3 to 7 days. s truction because the crack continues along the neutral
culm. According to Liese (1985), the starch content in the The larvae reared in sma ll pieces of bamboo have a axis of the beam.
culm reaches its maximum in the driest months , just before feeding period of 41 days, pull pate in cells at the end of B
the rainy season and sprouting. their mines, and gave rise to adults about 4 days later. The
This is the reason why bamboos felled during the dry emerged adult spends about 3 days in its pupation cell C
season are more rapidly destroyed than those felled after or before gnawing an exit hole for leaving to the outside.
in the rainy season and sprouting. This is also in accordance Development from the time of the deposition of the egg to D Don t use bamboo culms with this defect in construc-
with the observations made by Channigaraya (1939), who the emerge n ce of the adult averages 51 days. The l arvae tion bec use they present a cr ck long the culm as
points Qut that in India in the Bhadravati division, bamboos and pupa are parasitited by the Bracor
lid doryctes pm vus sho wn in this figure.
of the species Dendrocala
Dendrocalamusmus strictus and Bambusa r ll - Mues. and Pteromalid p,.oamotura aquila Gir. respective-
dinacea collected during the summer are more susceptible ly. Some bamboo species are more susceptible tha n others
to beetle attack than those felled after the rains, since the to beetle attack.
beetle population dies down with the advent of the rains. The starch content of the wood of the culms, varies with
Deogun (1936) comments that the attack may be controlled the species and with the age of the culm,and decreases from
by cutting the culms in the rainy season when the sap is low the base to the top of the culm. Plank (1936) worked in
and the insects are probablyhibernating. Puerto Rico on susceptibility studies of various species.
The adult insect enters bamboo through its cut ends, Exploratory tests indicated that Bambusa vulgaris was the
through the cracks or a break in the surface, or through the most susceptible of all bamboo species to infestation by the
scars left when the branches are cut. The insects go through Dinoderus minutus. For this reason, its use for construction
a complete metamorphosis, passing through four stages of is not recomended. (See Treatments)
development: egg, larvae, pupa and adult.

amboo Properties



Density Moisture content 72
Fiber saturation point 73
Splitting Hardness 74
Bamboo and the atomic bomb 75

Acoustical qualities 76

Differences between wood and
bamboo 78
Factors which influence the
mechanical properties 79
Axial and transversal bamboo
structure 8
Influence of the electrical properties
of the culm. 83
Evaluation of tensile strength 85
Tension tests 87
Compression strength 88
Bending strength
Shear strength 92
Impact tests 92
Specimens for testing mechanica
nical properties 93
How to upgrade the mechanical .
• f, . ,,)
properties 94 \ .:. \

Chemistry of bamboo shoots
and culms 98
The main chemical elements ente
ring i nto the composition of bam
boo culms 99
Culm chemical composition with
reference to the culm age 103

Carrier with a Bamboo chair (Ferdinandus drawing).

Geografia Pintoresca de Colombia n 1869.

Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mecha

nical propert ies 73
72 Part 2 - Secti on 6 - Physical and Mechanical pr operties

Different species show different moisture value even at test in the direction of the annual growth rings (tangfiKltial-
PHYSIC L MECHANICAL Iy), somewhat less across the rings (radially), and very little

the same location. This variation is closely related to the
amount of parenchyma cells pressent, the site of water sto-
along the grain (longitudinally). Unlike timber, bamboo
rage. The strength properties of bamboo are influenced by begins to shrink from the very beginning of seasoning.
N D CHEMICAL PROPERTIES the moisture content of the culm as in timber. Generally, in According to Liese (1985) the shrinkage affects both the wall
thickness of the culm and the diameter, and it shows a ten-
the dry condition the strength of the culm is higher than in
the green condition. The differences between the air-dry and
dency to decrease from the bottom to top. Seasoning of
green condition are some times relatively
relatively small, especially mature culms from green condition to about 20 moisture
content leads to a shrinkage of 4 to 14 in the wall thickness,
for bending and cleavage. (Liese, 1985)·
and 3 to 12 in diameter.
A. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES The moisture content of the bamboo culms varies wide-
ly among species, and among individuals cullTIs. In green
Bamboo tissue mainly shrinks in the radial direction,
and the minimum deformation occurs in the axial direction.
bamboos the moisture content decreases from bottom to
For the appropriate use of each specie of bamboo and lower. (Sharma Mehra 1970). top, but after air drying, the moisture content does not vary The tangential shrinkage is higher in the outer parts of the
wood it is very important to study their physical properties A close correlation exists between specific gravity and greatly from the bottom to the top of the culm. For example, wall than in the inner parts. The shrinkage of the whole wall
(density, moisture content, hardness, etc.) which are related maximum crushing strength. It seems that resistance to appears to be governed by the shrinkage of the outermost
in the studies conducted by Pra,virohatmodjo (1988) in se-
with the characteristics of the material; and also their compression parallel to the grain is more or less uniform, portion which also possess the highest specific gravity.
veral species of Indonesia the moisture content at the basal,
mechanical properties which are related with the strength of hardly being affected by the height of the culm. Mature culms shrink less than immature ones.
middle and top of green 8ambusa arundinacea was 48.5-
the material (tensile and compresion strength, etc). There is The upper part of the culm, with
with smalle r but more vas- Shrinkage starts simultaneously with the decrease of
38.5-31.6 . A After
fter air-drying it was 15.7-15.6-
15.2 . (Li
a great relation between the physical and the mechanical cular bundles and their fiber sheaths, has an increase fiber moisture content but does not continue regularly. As water
1985; Sharma Mehra, 1970; Kumar Dobriyal, 1988). The
characteristics For example the strength properties of bam- percentage and hence a higher specific gravity. In most of content diminishes from 70 to 40 , shrinkage stops; below
moisture content in timber and bamboo is commonly deter-
boo are influenced by the specific gravity and moisture con- the species the upper part of the culm is the strongest part to this range it can again be initiated. Parenchyma tissue
mined using electrical moisture meters.
tent of bamboo Due to this reasons each bamboo specie can com presion of the whole culm For bending strength and shrinks less in bamboo that in timber, while vascular fibers
have one or several aplications in one or in severalt fields-( modulus of elasticity, higher values were obtained from the shrink as much as in timber of the same specific gravity.
construction, handcrafts etc) depending on their physical
and mechanical properties. The main physical properties of
upper part of the culm. E quilibr
Bamboo and ium
timbermare i s tu r e coItntmeans
ohygroscopic. ent that any When the moisture content is low, swelling due to absorp-
tion of water is almost equal to shrinkage. Moist heating
the culm are the following: dry piece of bamboo or timber in use, placed in a very humid leads to irreversible swelling in all directions.
M OI STURE CO NTENT space will take up moisture from the air, but wet bamboo Variation in moisture content, density and strength along
In adition to the anatomical structure of the culm wall
will give up some of its moisture to a drier atmosphere until the wall thickness of bamboo is probably responsible for the
DE NSITY - SPECIFIC GRAVITY the strength properties of bamboo are influenced by
the amount of moisture in the culm has corneto a balance adverse behavior of bamboo in use. Green bamboo experi-
Density is the mass of a material per unit volume.-The ture either as vapor in the air or as a moisture content.
with that in the atmosphere. The moisture content of the ences show irreversible and excessive shrinkage wen above
specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a material to the Moisture content (MC) is the weight of the water contained
culm at the point of balance is called equilibrium moisture the fiber saturation point with only partial recovery at the
density of an equal volume of water. When the metric sys- in the wall and cell lumen of a culm section expresed as a
content (E.M.C) and is expressed as a percentage of the intemlediate stages.This behavior is linked to collapse. Below
tem is used, the density of the water is 1 gr. per cubic cen- percentage of its oven-dry weight.
oven-dry weight of the culm section. At constant tempera- the fiber saturation point the behavior is similar to wood.
timeter, and consequently density and specific gravity have For example: f a section of a culm has an initial weight
ture, the equilibrium moisture content depends entirely on Bamboos dries best under air dry conditions. Rapid dry-
the same value. of 10 kg. and the dry weight, once it gets a constant weight in
the relative humidity of the atmosphere surrounding the ing in kiln may lead to surface cracking and splitting due to
The specific gravity of culm wood is a measure of its the oven of 7 kg., then the moisture content per cent can be
culm and the hygroscopicity of the bamboo wood. excessive shrinkage. Values of shrinkage from the freshly
wood substance and an index of the mechanical pro- calculated from the following formula
pertIes of the culm. It depends mainly on the anatomical felled to the oven-dry state were determined for Phy/lo-
The amount of me s are in a living bamb oo wide-
structure such as the quantity and distribution of fibers Fi ber satu r at ion po int stachys pubeseens as fofollow
s: tangential, 8.2 for the outer
around the vascular bundles, as wellwell as fiber diameter and Moisture in green bamboo is partly absorbed in the cell part of the wall, and 4.1 for the inner. Radial, 6.8 for the
M.C. = Initial weight - ry weight x 100
cell wall thickness. The specific gravity in bamboo :aries dry weight walls and partly present in the cell cavities or cell lumen by outer part and 7.2 for the inner. Longitudinal,
Longitudinal, 0.17 for
from about 0.5- 0.9 g/cm 3 , depending mainly on the species capillary forces. As the bamboo wood dries and loses mois- the outer part, and 0.43 for the inner. The percentage of
and type of rhizome. According to Du Zhang et al (1992), ture, the cell walls do not give off moisture, until the cell swelling decreases with an increase of basic density. (Liese
the absolute dry denSIty
denSIty of the clump type (pachymorph) is Example: M.C. = 10 - 7 x IO Q 42.9
cavities are empty. The condition in which the cell walls are 1985, Sekhar Rawat 1964. Sattar et all 1992).
also hIgher than that ,vith leptomorph rhizome. In timbers 7 Timber increases in streng th as it dries. For example, the
fully saturated and the cell lumen are empty is known as the
the specific gravity is in the order of 0.3 -1.04. ' strength in endwise compresion of small pieces
pieces is about twice
The specific gravity or density of bamboo increases from ly among species, in individual culms within the same fiber saturation point (F.S.P.). In timbers, the fiber satura-
tion point varies with the species in the range of 28 to 30 . as great for a moisture content of 12 as for green timber,
the innermost layers to the peripheral part of the culm and species, in different parts of the same culm, and is influ-
but is c ommonly taken to be at a moisture content (MC) of and drying to about 5 moisture content will some times
along the culm from the botton to the top with the increase enced by its age and the season of felling. Young inmature
about 30 . The fiber saturation point in bamboo is influ- triple this property (Wood hand book 1955)· Unlike timber,
of the fiber percentage (bottom 0.547 - center 0.607 -top more moisture than mature ones. In the green
enced by the composition of the tissue and varies within one the increase in strength in ba mboo as it dries, is much lower
0.675). In the radial direction the variation could be 20-25 condition the moisture content in the culm varies from as
culm and between species in the range of about 13 (for than that of timber. For this reason there s not any risk in
in thick-walled bamboos like Dendroca amus strictus. little as 40 to about 150 .
Phyllostachys pubescens) to about 20 (for D. D. strictus) . using green bamboos for construction purposes as far as
In thin-walled bamboos, the differences in density are Young culms have an almost unifonn moisture content
strength is concerned. (See Seasoning or drying of bamboo).
much less. According to Liese (1998) about 50 of he fibres over their lengt, Young one year-old culms have a moisture
In the study conducted by Prawirohatmodjo (1988)
of the culm wall are located in the outer third of the culm content of about 120-130 both at the bottom and top. In SHRINKAGE in 6 species from Indonesia related to comparative strengths
wall and this increase its density.
density. These indicates that the culms older than hvo years the moisture content decreases Bamboo, like wood, is anisotropic and has as its princi- of green and air-dry bamboo, he found that the moisture
strength of the culm wall gradually increases from the inside from bottom to top. e.g. for Dendrocalamus strictus about
to the outer part of the wall, and that the strongest part of 100 moisture content and 6096 respectively. pal directions the longitudinal or axial, radial and tangencial contents of green bamboos decrease from bottom to top of
as referred to the cylindrical shape of the culm In timber, the culm e.g., in Dendrocalamus asper. 76.-36 ; This is due
the culm is the external 1/3 layer of the culm wall. Generally the internodes have a higher moisture con- moisture content variations above the fiber saturation point to the amount of parenchyma of the culm wall which also
The specific gravity of the internodes increases from tent than the nodes. Across the culm wall the moisture is (30 ) have no effeffect
ect upon the volume or strength of wood. decrease from bottom to top. (Liese,19 80 ).
bottom to top (0.75-0.78- 0.78).The specifi
specificc gravity of the higher in the inner part than in the outer part. The variation As wood dries below the fiber saturation point and begins to The average bending strength for the bottom, middle
nodes is generally higher than that of the internodes due to reportrted is 155 for the innermost layer to 70 percent for loose moisture from the cell walls, shrinkage begins and and top part of Dendra-calamus asper (green = 6,873
less parenchyma, an more fibre wall, whereas bending the peripheral layers. Throughout its life the living culm strength increases.Shrinkage of timber takes place between N/cm2; Air-dry =10,336 N/cm2); Gigantochloa opus (green
strength, compression strength and shear strength are remains moist or fresh. fiber saturation point and the oven dry condition. t is grea- =\0,203 N/cm2; Air dry = 8,7 50 N/cm2) . In compression

rt 2 Section 6 Physical and Mechanical prope rt ies Part 2 ection 6 Physical and Mechanical properties 75
74 propert

strength the total maximum crushing for the bottom, mid- structural softwood lumber has a conductivity of about 0.75
dle and top portion were respectively for Dendrocalamus Briti
sh thermal units per inch pe r hour per square foot per TH E BAMBOO THAT SU RVIVE D THE RAD IATIO N OF AN AT OMIC BO MB
asper, green =1,462; 2, 453; 2942 N/ cm2. Air-dry=2,155; degree Fahrenheit, compared with 1.500 for aluminum, 3 1 0
3.043; 4,261 N/ cm2.;GigantochloQ opus , green=2,173; for steell, 6 for concrete, 7 for glass, 5 for plaster, and 0.25
2,37 2; 2,650 N/cm2; air-d ry 2,729; 3654-4,8 64 N/cm2. In for mineral wool.The thermal conductivity is affected by a
tension parallel the average in Dend ocalamus Qsper; number of basic factors such as density, moisture content,
greeen = 28,426 N/cm2.; air-dry 51,916.Gigantochloa apus, temperature. t increases as the density, moisture content,
green = 29,410 N/cm2; air-dry=29,891 N/cm2 temperatur e, or exi:ra
ctive content ofthe wood increases.


Unlike tr ees, bamboos ha s not radial ce ll s which in tr ees Hardness represents the resistance of bamboo to wear
in crease their shear strength parallel to the axis.
axis. This is the and marring.
marrin g. t is measured in wood by the load required to
reason why bamboo culms split eas il y. This could be a dis- embed a 0.444 inch ball to one half its diameter in the wood.
adventage for nailing bamboo but also it could be a great Values presented are the average of radial and tangential
adventage because it makes easy to split bamboo into fine penetrations (Wood Handbook 1987). This method of test- Fig. 6 .3 Th e i rst atomic bomb
st rips for
for making bask ets of vavari
ri ous sorts, framework for ing used in bamboo can probably produce the separation of
umbrellas, window screens, fans and so forth. the fibers in the cu
lm and consequently a crack along the Fig.6.4 n the very epicenter of this horrible
The splitting quality
quality depends on the number of fibro- internodes, if the ba ll is located in the cent er of the intern- destruction of the city of Hiroshima only this-
vascular bundles. The greater the number, the easier the ode. For this reason ,it is better to locate the ball near the bamboo plant survived to the incinerating
culm splits. The area occupied by the vascul ar bundles is the node where the shortest fibers of the internode are found.
found. heat, which was expanded with the wind and
sum of those areas seen in cross section. The species belon- As was explained before, the strongest part of the culm the concussive shock wave fter Junko
gin to the genus Phyllostac hy s, specia lly Ph. niogra henonis wall is the external third, which includes
includes the largest num ber 1972 .
and Ph . bambusoides have good spplitt ing q ua li ty so that of fiber bundles, and the least strong is the internal third of The extraordinm'Y hardness of th e co rtex
they are very easily split. the culm wa ll where the least number of fiber bundles and Only a sphysical
extraordinary upernatural being or aprop
and mechanical sup
erterplant with
ies can with- or outer p art of the culm, served as a pro-
the largest amount of parenchyma ce ll s are fo und. sta nd an atomic radiation without being destroyed. tec tiv e shield , w hi ch only suffered scorch-
TH E RMAL COND UC TIVITY The cortex or outermost layer of the culm wa ll consists Perhaps the Garrows, people that inhabited the western ing on the side of the culm which dir ec tl y
Thermal co nductivity is a meas ur e of the rate of heat of two epidermal cell s layers with a high silica content extremity of the Hima layas, were correct in their be li ef that received the , adiation
fl ow through materials subjected to a temperature gradient. which s tr ength ens the epid
ep id ermal layer. The exterior layer of in the world of plants bamboo is the re pr esentation of the
Bamboo like wood is a cel1ular
cel1ular substance and in t he dry state the cortex is covered by a cutinized layer or glossy surface, divinity. This terrible experience
ex perience demonstrate the extraor-
the ce ll cavities are fil1 ed with a ir which is one of thepoor- which is known as cuticle, and is composed of cellulose and dinary characteristi
characteristi cs of the bamboo co rt
ex hardness.
est conductor s known. Because of this fibrous
fibrous structure and pectin with a wax coating on top. Beneath the epidermis lies lie s On August 6,1945, at 8:16 a. m., an atomic bomb was
the entrapped air , bamboo has an excelent
excelent insulation prop- the hipod er mis, consisting of several layers of thick wa ll ed exploded about 580 meters above the city of Hiroshima,
erty .Experiments show that the coefficient of th ermal con- sclerenchymatous cells. These two layers impart an extraor- Japan, producing an incinerating heat, a concussive shock
ductivity of bamboo is a little higher than that of wood, but dinary hardness to the outer surface of the culm, forming a wave, and a towering cloud t hat cast day into darkness.
the diffference is too small to be taken into account. sort of protective shield against insects, hits, wearing out, Within a matter of seconds 200 000 people, one half of the
The thermal conductivity of wood is abo ut two to four and even for improving the acoustical quality of the sou nd city s total populat ion perish ed, 70, 000 buildings were
times that of co mmon insulating materials. For example, field in a bamboo forest. destroyed,. wood houses ignited. Steel twisted and stone
glowed. Raging winds from of the blast spread a conflagra-

tion. Trees
Junko andingrass
( 19 72), were of
the wake charred to bits. According
the relentless to
however, on e liv living
ing th ing s urvived. In the very epicente r,
a thicket of bamboo stood through the blast, suffering only
scorching on one side. The sight was of great encourage-
ment to the war- shattere d citizens. But, unf ortunately the
plants were not allowed ll owed to stay there lon g, th
ey were dug
o ut to build the Memorial Mu seum for Peace, and a portion
of the plants is now housed in the Mu seum.(Junko 1972}.
I will nev er und ers tand why the Japanese did not
leave this plant in place in order to study the con se -
quences of the radiation on each part of the plant and
on their descendants.
Probably man y peo pl e will wonder why this bam-
boo did not catch on fire as all the trees and wooden
houses did? The answer is that the extraordi nary hard-
ness oftive
protec cortex which
theshield, or outer p arsuffered
only t of the culm se rved
scor ching on as a
side of th e culm which dir ectly rece ived
iv ed the radiation.
In this case, th e same thing occ ur as when a ba mboo
section is going to be bent using a gas torch. The area of
Figs 6. 1 a nd 6.2 - The ext)'ao)'dina,'y hardness of bamboo cortex is utilized in China in the Dl'm of bamboo splints for
the culm where the torch is applied for several seconds
covering the steps of wooden staircases to p,.otecting them from wearing out, as can be seen in photographs 6.1 and
becomes scorched, but if the t orc h is app li ed in the
6.2.taken in the Forbidden City in Beijin
6.2.taken Beij in g China , wh ich is visited daily by thousands of ourists.
same place for a long time, the culm can be set on fire.

76 Part 2 Section 6 Physical and Mechanical properties Part 2 Section 6 Physical and Mechanical properties 77


Wood and bamboo are both ancient organic building The reason for this lack of success was that at that time
Sakai, Shibata and Ando
Ando 2001), investigated the acous- the sound field. Considering these factors, the sound field is
materials and their use in this field has been more traditio- 1944) there was no information about bamboo anatomy,
tical quality of the sound field in a bamboo forest of the difficult to simulate and the impulse responses are to com-
nal than technical. Metals are of more recent origin and are which is different from that of timber, and Glenn, like many
specie Phyl/ostachys pubescens in Kioto, Japan, in [997. plicated to calculate. At the present stage, therefore the only
They concluded in their paper Ortogonal acoustical fac- effective approach is to use measure results. produced from a materials technology. To meet the compe- other people, erroneously considered tha t if both bamboo
tition from metals, a technology has arisen in the United and wood were woody plants, it was possible to evaluate the
tors o a sound field in a bamboo forest , published by the S i t e descri pt i on Acoustical measurements were
States and Europe during the past 80 years for the appro- mechanical properties of bamboo culms using the norms for
Acoustical Society of America 2001), that the sound field conducted in part of the bamboo forest of the specie priate use of wood in the construction field and for the ma- shapes and dimensions of test specimens recommended by
in a bamboo forest have excelent acoustical propert ies, due Phyllostachys pubescens which consists of randomly dis- nufacture of composite materials such as wood laminated the ASTM for the evalu
eva luation
ation of the mechanical properties of
to the physical characteristics of their cullTIS such as uni- trubuted culms of bamboo. The density of bamboo in the
beams, plywood boards, etc. For this purpose, in the forties, wood. This was a big mistake because bamboo anatomy and
form diameter, hollow tube structure and hardness or rigid area was about 50 culms per 100 m2. Althought the tree several universities, research centers and wood associations morphology are quite different from that of wood.
surface diameters in the previously studied forest were almost ran- of the United States, in conjunction with the American t is very important to point out that the reason the
Before this investigation, a number of acoustical mea- dom between 0.3 and 1.0 m, those in the bamboo forest Standard forTesting Materials ASTM),
ASTM), laid down the stan- ASTM had for using small specimens for testing the mechan-
surements were carried out in three tree forests in England were almost uniform with its diameter about 0.13 m. The dard test procedures
procedures for the determination of the mechani- ical properties of wood is that the strength properties of
under different atmospheric conditions of temperature, height of bamboo around the area was about 8 m. The area cal properties of timber, which include the dimensions and any species of wood are truly representative only when
humidity, and sound speed. The reverberation time and the had a space about 3 m wide in front of the source without shapes of he test specimens based on the anatomy and mor- obtained from tests on small, clear pieces of wood, because
attenuation of the sound pressure level SPL) as a function any bamboo. The area in front of the sound source had a phology of softwoods and hardwoods. the effect of such things as knots, cross grain, checks and
of distance in a tree forest were also investigated. A predic- gentle slope 10-[2°). On the day wh when
en the measurem ents However, in the case of bamboo, in the Americas and in splits, and wood co mpression is then eliminated Hoyle Jr.
tion model that considered excess attenuation by the were conducted,
conducted, there was not win wind,
d, and the temperature Asia there are no forest research centers or universities [973). All of these defects are not present in bamboo wood
ground and multiple scattering by trees was used. However,
was between 25-27 C. interested in studying the norms or standard test procedures
procedures because it has a different type
type of anatomy and morphology.
it is quite difficult to estimate sound fields due to the com-
plicated conditions of excess attenuation, multiple scatter- Procedure The measuring procedure was exactlyexactly the for the evaluation of the mechanical properties of their On the other hand, the structure of the bamboo culm is com-
same as for the previous measurements in the tree forest native bamboo species, because it has been considered posed of a series of internodes separated by nodes which
ing effects, temperature, tree leaves, tree distribution, and so
Receiver positions for sites, 5-10-20 and 40 m from the unnecessary since in these continents bamboo has been impart great mechanical
mechanical strength to the culm and permit the
on, especially for the higher frequency range.
sound source S were selected. An omni directional dodeca- mostly used by the poor people for the construction of their culms to be bent by the wind without damage to their struc-
Recent results related to the acoustical quality of sound
hedron loud speaker was used as a sound source with its houses, in which they employ traditional construction tech- ture. Consequently, each internode ,vith the nvo nodes
fields in a tree forest are briefly intro duced by Sakai et al,
height 1.5 rn. As a receiver, a person with a tiny half-inch nologies which do not require architects or engineers. forms a structural element and this has to be tested instead
1998). In this study the temporal and spacial factors were
condenser microphone at each ear was used. The maximum The first serious study on the mechanical properties of using small rings taken from the internode which are 10
analyzed and the results were compared with those iin n a
length sequence MLS) was used as a source signal. The sig- of bamboo was carried out in Germany in 1912 by Von R. cm high or ten times the thickness of the culm wall, as is
concert hall. First, subsequent reverberation time Tsub
nal was radiated from the dodecahedron loudspeaker with Bauman. He found that the tensile strength of the outer erroneously recommended by some bamboo researchers.
became larger mainly in the middle frequency range such as its A-weighted SPL 100 dB at [m from the source. In this culm wall
wall was about twice as strong as the interior layer The problem is that all of the methodology follow
ed by
500 Hz and 1 kHZ of [/[ octave band center frequency and measur ement, sequence length was 2.7 s, the number of (3068 - 1594 kg/cm2 . The strength of the entire thickuess Glenn [944) in his experiments, and the dimensions of the
at measuremen t points far 40 m) from the sound source. average was four and sampling frequency was 48 kHz. of the wall cross section was 2070 Kg /cm2. In a smaller test specimens used for testing the mechanical properties of
Second, the decay level of reverberation in the forest Binaural impulse responses hi an d hr) at each receiving diameter bambo o Tonkin cane) with an outer diameter of bamboo based on the recommendations of the ASTM for
kept its level
level after an initial decay as a result of multiple 3.5 cm, the tensile strength of the outer and interior fibers testing the mechanical properties of wood have been taken
position were calculated using the Hadamard transformer of
scattering from tree trunks althought it normally decreases was 3843 and 1353 Kg cm2 respectively, which is greater as a guide by most reseachers and students at different engi-
signals at both ears, all acoustical factors were calculated
linearly in an inclosure. Such a decay curve shape is gener- than in the 8 em diameter bamboo. neering colleges in Europe, the United States and South
from the binaural impulse responses.
ally considered to be specific characteristic of a sound field
in the tree forest. The results were compared with previous results for a The most complete research related to the mechanical
and chemical properties of several species of bamboo was
have carried out studies or theses related to the
of bamboo and its use as reinforce-
sound field in a tree forest Sakai, S.Sato
Sato and Y. Ando, [998).
Third, lACC, which is defined as a maximum value of carr ied out in Japan by Sioti Uno at the Utsunomiya ment in concrete since 1950. This means that in all of these
The lACC, which is defined as a maximum value of the nor-
interaural cross-correlation functions between signals at Agricultural College in 1932. He found that the top part of studies bamboo has been tested erroneusly, as if it were tim-
malized interaural cross-correlation function between sig-
the ears within ts time duratio n t=± 1 ms, decreased at posi- the culm is strong er in compression than the central and ber. As a consequence of the inadequate data obtained using
nals at the ears, was 0.07 4kHz) and 0.[6 2kHz) at posi-
tions farther from the source. Finnally, SPL relative to that lower part of the culm and that the central part is stronger different methods of testing, bamboo culms and the use of
tions 20 and 40 m from the source, respectively. these val-
at 5 m fro
m the source decreased by about 12 dB for every in tension than the upp er and lower parts of the culm; and widely varying dimensions and shapes of test specimens,
ues are much better than those in the previously investi-
doubling of distance, although in a free field
field it decreases in that there are species such as Bambusa stenostachya in there are many variations and significant differences in the
gated forest.
accordance with the low inverse square. which the exterior layer of the culm wall of the lower part results obtained in studies of the mechanical properties of
The subsequent reverberation time T ub was up to 1. 5 s
This article 0 only include part of the investigation car- of the culm is 5.5 times stronger than the interior layer, as bamboos. This is why the studies that have been carried out
ried out by Sakai,Shibata and Ando 2001) about the acous- in the frequency range above 1 kHz at the position 40 m from
can be seen in the tables in this chapter. so far in different parts of the world on the mechanical
tical characteristics in a bamboo forest obtained by using the source. For certain music sources with higher frequency
components, therefore, sound field in the bamboo forest The most important research about the mechanical properties of different bamboo species are not trustworthy.
the same procedure
procedure for the previous
previous measurement in the properties of bamboo and its application as reinforcement in For the above reasons, and due to the grmo. ing interest
tree forest and in an enclosure. Bamboo is unique for its have excellent accoustic properties The results show that
concrete instead of steel bars, was promoted by the United in planting several bamboo species for the development of
uniform diameter, hollow tube structure and rigid surface. the sound field in a bamboo forest is suitable for listening
States Army during the Second World War and carried out new industries for the production of composite materials
In the previous forest the wave-length of the frequency band to music. Thus, these measurem ents provide v valuable
aluable a nd
by H.E. Glenn in 1944 at Clemson Agricultural College in and for the construction of spat ial structures, which require
useful information for designing outdoor concert spaces
that was efective for T ub and IACC approxima
telly matched
of a study of the mechanical properties of the bamboo species;
using bamboo an other natural forests and concert halls South Carolina
research was to and published
study in both
the use of [950.The purpose
bamboo this
strips taken it is very important to develop a new methodology and a new
the diameters of the tree trunks (0 .6 m in average). thus a having a number of columns
bamboo forest was selected in order to ensure the relation- from giant bamboos and small diameter culms as reinforce- type of specimens for testing the mechanical properties of
Like the sound field in the ordinary forest previously inves- ment in concrete. The final results of this research were bamboo culms, based on the anatomical structure, morpho-
ship between the efective
efective frequency band and trunk diame- tigated. The specific soUnd field was determined, especially in
ter. In such a sound field, complicated conditions such as applied during the Vietnam War in the construction of ware- logy, and physiology of this organic material, in this chapter
temlS of the factors T ub and lACe. The tendency found was houses and other types of buildings with disappointing I am suggesting a new methodology for testing bamboo that
multiple scattering from tree trunks, e.xcess attenuation by
the ground, trunk distribution, and many atmospherical that the effect appears in higher frequency
frequency range
rangess around [ results. See Concrete reinforced with bamboo.) I have developed based on the anatomy and structural
factors, including temperature, humidity and wind affectaffect kHz). than in the sound field in an ordinary tree forest. behavior of bamboo.

78 Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical properties 79

The first thing that wee have to establish is that
bamboo is not a tree but an arborescent grass that the
only thing that it has in common with trees hardwoods L4 Every bamboo species has its own anatomica l, physical appropriate pl ant for pl anting in ar eas where there are pro-
and softwoods) is that both are woody plants , with very
N3 and mechanical properties, which varies from one specie to blems of erosion or to prevent it. The scientific reason for
similar chemical components (See Table 6-2),but both another, even within the species of the same clump. this belief is clearly explained in the studies carried out by
have differences in their anatomy, morphology, in the L3
These variations depend on several factors such as: the Nogata & Takahas
Takahashihi (1995) in item NO.9 in this sectio n.
growing process, and even in their mechanical properties N2 environmental conditions under which they grow, which
which are superior in bamboo. (See Table 6-1) On th e
L2 includes the climate, altitud above sea leve
l eve l, so il, the chemical
machro scale, wood is a solid cylinder composite of bark, 3. -T h e s oil
sa pwood and heartwood, conformed by alternative NI co mponents of the soil, and the topographical conditions.
Mo st bamboo species grow in fertile soils and at certain
For the above reasons, one cannot use the s tr ength va-
spring and summer wood which consists of cells of vari- L elevations to develop their best physical and mechanical
lues, for example, of Guadua angushfolia, and apply them
ous sizes, shapes and functions , while
while bamboo is a hol- properties. According to Deogun (1936), Dendrocalamus
low cylinder with many internodes separated by nodes.
o to other species of the same genus, even if the other species
strictus is the only bamboo species which grows in very good
grows in the same area, for example, Guadua amplexifolia.
These nodes play an important role of the axial crack so il s as well as in coarse grained dry soils such as those
arrester, in preventing the cylinder from structural buck- derived from sandstone, granite and granitic gneisses. It is is
ling, in strengthening bamboo and in increasing bam-
(a) 1 - The Climate completely abse nt from the pure quarzite soils. In some
boo's rigidity.
[n th e study conducted by Gnanaharan (1991) related to places of India it has been successfully planted on sand
In its ultrafine structure the cell wan of wood fiber Wood tracheid Bamboo fiber dunes. This bamboo, as mentioned before, develops its best
the physical
physical and mechanical propertie s of mature culms of
appears as a multilayered composite cylinder and the helical fiber physical and mechanical characte-ristics when it is cultivat-
Dendroca lamus strictus grown in thr ee different locations
angle s of the microfibrils in each layer are different, greatly in Kerala, India, at different altitudes 1,000 - 2 - 8 ed in dry areas. Therefore, I consi-der this species to be one
affecting the mechanical properties of the wood. The major- Fig. 6.5 a) Schematic diagram of wood tracheid.
and b) polylamellate structure of a thick bamboo
structure meters) respectively, and with different annual rainfall of the best in the world.
ity of cells are elongated and pointed at the ends and are 2 , 5 0 0 to 3 , 0 0 0 ; 1, to 1 , 5 0 0 and 1, 0 0 0 to 1,50 0 mm); he
called Jibers (in hardwoods), or trocheids (in softwoods); fiber. P) = Primary wall, 0)= outermost layer of the
found a great variation in the physical and s tr ength proper-
they impart strength to the wood. second wall- L1·L4) broad layers.- N1-N3), narrow
ties depending
dependi ng on the location from which the bamboo was-
4.-The alt it ude abo ve s ea level
Bamboo can be taken as unidirectional ligna-ce ll ulosic layers After Wai et ai in i et al 1995) Guadlla angustijolia, only grows in fertile soils from sea
collected. Dendrocalamus st,.ictus that grew in a moist area
composite material, reinforced a X ial1 y by bast fibres sheaths had longer internodes, a larger diameter and poorer stren- level to 1800 m. These specia develops its best p physical
hysical and
in vascular bundles surrounded by a matrix of thin-wal1ed centric layers and each layer is reinforced with helicallyhelically gths in modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity. D. mechanical properties when it grows at about 1 4 0 0 meters
cells known as parenchyma. wound michro fibrils (Fig,
(Fig, 6.5). [n bamboo cells the lamella- sh'ictus that grew in a dry place was much stronger, even above sea level
level (in Colombia) and particularly in volcanic
The vascular bundles consist of conducting tissue tion consist of alternating broad and narrow layers with with diff- though the culm and internode length and di ameter were soils like those of the area around the city of Armenia in
(metataxylem vessels, sieve tubes with companion cells) ferent fibrillar orientation. [n the broad lamellae the fibrils are shorter. This means that the best bamboo of this species is Colombia. At this location, this species has an average dia-
and fibers. The total number of vascular bundles decrease oriented at small angle to the fibre axis, whereas the narrow that which grows in a dI) location. meter of 14 - 16 em, while at sea level on the coast of Ecuador,
from outer to inner part and from bottom to top On an aver- ones show mostly a transversal orientation. Liese,198s. Li , it has an average of 9-10 em at the base.
age, a cu lm consists of about 52 of parenchyma, 40 of Zeng, Xiao, Fu , Zhou (1995). Amada et 01 (1996). From the above, we can conclude that if the species
fibers and 8 of conducting tissue. These values vary with Due to the differences which exist in the anatomy and 2.-The T opogr aphy Cuadua angustifolia which grows in the coastal area is
species (Liese 1998). Regardles of the five type of vascular morphology between wood and bamboo it is necessari to In Indonesia, the Sundanese who live in West Java, use going to be used as a structural element, it is not possible to
bundles seen in the first part of this book, all bamboos exhib- establhish a new methodology or test procedures for the the bamboo species Gigantochloa pseudo-a,.undinacea for use the s tr ength values obtained from the study of the
it striking differences in the distribution of cells within one determination of the mechanical properties ot bamboo house construction. They believe that the best quality bam- mechanical properties of Guadua angushfolia which
culm, both horiwntally and vertically. which include the dimensions and shapes of the test speci- boo, in strength, of his species should be harvested from the grows at 1,400 meter above sea level because they are diffe-
On the micro scale, wood tracheid and bamboo bast fiber mens, based in the anatomy and morphology of bamboo, slope inhabiting groves, rather than from those growing in rent from those of the species which grow at sea level. In this
are both hollow tubes or cy linders composed of several con- which are going to be discussed in this section. the valley. In order to determine whether the Sundanese case, it is necessary to st udy the mechanical properties of the
pratice had any scientific justification, Soeprayitno et al species which grows at sea le ve1. This is why it is necessary
(1988) undertook a study of the physical-mechanical prop- to study the mechanical properties of each giant species of
Tabl e 6-1 Mechani cal properties of several Tabl e 6-2 Chemi cal composi t i on a n d t ensi l e
erties of his species growing on the hill slopes and in the val- each genus located at different elevations.
wood s a n d b a m b o o Phyllostachys e dulis) strength of wood a n d b a m b o o Ph. edul i s) leys of Cibitung village near Bogor in West Java.
Woods Strength Mod. Elast Density The results show that the preference of the Sundanese
(MPa) (G Pa) (g/cm3)
Components Wood Bamboo for slope-inhabiting bamboo is scientificall
scientifica lly
y justified, 5. - Th e influence of th e culm 's age
because the specific gravity, static bending and tensile For trees, aging has considerable influence on the cellular
Cellulose ( ) 40-50 45.3 strength of the culms growing on hill slopes are higher than make-up and thus on the technological properties. In bam-
Cedar 29.3-48.5 4.4-9.8 0.29-046
Hemi-cellulose ( ) 20-35 - those of culms growing in the vall ey. boo, aging effects are restricted to th e primary tissue and
Fir 30.7-33.8 5.9-6.7 0.3 1- 0.34
Li gnin ( ) 15-35 25.5 The modulus of rupture (MOR) of bamboo culms from this is an important factor for the development of strength
Pine 34.0-41.6 6.5-8.8 0.36-0.42
Polyoses ( ) 24.3 the two habitats did not differ significantl y. On the other properties in bamboos. It is a general assumption that bam-
Spruce 31.0-40.0 7.3-8.5 0.38
Extractive ( ) <10 2.6 hand, the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and tensile s tr ength boos mature until they are about three years old and have
Hickory 62.5-81.0 8.9-11.4 0.56-0.67
Oak 47.7-74.9 7.9-12.4 0.53-0.61 Tensile strength 34-220 150-520 - of the slope-inhabiting bamboo culms were mark ed ly higher reached their maximum st rength.
(M Pa) than the other, maybe due to the higher specific gravity. This According to li ese (1985), investigations \\ith Dendrocalomus
Bamboo (fibre) 610 46 1.16 information is very important for rural people who have strictus have shown that when they are green, older bamboo
Bamboo (mat ri x) 50 2 0.67 sloping areas on their farms where they cannot use their culms have
ha ve higher strength properties than younger ones
Bamboo (composite) 140-230 11-1 7 0.6 -1.1 tractors for preparing th e so il. In this case, it is recommen- (the mois tur e content of the latt er is much higher).
ded that they use these slopin
sloping g areas to plant giant bamboos When th ey are dry, h owever, higher values were
Source: (Bodig & Jaine, 1993)
1993) in Amada et al (1996) So ur ce: Li , Zeng, Xiao, F u, Zhou (1995) for co nstruction and other uses. Bamboo is also the most

80 Part 2 - Secti
on 6 - Physi
cal and Mechanical properties Par
Partt 2 - Section
Section 6 - Physical
Physical and Mechanical properties 81

obtained at the age of one and two years than from older Consequently, the zone with the lowest strength is the inter-
cu lms. Tests on splints from the central portion of the culm na11/3 of the culm wall. Fig.6.6 AXI AL AN D T RANSVERSAL BAMBOO STRUCTURE
wall indicated better strength properties for one year old 7 .-The ext r aor di nar y tensile s t r engt h
bamboos than for two year old ones, whereas those of older LONGITUDINAL SECTIO
of vas cul ar bundl es a)
Comprehensive tests by Zhou (1981) revealed a further
As mentioned before, the vascular bundles of bamboo Cortex or epidermis
increase of strength properties with age, as well as for radial Culm
internodes consist of hvo metaxylem vessels, phloem, pro-
and tangential bending strength up to 8 years. Older cu lms tox lem which are partially surrounded by fiber bundles Fibrovascular area where the
(10 years) decreased in a ll strength properties. Node
which impart strength to the culm. Each one of these vascu- vascular bundles are distribut-
In most of the research which
which has been carried Qut in
lar bundles which looks as points in the culm section, once ed. It shows three zones.
different universities in the United States and Europe, where Internode
giant bamboos do not grow, this material has been imported
enlarged looks like the ones shown in Fig. 1. 21. (Page 23). E The external one /3 of the
The shape and size of vascular bundles change tremen- :::J
culm wall) is the strongest part
from China, Japan Indonesia and India. U

dously across the bamboo wal and along the culm. The size of the culm. The central /3)
During the long trip by ship, they have lost their natural CI \
of vascular bundle is getting smaller toward the e:-.1erior sur- .t: has average strength, and the
co lor and consequently it is impossible to determine the age O f the whole culm,
face of the culm wall. On the other hand, the distribution internal part (1/3) is the least - - + - > . - - . -
of the culms. Furthermore, because of the lack of experience the top part is the
density of vascular bundles is much higher near the exterior resistant and the most often X ..J.
or ig norance, many researchers do not know how to deter- strongest in com-
mine the age of the cu lms, or they believe that this is not ne-
surface as compared to that near the interior surfac
surfacee of the t:: pression,and bend- atlacked by insects. -----
cessary in order to determine their mechanical properties. cu lm wa ll or endoderm s. 0
ing strength in most -----
M.C.Yeh (1995) conducted an interesting study in Endodermis
As a consequence, there are many differences in the results 0 cases
Taiwan related to the evaluation of the tensile strength of
because mature culms and very young culms are tested at C. TENSILE STRENGTH OF A VASCULAR O U l f U L . <:
vascular bundles of the specie Phyllostachys pubescens.
the same time. Due to this reason, the results of most of the
The size of vascular bundle is getting smaller toward the 2cm
researches which has been carried out in the United States
exterior surface ofthe culm wal l. On the other hand, the dis-
and in several countries of Europe, which imported the bam-
boo, are not trustworthy.
The best method for selecting bamboos which are going
tribution density of vascular bundles is much higher near the
exterior surface as compared to that near the interior surface
K 2 layers of thick
of the culm wall. In the internode the shor- : _ paper board clips
to be studied is that the researcher visits the plantation and
choose the bamboos, with the help of an expert, before The bamboos of the specie Phyllostachys pubescens.
were selected from a plantation which grows in th e central
test fibers are located
near the nodes and the n
exporti ng them, and also to find out the scientific name of E
Taiwan at 1 2 0 0 m above sea level. The ages of the bamboo longest are in the center of
the species which are going to be tested. the internode Vascular
culms were 4-5 years.The portion used for the experimens :::J

were located about 1.80 m above the ground from where
I-- bundle
6. -Par t s of t he cul m which have t h e CI
were taken sections of 1.20 m long. Scm
lowest an d highest s t r engt h All the split bamboo culm were were wrapped \vith plastic
a) -In the whol e cul m . According to studies carried bags to prevent the evaporation of moisture so the fiber
out by Sioti Uno (1930) and other researchers, the mecha- remain flexible. The separation of vascular bundles were t::
U I If Of the whole culm the
nical properties vary from the base to the top of the culm. If done mechanically with some skill instead of using chemical 0 r · ··
central part of the culm is . r. K PVAc adhesives
we divide the useful part of the culm into three section
sectionss of process. U the strongest in tension.
equal length (See Fig. 6.6), in most cases the top section is Twenty samples of vascular bundles 7 to 9 cms in length ,tJF± + cyanoacrylate
stronger in compression and bending strength than the were prepared and divided into three portions across the :

central and lower sections. The central section, which has wall thickness by knife, i.e. inner, middle and outer portion,
in order to evaluate the strength of vascular bundles from
-- - .. -
adhesives in
the longest internodes is stronger in tension than the top
and lower sections; and the lower section has the lowest va- different portions of bamboo wall and a ll conditioned under kg/cm2
lues for mechanical properties, in most ofthe cases. 65% RH and 23° C for moisture equilibrium. 10682±319S
b) - In the i nt ernode. According to studies carried The tensile tests were performed in a Shimadzu AG-lO
out by Liese, in the internode, the fibers are short in the area T universal testing machine with a load cell of 50 kgf capac- The lower part of the culm 9000 8936±2043
near the nodes and the longest are found in the center of the ity, and a testing speed of I mm/min. was used. The vascu- in spite of its larger diame-
ter and wall thickness has 8000
internode (See Fig. 6.6(a). Consequently, the strongest part lar bund le is mounted behveen hvo pairs of 1.5 mm thick
is located in the center of the internode, and the weakest paper board on both ends and the clear length of vascular E the lowest mechanical 7000
near the nodes. bund le between paper board clips is 5 cms (Fig. 6.6 C). The :::J characteristics of the
U whole culm. This is 6000

For this reason, if we test one internode in tension, with paper board is carved a small groove about 1.5 cm long to
the nodes and another internode without the nodes, accor- accommodatee one of the ends of vascular bundle to prevent
accommodat because in the lower part
.t: 5000
ding to Zen, Li, Zhou (1992) (See Table 6-3), the tension crash duri
du ri ng the test and then glued together with cyanocry- of the culm the amount of
strength of the cylinder which is tested with the nodes will be late adhesives. parenchyma is greater 4000
1 9 .2 % lower than that of the cylinder tested without nodes. The plastic PVAc glue was then applied at the junture of t:: than that in the middle and
In co mpression, the cylinders tested with nodes wi ll be 6.4% bundle and paper board to release the possibility of stress U top part of the culm. 3000
lower than the cylinder tested without nodes. concentrati on at that particular 10cation.The resulted tensile 0
The thickness of the culm
.c)-In the cul m wall. The specific gravity and the ten- strength of vascular bundle from different portions of bam-
wall decreases from the
sion and compression strength of the culm wall increase boo wall are shown in Fig 6.6 D. (Tensile strenght of the vas-
o base to the top
from the internal to the external surface ofthe culm. cular bundle). ...J o L __ O Uler 1L_

Note: The sketch of the culm is not

D. Tensil strength of vascular bundles from outer,
outer, mid-
dle nd inner portion of P pubescen s AfterYeh, 1995)
drawn to scale

82 Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical propert i es 83

s can be seen in table 6-6 D, there are not significa nt AVERAGE MECHANICAL PR OPER-
Ta b le 6 - 3 9 -T h e a bili ty of ba mb o o c ell s to ge n e r a t e el e ctrical s ignals whe n s tr es s e d a nd
difference in the tensil strength val ues for vascuar bundles TIES OF BAMBOO INTERNODES WITHOUT
among inner, middle and outer pOltions of bamboo wall. th e influ e nc e of their ele c t ri c al pr op e rt i e s i n t h e m o delin g a n d r e m o delin g of
AND WITH NODES (Phyllostachys pubescens)
Outer portion 8936 ± 2043 kgf/c m 2 ; Middle por- i ss u e
th e i r h a r d t iss
Without With Change
±3090 kgf/cm 2 ; inn er portion Property
node node due to
kgf/c m2 . The average tensile strength value 9689 kgf/cm 2 Nogata & Takahashi (1995) studied the ingenious con- reinforce these holes is to set in fibre bundles accorting to
The average number of vascular bundles is estimated (MPa) (MPa) node struction and strength of bamboo (Phyllostachys pubes- the stress distribution. Therefore, it seems that the place-
across the bamboo wall from microscopic photos.There Tensile ( longitudinal) 263.4 212.8 -19.2 cens), in order to gain
ga in an understanding of the prin ci ples of ment of the fibre bundle indicates a stress situation around
seems to be no variation in the number of vascular bundles Flexural (l) 136.6 131 .3 -3.9 design and processes found in bio biological
logical materials and to the vessels in the xylem and phloe m.
in bamboos up to a height of 12 feet. However, significant Compressive (l) 62.6 58.6 -6,4 apply these findings for the development of new and superi- Mattheck (1990) and Mattheck and Burkhardts (1990),
differences in the amount of vascular bundles can be found Shear (L) 13.1 12.2 -6.9 or mat er ial/structure concepts, such as composites in multi- showed that the co ntour shape of biological structures such
across the bamboo wall, i. e., about 5.41 / mm2 for the outer Tensile (Transversal) 3.0 3.6 +20. phased and funcionally graded materials, by using and/ or as tr ee stems, red deer antlers, human tibia, and tiger claws
portion, 2.69/ mm 2 for the middle portion, and 1.97 mm 2 Cleavage T) 0.6 0.8 +33.3 modifying those models which are found in living orga- are highly optimized in terms of mechanical strength and
nisms.s. (See Biomimetics). This study was published by their minimum weight. This implies that biological structures
for the inner portion. Toughness (l) in kJ /m2 89.6 77.7 -13.5
The number of vascular bundles in the outer layer of authors with the title: Intelligent functionally graded may have mechanical sensing devices.
the culm is twice that in the middle layer, also 2.75 times Source: Zen, Li, Zhou (1992) in Zhou (1994) material: bamboo which is focused on the microstructure, Therefore, in order to gather information
information and examine
that ofthe inner layer. The difference of the tensile strength strength and mechano sensing systemsystem of bamboo. the sensing ability of bamboo cells, when stress is induced by
among the inner, middle and outer layer of strip specimen ThIS study concludes that each of the Internodes of the According to this study, the authors examined first external mechanical stimuli, the authors tryed to detect a
whole culm has different mechanical properties, which in some biological load carriers such as plant and tree stems, biological signal which may be induced. For this purpose
can be explained by the difference in the amount or distri-
some species do not increase progressively from bottom to animal bones and other biological hard tissue, and observed they used an electrocardiograph machine for the human
bution of vascular bundles across the bamboo wall men-
top. For example, in Dendrocalamus aspe,. the compression that their geometry changes under loading to match mainly body for a measurement system. A half size diagnostic ECG
tioned above by.M.C.Yeh (1995)·
2 stress-or strain-dependent requirements.
requirements. For example, the (electrocardiogram) electrode with adhesive paste was used.
strength of the 1st inter-node is 639 kg / cm , and in the 7th interior structure or architecture of a bone exhibits and opti- Fig. 6.8 shows an example of the voltage signal curves
S.-The m e c h a n i c a l p r o p e r t i es of is 566 Kg /c m .
mized shape with respect to the principal stress directions which were obtained from a bamboo culm subjected to an
However, they increase in the center and top parts of he
e a c h of the inter nodes v a ry a l o n g the culm, where the compression and tension strength are higher
and the shear stress magnitude in the body. This indicates external bending moment. The curves show the presence of
that the bone is managed by a self-optimizing system a spike upon loading and upon unloading. The higher vo lta-
culm than in the low
er part. On the other hand, according to Table
sensing mechanis m (e.g. g. piezoelectric effect of bone) that ge signal was recorded on the compression side rather than
Table 6-4 show the results of the study carried out by 6-3, in most cases, when the internode is tested in compression
detect external mechanical stimuli to control the modell ing the tension side of the bamboo culm. These signals may be
Sjafii (1984),on the mechanical properties of the internodes with the nodes, strength is reduced by 6.9 and tension by
/ remodelling of the skeletal system. Thus it can be inferrred used as a trigger to organize adaptive growth related to the
1-3 -5-7 (including the nodes) which correspond t o the lower about 19.29 compared to internodes tested without nod nodes,
that the shape and ingenious construction of biological hard stress direction. The authors' data, obtained from other
part of the culms of 4 different species of bamboo. but the transversal tension and cl eavage increase by 33·3 ·
tissues are the result of a continuous process of intelligent plants (ruber and palm tree), showed that the characteristic
optimization. The basic characteristics of biological hard tis- features of the signals depended on the kinds of plants, and
Tab l e 6-4 M e c h a n i c a l p r op e rt i es of va r i o u s b a m bo
b o o s a t v r io us in t er no d es of th e l o w e r sues such as microstructures, functions, and modeling sys- signal induced from specimen boiled in
there was no voltage signal
p rt of the culm. tems are a source of both fascination and inspiration to the a hot water bath for one hour or from a dried specimen
nternodes Modulus of Modulus of Compres. Tensile designers of engineerin
engineering g structures. with a weight loss of one half.
half. Because boiling or drying of
of basal elasticity rupture strength strength On the other hand, the basic difference between biolo- specimens means the death of the plant cells, it is clear that
Species gical and artificial structures is that the former have living the voltage signals recorded were produced from live cells
part Kg /cm2 Kg /cm2 Kg /c m2 Kglcm2
organisms which can be characterized by multyfunctionality, in stressed materials This indicates that the lieve

- -- -
hierarchical organization, and adaptability (Srinivasan et aI,
1991). s result biological structures are complicated and
non uniform, which suggests that judicious combination of
bamboo cells have the ability to sense some information
induced by e:dernal mechanical stimuli.
On the other hand, Fukuda and Yasuda (1957) found
including 5

-- - - -
2880 646 1966 elements,, materials and components of differing strength in
elements piezoelectrical properties in bone which was stressed. There
7 130,352
2 nodes the same structure can lead to acceptable and adequate are several reports quoted by the authors which are based
Average 143,206 1823 627 1907
hybrid systems whose properties are managed for specific on evidence that bone demostrates a piezoelectric effect.
Dendrocalamus 1 122,073 1637 639 2145
- -- -
purposes. This is used to explain the concept of stress or strain -indu-
3 149,587 1741 592 2040
asper ced bone remodelling which is often referred to as Wolff's
5 129,542 1595 622 2220 law (1870). Thus,
Thu s, bone converts mechani cal stress to an
5 123,966 1578 566 2104 Mechano se n si n g sy s t e m a n d adap- electrical potential that influences the activity of osteoclasts

- -- - Gigantochloa
131 ,292
tive modelling of b a mb o o
The Fig. 6.7 1), shows the enlarged photograph of a
and osteoblasts (Hayes et ai, 1982). It is also known that the
interior structure of bone (trabecular architecture) is ar-

- -- - ro usta 92,367 1294 510 1767 vascular bundle located at the center and outside of cross- renged in compressive and tensile systems corresponding to
109,217 1398 511 1854 section of tlre culm wall. It shows a flower shape and a fi- the principal stress direction. (Koch
(Koch , 1917).
gure eight shape, respectively. There are two big holes The properties of the voltage signals induced in bamboo
3 7 97,
381 1345 530 2066
(metaxylem vessels) and n\'o in the center (phloem with may also be similar to the piezoelectric effect in bone.

- -- -
Average 98,293 1355 521 1914 sieve tubes and protoxylem). f we replace these holes by one Therefore, it may be shown that the electrical properties of
Bambusa vulgaris 1 60,652 1075 484 1392
big hole
hole , the meaning of the flower shape will be realized by bone and bamboo play an important role in the remod-
-- - = ::
var. striata
comparing the st ress distributions around a hole in an infi-
nite plate subjected to a uniaxial tension. (2)
elling/modelling of he skeletal system in biological hard tis-
1 83,939 1286 417 1346 Figures 6. 7 (3) and (4) show the photoelastic stress pat- Fig. 6.9 shows the enlarged vascular bundle of bamboo
-- = - Average 76,205 1147
Source: (After Sjafii, 1984) in Widjaja & Risyad (1985)
455 1322 tern around thr ee holes in a plate model, with similar
dimensions to those in a bamboo, which is subjected to n\'o
which was grovvn on steep ground. It is clear that the de-
fonned contour shape of the bamboo culm and the asymet-
different loading directions, respectively. The best way to ric shape of the fibre bundles are a reflection of biased

84 Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanic

al properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical properties 85

loading conditions by their environment. Therefore. the

T HE ABILITY OF BAMBOO CELLS (1)Vascular Bundle Ad a pti ve m od elling of electric signals recorded and the location of the fiber bundle
TO GENERATE ELECTRICAL SIG- ba m b oo are evidence
evidence suggesting that bamboo has a stress/strain-
Fiber bundle
NALS WHE N STRESSED induced adaptive modeling system. This system uses cell-
Phloem based mechanosensors which may be utilized toaffect or
change their shapes (e.g. placement and volume densit y of
Metaxylem vessels fibre, thicknes of stem which can compensate for applied
extrnal loads in order to avoid any Iodized stress peaks.
(1 )Enlarged photograph of vascular F: Ground tissue (Parenchyma) Thus the characteristic stress/ strain states lead to the mod-
bundle eling of hard tissue and ingeniously customized microstru-
tures in bamboo.
The above considerations also indicate that the volume
density of fibres and their distriution give us important
information from the mechanical and morphological points
of view.

Fig. 6.9 Transverse sections showin g th

hee placement o
fiber bundles on the culm o bamboo grown on steep
ground Aher Nagata Takahashi 1


LJ 1
As was explained before,the first research about the At the present time,the most complete and accurately
(2) Stress distribution around a (3) Photoelastic stress pattern (4) Photoelastic stress pattern around mechanical properties of bamboo and its application as rein- study related to the distri bution of the fiber density, tensile
hole in an infinite plate around three holes three holes. Note the diffrence of load forcement in concrete instead of steel bars, was carried out and modulus of elasticity along the transverse section of the
direction between (3) and (4) by H.E. Glenn in 1944 at Clemson Agricultural College in culm waH, was carried out in Japan by Nogata Takahashi
South Carolina during the Second World War. (1995).(See Fig 6.10) The material tested, was
was a culm of the
Fig.6.7 Transverse section showing the vascular bundle and photoelastic stress pattern around the 3 holes. Due to the lack of technical and scientific infor mation specie Phyllostachys pubescens P. Edulis . Two internodes
Note the difference o vases. Nagata Takahashi 1995) about bamboo which there were at that time Glenn, like (without nodes) were taken from the culm, the A internode
many other researchers, erroneously considered
considered that bam- was cut at 1 m above the ground and the internode 8 at 5
boo was a tree, and he evaluate the mechanical prop erties of meters above the ground (See Fig.6.1O). They divided the

various bamboo species following the norms and sh apes of culm thickness in 9 plies and in each one they studied the
/ Stressed duration
testing samples recommended for the evaluation of the fiber density and the tensile strength (See Fig.6.10 C-D-E).
mechanical properties of timber. This was a big mistake Two types of specimens as shown in the same figure, were
because bamboo is a giant grass;and their anatomy, mor- shaped, using a knife, from a single culm of bamboo which
AgCI electrode r Tension phology physiology and growing process are quite different was 13 meters long. Tension tests were perfonned within 48
, P:J
1 from .that of trees. By by the other hand the mechanical hours after it was taken from the field, to prevent any change
.1 properties of the culm varies from the lower
lower to the top part in the mechanical properties due to moisture loss.
77/ 1 1 Compression
2 of the culm and transversally from the interior to the exteri-
or part of the culm wall. Consequently bamboo has a differ-
The Fig.6.10 D shows that the fiber density gradually
increases from the inside to the outside surface, as well as

ent structural behavior of that of timber from the lower part to the upper part of the culm. According
L (j) c....:::.Q) Based on the similarity which exists between a metal to the authors, this graded structure wil1 produce a uniform

W:19.6 N 10mv [ chain and a bamboo culm (when tested in tension) since the internal stress distribution in both radial and axial direction.
internodes with their nodes serve a simil ar functio
functionn to that .Tension tests were performed using very small specimens
Stressed duraiion I
of a link in the chain; we can apply on bamboo the principle
20 min. \vith cross- sectional
sectional areas of about 0.25 mrn 2 , The speci-
I I that the maximum tensile strength of a chain corresponds to mens were taken from the nine areas arranged as shown in
@ =G ® that of its weakest link,
link, this means that the first thing that Fig. 6.10 C. The Fig. 6.10 E shows the tensile strength and
we have to fine out (and evaluate) is the location of the Young's modulus for A and B specimens along the transv erse
weakest and strongest zones in tension ,compression and section of a bamboo culm, which indicates that the strength
Size of electrode bending of he transversal section of he culm wall (SeeFig . gradually increases from the inside to the outside, and also
t:-6.1 mm 6.10), and vertically from the lower, central and top part of that specimen 8 has higher strength than specimen A. This
11 10 3 the culm. (See Fig.6.1sA) variation is the same as the variation of volume density of

II 1 ' In the evaluation of the lower, central and top parts of fibres that was mentioned in Fig. 6.10 E. Since the extreme
• bl
11 iii the culm we will find that the top section
section of the culm is the inside, the specimen No.9 was made of pure ground tissue,
I strongest in compression, and bending strength of the its strength was correspondingly about 25 MPa.
AgCI 10 mV
08 i G Time
whole culmThe central section, which which have the longest Thus, the strength of pure fiber was estimated to be
Adhesive paste internodes is the strongest in tension; and that the lower about 810 MPa (using rule of mixtures), which is equivalent
Stressed duration
section of the culm, in spite of its larger diameter and wall to that of steel (600-1000 MPa). Furthennore. Young's
Fi g.6. S An example o he voltage signals induced by bending moment for a bambo o culm. Nagata Takahashi 1995) thickness, have the lowest mechanical properties of the modulus of pure fibre was 55 GPa. This value is about one
whole culm.Transversally,the fiber density and tensile quarter of the value of steel which is 2 GPa. This data
\ strengt h increases from the inside to the outside of the wall. shows that the bam boo has high strengh but low rigidity.

Partt 2 - Section
Section 6 - Physi
cal and Mechanical properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical
Mechanical properties 87

TENSION TEST OF CULMS tension of bamboo cables used as reinforcements in con-

RADIAL DISTRIBUTION OF TENSILE STRENGTH IN THE WALL Tension tests with round specimens (full cross section of crete, about 162 strips taken fromthe outer part of the cu lm
culm) are difficult to carry out because it is not easy to find a were tested. The rnaximum tensile strength was 3,2 13
method for fastening a round piece in the testing apparatus kg/cm 2 in a strip taken from the upper part of a three and a
Fig.6.10 SPECIMENS' GEOMETRY FOR TENSION TESTS After Nagata & Takahashi (1995)
so that it can be severed by tension. It is therefore preferable half year old culm. The lowest tensile strength was 1,017
C.-Tensile speci men and to test strips from the culm wa ll similar to the one shown in kg Jc m 2 in a strip taken from a 5 year old culm. However, I
A.-Location o f t h e sampl es i n t he B. -Int er no d e (wi t hout nodes) l ocat i on i n t he cul m wall Fig. 6.10 C, but includin g the nod es, and without nodes. found va lues as high as 3.018 and 3,206 kg/cm 2 in strips
cul m Bauman (1912) was the first researcher to determine the taken frorn one year oldo ld bamboos.
Bulk specimen 1 . 5 · 3 mm difference in tension between the outer layer of he cu culm
lm waH On the other hand, according to the Chu plI book, writ-
and the interior one. He found that the strength in tension ten by Tai Kaichih in the year 420 A. D. , The Chinese bam-
8= 1/9 degree for the outer layer of black bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra) boo 'Chin chu' which grows twenty or rnore feet high and has
was 3.068 kg/cm2; for the interior layer it was 1594 kg /c m 2; a circumference of several Chinese inches, is suitable for
? 0. 5· 1. 5 mm and for the entire thickness of the wall it was 2 0 7 0 kg /c m 2 . making bow strings before the shoots become a culrn (less
E c or- 0.25 · 1. 0
In specimens taken from tonking bamboo Arundinaria than one year old). This means that very young bamboos of
amabilis), he found that the tensile strength for the outer this species are stronger to tension than the older ones.
DO= 76.4 Stem of layer was 3,843 kg /c m 2, an d for the inner layer it was 1353 With the information I got from my research, I realized
Thickness why the Chinese used s trips taken frorn young green bam-
D;= 60.6 bamboo kg/cm2.
In Japan, in 19 30, Sioti Uno carried out the most com- boos for the manufacture of bamboo cables (up to 30 em in
_ -41ffi--fI-'L-. . t= 7. 9mm
plete study that I have seen on the mechanical and chemical diameter) used in the construction of suspension bridges
Do= 106.3
properties of several native species of bamboo in wh ich he with a span of more than 100 meters. (See supension
D;= 84.5
studied the strength properties only of the outer and inner bridges.) They also manufactured the small diameter cables
layer of the cu lm wall, in the lower, middle, and top part of used by the unk-hauliers in the largest rivers of China.
the culm. In this chapter, I have sho wn all of he results of his According to Needhan (1965), on a journey up th e
research as a model for future researchers. Nevertheless, I Yangtze river in 1908, Esterer made some measurements on
Moso bamboo cons ider that the strength shou ld be studied in 3 layers (min- the bamboo cables used by th e trackers or unk-hauliers and
Phyllostachys pubescens imum) instead of two. found a tension of 518 kgJcm2., which was of the same order
Many authors consider that the tensile strength in bam- as that normally found in steel wires. Meyer (1937) found
boo increases with the age of the culm and that the ma xi - strength of the bamboo cab l es u sed in the
that the tensile strength
100% fiber's tensile mum valu
va lu es for tensile strength occur in specimens three to construction of suspension bridges in China was about 1,828
strenght estimated by five years old. This could be true for compression and bend- kg Jc m 2 . Moreover, while hemp ropes lose some 25% of their

• strength when wet, the tensile strength of plaited bamboo

Model used for calculation ,00
the rule of mixtures ing strength, but it can not be taken as a rule for tension
(cross-section laminated by ten 900
• strength. In the experiments I carried out using the species cables increases about 2 0 % when they are fully saturated
materials having E, - ElO ) • Guadua angustiJolia (Hidalgo 1978) to find the strength to with water (Needham 1965).

.c by small specimen
5> soo

Specimen' @ A. Tensi l e strengh (k g/ c m 2 ) B. Modulus of elas ticity (kg/ cm2 )
Strenght of 100%
\ . 300 Species Layer Lower Middle Upper Average Layer Lower Middle Upper Average
.9 m m
'in ground tissue
c: section section section section section section
c: l-iB- :ir.l-H.,-t = 0.9 mm 200
Ph.bambusoides Inner 1.876,2 1.295,5 2,259.3 1
,810.3 inner 219,375 170.461 262,413 224,083
Fun.. diagr m n 100
d u c ' . nd. g)1 Outer 4.207,6 3.868,5 3.494.0 3,856.7 Outer 618,765 508,897 443,056 523,573
g(;; 50 Ph. nigra va .. Inner 608,4 2.237,6 940.7 1.262 ,2 Inner
0 126,750 329,067 167,982 207,933
(5 100% fiber's young's modulus Henonis Outer 2.383,2 3.128,3 1,632.4 2 ,381 .3 Outer 590,600 605,442 453,444 549,895
c: 1.
eslimaled by the rule of mixtures
• • Ph . pub eseens Inner 730,0 1.060,5 887.4 892.6 Inner 24,013 115,272 116,675 85,320
• ••

60 . \
'( )

w 50
. .
• Outer 3.254,0 3.166,4 2,532.5 2,964.3 Outer
Inn er
135,583 494,750 381,250 337,194
.; Ph lithophila Inner 639,8 1.885,9 1.891.0 1,472 . 2 26,325 235,738 429,772 230,612
40 Outer 2.094,9 4.269,4 2.946.0 3,103.4 Outer 84,452 533,675 669,544 429,224
o Modulus of elasticity .
• 6 t=7.9 .
by small speclmen@ Dendroca/amus Inner 506,5 1.007,3 1,057.9 857 . 2 Inner 55,054 185,145 154,397 130,865
E latij10rus 3.633,7 3,163.7 3,045.1
Outer 2.336,0 Outer 116,800 807,933 608,404 511 ,046
Bambusa Inner 1.621,8 2.046,5 2,614.6 2,094.3 Inner 224,694 292,357 344,026 287,026
O(lnside) 0.5 1.0 c:
:> 10 E=2 @
E=2.2 exp(2.2f1tl oldhamii Outer 4.221,9 4.846,6 4,757.8 4,608.7 Outer 753.911 683,139 594.700 677,250
B. stenostachya Inner 697,6 2.649,6 2,377.7 1.908.3 Inner 91,789 378,514 349,662 273,322
.5 1.0
Inside Outer 3.836,0 2.957,5 2,407.3 3,066.9 Outer 532,778 434,926 316,663 428,122
(0 Outside
Distance from the inner surface B. vu
vulg aris va,..
lgaris Inner 1.569,5 1.993,8 2,465.0 2,009.4 Inner 186,846 207,563 ----------- 197,204
Distance from inner surface
vittata Outer 4.303,2 4.554,6 3.460.9 4.106 . 2 Outer 672,375 669,794 ----------- 671 ,085
D. Distribution of fiber density along the transverse E. Distribution of tensile strength and Young s modu-
section of the culm. Nagata & Takaha shi (1995) lus along the transverse section of the culm wall.
Source: Sioti Uno (1930) Note: The original scientific names were
were corrected in the translation made by McClure

88 Part 2 - Secti
on 6 - Physi
cal nd Mechanical properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechani
cal properties 89

From the above we can conclude that in order to study copression is to test sections of culms which are one, hvo
PARALLEL the compression strength of bamboos, it is necessary to test and three meters long (these are the dimensions most used
the whole inter node including the two nodes) taken from in construction, indicating for each one the number of inter-
Co mpression strength parallel to t he grain is the capa- strength, as well as the percentage of sclerenchyma fibers, the central part of the lowe
r, middle and top portions of the nodes and the wall s thickness
thickness and diameters (internal and
city of the bamboo fibers to resist longitudinal compression, increases vertically from the bottom to the top of the culm, culm. As mentioned earlier. In order to establish a metho- external). In this way we can get the most exact and safer
as is the case of a bamboo used as a column. The harder the and horizontally from the innermost layers to the peripheral dology for testing the mechanical properties of bamboos results from the compression tests.
fiber and larger the area of fibers, the greater the compres- part of the culm. There are cases in which the compression under compression, I suggest dividing the whole length of In 1981, I was the adviser of the thesis of two students
sion resistance. strength of the top is almost twice that of the lower part. In the useful height of the culm (after removing the top most- from the College of Agricultural Engineering of the National
The relationship between compression strength parallel experiments conducted by Uno (1930), he found that the branch) into three sections of equal lengths and taking 2 University of Colombia in Bogota (Martin & Mateus). We
to the grain and the moisture content of a bamboo spJint is compression strength in the lower, middle and top part of internodes from the central part of each section, one with the studied the compression strength of sections 1 2 and 3
similar to that of wood; this means that there is an increase the culm of Phyllostachys bambusoides were respectively: two nodes, for testing the minimum compression strength, meters long taken from the lower, and middle part of cu lms
in ma.ximum crushing stress from the green to the air-dry kg// cm> and in Ph Lithophila 644 - 667 -
4 4 2 - 3 4 2 - 8 3 5 kg and the other without nodes, for testing the maximum com- of uadua angustifolia with different ages. (The top section
condition. By assuming that the fiber saturation point of 1,284 kg/cm>. pression strength. was not sent from the plantation). The results are summa-
bamboo is 2 0 , the increase in crushing strength from green rized in the Table 6-7.
to air-dry condition is 4.9 percent per one percent decrease The purpose of this study was to provide information to
Testing of bamboo to compr es s ion Tes ti n g in c o mp re s si o n se c t i o n s of
in moistur e content. In th e testing to com presion of 76 spe- the bamboo builders in Co lombia on the ap pr opriate use of
cimens of the species uadua angustifolia (Hidalgo 1978), In most research carried out up to the present time, the 1- 2 and 3 m et e rs long. different length bamboos, as columns and supports for build-
we found that the compression strength of the culm increa- specimens used for the evaluation of compression parallel to From the studies carried out by Sjafii (1984) on the ings built on sloping grounds and in secondary structures,
ses with the age of the culm and with its height. A maximum the fiber, consist of bamboo cylinders 10 centimeters high (or mechanical properties of various bamboos at various inter- such as those used for the construction of concrete slabs, in
compression strength of 705 kg/sq. cm. was found in the top 10 times the thickness of the wall) taken from the ce nter or nodes of the lower part of the culm (See Table 6-4 ), we con- order to use a minimum of bamboo supports and larger spans
portion of a 5 year old cul
c ul m, and the minimum compression from the lower part of the internode. However, most cluded that each of the internodes of the culm has different behveen supports. At the present time, djstances of supports
strength of 261 kg.jsq. cm. was fou nd in a one year old cul m researchers ignores the fact that in the internodes, the fibers
The tensile strength, compression and bending increase with near the nodes are short and longest fibers are in the center mechanical properties, which genera lly do not fo ll ow a pro- in both directions are 80 cm.The tests were carried out in the
gressive value from the bottom to the top of the culm. materials laboratory of the Engineering Faculty at the
the height of the cul m Bending and compression strengths of the internode. This means that if the specimen is taken Consequently, the best solution for testing bamboos under National University of Colombia in Bogota.
also increase with age until th ey are 7 or 8 years old, depend- from the lower part or top part of the node, where the fibers
ing on the species. As mentioned earlier, fiber length has a are short, the value of its compression strength will be lower
correlation with the modulus of elasticity and compression than that of a specimen taken from the cent er of the inter-
strength. A close co rrelation also exists between specific node where the fibers are the longest. The reason for this is
gravity and maximum crushing strength. The compress compression
ion that fiber length has a correlation with compression strength.


Age of culm Position on the culm Crushing strength I r loer stress MOOU IUS a MOisture Specific
sections Kg/cm2 at proport. elasticity content gravity
lim .Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2
265.00 85.714 26.58
1 to 3 years Lower sect ion maximum 318.34
average 381.20
minimum 255.48 185.00 42.500 63.75 ------

maximum 482.40 395.00 89.286 16.16 0.686

Midle section average 389.15
mi nimum 295.91 230.00 84.000 2 8 88 0.651

maximum 502.42 385.00 62.216 42.56 0.666

3 to 5 years Lower section average 445.80
minimum 389.19 290.00 55.555 41.50 0.634

maximum 629.73 550.00 124.038 16.06 0.797

midle section average 491.30
minimum 352.88 270.00 65.909 27.72 0.583

More than 5 years Lower sec tion maximum 408.61

average 505.45 432.50 77.344 37.16 0.612
mini mum 311 .78 275.00 58.871 42.57 0.578

maximum 549. 31 465.00 130.555 14.13 0.787

middle section averag e 438.15
78.333 18.87 Fig . 6. 11 Compression evaluation of sections 1 and 2 Fig. 6.12 CompreSSion evaluation of sections 3 m long of
minimum 327. 00 255.00 0.666
meters long of Guadua angustifo/ia t the col/ege of En- Guadua angustifo/ia.
Source: Martin Mateus -Hidalgo (1981) -Number of tests 90- The top
op section
section of the culm w s not sended from the farm gineering of the National University in Bogota.

90 Part 2 Section 6 Physical and Mechanical properties Part 2 Section 6 Physical and Mechanical properties 91

BENDING STRENGTH those with the epidermis upwards.

B e n d i n g t e s t s . Bauman (1912).- The specimens were
Guadua angus t olia The cortex or mechanical tissue that is arranged around
the outer part of the cylindrical culm, performs the function placed on two supports whose distance apart , as a rule was,
Lenght of Culm age (years) Crushing strength Base Diam Wall thick. Number in round numbers, 25 times as great as the largest diameter
Cm Cm of protecting the culm so it can resist b ending forces. When
culm sect. Kg/cm2 of nodes of the bamboo to be tested and a load was placed at the mid-
the culm in the clump is bent by the wind or by the weight of
1 to 3 years Maximum 4 930 9.08 0.79 8 the snow in winter time, it becomes elliptic in cross section. dle between the supports. The failure occurred when there
- 3 meters 3 to 5 years
2 740
8 350
The bending culm is thus compressed along the lower
part, and expanded along the upper part. If this force of com-
was splitting parallel to the axis of the specimen, as a result
of shea ring forces. The bending strength of bamboo cylin-
ders varied between 722 and 2760 kg /cm 2 . The thicker cylin-
- more than 5 years
2, 775
16 600
pression and tension becomes greater than the bamboo
wood can support, the culm will break a long the center of ders (outer diameter about 8 em), were weaker than the thin-

= ___ 1)LnjT]J , ___ lli99_ 9.89 0.87 9 the cylinder or neutral axis. When the culm, once cut, is used ner ones (outer diameter approximately 2 3 em).
- -------- --1-to--3--years
-- ---- ---- - Maximum 10 125
------ - --
-- --
-- --
-- -
- --
-- --
-- --
-- -
in beams, it has the same structural behavior.
minimum 3 830 7.86 0.71 6 According toTakenouchi (1932), if the thickness of the
2 meters 3 to 5 years Maximum 12 830 11.73 1.52 7 wall of the culm internode is 1/8 or 1/5 of the diameter of
minimum 5 100 9.53 1.26 7 the cylinder, this cu lm cylinder is , as a rule, much more
- more than 5 years
Maximum 22 500
____ )]QQ _
resistant to bending forces than a solid culm of the same
-------- diameter. The culms of Ph yllostachys bambusoides
---- -------------
------- -----------
1 to 3 years
----- Maximum 14 050
927 1.50 ---------
5 (Madake) and P. nigr henonis (Hachiku) and some others
minimum 7 350 8.39 0.73 3 which have a wall thickness of about 1/9 the diameter of the
11.57 1.72 4
- 1 meter 3 to 5 years Maximum 19 000
minimum 8 000 8.28 0.98 4
cylinder. can withstand the weight of snow without brea-
king. But the culm of Ph. eduli s Ph. pubeseens)
more than 5 years Maximum 23 650 13.50 1.55 4 (Mosochiku) whose thickness is 1 / 1 1 the diameter of the
minimum 9 910 10.23 1.20 5 cylinder, is comparatively easy to break.
Source: Martin, Mateus, Hidalgo (1981) - Total number of tested samples 129 Assuming that the fiber saturation point of bamboo is
20 , the increase in bending strength from green to air-dry
condition is 0.05 percent per one percent decrease in moisture
content. This value is lo wer than that of wood, which is
approx.i mately 4 percent per one percent decrease in moisture
content. According to Bauman (1912), the bending strength of
T able 6-8 COMPRESSION STRENGTH AN D MODULUS OF ELASTICITY the inner layers is 950 kg /cm 2 , and of the outer layers is 2535
Average modu Area in cross kg /cm 2 •
Section of the Compression Average com Average
thereof Bamboo possesses excellent mechanical properties which
Species culm strength presion stren. Ius of elasticity section of wal
depend mainly on the fiber content and, therefore, vary con-
Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2 IArea in eros
siderably within the culm and between species.At
species. At the base, for
sect. of culm
example, the bending strength of the outer part is 2 - 3 times
Ph.bambllsoides lower 442 .96 47 .6 cm2 that of the inner part. Such differences become sma llller er with
(Ma bambus) middle 342.75 540.55 2,2 42.95 37.5 38.40 increasing height of the culm. With the decreasing thickness o f
____ .pAeL ___ ____ the culm wall, there is an increase in specific gravity and
Ph. nigra var. lower 411.58
------------ ----------- 55 .5
------------- mechanical strength of the inner parts, which contain less
Hen ollis Ha bambus) middle 458.85 411.28 2,433.61 34.1 51.87 parenchyma and more fibers, whereas in the outer parts these
___ ___ ___ _6}"1 ;l ____ ____ l.5.,L __ properties change only slightly. For bending strength and
-------------------- lower 588 .67
------------ --------- --- 40.4
------------- modulus of elasticity, higher values were obtained from the
Ph. pubescen 610.90
middle 648.84 2,395.69 38.4 42.07 upper part. Bamboo splints with the epidennis downwards
(Moso bambus) ___ ____ ____ JA ____ have a higher bending st rength and modulus of elasticity than
----- ------ ----- --- lower 644 .94
------------ ------------ 49.8
Ph. lithophila middle 862.29
3 527.50 37.4 41.43 B
______ ____
upp-e ____ ___ _ _ ___ 3 1 j ____
lower 272.02
-- --- ----- -- ------------ 36.3
------------- F i g s . 6 , 1 3 A) B)
(A). This is a vety interesting
Dendrocalamus 356.86
l tijlorus
middle 532.21 29.5 45.67 architectural design that was
______ ___ 1,6 12.86 ____1l.2 ___
____ 266.35 the winner of a giant bamboo
--------- -- - ------------ ------------ -------------
Bambu sa oldh mii lower 532.48 67.4 housing project competWon in
middle 542.18 311.64 31.2 47.10 Colombia. The problem is that
____u.pAe ____ 2, 398.59 _ j?L the architect nd the judges
B stenostachya lower
-------- ----------- 32.7 ------------- ignored the fact that a bamboo
(Si-bambus) 68.8 71.83 culm can not be bent like a
upper 441.75 64.0 metal bar, because it cracks
B vulgaris va .
lower 506: 4---- ------------ - -----45.0
------- ------------- along the neutral axis with the
vittata middle 515.54 534.03 39.7 43 .20 smallest deflection as is shown
(Daisan -bam bus) upper 580.31 1.545 ,43 44.9 in the testing machine. 8) The
solution is to build a three artic-
Source: Sioti Uno 1
930) Note: The original scientific names were corrected in the translation made by McClure
ulate arch.
arch. See bamboo
The Amsler Co. s apparatus of 30 tons capacity was used.
deformed structures.}

92 Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical properties Part 2 - Sectio

n 6 - Physical
Physical and Mechanical properties 93


Although trees hardwoods and softwoods) and bam- Baumann (1912) carried out some impact tests on rou nd
boos are woody plants, as mentioned ear li er, their anatomy, bamboos. The work to failure was from 2.2 to 3.3 m kgjcm2;
Fig 6.15 A - Cu l m B.-E n l a rge m e nt of t o p sect. C.- Co m p r es s ion sp ec i m e n
morphology and growing processes are different, as is their the distance between supports was 25 cms. A pronounced
structural behavior. Most researchers do not realize that difference due to the place where the impact was applied
bamboo does not have radial cells like those in timber which could n ot be observed. In contrast, the mode of fracture was - Dia meter
increase its shear s tr ength parallel to the axis. This is why entirely different. Whereas in impact on the nodes, the spec- 5cm
bamboo has very low shear strength parallel to the axis and imen was severed in strips parallel to the a.xis, in impact on
E 1
the presence of nodes has o nl y a s li g ht significant effect on the shaft, the specimen consistently broke through. In this
::J Without
shear str ength. case, the tensile strength of the fibers was exceeded.

This low sh ea r s tr ength of bamboo is an advantage for In th e pendulum impact tests carried out by Jain , )
so me purposes, for example, in th e manufacturing of Kumar and Jindal (1992) in bamboo str ips, tlle test speci-
bamboo s trip s for weaving baskets or for making cab les, mens were 75 mm long and the cross-section·was
cross-section· was 10 mm x
but it can also be a disadvantage in construction, particu- 10 mm taken from the culm wall. Tests were performed on ', with nodes
la rl y when researchers try to make th e sa me type of bam- notched and unnotched bamboo fiber, and bamboo mat 1:: NOde ____
1l c
boo specimens that are used for t esting timber. Bamboo reinforced plastic composites. Notched specimens had a 2 a.
specimens gen era ll y break very eas il y in the direction pa- mm deep 450 notch angle at a ctistance of 28 rum from th e a. .S
rall el to th e axis. top end. The samples were fract ur ed in a Houn sfield plastic ' D. -T e n s ion s p e c i me n
I n the experim ents we did on the shear strength of impact testing machine. Imp act toughness was calculated
uadua angustiJolia Hidalgo 19 78), we tested 27 specimens from the energy absorbed at th e cross-sectional area without
of different ages using sta ir shaped specimens and dimen- notch and at the cross-sectional area at the notch. <
sions recommended by Motoi Otta (195 5). The maximum Res ul ts and an alys is. The percentage of cellulose 3
shear strength was 144 kgJcm 2 , the minimum was 45 kg/cm 2 , fi bers) and ligni n b inding material) in bamboos fibers is with node
and the average was 93 kg/cm·. Today, I consider that this higher than in other natural fibers. The microfibril angle of E in center
very common method of evalu at ion is impractical and the the cellulose fibers is very small and bamboo has a poly- ::J
resu lt s are useless; the bes t method of testing bamboo shear lamellate wall structure. These are the factors responsible

s tr ength is using the whole inter-nodes with the nodes and for the higher tens il e, fl exural and impact strength of bam- )

also without them. The specimens have to be taken from the boo in the direction of the fiber. Perpendicular to the fiber
lower, cent er and top sections of the culm, and they will have direction, bamboo has minimum strength.
different diameters and wall thicknesses. : ........ 1
:: ,
Table 6-9 I m pact Tests Impact strength 1l
. .,' :Node
With node in the
center and

(COV2) kJm .2)
1l c without node
Bamboo across the fiber) 3.02 ±1.08)
:: .S
Bamboo along the fiber) 63.54 ± 4.63) Q)
U ' Including part
N O . 1 - Internode without nodes
of the
The results of pendulum impact carried out by the same for maxi m um tension diaphragm
authors on bamboo orthogonal mats are shown in Table No. 2- Intenode with nodes
6-9A. Fiber co mp osites have a hi gher impact s tr ength than No . 3- With a central node for 1.5 • 3 cms
mat composites. This can be explained because 50% of the
fibers in the mat are in the direction of impact, and the other
E tension strength
::J No. 4 - W ith a central node for
50% ar e pe rp endicular to the impact. Only perpendicular
shear strengt h

- r-
fibers are capable of arresting and diverting the propagation )
of the notch by de lamination.
An other important fa ct which has eme rged is is that the For testing giant species: Cut the useful part of the whole culm in 3 equal sec-
notch has no affect on the strength of he mat bamboo-fi ber tions. Cut the same number of specimens i ndicated in Fi9 B for the three sec-
1:: tions and with the same locat i on , and mark in the interior surface of each
reinforced plastic composite-BFRP) (See bamboo compo- 1l .,' spec i mens its location and number.
sit e) The high impact str ength of BFRP compos it e put s it in a.
the category of tough engineering materials. Q)
: .S
Table 6-9A . I m pact st r engt h of BFRP c o m p o s i te 0

Impact strength
-I '
VI specimen (COV2) kJm ·2)
notched unnoched

Fibre 35 43.71 ± 2.92) 45.62 ± 3.01) E.- Ev al u a tion of fle x u ra l pr oper ties
Fig .6 .14 The l ow shear strength o bamboo is an adven· composite Rhizome
tage for some purposes for exampl in the manufacturing o Mat com- 65 % 33.87 ± 2.20) 34.03 ± 1.26)
bamboo strips for weaving baskets and many other articles. posite

94 Part 2 - Section 6 - Phys ical and Mechanical properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Me
chanical properties 95

Because the fraction of bamboo fibres is not constant

H O W TO UPGRAD E T H E BAMBOO MECHANICAL P RO P ERTIES along the radial direction (fibers are denser in the outer part
than in the inner part), to make the measurement of mecha-
(REFORM ED BAMBOO) nical properties more accurate, one bamboo was cut longi-
Refo rm ed Bamboo tudinally into several beams, with the width of each beam
The manufacturing technique covers three major pro- being about 15 mmj then each beam was separated into se-
The density or specific gravity of wood
wood timber and bam-
boo culm wood is a measure of its solid wood substance per cesses longitudinally
splints after the bamboo culm
which wereisthen
separated into several
compressed after a veral strips of increasing thickness from the outer surface to
the inner surface, and the tensile strength and effective
unit volume and an index of their physical and me-chanical treatment of softening
softening.. modulus of each layer were measured experimentally.
properties. Wood of hight density is stronger and stiffer than The microstructure of reformed bamboo was studied, Owing to the gradient of fiber volume fraction in the radial
wood of low density. Nevertheless, it is possible to increase their mechanical properties were tested and the results directions, strictly speaking, there will be a coupling
the strength and the stiffness of wood of low density if the show a remarkable increase compared with normal bam- between stretching and bending under tension. To weaken
volume of a wood timber piece is compressed or compacted boo. According to the different uses, the mechanical prop- the unexpected effect of coupling, each strip was made very
perpendicularly to the axis of the piece with the purpose of erties and comprensive ratio (which is defined as r=( Ho - thin; theriore, within the thickness of each strip, the modu-
reducing its volume, increasing in this way its density per H1) / Ho, where HoHo is the original thickness and HI the lus can be assumed to be a constant, which is the factual
unit volume. This technology was developed in wood timber thickness after compression) of reformed bamboo can be tested data of the effective modulus: End-taped specimens
by Ruyter,& Arnoldy in 1994 when they patented a Process designed beforehand and adjusted in the manufacturing were made for testing tensil strength an d effective modulus,
for upgrading low quality wood (Eur. Pat. Appl. EP 623, process. As a new attempt reformed bamboo was used to of size 120 mm x 12 mm x h mm h is the thickness of the
433-CI. B2 71<.5/06-09 NOV.1994). reinforce aluminum alloy for the purpose of protecting specimens. The flexural strength was measured in three-
This process comprises: (1) A softening stage, in which reformed bamboo itself
itself and substituting some aluminium point bending with a span of 40 mm for bamboo strip spe-
low-quality wood is heated to 160-2400 in the presence of an alloy .(See composite materials) . cimens. Fig. 6.16 shows the changing trends of the major
aqueous medium and an aqueous pH buffer (pH 3.5-8.0) mechanical properties of bamboo (Phyl/ostachys pubes-
and at a pressure which is at least the equilibrium vapor
pressure of the aqueous medium at the operating tempera- Ge n e ral s tr u c tu r e a nd p r o p e rt i es of cens) along the radial direction.
It is obvious that there are many voids
voids inside and out -
ture, to at least partially hydrolyze the hemicellulose an d dis- bamboo side the vascular bundles, and the number of voids in the
proportionate the lignin. (2) A dewatering stage, and (3) A s mentione d earlier, all bamboos share some common inner part of the bamboo is greater than that in the outer
curing stage. Thus air-dry sawn poplar wood was soaked features: they are natural1igno-cellulosic composite and are greeen bamboo. The gradient structure of bamboo is opti-
overnight in an aqueous solution containing 6 gIL Na composed of fibres (bast fibres in vascular bundles) and mum to adapt to the living environme nt, because this struc-
acetate at 95 0 , heated by steam at 200 0 condensing on the matrix (parenchyma thin-walled cells around vascular bun- ture (a thick-walled circular cylinder with one end fixed)
surface until
until the temperature in the center of the wood was dles, vessels and sieve tubes in vascular bundles). Natural can provide optimum strength distribution
distribution and maximum
185°, cooled to 10° and compressed for 5 minutes, with bamboo can be taken as unidirectional fibre-reinforced com- structural stability with minimum material weight.
gradually increasing pressure from 1 to 3 bar to remove the posite and its fibre volume fraction has an intimate relation However, while bamboo is used as structural material,
aqueous face. The sections were pressed in a platen press at with its mechanical property. The distribution of bast fibres Fig. 6.18 Optical photograph
s of cross sections of (a)
i.e. bamboo fibre-reinforced polymer (BFRP), the inhomo-
195 0 and 5 bar for 1.5 hours to give wood having Shore D of bamboo along the radial direction shows a gradient trend,
Normal bamboo, and (b reformed bamboo. (After Li , Fu,
geneity of bamboo is usually an unexpected feature. To
hardness 70 and bending strength 125 MPa compared with and this undoubtedly influences its mechanical properties, Zhou, Zeng and Bao (1994)
make the use of natural bamboo more convenient
convenient and more
30 and 60 respectively for a sample without the Na acetate as do synthetic fibre-reinforced composites. However in pre- abundant, the microstructure
microstructure of bamboo is redesigned and The s t r u c t u r e of r ef or m ed bamboo
A similar technique called reformed bamboo has been vious works, when the mechanical properties of bamboo reformed to enhance the homogeneity of structure and The structural changes of reformed bamboo derive
developed in China at the Academic Sinica by Li, Fu, Zhou, were concerned, average values across the thicknes were property distribution.
distribution. from the distribution of vascular bundles and the vascular-
Zeng andthe
changing Bao (1994)
form This new
of bamboo fromtechnique
its naturalwhich aims
circular at
cross more often used rather than those of a specific part of the bundles themselves. Fig.6.18 shows optical photographs of
bamboo culm. In fact, the heterogeneity, porosity and M a n u fa c t u re of r ef or med bamboo cross-section of normal bamboo (a), and reformed bamboo
section into a plate for convenient structural use. anisotropy
anisotropy are important features of bamboo Bambusa pervariabilis from China was chosen for this (b). From the comparison of these two photographs, it can
experiment. The manufacturing procedur e consists of three
steps: softening, compression and fixture. First, natural
w . -- - - - - -e - - - --
-- - - - - - --------
q- bamboo was separated longitudinally into several parts (usu-
Distance from ou t er surface (mm)

Pressu re MN m .2)

.--.-.- -.-
E 500 ally two to four parts) and the diaphragms in the nodes were
z 1.20
- cut off roughly. Then the bamboo strips were heated in a con-

400 1.00 q-
0.50 ,... _- tainer to adjust the moisture content to certain value. The
c: 0.80 E 0.40
,, _A
- .----- '- strips were then compressed with a compressor to obtain the c:

i ' 300 <1l , -" .-' required compressive ratio. Finally under certain pressure, U
0.50 '
0.30 / /
strips were pressed for 3 hours for the purpose of fixt
During the process, the moisture content of the bamboo is
X 0.40 :
l. 0.20
I / very important. The technological conditions can be deter- § 20
100 z- 0 .......... ,.-
.,.- mined according
accordi ng to Fig.6.17 which shows the relationships
0.20 . ? )
behveen moisture content, compressive ratio and pressure. Q 10
<1l £J
iii 0 .000 If the moisture content of bamboo is too low (such as u:
o 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 10 20 30 40 50 8.5%), as illustrated in Fig. 6.17, the bamboo is too rigid and
brittle to be compressed rapidly; the other hvo curves show o 2 4 6 8 10
similar trends. It should be noticed that when the moisture Distance from outer surface (mm)
Fi g. 6. 17 Relationships between moisture content,
Fig. 6.16 The radial changing trends of ( .... ) ten· content reaches 30%, the saturation conten,the water in
compres;ve ratio and pressure of bamboo. Moisture
bamboo will damage cell tissues during the compression F ig . 6.19 Fiber volume fraction of bamboo ( ... )
sile and (e) flexural strength and of Ph.
pubescens. content ( e ) 8.5% 2.6%. ( .... ) 28.9% process, and this will deteriorate the mechanical perfor- before and (. ) after compresion (Compresive ratio
(. ) 8
,5%, (-) 2
2.6%, s) 28.9 mance of reformed bamboo. is 0.49)

96 Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical

Mechanical properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical
Mechanical properties 97

be seen than the vascular bundles, or exactly speaking, the

bast fibers in the inn er part near the pith ring of the culm, T a b l e 6-11 . S p e c if ic p r o p e r t i e s o f n o r m a l 400

became denser, and many voids in the vascul ar bundles a n d reformed bamboo N

(vessels and sieve tubes) disappeared after compression;
Reformed Normal Z
E 40
the shape of the vascular bundl e also changed from circu-
bamboo Bamboo

lar toToelliptical.
analyze the fib er vo lume fraction precisely, an -£
• • • •
Automatic Image Analyzer (Kontron IPS IPS 500) was used to Specific tensile strength (km) 31,. 84 31.88 l
i 220
measure the area fraction of bast fibres over the total area. Specific tensile modulus (Mm) 3.40 3.11
The specimen was divided into six or seven parts along the Specific flexural strength ( Km) 32.44 32.51 ·n

circumferential direction. The voids in the vascular bundle

200 mm .
Specific flexural
flexural modulus (Mm) 2.72 2.3 2 160
we re taken to be matrix thu s the fibre area fraction of each Specific shear strength (km) 1.70
sma ll divided part can be measured and the fibre area frac-
rJ 100L-_ _ _ _ _____ _____ ___ _ _ _ _ __

tion along the radial direction was available. Because bam- mm : 0. 00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0 .40
Source Li et al (1994) 5
boo is st ri ct unidirectional fibre-reinforced composite mate-

Compressive ratio (103 kg m- 3 )
rial, the fib er volume fraction VF was also calcul ated, and is

shown in Fig. 6.19. The fibre volume fraction Vf of normal The data in Table 6- 10 reveal that many mechanical Fi g. 6 . 21 The tensile strength curve of reformed
bamboo decreases gradiently along the radial dir ection; after properties of reformed bamboo are obviously increased, for bamboo versus compressive ratio.
compression (cf.fig.5), the V of most parts of bamboo is in ex ample, the tensile strength is increased by 31.7%, tensile
the vicinity of 50%, but the fibre fractions near the pith-ring modulus 44 and a, nd flexural strength 3 1.5 , at the expense of
the inner surface of bamboo culm) remains the same. The 10mm 5mm 32.2% increase of density. biomaterials. Because bamboo is a unidirectional fibre-rein-
mean value of fiber volume fraction of both kinds of bamboo The increase
reformed bamboo coin mpared
the static
the normal property of
one can be forcedthan
other composite,
the fibrethe mechanical
direction properties
are le ss than thoseinindirections
the fibre
are listed
li sted in Tab le 6-10.
Fig. 6.20 The shape and size of the bamboo speci- ex plained by the following fo ur aspects: direction, especially those across the fibre. For example, the
mens h is the thickness of th e bamboo culm wall a) (a) Density. It is well known that the mechanical prop- tensile s tr ength in th e fibre direction is us ual1 y more than 50
Mechanical pr oper t i es of r ef or med Tensile, b) shear,
shear, c) compres
sive sp
ecimens. After Li erties of a biomaterial have a close relationship with density times hi gher than that across the fibre, and the case in
bamboo u, Zhou, Zeng and Baa (1994) of the material. For wood, usually the wood possesses a reformed bamboo is the sa me.
To obtain a compressive evaluation of reformed bam- higher density, and has higher stre ngth; such a correlation Another serious disadvantage of bamboo, also suffered
boo, tests were made of its density, static properties such as fracture at the specimen end rather than tensile fract
fract ur e in also ex ists in bamboo. between the fl ex ural strength and den- by other biomaterials,
biomaterials, is hyg roscopicity. Th . shrinkage coef-
tensile modulus and st rength , fl ex ur al modulus and the working length, so in our experiments, end-taped speci- sity of bamboo. ficient of a material represents its ability to absorb water in
st rength, and shear strength along the fibre direction. The mens we re used instead of side-curved ones. Owing to the (b) Compressive ratio.
rati o. For the same bamboo, the high- air and the shrinkage coefficient of reformed bamboo was
sizes of the bamboo specimens were determined by referring grad jent of bamboo structure, the strength and modulus are er the compressive ratio, the denser will be the reformed found to be less than that of normal bamboo (cfTable 6-10);
to the testing standards of wood and fibre-reinforced co m- very different in the radial direction, so measurements bamboo. The total number of bast fibres in bamboo, which thus the reformed bamboo is superior to the normal one in
posites, or according to previous work. Experimental mate- should be thought of as "effective" or "apparent" properties bear most of the load to which the bamboo is subjected, respect to retaining geometrical stability, in other words
rial was purchased from Guangdong province in South o r, in other words, they are the average values across the remains the same, so the strength and modulus per unjt area under the same conditions, reformed bamboo absorb less
China. All tests were performed on a Shimadzu-DCS testing thickness of the specimens. will be increased as shown in Fig.6.21.
Fig.6.21. water from air than normal bamboo.
machine at room temperahrre. The geometric configuration In all the bending tests, the side with the higher (c) Fiber vo lume fraction. According to the mixture After all the moisture conte nt of ligno-cellulosic bam-

and sizes of specimens are shown in Fig

Fi g 6. 20 . strength
of was is
the loads loaded in in
shown tension. For shear
Fig. 6.20; tests,test
the shear the direction
was per- principle {Jc = Of Vf +Om Vm Vm for bamboo, Of is much high- boo increase
during due
The othtoerwater in the which
parameter air anddescribes
will result in rot
For tensile experiments, because the longitudinal shear er than a m thus th e relationship between <Jc and V
strength is much lower than the tensile strength, the side- formed on the basis of the test standard, using the method approaches a lin ear form; the increase of Vf of reformed copicity
copi city is the hygroscopic volume coefficient H, which is
cUlVed specimens we re often found to be damage by sh ear for wood. The tests result are summarized in Table 6-10. bamboo wi11 undoubtedJ y increase its stre ngth. defined as H=W jV where W is the moisture content in th e
(d) Microfibril angle. The microfibril angle of the plant can specimen, and V is th e volume of the dry specimen.
dominate substantiaUy its mechanical property. During com- The h yg roscopicities of normal bamboo and reformed
Tab l e 6 -1 0 C o m p a r i s o n of he m e c h a n i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of r e f o r m e d a n d n o r m a l b a m b o o pression the length and width of a specimen must be increased bamboo composites were measur ed e xperimentally for one
to some extent, and thus so do the lengths of bast fibers.
fibers. month. Specimens were placed in a container of 100% rela-
Re f o r med
med b a mb o o Normal b a m b o o tive mois tur e and a tempe ratur e of 20 degree C ± 2 0 C The
For a sp irally coiled structure, like the cell wall of a
De v. Mean De v. plant, the increase in length must result in the decrease of moisture content of the specimens were measured regularly
the microfibril angle with the respect to the fiber axis, and (See Reformed bamboo/aluminium alloy composite)
Fiber volume fraction ( ) 43.6 13.4 29.2 12.8 Of the thr ee sta rt points those for reformed bamboo
this contributes to the increase of tensile property. The spe-
Shrinkage coefficient radial 0.252 0.005 0.299 0.02 and reformed bamboo/alumjnium are lower than that for
cific property, which is the ratio of the property to density, is
tangencial 0.184 0.0570. 0.319 0.076 normal bamboo; this is because the moisture co nt ent of
of particular importance in composites.
bulk 0.446 0.83 0.663 0.132 reformed bamboo is lowered during the process of heating
Table 6-11 gives a comparison of the specific properties
Density (103 kgm· 3 ) 0.87 0.17 0.66 0.07 and compression.
of reformed an normal bamboo. From Table 6- 11 , it is clear
Te nsile strength (MN m- 2 ) 271.5 60.6 206.2 that some major specific properties of both mat erials are Up to 20 days, the hygroscopic vol ume coefficient
Tensile modulus (GN m- 2 ) 29.0 5.6 20.1 3.2 ( HVC ) of reformed bamboo aluminium remained the lowest.
very close or even the same. This is easy to understand,
Flexural strength (MN m- 2 ) 276.6 22.7 210.3 25.3 In the other two specimens, without aluminium sheets out-
because the effect of compression is to assemble the fibers
Flexural modulus (GN m-2 ) 23.2 4.7 13.1 3.0 side, the HV C of reformed bamboo increased more rapidly
more densely and the increase in the properties was accom-
104.7 28.4 78.7 7.6 than that of normal bamboo; this is also becau se of the low
Compressive strength (MN m-2 ) panied by an increase in density.
moisture co nt ent in reformed bamboo after treatme nt . The
Shear strength ( MN m- 2) 14 .5 2.2 15.1 4.6
situation after 20 days is seldom encountered in service,
Di sa dv an t ag es of b a m b oo when the relative humidity of 100% in their experiment is
Source: Li et a/ (1994). Although reformed bamboo has many advantages over tak en into account.
normal bamboo, it does not overcome the defects of other

98 Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical

Mechanical properties Part
Part 2 - Secti
on 6 - Physical
Physical and Mechanical properties 99

gives no copper complex with Fehling solution, an arabino- T he main chemical el e n1ents
C. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES galactan, and a-glucan were isolated. The yield of the ara-
binogalactan was 0.3- 0-4% and was fo und to be different enter ing into th e c o mp o s ition of b a m-
from conventional plan t cell wall
wall arabinogalacta n which usu- b o o c u l ms
CH E MISTRY OF BAMBOO SHOOTS liquor for recovery of the chemicals in pulping.
ally contains D- galacturonic acid.
A. He mi c e \lul ose s The structural analysis by methlation and Smith degra- The main chemical elements entering into the composi-
The results of the chemical composition of bamboo Hemicellulose of bamboos have been investigated by dation indicated that the arabinogalactan is composed of 1, tion of bamboo culms, forming the cell walls are cellulose,
several researchers. Maewaka and Kitao isolated a x)'lan hemicellulose and lignin. Minor constituents, enclosed in the
shoots carried out by Higuchi (1987) is given in Table 7-l. 3- lin
ked D- galactopyranosyl residues similar to the ara-
from Madake (P. reticulata) culm by extraction with aqueous cell cavities, are tannins, resins, waxes and inorganic salts.
The sheath of bamboo shoots was peeled off and was cut into binogalactan from plant seeds and the sap of sugar maple.
alkali of the chlorite holocellulose followed by precipitation In the study conducted by Ma Han (1993) in 26 bam-
the upper, middle and basal portions, respectively. The sam- The molecular weight of a-glucan was 8000.
of he alkaline extract as a copper complex with Fehling solu- boo species, they pointed out that the cellulose content is
ple of each portion was homogenized by a Waring blender Kato et al recently found th at ferulic acid is esterified to
tion. 35·86%- 45·76%, averaging41.80%.According
averaging41.80%.According to Karlsen
Karlsen ef
and the homoginate was pressed to remove the juice. The arabinofuranosyl residue of arabinoglucuronoxylan in sugar
al (1967), in trees it can be assumed that softwoods are com-
The x)'Jan thus obtained comprised more than 90%of cane cell wall. Ferulic acid occurring as an ester component
homoginate was extracted several times with cold and hot posed, on the average, of 48-56% cellulose, 20-30% lignin
the bamboo hemicellulose. The structural studies by means of bamboo cell wall may be linked to the hemicellulose as
water successively to remove the water soluble substances. and 23-26
23- 26 hemicellulose ardwoods contain slightly less
of methylation analysis and periodate oxidation (Smith well, altough p-coumaric acid is confirmed to be linked to the
Bamboos were cut into small pieces which were then pulve- cell ulose and more hemicellulose. The experimental results
rized by a Wiley mill. degradation) of the xy lan gave evidence supporting a B-1, 4- side chain of bamboo lignin.
indicated that the chemical composition of bamboo culms
The samples thus obtained were analyzed by conven- linked linier polymer with attachments of single unit side
was similar to that of hardwoods in general, except that alka-
tional methods based on procedure. and the con- chains such as the residues of L-arabinose and D-x)'lose in a B. L ignin
line extract, ash and silica contents are higher than in hard-
tent of lignin was corrected for protein. The contents of ash molar ratio of 1.0:1.0-1.3:24-25, respectively. Lignins are generally classified into three major groups
woods. The xylan obtained from culm extraction and precip-
and the extracts of hot water, 1 NaO
NaOH,H, and ethanol - ben- t seems different
different from arabino- (4-0-methyl-D-glu-
(4-0-methyl-D-glu- based on their structural monomer units. Gymnosperm
itation comprised more than 90% bamboo hemicellulose
zene decreased with maturation of the bamboo shoots, curono) xylan found in the wood of gymnosperms, with respect lignin is a dehydrogenation polymer of coniferyl alcohol.
(Higuchi T. 1987).
to the degree of branching and th e molecular properties. Angiosperm lignin is a mixed dehydrogenation polymer of
altough they were somewhat larger in bamboos than in
shoots. Some properties of the bamboo xylan are similar to conifery - and sinaply alcohols, and grass lignin is composed Liese (1992) points out that bamboo consists of about
50-70% holocelJulose, 30% pentosans and 20-25% lignin.
This may be attributed to the effect of water extractions those hardwoods, but the most of the properties are in com- of mixed dehydrogenation polymer of coniferyl-, sinaply-
This chemical composition varies according to the species,
in preparing the samples of bamboo shoOIS. The content of mon with that the Gr amineae. and p- coumaryl alcohols. In grass lignin p- coumaric acid is
the conditions of growth,the age of he bamboo culm and the
cellulose, pentosan, lignin, total methoxyl, and the methoxyl t was further found that bamboo xylan isolated by
esterified to the side chains of the lignin polymer.
part of the culm_ Since bamboo completes the maturation of
oflignin increased with the maturation of the bamboo shoot; extraction of bamboo holocellulose with DMSO contain 6- culm tissue within 2-3 years, when the soft and fragile cuJmcu Jm
the pentosan content decreased again in bamboos. The prox- 7 acetyl group. These results indicate that the bamboo 1) p- c oume ri c a c i d becomes hard and strong, the proportion of lignin and car-
imal chemical compositions of bamboo culms are generally xylan has unique feature of Gramineae different from gym- Grass lignin including bamboo lignin gives absorption bohydrates changes during this period. However, after full
similar to those of hardwoods, except that alkaline extract, nosperm and angiosperm xy xylans.
lans. bands at 315 nm and 280nm in the UV spectrum. However, maturation of the culm, the chemical composition tends to
ash and silica contents are higher than in hardwoods. High In addition, from the water soluble fraction of bamboo when grass lignin is treated with aqueous NaOH and then remain rather constant.
silica content causes sca li ng dur ing evaporation of the spent shoot-hemice ll ulose extracted with DMSO, a xylan which lignin is precipitated with acid the precipitated lignin gives
Cellulo se a n d h e mi c ellulose, also called holocel-
an absorption bans at 280 nm and p-coumaric acid is isolat-
lulose, are the so li d residues of the polysaccharide fraction
T able 7 -1 Che mi cal c ompo s ition of ba mboo sh oo ts a n d m a t u r e b a mboo s ed from the filtrate. An absortion band at 1730 cm- 1 in the IR that remains after extraction of minor components and
(P e rc e nt of the wa t e r-fre e ma t e rial) spectrum, which is attributed to the p-coumaric
p-coumaric acid ster , lignin by mild oxidation. The hemicellulose is extracted from
also disappeared after saponification of the grass ligni n. holocellulose with a '7.5 NaOH solution, the residue being
Hot- 1% Ale.- Metho- Metho- On the basis of spectral analyses before and after alca- cellulose, wh ich is difficult to isolate in a pure form because
Cellu Pento-
Species Ash
extract NaOH
extract benzene
lose' san lignin xyl xyl in
lignin line hydrolysis
compounds suchand acidolysis
as veratryl
of bamboo lignin and model
yl p-coumarate and 3-(3.4 - dime- it is c10sely
c10se ly associated with the hemicellulose and the lignin.
Cellulose is sometim es referred to as alpha-cellulose, which
toxy phenyl) propyl p-coumarate we fo und that about 80% is the principal component in the manufacture of useful

. P 1.61% 16.16% 45.44% 4.72% 31.69% 25.40% 2.25% 1 .21 5.17 of the p-coumaric acid in bamboo li gnin is sterified to y products such as paper, explosives, plastics, synthetic tex-
Phyllosfaehys m. p 0.70 15.78 34.17 3.60 35.44 31.62 6.21 1.34 7.76 hydroxyl group of lignin side chains, specially of a.. p-satu- tiles, etc., which can be manufactured using bamboo as a raw
pubescens I p 0.88 14.72 32.86 2.33 38.48 36.20 7.80 1.91 8.27 rated ones in lignin molecules; 0.- linked ester of the acid material, as will be explained in another chapter of this book.
m. b 1.31 19.96 32.19 4.63 49.12 27.70 26.06 6.69 14.48 was estimated to be less than 20% Pentosanss are the main constituents (80-90%) of bam-
boo hemice ll ulose. In co ld water, some dyes and tannins can
be dissolved, while hot water extracts more substances from
Phyllosfachys nigra { h. p 2.15 19.26 58.14 6.32 43.89 25.56 2.14 1.39 4.26 2)AJka l i ne N i rrobe nz en
bamboo culms, such as starch and some others.
MUN RO var. m. p 0.88 12.02 46.02 3.35 41.53 27. 18 6.93 1.20 5.86 By alka li ne nitrobenzene oxidation gymnosperm lignin Alcohol-benzene 1:2 (1 /3 ethanol and 2/ 3 benzene) is
Henonis I p 0.68 14.14 39.28 2.38 45.41 42.97 7.08 1.62 7.47 gives about 25 van ill in with a small amount of phydro- used to extract almost a ll substances not belonging to the
m. b 2.00 21.47 34.03 3.35 42.31 24.13 23.82 6.45 17.06 benza1dehyde ; angiosperm lignin 40-50% of a mixture of cell ulose group or lignin. Ether is used to extract alkaloids
cell ulose group or lignin. Ether is used to extract alkaloids
vanillin and syringgaldehyde with molecular ratio of 1:1-3 which do not dissolve in water (PROSEA ([995).
and grass lignin 20-30% of a mixture of vanillin ,syringalde- The nodes contain less water-soluble extracts, such as
1.39 10.84 57.49 6.64 34.36 24.94 3.84 1.47 3.36 hyde and p- hydrxybenzaldehyde with molecul ar ratio [:1
{ h P pentosans, ash, and lignin, but more cellulose than the
Phyllosfachys m. p 0.85 8.58 46.18 3.66 37.30 29.58 4.85 1.99
reticulata I p 0.78 8.31 34.87 1.21 38.39 49.74 9.17 2.38 4.78
6.46 2:1. About two third of the hydroxybenzaldehyde yielded by internodes.
internode s. The season influences
influences the amount ofwater-solu-
ble material, which is higher in the dry season than in the
m. b 1.94 23.24 36.17 3.37 40.97 26.54 25.33 7.02 14.68 alkaHne nitrobenzene oxidation of grass lignin is derived rainy season. The starch content reaches its maximum in the
from the esterified p-coumaric acid of the lignin. the prod- driest months just before the rainy season and sprouting.
h. p: higher portion of bamboo-shoot m. p: middle portion of bamboo-shoot
ucts and the ratios of the aldehydes re fl ect aproximate com- The ash content (1-5%) is higher in the inner than in the
I p: lower portion of bamboo-shoot m. p: mature bamboo
position in the monomeric components of these types of outer part. On an average, the silica content varies from 0.5
'Cellulose content was determinated by modification of JENKINS· NaCI02 method by S. HONDA and was calculated
calculated for Iignins. These a1dehydes are derived from uncondensed aro- to 5 , and it increases from bottom to top. Most silica is
the pentosan free basis. matic units of lignin and determined by gas liquid chroma- deposited in the epidermis, the skin zone zone , whereas the
Source Takayoshi Higuchi 1 9 8 7 tography .(Higuchi , 1987) nodes contain little silica and the tissues of the internodes

100 Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical

Mechanical properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mech
anical properties 101

almost none. The silica content affects the processing and dried and we ighed. This substance is crude cellulose. Tab le 7-2 CR UDE CELLULOSE AND ALPHA CELLULOSE CONTENT IN SOME BAMBOOS'
pulping properties of bamboo. For the preparation of Alpha-cellulose, the crude cellu-
Lignin: Aft er cellulose, lignin is the second most abun- lose was treated for 30 minutes with 18 percent caustic A.- Crude cellul ose c ont e nt of B.-Alpha c e l l ul ose
ose c ont e nt i n
dant con stituent in bamboo and great interest has been soda, 50 cubic centimeters of water was added. Then it was Species ba mboo c ul m (%) c rude cellulos e (%)
placed on its chemical nature and structure. Liese Lie se (1985) filtered through a Bu chner funnel and the alkali removed by Layer Lower Middle Upper Average Layer Lo wer Middle Upper Averag e
points Qut that bamboo lignin is a typical grass lignin, which
is built up from thr ee phenyl-propane units, p-coumary, washing with This
and weighed. cold substance
water, afteris which the residue was dried
Alpha-cellulose. Section Section Section Section Section Section
coniferyl, and sinapyl alcohols, which ar e interconnected Ph.bambusoides Inner 33.10 34.48 43 .28 36.95 Inner 68 .73 66.50 64.97 63.73
For the determination of the Beta-cellulose in crude cel-
through biosynthetic pathways. _Outet 46.70 47.44
_ ------ 64 .96 85 .57 77 .33
Bamboo grows very rapidl y. reaching its full size within
lulose, the foregoing filtrat e was used. Acetic acid was added --- -----------------
Ph. nigm var H el1ol1is Inner
40.86 39.73 41.59
__D.JJlet __ .1"412
Inner 64.78 - f'6 .22 - - 1>K6 4
to the solution and was heated to 100°' Then the precipitate
a few month s. The lignification within every internode pro- 45.40 45.45 _ RlM __ l.ItSi? _ 68 .13 -------80.08 72.29
ceeds downward from top to bottom, whereas transversa lly
was filtered off, dried and weighed. Next, the sum of the
Alpha and Beta cellulose is substracted from the total crude
Ph. pubescens Inner
- -32.00-
_:I?. l. L 43.03
---- --
32 .61 Inner 72.90 80.36 58.56 70.60
29. 70
it proceeds from the inside to the outside. During the height cellulose; the difference is the Gamma cellulose. 37.78 74.53 70.69 63 .12
_DJ'Jel ------- __QuleL _44,1_-
growth, lignification of epidermal cells and fiber pr ecedes According to the results of the research, as shown in --------------------
Ph.lithophila Inner 39.22
_31_tB._ ;l§ I§_
47.30 44 .72 Inner 73.85
72 .56 83 .30 76.40
that of ground tissue parenchyma. The full lignification of table 7-2, in many cases the crude cellulose increases in the 46.95 79.41 80.31 76 .18
47.60 49 .78 Outer 68.81
the bamboo culm is completed within one growing season, culm from the lower to the upper portion. In the comparison - b-eTiclrocala-mus - - - - -- 2 :3.18 - - 39.80
---- ---- ---- -30.42
---- ---- - - ---- ---- ---- -----::.
46.28 -- Eif. io-
------ --5 7.63 -
showing no further aging effects. Inner 28.28 Inner 65.51
between the inner and outer la yer, the outer has a greater NifLQTlli ___________ 37 .72 _l9,4..1l. _ 38. 30 _ outer __ _ 72.65 __ 76.16
Bamboo has been chosen as one of the suitable plants to amount, the difference amount s to 15% on the average. _OuIQ< -------
47. 25
_36J.Q. ------
57.19 73.89 68.03
study the biosythesis of lignin. Initia l1y, th ese investigations
Initial1 Bambu sa Oldhamii Inner 48.48 50.08 48. 60 Inner 73.02
Of the Alpha, Beta and Gamma cellulose as shown in
were almost ex exclusively
clusively based on feeding experiments with 51.93 _5 0.20 _ p H I L _5_1"29_ 62.25
__ Outet ------- 72 .90 71.71 68 .95
Tables 7-2 and 7-3, the Alpha cellulose co ntent is th e grea- -------------------- -OuIQ< ------- -j8."71f - -i7.49- -j8.61f
radioactive precursors and it was found that lignin is syn- test, i.e. from 66.86% to 77.62% . Moreo ve r, more Beta cel- 43.17 46.45 37.88 42. 50 79.76
B. stenostac hya Inner Inner
thesized from glucose formed by photosynthesis via the 50.05 79.21 86 .85 75.81
"Shikimic acid pathway" (Higuchy 1969 in Li ese 1985). luloseis than
ship Gamma
the same as incellulose is detectable and this relation-
sofhvoods. --------------------
B vulgaris var.
_ RlJt5lL
Inner 46.58 __47_03_
..4..?9 _ X. ·l
- 43. 05
Outer -------
81.37 -K9"7 --if6if
72.87 -73.3 '(
Probably, the first and most co mplete research related b) Pentosans.- The analysis for pentosans was carried vittata 51.26 51 .36 85 .21 76 .20 81 .93
Outer 52.48 50.35 Outer 84.39
to The study of the mechanical properties and chemical out according to the follo\ving method whereby 2 grams of
co mposition of bamboos was carried out by Sioti Uno at the dry materi al were used each time. One hundr ed cubic cen- Source: Siati Uno (t 932)
Utsunomiya Agricultural College
College in Japan and published in timeters of hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1. 06) were
1932. I th ink that these studies are very important because added to the mat erial and the mixture was destilled until the
they can be used as the basis for future researc h. destillate amounted to 30 cubic centimeters. After the addi-
For his research, Mr. Uno used eight bamboo species tion of anoth er 30 cubic centimeters of hyd rochloric acid,
and the following procedures for the preparation of the the mixture was again distilled until another 30 cubic cen-
materials or co mponents ofthe culm. I include this old infor- timeters of distillate were obtained. The same operation was
mation even though today there is better equipmen t and repeated until the total distillate amounted to 360 cubic cen-
faster methods for obtaining the components. timeters. To this solution a solution of phlorglucin was
add ed in order to precipitate the furfural-phlorglucide. This T able 7-3 BETACELLULOSE AND GAMMA CELLULOSE CONTENT IN SOME BAMBOOS
precipitate was filtered out, washed, dried and weighed.
Pr epar ation of materials. The pentos an s were calculated from total furfural- A. -Bet a c e l l ul ose
ose c ont e nt i n c rude B.- G a m a cellulose c ont e nt in
The material for chemical analysis was taken from the
inner and out er laye rs of the culm wall of the lower, middle phlorglucide.
tions, there is According to the between
a little difference results ofthethese investiga-
upper, middle Species cellulos e (%) crude cellulose (%)
and upper sections of the culm. The materials for the quan- and lower sections. But between the inner and the outer lay- Layer Lower Middle Upper Averag e Layer Lo wer Middle Upper Average
titative cellul
cell ul ose analysis were prepared in the form of very ers,
er s, th e former show a greater total pentosan con tent , as is Section Section Section Section Section Section
thin, hand-planed shavings, and those for th e other analyses evident in Table 7-4. Ph.bambusaides Inner 23. 18 28. 21 33.60 28 .33 Inner 8. 09 5.29 1.43 4. 94
were prepared in the form of sawdust, sifted through a 1 mil- c) Alcohol extract.-For the extraction with alcohol, 2 Outer 17.43 19 .19 7. 62 14.75 Outer 1. 11 15 .85 6.81 7.92
limeter sieve. grams of dry material were taken and extracted in a Soxhlet -------------------- -r n-n-e-r- ------- -------22. 70 27.27 28.50 - nner - ------
0.28 --1-.09- - Tog- -------
a) Cellulose. The determination of crude cellulose was Ph. l1igr'a var Hel10nis 34.94
apparatus for 16 hours. Then the alcohol was evaporated Outer 18 .12 _ _ _.1 UQ Outer 13.21 15.02 6.58 11 .60
made by the Cross and Bevan method, and that of the Alpha,
Beta and Gamma cellulose by by the following
following method: 5 gr. of
from the ex tra ct by heating over a water bath, and the -- ----- --- ------- ---
h. pubescens
-r nner-- -------
16 .54 17 .77 22.67 19.03 -rn-ner- -lcf46 l i f i8 -1 0:6:3
residue was dried and weighed. It was found that the total
dry material were cooked one half hour with one percent Outer 11.15
20.78 20.14 17.36 Outer 35 .08 14.32 9.17 19.52
alcohol extract is relatively larg in old bamboo culms, espe- -------
caustic soda, washed and set aside in a wet condition for 30 tthop ,l - - - - - -- - Tnner- ------
17 .61
- -24.08
--- -- - -18.
- - -88-- -fnner- -------
9.04 3.36 1.74
cially in the upp er section. 14.96
to 60 minutes in a slow stream of chlorine wash. After wash- Outer Outer 8.29 2.25 9.05 6 .52
d).-Lignin. It was determined using the following 22. 90 8.29 2.25 9.05 6 .52
ing with water, it was irrigated with 2 percent sodium sul- method: 2 grams of the dry material were treated for 48 -------------------- -------
--18 ---
--17 --
------ --28.20
----- --6,17
----- 11 .00
--- --
Dendr'ocalamus Inner
phite solution, and slowly heated to boiling. Then 0.2 per- hours with 72 percent sulphur ic acid, then 50 cubic centime- ___________ 2.79 1.66 4.49
Outer 14.24 _ ) .8"19_ Outer 9. 02
ce nt caustic soda was added, and it was boiled for another 5 ters of water were added and the solution was heated to -rn-n-e r - ------- -rriri -T 2.8Ef --28.82- -TS.1ii-
Bambusa Oldhamii 14.13 14 .49 22.32 16.98
minutes. It was washed with hot water and finally bl eached
Outer -------
with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate in
order to remove the last traces of colored impurities.
1 0 0 0 Upon cooling, it was filtered through a Goech crucible
with an sbestos mat. The residue was washed with hot water --------------------
B stenostac hya
17. 09 - 20.87
- -----
13 .29
10.55 - -16.
- -17
15 .61
6.25 17.74
14 .87
in order to remove the acid, dried, and weighed. According Outer _1 4 &t _ 1§"1§ _ _ __1L1g _ Outer 4.62 5.64 9.95 6.74
The remaining manganese dioxide was removed with to the investigation s, as shown in Table 7-5, there is more II iit garzs -vaT - - - - -- - fri'ner
-- - In-n-e-r- -----_. _. -------
diluted ammonia (1:50); then the residue was wen washed, li gnin contained in
in the outer than in the inner layer. 23. 62 15.28 17.01 15 .64 4. 11 8.75 11.31 8. 06
vittata Outer Outer
11.48 12.24 15 .50 13 .07 4.13 2.55 8.50 4.99

Source: Siati
Siati Uno (1 932)

102 Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical and Mechanical

Mechanical properties Part 2 - Section 6 - Physical
Physical and Mechanical properties
properties 103


A. -P en t o s a n s co nt e nt B. Yie ld of alco hol e xtrac t Age Moistu- Ash Cold Hot Caus\. Alcoh. Lignin Pe
nto-- Holoc
e- A lpha
Species ( ) ( ) Species (years re water wate soda benz. (%) sa lIulose cellul.
Layer Lower Middle Upper Average old) (%) (%) sol.(% ) sol.(%) (1%)-%
(1%)-% sol. ( % (%
Layer Lower Middle Upper Average
Section Section Section Section Section Section 1/2 9.00 1.77 5.41 3.26 27.34 1.60 26.36 22.19 76.62
pubescens 1 9.79 1.13 8.13 6.34 29.34 3.67 24.77 22.97 75.07
Ph bambusoides Inner 20.75 23.40 25.20 23.12 Inner 3.80 8.76 4.10 5.47 3 8.55 0.69 7.10 5.41 26.91 3.88 26.20 22.11 75.09
Ou1er 19.60 20.25 24.40 21.42 Outer 4.45 4.50 7.20 _ __ Jlp .L 0.52 _H L i · l L 26.83 _ _f:fM_ _ _
Ph nigra var Henonis
- iiner - 26.55 27.55
-- - - -
29.10 - rn-neT - -
-Kf5- - -6:95- -
-- - -
1 8.38 1.24 13.57 9.60 30.89 5.38 22.42 20.43 71.98 58.15
Outer 26.00 25.35 26.30 25.88 Outer 6.95 7.74 4.65 __ ____ _lQ·§]_ 1.27 _ _ § 9_4. 34.84 9.11 __ _
- - -- - - - -
-lnner -- - - -
1.98 31.83 4.12 22.24 70.77 45.38
Ph pubescens Inner 27.25 29.60 26.00 27.62 3.70 5.63 3.40 4.27 Ph nigra 1/2 10.31 6.72 8.30 28.49
Ouler Outer 1 7.79 1.84 10.69 8.53 33.24 5.29 23.99 22.08 73.61 58.85
24.30 25.35 26.50 25.38 3.80 5.26 3.80
Ph lithophila
- - -
liiner- -230cf - 23:65 - - no- lnner-
1.45 2.70 3.80 3.42
3 11.61 1.71 6.50 8.36 33.65 5.58 25.00 22.39 68.64 43.79

Outer 21.45 17.55 23.05 20.68 Outer _ _ _n _ _ - 1/2 10.69 2.22 4.62 5.93 27.60 1.81 24.51 22.69 76.41
76.41 48.92
Dendrocalamus Inner 29.70 28.75 23.14 27.20 Inner 6.38 6.25 3.35 Ph bambusoides
5.40 1 9.14 1.25 10.49 8.97 29.93 7.34 22.39 22.46 72.65 56.74
latijlorus Outer 25.90 24.06 20.30 23.42 Outer 5.43 6.40 4.58 0.98
3 9.90 6. 11 __ _ _
Bambusa Oldhamii
-rnner -- f9.9S - 11fss- -2ff4"6 T n-ne
nee- 8.30 -6.1i5-- --4 . 16-- 5.33
- --
1/2 - n S- 3.69 5. 15
Ph meyer; 10.70 27.27 1.81 23.58 21.95 78.47 49.97
- - Du w _ _ LQ§ _ _ _ _ _nA .J. Outer
5.16 3.95 1 8.29 1.29 10.79 8.91 38.28 7.04 23.62 22.35 72.84 57.88
stenostachya Inner 21.20 20.30 21.60 21.00 Inner 7.88 5.68 2.52 4.81
-- -
3 9.33 1.85 8.81 12.71 _J. )'}? _ _?, L 2"19 _ li . 4Q _
- Outer-
I nner
17.55 18.10 17.65 17.83 Outer
nner- 5.30- - 4.88 2.60
- Ph. p ra eco x 1/2 10.64 3.24 6.72 8.57 33.36 2.25 26.74 21.98 72.83 42.23
B vulgaris var. 2 1. 40 21.40 21.85 21.55 6.13 3.28 4.65 4.98 1 8. 19 1.96 11.21 7.68 32 .84 3.80 56.13
24.68 22.24 73.31
vitt t Outer 20.0 18.70 18.60 19.12 Outer 4.70 5.27 3 11.29 2.28 7. 18 9.09 33.26 5.6
4 25.65 22.39 65.77 40.81

Source: Sioti Uno t932) 1/2 2.39 8.03 51.96

9.09 6.64 32.27 4.59 18.67 22.22 77.71
Bambusa textilis
textilis 2.08
1 10.58 6.30 7.55 30.57 3.7
2 19.39 20.83 79.39 50.40
3 10.33 1.58 6.84 8.75 _??,Q _ __ _ _l eN _ _ _4 :i·;;lt
-- --
1/2 8.38 2. 16 4.93 6.35 27.71 2. 14 20.92 21.47 79.41 52.63
B peruariabilis 1 11.66 2.29 7.64 7.71 29.99 2. 15 21.43 20.26 73.34
-- - -
8.23 29.98 4.23
_. Z _ -4Ms-
19.90 21.84 78.29 52.58
B sinospinosa 1 11.49 1.92 8.98 9.91 30.25 5.49 20.54 20.72 74.46
T abl e 7 5 LIGNIN AN D ASH CONTENT 49.15
3 11.13 1.84 9.07 9.29 26.92 5.88 24.17 19.27 72.77 47.10
A - Lignin ) B Ash ( )
Species Layer Average of
of Average 1/2 9.21
10.33 2.73
2. 10 8. 10 9.70 35.17 4. 16 17.58 23.91 79.00 47.63
Layer Lower Middle Upper Average L chungii 1 8.07 9.46 29.97 4.35 21.41 18.72 73.72 47.76
lower mid. thereof Color
Section Section Section 3 10.2 6.34 - 9.24 30.57 3.98 22.70 18.88 71.70
upper sec.
Ph bambusoides Inner 23.48 28 .39 29.04 26.97 Inner 1. 09 1.07 Ash-white Source: Youdi et a/ 1985)
Outer 27.84 30.05 31.00 29.62 Outer 1.06 Bambusa vulgaris 2.40 5. 10 27.90 4. 10 26.90 2 1.1 0 66.05 43.6
Pho nigra var Henonis
- T nner - 32.57 19.56
- -
29.85 27.33 l nr 1.22 Do 4.10 3.80 22.30 5.40 25.50 19.60 61.30
2.03 ------
Outer 31.07 29.90 30.58 30.52 Outer 1.83 5.30 4.40 28.30 3.20 24.20 18.80 62.9
-- - rnner- - -Inner
Ph pubescens 29.58 24.33 21.28 25.06 1.57 Do
Outer 36.61 39.26 29.73 35.20 Outer 1.48 1.53
- Tnner- -Inner-
Ph lithophila 24.30 26.86 29.61 26.92 2.31 Ash-dark
Outer Outer 2.10
30.10 32.34 32.10 31.51 1.89
-- - - - -
Dendrocalamlls Inner 18.61 34.85 39. 12 30.86 Inner 1.74 ASh -green
latijlorus Outer 27.24 37.26 41.95 35.48 Outer 1.66
- rn-ne-r- - -
-2 1:94 - - rn-ner-
17.72 28.07 20.02 2.52 2.09 Greenish-White
Bambusa Oldhamii
- - Outer 23.71- 29.48 27. 16 26.78 Outer - - 1.66 - - - -
Inner 25.85 26.52 25.3 1 25.89 Inner 2.14
B stenostachya
Outer Outer 1.74 Do
29.35 35.91 28.51 31.26 1.33
- - - T nner - -Inner-
B uulgmois var. 22.05 25.44 26.00 24.50 1.44 1.87 Green
uittata Outer 30.93 28.93 28.51 Outer 1.29

Source: Sioti Uno 1932)

P RT 3

Sect 7 Preliminary treatments 106

Resi n or oil extraction
Resin 106
Dyeing of bamboo 107
Painting of bamboo 108
The smoke finishing of bamboo productsl09
Conservation of the characteristic green 109
color 0 bamboo
Effect of microwa ve treatment on the
green color conservation and durabili
durabil ity
of bamboo
Treatment with inorganic salts
Treatment developed in Japan for the preser
vation of bamboo s greenness
Gl uing of bamboo surfaces
Bamboo laquer ware 110
Preparation of strips and round sticks
by hand
Bamboo processing machinery 2
Manufacture of bambo
bamboo o wares 4
Bamboo weavi ng
Square weaving -Yotsume-Ami 115
Hexagon wea vi ng -Mutsume mi 6
ji ro weaving 9
Bottom weaving 124
Border weaving 125
Some of the many applications of bam 129
boo baskets
Some applications of wo ven boards 13
Man ufacture of a creche 132
Bamboo culm -base carving 134
Bamboo ininternode
ternode relief sculpture 135
Bamboo furniture 136
Types of jOints used in the manufacture
of furniture
Somes types of chai rs tables 137
Bending or straightening of giant bam 138
boo culms with fire
Bending of small diameter bamboos 139

with fire

Portable basket made with bamboo. (Selli er s drawing)

Geografia Pintoresca de Colombia in 1869.

106 Part 3 - Section 7- Bamboo handicrafts Part 3 - Section 7- Bamboo handicrafts 107



D ro

60 50 ·
The purpose of this treatment used in Japan is to give to F i g . 8 . t RESIN EXTRACfION EQUIPMENTS
the bamboo surface a lustrous, ivory color and also to pre-
vent the material from being attacked by insects and mold.
C. R esin extraction equip- 1.- Entrance for bamboos
According to S.Takeuchi (1968), at the Kiushu bran ch of
ment -Direct fire style for 2.-Entrance for charcoal o -Resin extraction por- 1.-Heat transfer plate
the Industrial Arts In st itute in Japan, two ways of extracting table direct fire style fo r
small industries 3.-Air entrance 2.-Loas ter
the resin, also known as oil extraction, are applied: the dry 4.-Ash exit very small industries 3.-Chimney
process and the wet process: (Takeuc hi , 1968)
5.-Loaster 4.-Heat separating plate
I.-Dry pro cess.- In this case, th e round surface
surfa ce of a
green bamboo culm se ction is heated evenly at a distance of
about 5 centimeters or more over the burner of an electric DYEING OF BAMBOO
stove at a temperature of 12 0 0 - 1300 C for about 20 minutes,
while turning the culm section, and wiping off the emerging Clearness of color a nd durability in su nlight are da or so dium carbonate for 3- 5 minut es. After the ext raction
resin and water with a cloth. This process is very expensive, required of dyed bamboo produ cts. The dyes are classified of oil, bamboo must be washed fully with water and dried
due to the cost of electricity, and is useful only for the treat- into three kinds, namely: basic color, dir ect color, and acid complete ly to make dyeing effective. It is the key for good
ment of very few pieces. Bamboos treated with this process
color, which have been used to dye bamboo materials, but coloring to choose bamboo without any sc ratches on the sur-
become so hard that they were used in the thirties for the
these fade in the sunlight. The outer surface and the inner of face of the crust, and to s hane its crust th inly and make th e
manufacture of slide rulers, record player needles and knit- 1.-Boilers 6.-Water pool bamboo wall have different degrees of dye acceptance. The surface as smooth as po ssible, before dyeing.
ting needles. 2.-Convection pipe 7.- Stand outer surface is difficult to dye, and some acid dyes and Usually an iron kettle, a zi nced. iron kettle or an ena-
2. -W et pr ocess. In this case, two types of treatm ents 3.-Fire door 8.-Fire place direct dyes are less effective for this purpo se. melled pot is used for dye
d ye ing bamboo. If possible it is reco-
are used, one using water and the other one using chemicals. 4.-Loaster 9.-Boiler stand mended to use a separate kettle for each color, in o rder to
2.1 - W ith wa te r .-In this case, the green bamboos are 5.-Chimney lo. Entrance for bamboo Dyeing met hod save the dyes and for good coloring effect. In case the sam e
put into boiljng water to boil for 1-2 hours, and are wiped
In i t i al t r e a t m e n t . Before dyeing bamboo it is nec- kettle is used for several colors. The process is the following:
immediately after they are removed. With this tr treatment
eatment A. Resin extracting equipment type o 1 for industries-
essary to extract fir st the resin or oi oill from it previously, 1) Cold water is poured into the kettle with the dye
good materials can be obtained because there are no chemi- Angle of the boiler slope 1SO through boiling the bamho in a solution of 0.2% caustic so- which previously is dissolved in a small quantity of hot
cal reactions. The then
2. 2 ·W ith chemicals.
chemicals.-In -In this tr eatment, the following water. mixture
2) After heatingisand boiling
stired. the dye solution, the bam-
chemicals are used: caustic soda, sodium carbonate, calcium
4 boo is put into it and boiled again. The time and temperatur e
oxide, soap, sodium sulfite, sodi um bicarbonate, dye and Ac id Basic Direct
193 for boiling varies between 20-60 minutes at 90 0 C in accor-
borax. Caustic soda and sodium carbonate are the most com- Red Rocelline acids Magenta,Kinds Diamine dance with the material s.
monly used . Bamboos are boiled for 1 0 - 1 5 minutes in a solu- of Eosine, Red of Rhodamine Scarlet
6, 3) When dyeing is finished, the colored mat erial is taken
tion of 0.3 % to 0.8 % caustic soda, or of 0.3-1.2% sodium car- P.G.
bonate. Each percentage can be changed depending on the 1;;; Orange , Chrysoidine,
out a nd wash with a weak solution of acetic acid, so as to
Orange Direct fast make the color fast, then is dryed completely to protect it
materials' condition. Moreover, by also using soap, stains on 4,5
German orange acridine orange Orange, direct from being moldy.
bamboo can be removed. When many materials are treated
NS Conc. Orange ,
at one time, the relationship between the den sity of the 3 I Yellow Metanil Ye low Aureamine RC on Pre c a u t i o n s.- It is necessary to bear in mind the
chemical solution and the boiling time should be examined
beforehand on test pieces because the boiling time has a - follow
ing precautions with the thre e kinds of dyes:
Green Br lliant Milling Ma lachite green Cotton Yellow
great influence on the color of bamboo. Materials tre ated in A c i d dy es
Green B Green bamboo
this way are more fl exible and suitable for weaving
weaving.. 1 Hard water must not be used
Brillant green
Equipment. The resin extracting equipment used in 218 2 Acetic acid and sulphuric acid is used.
u sed. for co-chemical.
Dark Malachita green
Kyushu consists of a boiler with a length of 5-6 m. and a 16 234 Example 1 0 0 0 cc of water), 2-15 g of dye; 2-5 cc of acetic
green Auramine
diam e ter of 30 centimeters for a bundle of sma]] bamboos. Blue Water blue Janus blue Diamine sky acid, or 2 - 1 5 g of dyes; 2 g of sodium acetate and 1 g sulphuric
The slope, 15 °, for the convenience of boiling and cleaning acid.
Methylene blue blue
operations. Double boilers are arranged to carry o ut this Violet 3) This kind of dyes is more difficult to dye than ba s ic
1.-Boiler Ac id violet 5B Methyl violet
operation continuously and efficient
ly, coun ting 10 minutes dye, so about 30 minutes of boiling are necessary.
2. ·Convection pipe Saframine
as the basic time of resin extraction. The fireplace is rather 4) As for brown, orange and blue colors, acetic acid mu st
3.-Loaster Brown Extra brown
big because waste bamboos ar e often used a s fuel. Besides a allways be used.
4.-Chimney Red Resorcine Bismark brown Direct brown
thermometer , a water level meas urer and a sweeping hole 5) It is recommended. to use hydrochloric acid or formic
B.-Equipment for laboratory Takeuchi. 1968 brown brown B.G.R. K.G.G. direc
should be arranged at each place.
place. acid at about 1% for silk- scarlet (red) and orange II.
Black Nigrosine Janus black Direct black

108 Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts 109

B as ic D yes t uf f 9) The time for dyeing should be 10-20 minutes and the
Th e s mo k e- f i ni s hi n g o f ba m b oo culms were treated with inorganic salts such as BoWden K-
1) Hard water which contains too much calcium, magne- proportion of dye in the solution should be 0.05-1.00 . 33, copper naphthenate and copper sulfate and then dried in
sium and other minerals must not be used for dyeing since h a n d ic r af t p ro d u cts. a microwave oven. The results revea1ed that bamboo treated
the dye and the salts combine with each other to form an Direct Dyes According to Abmad, Ashaari and Grewal (1997), with microwave had the bette r green colour conservation
insoluble precipitate. 1) It is recommended that salt be used as a co-chemical. brown-smoked bamboo handicraft products have had a bet-
brown-smoked and durability than those dried in an oven. The microwave
2) If the bamboo material is alkaline, it will produce Sometimes sodium sulphate or sodium carbonate is also ter demand and price than unsmoked products. Tests con- treatment has been shown to improve the mildew resistance
precipitate. used as a co-chemical. For example: ( 1,000 cc of water) 2-15 ducted by the Malaysian Handicraft Development Corpora- of bamboo during outdoor weathering. However, the best
3) Acid dyes must not be mixed with direct dyes. In this g of dye; and 5g of salt. tion have shown that the time taken to achieve the desired green colour conservation
conservation of bamboo epidermis in this study
case, it is necessary to apply another dye solution for the 2 Bamboo material should e boiled for about 30 minutes. color ranged from 8 to 144 hours. 1t has also been observed was obtained by consecutively treating with inorganic salts
material which has already been dyed and dried. that the color of the smoked items is uneven. This problem and then with microwave .
4) Auramine is less durable at high temperatures, so the is probably attributable to uneven smoke flow and distribu- 2.-Treatm e n t wi th i no rg a n ic s alt s
temperature must be kept belowbelow 80 0 C. Sp e cial c ol ors a nd m ix in g dyes tion, and the use of inappropriate fuel. Two charges of Later on, Chang-Shang Tzen; Lee-Hong Lin; (1996)
5) When the dye is difficult to dissolve, it is necessary to Single colors are seldom used for industrial arts. As a splints (8 x 1.5 x 350 mm) from the bamboo Gigantochloa experimented the treatment with inorganic salts such as
make a dyeing solution in which the dye has been dissolved general rule, dyes are mixed before use. scortechinii were smoked in a kiln built at the Forest chromates, nickel salts, and copper salts. After these treat-
with an equal quantity of acetic acid. I)Smoked bamboo color. Research Ins titute Malaysia
Malaysia at Kepong. The fuel used was ments, the colour change of the bamboo skin was evaluated
6) Dye which is not soluble in water, e.g. Victoria blue, a) Dye with 1-1.2 g of Bismark brown (1,000 cc of water) air-dried coconut shells. Color assessment was made with with a colour and colour difference meter.
may be made into a solution after it has been dissolved with and after drying, dye again with 0.6 g of malachite green (or the aid of the Munsell Soil Color Chart. Details are given of The results demonstrated that the protection of the
some kind of alcohol. use 0-4 g of methyl violet and 0.2 g. of malachite green). the colour characteristics obtained after 1 and 2 hours of green colour of moso bamboo skin was obtained by treating
7 Acetic acid is used to make the color fast, but it must b)Dye ,vith a mixture of 1.2 g of Bismark brown and 0.6 smoking in the top and bottom tier s, and in the first and sec- alkali-pretreated bamboo with Boliden K-33, or nickel
be noted that it is soluble and the color may occasionally fade. g of methyl violet. ond charges. Two hours of smoking at a temperature of 16° nitrate, or copper sulfate, individually. When moso bamboo
8) When the process of dipping the material in a 4-6 2) Dark brown: The mixing ratio is 1 Janus black to 2 C was found to be sufficient to achieve the desired color. was treated consecutively with nickel nitrate (or copper sul-
solution of annic acid for 3 hours, or a 1-2 solution of atar Bismark brown. fate) and then ,vith Boliden K-33, the effectiveness of the
emetic for 30 minutes has been carried out before dyeing, 3) Hot chocolate color: Add an adequate quantity of C o n se rv a t i o n of th e c har acter i s tic green colour protection definitely was improved.
the bamboo will receive the color more readily. When the Malachite green and auramine to Bismark brown. The best result was obtained by treating it with a mixed
process is carried out after dyeing, the water resistance of he gr een col or o f bamboo solution of nickel nitrate and copper sulfate. In addition,
material increases. Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) culms have an based on the results of the durability evaluation, moso bam-
attractive green coloured epidermis skin which once har- boo treated with BoIiden K-33 possessed the best green
vested turns yellowish. In addition, bamboo culms, contain- co lour fastness and durability against weathering .
ing a vast amount of materials such as starch and protein, 3. -In 1997 Chang-Shang Tzen tested th ree species of
are easily infested by insects and microorganisms, which Dendrocalamus D. latiflor us, D. giganteus nd D. asper)
PAINTING OF BAMBOO reduces their values and durability. with several inorganic salts as protection of the green co lor.
The following experimental studies related to the con- The best result was obtained with Boliden K-33 which pos-
servation of the green co lor of bamboos after they are felled sessed the best green color fastness.
Color ing m e thods o th er th an dyes perssimmon shibu and logwood are used for painting on
have been carried out in Taiwan and Japan: 4.- Trea tm e nt d eveloped in J a p a n f o r th e p r e s e r-
After the outer skin has been shaved off or polished off bamboo. Recently acrylic paints and other new paints made
1.-E ff e ct of m i c rowave tr ea tm e nt on th e g r e e n va tio n of ba mb o o s ' g r e e nn ess.
using sand paper, dilute nitric acid or dilute sulphuric acid is from synthetic resins have been invented, and they have
co l o u r co n servati on an d d u r ab ility of b a m b oo. Kubo Sueyosi (1989) developed the following formula-
applied on the surface of the bamboo and immediately it is been ,videly applied on bamboo.
In order to conserve the original green colour of bamboo tion for treating bamboo materials for woven arts and crafts,
heated evenly over a charcoal fire or in a coke furnace. Then Kin ds of pa i nts.
and enhance the durability, Chang-Hui Tin; Chang-Shang chopsticks, etc. They are impregnated with a solution of 0. 1-
an ammonia
a dilute soda solution
solution is
toapplied on it,
neutralize thefollowed
ammonia,by and
washing in
finally Varnishes,
hol),1)include such
shellac as volatile
varnish, varnish,
clear lacquer (solvent
and is alco-
high solid lac- Tzen; (1994) studied in Taiwan the effect of microwave 0. 2 vinegar, and 0. 1-0. 2 table salt in a closed container
treatment of the green color conservation and durability of at low temperature and under darkness to preserve their
it is washed with water. Othenvise, after heating bamboo quer which is one of the best.
bamboo. For this purpose they used the species Moso bam- original color prior to use.
over a fire, it is sometimes soaked in a solution with a ratio 2) Enamels, such as volatile enamel which is a com-
of 1 , 0 0 0 cc of water and 20 g of ammonia for about an hour. pound of volatil varnish and pigment, include: resin enamel, boo and Ma bamboo (Dendrocola mus latijlonls) Their
With regard to color, nitric acid treatment makes it synthetic resin enamel and lacquer enamel. The oily enamels
brown or red-brown, while sulphuric acid treabnent makes include: outside coating enamel, frosted enamel and alu- GLUING OF BAMBOO SURFACES
it black or dark brown. In this case, dilute sulphuric acid minium enamel.
(diluted about 9-10 times with water) is applied on the origi- 3) Paints include: oil paint (a compound of drying oil,
nal surface of bamboo culm. Numerous spots and lines of pigment and solvent); mixed paint, water paint, and emul-
various sizes appear on the surface, because bamboo oil sion paint.
forms a chemical reaction with sulphuric acid, and when it 4) Japanese lacquers include Kishome urushi or raw
continues to be heated, the spots and lines are fixed on the lacquer; Sejime urushi or Sejime lacquer; and Gensai urushi
surface; consequently artificia1 sesame bamboo is obtained. or Gensai lacquer. The refined lacquers include black lac-
Old bamboos contain less oil, so in this case oil should be quer, clear Japanese lacquer and colored lacquer.
previously applied on the surface. 5) Cashew lacquer paint.

ductsPainting is practiced
from moisture to protect
and noxious the bamboo
insects or its
and to add pro-
beauty The ting me thmethods
Pa infollowing ods. are used for painting bamboo
to the materia1 by means of coating the surface \vith paint s or a) Brush painting; b) Dip painting; c) Roller painting and
pigments. It is difficult to make paint or pigments stick fast d) Spray painting. Most paints can be applied with a brush,
on the surface of he bamboo culm, so the outer skin of bam- but lacquer enamel which dries in a short time is excep-
boo must be shaved or sanded off beforehan
d. tionally difficult to apply with a brush, unless the drying
Varnish, enamel, paint, Japanese lacquer, lacquer, time can be prolonged by using specially chosen solvents.
Fig. 8.2 A nd B shows decorative figures made wi th small dry sections of nternodes glued together after removing the
surface or skin of the cortex as shown in Fig 8 3A

Part 3 - Section 7- amboo handicrafts

110 Part 3 - Section 7- amboohandicrafts
amboo handicrafts


In China and Japon the tradicional lacquer is made any irregularities in the plating being removed by this pro-
from the resin of the urushi tree (Rhus vernicefera).This cess. If the article is round the shaving is done on a lathe. A

tree has been cultivated by royal order for hundreds of year mixture
mixed and of rok,
madeashinto apaddy
thick pasteand
husk ve ry spread
is now fine earth
in Japan. In Thailand and Burma the resin of the rak t ee
(Melanorrhoea usitata) is used for this purpose. The ,oak
(Melanorrhoea article with broad brush. This paste fills up all interstices in
tree grows in dry deciduous forests fron near sea level to the plaiting. The earth used must be very fine and quite free
about 1 2 0 0 m. The resin is obtained by making 2 0 3 0 V - from grit or sand otherwise it is impossible to get a good
shaped incisions in the bark of the tree a bamboo internode surface on the finished article.
to receive the resin which flows from them being stuck into After this application another drying is necessary and
the bark at the bottom ofthe Y . The resin continues to flow then the surface is smoothed down on a lathe if posible with
for 7 or 8 days when the bamboo internodes are taken down. a fine grained stone the surface rubbed being kept cons-
A thin layer of water is poured over the surface of the resin tantly wet. the article now receives three coats of pure rak,
to keep it from drying up. When fresh the resin is of a red- being allowed to dry in a cool cool shady place between each
dish black colour when dr y it is a pure glistening black. coat. This process takes from 5 to 5 days according to the
Three qualities of resin depending on the season of col- weather. In very hot weather drying is difficult; it is usual
lection are recognised they are: than to dry the articles in underground pits; this is not ne-
1) Rak kikwii, a poor quality resin col1ected in the rains cessary in the rains or cold season when drying can be done
2) Rok deng, a resin of good quality collected at the end in a shed. As soon as the third coat of r ak is dry the surface
B. Removing the surface of the nodes with a machine
of the rainy season. is smoothed
cunia).down this time with the rough leaves
of a tree
3) ak nam nai, considered the best resin collected (Ficus
during the hot season. Before this last
last polishing the article if a round one ia
Adulterants are some times used the commonest are tested on a small lathe to see if it is truly round; if not it
water and the oil of the vang tree (Dipteroca rpus alatus and
(Dipterocarpus has to have further applications of the ash paste and revar-
D. turbinatus). One method of testing the resin is to thrust a nishings till it is so. This seldon has to be done as consi-
stick into it; if there are not impurities the stick comes out dering the rough methods used the round boxes are won-
evenly coated with a smooth glistening layer of resin if on derfully aqurate both in their roundness and in the fitting
the other hand the stick comes out only coated in patches of their lids. The article is now ready for the engraver who
or without the smooth glistening appearance it is adjudged cuts the pattern vith a finefine steel style going thro ugh the
that adulterants have been used. outer coats of rak to the ash mixture beneath. the pattern
ak resin is chiefly used for making lacquer ware but it followed is usually a conventional one of small flower and
is also employed for waterproofing bamboo-woven vessels leaves or animals.
intended to hold water. The resin sometimes produces When the pattern is to be red the whole suface after
inflamatory skin eruptions on those who handle it. t may be engraving is painted over with a mixture of red lead rak and
mentioned here that a mixture of rak resin and teak sawdust mak mu oil an oil expressed from from the seeds of the mak mu

the resinit is
s used to allay
also has somethere
putation n caused
among bthe
ay Laos
hand as
a tree (parinarium
the surface albidum).
is rubbed Thisnawt
down with is allowed
leaves to
which an
dry then
take off
remedy for leprosy. all the red except that in the engraved
engraved lines
lines the final
final treat-
ment is a coat of varnish made by mixing pork fat an d.rak. D. Removing the skin and checking the width of the strips.
T h e m a nuf actur ing pr oc e ss When a pattern of gilt lines is desired a slightly different
Finely woven bamboo baskets provide a fine light- procedure is followed in the latter stages. After engraving a
weight base for lacquer ware. The bamboos used for this coat of rak is painted over the article and while this coat is
purpose are Cephalostachyum per'gracile and Bambusa still wet gold leaf is laid on and spread smoothly over the
tulda. The basket is woven
woven while the bamboo is wet on a surface being pressed well down so as to enter the engraved
wooden mold cut to the shape of the utensil required. The lines and the gold leaf except that on the lines
ribs of the plait are made of very thin bamboo strips 1/4 to A bolder desiggn in gilt and black often representing
1/2 inch vide while the actual plait is done vith fine bam- conventional lotus buds is obtained by still another method.
boo strands 1/ 6 incb or less in diameter. When the plaiting The article goes on to the third coat of rak as already
is finished a rim about a 1/2 inch wide of rak resin is paint- described but instead then of engraving a pattern the
ed round the edge of the plait this keeps it from
from unravelling design is maked out with a yellow pigment in watery solu-
in the subsequent processes. After the rim of rak is dry the tion. The pigment is painted over those portions which are to
article is smeared inside and outside with a thick emulsion be black
gold leaf in the finished
is spread evenly over the When
product. the pigment is dry
whole surface and a coat
formed by the miA :ure of rak with water the exces of the
emulsion being taken off with a broad short-br istled brush. of rak given After allowing this coat to dry the article is
the article is then laid aside to dry for two or three days. The washed and gently rubbed till all the gold leaf over the pig-
main object of this treatment is to keep the plaiting firmly in ment together with the pigment itself comes away that over
place during the next process the emulsion being less likely the unpigmented portion remains
to crack and splinter under the knife than pure rakwould be. The above methods are followed in obtaining the three F. Manufacture of round sticks using a metal shield
E. Checking the strip's thickness
When dry the article is shaved smooth with a sharp knife chief types of Chienmai lacquer.
with different diameter holes.

112 Part 3 - Section 7- Bamboo handicrafts Part 3 - Secti

on 7- Bamboo h
fts 113



f ' fo:, <

- 4:=J

Cross Cutting
Cross Cutting Machine emoving Machine

Self-Moving Bamboo
RemOVing Shaving and
ith SIzing Machine
Splitting Machine
• I Bamboo Slicing Machine It

_ , ,: 1 Bamboo Slicing Machine

';':':r ----..,

ft1 amboo Inside Knot

_ Bamboo Slicing Machine r >


. . 5 '00
I /., / J
emoving, Shaving and
.,, ' ••
I /' I
With Sizing Machine
Bamboo Higo I '.t,),
B It
tic m bo0 Han d S pier . , Bamboo Slicing Machine ' Bamboo Higo I Bamboo Higo
Making Machine Making Machine

t tJ-.
Basket M a m b O O Slicing

Bamboo Inslde Knot Bottom Making Machine

Removing, Shaving and
With Sizing Machine -
Circular Saw _ _ _ Circular Saw Special Type

End Shaving Machine Circular Saw

A rame and Bone Pot ishing Machine I Rolling Type I
m 1
-. ;;:t:
: Bamboo am arpener Bamboo Shaving Machine Polishing Machine

.,(;<) #
Slicing Machine Bamboo Slicing - ,

-:. I
Semi-Auto Drapery
eaving Machine Polisher for
Small Pieces

amboo - .,
. Slicing
[i Machine -- Semi·Auto Bamboo
t Bamboo Mat Lacer Fishing Trap Lacer [
I I -
fi oss Stick Slitter

fj) I
amboo Tooth Pick

I Bamboo Curtain Bamboo Skewer /

Bamboo Peg #

Joss Stick Bamboo Basket Bamboo Mat

Source: Takahashi, Japan

114 Part 3 - Section 7- Bamboo handicrafts Part 3 - Secti

on 7- Bamboo han dic rafts 115



• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •

• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •
• •• • •• • • • • •• • • • • • ••
• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •
The making of bamboo wares in China and Japan can be r a tm e n t : The tr ea tm ent operations are as follo
ws: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
traced back to 5 or 6 thousands years ago. Bamboo wares 1.- Remove waxy epidermis and nodal flange from culm

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •
include three main groups: bamboo weaving. bamboo car- surface timely, preferable in the sa me day of cutting, to guar- •••••••••••••• • •
ving and bamboo articles of every da y us c. Most of these arti- anty the brightness and smoothness of culms. A Att first remove
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •
cl es could be made using machinery or by hand. the nodal flange and then fix culms on a frame, remove waxy •
Bamboo woven products are mad e from bamboo epidermis with a s harp knife quickly, slighly and evenly,
thr ea ds and strips. There are more than 150 methods of pro- without any damage to the surface appearance.
ducing bamboo weaving and some new methods frequently 2. -Di sec t b am b oo c ulm s. This operation can be car-
come out. The main methods are: cross-stitch work, thread- ried out manually or on a machine.The culms should be ver-
ing, fluffing,
fluffing, inser ting ribs, bleaching. The steps of the wea- tically splited into 2 eq ual parts. Close attention should be
ving process are: material selection-raw mat erial treat ment- paid mainly to the smooth pass of nodes through the edge of
kage-storage. The main knife.
points of the weaving techniques are as follows: 3- D ry i n g: Dissected bamboo parts should be put on
I.-Material selection: Bamboo mat erial is tough, flexible, frames on open air to be dri ed under the s un with skin side
straight, pressure resistant, tension resistant and corrosion- upward. The air- drying process continues until the bamboo
resistant. However, cul ms of different bambo species, of dif- skin turns slight yellow or yellowish white. The bamboo parts
ferent age, or under different site conditions have different shou ld not be exposed to the rain for retaining the natural
mechanical properties. beauty of bamboo surface.
According to Ho Xu, the main mater ial for Chinese 4 .- Ho w to pr o du c e ba mb o o s tr ip s a n d th r ea d s:
industrial bamboo weave are Phyllostachys pubescens, Ph Split bamboo parts vert ically along the radius of the cross
heterociada, Ph meyeri and Bambusa texh·lis. So proper section into bamboo bar s. Split bamboo bars vetically along
material for certain bamboo woven products should be the chord of cross section into bamboo strips. Cut bamboo
selected in accordance with the design requirement. In strips into bamboo thr eads according to the requirements of
rece nt years the main bamboo species use d for bamboo the final products. All the bamboo strips should be of same
weaving are: width and same thickness.
l)-Sinoca/amus affinis .-The tissue is dens e with a fine 5 . - W e a vi ng.-B amboo weaven goods are made of bam-
smooth surface which fragments easily and is bright yellow.
It is suitable for producing thin strips and making high qual- boo strips
tions, while threads by
or bamboo matsinterlacing
, curtains are in
them different
made direc-
of bamboo
ity goods. strips.
2)-Phyllostachys heterocycla var. pubescens. The ti ssue 6. - B a m b oo th r e a d weavin g m e th o d is mostly used
is tough and tensile with straight grain, it is ela st ic , with for making such articles as baskets, boxes, bottles, jars , dolls.
insignificant and fragmented easily, culms with flat nodes Al l these goods are being woven from their bottom part, after
and thin wall used for weaving. the bottom is finished, the weaving goes in spirally.
3)-Phyllostachys congesta. The culm wa ll is thin, tough
and tensil, soft and wareproof, with fine veins and flat nodes, Weaving f or bamboo objects
suitable fo r making middle grade goods There five important fundamental weaving method s for
4)-Bambusa distegie-Internodes long, flat nodes, tough bamboo objects that we will see in the following pages are:
tissue, insignificant shrinkage, suitable for producting fine 1) Square weaving Yotsume-Ami); -2) Hexagon weav-
strips and making fine goods. ing Mutsume-AmO;- 3) Ajiro weaving it is u se d for hand
S)-Phyllostachys henonis Mitf. Culm stra ight, tissue not boxes since old
old times.- 4) Trunk part weaving Do-Ami), is
very tough, fragile and breaks easily, mos tl y use d for making adapted for weaving the trunk part of bamboo basket, and it
middle and low grade goods or articles for every day us e. is suitable nam ed according to the weaving pattern s.
6.-Phyllostachys praecox.- Internodes long, culm wall S
slightly thin , grains straight, fragmented easily, suitable for Bottom weaving
nal or octagonal shapes andShihizoko-AmO includes shape.
not normal hexagonal pentago-
producig extrafine shreads and making woven h and icraft. 1n these five weaving methods, the weaving pattern s
Pr o p e r ag e fo r c ut t i ng is 2-4 years for Phyl- will vary with the size and width of the bamboo splits used
pubescens, and 1 2 years for the others. Culms
lo stachys pubescens, for weaving and in application of dyed bamboo. For exam-
should be straight, free of mechanical damage and disease, ple, in some weaving methods one bamboo weaving split is
and should bee cut in c1audy da ys, at the end of the spring composed of two slender, natural colored splits and one dyed
seaso n. Strong sun shine should be avoided. The culm s skin split. These weaving patt erns are used not only for many
should not be damaged while cutting and transporting. kinds of baskets but also for wall decorations.

116 Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts 117

Fig.8.6 HEXAGON WEAVING M ut s ume - Ar ni ) 1) Fig.8.7 HEXAGON WEAVING M ut s ume - Ar ni ) 2)

._._ . _._._._.
_ .......

. . .. .
.._ _ ._
. ___
._ _
.. ..
_ .....
. __
.. -.wi .,;,

.._._.-.- .....
.......... __ .... . ..
. a....
_ . . .. __

- . - .--
. ..
....... .... . _ -:
... __ ._..___ _.r .

118 Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 amboo handi c r afts

Fig 8 8 HEXAGON WEAVING Mu tsu me-Ami) Fig 8 9 AJ I RO WEAVING

. .
• _

: : : : : : :
: : : : :

: : : : :

: : : : : :

120 Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts 2

Fig.8.10 JIRO W EAVING Fig.8.11 JIRO W EAVING 3)

122 Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts 123

Fig. 8. 13

.. .....*
.....* io. . . .
/ -'-
iInI ...................

-- /
-- 1 /

46 47

124 Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts 125

Fig.8.14 B O T I O M WEAVING F ig .8 . 16 BORDER WEAVING

. 0. .
.. .
. .. .
. . •

. . . ..........
. . 0 .·. .: . . . . . .0: .
. .. . .

1 2

Fig.8.15 B O T I O M WEAVING
Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts 127
126 Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts

F ig .8.17 BORDER W EAVING 2)

128 Pa rt 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts 129


Fi g. 8. 20 A B. Bamboo and wooden bridges supported y one or several giant bamboo gabions.

D mall bamboo gabions

made with bamboo baskets
used in river banks as pro-
tection from erosion

F Water tanks baskets used

in the manufacture of bam-
boo and cement water tanks
toilets etc are plastered nter-
nally or internally and exter-
nally with cement mortar

G. Giant sawale baskets

used for transportation of
grain in Asia .

40 H Chinese rotary miffs. The

lung of baked clay used for
hulling grain and husking rice.

130 Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts

Part 3 Section 7 Ba mboo handicrafts 131


Fig. 8 20 Basket for the transportation of children.

After Ranjan et al 1986) K Conical basket known as Khoh used
by the Khasi tribe for general·purpose A Manufacture of the sawale mats. B. arger mats are manufacture for the C. The mats are used in doors win-
marketing. After Ranjan et a11986) construction of ceilings, walls, floors dows and walls as shown n the picture
and road surfaces
surfaces etc ..

L M .-Baskets used in India for the transportation of one or several pigs. After Ranjan et al 1986)

D. Bamboo mat used as flooring. E. F. G. H. and I Bamboo mat used as a surface on pontons and bridges
G H. I

N Baskets for the transportation of fighting cocks.

o Baskets for the transportation of owls and domestic
animals After Ranjan
Ranjan et al 1986).

132 Part 3 Section 7 amboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 amboo handi c r afts
afts 133



M N o
G p Q R

134 Par
Partt 3 - Sect
Sectiion 7- amboo handicrafts Part 3 - Section 7- amboo handicrafts 135

The culm·base, (Fig. C), the sub- The bamboo internode relief is a
terranean part of the culm of some kind of carving in which the image
giant species with leptomorph rhizome stands out from the surface of the
is used in China for carving. This part of internode; depending on the depth of
the plant has thick wall and is compar- the objects depicted, relief sculpture
atively fine
fine and tough, and on it may be can be divided into low relief, as
wrought a fairly fine and delicate work shown in Fig. A; mid relief and high
of sculpture. Actually throughout this relief (as shown in Fig. B . In this case,
country there are elaborate and exqui- certain parts of the carved images are
site scultures of human figures such as hol1owed out, which makes the carving
those shown on this page taken from more vivid
the marvelous book Chinese amboo Cuticl e r e m o ving . Drawings
Handicmfts, edited by Zhang Qisheng are expressed on the surface of the in-
and Cheng Weishan (as Chief edito rs) ternode by means of removing cutilise
and pub li shed by China Forestry from certain parts of the drawings.
Publishing House in 1997.
1997. In carving on the bamboo surface
Once cut the piece is put vertically layer of certain articles, the inner part
in ventilative shade, avoiding direct sun of the internode is segmented, sof-
shine. The green cuticle is removed tened, flatened, smoothed, and glued to
from the surface, and treated with certain articles as a surface layer, and
chemicals to prevent the damage from the carvin is carried out on this bamboo
fungus and borers. surface layer.
M at er ial se l ec tio n. In China the
specie Phyllostachys pubesce s is
selected as row material for carving.
Wh il e selecting the culms, attention
should be paid to the age, size and
shape of culms. The selected culms
should be free from damages, and
should be cut in the period from
november to January in temperate
zones. During this period the moisture
A. An old fisherman
fisherman in a bamboo cap Ningpo, Zhejiang, Yang Gucheng) content of culms is low which benefits
their storage. It is desirable that the
culms for carving be taken from sunny
slopes with comparatively poor soils.
They should be be 6-7 years old, which
guarantees high quality of final goods.
The quality of final goods are affected
by the water content of the raw materi-
al, which in fresh bamboo culms is
about 60 . The culms should be cut
into pieces according to the size of final
products. Put the bamboo pieces verti-
cally in ventilative shade, avoiding
direct sunshine. Remove the bamboo
Beautiful samples of bamboo
green cuticle from the surface, then
internode relief sculpture from the
treat them with chemicals to prevent
book Chinese Bamboo Handi
the damage from fungus
The bamboo carvingan borer.
knife is very cmfts, edited by Zhang Qisheng
and Cheng Weishan (as Chief edi-
important. Carbon tool steel 1SA and
tors) and published by China
17A are usually used for the knife. The
Forestry Publishing House in 1997.
hardness should be HRCbo-64 or 65-
C Shows the lowest part of the culm, 62; high carbon steel a nd alloy also can
the culm-base, the roots which have be used. A. A brush pot of square bamboo
been removed from the front part), the After the pattern drawn we ll on the culm Chengdu, Sichuang).
rhizome neck and the rhizome itself. surface, use a sharp knife to make the
he roots are used as the hair and B. General Z hang Fei Xiangshan, Zhejiang, Zhang Oehe) contour of the pattern, then use the B. A country of soccer Meixian,
beards of human figures. carving knife to express the relief. Guandong.

136 Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicraft s 137



1. Clamp joint.

fi y k

/ ------------;.::::;:=:.

LL ___
Remove the interior part of the

A bamboo culm wall until it could

be bended

Determination of distance y using a paper strip 3 cm wide


With a paper strip take

t he length of the culm _ _
ir un eren e

2. Angle and T joint


Wood cilinder

Wood cilinder

138 Part 3 Section 7 Bamboo handicrafts Part 3 Section 7 Ba mboo handicrafts 139


A. Straightening or bending giant bamboos

bamboos up to 30
degrees with fire.

B. n the try boats of T ai Wan which are simply small rafts,

measuring 12 to 40 feet long, a dozen large bamboos are
lashed together and the tapering ends forwards are h ar -
dened and bent over a slow fire as shown in the dr w in g

C Bamboo raft 9 to 12 feet long us ed in Formosa




The most important requirement. in selecting bam-

Bamboo boo culms of sma ll or large diamete rs which are going to
be bent or straighten is that they be mature or in other
words that they are at least 3 years old.
1. Wooden sup- Bending or st ra i ght e ni ng
ports for bending This can be done by the suitable app li cation of heat
small diameter and pressure. Heating may be don e 1 over a charcol
bamboo culms. fire, see Fig 9.3.A
D . Bending of bamboo strips.
2) By means of a carefu lly app li ed blow torch or
un sen burner to a temeperature that does not cause

C scorching.
10-15 minutes . f acilities
3 Heating with steam for 10-15
are available and specially if much s traighteni ng is to be
done, is undoubtedly to be preferred. A bend whether
short or long, most be heated and straightened through
a large part of the area to give satisfactory results special
wooden straightening tool must be used (See Fig 9·4)·
While the bamboo culm is sti ll hot and the waxy
coating on the surface is soft, this coating should be
wiped off thoroughly with a coarse cloth. This brings
the culm to a pleasing and uniform yellowish co lor.
After straightening and cleaning the culm, the coolin g
can be hasten ed by th e application of cold wet cloths,
or inmersing the bamboo piece in water as shown in
this page.


Rules for improving bamboo s natural 142
s for fellin
ngg bambo
os for con
struc-- 143
lion and other uses
Uses of bamboo culms according to 144
their age in the clump
The moon
moon and its effect on felling bam- 145
Physical and chemical treatments against 146
insects and decay fungi
Physical Treatments (curing)
Curing in the clump
uring by immersion
Curing with heat 147
Curing by smoking
Curing with mud
Curing in beach sand
uring by sea water supernatans
Protection y white Chemical treatments
treatments 148
What we have to know before treating
bamboo with chemicals
Methods for treating bamboos with
Temporary or prophylactic treatment of
Long term chemical treatment s 149
Stepping method
Open tank method
Hot and cold process for the treatment
of bamboo boards and split bamboo
Boucherie method for the
the treatmen
treatmentt of 150
round green bamboos
Modified Boucherie method using pneu-
matic pressure
Pressure treatment 152
The effect of steam treatment and pres
sure treatment
Prevention and control of fungal attack
on bas kets and handicrafts made of
Seasoning or drying of bamboo 153
Air drying
Kiln drying

Water s sellers in bamboo sections (Riou s drawing)

Geografia Pintoresca
Pintoresca de Colombia in 1869

142 Part 4 Section 8 Bamboo Treatments against i nsects and fung i Part 4 Section 8 Bamboo Treatments against insects and fungi 143

RULES F O R IMPRO V IN G T H E (1936) comments that the attack of Dinode,.us minutus.. ay

be controlled by cutting the culms in winter when the sap is
low and the insects are probably hibernating .
NATURAL DURABILITY O F According to Sulthoni (1985), in Indonesia, the rural

Javan ese cut bamboos of the species Giganlochloa apus and
G. atter used for construction, during a certain season. They
BAMBOOS have their seasonal calenda r which they call pranat a-
mangsa (the rule of season). t is actua lly a solar calendar
system. During the ye ar , there are two main seasons: dry
rainy, which are further divided into four detailed sea-
sons (marengan, katiga, Iabuh, and rendengan).
Na tural resistance of bamboos and timbers to insects tion due to it has less amount of parenchyma and conse- Each detailed season is divided in three mangsa . The
and other biological agencies is invariably attributed to phys- quently less starch. The inner and so ft part of the culm wa ll relative population level of the borers Dinoderus minutus
ical and chemical properties of the culm wood. Generally the is attacked faster by the insects than the outer one (when the and D. Br evis ha s a tendency to decrease in mangsa tua ,
natural durability or service life of most of giant bamboo culm is younger than 1 year). Split bamboo and bamboo and it is the lowest
lowest in mangsa XI (April 20 to May ll ,
species is very low. Investigations carried out in India at the boards are more rapidly destroyed than round ones. which is the best season for the Javane se to cut the bamboos
Forest Resea rch In st iute, De hr a Dun, and in China , In Puerto Ri co, Plank (1936) worked out susceptibility Fig .l0. 3 This is probably the most ancient bamboo house for construction. In terms of the biological proce ss of the
in Manizales, Colombia. According to information I got from
Indonesia, and Phillippines, have indicated that bamboos of studies of various species. Exploratory tests indicated that bamboo culms, mangsa XI is at about the end of the
r. Robert Velez in 1980, this house was buil t with Guadua
these countries, und er ordinary conditions have an average Bambusa vulgar'is was the most suceptible of a ll bamboo sprouting period of he shoots. Felling the mother bamboo at
life of only 1- 2 years when used exposed to atmosphere and species to infestation by Dinoderus minutus , and it was more angustifolia in about 1890. this time is not damaging to the shoots.

cancontact with the
be expected from
und ; while a service li fe of 3-5 years
grobamboos used under cover, and out of heavily
tain att acked
more starch than
than any otherspecies.
any other was found
bambooIttested. to con-
For this this over 3·-the How t ba mbabove
to c ulocated
first node o o s. Culms
the ground,cutusingthe
are at base,
a chain
Rules for felling bamboos f or cons-
contact with the ground. When used indoors from 6-8 years. reaso n, its use is not recommended for constructio n. The saw, machete or a hatchet (the use of a large ax is not recom-
However, bamboos c ured in kitchens in rural homes where highest degree of natural durability in bamboos used in con- tr uction and other us es mended). Once the culm is cut , it is necessary to make a cut
they are exposed to fumes of burning fuel, have a service life struction is found in Guadua angustijolia Kunth, native to The natural durability of bamboo, or natural resistance in the stum p leveling withwith the surface of he node. f he culm
extending from 10- 15 years. South America, as long as it is cut when the culm is mature to the attack of fungi, insects, and deterioration caused by is cut above the level of the node forming a cup with the
In China, for example, man y year ago bamboo was the (three or more years old). In Manizales, Colombia, known as bioclimatic conditions, particularly in tropical areas, can be lower part of the internode, with the rains, the cup fill s with
material must used in the construccion of houses (See the cradle of bamboo architectur e in the the Americas , increased if we bear in mind several r ules before felling bam- water, which produce the decay of the rhi zo me.
Chinese Archi tecture), but due to the lowlow durability of their there are still b am boo houses that were built in 1890 using boo culms that are going to be used struc tura ll y in perma- 4,-At wh a t age s h o u l d b a mb o o c u l ms be c ut
specie s,bamboo was replaced by wood and latter by adobe mature specimens of Guadua angustijoJia, and guadua nent or temporary constructions,
constructions, or for the manufacture of depending on t h ei r final use?
and brick. I was very surprised when in 1992 I visited the ceboll a (sti ll unidentifie
d), that up to th e present time are ply bamboo, lamina ted bamboo and other composite mate- a) -Bamboos for pe rman ent or temporary constructions,
Botanical Garden in Nanjing, China,where I saw a very ni ce used without any type of physical or chemical t reatme nt. rials, and handicrafts. and for the manufacture of composite materials, such as ply-
ld ings (See figs. 10.1 -10.2) which from afar lo looks
oks like This has been confirmed by Varmah and Bahadur (1980) 1 r uction , or for t h e ma n u f a c t u r in
Fo r c o n s t ruction in g bamboo and bamboo laminated structural pieces, should should be
made with bamboo, but really the whole building including who said th at all species of bamboo, except Guadua angtls- of composite material s, o nl y those spe ci es which are fe lled
ll ed when they become mature , that means once they
beams, columns and the roof were made of reinforced con- tifolia, have been found to be non durable . known to be less susceptible to insect attack should be used. have completed 3 or 4 years in the grove.
crete imitating bamboo. Between the concrete colu mns In China, there are small diameter bamboos, suc h as As I mentioned ea rlier, the incidence of attack, particularly Mature culms have less moisture, and are stro nger and
of the insect Dinodenls mil1utus, is found to be directly pro-
natural painted looks like
large bamboo culmsbamboos)
th at theywereplace
re lo cated vertically
for new ones Pi eioblastus
cane), amarus and rundinaria amabiJis (t onkin
that, according to Li (1992), are n ot injured by portional to the starch content in the bamboo culm. Some less susceptible
younger ones. In to th e attack of fungi and insects than
order to know the app roximate age of the
every 3 or 4 years. This is the way as the Chinese ar e trying to in sec ts. There are also differences in dur ability between species, such as Bambusa vulgaris, generally have more bamboo culm,
culm, see Determina tion of the CulmCulm 's Age in the
preserve their bamboo architecture in places where it is very species of the sa me genus: for example, Delldroca lamu s starch content than any other bamboos, and consequently first chapter of this book
expensive to build the same building every 5 years due to the st ictus appears less resis tant to termites th an Dendro- are mor e susceptible to insect attack. For this reason this b)- For the manufac
manufactur e of bamboo floor tiles or parquet
low durability of their native bamboo species. ca lamu s IOllg ispat hus (Liese 1985). Al so, in the ge nu s species is n ot recommended for construction. flooring, it is recommended that giant bamboo culms which
It appears th at in most of the species the top part of the Guadua th ere are several species having very poor resis- In South America, and particularly in Co lombia, the are 4 to 5 years old (no old
o ld er than 6 years) be cut. At this age,
culm has a higher durability than the botton and midle por- tance and durabi li ty. species Guadua angustifolia, g uadua cebo ll a (onion gua- the fiber is stronge r.
dual, and g uadua de castilla
castilla (still unidentified), are the c)- If gia nt culms are going to be formed into strips for
most commonly used in construction because they are con- the manufacture of baskets, mats or any other weaving arti-
sidered to be less liable to insect attack, as long as they are cl e, the culm ha s to be cut after it has finished its entire
cut when they are mature and during the proper season of growth proccess and before the culm reaches its first year of
the year. age. At this time in the formation of the plant, the strips
2 - The best time or s e a s on for harves ting giant taken from the outside part of the culm wa ll are very fle xibl e
b a mb o o s , is when the liability to attack by borers is least, and apt for making weaving products. Some artesans recom-
and this occurs during the rainy season, at the end of the mend for fine weaving that the culm be cut when it finishes
sprouting period of the shoots, when the sta rch content of
the moth er plant is minimum in the culms. According to its growth process,
branches.When but before
hen the strips it starts
are taken from thevery
young bam- of
Liese (1985), the s tar ch conte nt reaches its maximum level boos, they are very susceptible to the attack of insects and
in the driest months before the rainy season and sprouting. fungus, and they have to be treated.
The season for felling is confirmed by Channingaraya 5·-Ba mb o o s c u l ms which are going to be used in
(1939), who points out that in India, in the Bhadravat i divi- p erman en t c o n s t r u c t ioio n s a n d i n t h e ma n u f a c t u re of
sion, bamboos of Den dr ocalamus so ictus and Bambusa ia l s mu s t b e s e a s o n e d p ri o r to u se .
c o mp o s i t e ma t e r ia
arundinacea collected during s umm er are more liable to Seasoned or dried bamboos are stron ger and more resista nt
beetle attack than those felled during the rains, but he to the attack of fungus and insects than green or just fell ed
Fig. 10.1 Most of th new buildings in the Botanical F ig , 10.2 Even the open structures were built with con·
explains that the reason for this is that the beetle popula- bamboos. Al so is easier to cut and plane dry bamboo boards
Garden were built with concrete, including the roofs. crete imitating bamboo
tion dies down with the advent of the rains . Al so, Deogun than green ones.

144 Part 4 Section 8 amboo Treatments against insects and fungi Part 4 Section 8 amboo Treatments against insects and fungi 145

6.- The use of a p p r o p r ia te c o n s tr u c tio n te c h n o -

USES OF BAMBOO CULMS ACORDING TO T H E IR AGE IN THE CLUMP logies for p r o te c tin g th e b a mb o o s tr u c tu r e . In most
of South East Asian countries, houses are built following tra-
Fig_ 10_4 ditional technologies in which generally are used weaving
bamboo panels fixed externally to a wooden structure and
exposed to atmosphere. Due to this reason the natural dura-
Alternate branches bility of this weaven panels is very low in all the countres
where thes type of panels are used; whereas in Colombia.
bamboo boards are used in both sides of the wall and plas-
tered with cement mortar, which protects the bamboo struc-
ture from moisture, attack of nsects, and fire .This is why in
Manizales, Colombia, there are still houses which were
built more than one hundred years ago with uadua Qn-
gllsnjo/ia and at the present time they are in excellent con-
Culm sheath
ditions. Without a doubt , the durability of these houses in
Manizales is due not only to the kind of bamboo emp loyed,
but also to the technology used in the wan construction.

Fig_ 10_5_A_ About 850.000 mature bamboo sections

T h e m o o n an d its effect on felling horizontally in a large
2.50 mt long after cut were stacked horizontally

bamboos_ In some countries, particularly in India and

Colombia, it is believed that there is a correlation between
Dinoderus only
nd 1% of separate sections were attacked by
the phases of the moon and borer attacks on bamboo. In 1987, I made the fo llowing observations near the city
Stebbin (1906) makes a reference to a paper read by Mr. of Armenia in Col ombia, r elated to the attack of
Node --'H Ernest R Woakes before the American Institute of Mining Dinoderus minutus in Guadua angushfolia and another
Engineers in 1899. in which the author stated that in variety known by the common name of guadua cebolla
Colombia, South America, not only bamboos but all trees, (still unidentified).
are felled during the waning moon only and not during its We cut about 850,000 sections of bamboo, 3 meters
Internode _ increasing phases. long from mature culms (more than 3 years old). These sec-
It would appear that in that country the effect of the tions were going to be used as structural support in the
1: moon phases is treated as an accepted fact . This is true. Up planting of pitahaya, a tropical fruit. For several months , we
' to the present time, most of the rural people in Colombia felled bamboos all day long from 7 am to 5 pm. This means
believe that the culms of bamboo are rapidly destroyed by that we felled bamboos during all phases of the moon. After
borers ifthey are not felled in the waning moon, and that the felling, the culms were ctivided into sections and then trans-
Shoot----f. I felling of the culms has to be done before sunrise, between 4 ported and stacked horizontally in a large shed open on a ll
and 5 am, when it is still dark. This is based on the belief sides. It is important to point out that we did not use any
that during the waning moon, the sap flows downwards leav- prophylactic
Six monthspreventive
or treatment during storage.
ing the wood dry, whereas the waxing moon is supposed to later, before treating the sections by in-
draw the sap upward. Contrary to this belief, Deogun (1936) mersion in a solution of pentaclorophenol. I checked all of
-- Roots quotes that in Bihar, Orisa and other places in India, it is the 2 meter high stacks and found that Dinoderus rn
commonly believed that if bamboo is felled in the bright nutus had attacked only 1% of the culm sections, which is a
AGE: 30 DAYS ONE YEAR TWO YEARS THREE YEARS OR MORE phase of the moon it is less susceptible to insect attack than very low proportion.
From this experience, I came to the following conclu-
when it is felled in the dark half. Who is right?
Human food Woven baskets and panels Bamboo boards Structures sions: a) There is no relationship behveen the phases of the
Kirkpatrick and Simmonds (1958) quote the experi-
ments made in India by Beeson and Bhatia with Dendr o- moon and insect attack. b) When mature culms are felled,
calamus strictus, felled at different phases of the moon. they are less susceptible to insect attack.
They found that there was a cycle of moisture percentage
increasing from full to new moon, and decreasing from new
to full moon. f here were any truth in the local belief, this
Artificial deformation sho uld have resulted in increased liability to borer attacks in
for obtaining a bamboos felled during the waning moon, the opposite of the
square bamboo belief commonly held in Colombia. They concluded that
Splints Laminated tile there was a definite positive correlation between starch con-
tent, which varies seasonally, but not according to the lunar
phases, and borer attack.
The experiments carried out at the Forest Research
Institute in Dehra Dun, India, have failed to find any con-
nection behveen the moon phases and the insect attack on
felled culms. From the experiments done in Puerto Rico by
Plank (1950), it may be assumed that Dinoderus minutus
infestation cannot be avoided by harvesting according to the 10_5_8- llthe
the bamboo that were cut were used
phases of the moon.
as supports of pitahaya plantations.

146 Part 4 Sectio n 8 Bamboo Treatments against i nsects and fungi Part 4 Sectio n 8 Bamboo Treatments against insects and fungi 14 7

3-Curing with h eat.

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENTS Curing by heat can be done using a Fig 10.8 Cu r in g with h ea t red- h ot coal)
AGAINST INSECTS AND DECAY FUNGI ditch dug in the ground to a depth of
about 30 or 40 em with red-hot coals
as can be seen in Fig. 10.8, or using a
small gas furnace (Fig. 10.9). In both
cases the culms most be turned by
their ends by hand. This method is also
used for straightening curved culms.
4-Curing by smoking.
There are two methods for the treatment of bamboo
culms: the physical and the chemical methods.
method s.
Fi g.l 0.6 Cu r i ng in th e cl ump Bamboos stored above fire places
in kitchens in rural homes, where th ey
The physical treatment is also known as curing; it has
are exposed to fumes from cooking
the purpose of removing, destroying, or reducing the
stoves or burnin g fuel, have a service
starch in the culm and, consequently, reducing the
life extending from 10-15 years. Toxic
attack of he insect Dinoderus minutus. However, it does
substances may be deposited, which
Fig. 10. 9 Curing with h e at wi th gas)
not protect bamboo from the attack of ermites and fun-
leads to some resistance. Du e to heat-
gus. It is the most treatme nt and, for this
ing, the starch within the parenchyma
it has been used traditionally in the rur al areas
villages, particularly in many Asiatic countries, cells may also be destroyed. Chamber for
According to Ishibashi (1990), drying bamboo
although not much is known about its real effectiveness.
smoking of the cut bamboos can also
This type of reatment is not used in Colombia. Th ere are
be done by gas generated from char-
several method s for curing bamboo s.
coal kilns from the beginning until it
reaches the carbonization state. This
1-Cu r in g in th e c l u m p treatment makes bamboo more resis- - .J
@ @
Culms are cut at the base of the culm above the tant to rot deterioration, and cracking,
first node above the ground, and left vertically with all and extends the life of bamboo used to
their branches and leaves for 4 weeks leaning against build underwater frames for growing
other culms at the site. The base of the culm has to be seaweed.
separated from the ground by a stone; thu s the starch Red hot coal
content in the culm is reduced. As a result, the resis-
tance to infestation by borers is believed to increase, S-Curing with m u d . Combustion with gas

but ther e is no influence on the resistance to attack by Freshly cut bamboos are soaked in
Stone a muddy pond (LatosoJ) for 1-8 weeks
termites andother
On the fungi.hand, this type of treatment can also A B and then are slowly dried in the shade.
be used for chemical treatment. In this case, th e bot- This reduces the starch content which 6.-Curing in beach water and NaCI, or in acid solutions,
tom part of a freshly cut green bamboo with branches passes from the bamboo into th e containing acids and seawater. The
and leaves is placed in a barrel containing the preser- Fig.l0.7 C ur i ng by im m er s i on ponding) muddy water, reducing the food for s an d two solutions are prepared at 0 -14 0 C
vative. The transpiration of the leaves, still in progress, insects and fungi; thereby increasing The bamboos used by Fathe r Diego and are mixed at a ratio of 1 : 0.0025 -
To prevent the bamboo from the durability of bamboo. This process
draws the solution into the vessels of the culm. The Cera in the construction of he bamboo 0.004 and pH 0.2 - 3 and a specific
floating stones are locate .o 'o
is mostlly practiced by the rural people gravity of 1.007-1.057 (Li et aI1987)·
preservative must be replenished regularly in order to organ of Las Pinas, Parish of St. Joseph
top in Bangladesh (Chowdury 1992). in the Phillipines that lasted so many
mantain the desired level. This method requires a lot
of time, and often the vessels do not absorb enough Suhirman (1987 ) carried out a years, were buried under beach sand at 8.-Protection bywhite
liquid to preserve the fibers and parenchyma cells suf- laboratory study on the effect of mud- the seashore at the end of 1816 and
ficiently through subsequent diffusion. submersion treatment on the durabili- were unearthed in 1817, when the con- washing.
ty of two bamboo species: Dendro- struction of the bamboo organ began. Bamboo
Bambo o culms and bamboo mats
calamus asper and D. giganteus. Test (The bamboos were probably buried for housing construction are painted
Curing b y i m m e r s ion blocks were submerged in mud with for about 2 or 3 months.) By 1821, the with slaked lime, CA(OH). Besides the
The fresh culms are put into stagnant or running latosol and grumosol soils for 1, 2, 3 famous instrument was almost finished ornamental effect of the white color, a
water for a period of several weeks. Stones have to be and 4 weeks prior to 6 months expo-
put on the bamboos to keep them under water. During sure to Pycnoporu
Pycnoporuss sanguineus. (Samson 19 77). prolongation
It of service
seems possible life is absortion
than water expected.
soaking, starch and sugar in the par enchyma cells are Results showed that mud submer-
leached out or degraded by bacteria so that the resis- sion tr eat ment increased the durability
7 . - C u r i n g b y s ea- is delayed by this treatment, leading to
a higher resistance to fungi, but speci-
tance to borers may be improved. This method does of the bamboos, and that the relation- w ater s u p er n atan ts
ts.. fic investigations are still to be carried
not increase the durability against termites and fungi,
fungi, ship between the duration of submer- Bamboo and wood products are out. In Indonesia, bamboo mats are
and stagnantion may lead to staining of the culms. sion and weight loss due to fungal treated by immersion in sea water tarred and later sprinkled with fine
Such ponding increases the posterior uptake of preser- decay was linear. containing 2- 7 sa lts, or
supernatants containing sand. When the sand clings to the mat
vatives by diffusion and pressure processes. However,
if the culms are inmersed in water for more than 45
c in electrolyte solutions containing and the tar is dry up to four coats of
white wash are applied.
days, th ey become brittle.

148 Part 4 - Sectio

n 8 Bamboo Treatments against insects and fungi Part 4 - Section 8 Bamboo Treatments against insects and fungi 149

-Long t e r m chemical t r eatments For effective

effective treatm ent of short sections of round culrfis
it is suggeste
suggested d that a hole with
with a maximum diamet erof 5/8
1) - St eppi ng met hod for green bamboo). be opened in each of the septas, using a long straight shank
W h a t we have to know bef or e the effectiveness of 11 commercial insecticides for controlling In the stepping method, the bamboo culm is placed in a drill bit. If the septas are removed or partially destroyed, the
the bamboo borers, Dinoderus minutus and D ocellaris suitable tank containing the preservative with
with its but t end culm can not be used structurally.
t r eat i ng bamboo wi t h chemicals. Co[eoptera: Bostrychidae), was carried out by Varma, dipping in the solution. It is held upright (with its branches According to Liese (1985), steam treatment significantly
Bamboos are anatomically different from both hardwoods Mathew, Mohanadas, Gnanaharan, and Nair (1998). These and leaves) and supported against a neighboring bamboo or improved absorption compared to simple immersion. The
and softwoods in th eir tissue organization. Due to these differ- insecticides were tested by direct application to the beetles tree. The preser vative is sucked up during the transpiration time of treatment can be considerably reduced by using the
ences in anato mical structure, bamboo behaves entirely differ- and by application to their food surface. HCH, lindane, of the leaves.(See Curing in the Clump
Clump ). hot-dipping or the hot cold method. A double treatment,
ently from timber during treatmen t with preservatives. As was cypermethrin and permethrin were the most toxic to the bee- consisting of a 20% solution of coppersulfate and zinchro-
mentioned earlier, unlike timber, bamboo culms a re generally tles. With the exception of HCH and lindane, organochlo- 2)- Open t a n k met hod soaki ng a n d d iffu mate followed by 20% sodiumdichromate can also be suc-
hollow and possess hard outer and inner membranes which rines were less toxic
toxic than organophosphorus insecticides, si on treatment) for r o u n d a n d sp lit bamboo. cessfully applied.
protect them from damage and water loss. f round bamboos carbamates and pyrethroid
pyrethroids.s. DDT was the least toxic. Boric The open tank treatment is made by soaking the bam- In Malaysia, the method popularly used by manufactur-
are subjected to the high pressures and high temeperalures acid was also tested, but it was ineffective when sprayed over boo culms or split bamboos in a solution of a water-soluble ers of bamboo products or handicrafts is boiling the cut
used int he treatment of wood, the air inside the chambers of the insect or the food surface; however, it was toxic when preservative for a sufficiently long time to obtain adequate bamboo in a solution of 0.1 Propylene and 0.8% caustic
the internodes will expand, producing cracks along the culm. incorporated into the diet. absorption and penetration. This treatment is considered to soda or a solution of caustic soda and water. The proportions
For this reason, the use of high temperatures and high pres- be one of the best and most economic treatments of green are as follows: One gra m caustic soda to one liter of water
sures in the treatment of round bamboos is not recommended. round and split bamboo by the diffusion process. (0.1 %); 2 grams caustic soda to one liter of water (0.2%) etc.,
METHODS FOR TREATING BAM- The solution enters the round culm through the ends depending on the thickness of the bamboo whic whichh must be
On the other hand, it is important to point out that when
green bamboo dries up after felling or when it overmatures, BOOS WITH CHEMICALS. and partly through the sides by means of diffusion by capil- boiled for a duration of 5 to 30 minutes.
resistance to penetration of he water solution is offered along The chemical treatments of bamboo can generally be larity. The degree of penetration depends on the age, thick-
its length through th e vessels, but it may not e so great in the divided into 2 categories: 1) Temporary treatment, known as ness, length, and density of the bamboo, and if they are 3) Hot and cold process for t h e t r e a t m e n t o f
case of penetration through the diffusion process. prophylactic treatment, used for round and split bamboos, green Gust felled) or air-dried. Penetration and absorption b a m b o o b o a r d s a n d s pl i t bamboo.
The main characteristics of an ideal bamboo and wood and 2) Long term treatment, which includes a) the treatment of water soluble preservatives are lower in freshly felled In this process ,the bamboo boards or the split bamboos
preservative are: of green bamboos (freshly cut), and b) the treatment of dry culms than in air dried material. Split culms can be treated are submerged in the preservative which is then heated to
l).-High toxicity against fungi and/ or insects and/ or bamboo. It s very important to point out that all of the chem- more easily than round ones; thus the soaking period can be about 1000 C and maintained at that temperature until the
marine organisms.
organisms. 2).- High permanency
permanency under all servic
servicee icals and treatment processes that are used on wood can be reduced to 1/3 -1/2. The preservative concentration should bamboo reaches the temperature of the bath. It is then
conditions, i.e. resistance to leaching by water or to rapid used in the treatment of split bamboo, but only some of them be higher when green bamboos are treated. In air dried allowed to cool down to the atmospheric temperature or to
evaporation due to heat or chemical transformation due to are recommended for the treatmen t of round bamboos. culms, axial diffusion was found to be about 20 times more any temperature higher than that, determined mainly by the
oxidation, etc. 3).- High penetrati on. The effectiveness of a than that in the transverse direction; radial diffusion was required absorption of the presen'ative. During the heating
preservative also depends on its penetration into the treated slightly better than diffusion in the tangential direction. period, the air in the culm wall expands and is partially
I.-Temporary o r prophylactic t r eat -
material. It should penetrat e as much as possible. 4).- Safety According to Tewari (1981), generally, the absorption of expelled. During the cooling period the residual air in the
in use, meaning low toxity to humans and animals, and m e n t o f bamboo. the solution is fast in the initial stages and it gradually slows bamboo contracts, thus creating a partial vacuum into which
absence of objectable odor and color. It should be cheap and This type of treatment with chemicals is used in round down with time. For example, about 50% of he total absorp- the preservative is sucked.
commercially available, and it should not corrode the metals and split bamboo and is advisable for preventing fungal tion obtained after immersion of Dendroca[amus strictus In order to overcome the danger of precipitation
precipitation of the
used along with the treated bamboos. degradation of raw bamboo during temporal)l storage,
storage, par- (round and half split) 3 - 4 years old, for 30 days in a 5 chemicalss at high temperatures, the use of wo baths it is rec-
The preservatives are divided in two general groups: ticularly in tropical countries where the biodeterioration is aqueous solution of copper-chrome-arsenic composition ommended: the first containing water where the hot treat-
.) Oil-types, such as creosote. The most commonly very severe. It is recommended for when the bamboo has to (CCA), is achieved in the first three days. Mechanical ment is given and the second, a cold bath co ntaining th e
used is coal-tar creosote, which is applied using the pressure be in storage for several months in forest depots, as well as scratching of the outer skin can speed up the penetration, preservative into which the bamboo is immediately trans-
process. It is used for bamboos and woods in contact with in paper mill yards, and for long transportation of green especiall
especia lly
y for slow diffusing preservatives. ferred immediatelly.
soil and water. It is preferable to avoid its use in dwelling bamboo in open trucks. It is not recommended when green
houses where its odor and color are objectionable and its bamboo (not seasoned) is transported in containers for se-
defects, such as tackiness, and the unpaintabili
unpaintability ty of bamboo veral days in trucks or ships. In this case, the bamboo should
and wood treated with it, are a hindrance. be dried first to less than 19 moisture content.
2) W a te r - b o r n e s a lts or wa te r s o luble s a lts, that It is estimated that about 20% of this raw material is
are applied as water solutions. These preservatives are destroyed by insects and fungus that produce a change in
emp loyed principally in the tr eatment of bamboo and wood the chemical composition of stored bamboos, especially in
for uses where they will not be in contact with the ground or the three major components: cellucellulose,
lose, li gnin and hemicel-
water and where the treated bamboo or wood requires paint- lulose. The enzymes secreted by the bamboo and wood
ing. They are less resistant to leaching, so to prevent the destroying fungi
fungi degraded these compounds and resulted in
leaching of hese preservatives from treated bamboos used in the progresive loss of woody material with increased peri-
the open, sodium dichromate is generally added to fix them. ods of storage. In experiments carried out in the test yard by
Copper sulphate, zinc chloride, boric acid and borax, and Kumar & Dobri
yal (1988), they found that untreated round
sodium pentac1orophenate are some of the leachable types. bamboo belonging to Bambusa poiymorpha and
As regards fixed types of preservatives which can be used in Dendroca[amus strictus species were destroyed in 19
both inside and outside lo locations,
cations, Ascu, Celcure, Bolinden months by termites and fungi.
fungi. This destruction can be pre-
salts, copper-chrome-boric
copper-chrome-boric composition and chromated zinc vented by simple profylactic treatment of bamboos at a co-
chloride may be mentioned. The advantage of these preser- verage rate of 24 liters per ton, using
vatives over the oil type is that timber treated with them can 1.- Boric acid + borax (1:1) 2 percent solution or
e painted over and varnished. (Puru shotham et a11952, 1953). 2.-Sodium
2.-Sodiu m pentachlorophenate + boric acid + borax
(0.5:1:1) 2.5 percent solution
Fig 1 0 1 0 ll of the internal nodes of each 3m culm sec Fig. 10 .11 Sections 3 meters long of Guadua angustifolia were
tion were previously perforated with a 5/8 diameter drill in soaked in a solution of Pentachlorofenol (5 ) during a week.
3).- The effectiveness of insecticides. A study on
the same side of the culm before the treatment.

150 Part 4 - Section 8 Bamboo Treatments against insects and fungi Part 4 - Section 8 Bamboo Treatments against insects and fungi 151

Fig. 10. 14 Modifi ed Bouch er ie me th od fo r th e treatment of s everal ba m b oos

Section of a hose or
Section of a hose or neumatic tire
neumatic tire
-===-,lL;--P ,as.sulre meter
Bamboo Cross section of a hose
or neumatic tire

Container for
used preservative used preservative

Fig. 10.12 Boucherie method by hydrostatic pressure F ig . 10.13 Modified Boucherie method using pneumatic
4) Bouch e ri e m e t h o d fo r th e e at m e n t o f valve and a presur e gauge which reads up to 50 lb. air pres-
sure. A ruber tub is then fixed to each metal tubes which- Air compressor
r o u n d g re en bamboos.
The Boucherie method is a derivation of the capping serves to connect the top end of each bamboo to the re-ser-
method originally used for the treatment of rees. In the cap- voir. The connections of the ruber tube to the apparatus and
ping method, the crown of the tree is cut off and about 6 the bamboo can be made firm by winding galvanized wi-re
inches of bark is removed from the butt end. n old rubber over the o ints once or twice and twisting the ends with pliers.
inner tube from a car tire is tightly fixed at the debarked After attaching the bamboo, the pressure gauge is taken Bamboo Container for
place and the tree is either held horizontally to the ground or out; the preservative is poured through the hole where the the preservative
made to lean on the ground with its butt end resting on a pressure gauge is fixed till the container is fille
d 3/ 4 its capac-
neighboring tree. The free end of the tube, which is held ity . The valve and the pressure gauge are then replaced and
upright, is then filled with preservative wh ich flows down its air at a pressure of 1030 lb pumped in. After about 5 minutes
length under hydrostatic pressure. Where necessary, the the preservative starts flowing, mixed with the sap. f nstead
tube may be attached to a container for holding greater of an small container, a 45 ganonganon drum with suitable attach-
quantities of preservative. This is known as the traditional ments is used, over 10 bamboos can be treated simultaneous-
Boucherie process, used for the treatment of telegraph poles ly , and it is not necessaryt to incise t he walls of the bamboo as
with copper sulfate, to obtain an average life of about 23 the cut end itself is sufficient to give
give entrance to t he preserva-
years. This method can be used in the treatment of green or tive
tive into the wa ll of the cu lmThe preservative which whi ch has
freshly felled bamboos in the fo ll owing ways: flown out at the butt end can be re-used after bringing the
I.-In the treatment of giant bamboo culms, the butt end concentration of the preservative to its original strength.
of the culm is used as a container or reservoir for the water Using this method, as compared to the classical
soluble type preservative. In this case, the top internode has boucherie method, the time of treatment can be reduced
to be incised in the base near the septae, since the inner sur- from several days to less than one hour per culm,
cul m, dependjng
face of the bamboo is not permeable. Once the culm is fIxed on its length and pressure. Such Boucherie insta ll ations are
vertically, the top internode is filled with the preservative. easy to transport and can be used directly in the forest. The
2.-[n this case, a suitable metal container, placed higher duration of treatment and the effectiveness of this method
than the culm or culm section, is used for the water soluble depends mainly on the bamboo species, the moisture con-
type preservative. At the bottom of he metal container there tent of the culm and the preservative used. Permadi
is a side tube fi tt ed with a stopcock. The bamboo cu lm is held SumaTni (1995) used the Bo ucherie method for the preser-
in a vertical position or inclined at an angle of 5° to the vation of two fresh species from Indonesia, namely andong
ground. The butt end of the culm section is attached to the (Gigantochloa verticillata) and tali (Gigantochloa apus).
bottom tube of the container with the preservative with an They were treated \vith a borax (Na2B407.10H20) solu-
old tire inner tube. Due to hidrostatic pressure, the preser- tion with a strength of 5 . The results showed that the pen-
vative displaces the sap which flows out from the lower end etration of preservative in andong bamboo for 2, 4, 6, 8, and
of the bamboo culm.culm. The treatmen is stoped when the con- 10 days consecutively was 131.40, 304.92, 308,42, 469.88
centration of the drip is the same as that of the solution in and 315 .28 cm respectively, while in tali bamboo it was
the container. Generally this method is used for treatment 68.30,116.83,141.88 and 128.17 em, respectively. Maximum
individual bamboos and takes several days depending on penetration of the preservative was achieved after 8 days
the length of the culm section, thickness. immersion for andong and 6 days for tali.
According to Xu (1984), an effective anti-borer treatment
4.1-Modifi ed B o u c h e ri e m e t h o d u s ing for bamboo culms was achieved by lreatiug with a pressurized
pn e umat i c pr e ss
ssuu r e (onl y for th e treatm e n t o f Boucherie process, using 20-25 CUS04 (copper sulphate)
r o u n d green b a m b o os) solution at temperatures of >18°C and 3.5 kgfcm pressure 3 h
The above method can be improved by pneumat ic pres- (when bamboos had medium moisture content). Under these
Fig. 10. 15 a n d 10. 16 Boucherie equipment developed by Professor.
Professor. Marco Antonio Pereira at the University Stadual
sure (air pump). In this case the meta
metall container have
have at the conditions penetration of u was 2.5-4 mg/cm. Servi-ce life
Paulista UNESP in Bauru Brasif. It shows the metal tank with a capacity of 55 gallons the PVC pieces
pieces used for th
e treat-
top a metal plate soldered to which are attached a bicycle was >3 yr, 3X longer than that of untreated bamboos.
ment of various culms t the same time nd the joint between the bamboo culm nd the PVC pieces.

Part 4 - Secti o
n 8 amboo Treatments against insects and fungi Part 4 - Section 8 amboo Treatments against insects and fungi 153

5 .-Pressure t r e a t m e n t ( r e c o m m e n d e d p a r - small holes made in each internode before pressure treat-

ticularly for t r e a t m e n t o f bamboo b o a r d s a n d ment gave split-free bamboo. SEASONING O R DRYING O F BAMBOO
spl i t bamboo). Chang-LF; Chen-SW; Chu-CM; Ma-EP.(1979) carried
Pressure treatment of bamboo is carried out in some out studies on the biology and control of the beetle Generally, bamboo just felled is immediatIy used in
countries both with water-borne preservatives but also with Dinoderusjaponicus Lesne in 1976 n. There was one com- construction of houses and structures and it dries while the
creosote. The method gives the best protection for bamboo plete generation a year. Adults and some larvae ovenvin- structure is being built. Bamboos that are going to be used
boards and split bamboo but needs special installations and tered within infested bamboos. Adults emerged from such in temporary constructions dont need to be dried. The
in most cases, is not economical.
economical. For pressure treatment the sites in spring and bored into freshly cut bamboos. Females only problem that occurs in temporary structures when
culms must be air dried in order to obtain sufficient pene- laid a total of 30-142 eggs during their life-span of up to 200 green pieces of bamboo are used is that the ties become
tration. Absortion
Absortion and penetration in split bamboo is much days. The egg, larval, prepupal and pupal stages usually last- loose once
once the bamboo pieces become dry because they
better than in round bamboos. During treatment of culms. ed 60, 100, 3-5 and 10-15 days, respectively. Treating infest- shrink and their diameter becomes smaller. This This can pro-
craks and collapse may occur. ed bamboos with high-pressure steam (at 5 Ib and 108 duce the collapse of the structu re.
Sonti V.R. (1990) present a report about a workable degrees e for 10 min) or soaking them in hot water or solu- Felled bamboos that are going to be used in permanent
solution for preserving round bamboo with ASCU (CCA , tions of 0.033-0.001% trichlorphon (Dipterex) or 0.0003- constructions or structures with very fine details must be air
copper-chrome arsenic compound, using the sap-replace- 0.0005% methamidophos (Tamaron) for 8 h controll controlled
ed the dried for at least two months, before making perfect joints in
ment and preasure treatment methods. pest. Infested bamboos should be removed from storage in their ends with drills, saws or similar tools. To use thesetools
The former has the disadventage of having to complete winter in order to eliminate infestations. in the ne>.:t spring. on green bamboos is not recommended.
sap- replacement withing a few hours of felling the bam- Younus-Uzzaman-M (1994) carried out the preservative It is very important to air dry or kiln dry long bamboo
boo. Bamboo can be preserved quite easily and effectively treatment of two bamboo species, Arundinaria falconeri boards and splints when they are going to be used in the ma-
under preassure if notched in a particular pattern. This nei- and S in o b a m b u sa tootsik, with eCA (copper-chrome- nufacture of laminated pieces for structural purposes or for
Fig. 10.17 For air drying bamboo culms it is recommen
ther reduces the bamboo's strength when used in compres- arsenic) preservative
preservative by pressure impregnation, and steam- furniture or for the manufacture of plybamboo and others ded that they be stood in an uprigh position. f hey are lying
sion or bending. The bamboo were treated with 5 percent ing and quenching methods, and variation
variation in preservative composite materials. As was mentioned earlier, the moisture
horizontally they will require double drying time.
ASCU solution (CCA salt) usi ng a vacuum/ press ure cyc
le of penetration between the two different treatment methods content of the bamboo culms varies widely among species,
30 minutes and pressure of 10 kg /c m. The final vacuum was determined. It was found that the pressure impregnation and among individuals culms. In green bamboos, the mois- ones, but since the former have a higher moisture content
allowed for about 30 minutes to remove as much drip as method of treatment was more efficient than the steaming ture content decreases from bottom to top. But after air dry- they require a longer time. In the initial stages drying occurs
possible. The bamboos were weighed before and after treat- and quenching method. ing, the moisture content does not vary greatly from the bot- quite rapidly, but slows down gradually as drying progreses.
ment to arrive to the amount of loading of preservative. It The Effect of s t e a m t r e a t m e n t a n d pressure tom to the top of the culm For example, in the studies con- Seasoni ng defects . According to same author, se-
was observed that loading could be controlled between 12 treatment. ducted by Prawirohatmodjo (1988) in several species from veral defects may occur during seasoning of round culm s.
and 27 kg/m3. The entire cross- section was preserved. Ma et 1 (1980) quoted byYeh (1994) found thatthe per- Indonesia the moisture content at the base, middle and top They be may due to the poor initial condjtion of the culm,
According to Lahiry ( 1997)
1997) Bambusa hilda was suc- formance of the mechanical properties of bamboo speci- of green Bambusa arundinacea was 48.5-38.5-31.6 . After excessive sthrinkage during drying or both. End splitting is
cessfully treated with CCA by the full cell pressure method mens is weakened
weakened with the steaming treatment. On the other air-drying it was 15. 7-15.6-15.2 . In green Gigantochloa not so common or severe as in timber.
under green and dry conditions in Bangladesh. Dry bamboo hand, the bending strength and impact performance of bam- atter it was 94.2-71.8-50.9 . After air -drying:
-dryin g: 4. - 4.5- With all species, surface cracking can occur during dry-
gave a higher loading absorption than green bamboo when boo specimen is reduced by applying the pressure preserva- 14.7 . Seasoning of bamboo is accomplished either by air ing. Cracks start at the nodes but their extent depends on the
treated under the same conditions. Higher absorption of tive treatment. drying or kiln drying. The moisture content in bamboo and species and wall thickness. Thick-walled mature bamboo is
eCA was also obtained at nodes than at internodes. Prevent i on and cont rol of fungal at t ack on timber is commonly determined using electrical instruments especially liable to cracking. A deformed surface of the round
Adequate penetration and retention for ground and water basket s a n d handi craft s made of b a m b o o . known as moisture meters. cross section of in mature bamboo Oess than two years old) is
use contact was only obtained by treating bamboos predried According to Giroll, Pablo, Capa (1992): MolliJs, stai., common. Thick walled species evince an uneven outer sur-
to 10-15 moisture content, but green bamboo treatment fungi and decay fungi were observed to infect improperly I.-Air drying. face and cracks quite often develop on the inner side of the
was sat isfactory for indoor and overhead outdoor use. eCA handled handicraft products made of bamboo, twigs and Air seasoning under cover is the most recommended wall. Considerable shrinkage can take place in the middle
treatment increased the service life of both green and dry vines. Aspergillus niger, Penicillium, Botryodiplodia theo- method for drying round culms and transformed culms in part of the internodes, which become concave.
bamboo by at least twice. Two small holes made in each bromae, lte rn a ria te n u issim u m [A. tenuissima], longitudinal sections, in splints or in bamboo boards. For Collapse is a most serious seasoning defect. It occurs
internode before pressure tr eatment gave split-free bamboo Curvularia inaequalis and Schizophyllum commune were air-drying roud bamboos it is recommen-ded to stand during artificial as well as natural drying processes and leads
Lahiry et 1 (1996)obtained an dequate penetration and the most frequently isolated fungi from samples. them in upright position. f they are laying horizontally, to cavities on the outer surface and to wide cracks in the
retention of copper chrome arsenate (eCA) and copper Soaking the raw materials and finished products in 0.1 these require double drying time. The air seasoning behav- inner parts of the culm. Green bamboo is apt to collapse due
chrome borate (CCB) in predried Borak Bamboo (Bambusa 2-thiocyanomethyl
2-thiocyanomet hyl benzothiazole
benzothiazole methylene bis thio- ior varies according to the specie. Sharma studied the air to differential tension during drying. This shrinkage takes
balcooa Roxb.), abundantly grown in Bangladesh, with the cyanate or 2.5 or 5.0% quarternary ammonium compound seasoning behavior of 9 Indian species and he came to place in the early stages of seasoning. The outer fiber bundles
Full Cell Pressure Process. The treated bamboo can be used for 3 to 5 minutes prevented fungal attack as effectively as these conclusions:
conclusions: Dend1 ocaia111us membranaceous was are pressed together but the inner ones are stretched and
as building materials, the sufficient treatability ensured its NaPCP treatm ent . Kiln drying prevented the development very easy to season, fine surface cracks sometimes this causes severe stress.
stress. Immature bamboo is more suscep-
long term best utilization at ground contact and indoors. and re-invasion by moulds, stain fungi and decay fungi. appeared in the inicial stage of drying, but closed subse- tible to collapse than mature bamboo. Since drying is more
Which will keep the environmental and social economical Packing the chemically treated and kiln dried handicrafts in quently. Bambusa arundinacea seasoned without much rapid during the dry season, collapse occurs more often than
conditions of Bangladesh more viable and normal. kraft paper eliminated moisture accumulation,
accumulation, thus further degradation, mature culms dried rather slowly, very little during the rainy season. The lower portion with thicker walls
Lahiry (1997)
(1997) successfully treated Bambusa hilda with arresting fungal development. cracking occurred. B. n u ta n s dried fairly rapidly but was is more susceptible to collapse than the upper portion. Slow
CCA by the full cell pressure method under green and dry studies on the treatment of green bamboos by different liable to crack and collapse. Dendrocalamus strictus took a drying bamboo species are apparently more liable to collapse
conditions in Bangladesh. Dry bamboo gave a higher loading diffusion processes (steaming and quenching and double very long time to dry, mature culms dried very satisfactori- than others.
absorption than green bamboo when treated under the same diffusion), were carried out by Singh-B; Tewari(1981.) ly without cracking.
cracking. D. hamiltonii dried quite rapidly with-
conditions. Higher absorption of CCA was also obtained at Round and half-split specimens of Dend1 0-calamus strictus out much degrade. 2.-Kiln d ry i n g
nodes than at internodes. Adequate penetration and reten- were treated ,vith the same chemicals by quenching follow- Liese (1985) points out that the different seasoning Kiln seasoning is recommende d only for drying splints
tion for ground and water use contact was only obtained by ing hot water (85-88 degrees C) or steam treatment, and by behaviors of bamboo species is chiefly due to the different and bamboo boards. For round culms, kiln drying is consid-
treating bamboos predried to 10-15 moisture content, but double diffusion using combinations of the simple salts. culm wall thickness, which is the most important factor con-
con- ered uneconomical and can be used under controlled condi-
green bamboo treatment was satisfactory for indoor and Steam treatment significantly improved absorption com- trolling the rate of drying. The bottom part, therefore takes tion. As mentioned earlier, rapid drying in kilns may lead to
overhead outdoor use. CCA treatment increased the service pared with simple immersion. All treatments in the entire much longer to season than the top portion. The rate of dry- surface cracking and splitting due to excessive shrinkage
life of both green and dry bamboo by at least twice. Two study gave adequate retention with an appropriate schedule. ing of inmature culms is generally faster than that of mature, and, consequently, it is considered impractical.


Manufacture of channels splints and 156

strips of the culm
Manufacture of bamboo boards 157 _

Rotary and sliced bamboo veneers 158 --,- ,- = = . -----

Rotary veneer
Sliced veneer .
Sawed veneer
Internodal bamboo veneer taken from 159
the surface part of the culm wail-Manu-
Applications of the surface bamboo 160
Manufacture of plates and boxes
Internodal bamboo veneer taken from the161
internal part of the culm wall
Manufacturing methods and uses





Bamboo fence (Riou s drawing)

Geografia Pin/oresca de Colombia n 1869.

156 Part. 5 - Section 9 Manufacture of single bamboo materials Part. 5 - Section 9 Manufacture of single bamboo materials 157


BAMBOO MATERIALS Fig. 11.2 M anuf actur ing pr oces s Bamboo boards are sections of the
giant culms that are opened out flat. In
Colombia, the complete section of the
,, culm, generally 4 meters long, is opened
, out flat; following the method explained
MANUFACTURE OF CHANNELS, SPLINTS AND STRIPS OF THE CULM in Fig. 11.2. But in India and other coun-
/ tries of Asia, the culm section is divided
Bamboo does not have radial cells I
r / )
into two longitudinal parts and each of
Fi g .l1. l . Manufacture of channel s a n d s plints whicht in the case of timber increases ,
them is opened out fl at.
,, ,,
Bamboo board is a construction
its shear strength parallel to the axis. { / material with more applications than
This is the reason why bamboo has very
wood boards or any other material. In
low shear strength parallel to the axis
the construction of houses, it is used in
and the presence of nodes does not
floors, walls, ceilings, roofs, in concrete
have a significant effect on shear
forms,s, in boxes or voids, and as a base
strength. This low shear strength and
for pl astered wa ll s and ceili
cei li ngs. It can
the straight fibers
fibers para ll el to the axis of
bamboo is an advantage insome cases also be used in the manufacture of
excellent plybamboo boards and in the
for example, in the manufacturing of B construction of laminated beams or
bamboo channels, dividing a bamboo
structures or composite beams.
culm in hvo longitudinal pieces that can
For the manufacture of bamboo
be used as roof tiles, gutters, for the
boards, the culm section is supported at
transportation of water in rural acue-
the ends. \lVith a hatchet or small ax,
ducts or as a decorative pieces.
para llel cuts at a distance of one to two
On the other hand, short sections
centimeters from each other are made
of the culm 1 meter long) can be divid-
in each of the nodes, with enough force
ed radially in splints with the same
to produce a crack in the node and the
,vidth ( 2-3-4 or 5 cm. ,vide), depending
two internodes. (A)
on the number of knives fixed to the
Once the above operation has been
radial hand knives tool. The diameter of
Soft part carried out in all of the nodes, a flat
this radial tool has to be equal to the
shovel is introduced in the longest crack
maximum diameter of the bamboo
from one end to the oth er of the section
commonly used plus ten centimeters.
For example, the maximum diame- cutt ing simultaneously the internal dia-
Bamboo board phragms. Then the culm is opened with
E Splints ter of the species of GuaduQ sp that we
the hands and the di aphragms are
have in Colombia is 20 em (guadua de
removed. With the flat hoe, the soft part
castilla), so the diameter of of the radi-
of the internal culm wall is removed. (F)
al tool has to be 30 cm. E
which is the part of the wall most
The same radial handknife can e used
attacked by the borers.
industrially n a special machine where long
bamboos 4, 6 or 8 meters long) are pushed F
against a fixed radial knife .
The bamboo splints, 2- 4 em wide,wide,
are used for floors in houses located in
very warm climates, in the construction
of plastered walls, in hen houses etc. The
strips for the manufacture of baskets and
mats are also taken from splints.
See manufacture of bamboo cables
in the section Re inforced concrete with
bamboo cab les.

F. Manufacture of bamboo boards

Removing of the interior and soft part of
the culm

158 Part. 5 Section 9 Manufactur e of single b mboo m teri lsf single Part. 5 Section 9 Manuf acture of single b mboo materials 159

about 3 hours to soften the mat er ial. According to Takeuchi
The t er m ve neer is commonly applied to anyone of the
thin layers
la yers or sheets of wood cut or sawed from a log, that are (1968), this tr ea tm ent produces a high quality ven eer and
glued or otherwise bonded together to form plywooplywood
d boards. decreases the culm's cracking.
In the case of bamboo, there are several methods for obta ining After the sections are softened, the nodes at the opposite
different types of veneers. These methods ar e: rotary, sliced ends are removed and the cut is made at rig ht angles. The final
and sawed ve neer, which require special machinery, and two length of the section has to be the same as that of the lath
e. Fig. 11.4
ha ndmade methods for the manufacture of bamboo veneer Then they are fixed to a small rotary cutt er which works at a
in g the external or internal part of the culm. speed of 30-40 rpm. Generally the ve neer is 3·4 meters long,
i .-R o t a ry veneer Fig.A). depending on the thickness of the culm wall. The bamboo There are two method s for manu-
This type of bamboo veneer is used in the manufacture ve neer is air dried or dried with hot air to about 12 % moisture facturing ve neer from th e exter nal part
of non st ructural plybamboo and for overlaying inferior ply-
pl y- content. The pr essing can be done in a cold or a hot press. of the culm.
wood wi th decorative purposes. This veneer is peeled from 2 Sliced ve n eer Fig. B). The first method consists of using a
ro und sections of giant bamboos. Since the bamboo culm is Sliced veneer is produced from large glu g lued
ed laminated sma ll rotary bamboo veneer machine,
holl ow and the dia meter and thickness of the wa ll decrease bamboo blocks which consist of para ll el strips glued toge- as explained before. The second me-
from the base to the top, it is only possible to manufacture th er in the sa me dir ection. In this case, the main block is also thod is manual and consists of opening
bamboo rotary veneer from sections of giant culms which located parall
el to the knife. out fl at the whole inte rn ode or the two

include 1 to 3 internodes (about 50- 60 em long) wi th a mi-

nimum wall thickness of 10 mm . These sections mu st be cut 3. - Sawed ve neer . longitudinal
taken from the half sections. Then
internode or channels
the soft
In this case the large bl ock which consists of several small
with a circular saw from the center part of the culm which interior part of th e wall is removed,
blocks glued together in different positi
pos itions
ons is sawed perpendi-
ha s the longest internodes, leaving the 2 nodes at the oppo- leaving only th e external veneer.
cular to the block axis in the same way as a loaf of bread is
site e nd s. The culm sections ar e boil ed at 100 degrees C for As was explained before, the external B
part of the culm wall of the internode is
denser and three or four times strong er
than the inner part of the wall.
wall. For this
A. ROTARY BAMBOO VENEER B. SLICED BAMBOO VENEER reason, the exterior part, which is about
2-4 mm thick (depending on the species),

" .._---- section

Bamb oo culm Bamboo strips
taken from the culm
has many applications in the manufac-
ture of furniture, plates, ornaments, floor
boards, arts a nd crafts and particularl
y in
Bamboo Veneer the manufacture of cigarrette and candy
boxes, as shown in Fig. 11.6.
o c
Bamboo Laminated Bl ock
Bamboo veneer For this purpose, inte rnodes from Soft part
Paraliel bamboo the cent
boos ral part
which th culms
have of of giant
e longest bam-
internodes of the culm wall
Knife strips glued together and less parenchyma and diameters
from 12 to 18 ems are use d. This p art of
the culm is divided into sections con-
sisting of an int ernode with the two
nodes, which are cut with a circular Exterior part of
saw. Then in each internod e the whole the culm wall
cuticule or skin s urf ace (about 0.2 004
mm) of the bamboo internod es is E F
remo ved
ve d using a curved knife with two
handles (called Sen in Japan). Once the
cut icule
ic ule has been removed, the nodes
are removed, and then the soft interior
part of the culm wall, about 3/4 of the
culm thickness, mu st be removed man-

uallyll using
sma radial aplaner.
long 1/4 wide chise
chisell or a

Charcoal fire

160 Part
Part.. 5 Section 9 Manufactur e of single bamboo materials Part. 5 Section 9 Manufacture of single bamboo materials 161

M anuf actur e of plates
and bo xes
Once 3/4 of the intemal part of the
cylinder wall has been removed, the
whole cylinder can be divided longitudi-
nally into two sections (Fig. F), or if the
whole cylinder is going to be opened out
flat, a 1 em wide strip is cut along the Ranjan, Iyer and Pandia (1986), in their
book Bamboo nd Cane Crafts of Northeast Removing the external part
cylinder (Fig. E) and then it is dried in
the sun. The cylinder or the half sections India describe the methods used in the manu-
are heated (vertically) in a boiler \vith a facture of bamboo containers or boxes of dif-
pressure of 3-4 kg /cm2 for about 1 hour, fere nt shapes and sizes depending on their
and then they can be opened out flat and function, using the internal part of the inter-
passed through a roller with hot steam node wall as veneer. This technology is seen in
or pressed in a hot plate press. India in Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, and
If there is no boiler, this step can be Nagaland. For this purpose are used only the
done manual ly as follows.
follows. Heat the internal part of the culm wall of the internodes
materials to a temperature of 130 0 - wi thout nodes) of the sondak bamboo, known
1500 C over a charcoal fire (Fig. F), as natt in Imphal Valley
Valley,, is a thin walled bam-
placing the exterior part down. Judging boo with a diameter of about 6cm and an inter-
node length of about 90 cm A
the timing by white bubbles on the cut
end, press the bamboos between jigs F IRS T M ET HOD
and cool naturally (Takeuchi 1968). A The external surface or outer skin of an
For fl attening the internodes with inte rnode section of a freshly-cut bamboo is
Fig. 11.5 Plate manufactured with internodal bamboo veneer using knots removed, Ishii (1990) recom- peeled to a wa ll thickness o ft to 1.5 mm.
a hot plates press. mends heating them for about 15 hours B The internode is split along its length
at 95-100° C with 100 relative humid- in halves. A toxic resin, kharu is collected in
ity while applying a load to them per- sma ] bamboo tubes which are inserted into the Flattening
pendicular to the fiber direction, and trunk of the kabong tree. A little of this resin is
then heating for about 10 hours at 1 0 0 then mixed with water and apllied on both sur-
1400 with 30 relative humidity before faces of each section of bamboo. According to E
returning slowly to room temperature.
t is important to point out that the Kho ibu
boo craftsmen,
from thiscracks
developing resin prevents
while it the bam-
is beign
internodal bamboo is the strongest part heated, but the chemical effect of the resin is
of the culm and has better engineering not clear.
properties than conventional materials. C Each half is then held over a small fire
See Mechanical Properties.
and heated evenly along the length. This cau-
ses it to become very pliable and the circumfe-
rece slowly opens out.
D The curve of the culmis flattened a
stick is used to press the bamboo flat on the
ground The width of the sheet thus formed is
half the circumference of the culm. It is also
possible to make a sheet with a width equal to
the entire circumference of the culm.
E While the sheet is still hot it is formed
into the desired shape. Traditionally, all boxes
were made this way. The length of the heated
board is bent and the ends overlapped
overlapped and held
in a split-bamboo clamp, a very simple device
made from a length of thick bamboo splint
which is partially spit in half along its length.
Boxes for
The jo int is held between the two splits, the
different purposes
ends of which are held together by a rubber
band. The other half of the culm is heat flat-
Fig. 11.6 Cigarret box manufactured n Japan with exterior ntemodal tened, wrapped around the oval and held he ld in
bamboo veneer. shape. This becomes th e lid that matched the After Ranjan, lye and Pandi 1986)
box. The overlaped end s are held together by

162 Part. 5 - Section 9 -Manufacture of si ngle bamboo materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 163

two rows of stiches made with cotton

thread (Fig. F . The container and the Fig.11.8 Ma n ufac turin g of r ic e pl ates MANUFACTURE OF B MBOO ' I
lid are arranged so that the overlapping
joints on each are on opposite sides of

the box.

A piece of heat-flattened bamboo, a
flat piece of wood or a tangential slice
of a thick-walled bamboo culm, depen-
ding on the required size, is cut to fit
into each oval to form the base of the W H A T A R E COMPOSITE MATERIALS?
container and the top of the lid. A nar-
row bamboo split is wrapped around Composites offer several other advantages over conven- the material. The other parameter is called the specific
the edge of the container at the ba se and tional materials. These may include improved strength, stiff- strength, and is defined as the ratio between the strength
nailed to hold the base in place. The lid
l id ness, weight, thermal properties, corrosion resistance, and the density of the material.
is finished in similar manner. impact resistance, and wear resistance. In nature, we can find that all biological materials are
Traditionally these oval boxes Most man-made composite materials are composed of two composites, without exception. Examples of naturally found
had stitched and nailed joints, but materials: a reinforcement material calIedfiberand a base mate- composites include wood, where the lignin matrix is rein-
they are now made by sticking the rial called matrix in wh
ich the fiber is embedded. Examples of forced with cellulose fibers, and bone, in which the matrix
joins with adhesive. composite materials are concrete reinforced with steel or bam - made of minerals is reinforced with collagen fibers. Since
boo, and epox) re inforced with bamboo fibers. ancient times, we can find examples of man-made composite
S ECOND MET H OD All bamboos are natural ligna-ce ll ulosic composite and materials, which include adobes reinforced with straw, used to
In india, the Chang Naga also have are composed of fibers (bast fibers located in the vascular bun - keep the clay from cracking, and the use of bamboo culms in
a process of heat-flattening bamboo. dles) and a matrix (parenchyma thin walled cells around vas- the reinforcement of adobe and mud walls in Peru and China.
they use the lalong bamboo which must cular bundles, vessels and sieve tubes in vascular bundles). Advanced composite materials such as graphite/epoxy,
be harvested in December or January Natural bamboo can be taken as a unidirectional fiber-rein- Kev
lar/epoxy and boron/ aluminum composites have been
before the top of the culm begins to B
forced composite and its fiber volume fraction has an intim ate applied in the aerospace industries, and now in commercial
droop downwards. This means that relationship with its mechanical properties. The distribution industries. However, their high cost prevents extensive civil
approximately seven months-old culms of bast fibers of bamboo along the radial direction shows a applications. To lower the cost of composite materials, many
are used. A length of internode freshly- gradient trend, and this undoubtedly in fl uences its mechani- biomaterials have been investigated as reinforcements,
cut is peeled and the ends plugged with cal properties, as do synthetic fiber-reinforced composites. among them them bamboo, with excellent results.
leaves and grass. The bamboo is evenly Composite materials are commonly formed in three dif- A bamboo lamina or ply is a typical sheet of composite
heated over a fire till it begins to swell ferent ways: (1) fibrous composites, which consist of fibers of material. It represents a fundamental building block for
out in the centre due to the expansion one material in a matrix material of another, (e.g. reinforced composite laminates. A lamina may consist of fibrer, matrix,
of the trapped hot air in the tube. At this concrete with bamboo cables); (2) particulate composites, coupling (chemical) agents a nd fillers. The fibers can be con-
point the internode is slit along the which are composed of particles of one material in a matrix tinuous or discontinuous, woven unidirectionally, bidirec-
length, and a stick used to press the pli- of another (e.g. bamboo particleboard), and (3) laminated tionally or randomly d istributed.
able bamboo into a flat sheet composites, which are made of layers of he same material or Unidirectional fiber-reinforced laminae exhibit the
Dao cases, small boxes, rice plates different materials, including composites of the first two highest strength and modulus in the direction of the fibers,
and large drums are made from a heat types (e.g. bamboo or wood laminated beams). but they have very low strength and modulus in the direction
flattened bamboo board, and all the E
Composite materials are usually classified by their transverse to the fibers. Discontinuous fiber-reinforced
forming is done while the sheet is hot matrix (i.e. as metal-matrix, ceramic-matrix (e.g. (e. g. carbon, composites have lower strength and modulus than continu-
and pliable. Shallow rectangular trays F M anufac tu ri n g of bo xes a nd d r u m s SiC, Si3, Si3N4 and A1203), and polymer-matrix compos- ous fiber-reinforced composites.
made by this process are used as rice ites) and their reinforcements (e.g., continuous fibers, dis- A laminate is a collection of laminae stacked to achieve
plates. They are made by cutting and continuous fibers, whiskers, particulates, and platelets). the desire stiffness. For example, unidirectional fiber-rein-
folding the sheets to form the sides of The stiffness and strength of fibrous composites comes fo rced laminae can be stacked so that the fibers in each lam-
the tray. The folded ends are are held in from fibers that are st iffer and stronger than the same mate- ina are oriented in the same or in different directions. The
place with cane stitches rial in bulk form. Shorter fibers, ca ll ed whiskers, exhibit bet- sequence of wo or various orientations of a fiber-reinforced
Large drums used to store rice beer ter strength and stiffness properties than long fibers. The composite layer in a laminate is termed the lamination. The
are fabricated from the heat-flattened matrix material keeps the fibers together, acts as a load layers are usually bonded together with the same matrix
sheets. A number of pieces are over- transfer medium between them and protects them from material as that of the laminae.
lapped and stitched with cane to form a exposure to the environment.
cylinder of a required diameter. The The most important problems in the current study of
base is also made of overlapped pieces composite materials are the fo ll owing: (a) Brittleness of con- STRUCTURAL ADVANTAGES OF
and stitched to the cylindrical sides tinuous fibers and difficulties in interface design. Most of he
with can splits. The resin, papoo, of a F reinforcing continuous fibers with high strength and modu- According
Accordi ng to Li,Fu,Zeng, Zhao and ZhOU,1994, the ten-
tree is used to seal the joints. This resin lus are brittle, especially those made with ceramics (e.g. car- sile strength of bamboo can be as high as 530 MP, equal to
is not drained from the tree, but the or greater than that of most aluminum alloys. f we take den-
bon, etc.). (b) Debonding or pull-out of short fibers from the
bark is pounded, mixed with water and matrix, causing failures in the reinforcement (Zhou 1994). sity into consideration, the tensile strength to density ratio
boiled to form a paste. This is applied in Two parameters are commonly used to measure the rel- of green bamboo (442.1 N mg- ) is even comparable with
all the joints, and on drying renders the ative mechanical advantage of composite materials. One that (401.8 N mg- ) of ARALL (Aramid-reinforced alu-
drum waterproof. parameter is called the specific modulus and is defined as minum laminates) (Shu and Tang, 1989). It is reasonable to
After Ranjan, Iyer and Pandia 1986) the ratio between the Young modulus (E) and the density of assume that the biological structures which survive have

164 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite mat erials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 165

a successful level of optimization after millions of years of na- in the sclerenchyma sheath, i.e. bast cells, have a close rela
rela-- The strength of the NaOH solution and the time for Compo s it e p r e par ation ..
tural selection and evolution. Besides this, bamboo has lso tion with bamboo's mechanical properties.
propertie s. By using an auto- soaking have to be chosen on the basis of a series of experi- To assess the reinforcing quality of bamboo fibers, uni-
been applied in natural plant fiber reinforced composite mate- matic image analyzer, the distribution of the bamboo's fiber ments to maximize the ease of fiber separation. A vel)' strong directional composites were made using polyester as the
rials. volume fraction V was measured. NaOH solution and a long soaking time will lead to greater matrix. The polyester used was a room temperature curing
Unfortunatelly, however the bamboo node has often t is well-known that, in fiber-reinforced composite lignin dissolution. In this investigation, alkaHne treatment system with Cobalt Narthanyte as hardener (polyester:hard-
either been neglected or evaded, except in the investigation materials the Yf of the components controls their mechani- was only used as a tool for the facilitation of fiber extraction ener, by weight, 2.5:1). CMT was used to process the com-
of its anatomical structure. For example, in Shin and co- cal perfonnance. For bamboo, the same regularity does therefore, the parameters were chosen to optimize separa-
exists, the changing trends in tensile modulus and strength, posite specimens. A bed was prepared as a preform by laying
workesrs' report (1989), only bamboo internode was used as tion of bamboo fibers, rather than for maximum lignin unidirectional bamboo fibers. Subsequently, an appropriate
reinforcement. In fact, as an integral part of the bamboo as wel
welll as flexural strength, versus Y along the radial direc- removal. The total lignin content of bamboo was found to be
tion of the bamboo cylinder. There is also a good linear cor- amount of polyester resin was impregnated into the bed. The
cylinder, the nodes play an important role in preventing the 37%, using the analytical. impregnation and polymerization sequence has to be opti-
relation between the mechanical properties and the V f .
cylinder from structural buckling, in strengthening bam- The bamboo strips were soaked in 0.1 N NaOH solution mized to obtain void free composites. However fiber defor-
Equations (1), (2), and (3) give the best fit of the flexur-
boo's rigidity. the purpose of this paper is to determine the for different periods. After a series of experiments, 72 hours mation and movement should be minimal to yield good
al strength a F), tensile strength aT , and modulus (E,-)
distinguishing features of he macrostructure of bamboo and was found to be the optimum duration of chemical treat- quality, unidirectional fiber composites.
versus the Vf ; the coefficients of correlation are 0.9953,
the function of bamboo nodes. ment, based on the ease of fiber separation. Weight loss, due Therefore, the time of impregnation, time of curing, and
0.9950, and 0.9921 respectively.
to loss of ligneous material, for bamboos strips was 18% compression pressure are important parameters to be consid-
Analys is of t he bamb o o in te rn ode after 72 hours of alkaHne treatment. After removal from the ered to obtain composite specimens for further testing. The
Heterogeneity, porosity, and anisotrophy of bamboo are 7.99 Vr - 113.73 (1) NaOH solution, the strips were washed with water and dried setting time for resin was 20 minutes. However, the compos-
its important features, as far as its mechanical properties at room temperature for 1 hour. Then they were subjected to ite specimens were cured for 24 hours, and the pressure was
aT 11.88Vr - 121.92 (2)
are concerned. This usually means that the average values mechanical processes for completion of fiber separation. maintained during the impregnation step. Using the same
E,- 1.0 17V r - 16·93 (3)
acrosss the thickness direction
direction are quoted rather than those program, unreinforced polyester samples were also prepared.
of specific part of the bamboo culm; in fact, its mechanical Me c h a n i c a l tech n iq u e s fo r fib e r Fiber configuration and volume fractions are two of the
properties change significantly from the outer green bamboo The reason the linear correlation between bamboo s most important factors that affect the properties of the com-
mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, and itsVf , is
se p aratio n
to the inner surface (pith-ring). posite. In this study, the configuration was limited to unidi-
so good is as follows: For long-fiber reinforced composi tes , A combination of chemical and mechanical processes is
So in this work we separa-ted the bamboo culm into rectional, continuous bamboo fibers, and composite samples
the tensile strength parallel to the fiber direction is governed used in pulp and paper industries for pulping. After the
several layers and measured the mechanical properties of were prepared with different volume fractions of bamboo
by the rule of mixtures , Eq. (4) chemical treatment, discs and rollers are used as the means
each layer separately the changes on bamboo's properties fibers. In addition, fiber populations with different diame-
of supplying mechanical energy to facilitate fiber separation.
along the radial direction are obvious. ters and fibers obtained from both CMT and RMT were used
In this study, two methods were explored for mechanical
Tn green bamboos they decrease from the outer to the to process the composite.
inner surface but the density curve raises at the inner sur- separation of bamboo fibers from the alkaline treated strips
These are CMT and RMT, both of which are widely used to
face; tha is because of the greater density of the pith-ring where )c ' Of ,a n d Om are the tensile strength of the process polymers and composites for a variety of applica- Fiber a n d compo s ite tes ting
compared with that of the near part of the bamboo culm. composites, fiber, and matrix, respectively, and Vf and Vrn tions. Mechanical separation processes have to be operated
Bamboo is a natural long-
long- fiber-r
ed compositemate-
compositemate- are the volume fraction of the fiber and matrix. In bamboo, t is important to know the properties of fibers, which
ria and its constituents can be classified as follows:
follows: so that sufficient stresses are generated to complete the
the matrix is composed of hin-waned cells, vessels and sieve control the limiting values of the mechanical properties of
Reinforcement: Bast fiber in vascular bundles, i.e. process of fiber separation. However, a very high level of
tubes, thus Om is much lower than Of and therefore 0c the composite. The fiber properties are also a good indica-
fiber strand and sclerenchyma sheath stresses will cause abrasion and fracture of the fibers. In this
approximately equals ar Vr This is why the VI of bamboo is tion of the consistency
consistency of the fiber population obtained from
Matrix: Thin-walled cells around bascular bundles study, both methods were optimized for ease of fiber separa-
different processes. The tensile strength of bamboo fibers
Vessels and sieve tubes in vascular bundles the dominant parameter for its mechanical
mechanical properties. tion with negligible deterioration in fiber properties was measured to compared different sets of fibers. The
Another important and remarkable structural feature of In the CMT, a bed of strips was placed between two flat
bamboo is the non uniformity distributed nodes. objective of mechanical testing of fibers was to calculate the
plattens and subjected to a constant load of 10 tons. Compre-
Among the constituents, only the fiber strand and fibers ultimate strength of the fiber and not to evaluate of the
ssion time and the starting bed thickness are important
stress-strain curves.
parameters that have to be optimized to obtain good qulaity
Therefore, a simple assembly of fibers was used to eval-
fibers. After a series of trials, a compression time of 10 sec-
uate the strength of the bamboo fibers. A set of five fibers of
EXTRACTION OF BAMBOO FIBERS AND THEIR USE AS onds was chosen for the bamboo fiber separation. The start-
equal length was mounted on a grip and tested at a constant
ing thickness of the bed of alkaline treated strips in the CMT
MATERIALSS was kept at 1.25- 2 cm.
displacement rate of 0.05 mm/min.
The ultimate load carried by the set of fibers and the
In the RMT, the bambo o was forced between two rollers,
ultimate extension before failure were measured. The tensile
In India, Deshande, B. Rao and L Rao (2000) investi
gated Delignification one of which was fixed and the other rotated .The diameter of
strength was calculated from the ultimate load and the
the fiber extraction from bamboo strips and the use of hese bam- The chemical constituents of natural fibers can be clas- the rollers was 7 em, and the separation between the rollers
cross-sectional area of the fibers.
boo fibers as reinforcements for polymers. A combination of sified into cellulose and lignin. Lignin plays the role of bin- was 0.1 mm for a strip thickness of 0. 75 mm. The speed of the
The unidirectional composite specimen was made as per
chemical and mechanical methods was used for the extraction of ding the fibers of cellulose. Alkaline treatment is one of the rotating cylinder was 60 rpm. Both met hods yielded flattened
the ASTM Standard D790M-86. The length, width, and
bamboo fibers. Conventional methods of the compression mold- standard procedures in the pulp and paper industries for strips of bamboo. These alkaline and mechanically treated
thickness of specimens were 72, 12 , and 2 mm respectively.
ing technique (CM D and the roller mill technique (RMT) were lignin removal. Lignin can be dissolved in sodium hydroxide strips can be easily separated into individual fibers.
explored for the mechanical separation. The bamboo fibers were (NaOH) solution and then the cellulose fibers can be e,trac- With both methods, strips of varying lengths can be The volume
varied fraction
from 15% to 30%.fibers in point
A three the various testwith
bend test specimens
a span
characterized and tested for structure and their mechanical ted with relative ease. NaOH causes the dissolution of lignin processed. In this study, three different lengths of strips were
length of 50 mm was used to determine the flexural strength
properties were evaluated. by breaking it into smaller segments whose sodium salts are processed in order to study the relative effectiveness of the
and flexural modulus.
The bamboo fibers obtained from CMT and RMT were used soluble in the medium. techniques with varying strip size. It was found that the RMT
Failure load and slope at failure were obtained from
to make unidirectional composites.
composites. The results demonstrat e that In this investigation, fibers were obtained from commer- was inappropriate for sma]] strip sizes.( < 8.5 em) due to the
the load deflection curves and the strength and modulus
bamboo fibers can be e.xtracted consistently and used successful- cially available
available bamboo stri ps, which were from 1.5 to 1.75 cm limited diameters of the rollers. Similarly, compression mold
were ca1culated as follows: where w is the ultimate load,
ly as reinforcements in polymeric composites. Through this wide and in the range of 0.65-0.75 mm thick. At present, very size was the limiting factor in deciding the maximum strip
L is the length of the specimen, and d is the thickness of
study, quantitative results are available for further and more few guidelines are available regarding the alkaline treatment length that could be processed in CMT. The length of bamboo
the specimen.
accurate design ofbamOOo reinforced composite materials. of bamboo and its effect on obtaining bamboo fibers. fibers obtained in this study was in the range of 8-20 cm. This
All of the tests for fiber
fiber and composite characterizat ion
range was appropriate for getting bamboo fibers for applica-
were conducted on an Instron Universal Testing Machine.
tions as reinforcement for chupped-strand mat composites.

166 Part 5 - Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 167

(Model 4301; Canton MA).and the fractured surface of lower variations in tensile strength, when compared to the
composite speciemn was observed using an SEM==== fibers obtained from CMT. It should be noted that fibers
from RMT also had a smaller average diameter as well as
lower variations in diameter. As was explained before, the composite material is a between the filters papers. The treated samples were the
Flexural strength= 1.5 wL2 The fibers with larger diameters (obtained from CMT) combination of at least hvo chemically distinct materials, weighed and the % weight loss/gain was determined.
had higher strength compared to the fibers with smaller created to obtain properties which would not be achieve by The average tensil load at break of the bamboo fibres
diameters (obtained from RMT). This behavior is different any of the components acting alone. before and after coating with epoxy resin was found to be 1.41
Flexural modulus= slope x L
The chemical resistance and tensil properties of epoxy- kg and 3-4 kg respectively ( the average thickness of the coat-
from what is generally observed in fibers made up of brittle
materials, such as glass or metals. The higher s tr ength in coated at break of bamboo fibres of Dendl ocaiamlls strictus, ing beiing 100 jlm), thus showing an improvement ot 140%.
sma ller fibers in brittle materials is attributed to the lower before and after coating with a high performance epo),.) resin The percent weight loss/gain for the fibres treated with
Results an d discussion density of flaws in an otherwise homogeneous mat erial. The (Araldite LY 5052/Hardner 5052 system) have been studied different chemicals is shown in Table 12-1. It is observed that
The consistency of fibers was examined for geometrical opposite effect that was observed in the natural fibers may by Rajulu, Reddy and Chary (1996). on acetic acid treatment, both uncoated and coated fibres
variations, and the variations in diameter for fibers obtained be attributed to the difference in the structure of natural or The bamboo fibres were soaked in 1 % aqueous NaOH show gain in weight. Uncoated fiber shows 29 % weight gain
from CMT and RMT were examined. When CMT was used polymeric fibers in comparison to the brittle fibers described solution for 30 minutes to remove any greasy material and indicating the inclusion of acetic acid in the samples. Epo),.) -
for extraction, the diameters of fiber varied from 0.05 to 0-4 above. The structure of natural fibers is characterized by a lignin, washed thoroughly in distilled water and dried under coated fiber shows 80.6% weight gain. This is understand-
mm. The highest concentration of fiber diameter was high slenderness ratio, i.e., high surface to volume ratio. the sun for two weeks. The fibres were 22 em long having able as the crosslinked epoxy does not dissolve in many
ben-veen 0. 15 and 0 . 2 5 mrn. Fibers with diameters of 0.05- This permits the building of structures with high local rectangular cross-section and thickness varying from 0.1 mm chemicals but only swells as it is chemically inert.
0.15 and 0.25- 0-40 mm were present in very low concentra- curvature (allowing for a greater twist) which allows axial to 0.6 mm. The fibres with a thickness 0.2 mm were selected In all other chemicals, a decrease in weight is observed for
tions. For the fibers obtained from the RMT, the highest strengths to develop because of high interfiber friction. The and cut to a length of 15 em for studying tensil load at break uncoated fibers whereas the opposite is the trend for epoxy-
concentration of fibers was in the range of 0. 05-0 .10 mm. probability of interaction between fibrils is higher in larger and to 2 cm for studying chemical resistance. coated fibers, indicating swelling of the epoxy layer because of
The fibers with a diameter less than 0.05 were found in a low diameter fiber
fiberss than in sma ll er diameter fibers. Higher Glacial acetic acid, cone. nitric acid, cone. hydrochloric crosslinking. The weight loss indicates the corrosion of
concentration. Finer fibers were obtained from this tech- strength is expected from a fiber with a larger diameter. Thus, acid, conc. ammonium hydroxide, acqueous sodium carbon- uncoated fibers due to chemicals. In nitric acid treatment,
nique when compared to the fibers obtained from the CMT. the fibers isolated from CMT, which had higher diameters had ate (20%) and acqueous sodium hydroxide (60%) were used. uncoated fibers completely dissolved within ISO minutes.
There is no significant effect of the initial strip length on the higher average strength in comparison to the fibers isolated The solvents benzene, carbon tetrachloride and toluene were The above observations clearly indicate that the ten-
variations in diameter of the fibers obtained after mechani- from RMT, which had smaller diameters. The larger th e aver- dried using calcium chloride before use. The resin matrix sile load at break and the chemical resistance of bamboo
cal separation. Since the load application in both techniques age diameter was, the higher the average tensile strength was. system Araldite was used. fibers increase upon coating them with Araldite LY 5052 /
was only in the direction perpendicular to length, fibers of The surface characteristics of the fibers obtained from For tensil test, the dried bamboo fibers were soaked in Hardner SOS2 system.
the same length as the initial strip length were obtained. the hvo techniques were examined using SEM. The micro- the resin and hardner mixture taken in the ratio of 100 In the study, Development and Testing of Bamboo-
The average diameter of fibers obtained by CMT was graphs of fibers obtained from CMT and RMT at two differ- and 38 parts by weight respectively. The soaked fibres Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites (BFRP) , carried out by
larger than that of those obtained from RMT. This result can ent magnifications show that the extracted fiber is made up were then hange d on a wooden frame in the vertical posi- Jindal (1986), a composite of bamboo-fibers in Araldite resin
be explained by the difference between the mechanisms of of cellulose fibrils bonded by ligneous material. The size of tion and kept in a vacuum oven, maintained at 6So C, for (ClBA-CY 230) was developed with the purpose of obtaining
separation in the two techniques. In the CMT, the compres- each fibril is 5-15 The fibers from RMT have organized 18 h to complete the curing. a composite with much higher strength and ductility than
sive stresses exist alone. However, in the RMT, a combination fibrils along the length of the fibers. On the other hand, For chemical tests, the short fibers were soaked in the those of bamboo specimens.
of compressive and shear stresses comes into play. Therefore, fibers from CMT exhibit periodic positions of attachment of resin mixture. The excess resin was removed by placing the The bamboo used in this study was Dendrocalamus
for the simple configurati ons that were used in this study, resin material and void spaces. The fibers from RMT have a fibres in veritcal position. The fibers were then placed on strictus cut into smaller pieces, varying from 220 mm to
principal stresses are likely to be higher for the RMT. A more regular geometry of fibril arrangement than the fibers glazed polyester sheet and cured as described above. 270 mm, between the nodes (avoiding the portion of the
spread ratio can be defined as the ratio of the widths of strip from CMT. However, the mechanical properties of fibers The tensil load at break of the bamboo fibers with and nodes where the fibers are not uniform). Then these pieces
before and after the mechanical treatment. The spread ratios from RMT are inferior to those obtained from CMT. wthout epm.:y coating was determined using Michrotech were cut into 1 mm thick strips. For facilitating easy sepa-
of bamboo strips passed through RMT were always higher One of the factors that can lead to inferior mechanical Tensometer employing disc wire chucks. Ten samples were ration of the fibers, strips were soaked in water for about 1
than those passed through CMT. Therefore, the pressure on properties is internal damage due to microcracking in fibri1s tested in each case and the average tensile load determined. hour. These strips were then passed under slight pressure
bamboo strips passing through rollers is considerably higher or ligneous binding material in fibers from RMT despite The chemical resistance of the bamboo fibers with and through a rolling mill erating at a slow speed. The rolled
than the pressure on the bamboo strips in CMT. having an arranged topology. Another set of results, which without epoxy coating was studied using ASTM D543-87 strips were again soaked in water for about half an hour
The variation in diame ter for a single fiber along its length supports this factor is the effect of fiber diameter on the ten- method. In each case, ten preweighed samples were dipped and the fibers were separated from the strips using a razor
was higher for fibers obtained by CMT. This can be explained sile strength of fibers, regardless of the mechanical treat- in the respective chemical for 24 h, removed and immediate- blade. The wet fibers were dried in the sun for hvo weeks.
by considering the details of the pressure application in the ment used for fiber separation. Since the finer fibers are ly washed with distilled water and dried by pressing them The fiber section was rectangular with breadth and thick-
two techniques. In RMT, the length of he strip passes through obtained due to the higher longitude of local stresses, these ness varying from 0 .1 to 0.6 mm.
uniform pressure conditions. On the other hand, the whole fibers might have a higher dens ity of internal defects. Hence The results of this study show that the ultimate tensile
length of the strips was pressurized at once in CMT. The spa- the fibers obtained from RMT are finer in diameter and Tabl e 1 2 1 Resi st ance of bamboo fi bers t o strength of bamboo is 270 N/ mm2 and that of the Ardaldite
tial variation in local pressure in CMT would lead to variation more regular in terms of the arrangement of fibrils, but chemi cal reagent s is 22.7 N/
N/ mm2. It can be further observed that the ultimate
in stresses and hence give a higher standard deviation. exhibit inferi or mechanical properties. tensile strength of BFRP composite 0.8 volume fraction
Chemicat change in weight after dipping
The mechanical stre ngth of the fibers was evaluated The fl exural strengths of composites (75 -1 75 MPa) are of fibers is 42S N/ mm2 , which is more or less equal to the
using the experimental procedure described in the previous for 24 h
significantly higher than those of polyester (20 Pal in all ultimate tensile strength of mild steel, the material most
section. The tensile strength of specimens from different cases. The flexural strength of polyester can be improved by Uncoated fibre Coated fibre commonly used in structural applications. But the density of
parts of a bamboo cross section was shown to vary between a factor of 3 to 8 by using bamboo reinforcement. The flex- +29.0 +80.6 molded steel is about eight times the density of BFRP com-
Acetic acid
100 and 800 MPa by Nogata et al. The calculated theoretical ural moduli of composites with CMT fibers increase monot- -14.6 +26.8 posite, showing, thereby, that the specific ultimate tensile
Hydrochoric acid
strength of cellulosic fibrils is 810 MPa based on the rule of onically with increases in the volume fraction of fibers. Dissolved +54.4 strength of BFRP composite is about eight times the specific
Nitric acid
mixtures. The maximum and average strength for bamboo However, flexural moduli of composites with RMT fibers Sodium hidroxide -14.5 +21.1 ultimate tensile strength of mild steel.
fibers from CMT was found to be 1000 and 645 M Pa respec- were almost the same as that of acetic acid in the samples. Sodium carbonate -36.6 +16.0
tively. However,
However, the tensile stren gth of fibers obtained from Epoxy -coated fibers show an 80.6% we ight gain. This is Ammonium hydroxide -10.7 +21.6
RMT was considerably lower, with maximum and average understandable as the crosslinked epoxy does not dissolve in -35.8 +18.1
tensile strengths of 480 and 370 MPa, respectively. The many chemicals but only swe ll s as it is chemica ll y inert. Carbon tetrachloride -36.5 +17.6
fibers from RMT have a lower tensile strength as we B as -19.1 +29.4

168 Part 5 Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo c ompos it e materials Part 5 Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 169

This study ,carried out by Shin, Xian, Zheng, and Yipp Fl exural p ropert i es. Specimens were tested by three
(1989), is an experimental study of unidirectional bamboo- point bending. The load-displacement curve showed an early Studies on short bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy com- ratio of 100 to 38 parts by weight respectively. Then the
epoxy laminates of varying numbers of laminae, in which linear segment followed by a non-linear segment beyond 50
tensil e, compressive,
ile, compressive, flexural
flexural and interlaminar shear proper- posites, with varying fiber lengths, have been carried out in molding box is loaded rith the matrix mixture and bamboo
of fracture load until ultimate strength was applied.
ties were evaluated. The results indicate that the mechanical India by Yarada Rajulu et al (1998). The chemical resistance fibers in random orientation (with varying lengths) and is
Interlaminar shear properties. The mean interlaminar
properties of bamboo-epoxy were comparable to ordinary tests indicate that the composite materials are resistant to placed in vacuum oven which is maintain ed at 65° C for 18
shear strength was 14.6 MPa, and the mean interlaminar
fiber-glass reinforced plastics. A specific strength 3 to 4 acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sodium hydroxide hours to complete the curing. For each length, the weight of
shear modulus was 823 MPa. This low value is an inherent
times that of mild steel was recorded. Its mechanical proper- (60 ), sodium carbonate, ammonia, benzene, carbon tetra- the fibers is maintained at 2% of the total weight of the com-
shortcoming of composite materials, and suggests that
ties were generally comparable to those of ordinary glass cloride and toluene. posite. After curing, the plate is removed from the molding
future research should focus
focus on improving this drawback.
fibre composites. The acoustic emission technique was used The materials used in this study were: High performance box with siple tampering and it is cut into 100 mm x 15 mm
Acoustic emission testing. Using weighted ringdown as a
to predict the occurrence of fracture and critical fracture. epoxy resin, Araldite LY 5052 IS Hindustan Ciba-Geigy) x 3 mm samples, having a gauge length of 20 mm and a
para mater in the acoustic emission tests the fracture behav-
These studies indicate that bamboo-epoxy composites can and the curing agent hardener HY 5052 system as the matrix width of 10 mm, for tensile testing, as described elsewhere.
ior of the test laminates was monitored by recording the
replace ordinary fiber-reinforced composites for construc- in the composite with bamboo fibers from Dend, ocalamus For compari son's sake, the specimens for matrix material
acoustic emission CAE) signals and cumulative (AE). With
tion and other purposes, with the additional advantage of sO ictus from India. The fibers are soaked in 1% NAOH solu- are also prepared in a similar form. For chemical tests, the
stress levels at 7% of ultimate stress, small fractures in the
being comparatively lightweight and economical to produce tion for 30 minutes to remove any greasy material and lignin, samples (with 30 mm length fibers) are cut into IOmm x 5
epoxy matrix cause the emission of low amplitude AE sig-
The bamboo materials tested belonged to the species and then they are washed thoroughly in distilled water and mm x 3 mm size pieces.
nals. Stress levels at 24 of ultimate stress produced larger
Bambusa peruariabilis. Bamboo strips split longitudinally dried in the sun for two weeks. Fibers with a thickness of
AE signals i ndicating longitudinal cracking in the test spec-
from internodal sections of the culm were pressed by rolling
between a pair of steel cylinders and embedded in an epoxy
imen. Thereafter, large AE signals occurred at regular inter- 0.2mmForwere selected
making and cut intoa different
the composite, molding lengths.
box with a 100 Results .
vals between the smaller signals. At 79% of ultimate stress,
matrix. Laminates of the composite materials were pro- mm x 100 mm x 3 mm mold cavity is prepared with sea- It is clearly evident that for the matrix, the weight has
explosive signals were emitted, corresponding to tensile
duced, with each lamina being approximately 1 mm thick. soned teak wood. The bottom of the cavity and the walls are increased after immersion. This is understandable as the matrx
damage in some laminae. At 95 of ultimate stress, maxi-
Test samples were three layers AJ), five layers (As), and lined with good quality decolam sheets. is crosslinked and as a result swelling takes place
place instead of dis-
mum emissions were recorded, due to fracturing of bamboo
seven layers (A7) thick, all consisting of unidirectional fibers. solution. A similar observation was made by Varada Rajulu et
fibers. AE signals continued to increase in amplit ude and
The tensile, compressive, flexural and interlaminar properties al (1996) in the case of epoxy coated bamboo fibers.
frequency until total collapse occurred. Pr epar at i on o f t he compos ite an d It s observed that the tensile load at break increases with
were investigated by means of an Instron 1195 universal test- Co nc l us i on s
ing machine. A crosshead speed of 1 mm min-l was applied. the t es t sp e c i me n s. an increase in the fiber length up to 30 mm, after which it
1).-The natural microstructure of bamboo is complex yet
Te n s ile p r o p e r t ies . The mold cavity is coated with a thin layer of an aqueous decreases. This indicates that the optimum fiber length to get
logical. The main function of he vascular bundles an d fibers
solution of polyvinyl alcohol (PYA) which acts as a good maximum tensile load for the system under study is 30 mm.
Partial damage occurred in some specimens when the is to strengten and transmit stress while the parenchyma
releasing agent. A thin coating of hard wax is laid over it and The tensile load of the composite is found to be less than that
tensile load reached 85 of ultimate stress. This resulted in form the matrix. When bamboo is pressed and embedded in
slight changes in the actual load and was the point at which finally it is coated with another thin layer of PYA. Each coat of the matrix. It is understandable as the tensile strength of
y, the latter infiltrates the parenchyma and intercellular
maximum acoustic emissions occurred. The tensile strength is allowed to dry for 20 minutes at room temperature. A 3 the fiber is very much less than that of the matrix and it
spaces and further affects transmission. Thus, the tensile,
mm thick plate is made with Araldite and hardener using a appears that the composite is following the law of mixtures.
and tensile modul
mod ul us of unidirectional epoxy composites were compressive and bending strength of the composite are
considerable. The average was 203 MPa, modulus Et was 61 enhanced. Furthermore, the composite is less suceptible to
GPa, and Poisson ratio was 0.38. An increase in the number desiccation induced cracking, deformation under high ft:la-
of lamina was accompanied by a decrease in tensile strength. tive humidity and reduction of mechanical strength caused
This was due to the increasing thickness of test laminates by insect pest bioerosion.
with a corresponding increase in interlaminar voids. Poisson 2).-The variable tensile and compressive moduli of uni- t has been shown that bamboo-reinforced composites commercial polypropylene (PP) and maleated polypropylene
ratio and Young's modulus both increased as number of lam- have desirable mechanical properties. However, the polymer (MAPP). The PP powder, Profax 6201, has a density of 0.920
directional bamboo-epoxy composites ,the low interlaminar
ina increased, with E maximum occurring in As laminates. shear strength, the correlation between
between mechanical strength matrixes currently encountered in this field are epoxy and g/cm3 and a melt flow index of 20. The maleic anhydride-
Co m p r e s s ive propert i e s. . and numer of lamina, and the theorical models of their polyester in their solid form, which are both expensive and modified polypropylene powder, MAPP, was prepared in the
Maximum compressIve strength was observed AJ behavior and fracture modes all conform well with those of brittle. In order to obtain an economical substitute, Chen, laboratory.
laminates, being 129 MPa. Its compressive modulus Ec was other laminated composites.
composites. Guo, and Mi (1998) from The Hong Kong University carried Maleic anhydride (MAH) was purchased and used as
25.9 GPa which is less than its tensile modulus. The Poisson out a research project to develop a new type of composite received without purification. Benzoil
Benzo il peroxide (BPO), used
ratio v was 0.375. material, thermoplastic bamboo fiber reinforced polypropi- as an initiator, was purchased and purified by reprecipita-
lene (PP) composites. PP was chosen as matrix resin due to tion with metanol from chloroform solution. AR grade
its low price and favorable mechanical properties. toluene and acetone were purchased and used as received
The goal of this research program was to make the com- without further purification. The stabilizer added to the
T abl e 12 2 Mec ha n ica l pr op e rt ies of bamboo-epoxy t est la mi n a te d s p e c ime n s posites in the form of boards, rods and thin sheets. Bamboo polymer prior to processing was Irganox 1010, a tertiary
fiber-reinforced PP composites are expected to have the fol- butyl hydroxyhydrocinnamate.
Tensile stress Compressive stress Bending stress
wx Et v ac v Interlamina shear lowing properties: lightweight, good weathering ability, good The bamboo species used in these experiments was
at Ec ab Eb tJ G3 design and manufacture flexibility, and medium strength, ambusa paravariabilis. Bamboo chips were produced by
(mm2) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (MPa) which can be used in the furniture and construction industries. means of a wood planer and were then ground into smaller
Three layers A3 12.6 x 3 243 0.30 129 24.9 0.375 255 24.9 10.5 610 In order to enhance the adhesion between the bamboo pieces with a Toshiba MX-301 high-speed laboratory
Five layers As 12.6 x 5 0.37 25.4 . 12.4 768 fiber and the polypropylene matrix, two maleated poly-propy- blender, followed by an IKA- Analytical mi ll . The finer bam-
189 76 59 208 19.3
12.6 x 7 0.48 33.4 . 16.8 877 lenes Cs-MAPP and m-MAPP) were used as matrixes. In par- boo chips were first dred in a vacuum oven at a temperature
Seven layers A 178 63 90 245 16.4
Mean 63 (mm2) 203 0.38 93 27.9 0.375 235 20.2 13.2 752 ticular, crystallization and intetiacial morphology
morphol ogy were stud- of 80 0 C under a pressure of 180 mmHg for 48 hours. They
ied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), wide angle were then separated with a set of Edecotts test sieves with
Length of testing materials: For tension and flexure 200 mm X-ray diffraction W N W ) , and optical m icroscopy.
icroscopy. aperture sizes ranging from 500 microns to 2 mm. Five sizes
For direct compression: 25 mm width -w
For thin plate compresion 100 mm The materials used as the matrix of the composite were of bamboo fiber were employed in the BFRP composites (1)
For interlaminar shear :4 0 mm thickness t

170 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 7

less than 500 JlIIl (2) 500-850 (3) 850 o 1 mm, (4) bell shapes, following the suggested dimensions of ASTM
Therefore, in this study we used MAPP as the compati- on the mechanical properties, while the bamboo concentra-
1-2 mm , and (5) a mL'\wre of bamboo chips less than 2 mm. D639-90 specimen Type I. Five specimens for each sample bilizer to improve the adhesion because the maleic anhy- tion was kept at approximately 50 wt .
were tested. The width and thickness of the narrow section It was found that tensile modulus and tensile strength of
Grafting Procedures dride strongly associates ,vith the hydroxyl groups on the
MAPP employed in this work was prepared by solution for each specimen were measured with an electronic digital bamboo surface. PP and MAPP composites decrease as bamboo sizes inc rease.
caliper. The standard test ing conditions were: tensile speed: This is probably due to the fact that, at the same composition,
To study the effect of MAPP content on the mechanical
surface grafting. The reaction was carried Qut in a three- 3·00 mm/ min; load limit HI:50KN;
HI:50KN; extensometer: 25.00 properties, the bamboo fraction was kept at 50 wt , and the a smaller fib er has a relatively larger surface area, which
neck-round-bottom flask equipped with a condenser, a ther- mm 50 extension.
was changed. Because the male ic anhy-
ratio of PP to MAPP was results in better contact between the fiber and the matrix.
mometer, and a dry nitrogen gas inlet. A Cimarec ThermoHne The stress-strain curve of the specimen was recorded by
dride (MAH) content of MAPP is 0.5 wt , we have therefore
hot plate was employed for heating and stirring. the attached computer, while the tensile strength, the elon-
converted the MAP content into MAH content in the com-
The reaction temperature was maintained at 80° C with gation at break, and the tensile modulus were calculated Comparison to commercial wood
posites. It has been found that the tensile modulus increases
an accuracy of ( +-)0.5° C by using a contact thermometer in from the stress-strain curve. pulp composite
slightly with increasing MAH content; however, one should
a water bath. Eighty grams of polypropylene powder was dis-
find a remarkable increase in the tensile strength with the As one of the objectives of this study was to develope a
persed in toluene 600 m l ) in the reactor. Nitrogen gas was C ha rpy I m p a c t Test
MAH content up to 0. 12 wt , which is equivalent to 24 wt wood substitute potentially feasible for furnIture industrie,
purged through out the reaction to remove d dissolved
issolved oxyge
n. A Charpy Impact test was performed with a CEAST
CEAST pen- of MAPP in the composites It is found that the tensile the mechanical properties of the present BFRP composites
Eight grams of maleic anhydride, predisolved in hot toluene dulum impact tester, England. The testing method consisted modulus increases slightly wit increasing MAH content. were compearimg with those of the commercial wood pulp
at 500 C was added to the reactor. of ISO method 179-1982(E). Notched specimens of the com- A continuous improvement in the strength was observed composite that is now widely used in making office furni-
After nyo min of homogenization in the reaction media, posites were in accordance with the dimensions of ISO 179- as the MAH content went up to 0.25 wt . It is believed that ture. It shows that the tensile strength and the stiffness of
0.8 g benzoyl peroxide, predissolved in hot toluene at 50 0 C, 1982 type 2A. The notch was cut in the middle of the speci- the MAPP acts as a compatibilizer in the system, improving bamboo fiber-reinforced PP composites are a11 higher than
was added to the reactor. The reaction was continued for 8 men with a CEAST notching m achine. A 0.5 J pendulum was the interfacial adhesion in BFRP composites and providing those of the commerical wood pulp composite and the ten-
end ofwith vigorous the
the reaction, stirring using
solvent a magnetic
was separated stirrer.
with a At the
filter, used to break the specimens, and the impact energy was better bonding (e.g., hydrogen bonding) between MAPP and sile strength of the PP / MAPP composites is more than three
recorded. After testing, the crack width of each broken spec- bamboo fiber. As result, the mechanical properties of the times that of the commercial wood pulp. This indicates that
and the product was washed five times with acetone to elim- imen was measured with an electronic digital caliper. The composites are enhanced. the new composites have a great potential in application as a
inate any unreacted maleic anhydride. Charpy impact strength was obtained by dividing the impact new wood substitute.
The grafted polypropylene product was dried in a vacu- energy by the cross-sectional area. The unit of the impact
um oven at a temperature of 60° C and under a pressure of strength is KJ/ m2. To obtain a reasonable value, 15 speci- Interfacial adhesion o f BFRP C o n c l u s i o n -The MAPP can induce a better distri-
+180 mmHg for 3 hours. mens for each sample were tested, and the average impact
The amount of maleic anhydride grafted onto polypro
pylene composites bution of bamboo fiber of 50 to 60 wt in the PP MAPP
strength for each sample was calculated.
was calculated according to the method repo lt ed by Gaylord. SEM photomicrographs of the fracture surfaces of the matrix without any difficulty. The maximum values of the
S c a n n i n g E l e c t r o n M ic r o s c o p y . A ho-el 6300
composites clearly show that there is no wetting on the sur- tensile strength (32-36 MPa) and th e tensile modulus (5--6
scanning electron microscope with a resolution of 70 nun was
P r e p a r a t i o n o f BFRP C o m p o s i t e s face of the bamboo fiber by non modified PP . This is due to GPa) were obtained at about 50 wt content. Compared to
used to study the interfacial morphology of BFRP composites composites..
All raw materials were dried in an oven at 80° C and the fact that the surface energies between the fibers and the the commercial wood pulp composite, the bamboo fiber-
The interfacial adhesion between fiber-matrix was investigated
180 mmHg vacuum for 2 hours to expel moisture before PP matrix are significantly different, since the bamboo S Uf - reinforced MAPP composite demonstrates higher tensile
by examining the tensile fracture surface of different types of
they were used for compression. A 0.5 wt stabilizer was face is hydrophilic and the PP surface is hydrophobic. On the strength and lower density (0.920) at a lower cost. .
BFRP composites. All samples were dried at a temperature of
added to the polymer prior to mixing. The apparatus used contrary, by adding MAPP to polymer matrix, the fiber sur- Moreover, bamboo is renewable, which has a special
80° C in a vacuum oven for 12 hours, and then they were sput-
to disperse the fibers within the polymer matrix was a face is completely wetted by the PP MAPP matrix. environmental impact, and may lead the new composite to a
ter coated with a layer of approximately 100 * gold. The micro-
on one hand not potential application as a new wood substitute.
Haake Mixer 3000 equipped with a roller mixer-measure graphs were captured with Polaroid type films. One contact
in close can findwith the , that
the PP matrix, andbamboo fiber is
on the other hand,
head with precisely controlled temperature and rotation
speed. The mixing conditions , such as the ratio of the raw the PP MAPP matri.x and bamboo fiber are intimately bond- 40
materials , temperature, speed and compression time were Results and discussion ed together. It is well known that without effective wetting
scrutinized. The torque, temperature, energy, and other on the fiber strong interfacial adhesion cannot achieved and
Ef f e c t o f b a m b o o f r a c t i o n . -The tensile modulus 35
mixing parameters which are related to the viscoelastic the lack of interfacial interactions results in poor mechanical
of the bamboo/MAPP/PP composites increases with with bam-
properties of the materials and the efficiency of the mixing boo content up to 65 wt ; whereas the modulus of the bam- properties for the composites. Therefore, the SEM studies 30

process were monitored. After mixing, the materials were support the tensile and impact testing results discussed in
boo/ PP composites does not vary significantly with changing
removed to a compression mold. bamboo fraction. A tensile modulus of 3.4 GPa is noted at the previous section. Moreover, with the enhanced interac- 25

about 50 wt bamboo fiber in the PP composite; however, at

tions between the reinforcemen and the matrix, fiber distri- ' ..
bution becomes more uniform in the matrix. 20
the same comr.0sition, the values with MAPP are higher.
Molding procedures The tensi e strength of MAPP PP composites yields a The interaction between the bamboo fiber and PP MAPP '

A 200 x 200 mm stainless steel mold was machined. The maximum value of 36 MPa at about 50 wt bamboo fiber. matrix can be attributed to the formation of hydrogen bonds ii5 15

mold was assembled, cleaned of bamboo chips, PP, and On the other hand , for PP composites, the tensile strength in the interfacial region, for instance, between the hydroxyl
MAPP was homogeneously di stribut ed into the mold, then decreases slightly.The above results can be explained by the (-OH) groups of cellulose or its counterpart, lignin, on bam- 10

were compression molded with a hot press (PHI). modified Law of Mixtures equation, which is commonly boo fiber with the anhydride groups in the MAPP matrix.
After awere
conditions series of experiments, the optimized molding
as follows: temperature, 210° C; compres- applied when studuing tens il e properties of composites with Furthermore,
bamboo it was
surface, found
so that thethat MAPP
bamboo canacts
fiber crystalllize
as both aon the
discontinuous, s hort fibers.
sion pressure during heating and cooling, 5MPa; preheating Effect of MAPP Content.-One of the main factors forcing agent and a nucleator for MAPP. The authors believe
time, s minutes; and heating time,time, 20 minutes. After com- that affects the mechanical properties of bamboo fiber-rein- that the surface crystallization also contributes to better . :... .5
.:=- 20
2, 0
pression molding, the molded boards were kept under ambi- interface adhesion for the bamboo/ PP/MAPP composite. Strain ( )
forced composites is the adhesion between the fiber and the
ent condition for further tests. matrix. It is known that the use of a compatibilizer can
ensile t e s t .-Tensile tests were performed with a improve the adhesion, and hence improve the mechanical Effect o n b a m b o o f i b e r s izes Fig.12.1 Comparison of he mechanical strength
Universal Testing Machine ((lITM), Sintech 10 / 0 tensile properties of he composites. Because the bamboo sulface is
In this work four types of bamboo chips were selected: between the BFRP composites with a commercial
tester, USA following ASTM (American Society for Testing hydrophilic characterized by polar hydroxyl groups and also
bamboo fiber sizes (1) less than (2) 500-850 3) pmduct 50 wt BF . B FF// P
P ;;O
Materials standard D639-90. Tensile specimens of bamboo, because PP is hydrophobic polyolefins, the adhesion
850-1000 and 4) 1000-2000 Both PP and MAPP
PP,MAPP, and the composites were machined into dumb- between the two materials is expected to be rather poor. composites were emp loyed to study the effect of bamboo size
..... commercial wood pulp.

172 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 173

was pulled out and then they fractured, this process co1re-
REFORMED BAMBOO/ALUMINIUM ALLOY COMPOSITE sponding to the first drop of the curve; but the specimen did
not fractured completely. the other bamboo fibers which
180 I I have not fractured began to bear the load and the curve rose
In order to overcome the disadvantages and improve Conclusions again. This process was repeated several times until the
the performance of reformed bamboo (See Reformed Bam- Reformed bamboo is a propective potential substitute specimen finally fractured completely.
boo), and to replace some industrial aluminium alloy, in this for industrial alluminium alloy in some applications, spe - The curve B in Fig. 12.3 showing the impact process of
work, reformed bamboo was applied to reinforce aluminium cial1y for civil use, owing to its high performance and low the specimen with its inner surface subjected to tension, is
sheet, Le. a new super-hybrid composite was designed price. On the one hand , alluminium al10 y sheets outside very different from curve A. The low strength of the part near
according to different requirements. the composite can protect the reformed bamboo from QOO I I the pith-ring makes the specimen fracture at a low stress
absorbing water in air and from rottin ; on the other hand, 0 4 8 12 16 level, although pull-out of bamboo is still obvious. The
M a n u fa c t u ri n g t echni que the reformed bamboo can reinforce the alluminium alloy.
(a) Displacementt (mm)
Displacemen advantage of the rind system cannot be fully brought into
Epoxy resin (£44) was used as adhesive. Aluminium (Li .et 01.1994 play. so the absorbed energy is much less than type A. The
alloy sheet, 0.5 mm thick, is corrosio
n- resistant aluminium curve C in Fig. 12.3 is another type; it is more flu ent than
with a tensile strength of 1 4 0 MN m-2. In order to improve I mpact pr oper t i es 1.20 curves A and B. indicating that little pull-out of fiber
the adhesive ability, the surface of the aluminium sheet Li. Zhou. Tang and Zeng (1996) studied the impact occurred. Thus the green bamboo is the major area where
should be pretreated by a chemical or mechanical method: properties of normal bamboo, reformed bamboo and 0.90 fibre pull-out ocurred during the impact process.
in this experiment, a mechanical method was used. The sur- reformed bambo /Aluminium composite, and a way of The experimental data reveal that the tensile strength of
face of the aluminium sheets were roughened by sa nd blast- improving
improvin g the impact thoughness of RB while maintaining u 0.60 reformed bamboo can be increased by as much as 31..7

ing. The reformed bamboo was adhered together as a plate the merits of its static properties. compared with normal bamboo. For a specific material,
with epoxy resin, and was then covered with aluminium
alloy sheets on both sides. In the present work. the layers of
Three-point impact test is a traditional method for
evaluating the impact properties of metal materials and
0.30 . strength a nd though ness are always contradictory. In othe r
words it is very difficult to improve both at the same time.
reformed bamboo were placed along one direction; in prac- some other kind of materials. In this work an automatic 0.00 l' For natural composite material bamboo, this contradiction
tice the fibre direction of each layer of reformed bamboo can Charpy Impa ct Testing System. designed by Beijing 0 5 10 15 20 stin exists. The scattered points of the impact toughnerss of
be designed and adjusted to a certain value, according to dif- University o f Aeronautics and Astronautics was employed. (b) reformed bamboo whose compressive ratio ranged from 0 to
Displacementt (mm)
ferent requirements. This system can record and analyse the impact process. 0.5 gives proof of this.
Its impact energy can be adjusted according to the experi- A meaningful rule can be found: the higher the compres-
mental materials tested; for this biomaterials, 3 kg. m sive ratio the more brittle the reformed bamboo will be,
Pr oper t i es of r e f o r m e d b amb o o / (29-4.1) was selected. with a span of 40 mm. 0.80 although the scatter points show a rather strong tendency to
al umi ni um composite. Phyllostachys pubeseens. the most abundant bamboo disperse. The mean value of he impact toughness of refonned
Some major mechanical properties of reformed bam- in China was chosen as the experimental material in this Z bamboo is 59-4 kJ(m2; this is the average value of 30 speci-
boo were tested on a Shimadzu- DCS testing machine at experiment. The alluminium al10y sheet used was 0.5 mm 6 mens across the compressive ratio span. Compared with that
u 0.40
room temperature. For comparison, the data of BFRP and
BMC are also li sted. The tensile strength of reformed bam-
thick, corrosion-resistant aluminium with a tensile strength
of 140 MPa.
MPa. The surface of the aluminium sheet was pre- --'
,J of normal bamboo, 125.6 125.6 kJ/ m2 impact toughness is
decreased by 52.;> . Generaly speaking. normal bamboo is a
0.20 J
boo/aluminium is more that twice that of aluminium, BFRP treated and epoxy (£44) was used as adhesive. tough material while reformed bamboo is much more brittle.
or BMC. Here, the crux of this phenomenon lies in the com- Since there is no testing standards for natural biomate- 0.00 J
pressive ratio of reformed bamboo. In our experiment, this rials composites, th e impact tho ugh ness tests were used
0 5 10 15 20
ratio can range from 0 -50 co rresponding to the com- only for comparison. The specimens were prepared with out
pressive ratio, various mechanical properties of reformed a notch on the surface, the size being 12 x h x 55 mm, where (C) Displacement (mm)
bamboo are widely dispersed. The data for refonned bam- h is the thickness of the specimen. Al1 specimens were test-
boo in Table 6-10 (page 97) are averaged values of all com- ed along the fiber direction.
Fig.12.3 The impact load-displacement curves o nor-
pressive ratio, but in the process of making reformed bam- Owing to the gradient structure of bamboo culm, the 150
mal bamboo: (a) outer surface in tension; (b) inner sur-
boo/ aluminium specim ens, only those with higher compres- impact toughness of he specimen is different dependent on
face in tension; (c) outer part o specimen removed and 125.6
sive ratio were chosen, thus relatively higher mechanica I whether the green bamboo side or the pithring side is N
then this side in tension. E 120
properties were undoubtedly obtained.
Bamboo is a renewable natural source and abundantly I 200
available. It is cheaper than wood and aluminium alloy. So subjected to tensile load. Normal bamboo was tested in the ' 90
N following three modes:
reformed bamboo is cheap enough to be a prospective '
150 (a) the outer surface (rind system) in tension; ':
potential substitute for some industrial aluminium alloy. 125.6 '
?£ _.- 60
The thin aluminium sheet will protect the epoxy resin from (b) the inner surface (pith-ring) in tension;
(c) the outmost part of the specimen, green bamboo,
ultraviolet rays and the reformed bamboo from corrosion, '' 100 * 91.2
while the reformed bamboo can strengthen the aluminum .c:: was removed and then this side was in tension. 13. 30
and reduce the total weight of the materia. Besides its , The experimental results are shown in Fig 12.2 and the 'E
mechanical properties, the ovenvhelming advantage of the .9
:> ' •
typical load-displacement curves of these modes of testing
50 , 35.4 are ilustrated in Fig .1 2.3. As shown in Fig.12.2, normal bam- 0
new material is its low cost compared with industrial alu- 3 . -- .. (a) (b) (c) (d) e) (t)

minium alloy; in this experiment, the cost is only two-thirds boo has much higher impact when the greeen bamboo side is

that of aluminium. .£ '- subjected to tensile stress; this result is in good agreement
0 with the gradient distribution of tensile and comprenssive
While the performance, density and price are consid- (a) (c)
ered simultaneously, the ratio of materials performance to strength of bamboo. Fig.12.4 Impact toughness o the specimens tested:
its price and density is a comprehensive criterion. They From the impact curve A in Fig.12.3 he violent vibration a) normal bamboo; b) reformed bamboo; c) reformed
Fig.12.2 The impact toughness o normal bamboo:
found that the ratio tensile strength to density and price was curve after the maximun load indicates that in the impact bamboo AI; d (reformed bamboo + glass fabric) AI; e)
a) green bamboo in tension; (b) pith-ring in tension;
increased by 717.2 . process the bamboo fibers are pulled out bundle by bundle. bamboo fibre composite; f) bamboo mat composite
, (c ) without green bamboo. When fracture started the first group of bamboo fibers

174 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 175


I 120 1.50
A super-hybrid (natural co mpos ite/fibre-r e inf orced The aluminium sheet used in this work was LY12 with a
composite/ metal hybridization) ecomateriaI. reformed bam-
boo/glass fabric/aluminum (RB /GF/ AI) was developed by .
thickness of 0.3 mm. In tensile stre ngth is 453 MPa. the
s par se glass fabric cloth used was purchas ed in China. There

100 87 .5 85.9
99.7 1.30
Li-SH; De-Wijn-JR; De-Groot-K; Zeng- QY; Zhou-BL (1998) are 300 fibres in one yarn and the diameter of the single S E
1.02 1.10
The addition of a sparse glass fabric/e poxy resin layer fibre is 23 The epo xy resin used was type 618 (E51),
I 60
between reformed bamboo and aluminum proved to be made in Shenyan, China. Q 0.90
effective in increasing the compressive. tens il e st rength of >
The surface of reformed bamboo was roughened by in 40 'Qc:
the composite material. In particular, the interfacial shear sandpaper then the s par se glass fabric cloth was adhered to '
0.70 0
s tr ength between the reformed bamboo and aluminum was it at room temperatur e for 24 hour s with epoxy resin at a C. 20
improved by 34 , as well as the transverse tensile strength pressure of 2 MPa.The epox')' resin was used as an adhesive, 0
by 78 with respec to RB. These were the major s hortcom-
0 0 0.50
so on ly a small amount of resin penetrated into the RB ; how- GF NS RS
ings of normal bamboo and reformed bamboo/aluminum ever, the resin is the matrix of the composite layer of
composites. The good recyclability of reformed bamboo and Material type Material type
GF/resin. Reformed bamboo/glass /aluminium was manu-
aluminum make RB / GF / AI an environmentally friendly factured following a similar method to that described previ-
material. Extensive use of such an ecomaterial instead of ously. The difference is that glas fabric was added between Fi g. 12.5 Comparison of the ultimate tensile strength Fig . 12.6 Comparison of the compresive strength of the
wood would save natural forest resources. aluminium sheets and reformed bamboo.The relative vol- of the various materials used. various materials used: NB, normal bamboo;R B
ume fraction
material of GF
are 8.1 d aluminium
andan10.8 in the final composite
respectively. In figure 12.5 RB / GF AI exhibits the highest tensile reformed bamboo; GF. glass fabric; RBIG F reformed
bamboo glass fabric commposites; RBI GFIA/, reformed
M anuf actur e of r e f o r m e d b a m b o o / strength of all the materials tested. The tensil strength of bamboo glass fabric I aluminium.
glass f abr ic/ aluminium (RB/GF/AI) Mechanical pr oper tie s o f RB/GF AI RB / GF/
GF / AI can be designed by adjusting the vo lume fraction of
The bamboo used in this work was hyllostachys reformed bamboo or aluminium. In the present test reformed environment, the hygroscopic properties have to be taken
For each property at least 10 specimens were tested and
pubescells Reformed bamboo was pr epared using the bamboo comprises about 8o (vol{vol) of the composites. into consideration because
because the uptake of moisture by bam-
the results were summarized in Table 12-3. In the correlation The beneficial effect of addmg a glasss fabnc layer
tec hnique reported before. The manufacturing procedure boo will consequently result in a rot dur ing service. The
between the ultimate tensile strength and the density of nor- between reformed bamboo and aluminum is proved by the
consist of three steps: softening, compression and fixture. addition of a glass fabric, shows the slowest rate of water
mal or reformed bamboo, a good linear co rrelation exists for interfacial adhe sion and by the tran sverse tens il e proper-
First, natural bamboo was separated longitudinall y into uptake and thus RB /GF/ AI may be expected to have an
norma l bamboo, but for reformed bamboo there ais not such
ti es. Because bamboo is a unidirectional fibre-reinforced improved water resistance, thereby improving the durab il ity
two to four parts and the diaphragms in the nodes were linear correlation. Usua lly the linear correlation between
co mposite, the mechanical properties other than in the fibre and weatherability of bamboo.
cut off roughly. the bamboo strips were then heated in a tensile strengh and density makes it po ss ible to predict t he direction, are lower than those in the fibre direction, espe- The addition of a sparse glass fabric/ between RB and alu-
container at 1200 C to adjust the moisture content to a cer- tensile strength of bamboo by measuring its density. cially those across th e fibre direction. For example
example the t ens il minium can increase the interfacial
interfacial shear strength by 34 , as
tain value. the strips were then compressed v1th compres- Fig. 12.5 shows the comparison of the average ultimate s tr ength along th e the fibre direction is usuall
y about 50 well as the transverse strength by 78 with respeet to RB.
sor until a require compressive ratio was obtained. tensile strength of various materials used in this experiment. times higher than that across the fiber direction, th e situa- The compressive mechani cal properties are increase to
Finnally und er a certain pressur e, strips were pressurized Different from the case reported previously, where Iow- tion for reformed bamboo being similar. Both glass fabric different extents compare ,vith those of NB, RB , RB / GF ; for
for 3 hour s with the purpose of fixture. Furing the process, strength aluminium was reinforced by reformed bamboo, and glas fabric/ alumin um layer can increase the transverse instance, ultimate tensile strength, compressive strength,
the moisture content of the bamboo is very imp orta nt. The high strength aluminium was selected to improve the tran s- tensile s tr ength; RB / GF AI shows the highest value. fl exural strength, longitudinal and transverse tensil strength.
detailed conditions were reported previousl y. verse strength of the composite.
The most important improve
impro ve ment of RB / GF / AI for the prac-
tical application is in the aspect of its hygroscopic property :
Hy groscopic pr oper ties
th e new composite shows a slower rate of water uptake com-
Ta bl e 12-3 Compa ri son o f h e m e c h a n ic al p r o p e rt i e s of n o r m a l b a m b o o (NB) , re form ed ba m- f the new material RB /GF AI is to be used in a damp pared with RB and RB / AI.
boo (RB) , glas s fa bri c (GF) , r e f o r m e d b a m b o o/ gla ss fa bri c (RB / GF , a l umi ni um (Al) a n d
r ef o r m e d b a m b o o / gl a ss fa bri c/ a l umi ni um (RB / GF / Al) . S.D. given in pa rentheses
No r ma l B Refor m edB Gl ass Fab ric R efo r mB / GF Al u mi num RB/ GF / Al T abl e 12-4 C o m p a ris o n o f t h e m e ch a nical properti es of natural b a m b o o wi t h o t h e r ma t e ri a l s.

Ultimate tensi le 144.1 187.2 93.0 172 453.8 200.3 Material Density Tensile Specific ten - Tensile Specific ten- Compres s io Speci fi c com
strength (M Pa) (31.0) (61 .5) (3 .0) (47.4) (48.7) 43.2 (g cm·3 ) strength sile strength modulus sile modulus strength pres.strength
Compressive 61 .2 87.5 85.9 99.7 (Mpa) ( N mg- 1) (GPa) (kN mg -1) (M Pa) ( N mg- 1)
strength (M Pa) (14.2) (11.1) (15.2) (20.8)
Wood 0.46 104 226 10 22 7 80
Flexural strength 128.1(NS1) 183.0(RS1) 186.4 225.2
Concrete 2.5 4 2 48 19 69 28
(MPa) (34.5) (17,0) (14.8) (43.3)
Glass 2.5 50 20 69 28 50 20
111 .1(NS2)
(2 1. 5)
138.1 RS2)
(27.0) Aluminium 2.7 247 88 69 25 - -
Cast iron 7.8 138 18 207 26 120 15
Longitudinal s hear 11.6 17.1 21 .4 35.0 101
Steel (0.06 C) 7.9 4.59 58 203 26 800
strength (MPa) (4.5) (4.0) (7.0) (6.9) 45
ASS 1.1 50 45 3 3 50
Transversal tensile 3.0 4.7 5.7 6.4
PVC 1.5 59 39 2.4 1.7 55 37
strength (MPa) (1.0)
(1.0) (0.6) (0.6) (2.2)
Polyester 1.8 276 153 18 10 270 150
Interfacial shear 7.3 9.8 222
Epoxy 1.8 1100 611 45 25 400
strength (MPa) (1.6) (2.2) 1040 693
CFRP 1.5 1040 693 180 120
Normal bamboo 0.66 206 312 20 31 79 120
Source:Li-SH; Oe-Wijn-JR; Oe-Groot-K; Zeng· ; Zhou-BL
Y 1998) 200.3 196 - - 99.7 98
ReformedS GF/AI 1.02

176 Part 5 Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 177


Plywood is by far the most commonly known structural the wall decrease from the base to the top, it is only possible
panel among wood-based panels.
panel s. Plybamboo is a new mate- to manufacture bamboo rotary veneer from sections of giant
rial which is manufactured fo llowing
ll owing the same principles culms no longer than 2 or 3 internodes (about 50 60 cm
and the same terminology used in the manufacture of of long), which have a minimum wall thickness of 10 mm.
plywood, but the equipment employed is different except The sections must be cut with a circul ar saw from the
TYPES O F BAMBOO BASED PRODUCTS the pressing machinery. Plywood or plybamboo are panels
composed of an odd number (3, 5, 7, 9) of layers of thin
center part of the culm (which has the longest internodes),
leaving the 2 nodes at the opposite ends. The culm sections
sheets of wood called veneers. These layers or plies, which are boiled at 100 degrees C for about 3 hours, with the pur-
All bamboo based panel products such as plybamboo, According to the Wood Handbook (1987), joints and are genera ll y 1 to 5 mm thick, are glued togeth er with the pose of softening the material. According to Takeuchi
bamboo fi ber board, ba mboo particle board, bamboo wool products made with melamine formaldhyde,
formaldhyde, melamine-urea grain of adjacent layers at right angles. The outside plies or (1968), this treatment produces a high quality veneer and
board and similar products, are composite materials. That formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde resin adhesives have veneers are ca ll ed faces or face and back, the center ply, decreases cracking.
is, they are a composite of bamboo elements such as fibers, proven less durable than wood, and urea formaldehyde is ca ll ed the core, can be a veneer, or it can be made of wood After the sections are softened, their opposite end nodes
veneers, particles, flakes or other lignoce
ll ulosic raw mate- quite susceptible to degradation by heat and moisture, but it blocks or strips of wood of varying lengths laid side by side. are removed and the cut is made at right angles, (having the
rials and some type of adhesive. Depending on the bamboo could be durable in a norma] interior environme nt. For this The plies immediately below the face and back, wh ich same length as the lathe); then they are fixed to the small
elements used in the ir manufacture, the panels or boards reason, urea formaldehyde is recommended as a type of glue are laid at right angles to them, are ca ll ed the cross-bands. rotary cutter. This machine works at a speed of 30 40 rpm.
have different appli
app li cations, but most of them are construc- for the m anufacture of panels that are going to be used in The face veneers are oriented with the grain para llel to the Generally,
Genera lly, the veneer is 3-4 meters long, depending on the
tion oriented. For example, structural plybamboo is manu- interior conditions. This adhesive can be cured at room tem- long side of the panel, and the cross bands are parallel to the thickness of the culm wa ll . The bamboo veneer is air dried or
factured with bamboo boards and is especially used for the perature or under high temperatures. Phenol formaldehyde short sides. Plywood is general
ly manufactured in standard dried with hot air to about 12 humidity. The pressing can
construction of walls. Bamboo insulation board is manu- and resorcinol formaldehyde are considered acceptable for size panels of 1.22 m by 2-44 m (4 x 8 feet). be done in a hot or a cold
co ld press.
factured with bamboo pulp and is used in walls, ceilings structural products. These phenolic resins cure under high Wo od ve n ee rs . Two distinct types
types of veneer are cut 2) As explained before (See page 159- 159- Fig. 11.3) sliced
and roofs as an insulating material. All the types of wood temperature and must be hot pressed. They are waterproof for the manufacture of plywood: The first is the rotary veneer is produced from large glued laminated bamboo
based panels can be manufactured using bamboo and they and are not be degraded by microorgani
sms, so they are the veneer peeled from round logs cut in the rotary cutter, on a blocks which consist of para
llel strips glued together in the
will have better mechanical characteristics than wood most used in exterior conditions. lathe that rotates the log against a razor-sharp knife, cutting same position or in diferent positions. In this case, the main
based panels. On the other hand, the same principles, the Phenol formadehyde is a reddish brown resin that is a continuous sheet just like unwinding a roll of paper. The block is also located parallel to the kni fe.
same equipment and the terminology used in the manufac- used in the manufacture of some bamboo based panels for second type of veneer is the sliced from
from rare r or valuable logs (3) Sawed veneer is produced when a large block wh ich
ture of wood based panels are applied in the manufacture exterior use. Resorcinol formaldehyde is used for the manu- into face veneer. The slicing machine cuts individual sheets consists of several small blocks glug lu ed together in different
of bamboo based panels. An exception is the type of facture of glued laminated structures, and for exterior con- with an up and dovm or back and forth movement of wood positions is sawed perpendicular to the block axis in the
machinery used for the manufacture of plybamboo, which ditions; it is the most expensive of the adhesives. The cheap- against the knife, or by movement of the knife against wood. same way that bread is sliced. This method permits the man-
is different from that used in the manufacture of plywood; est is urea formaldehyde. At present, it appears that some The choice of method will depend on the nature of the ufacture not only of sma ll veneers 1 mm thick, but also of
however, the pressing is done with the same type of hot isocyanate, epoxy, and crosslinked polyvinyl acetate adhe- wood to be cut and the type of veneer desired. In order to floor tiles 10 mm th ick or more (See floor tiles). Bamboo
plate presses. sives are durable enough to use in lower density species, reduce checking and to minimize splitting ahead of the knife veneers have to be plastified or covered with a plastic film.
A dhesi ves or binding agents and other materials may even under exterior conditions. Most adhesives will adhere edge, the logs are heated in steam or in hot water. This also
be added during manufacture of bamboo based panels to to wood and bamboo, but satisfactory performance depends reduces cutting resistance. In the manufacture of plywood,
obtain or improve certain properties. The bond can be inher- on careful considerations ot these factors: physical and most of the veneer produced is peeled (rotary-cut) because
ent and obtained by an organic binder as in some fiber- chemical compatibility of the adhesive and the adherents, of its low cost. In the manufacture of plybambo
plybambooo there are
boards, such as particle board, or it can be due to an inor- processing requirements, mechanical properties, durability, two main groups known as non structural plybamboo and
ganic binder such as Portland or magnesite cement as used ease of use, color and cost. The adhesive's pH is another structural plybamboo.
in bamboo-wool boards. In general, in the manufacture of important factor in wood and bamboo bonding. The adhe-
bamboo based panels the same type of adhesives used in the sive may be acidic, neutral, or alkaline. NON-STRUCTURAL PLYBAMBOO
manufacture of wood based panels are used. Until about Pr es s ur e . The strongest joints usua lly result when the
Non structural ply bamboo consists of three plies of very
1930, the adhesives used to bond wood were resinous sub- consistency of the adhesive permits the use of moderately
thin rotary bamboo veneers (about 0.5 mm thick), and con-
stances with adhesive properties derived from plants and high pressures (100 to 250 psi or 7 to 17.5 kg/cm2). Low sequently can not be used for structural purposes but for dec-
animals, such as blood, casein and soy beans, that were not pressures (100 psi or 7 kg /cm 2) are suitable for low density
orative purposes and arts and crafts. At present, Japan is the
waterproof. Since then, many new synthetic adhesive fami- wood because the adherent surfaces easily conform to each
country which has taken the best advantages of non structur-
lies have been developed, such as urea and melamine other, thus assuring intimate contact between the adhesive
al ply bamboo using the specie Phyllostachys pubescells.
formaldehyde; phenol and resorcinol formaldehyde; and the wood. The highest pressures (up to 250 psi or 17.5
Bamboo ve n eer s are used for decorative purposes as
polyvinyl acetate and copolymer emulsions; elastomer based kg / cm2) are required for the highest density woods in order
face and back of plywood boards or for the top board of
solution and latex hot melt; epoxy and acrylic. Joints or to achieve the desired surface conformation and the adhe-
products bonded with polyvinyl acetate, hot melts and natu- sive-wood contact. tablesthin
very andnon-structural
trays, and particularly
plybamboo forused
the in
the manufac-
ral resins wi n not withstand prolonged exposure to water or However, small flat well planed surfaces can be bonded
ture of plybamboo plates and other handicrafts (See Fig.
high moisture content, or repeated high-low moisture con- satisfactorily at lower pressures. Because high pressure
12.7). In this case, the inner side of the bamboo veneer is
tent cycling in bonds of high density woods. However, if they tends to squeeze the adhesive into the wood or out of the
used as the face, and the convex or cracking veneer as the
are properly formulated, these adhesives are durable in a jo int , adhesives of thicker consistency are required with
core. The adhesives used are urea formaldehyde, and a hot
normal interior environment. denser woods. Usually the th icker consistency is achieved by
or a cold press can be used.
The most common glues used in the manufacture of using longer assembly times with dense woods than with
Three types of bamboo veneers are manufactured:
wood and bamboo based panels are: melamine, urea light woods. The longer assembling time increases the
rotary veneer, sliced veneer
veneer and sawed veneer.
formaldehyde, phenol formaldehyde, resorcinol formalde- absortion of the liquid solvent by the wood and its evapora- Fig . 12 .7 Non structural Plybamboo made n Japan with 3
(1) As explained before, rotary veneer is peeled from
hyde and epoxy. tion into the air. The loss ofliquid increases the adhesive'
adhesive' s plies of bamboo veneer cut in a rotary bamboo veneer
round sections of giant bamboos ( See page 159). Since the
bamboo culm is hollow and the diameter and thickness of machine nd pressed with hot plates.

178 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials

materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 179


At present there are two methods for the manufacture of a content of 12 humidity. Once dry the soft white surface
structural plybamboo panels which use t\vo distinct types of of the interior part of the bamboo board is removed using a
plies. In the Colombian method developed experimentally by planer machine and about 1 mm of the exterior surface, until
the author, thin bamboo boards taken from the the exterior it reaches the thickness of 3mm for the plies and 3 to 5 mm
surface, which is the strong est part of the culm wall are used for the core.This means that all the plies must have the same
as the core and plies; while in the Chinese method, bamboo thickness.
slats taken from the culm wan are used as the core and plies. Finally the 4 meter bamboo board is divided into two
pieces of 1.50 m and 2.50 m respectivel y. These are the
dimensions of the hvo types of plies used in the manufacture
COLOMBIAN STRUCTURAL of plybamboo boards. All the bamboo plies have to be treat-
e by immersion in chemical preservatives, or the preserva-
PLYBAMBOO tives can be mixed with the adhesive. The panel consists of
This type of plywood was developed experimentally in
three, five, or seven plies of bamboo boards, glued together
Colombia by the author in 1974 at the CIBAM (Bamboo
with urea formaldehide resin, or phenol formaldehyde resin,
Research Center of the National Universit
y). using th e species
depending on the final use of the plybamboo.
Guadua angustiJo/ia This plybamboo differs from that made
Once the plies are glued and pressed. the edges of the
in China in that the plies (3 -5 - 7) consist of bamboo boards
culms opened out flat) which are commonly used in the con- panel are trimmed to the standard dimensions. The final I
dimension ofthe panel is 1.200 mm wide, by 2 4 0 0 mm long.
struction of walls of bamboo houses in Colombia. PLYBAMBOO I
The panel can be covered on one or both faces with a
For the manufacture of plybamboo boards, mature I
wood or plastic veneer or with cement or gypsum plaster if
cuims, three years or older), are cut into 4 m long sections. I
the grooves ofthe face and back are wider. This panel has the
The sections are transformed by hand into bamboo boards I
best mechanical characteristics to be used in the construc- I
using a small ax or hatchet as shown in the page 158.
tion of plybamboo beams ( \ and box shaped beams) (See
Once the bamboo culm is opened out flat and the
plybamboo beams).
diaphragms are removed, it can be oven dried or air dried to
II 0 0

Hot P ress I F=

Fig. 12 8 Colombian plybamboo manufactured with three plies of bam· Fig. 12 9 Cross section of he Colombian ply·
boo boards glued together with urea formaldehy or phenol-formaldehyde bamboo. This type of plybamboo made with I
depending on the final use One of the advantages of this material is that
bamboo boards is twice as strong as plywood I
itcan be covered with a wood veneer or plastered with gypsum or cement of the same thickness because the boards I
mortar. n this case the grooves can be more open or wider. This materi- include the strongest part of the culm wall. I
al is excellent for the construction of plybamboo beams ( I nd box
shaped beams . See ply bamboo beams.

180 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 8


Fig . 12 . 11 The bamboo based panel industry has been developed in

China in the last fifteen years. At the present time, 200 mills Ta bl e 12-5 Ma j or properties of l a mi na t e d
pl yba mboo from Chi na
have reached an annual production of 10 0 ,0 0 0 m3 of panels.
Bamboo veneer Two plies bamboo ve eE -- __ The major products include plybamboo, bamboo laminated
Density < 0.9 g/cm3
lumber, bamboo concrete forms, bamboo particle board, bam-
Moisture content < 12
boo veneer faced
faced panels, and bamboo fiber board. This new
industry in China has replaced one million cubic meters of Bonding strength > 2.5 N/ rnm>
industrial timber annually. The bamboo species used as raw Static bending strength (longitudinal)
material is hyllostachys pubescells which averages 9-10 em in Thickness <15 mm >98 N/mm2
diameter at breast height. At the present time there are about > 5 mm >90 N/mm 2
2,418,600 ha of Phyllostachys pu escens stands in China. >25 mm >90 N/mm2
Bamboo veneer Lumber co're----./ Two plies bamboo vRl
vR l n R - -
A B Prope rt i e s.- This laminated plybamboo has extreme-
1. CHINESE PLYBAMBOO ly high bending strength and very good dimensional stabili-
The plybamboo developed in China is also ccalled alled lami- ty; it is durable and has wear resistance properties and mod-
nated plybamboo
plybamboo because all the plies (3 or 5) including the ulus of rupture MOR) and it probably ranks as the highest
core, are made from slats of bamboo with a thickness of 4 or 5 among all of the structural boards and even as good as the
mm, laid side by side, and bonded together in the direction of solid wood of high density commercial timbers.
Multiply bamboo veneer Two plies bamboo veneer the grain, in alternate plies at right angles. An adhesive of phe- Laminated plybamboo has been widely used in China as
nolic forma ld ehyde or urea formaldehyde is used. The tech- platform boards in 100, 000 trucks at the Nanjing Automobile
nology and equipmen t for the manufacture of plybamboo were Manufacturing Co. and in 15,000 trucks at the 1st Chang-
first developed at the Nanjing Forestry University in 1982. chun Automobile Manufacturing Co ., replacing 52,000 m3 of
timber and 1,600 tons of steel and reducing the dead weight
of the platform by 53 kg each (Zhu et aI1994).
Pr oduction pr oces s
1) The bamboo culm Plryllostaclrys pubescens is
first cross-cut into four or so sections of the desired
length, and the inner and the outer surfaces are scraped
out on specially designed equipment. The cuts or sections
Particle board Two plies bamboo veneer are then split open in two or three pieces, and the internal
nodes of the diaphragm removed.
c D 2) Pretreatment. - The pieces
pieces are soaked in hot water
(70-80° C) for about three hours, and then softened by
steaming at 160 0 C to thermoplaticize the lignin and hemi-
cellulose more effectively. The treated pieces are then
spread out, flattened, dried and stabilized through a heat-
Two plies bamboo veneer ed press, and a breathing drier, especially used for pro-
Two plies bamboo veneer
cessing bamboo sheets. Fig. 1 2 . 1 2 (A) Chinese plywood covered with a wood

3) The pieces are planed smooth and edged straight on veneer . 8 ) Normal Chinese plywood made with 3 plies of
both sides. This prepares the material, faces, backs and bamboo slats 2 cm wide with a thickness of 4 or 5 mm, lying
cross-bands for the manufacture of plybamboo. The forth- side y side.
coming procedures are just the same as in the manufacture
of plywood. This includes the gluing,
gluin g, spreading, assembling,
pre-pressing, hot pressing, hot stacking, edging tidyng and
end product (Guisheng 1987).
According to Zhao (1987), the amount of urea formalde-
hyde resin to be applied is 390 - 420 g/ m> and 20 -60 mi-
Two plies bamboo veneer- Lumber cor nutes is the best assembly time when the room temperature
E F is around 20 degree C. The gluing strength is high when the
hot pressing temperature is controlle
d u nder 115-125 degrees
C. The result is good if the pressing is divided into high,
A Three ply, bamboo veneer and lumber core construction.
medium and low sections in gluing technology,15-30 kg /cm 2
B Fi ve-ply, bamboo veneer and lumber core construction. for high
high pressing, 5- 6 kg / cm> for medium pressing and 3-4
C. Multi'ply, bamboo veneer and lumber core construction. kg /cm 2 for low pressing. Feeding too many or too few mate-
D. Fi ve·ply, bamboo veneer and wood particle board construction. rials and shortening hot pressing time and gluing pressure
are unfavorable to gluing strength. Hot pressing time can be
E Five-ply, bamboo veneer and lumber core construction.
calculated and determined according to the thickness of the
Fig. 1 2 . 1 3 Cross section of 5 plies Chinese plywood
F. Five·ply,
ply, bambo o ply constructionand lumber banding or railing. board, 1-1.5 mm = 2 minutes.
showing the b amboo slats, taken from differ ent parts of the
culm wall which make up the plies.

182 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of b mboo composite materials

Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of b mboo composite materials 183

Wang and Zhang (1993) made a study on the character- the panel. The position and the number of vertica1
vertica1 bamboo
istics of e:x-pansion oflaminated plybamboo (made with urea curtains and horizontal bamboo curtains in the panel, must This composite material can be used as concrete forms wood particle board. The static bending trength is 300
formaldehyde adhesive) by moisture. When moisture con- be reasonably determined. One layer of bamboo mat and one and can be used repeatedly about 100 times if its surfaces kg/cm2, and the thickness swelling is 3%·
tent 1%, the of of board made
is increased
is slightly by but the
increased, swelling rate swelling
lengthwise the parallel board
of vertical to
of two layers
of film adhesive are placed on the two surfaces
curtain panel. Bamboo mat is used for a smoother are chemically treated. fromDimension stability has bamboo
acetylated particles particle
been studied by Rowell (1988)
board is a little greater (when plybamboo moisture increases finish of the planking, while film adhesive on the surface is using particles of the species Phy lostachys bambusoides
by 1%, the increase of parallel and vertical length is 0.012 - used to enhance wear-resistance and waterproof qualities. 3.-BAMBOO
3.-BAMBOO PARTICLE BOARD Sieb et Zucco The particles were oven-dried at 105° C for 3
0.02 and 0.011 - 0.02 respectively). Shrinkage and swelling Attention should be paid to symmetry when assembling so as Particle board is a panel product produced by com- hours, and reacted \\,jth acetic anhydride at 120 0 C.
of plybamhoo are the result of int eraction of the components to guarantee concrete form stability of the panel. pressing small particles of bamboo or wood while simulta- Two kinds of particles with acetic weight per cent gains
in three directions, as the bamboo is split longitudinall y, tan- The hot pressing procedure is "cold-hot-cold . The neously bonding them with an adhesive. The many types of (WPG) of 14 % and 18%, based on the original oven-dry
gentia lly and vertically. procedure of "co ld-hat -cold" hot pressing is divided in particleboard differ greatly in regard to the size and geome- (aD) weights, were obtained. Control particles and acety-
The lengthwise and cross shrinkage and swelling of ply- three stages: preheating, curing and shaping, and cooling. try of the particles, the amount of resin (adhesive) used, and lated particles were sprayed with a 43.5% aqueous solution
bamboo occur in the position where bamboo is split longitu- The time for preheating depends on the temperature rising the density to which the panel is pressed. The properties and of phenolformaldehyde resin. The resin solid content was
dinally and tangentially. Plybamboo sho uld be strictly pro- from 50 to 1350 C.; the time for curing and shap ing is cal- potential uses of the board differ with these variables. 6% based on the aD weights of the particles. They were
tected from drenching and dampness during transport and culated at 1.5 to 2 minutes per millimeter of the final prod- The major types of particles used for particleboards are: pressed for 10 min at 171' C into boards with a density of
storage to avoid swelling in length and width that affect load- uct of the pane]; and the time for cooling depends on the shaving, flakes, wafers (similar to a flake), chips, sawdust, approximatelly 640 kg/m 3.
ing. Using waterproof paint to coat the surface of plybamboo temperature dropping to 50 degrees centigrade. The hot strands (a long narrow flake with parallel surfaces), sliver Four specimens were cut from each board, oven-dried
on a ll sides can greatly reduce the swelling and increase the pressing cyc1e is mainly determined by the panel thickness. (nearly square cross section) and bamboo wool Oong, slen- and weighed. The rate of swelling in water, thickness
dimensional stability of the board. Generally, the duration of the hot pressing for a 12 mm der slivers). Most particle board is produced from residue or changes in cyclic, the water-soaking test, and the equilibri-

is aboutis45
panelBamboo minutes.
a thermoplastic material with many holes. leftover bamboos
bamboos from
that have no constructions,
other small board
use. Bambooorparticle diameter
can um moisture(RH)
humidities content
were(EMC) at 30
measured for,65
and 90% relative
particle board speci-
Under the action of heat and pressure, as the panel thick- be used for ceilings, hollow doors, wallboard furniture, inte- mens of control and acetylated particles. The results were as
BOARD (with resin impregnated ness decreases and panel density increases, the longer the rior decoration, packing and walls in house interiors. follows: During the first 60 min, control boards swelled 10%
p a p e r). hot pressing time, and th e more condensation. Therefore, in thickness, whereas the boards made from acetylated par-
Laminated curtain bamboo board with resin impregnat- under the premise of guarantee ing panel st rength, the Manufacturing process Raw materia1 grinding - ticles at 18% WPG swelled about 2%.
ed paper is an engineering structural material manufactured technical parameters of temperature, pressure and time drying - glue spreading - sorting - forming - hot pressing
pressing - During five days of water soaking, the control board s
in China, where it is used as concrete forms in reinforced s hould be rea sonab ly determined to e nhanc e output ratio final treatment. The processes and the equipment are almost swelled 10%, whereas the 18% WPG boards swelled slightly
concrete buildings, bridges. etc. This new composite materi- and reduce the hot pressing cycle. A hot pressing time of the same as those used to make wood particle board. over 3%. Control boards swelled a total of 30% in thickness
al was developed in 1991 by Zhao R.J Yu Y.S . (1992) at the 1.5-2 min / mm panel thickness is needed for curing the Bamboo particles in sizes of 20-30 x 1 - 5 x 0, 1-0· 5 mm, during the five wetting cycles as compared to 10 for the
South Central Forestry College, Zhunzhou, Hunan, China. resin. Cool water is then introduced into hot platens to are prepared with chippers and /or ring flakers,
flakers, and the mois- 18% WPG acetylated board . At each RH, both acetylated par-
The main materials used in its manufacture are: lower the temperature of the panel to 500 C. ture content is about 25-35%. The particles are dried in a rotary ticles and acetylated particle board had significantly smaller
(1) Bamboo curtain. This is the basic component. After the panel is pressed with heat and sawn, its sides drum dryer at 150-1800 C, to reduce the moisture content to EMCs than control particles and boards.
Bamboo culms with a diameter of 6 centimeters or more are should be coated and sea led so as to enhance the water- 4-6%. After screening, glue spreading, fonning, and prepress- According to Zhu D.X. (1991), the wood particleboard
cut into strips and wove
wovenn into bamboo curtains by hand or proof properties of the panel. This composite panel has the ing, bamboo particle board with a thickness of 4-6 mm is pro- required 160-180° C temperature and 50-70 kg/ cm' of high
by using a curtai n weaving machine developed by South advan ta ges of high stre ngth, good rigidity, little linear duced by hot pressing at 155-165° C and 1.18 - 1.14 Mpa; the pressure during the hot pressing, but bamboo particleboard
Central Forestry College. After being spread with adhesive dilatation, and wear-resistance and corrosion resistance of
the panel surfaces. pressing time is about 0-4 minutes/ mm thickness of board, does not require such conditions. Bamboo particle board is
and dried, str ipe bamboo curtain is cut into bamboo curtains and the density of he board is about 0.7 gr/cm3· prepared by the dry method because the fibers are straight
with specific sizes. According to Wang (1988), the properties of bamboo and easily matted, so it consumes less power and heat.
(2) Bamboo mat. This is made as explained in mat bam- particle board meet the state standard requirements for
Tabl e 12-6 Propert i es of l ami nat ed bam-
boo panel.
boo curt ai n b o a r d (medi um densi t y panel )
(3) Primer paper. This is a waterproof kraft paper of 80-
1 2 0 g / m 2 without repellant additives.
(4) Adhesives. Bamboo curtains and bamboo mats are Phys ical propert i es
impregnated with water-borne phenolic adhesive, and the Density 0.82 g/cm3
primer paper is impregnated with a modified melamine Moist cont ent 3
adhesive. Before they are dipped in adhesive, bamboo cur- Linear expansion-Length 0. 066
tains and bamboo mat should be dried to control the mois- -width 0.136 %
ture content below 12 %. After drying, they are dipped in Wear resistance 0.053 g/100 revolu ..
water-borne phenolic adhesive using special dipping device. (300 times)
The adhesive shou ld be well distributed on all surfaces of Retarding combustibility 29.0 Oxigen index
both bamboo curtains and bamboo mats. Then they are Pollution
Pollution resistance-Little corrotion under the
dried at a low temperature to evaporate any wat er so as to action of sodium carbonate solut. with 10 sol v.
guarantee the quality.
Before dipping th e primer paper in the modified Mechani cal propert i es
melamine resin, a sma11 amount of diluter, release agent and Bending strength (MPA) 104·5
airing agent should be added to the adhesive in order to Elastic modulus (MPA) 11,100
reach a certain dipping quantity and to break the film. After Impact toughness (J /CM2) 6·35
being dipped in adhesive and dried to evaporate most sol- Gluin strength (MPA) 2·73
vent, primer paper becomes an adhesive film paper, with a Modulus of elasticite (MPA) 104.5
certain resin content and resin condensation degree. MaR (Gpa) 11.1
When assemblin g, the position and number of longitu- Fig. 12.14 Bamboo particle board panels made with saw- Fig. 12.15 Bamboo particle board panels made with
dinal and cross bamboo curtains depends on the thickness
thickness of [Source: Zhao Yu (1992). Zhu Shillin et l 1994)] dust Trevor D Dagilis.) flakes Trevor D Dagilis.)

184 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 185


Bamboo fiberboard belongs to a group of bamboo- Bamboo mat board is a material with great potential. Its
based panel products which differ in appearance, mechan- modulus of rigidity (MOR) and flexibility are very high and
ical properties and uses. Its properties are better under- can replace thin plybamboo and plywood in almost any
stood through an understanding of the paper-making application. In India, bamboo mat board was developed at
process, in which bamboo chips are disintegrated into the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun by Narayana-murti
fibers (pulped) by water-dissolved chemicals penetrating (1956). At the present time it is produced in India. Thailand.
the chips in pressure cook ers to dissolve
dissolve the lignin, the sub- and China, where there are 16 factories with an annual
stance that bonds fi b ers together. The de lignifie
d separa - capacity of 20,000 m3.
ted fibers are washed and suspended in large amounts of
water; the res ul ting sl urry fl ows onto a fine wire-mesh M anuf actur e Pr oces s
screen through which most of the water drains, leaving the Bamboo mat is the basic raw material. It is woven from
fiber pulp to form a thin wet mat. Peeled from the screen strips cut open from split bamboo culms without any mold
and dried, this thin mat is nothing less than paper, whose stains that have the joints cut flat.
flat. rt must be woven com-
fibers are held together by interfelting and by natural nat- pactly with an even thickness. Generally the entire process is
ural bonds without any added binder. manual, mostly undertaken by women in rural areas.
Fiberboard factories fiberize chips and round pieces of Bamboo culms are cut open into thin strips of inner skin
bamboo mechanically without lignin-dissolving chemicals, in widths of 12-15 mm and a thickness of 0.6-1 mm. Strips
therefore, leaving the lignin in. Hot water or steam softens from the glossy peripheral epidermal layer should be avoid- Fig.12.17 A. Plastified bamboo mat board Fig. 12.17 B. Plate made from bamboo m t

the wood or bamboo before the a tt rition mi1l, a sort of grind- ed as they are resistant to bonding. The strips are woven into
ing machine. rubs the fibers apart. Defibering is less perfect 2,500 mm x 1,300 mm mats. The moisture content of fresh- Yuan & Hua (1988) experimented in China with the temperature of 90-95 degrees C.
ly woven mats is in the range of 40-50%. After drying them manufacture of h o layer bamboo mat board. The format for The assembled mats are loaded to the hot press (prefer-
than pulping with chemicals; fiberboard pulp contains fiber the bamboo mats was 400 x 400 mm, and 1.2 mm thick. The ably employing a fork lift) and a specific pressure of 16
fractions (fines). bundles of fibers. and large fiber aggregates in the sun, the moisture is reduced to 8-15%.
f he mats have to be transported and stored for over a
optimum conditions they got were by glue spreading 250 kg /cm2 (18 kg /c m2 for mats with non uniformly thick sliv-
which are not tolerable in pulp meant for good paper.
month, it is advisable to undertake prophylactic treatment. g/ m 2; pressure on unit area 20 kg/cm 2; hot press time 1.2 ers) is applied for a period of 6 minutes (for 3 layered panel)
The pulp must then be washed to remove wood extrac- at a temperature range of 140°-145° C. The pressing time
The simplest and a significantly effective treatment for mats, min/mm thickness;
thickness; and temperature 130 degrees C.
tives along wi th other solubles and fines. leaving the fibers should be increased at the rate of about 1 minute for each
provided they are not exposed to rain, is spraying with 1 According to the calculated values, the amount of glue is the
suspended in a wat er slurry, which runs onto a wire mesh
solution of a mixture of boric acid and borax in the ratio of most important factor influencing the static bending additional mat layer. The hot pressed pa nels are released
screen to drain off wat er as in paper manufacture. Due to the from the press and stacked for a period of at least 8 hours
1:1. Spraying can be done by hand or with a knapsack
strength of mat plybamboo. fo ll owed by unit pressure of the
imperfect de fi bering and the sti ffe ning effect of lignin. the before trimming.
sprayer. This wi ll not have any adverse effect on bonding. mat and the temperature of the hot press.
fibers interfelt and bond less than paper fibers. The board Applications: mat plybamboo is used for packing boxes,
The mats should be air dried after prophylatic
prophylatic treatment. T r e a b n e n t s . A suggestion for preservative treatment
st ill has sufficient strength for many uses, but some kinds
The air dried mat is spread with 280 -320 g/m2 urea is Sodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate (SOT) dissolved in water furniture making, interior decoration, and interior doors,
need to be reinforced by adding 2 or 3 binder to the slurry. ceilings and walls.
formaldehyde (UF) glue. Soybean flour in quantities of 5- which is poured into the resin applicator. The quantity of
Finally, the water-drained mat is compressed and dried in
10 is used as a filler, and 0.5% NH4 CL is used as a curing SOT to be dissolved is I kg in 200 kg water for 100 kg of
various ways, then edged to make square rectangular panels.
agent. The glued mats are assembled and then hot pressed Phenol Formaldehyde resin. This boron compound pene-
In thickness. fiberboard lacks stability. swelling and
trates into the slivers along with the resin and gets fixed. The 5.2. CORRUGATED BAMBOO MAT
shrinking like a particle board, even more than solid wood into bamboo mat board.
perpendicular to the grain. To re t ard moisture absortion resin treated mats are stacked and kept for at least 2 hours BOARD.
for stabilization. The production procedure is similar to that of bamboo
and swe1li ng, manufacturers add water repellents (sizers),
which repel liquid water much more than they do water After the period of stabilization, the treated mats are mat board. The mat is dried to reduce the moisture content
dried in a simple drying chamber or in a band dryer at a tem- to 12-14%. Phenol formaldehyde (PF) glue is applied to the
vapor. Added synthetic resin binders improve the dimen-
sional stability too. perature of 90 to 95° C until the moisture content is brought mat in the amount of 400 g/cm 2 (single face).
face). A set of 5
down to 8-10%. layer mats is hot pressed behveen hvo corrugated caul plates
The process for making bamboo fiberboard panels is
almost the same as that for wood fiberboard. Chips are pre- S ur f a c e t r e a t m e n t of b a m b o o m a t s into corrugated bamboo mat board. With the high strength.
pared in sizes of 20 x 5 mm, and immersed in water to plastifying). low weight and good insulation properties, the product is
increase the moisture co nt ent to 40-50%. The chips are then Plastifying is adopted for surface treatment of bamboo suitable to be used as roofing material for low cost buildings
weaving. Plast ifying, as the term suggests, refers to the bond- or houses and for walls (Zhu 1991).
steamed at 170 degrees C and a pressure of 8 kg/cm 2 for [5
minutes. After defiberation and rreefi ni
ng, additives, inclu- ing of adhesives. t is just one more proccess (plastifying) in
ding PF resin and wax. are added to the pulp. and the PH of the routine technology of production
production,, th at is surface treat-
the pulp is adjusted to 5 . After forming. prepressing and hot ment for the second time in the production. 5.3 -BAMBOO CURTAIN BOARD
pressing.. bamboo hardboard or MDF is made. For making a
pressing The technology is: bamboo mat > selection > glue Bamboo culms are cut into long strips, with a thickness
spreading (urea resin adhesive)
adhesive) > assembly> hot pressing> of 1 mm and a width of 10-20 mm, which are woven into cur-
4 mm thick. 1.0 g/cm 3 density hardboard. 1 PF resin and
test> tains. After drying to reduce the moisture content to less
1.0 wax are used, and the pressing time is 7 min at 210 edging>
> hot pressing>soaking
> test>resin adhesive) > air drying than 12 . the curtains are dipped in phenol formaldehyde
degrees C, 60 kg/cm 2 presssure. For making MDF in a 10 storage.
The air dried mats (after being trimmed) can be dipped
dipped (PF) glue and then dried and hot pressed into bamboo cur-
mm thickness with a density of 0.7g
0. 7g/cm3.
/cm3. 5 PF resin and
in a phenol formaldehyde resin solution. About 200 kg of tain board with working pressu re of 3 -4 Mpa. The size of the
1 wax are used and the pressing time is about 16 min at 200
resin is poured into a resin applicator and double the quan- bamboo board is 4.500 x 1.300 mm with thicknesses of 6. 12.
degrees C with 35 kg / cm2 pressure.
tity of water is added. t is mixed well to ensure homogene- 16,20, and 30 mm.
ity. Mats are dipped into the resin solution and kept for 5 Bamboo curtain board has a wide range of applications;
5.-WOVEN PLYBAMBOO BOARD minutes. The mats are then lifted and kept in an inclined the thin panels can be used for packing purposes, the panels
There are three types of woven plybamboo boards: position for about 30 minutes until excess resin in the resin in medium thicknesses can be used for interior decorations,
bamboo mat board, corrugated bamboo mat board, and treated mats is completely drained down to the resin appli- and the thick panels can be used as structural materials, such
bamboo curtain board. Fi g .12.16 Bamboo m t board cator. After a period of stabilization, the resin treated mats as large size concrete forms and platforms for trucks.
are dried in a simple drying chamber or in a band dryer at a

186 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materialsials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 187

tation and then the composite was made by stacking these measure flexural strength. Tensil and flexural of
BAMBOO MAT AND BAMBOO FIBER MAT USED one over the other and using the hand lay-up method A com- bamboo were rectangular strips, 150 mm long, 25 mm wide
BAMBOO MAT BOARD AND BAMBOO F I B E R MAT posite with 65 fiber volume fraction was obtained by
applying a pressure of order of 3.2 k N cm 2 to the mould.
with a thickness between 2 and 4 mm.
The results show that unidirectional BFRP composit
USED AS REINFORCEMENT OF EPOXY RESIN with 50 V has 60 grater strength than that of bidirec-
tional BFRP composit with 70 Vf- In unidirectional BFRP
The mechani cal propert i es of bamboo a n d
BFRP composi t es composite, V is low and the density of the composite is
In the la st few years synthetic fibres such as glass and Bamboo is a natural composite material in which cellu- hi gher as also is its cost, whereas in bi directional BFRP com-
carbon has been used as reinforcement in making structural lose fibers are reinforced in the li gnin matrix along the posite, Vf is 70 but only 50 of the fibers which are in the
components. Due to the high cost and high energy require- length of the bamboo culm, providing it with maximum tensilload direction y) contribute to the tensil strength, the
ments in their production, these synthetic fibres are not suit- strength in that direction. Because bamboo has minimum remaining 50 of the fibers are just working as reinforce-
ed for the common applications. For this reason natural strength across the fiber, multilayered composites of differ- ment in the x-direction, thus given a biaxial strength. At the
fibres such as bamboo have emerged as a renewable and ent fiber orientation have been developed. Experiments same time the x-directional reinforcement
reinforcement reduces the den-
cheaper substitut e for sythetic fibers. One of the must were conducted to determine the tensil, flexural and impact sity and also the cost of the composite.
important studies carried Qut in this field in the use of bam- strengths on samples made of raw bambo, unidirectional The tensil strength of the multidirectional bamboo fiber
boo fiber-reinforced plastic (BFRP) was conducted in India composite (fibers)(o '), bidirectional composite (mats) composites decreases with increasing number of layers, B5 f
by Jain, Kumar and Jindal (1992). They used bamboo fibers (0 °/90 °), and multidirectional composites from bamboo >Bn >Bgf, whereas the trend of ensiJ strength is opposite
and bamboo orthogonal strip mats (bamboo mats) to rein- fibers and ortogonal mats. the bamboo mat composite. With increasing number of lay-
force epoxy resin and evaluate their tensil. flexural and Tension an d flexural te s ts were perform ed accord- ers, the volume fraction of fibers continues to increase, as
impact strengths. ing to the ASTM. Three point bend tests were performed to does its tensil strength: B9 m > B7ffi >B sm·
In bamboo mat composites, the fiber volume fraction,
V achieve was aass high as 65 . The tensil, flexural and
impact strengths of bamboo along the fibers are 200 .5 MN Fig 12.18 -A ) Bamboo fiber mat -B ) Bamboo orthogonal
m- 2 , 230. 09 MN m- 2 and 63.54 kJ m- 2 , respectively, strip mat
whereas those
those of bamboo fiber composites and bamboo Orientation Density Fibre Tensile Elonga- Flexural OcOee-
strength lion
151.83 MN m- 2 and
mat composites are 175.27 MN m- 2 , 151.83 or fibres of Ihe volume, strength alion
(deg) composite V, (CoV) (0 .) (CoV) (mm)
45.6 kJ m- 2 , and 1l0.5 MN m- 2 , 93.6 MN m- 2 , and 34·03 (IO k g m - ) (o/. ) (MN m - ) (MN m - )
kJ m- 2 ., respectively. These composites possess a close to
linear elastic behavior. Scaning electron microscopy studies Bamboo fi ber composi t e (uni di rect i onal )
of the fractured BFRP composite specimens reveal a perfect
bonding between bamboo fibers and the epoxy. Further- Unidir\.ClioJlul (0) 0.9 75 51 17S .2 7 8.9 151.83
more, high strength, low density, low production cost and layer) ± 4.29) ( ± 3.86)
easy of manufacturing make BFRP composite a commercial- Bidirectional (0/90) - - - - -
ly viable material for structural applications. (single layer)
The scientific name of the bamboo specie used in the Mullidirec- (0,/ ± 45 + 901 1.030 35 99.34 6.2 130.23 2.5
manufacture ofthe bamboo fiber mats and orthogonal fiber- lional ± 3.96) ± 5.28)
str ip mats were not indicated, probably because they were (5 layer)
procured in the market from the Tripura Government Arts Mullidircc- 0,1 ± 301 1.010 35 82.2 7.5 161.1 1.15
and Handicraft Emporium, New Delhi, India. lional ± J 190 (± 1.72) ( ± 2.85)
BF RP c o mp o s ite f r o m b a mb o o fibers.The fibres (7 layer)
were obtained by removing the cotton threads; fibers of 0. 1- Mullidirec· 0,1 ± 22.51 1.003 JS 70. Jl 8.0 186.38 1.25
0.3 mm diameter and 40 cms long were chosen and dried in lional ± 45 1 ± 67.5/90 ( ± 1.65) (± 2.53)
9 layer)
an oven at 105 0 for 3 hours. Araldite resin elBA Cy-230 was
mixed with hardener CIBA CY-951, 10% by weight of the
resin. Dried fibers were soaked in the resin and hardener Bamboo m a t composi t e (mul t i di rect i onal )
mixture and kept unidirectionally adjacent to each other in
an acrylic perspex mould. The excess resin was squeezed out Unidirectionul (0) - - - - - -
by applying pressure to the mould. A composite plate of uni- laye r)
formly distributed bamboo fibers in a resin matrix was Bidircctional (0/90) 0.908 70 110.5 7.0 93.6
obtained after curing the resin for 24 hours. This composite (single layer) ( ± 2.49) ± 4.98)
plate was inspected for any voids. Using the above technique, Muhidirec- (0,/ ± 45 + 90) 0.936 IIJ 1l(l.S 4.09 IOg.56 5.4
none of the plates have more than 0.5 voids lional ± 1.40) ( ± l.S2
BFRP c o m p o s i t e f r o m b a m b o o ort hogo- (5layer)
Mullidirec· 0,1 ± 301 0.930 63 87.99 5.55 124.52 3.6
nal mat . These mats are available in 60 cm x 60 cm x (± 2.86)
tional ± J190 ( ±0.31)
0. 05 cm size. The cross section of the strips is 4 mmx 0·3
(7 layer)
mm. For a sing le-layered composite, a hand lay-up 92.65 6. 59 134.59 3.2
Multidirec- 0,1 ± 22.51 0.925 65
method was used; the composite was cured under pres- ( ± 3.78)
lion a ± 451 ± 67 .5190 ( ± 0.70)
su re in the mold used earl ie r .
Fig.12.19 Surtboard manufactured with epoxy resin rein· (9 layer)
For a multilayered composites with different fiber orien-
tation, the mat was cut according to the required fiber orien- forced with bamboo ortogonal mats by Gary Young in Hawaii
-No(e:: It is not indicated the scientific name of the bamboo used
Source: Jain, Kumar and J indal (1992) -No(e

188 Part 5 - Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 189

In mat composite 8 m), shearing stress in 45° ply are Fiber composites have a higher impact strength than
ry dominant, whereas in bamboo fiber (Bf ) composite mat composites. This can be explained by 50% of the fibres GLUED LAMINATED BANBOO FO R
shearing stresses are not prominent in mat being in the direction of impact and the other 50%
For bamboo fiber and mat composites, the flexural being perpendicular to the impact. Only perpendicular
strengt h increases from the five-layered to the nine- layered fibres are capable of arresting and diverting the propagation
composites. In the flexural test it was observed that as the
number of layers of BFR BFRPP lamina/ mats increases, the
of the notch by delamination.
Another important fact which has emerged is that the
strengt h also continues to increase due to the fact that spe- notch does not affect the strength of BFRP composite. The
cimens have also been tested to failure in the flexural tests. high impact strength of BFRP composite puts it in the cate-
In the tensile test the stress distribution across the section is gory of tough engineering materials. Fig. 12.22 MANUFACTURE OF SKI POLES
uniform, but in the case of flexural test the stress distribu-
tion across the depth is linear during the elastic stage and Conclusions
nonlinear in the plastic stage. The effect of this nonlinearin-
nonlinearin- Bamboo, a natural composite, has been shown to have In the fourties', during t he Second World War, Dr. Alonzo
ity is that as the depth of the fl exural specimen increases, maximum strength along the fibers and minimum strength McClure of the Smithsonian Institution of Washington colla-
co lla-
flexural strength also increases. across the fibers. borated with the army of the United States in earring out a
The stress-deflection curve shows a linear segment A composite with good strength in all directions has study related to the use of bamboo in the manufacture of ski
been successfully developed using bamboo fibers and bam- poles. With this purpose Dr. McClure traveled by several
and then a curved segment from the middle of the curve up
to the fracture load. The fracture shows a staggered boo mats. The fiber volume fraction achived was 65%.This countries of Central America and South America looking for
decrease in load. high fiber volume reduces the density and the cost of the the most appropriate giant bamboo native species which
For the bamboo fiber composite, tensile strength composite. Owing to the reinforcemen t of fibers in the ortog- could be used in the manufacture of ski poles. Most of the
decreasess as the number of layers increases. However it is
decrease onal direction s ( in the form of a mat) the BFRP composite species he gathered were from the genus Guadua
possesses useful biaxial strength. The glue laminated sk i poles were manufactured by sev-
seen that for the same composite with increase in the num-
ber of layers the flexural strength increases. This composite is non-corrosive in nature and the layer eral industries of the United States which at that time were
of epoxy on the surface prevents the natural decay of the ma-nufacturers of fishing rods. They used 2 types of lami-
I mpact tes t sp e c i me n bamboo. It has been observed that the mechanical proper- nated bamboo sections: equilateral-triangular, as shown in
ties of BFRP composite are superior to other known natural Fig. A and equilateral- trapezoidal section shown in Fig.
Test specimens were 75 mm long and the cross sec-
fiber-reinforcement plastic composites, as reported in the B . In the former can be seen that the external part of each
tion was 10 mm x 10mm. Tests were performed on
literature.. (Jain, Kumar and Jindal, 1992).
literature triangle belongs to the exterior part of the culm that is the
noched and unnoched bamboo fiber and bamboo mat
strongest part of the culm, due to this reason it is necessary
reinforced plastic composites.
to left the exterior part or skin as nearly intact as possible.
The bamboo strips are planned to an accurate equila-
teral triangular section in one of a variety of possible jigs
which ensures both the the correct shape of he section and
the correct taper. Sets of six strips are then glued together
into appropriate hexagonal rod section, the skin of each is
being placed to the out side, as mentioned above. The wall
of some bamboos are thin so there is a limit to the thick-
ness of the poles or rods.


E 60

"in 4Q
c: 30



2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Elongation ( ), o 2 3 4 5 6
Deflect ion (mm)
A. The length of the bamboo ski poles were 122 cm (42 ) B. & C. Bamboo triangular and trapezoidal strips were used
Fig. 12.20 Tensile strength elongation curves of and they are tapered longitudin
ally The diameter in the top in the manufacture of ski poles.
Fig.12.21 Flexural strength deflection curves of bam
bamboo fiber nd bamboo mat composites. part varies from 15 mm - 1 8 mm nd in the lower part the
boo fibers nd bamboo mat composite.
average diameter is 12 mm

190 Part 5 Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 191




A. Lamina of Guadua angustifolia taken from the inte- B. Different laminated pieces for beams nd fomiture.
B rior side of the culm wall t can be used only in the cen-
tral area of the beam nearest to the neutral axis. For the
top and bottom of he beam laminas taken from the exte
Removing ot the soft part rior part of the culm wall most be used.

Ed ging saw
F Pressing
Planer End joint
known as
D plain scarf

Composite materials such as glue laminated bamboo material with greatest elastic modulus as far as posible from
and glu
glu ed laminated wood, refers to several layers of bam- the neutral axis, deflection can be minimized.
boo slats or wood boards or slats, glued together with the In practice the exterior or st rongest part of the culm
grain of all layers parallel or in the same direction. wall is the source of laminations for the top and bottom of
Laminating is a practical means of obtaining a hight the beam where are located
lo cated respective
respecti ve ly the compresion
degree of control over th e properties of bamboo products. By a nd tension areas of th e beam, while the central part of the
placing the exterior or strongest part of bamboo culm wall in culm wall supplies the material for the central portion of the
the regions of greateest s tr ess, i. e. the top and botton sur- beam where is located the neutral axis of the beam, which C. Laminated beam. he width dimension of the D. The scarf splice is the only
only joint recommended
faces and the sections of greater imposed bending moment, requires bamboo laminations with
with lower strength. See beam depends on the diameter of culm for the construction glued laminated bamboo beams
performance can be maximize. Likewise, Lik ewise, by placing the Glue laminated str uctures).

192 Part 5 Sectio

n 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite m
aterials 193


Fi g 12 25 These bamboo laminated chairs are p rt of the collection of chairs that I designed nd manufactured n Fig 12 26 Bamboo laminated pieces m de with slats lathe nd then painted with a lacquer.
Bogota, Golombia in 1994 Unfortunatelly the factory was assaulted nd the machinery nd the stock of chairs were ofGuadua angustifo/ia were experimented by the author in The results can be shown in this page Later on thethe
stolen in 1997. 1975 at the GIBAM Bamboo Reseach Genter of the author used laminated bamboo in the manufacture of chairs
National Univesity of Golombia) n the manufacture of bam- and crutches
boo laminated table legs that were turned n a wood turning

194 Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of bamboo composite materials 195


knownGlued laminated
by some authorsbamboo manufactured
as bamboo laminated in China
laminated lumber . It iss Table 12-8 Prope rt i e s of ba mboo l a mi na t e d Manufacture of bamboo laminated floor tiles (with vertical fibers
l u m b er (In Chi na )
manufactured in the same way as the plybamboo, with the
difference that in the case of the glue laminated the fibres
Density 0.99 g/cm3
are located in Ol l e direction.
Moisture content 9.7
Application: This product has good water resista nt Modulus of rupture 118.1 Mpa
properties and is used in China as platform for trucks. At Modulus of elasticity 32.2 Mpa
present the producsts are availabe in two sizes: 4,070 x 140 Compression
Compressio n strength 62 Mpa
x 30 mm , and 5 371X 140 x 30 mm. Shear strength 43.5 Mpa
Anti-spliting 20.8 Mpa
Ma nufa c t ure proc e ss: Hardness 174-4
Bamboo culms are cut in sections. Then the bamboo
joints and the outer skin are removed. The skins are 0.5 to
1.0 mm thick. The culm sections are split in 2 or 3 sections
which are inmersed in hot water in order to increases the
moisture content and their plasticity, because the cellu- pose, such as manufacturing bamboo beating rod or bam-
lose, hemicellulose and lignin can be softened, making it
plastic with boiling water. The soft cellulose reduces split-
ting in the cutting off and the widening.
boo lateral board, the core is often replaced by the paper
board of high quality in order to increase the strength and
anti-impact property.
A B c
With boiling treatment the bamboo sections will be flat- In China bamboo culms are cut into long strips with ,,
tened. The inner part of bamboo is mostly made up of dimensions of 2200/28 50 x 11-15mm and 1-2mm thickness,
parenchyma with little bamboo fiber, so its s tr ength is very and dried. The str ip are dipped with phenol formaldehyde
low across. The inner bamboo part of he bamboo sometimes resin and dried in temperature below 100 0 C. The strips are
breaks but the problem can be solved by means of cutting a formed into oriented mats in even density and thickness,
sma ll chunk with 20-40 degrees angle. and then hot pressed at 130 0 -140 0 C. The whole pressing
The other processes such as drying, spreading glue, process may need about one hour.
matting and hot pressing are almost the same as with the
plywood. But if the plybamboo are used fo forr special pur-


Types of bamboo floor tiles
A. - B. Manufacture o tongued and grooved bamboo laminated board made n Taiwan Ba mboo l a mi na t e d pl a t e Fl oor t i l e

196 Part 5 - Section 10 -M

anufacture of b mboo composite materials Part 5 - Section 10 -Manufacture of b mboo composite materials
composite 197


Fig. 12 30

A. The manufacture of laminated floor tiles is

similar to the manufacture of plastic veneer.
soft interioratpart

The manufacture of laminated piastified bamboo
veneer uses a technology sim il ar to that used in the ma-
nuf acture of laminated floor tiles shown in Fig. A The

difference is that in the manufacture of plastic veneer the

maximum thickness o fth e veneer is about one a millime-
Planning machine
t er and the veneer is plastified.
For th e manufacture of this type of veneer, it is ne-
cessary to make a large bl ock formed of several small
laminated blocks, which are made of some dyed laminas
and others with natural colors glued together in diffe-
re n t positions, as shown in Figs B, C and D.
Then the large block is cut tra nsversally as shown
above. These square plastified veneers are used for deco-
rative purposes,
purpose s, such as fixing them on a pl) \vood board
or on the s ides
id es of boxes.
c D T h glue is applied
on top at each board

Pressing the block or beam

E o Glued laminated
beam or piece
E. ypes of plastic veneers made in Japan in the same form than the floor tiles but the veneer thickness is
about one mm and covered with a plastic film which permit to bend them as shown in D

198 Part 5 - Section 10 Manufacture of bamboo composite materials Part 5 -Sect. -Cemen t-based composites reinforced with bamboo 199




WHAT IS BIOMIMETICS outer part of the cu lm. This is addressed by the above men- NA TURAL F IB E RS USED AS REINFORC E MENT
Biomimetics or Biomimicry. from the Greek bios life, tioned distribution of mechanical properties with the grea-
and mimesis imitation; is the branch of biology that uses test s tr engtheni
ng at the outer part. A schematic derivation
derivation Bamboo and other natural fibers ha ve been used in posites remain as proble m. To improve durability it is ne-
infor mation from biological systems to develop synthetic based in the optimum design principle has shown tha t the recent years for improving the strength and ductility of brit- cessary to find ways to stop or slow down down the embrittlement
system s. In other words, this new science studies nature's composite structure of bamboo satisfie satisfie s the principle of tl e materials like plywood, and cement based composite s. In process of natural fiber concrete. The best results were
models ls to so lv e human problems,
problem s, e.g., the development of using minimum materials and structures to perform maxi- the case of plyw ood, Xu, Tanaka, Nakao and Katayama obtained with a reduction of alcaJinity of the pore water in
sonar was in spired by the dolphin; the study of infrared sen- mum function. Among a ll the relevant factors, the volume ( 19 98) st udied the use of Bamboo and jute, added to wood the cement matrix. This reduction in alkalinity wo uld be
sors owes some of its inspiration to the rattlesnake; a solar fraction of fibers, the thickness of the fiber wall, and the ori- veneer to make reinforced plywood. Three types of material, achieved by replacing part of the ordinary portland cement
cell in sp ired by a leaf. Biomirnetics analyses and biomimetic entation angle of the microfibrils in the fiber have the closest namely bamboo strips, bamboo woven mats, and jute cloth with pozzolana such as s ilica
ili ca fume, fly ash or rice husk ash.
design and testing are a new direction in the stud y of com- relationship in the stiffness and s tr ength of biomaterials. were placed b eh-vee n veneer sheets at 90 degree and 45 Natural organic fibers can be divided in to vegetable fiberfiberss
posite materials. A biomimetic optimum b ea m model simulating bamboo and animal fibers. Vegetable fibers
fibers are particularly interest ing
I think that biomimetics known also as bionic will be was carried out with the di st ribution of fibres symmetrical to degree orientation
Using bamboos,orrespectively.
ju te in the composite was an effective for reinforcement in cement base-composites.
base-composit es. They
They are:
the most important biological and engineering science in the the neutral plane of beam. This model was verified using a reinforcem ent method for the fl exural and shear properties. Wood fibers -e.g. bamboo, reeds, bagasse
design of composite materials, robots and new types of struc- carbon fiber /epoxy resin composite. The experimental The bamboo reinforcement in the 45 degree or ientation Bast or stem fibers
g. jute, fl ax, hemp, amie.
am ie.
tur es in the 21 st Century. results showed that the bending s tr ength of a composite that showed some good results in some cases. In particular, the Leaf fibers-e.g. sisal, henequen, abaca
simulates the bamboo structure averages 81 % higher than a shear rigidity was distinctly improved in this orientatio n. Seed an d fruit fibers-
fibers- e.
g. coconut fiber or coir fib er
composite with the same amount of matrL,{ and reinforce- The jute cloth had good adhesion in a ll gl uelines, but Animal fibers include h ai r , wool,
wool, silk etc.
etc. but are le
Composites imitating bamboo ment di stributed homogeneously. The greatest impro- did not improve shear rigidity in the 45 degree orientation recommended if not perfectly cl ean, as contaminants such as
Ac cording to Zhou (1994), an attempt has been made to vement observed was 103 . It is likely that the fl exural as much as bamboo rei r ei nforcement. Using bamboo materials grease weaken the bond between the fiber and the matrix.
find a new method of designing structural composites by strength and fracture toughness of other types of composites in a 45 degree orientation as a co mponent in plywood is Na tural fib ers can be added to cement in two ways: as
imitating the optimum structures of biomaterial
s. Natural could be improved by simulati
simulating ng the bamboo structure. advantageous as it improves the mechanical properties. This as continuous fib ers or discrete fibers. Continuous fibers are
bamboo was taken as a kind of composite material to inves- Figure 12.31 b) shows the fine structure of a bamboo method could also be used in manufacturing ot her bamboo placed in between layers of mort ar and are us ual1 y oriented
tigate its structure and mechanical properties. The distri- fiber which contains several alternating thick and thin layers. composite boards. in a given direction, wh il e discrete fib ers are added to th e
bution of reinforcement located in the vascular bund les The microfibrils in each layer
la yer are distributed in a helical way According to Sera, Robles-Austri
Robles-Aust ri aco and Pam a (1990) mix and are usually oriented ramdonl y.
withing the matrix tissue (parenchyma cells) is not homoge- with different elevation angles, usually 3-10 degrees for thick During this decade, fibers such as bamboo, wood as cellu- Over the last decade several in vestigations have been
neous; it is dense in the outer layer, become dispersed grad- layers and 30-45 degrees for thin layer with respect to the lose fibers, wool or chips, bast fibers, and seed and fruit reported on the strength and behavior of concrete reinforced
ually in the middle, and changes to another kind of fine fiber axis According to the above, an enlarged biomimetic
st ructure in the inner layer. model for the reinforceme nt of fiber-reinforced composite fibers
ratureshave been the
indicated usedfollowing
in cement-base products.
advantages in the Many
use of lite-
nat- withavailable
are bamboo and other natural
in abundant fibers. inSince
quantities manynatural fibers
Typically, living bamboo is subjected to bending loads, materials is present ed in fi gur e 12. 32(a). For traditional fiber ural fibers in cement composites: countries. One of the most important investigations were
such as those produced by wind or snow. According to mate- reinforced composite, fibers are ussualy arranged in the form l..-Increase fl exur al strength car ri ed out by Sera, Robles-Austriaco, and Pama (1990)
rial mechanics, the maximum normal stress develops at the of bundles, shown in Fig. 12 .32 (b). 2.-Post-crack load bearing capacity at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
3.-Increased impact toughness They studied the mechanical and physical properties of
4.-Improved compressive strength bamboo, and bamboo pulp, wood, co if, bagasse and palm
However, the long term durability of natural fiber co m- fiber and their use as reinforceme nt in ceme nt based.
Wood Bamboo Coir Bagasse Fibers
N2 Type of fibers
fibers pulp fibers fibers fibers
N1 Continuous/Discrete discrete discrete discrete continous discrete discrete discrete
Orientation random random random oriented random random random
Matrix cement cement cement cement cement cement RHA-cem
Length (mm
(mm ) 40 38-51 2.7 - 37.5 26 -
Average diameter (mm(mm ) - 0.316 0.0275 0.196 0.241 0.240 0.2-0.6
P 1.494 1.52 1.331 1.37 1.25 1.55
Specific gravity 1.53
Water absorption ( ) 141 .59 - - 66.0 67.0 78.5 155.0
A B Moisture content ( ) 20.3 - - - - 12.1 5.0
A B Ult. tensile strength (M Pa ) 19.95 442.4 1244.1 71.7 56.0 196.4 251.4
F ig . 12 .31 Schematic diagram of wood tracheid (a ), Fig. 12.32 Schematic drawing of a) the biomimetic Modulus of elasticity (GOa) 5.65 37.96 123.66 2.04 1.97 16.90 2.0
and bamboo bast fiber b). Primary wall P), outermost -
model for fibers in composite materials and b) the model Bond strength (MPa) - 1.96 0.98 - - 0.84
layer of the second wall 0) , broad layers L/ -L4), and for a bundle of fibers in traditional composite materials.
narrow layers N l- N3). A fter Wai
Wai et al). Source: Sera, Robles-Austriaco and Pama 1990).

200 Part 5 Sect. 11 Cement based composites rei nforced wi th bamboo Part 5 Sect. 11 Cement based composites reinforced with bamboo 2 1

composites to offer a unique low-cost

material for roofing and other struc- CEMENT MORTAR BOARDS REINFORCED W I T H BAMBOO PULP
tural elements.

Results of the investigation sho- ending final products.
wed that natural fibers can be used as
reinforcement in cement-based com-
216 specimen
Portland cement and other mineral binders are used in
Like low densityfiber board, bamboo wool cement board
is very good ifor insulating.
insulatin g. is water repellent, has fire retar-
posites to produce low-cost housing several types of wood and bamboo based particle products
\ 305 dant properties and is suitable for building applications such
elements. Cost comparisons with com- 51\ 89 10 By far the most important of these is a porous low density
as ceilins, partitions etc.
mercialized boards showed that the product which is used principally for acoustical ceiling pan-
Bambusa vulg ris was used by Chew (1993) (1993) in the m an-
natural fiber boards are not only lower els in commercial and industrial buildings. In international
ufacture of urea formaldhyde (UF) particleboards of varying

in cost but also offer higher strength, trade this type of product is termed bamboo wool or wood
densities and resin contents. For cement bonded patyicle-
ductility and toughness. It was also Water wool..
ompression boards the wood to cement ratios are 1: 1,25. 1: 2.75 and
found that the durability of natural 51 specimen 305 absorption and Wood wool board is about one-fourth to one-third wood
1:3.00, and the different mineralizing compounds used are
fibers in cement paste composites can anticlastic by weight, the remainer being Portlan cement or other min-
t1 :25 calcium or magnesium chlorides, aluminum sulfate, sodium
be improved by partial replacement of 102 specimen eral binder. The product is usually produced in densities
silicate and aluminum sulphate. The UF particleboar
particleboardsds had
cement with pozzolanas; the best from 20 to 25 Ib/ft 3. It is well suited to developing coun -
to have a minimum density of 600 kg/m3 and 8 resin con-
results in strength were obtained when tries of the world because it can be pro duced by very simple
tent to meet th e requirernents of Type I Standard Board
40 silica fume or 30 RHA is used. - 305 hand-forming methods, using using the mineral
mineral binder that is
(British standard). In the manufacture of cement bonded
As for natural fibers in noncement locallly available
composites, results showed that straw- Impact Expa.nsion In the case of wood, species selection is extrernely im- particleboards
chips with had
of the bamboo a density of 1250 kgto
to be pretreated / m3, freshtheir
reduce bamboo
clay composite can be used for grain specimen 76 portant in the production
production of wood wool. Many species con-
254 specimen sugar content. The cernent bonded particleboards had to
storage silos due to its strength and tain wood sugars or other extractives that retard or inhibit
good insulating property, although it I 305
KlO the cure of the cement.
have a wood to cement ratio of : 2.75 by weght and 2 of
is not waterproof. either alurninum sulphate or a mixture of sodium silicate
This problen can be reduced by long-term storage of the
The fibers used in the investiga- 229
K 0 wood bolts prior to shredding and by the addition of chemi-
and aluminum sulphate (by weight of the cement) to met the
tion are shown in the Table 13-1 with requirernents.
cals t hat accelerate the cure rate of the cement. However it
their mechanical and physical proper- is necesary to carefully screen species being considered as
ties. The fibres are used as discrete
fibres of finited length and oriented
radomly. The matrix used on the tests
40 I
TO Combustibility
raw materials to assess their curing problems. Seasonal vari-
ation in sugars should also be considered. be used to be con-
sidered .
A i r-c u re d bamboo pulp r einf or ced
-- Sinha et al, and Pakotiprapha et ai reported that bamboo
included either cement-based pastes For making one m3 bamboo wool-cement board, 150 kg
or mortars (fine aggregates and
pulp fibre reinforced cem ent composites (BFRC) had flexural
1 bamboo wool, 220 kg cement and 8 kg CaC12 are needed.
cementious material). The cementious strength values close to 20 MPa, at a fiber loading of 10 by
Bamboo wools are imrnersed in water at room tempera-
rnaterial used was ordinary portland Note All dimensions in mass. This letter reports the preparation and mechanical and
ture for 3 - 5 minutes. The moisture content of th e soaked
cement (OPC) for wood, bamboo, coir physical properties of air-cured BFRC.
wool should not exceed 25 to facilitate the bonding between
The bamboo species used in this study was Sinoca[amus
and bagase fibres, and rice husk ash Fi g .13.1 est specimens for determination of mechanical and physical bamboo wool and cement. Bamboo wool is treated with 5 affinis (Rendle) McClure.
McClure. Bamboo fibers were obtained from
(RHA)-cement on palm fibres with erties of fiber reinforced composites. CaC12 and then mixed with cement. The ratio of bamboo
70 OPC and 30 RHA by weight. kraft pulp unbleached commercial package paper from
wool and cement in weight is 1: 1. 1.8
8 - 2.
2. For making bam-
Change Jiang Paper Mill, China. In conclusion, air-cured
Tes t spe c i me ns The cement phur by weight was added to increase the efficiency of pulping (pH=14). The pulp boo-magnesitee board. the ratio of bamboo wool and magne-
BFRC at 10 fiber by weight has flexure strength values of
composites for testing are prepared in was fi nally washed with water before use. site is 1:1.7 - 1.8
approximately 20 MPa. Unbeaten BFRC bas slightly better
the form of boards.The parameters After forming, the rnats are pressed into their final thick-
fracture toughness, at higb loadings of fiber, than beaten
studied for most of the composites are Te st s re sul t s ness with working pressure of 2 - 3 kg /cm 2 (0.8 - 1 kg/kg/cm2
cm2 BFRC.
the fibre content (expressed either in The tests results showed that the mechanical properties of the composites can is used for bamboo wool magnesite board). The package of However, the low value of fracture toughness ( less than
fibre-cement ratio or volume fraction). be determin ed with reasonable accuracy from the law of mixture with the pressed mats is dried and cured in panels at 30 - 40 degree C 1.0 kJm super minus super 2) suggests that the material would
In some tests, the effect of fibre length cement/paste mortar acting as the matrix and the fibr
fibree as the reinforcement. for 24 - 48 hours. The panels need to be conditioned and be prone to failure by impact and shou ld be used in sihlations
and the casting pressure were also The use of natural fibres as reinforcement, either discrete or continuous in- ventilated at room temp eratur e for 1- 2 weeks to reduce the where due consideration has been given to this limit ation.
studied. Typical shapes of the test crease the strength of the matrix, and in particular provides post-cracking
post-cracking duc- moisture content to less
less than 20 . and then trimmed into
specimens are shown in Fig.13.1. tility. The presence of the air voids heavily influenced
influenced the s trength of the com-
Detailed descriptions of the test speci- posites. This depends on the casting pressure applied, and for a given fibre type
mens of each type of fiber cement com- and fibre content, there exists an optimum casting pressure which will give the
posite are also given.
given. highest strength.
From the creep tests results, it was found that the creep deformation oc-
curred during the first 7-10 days of loading. Resistance to creep varies as the
BaIIlboo fiber ce m e n t
amount of cement varies inversely with the amount of air voids. The expansion
composites. test results shows that the expansion of fibres composites varies with the fibres
The bamboo fibers used in the volume percentage.
study was preapared by hammering The results of shrinkage tests shows that shrinkage varies with the
oven dried short sticks of required wood/ cement ratio. The behavior is such that initial expansion occur s during the
length. The pulp fibres used were hydration process and shrinkage occurs during the drying process.
obtained by heating bamboo chips in Water absortion of the fibre varies with the fibre content. The results of the
20 NaOH solution at aproximately impact resistance tests show that the wood, bamboo and coir (continuous) boards
170 0 C with a steam pressure of 0.83 have a good impact resistance. Wood and coir (continuous) boards tested were
MPa for 6 hours . About
About 2 of the sui combustible whereas the bamboo and coir (discrete boards) are non-combustible.

202 Part 5 -Sect. -Cement -based composites reinforced with bamboo Part 5 -Sect. -Cement- based composites reinforced with bamboo 203


hull was, and still is, as new as the day it was built and has In the construction of small water storage tanks, toilets,
THE FERROCEMENT STORY latrines, septic tanks, dishwashers etc. the technology of bam-
In 1848, the Frenchman Jean Louis Lambot built the never required any maintenance. boo-cement could be very useful particularly in rural areas.
first ferro-cement boat using a mesh that he manuf actured, The advantages of a ferro-cement boat are the low cost The materials used for these purposes are a bambo o basket
impregnat ed with mortar (Fig.13
.2). This w
as the beginning of the materials that are used in its construction which with the shape of the tank; wire mesh (in large tanks) cement
of reinforced concrete. This boat, in remarkable good condi- include some steel bars, chicken wire, perhaps a little timber mortar in proportion 1:1 or 1:2 by vo lume 1 part of cement and
tion, can still be seen at the Brignoles Museum in France. and cement. 2 parts of sand).
Other boat builders followed Lambot's lead. By the 1930 S, On the other hand the hull, with a thickness of no more The strips of the basket has to be separated at least two cen-
engineers had overcome most of the technical pro-blems pre- than three quarters of an inch, possesses the strength of steel timeters. t is is recommended to cover the interior part of the
sented by reinforced concrete, such as excessive corr osion fac- and is impervious to corrosion, rotting or teredo worms. t is basket with a half inch exagonal wire mesh before to cover it
tors of the reinforcing materials and the inefficient weight fac- also not damaged by the ultra-violet rays of the sun and, as inside and out side with the mortar.
tor due to the mixture which was far too thick and heavy for a one-piece construction, it does not suffer from leaky fas-
commercial use, particularly in the shipping field. tenings or joints. Electrolysis and galvanic action is mini-
Underestanding these problems, the Italian Professor mal.
Luigi Nervi in 1943 began his e:xrperiments using many layers of Among the first to adopt the new building method were:
fine wire mesh impregnated with cement mortar. The results New Zeland, England, Canada, USA and China, who are

were startling. He called the material created ferro-cement , using

but this
also in technology not only
the construction in thestorage
of water manufacture
tanks and boats
which did not behave like regular concrete but presented all the
mechanical characteristics of a homogeneous material. in the construction of houses.
Impact tests in which a 580 pounds weight was dropped
from heights of up to ten feet showed t he very high str ength
in a slab only 1.1 inch thick. These tests showed,
showed, moreover,
that even when slab failed, the weight did not break through Due to the extraordinary mechanical and physical char-
them. acteristics of ferro-cement, and the low cost and advantages
Even when the cement cracked extensively
extensively an d the steel that this technology
techno logy could have in rural Colombia, in 1974 I
yielded, the slab did not desintegrate and t still prevented developed a newnew technology that I called bamboo-cement ,
water seeoing through in great quantities. similar to ferro-cement, in which bamboo mats or bamboo
Soon after the war, Nervi and Bertolini built their first baskets are used instead of he steel bars (which ar e used for
vessel, the 165-tOn motor sailer, b ene. The construction of given the form of he final product), which we manufactured A B
this vessel required no fonns. The total weight of he hull came with bamboo strips (2-3 mm thick by 1 em wide) taken from
the outer part of the cu lm wall.
out at five percent less that th e weight of a comparative wood-
en hull and, most importantl, it cost some 40 percent less. The mats and the baskets were covered outside and
inside with a chicken \vire, particularly when the holes of the
This hull, proved perfectly watertight and, from the
inside, the part above the water line could not be distin- mat were large, and then \vith cement morta r in proportio n C D
guished from that below because there were absolutely no 1 : 1 or 1 :1.5 .The mats covered with mortar were used for
guished from that below because there were absolutely no
moist patches. building prefabricated walls or for kitchen tables, and the
After years of hard senrice in the Mediter-ranean the baskets for the manufacture of water storage tanks, toilets,
washbasins, etc.

F ig.13.2 Lambofs original boat built in 1848 now rests in Fig. 13.3 A ferrocement boat built in 1887 nd still afloat.
the Brignoles Museum, France. (Samson and Wellens, 1968) h is Ouch boat was pictured in a pond at Amsterdan Zoo in
1967 by B.J deRuiter. (Samson nd Wellens, 1968

204 Part 5 Sect. 11 Cement based composites reinforced with bamboo Part 5 Sect . 11 Cement based composites reinforced with bamboo 205


F ig 13 5 Manufacture of prefabricated slabs

The technology of bamboo cement can also be used in large areas
The baskets used in the construction of tanks for water Once the exterior surface as reinforcement n the construction of floor slabs over the ground or
storage have to hava circular form when they are used has been plastered, let the in fund anon slabs of small houses or n the prefabrication of slabs of
to store more than half a cubic meter. mortar dry before app
lying small thickness for using ing as top of counters n kitchens or in walls
the interior plaster. of prefabr
icated houses .
The top ring can be In this case the separation of the strips are about 5 centime ters in
replaced by two strips. both directions, and the most recomended is to fix on the top of the
bamboo mesh with a half inch exagonal wire mesh before to put the
concrete in floors) or the mortar n prefabricated pieces.
The materials used for these purposes are a bamboo basket with
the shape of the tank; wire mesh half inch), cement mortar in pro-
portion 1:1 or 1: 2 by volum 1 part of cement and 2 parts of sand).
T he strips must be
separated between F ig 13 6
2 to 5 cms.

h e application of the mortar starts by putting 2

cm of mortar on wood surface. Then the basket
is placed on the mortar and pressed against it
The mortar is applyed on the wall starting from
bottom to top •
C o. This prefabricated concrete slabs
The bamboo bas- could be used n the construction o prefabri
kets are covered outside cated walls as a top o counters n kitchens.
and inside with a chic
ken wire, particularly
when the holes of the
mat were large, and
then with cement mortar
The mortar has
to be 1:2 cement- sand) B

Construction of a cement mortar tank using a bam

boo basket in the Saint Lucia Island. West Indies

2 6 Part 5 -Sect. 11 -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo Part 5 -Sect. 11 -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo 2 7

cracks in th e concrete surface and to a loss of bond, particu-
larly if the member is exposed to large temperature varia-
tions, for example, inprefabrcated beams when exposed to

W I T H BAMBOO 4) for
the sun Thedrying.
swelling-shrinkage bond problem. As soon as
bamboo is immersed in fresh concrete, the interior or sof-
ter part of the culm wall absorbs water from the concrete
mixture very rapidly, swelling to such an extent as to pro-
duce a serious cracking of the concrete surface. Bamboo
METHODS USED FOR REINFORCEMENT OF CONCRETE WI T H BAMBOO culms have been observed to u ndergo diameter changes on
the order of 5% and length changes up to about 0.05 %.)
Later on, as the setting progresses, the bamboo contracts
Up to the present time, bamboo has been the natural riments on the se o Bamboo in oncrete onstruction
fiber most used experimental1y as reinforcement in concrete more. and more quickly, than the concrete, losing its
containing the experiments carried out in Germany by K
adherence, and leaving a perceptible play between bamboo
due to its high tensile strength,as high as 4000 kg/ cm in Datta in 1935 at the Technische Hochschule at Stuttgart
and concrete.
Bambusa tulda , and its availability and negligible cost in under the direction of Professor Graf In this experiment,
In order to solve this problem, researchers have pre-
the tropical and subtropical countries where bamboo is plen- bamboo splints were used as reinforcement using metal stir-
sented different solutions. For example, Glenn recommend-
tiful. It is also the fastest growing and the highest yielding rups. Fig. 13 7) Since then many investigations in this field
Fig.13.8 Different forms of using bamboo as reinforce- ed the use of seasoned bamboo treated with a brushed on
renewable natural resource. have been carried out, particularly by students at the engi-
ment in concrete: a) Bamboo splint b) Small diameter coat of asphalt emulsion.
In this chapter, we wil] study three methods for using neeringschools of different universities of the Americas,
bamboo as reinforcement in concrete. The first method con- Asia. and Europe where there are no native species). Many round bamboos with the lower part of the branches for that itOther solutions
is much are
less expensivesophisticated and uneconomical
to buy steel bars than to carry
sists of using small diameter culms as reinforcement. The of these studies have no technical value because they do not increasing the adherence in concrete. e) Bamboo cables.
out the treatment. For example, Pama et al 1976) recom-
second method is the use of strips or splints taken from giant include the scientific name of the species used in the
mended previous immersion of the bamboo reinforcem reinforcement
bamboos and the third method is the use of bamboo cables research, probably because they believed that all species of
So far all of the studies carried out related to the use of in 2 Zinc cloride, or an adhesive of Neoprene with sand.
as reinforcement in concrete which was developed by the bamboo have the same mechanical characteristics.
small diameter culms and bamboo splints as reinforcement Kowalski 1974) recommended the application of Poly est eric
author, Hidalgo 1974), in Colombia. The most important and extensive reseach on bamboo
in concrete have amply shown that bamboo as reinforcement resins, or epoxy adhesives and silica powder as part of the
The story of the use of small diameter bamboos and as reinforcement in concrete carried out up to the present
in concrete is feasible, but it presents the following problems: treatment. Fang et al 1976) re-commended applying first a
splints as reinforcement in concrete goes back to 1914. when was conducted by H.E.Glenn in 1950 at The Clemson
1) The modulus of eleasticity of bamboo is relatively treatment of sand-blasting and after that a treatment with
H K Chow carried out the fi rst experiments in this field as a
first Agric ul tural College of South Carolina. This research was
low, usually less than 1/10 that of steel reinforcement. This sulphur. In general, all of these are more expensive than the
thesis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the financed by the War Production Board Contract No 78)
leads to large deflections and wide cracks when bamboo cost of steel bars.
United States. For this purpose, he used small diameter and published in the Bulletin NOA - May, 1950. This study
reinforced flexural members are loaded to capacity. One can clearly see that many researchers did not take
bamboos and splints of the culm as reinforcement. In 1936, included the constructio
n of several concrete bu il dings rein-
(2) As a natural fiber bamboo has susceptibility to fun- into account that the users of this research are the poor peo-
the Imperial Forestry Institute in England published Expe- forced with bamboo such as the Press Box Building.
gal and insect attack, lack of durability in an alkaline envi- ple who li ve in rural areas of ropica1 countries where bamboo
ronment, and variability of mechanical properties among grows, and where steel bars for concrete are scarce or
the species. unavailable.
3) of of

:::::;--j l P/2 Bamboo

be as low as coefficient
one-third thatthermal expansion
of concrete bamboo
longitudinally andcan
high as 10 times that of concretediametrically. These differ-
as t isofevident
means payingthat
for anyone
the steelwho lives
bars the city
andintheir and has the
I /2 I I splint
ences will also contribute to the development of ongitudinal
will not use bamboo as reinforcement in concrete.

Metal stirrup

D 6
• •

.. 0
o· N
. .i.
. I 30
Metal stirrup 0<:Jl==== 900
... \'1 00 - I
4 mm 0 Fig . 13.10 n the Press B ox Building, built by Glenn 1950),
Fig . 13 .9 Bamboo reinforced concrete girders and slab rein-
forced with small diameter bamboos. Taken from Glenn 1950). the walls floors nd roof were made of concrete reinforced
Fig. 13. 7 Types of concrete beams tested by K Datta 1935) using bamboo splints and metal stirrups. with ba ;boo splints and small diameter culms. The results
were not satisfactory

208 Part 5 -Sect. 11 -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo- Part 5 -Sect. 11 -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo 209

Fig. 13.11 Di s tribution of th e b a m b oo r e in for ce m e nt in th e Pr ess Box bui l di ng Fig. 13 12 Di s tribu t i on of bamb oo r e i n for c e m e nt in be am s of th e P r ess Box B.

r .. - - .
,, -
(:L -w--.Jt::: 7 '




•. <


- -w · < - . . - - u·

Section y.y
85,86,2-85,286 FLOO R
RADIO (2nd.) FL OOR PL AN - -t uild,,'9
8 EAMS 85,86

FL OO R PLANS ,0' --i f---

'- PRESS Box side walls reinforced with bamboo verti-

T_ C I . , _ CdleoISC
.. 00 . PI cal culms @ 12 centers with horizontal
.. 0' - - - - -'

IIUI: ....... I ' IIO
Oo.l' culms 24 on centers in both faces. r . 1. •
8EA-MS 85 ,86-(For rool & 2nd floor)
. . _oot 7ll

1-85 , 186 (1st floor) Same detail except 1 -00

-00 Deeper

Summary of conclus ions from three to four per cent of the cross-sectional area of the con-
lo.-The unit stress in the longitudinal bamboo rein- excess of the emulsion on the outer perimeter of the culm
crete in the member.
r es ul ts of tes ts on bamboo r einf or ced 5.-The load required to cause the failure of concrete
forcement in concrete members decreased with increasing might act as a lubricant to mat er ially lessen the bond
percentages of reinforcement. between the concrete and bamboo.
concr et e beams car r ied out by H.E , beams reinforced with bamboo was from four to five times
11.-The ultimate tensil strength of the bamboo in bam- 17.-Concrete members reinforced \vith unseasoned sec-
greater than that required for concrete members having
Glenn (1944). equal dimensions and with no reinforcement.
boo reinforced concrete member s was not affected by tions of bamboo culms, which had been split along their ho-
This research. included not only the study of the phys i- changes in the cross sectional area of he members so long as rizontal axes, appeared to develope greater load capacieties
6.-Concrete beams with longitudinal bamboo reinforce-
cal and mechanical characteristics of several bamboo species the ratio of breadth to depth was constant but was depend- than did equal sections inin which the reinforcement consist-
ment may be designed to carry safely loads from two to thr ee
that he used in the experiments but also the construction of ent upon the amount of bamboo used for reinforcement. ed of unseasoned whole culms.
times grater than that expected from concrete members hav-
several experimental concrete buildings, in which he use 12.-Members having the optimum percentage of bam- 18.-Concrete members reinforced with seasoned sec-
ing the same dimensions and no reinforcement.
bamboo as reinforcing of foundations, walls, beams, and boo reinforcement (between three and four percent) are tions of bamboo culms, which had been split along their
7.-Concrete beams reinforced with unseasoned bam-
slabs. As a result ofthis research co nducted by Glen, he pub- capable of producing tensil stresses in the bamboo of from horizonta1 axes and treated with a brush coat of asfalt emul-
boo show slightly greater load capacities than do equal sec-
lished the fo ll owing summary of conclusions from results of 8,000 to 10,000 pounds per square inch. sion developed considerably higher load capacities than did
tions reinforced with seasoned untreated bamboo. This
tests on bamboo reinforced concrete beams: 13.-ln the designing concrete members reinforced \vith equal sections in which the reinforcement was split sections
statement was valid so long as the unseasoned bamboo had
I. -Bamboo reinforcement in concrete beams does not bamboo, a safe tensil stress for the bamboo of from 5,000 to of seasoned untreated bamboo.
not dried out and seasoned while encased in the concrete
prevent the failure of the concrete by cracking at loads mate- 6, 000 pounds per square inch may be used. Ig.-When split sections of seasoned untreated large
rially in excess of those to be expected from an unreinforced when the load was applied. 14.-Concrete members reinforced with seasoned bamboo diameters culms were used as the reinforcement in a con-
8.-When unseasoned untreated bamboo was used as the
member having the same dimensions. treated with a brush coat of asphalt emulsion developed greater crete beam, longitudinal cracks apperared in the concrete
longitudi nal reinforcement in concrete memembers, the ry
2.-Bamboo reinforcement in concrete beams does not load capacities that did equal sections in which the bamboo due to the swelling action of the bamboo. This cracking of
bamboo swelled due to the absortion of moisture from the
increase the load capacity of the member at ultimate failure reinforcement was seasoned untreated or unseasoned. the concrete was of sufficient intensity as to virtually destroy
wet concrete, and this sweeling action often caused longitu-
considerably above that to be e}.1>ected from an unreinforced ls.-When seasond bamboo treated \vith a brush coat of the load capacities of the members.
dinal cracks in the concrete, thereby lowering the load
member having the same dimensions. asfalt emulsion was used as the longitudina1 reinforcement 20.-When unseasoned bamboo was used as the rein-
capacity of the members. These swell cracks were more like-
3.-The load capacity of bamboo reinforced concrete in concrete members, there was some tendency for the con- forcementt in a concrete member, the bamboo seasoned and
ly to occur in members where the percentage of bamboo
beams increased with increasing percentages of the bamboo crete to develope swell cracks, especially when the percent- shrank over a period of time while encased in the concrete.
reinforcement was high. This tendecy was lessened by the
reinforcement up to an optimum value. age of bamboo reinforcement was high. This seasoning action of the bamboo materially lowered the
use of high early strength concrete.
4.-This optimum value occurs when the cross-sectional 16.-Care should be excercised when using asphalt emul- effective bond between the bamboo and concrete with a
g.-The load capacities of concrete members reinforced
area of the longitudinal bamboo reinforcement was from sion as a water-proofing agent on seasoned bamboo as an resultant lessening of the load capacities of the members.
with bamboo vary with the dimensions of the members.

210 Part 5 Sect. Cement based composites reinforced with bamboo Part 5 Sect. Cement based composites reinforced with bamboo 211

21. -Increasing the strength of the concrete increases equal members having rectangular section
s. bamboo sections have a width in excess of thr ee -fourths 10.-Some of the important characteristics of clHlcrete
the load capacities of concrete members reinforced with 28.-Bamboo reinforced concrete members under flexure of an inch. members reinforced with bamboo on which future research
bamboo. and consisting of tee sections were not more effective
effective than 5.-The use of vertical split of bamboo culms is should be done include:
22.-Concrete members reinforced with seasoned bam- were equal rectangular sections, provided the breadth of the recommended to provide for -diagonal tension stresses in (a) Use of those species of bamboo in which the modu-
boo treated wit methylolurea did not develope greater load stem ot the tee section waswas equal to that of the rectangular members under flexure covering the portions of the memb er lus of elastic
ity is higher than that of he species used in these
capacities than did equal sections in which the bamboo rein- section and the effective
effective depth of both were th e same. where the ve rtical shear is high and where is impracticl to experiments.
forcement was seasoned culms treated with a brush coat of bend up the main longitudinal bamboo reinforceme nt for b) More exact data on diagonal tension reinforcement
asphalt emulsion. this purpose. In continuous members and where otherwise (c) Further tests of the use of green uncured bamboo
23.-The load capacities for concrete members rein- Design an d cons t r uct i on pr i nci ples practical, the practce of bending up the main longitudinal culms as the reinforcement where the conditions are such
forced with unseasoned, seasoned or seasoned and treated r e c o m m e n d e d by Gl enn 1 9 5 0 ) fo r bamboo reinforcement at points of hea vy shear to provide that the bamboo wi ll be competely sea soned while uncased
bamboo cul cul ms were increased by using split bamboo dowels bamboo r ei nf or ced c o n c re t e . for diagonal tension st resses is recommended. Al so in all in concrete.
as the diagonal tension reinforcement along the sections of cases where it is practica
l, a combination of the above meth- (d) More exact data on the bond between concrete and
I.-In important concrete members, the use of whole
the beams where vertical shear was high. culms of green, unseasoned, bamboo is not recomended as ods is recomended. bamboo.
24.-The load
lo ad capacities for concrete members rein- 6.-Proper spacing of bamboo reinforcement is very (e) The use of oth er water proffing agents than those
the reinforcing material. In co ncrete slabs and secunda
forced with unseasoned, seasoned or seasoned and treated important. Te sts indicate that when the main longitudinal used in these tests to insure against th e sweling action of sea-
members, green, unseasoned whole cu lms may be succesful-
split sections of bamboo were increased by the use of a com- bamboo reinforcement is spaced too closely,
closel y, the flexural soned bamboo when placed in wet concrete.
ly used when the diameters of the culms do not exceed
bination of split dowels and the bending up of the upper strength of the member is adversely affected. Al so when
thr ee-fourths of an inch. When possible, the bamboo used as
rows of the splitt bamboo from the botton of the beam into the main longitudinal bamboo reinforcement is used in
reinforcement in concrete members, subject to flexure,
the top and cover
ing the sections of the beams where the
should be cut and allowed to dry and season from three
vertical rows and when the top row is near the neutral axis P ro b lems cau sed by t h e u se o f
vertical shear was high. of the member, the area of concrete at this section in hor-
25.-Ultimate failure of bamboo reinforced concrete weeks to one month before using.
2.-The use of bamboo culms as reinforcement in
izontal s hear may be sufficiently lessened as to cause fai- splints an d s mall diameter culms as
members usually was caused by diagonal tension failures lure ofthe member due to horizontal shear. In man y of the r einf or cement in c o n c re t e .
concrete members subject to flexure cut in th e s pring or Bamboo as reinforcement in concrete was used during
even though diagonal tension reinfo rcement was provided. specimens tes ted under flexural loads, the cause of failure
early summer season of the year is not reco mended. World War II by U.S. and Japanese anned forces in expedient
26.-A study of the deflection data for a ll the beam spec- was attributed to hori zo ntal shear; however in most
Only th ose culms which show a pronoun ced br own co lor military constructions on isolated Pacific islands and later on
imens tested indicated; Ca That the deflection of the beams instances where failure was from this cause, horizontal
should be selected for use from a native bamboo grove. during the Viet Nam War where the U .S. annyexperimented
when tested followed a fairly accurate
accurate st raight line variation cracks existed in the concrete due to the swelling action of
This practise will ensure that the culms se lec ted are at with the construction of concrete vaults reinforced with bam-
until the appearance of th e first crack in the concrete. leas t thr ee years old. the bamboo reinforcement.
(b) Immediatelly following this first crack, there was a 7.-In placing the bamboo reinforcement, care should be boo based on the studies carried out by Glenn (1950). In the
3·-When thoroughly seasoned whole bamboo culms are construction of the structure, small diameter bamboos and
pronounced fl attening of the deflection curve (probably due to be used as the reinforcement in important concrete mem- taken to alternate the basal and distal ends of the bamboo
to local
lo cal bond slippage) followed
followed by another period of fairly culms in all rows. This practice will
will ensure a fairly uniform bamboo splints were used. The res ul ts of this experience can
bers subject to fle xure, some tiype of water proofing is be seen in the following
following photographs .
accurate straight line variation, but at a lesser slope, until cross-section
cross-se ction of the bamboo reinforcement throughout the
recomended. The results of Glenn's experime nt al constructions a nd
ultimate failure of the m ember occurred. This flattening of length of the member and the resultant wedging effect that
4.-When seasoned sections of bamboo split from large also the experimental constructions made in Viet Nam for
the deflection curve was more pronounced in the members will be obtained wi
ll materialy increase the bond between th e
diameters culms are to be used as the reinforcement in co n- military purpo ses are the best demonstrations that the tr a-
where the amount of longi tudin tudinal
al bambo reinforcement crete members und er flexure
flexure,, some type of water-proofing concrete and bamboo.
was smal1. S-The design of structural members of bamboo rein- ditional use of bamboo using sma ll diameter culms and
is recommended for the bamboo in all a ll important load car- culm splints tak en from the wall
wallss of giant bamboos is not
forced concrete for fle xural loads will be governed by th e
slope(c) In all
after thecases noted, of
appearance th ethe
deflection curve
first crack hadconcrete,
in the a lesser rying members. However, for slabs and seconda
bers and where the concrete sections are of a ssiz
ry mem- amount of deflection that can be allowed for the member. In rec ommended in any case as reinforcement in concrete in
iz e as to allow aerial concrete structures, includingwalls,
includingwalls, columns, beams,
even though high
hi gh percentages of bamboo reinforcement all concrete members subject to flexural loads a high degree
the placement of the bamboo wi th clear
cl ear distance of from joists and roofs.
were used of deflection is obtained in the member before failure occurs.
one and a half to two inches between th e individual bamboo
27·-No pronounced variations were observed when the splints and between successive layers, the use of unsea- Due to this high deflexion, failure of a bamboo rein-
behavior of bamboo reinforced concrete members under soned sections of bamboo is recomended provided high forced concrete member usually occurs due to other causes
fl exure and having 'tee sections was compare d of that of early str ength cement is used. In no case should the split considerably before the bamboo reinforcement reaches its
ultimate tensile strength. Design values, not in excess of
from 3000 to 4000 pounds per square inch for the allowable
tensil stress of the bamboo reinforcement, must usually be
used if the deflection of the member is to be kept under
1/36 0 of the span length. When this low design value is used
for a bamboo reinforced concrete member under flexural
lo ads, a high factor of safety against ultimate failure of the
member ussualy results.
9.-The same procedure as that used for the design of

steel concrete member
is recomended for thes design
reinforced with conventional
of concrete members
reinforced with bamboo. Values have been recommended
for the allowable unit bond s tr ess between concrete and
bamboo, for the allowable unit tensil st ress in the longitu-
dinal bamboo reinforce ment and for the modulus of elas-
ticity for bamboo. These recommedded values shoud be
used in designing a concrete member reinforced with bam-
boo for fl exural loadin g. t is also recommended that tee
Fig,13,13 Parts of the bamboo reinforcement with culm Fig.13.14 The arrangement of the bamboo reinforcement bea ms be designed as rectangul ar beams ignoring the
splints fo r beams B 1 and B 9. Press Box with small diameter culms in beams 2 B3 nd 2B4 of the fl ange wid th in the calculation
s. Fig.13.15 Concrete vaults reinforced with bamboo buil
Press Box Building College.
College. ted experimentally in Viet Nam

212 Part 5 -Sect. -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo Part 5 -Sect. -Cement- based composit es reinforced with bamboo 213


When I founded the C IB IBAM

AM (Center for Bamboo From163 strips 4.3 between 1017 and 1249 kg/ 2
Research) at the National University of Colombia) in 1974, I that were test- 9.2 1250 1499
decided to ca rry Qut research in order to look for a new and ed in tension 27 1500 1749
safer method or technology for using bamboo as reinforce- 4.3 had a 23.3 1750 1999
nt in concrete to replace th e inappropriate technology strength be· 12.9 2000 2249
which had been applied in this field. tween 1 017 9.2 2250 2499
For this purpose, we experimented with the use of sma ll and 1 249 9.8 2500 2749
diameter bamboo cables, which were made using the same kg/em2 2.4 2750 2999
technology developed by the Chinese for manufacturing the 1.9 3000 3213
large bamboo cables used in the construction of suspension
bridges with a span of more than one hundred meters. In
manufacture of the cables since the material is more fl exible.
this technology, splints two centimeters wide were taken
In order to get the adherence of these stronger strips
longitudinally from the culm wa ll using the radial knife tool.
inside the concrete, we prepared and tested hvo types of
From each splint, only the exterior part of the wall (about 3
cables: one type was braided in th e same way that the
The bamboo reinforcement ot the vault was B. he collapse of one seccion of the building mm in thickness) was used for the manufacture of he cables
exposed and according to the shadows there is not adherence women braid their long hair, and the other by torsion. The
There was probab ly an expansion joint between the two because thi s part is the strongest and densest part of the
between the concrete and the bamboo reinforcement sections culm wall and it absorbs a minimum of water. The interior method for manufacturing a cable by torsion using 3 or more
strips can be seen in Fig. 13.19 . t takes no more than 10 sec-
soft part which is about 70 of the culm wall, is disposable.
onds to make a 4 meter long bamboo cable with 3 or 5 stripstrips.
This is the part that absorbs water from the concrete mix-
Th e braided cables have very satisfactory adh erence
ture and becomes swo ll en.)
with the concrete, but the problem is that their manufacture
For the tension evaluation, we tested 3 types of speci-
takes a lot of time and only 3 strips can be used. In the case
mens, each 2 em wide and taken from the same internode of
of bamboo cab les made by torsion, they can have any num-
the culm. One had the whole wall thickness, the second
ber of str
ip s. Their adherence in th e concrete is good 18.22
included 2/3 of the interior or soft part of the culm wall, and
kg /cm 2) due to the helicoidal sbape that the strips of the
the third contained 1/3 of the exterior or densest part of the
cable tak e. The adherence tests of the splints and sma ll
culm wall. The average results were, respectively: 1 175
diameter bamboos gave 5.09 kg /c m2.
kg/cm2, 706 kg /cm2 and 2,052 kg /cm2.This means that the
For testing the cables to tension we had many pro-
e 1erior part of the culm is almost three times stronger than
blems fixing their ends in the testing machine.
the interior.
One hundred and sixty three strips, 500 mm long lon g 100
mm wide and 3 mm thick from different culm s with differ-
e nt ages were tested for tension . The maximum
maximum ultimate ten-
sion was between 3 000 and 3,213 kg /c m2. Some values as
high aS3,018 and 3 206 were obtained from bamboos
between one and o ne and a half years old. In this way, I
C . There was a lack of adherence between the can· D. he Bamboo reinforcement of the column broke learned that the Chinese use young bamboo cu lms for the
crete nd the bamboo reinforcement
The bamboo based panel industIy has been developed in China in the last fifteen years. At the present time, 200 mills

E and F these also show the lack of adherence between the concrete nd the bamboo reinforcement

Fi g.13.17 he transversal section of the culm wall of Guadua angustifo/ia Fig.13.18 he two types of cables used:
nd the internal zone attackeu by Dinoderus minutus braided nd made by torsion

214 Part 5 -Sect. -Cement-based composites rreinforced

einforced with bamboo Part 5 -Sect. -Cement- based composi tes reinforced with bamboo 215



Fig 13·1
13· 19 Fig 13 20 he stirrups are made with strips o
bamboos 9 to 1 months old at the time o cutting.
At this age bamboo culms are more flexible tha
Bamboo older ones and can be easily bent using a small
Support of the free end of cable wooden form with rounded corners The cables are
fixed to the stirrups in the same way as steel bars
are fixed to metal stirrups.

Removing the
soft part
Bamboo handle_

The ·handles
·handles·· have t6 be turn arou·nd at the same c
time in the same direction with the same speed

The bamboo cabie can h made

with th ree or more bamboo strips Wood handle

216 Part 5 -Sect. 11 -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo Part 5 -Sect. 11 -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo 217


Under no circumstances the use of bamboo as re in·

In th e construction o f concr et e s l abs i n buildings
forcemenf in concrete of aerial structures such as beams, (Colombia)
columns, walls or roofs recommended, particularly if they
are going to be inhabited by humans. Nevertheless, I have
h d satisfactory results in experiments in bamboo housing
projects in Guayaquil, Ecuado, Bamboo cables were used Fig.13· 22
as reinforcement in peripheral nd internal concrete be ms
which support plastered bamboo walls, nd bamboo mesh
was used n the construction of slab foundations in the way
explained in the photographs on this page. The end section of the bamboos
A. -Assembly of the bamboo reinforcement have to have a node or a wood
B. -Placement of the reinforcement of he peripheral cylinder inside
C. -Bamboo mesh used s floor reinforcement
D -Experiment related to the use of small bamboo
mesh used s reinforcemen
reinforcementt inthe lower p rt of the walls

E - Pouring the concrete floor

Fig. 13.21

Steel bars
Supports to raise the bamboos
to the desired position
- B am hoo supports
Temporary structure

Steel bars

Cross section
Steel bars Bamboo

.. •• 0 .. .. . ; ' , ...... .
. .

0 0 • : 0 · : ,. 0 ,

End nodes
Longitudinal section

218 Part 5 Sect. Cement based composites reinforced with bamboo Part 5 Sect. Cement based composites reinforced with bamboo 219



A In about 85
of the concrete
buildings built in
Bogota, Colombia,
including high rise
buildings, al of the
concrete slabs are
made lighter by
using bamboo
boxes, which
reduce the weight
nd the steel rein

B First, a steel mesh nd then the reinforcement bars of

beams and joists are placed on the temporary wooden
Wood partition
C Then pre vi
Bamboo board

ously manufactured
bamboo boxes are
placed there.

Steel mesh should be installed in

the upper part when using wide
bamboo voids
D Once the boxes nd the steel bars are located, the
concrete is poured

F Th e building
once t has been


Bamboo board The diameter and number of steel

be recommended by
Supported y a an engineer
temporary structure
E Finishing touches of the concrete slab

220 Part 5 -Sect. 11 -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo Part 5 -Sect. 11 -Cement-based composites reinforced with bamboo 221


In this case, the bamboo culms are not A ....... Brick wall
Fig.13.26 Concrete slab (5 cm) poured on top of bamboo board
used as vo ids but struc
turally as oists for sup-
porting a concrete slab as shown in Fig. A = r Brick wall
or the construction of the concrete slab
supported by culms it is necess
necessaryary to build a - :'7- ,,,- Floor tile
temporary wooden platform at the level of he
upper surface of the beam. Then the ends of 4 em concrete slab
the culms are placed on the top of he beams base for ceramic tile)
with a lateral separation of 4 cm
In order to fix the culms with this separa-
tion b amboo splints are nailed perpendicul ar
to the culms with a separation of 1.50 m. Then
plain concrete is poured between the culms up
to 5 cm above the top part of he culm.
This system is recommended for con-

crete slabs with bamboo joists supported by

brick walls with a maximum separation of
3.50 m
This technology was used in Cali
Colombia by Carlos Vergara nd in
Popayan in the southern part of the country
by Lucy Amparo Bastidas nd Edgar Flores Temporary
in housing programs such as the one shown Bamboo board fixed
in the Figs. B C nd D Cocrete beam
with nails and wi re

Bamboo beam

A. Construction of the concrete slab above

a wooden scaffolding. Fig.13_27 Concrete slab poured on top of bamboo slats
8 C Once located the bamboo joists with a Brick wall
separation of 4 em the concrete is poured.

4 em co ncrete slab
D Many houses in Popayan city in the base for ceramic tile)
south of Colombia has been built with this
system which has a low cost.

...... , .

Bamboo slats

D Bamboo beam

amboo Construction
Construction Technologie


How to avoid the crushing of horizontal 225
Types of jOints used in b a
o o c on
on s
s-- 22
Joints of horizontal and vertical members227
Double and quadruple beams-supports 229
Horizontal joints not for structural mem 230
Horizontal splicing
splicing not for structural 23


Footing types
Bamboo substructure of elevated floors 235

Sect 14 BAMBOO WALLS 236

Traditional types of
of walls from Peru,
Ecuador, Colombia and Asia
onstruction of different tipes of roofs
used in Colmbia and Asia



Bamboo house (Neuville s drawing)

Geografia Pintoresca de Colombia n 1869.

224 Part 6 - Section 12 - ambooconstruction technologies Part 6 - Section 12 - ambooconstruction technologies 225


Fig.14. 2
2 DETAIL No _ 1
{] Pressure


Culms with low compres-
sion strength for construc- 1 Mature cullms 3 years old
tion. These include: or older
1 Young culms less than 2)Giant culms with appropri-
three years old, ated dimensions and thick
2 Culms which are or have walls (more than 9 mm).
been attacked by insects or 3) Culms with appropriate
fungus, joints there is not a node, the bamboo
3) Culms whi h have ffowered, becomes flattened. t is recommended to

4) Culms with cracks or insert a wood cylinder in order to avoid

which have transversal the flattening
cuts made by a machete
If t is necessary to use Fill up the internode
Nails for fixing lateral culms nails for fixing small diame- with cement mortar 1 2
with smaller diameter, or for ter culms (4 to 5 cm) or
fixing jOints. joints of giant bamboos, it
is recommended to open a
hole previously with a drill
bit sligtelly smaller than the
naif s diameter.
2 For fixing horizontal and n order to avoid the flattening of the beam
vertical structural members in Fig. A, is necessary that the beam has e
in temporary structures use node at the end. and to fill up the intern-
wire ties, nylon or strong ode with cement mortar in case that the
vegetal cords. hickness is small
Green bamboos used struc-
Bamboo section with node
turally in permanentm con- In this case it is convenient
structions and tied with wire to check frequently the ties,
or ropes. When green culms or to use dry culms
become dry, they shrink and
the ties become free

j I Wood cilinder.

In this case t is conven-

or verticalany
colums without supports
node ient thatthe temporay col-
at the lowest end which can umn has a node in the
present cracks at the lowest end, in order to
moment of eing fixed
fixed.. avoid the craks.

c E

Part 6 - Section 12 - Bamboo construction technologies 227

226 Part 6 - Section 12 - Bamboo construction technologies


Round beam Square beam



:3 4 5
1 2
Beveled joint Scarf joint Fish mount joint
One flange Two flanges Wood or bambo piece


cut line
Use a rectangular
3 4 5 DETAIL No 3 DETAIL N o 4

Remove the internal

soff part

3 5 \

Application of the joints 3 and 4 , ;


228 Part 6 Section 12 Bamboo construction technologies Part 6 Section 12 Bamboo construction technologies 229


F ig 14 5


., B



,.- . .

Wood or bamboo dowel Dowel



No. 4
Metal anchorage

Dowel B

230 Part 6 - Section 12 - Bamboo construction technologies Part 6 - Section 12 - Bamboo construction techno l ogies 231


Fi g. 14 .7 Fig. 14.8 .
1. Butt joint

Wedge :2 Beveled joint

Piece for increasing
the tightness of the cord


Bambo dowel

,- - 13 Oblique surfaced
, , 'W
i ,
half-lap joint
- ' ,+ ± - - ---t 1 i-

IT =
, - : , ' r,:: :.\ fl::
c, ,

Wedge Piece for increasing

8 the tightness of the cord 8 1 Rectangular
half-lap joint
5 With internal culm
section . It is used for

:6 With external culm

section. It is used for
Bamboo dowel
Bamboo dowel

17. Telescope joint

it is used for aqueducts

8 8 8


Used in fences Used in fences

232 Part 6 - Section 13 - House Construction - Footings Part 6 - Sectio

n 13 - House Construction - Footings 233


3 Bolt anchor

Fig 15.1
A. T r uncated cone bas e Concrete 140 kg /em _ H t - - - - Culm - - - JI
(2000 p.s.i)

-f. , , - Metal
m , , , d l l o· .'. .

. ,-

Stone footing

a por barrier
Concrete Steel ba r
A.- Footing for slope B.-Footstone for slope C.-Combined slab and
and flat ground and flat grounds foundation for flat grounds
:; ;: : . . .
Fig 15. 2A

Wood Floor
Floor _
Bamboo stud *1

B. C o n c re t e c y l i n d e r s uppor t bas e
This practical base for bam-
Steel pi n- boo columns was developed by
Fill up in ternodes Carlos Vergara. It can be used in
with cement mortar the base of bamboo columns, in
corridors but it is no t re ommen·
ded for the foundations of heavy
buildings. It uses two internodes
with mortar reinforced with a
steel bar.
teel pins or dowels are
located in the center of each
crete order
cylinder oncetoitfits the con-
Before filling the internodes
with mortar, the bamboo cylinder
has to be cut partially, leaving
about 1-2 mm from the interior
surface around the culm See
detail No.1). Once the concrete is D.-When the floor is on one level. E.-
E.- In the pl
aces where there are
dry the rest of the wall is cut in two floors at different levels.
order to remove the end of the
culm and the concrete of the
base will be exposed.

234 Part
Part 6 - Section
Section 13 - House Construction - Footings Part 6 - Section
Section 13 - House Construction - Footings 235


Fig. 15 4

Fig. 15 3 DETAIL NO.3 Lateral view

30 to 40 ems / Stud
DETAIL No.1 Front View, , ,
Soleplate - - - - - - - - ,
30 to 40 ems P Woo
d 'loor


30 to 40 ems
---: .

Lateral view
Front view DETAIL No.4
30 to 40 ems . 7'
Lateral view

Fi re stop



o 40 ems

30 to 40 ems of separation

Wood floor

236 Part 6 - Section 14- House construction - Bamboo walls Part 6 - Section 14- House construction - Bamboo walls 237


. <'

Fig. 16.2

B a mb o o W ood a nd b a m b o o - ( ININVI)*P e r u
Stud c 1200
Bamboo slat

Bamboo Sect
ion 1 - 1


L _____

Bamboo 1

250 o
Clay mixed
with vegetal :fi
fibers II
A Ii
pd -1 800 2400

B amboo
The Pa l a c e o f h e Viceroy Ama t i n i n U m a , P e ru ,
:250 known also as the Mill's house or Perricholi's House . (She was the
concubine of the Viceroy Amat.) In the nineteen eighties I visited this
800 building while it was being repaired. Bamboo culms covered with pIas-
ter were used in the columns, a n d the ceilings re made of bamboo
boards and then plastered. ll of the walls a n d ceilings in this building
Bamboo were made with quincha.
' ,


Panel Pm 1 Section 2-2

Esc 112

Clay mixed
with vegetal
B ININVI -insh tuto Naciona/ de [rw estigacion y Normalizaciol1
de fa Vi vienda - Lima. Pe .u

238 Part 6 Section 14 House construction Bamboo walls 240 Part 6 Section 14 House construction Bamboo walls 239


Fig. 16 4 A. Construction details

40-50 cms ,


Figs. C and D show the drawings made by some

artists who came to cuador in the sixteenth century and Bamboo slats
later. These two figures sho w that at that time, the natives /
were excellent bamboo builders. Due to the floods during
the rainy season and the dangerous animals of the jungle,
the houses were elevated from the ground. The nice
house shown in E are the typical bamboo architecture
which can be seen in only a very few towns of the coast
_ ?
In the floating houses of the Daule River shown in B, . =t
. . :

the vertical bamboo boards are replaced by strips of bam· , -', ..;:; /
boo board 10 cm wide woven diagonally , -/I - /

- .Z1 1 . ' ::

f -:: / .
C Tipical bamboo and timber house of the Ecuador coast Fig. B The cage (jaula) is built with studs and bam-
A Detail of the traditional wall boo slats 3-4 cm wide) which are fixed with nails to the

- h TIm ber
studs with a separation of 7-8 cm. The cage is filled with clay
mixed with straw. Once dry (after one month), the wall is
r- plastered with two coats of fine clay,sand and cement.
(Photo: Dicken Castro).
- B am boo board
Interior sid e of fixed vertically to _ _. . clay
the wall hori zontal timber
sup ports

Rou nd or rectangular .__- mortar

timb er

D Ancient bamboo house of the Ecuador s jungles

3arnb()0 slats
Cross section of the extenor walls


Fig.C This type of wall is very heavy and generally is used in

the construction of the first floor On the nd floor, a double bam-
E. Typica boo board wall is used in most of the cases
B. Floating house in the ri ver Daule Typicall architecture found in few towns of Ecuador

240 Part 6 Section 14 House construction Bamboo walls Part 6 Section 14 House construction Bamboo walls 241


Fig.16 .5 A. Construction details Fig 1 6 .6


Emp ty A Cross section of a two story

bamboo house with light
roof truss

Harled bamboo

Bamboo board
Light roof truss
I Galvanized
Wire 18
Cement plaster Bamboo wall plate

wood frame

Cross section of a story house
covered with rafters Apron

Cement olalste r I

Fig .B The ends of the bamboo joists an th

ceiling of the c ntileve r must be covered with Bamboo board
bamboo boards and plastered.
Cement plaster

Galvanized wire
Wall plate
Base board

Bamboo stu d Ce me nt pl aster

Solepl ate


Wood fl oor
Chiken wi re

Concrete beam
Bamboo soleplate
Fig. C This four floor bamboo house was built around 1930 in
Salamina city Colombia) and in the seventies their bamboo boards Reinforced concrete ll
we re ch nged nd pl stered w th cement mortar beam • Vapor barrier

242 Part 6 - Section 14

14-- House construction - Bamboo walls Part 6 - Section 14-
14- House construction - Bamboo walls 243

This type of wall consists of a bamboo frame formed Wall plate .,0;1 Fig . 16.8 Different types of woven bamboo boards A
by a soleplate, a wall plate and bamboo studs separated use in the construction of waJ/s in Indonesia
by up to 1 .2 0 meters. Barbed wires with a vertical separa-
tion of 2 to 22 centimeters are fixed horizontally or diag- Barbed wire
onally between the studs as shown inFig. A -Then a piece
of burlap with 4 threads per inch) is hung, and tensed on
Olle side of the barbed wires and fixed to them vertically A Cement

using galvanized wire No . 18 cut in lengths of about 8 plaster

centimeters, as sho wn in the central frame drawing. Then
2 coats of plaster (1:3 cement and sand) are applied on
the surface of the burlap on different days. The barbed
wires can be of the minimum caliber. The burlap has to be
made wit jute or any other strong vegetable fiber. The
use of burlap made with synthetic fibers is not recom-
This technology was originally developed in India
many years ago with very poor results due to the low
quality of the burlap used. But in 1983, the research
group of he School of Architecture of Valley University in
Cali, Colombia
Colombia Alvaro Thomas, Pedro Supelano, Carlos
I \
I '
Vergara and Ricardo Aguilera), improved this technology \
, I
to the point that today it is one of the best used in the con-
struction of walls. This new technology was used in the
construction of houses in Amanecer, a commmunity
located near Armenia, Colombia. arbed wire
Figs. B, C D E . These photographs
photographs show the different logy known as 'Tendinous Wall developed at the Valley
types of houses nd buildings which were built in University n Cali, Colombia, in the construction of he walls.
Amanecer by a Portuguese architect using the techno·

Part 6 Section 14 House constructio n Bamboo walls 245

244 Part 6 Section 14 House construction Bamboo walls


Fig 16 9 DETAIL
Gable ends
Tying of the horizontals
and vertical supports
Secondary supports
lA =

30 cms.

See details
3 and 4

oles to introduce
the main supports
T he main supports
c D E F
- . Soleplate
should e tide toge-
The secondary supports
shoul be tide to main sup - - - - - -
Generally 3 or 4 mortar
layers are used
i supports I
Windows and doors
2 layer
3 layer
4 layer

piate The hemp bundles
are fixed to the
studs with nail s

246 Part 6 - Section 15 - House construction - Roof structures Part 6 - Section 15 - House construction - Roof structures 247



5 DETAIL N o.4 Ridge

DETAIL No 1 ------.,-,( , Ridge
The separation of purlins ti les King post
depends on the dimensions of roof ', ,\

- - - - :

\ -- _ ... - Tension \, J '/
Rafter . 1 ember

. \
AI L N o.5 DETAIL N o. 2 DETAIL N o.3
. .

o - - \ ; \ ,
DETAIL No 2 / ' - - / I -]-/




King post

King Post B A B





Tension DETAIL N o.3 -t- Stud


Part 6 - Section
Section 15 - House construction - Roof structures Part 6 - Sectio
n 15 - House construction - Roof structures 249

Fig 17 4



I / --\ DETAIL No.3 I
I ,

( r ,l J - - DETAIL No.1 , ,,
-,, ,

, ,
4J. Railer - - - -
: ,

I I i
urlin 60 i t
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1; '-

i:: :

8 DETAIL N o . 2
dowel DETAIL No.1


DETAIL N o . 3

A ' 8


Bamboo support
A 8
DETAIL N o . 4

250 Part 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structures Part 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structures 25


Fig 17 5 Wood board

measure used for the separations of raffers (a and b)

Fixing SpanishTiles between bamboo joists

The separations a and b

depends on the dimensions
of the Spanish tile

Spanish tile

11 1 plate

L larnOc o splints

L Elah ,are,aue
are,aue wall

Stud Diagonal


252 Part 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structures Part 6 Section 15 House constructio n Roof structures 253




Wall plate _ _
Hip rafter

Soleplate > . . - I
In bamboo roofs two
valley bamboo rafters Hip rafter
are used

Ridge Joists
Roof Plan
r -o.King post


L _ _ W all with soil

L - :: = __ Ventilation

Jack raher
Corbels support
joists f

- Wo o
d bo
a rd

Wall plate

__ Wood sole plate

Top of foundation 011 mortar
oists - _ _ _ _ Foundation

Ventilations - Bamboo drainage

This studs are fixed once the bamboo
board of the interior wall is nailed

Part 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structure s Part 6 Section 15 House constructi on Roof structures 55


Fi g 17 10 iana



Metal flashing
__ Metal flashing

Ra er amboo·
Metal gutter

Pitching plate

Metal flashing
Method for tying up the grain stalks

,. r----- Bamboo
1 1---- Bamboo column

..... ._.__ Metal flashing DETAIL D




56 Part 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structures Part 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structures 57


Fig.17. 8.00
Method for tying up the palmleaves .
First Floor


iving room
/ - / .,=

Second floor
J_ .
I Batten

Bed rooms
Palmleave r
o o
c D

Tradftional wooden house wit

a th tch roof type A buiff by
the poor people in Portugal. It
can give an idea o he bamboo
E Tranversal section house once finished

58 Part 6 - Section
Section 15 - House construc
tion - Roof str
s Part 6 - Section
Section 15 - House construct
ion - Roof s
res 59



Fig 17 13

First floor Second floor

Trace the location of
joists each 40-50 cms Ridge
The rafters are tide r
IRafter X to the ridge

nBamboo board floor

t l
/J v, I
1 1
. The last layer of soil is com-
pacted wi th the bamboo
board floor



Longitudinal Section Cross Section


,. :c \
,- ' -- I
,, , /

he coffee beam treat

ment plant n operation

Part 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structures Part 6 Section 15 House constructio n Roof structures 26


Fig 17 16

Longitudinal Ridge
half section
Bamboo splints or wire used
in each side of the roof The splint is fixed to the batten

Beams and rafters are

L ·renlDo rav diagonal
tyed with galvanized wire

Groves with the

same width and
deep Galvanized wire

amboo boards used as

a base for plastering


A c

Stair _ _

B D L... Splints fixed to the battens

6 CPart 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structures Part 6 Section 15 House construction Roof structures 263

Fig 7 18


hingle tile

Battens of bamboo splints

A B c
Roof construction
It is very important to bear in mind that the culms Manufacture of bamboo shingles
used in the construction
construction of this type of roofs has to be
matu re 3 or more years old) . Never use young culms.
It is convenient to paint with asphalt or similar the B
surface of the bamboo section used as gutters. or inter
nal nodes
Fig.A ·R emoving the septums or internal nodes
Fig.S . Cutting the lateral sides with the same width
and deep.

Fig.C . Make a row as shown in this fig. and paint

them with asphalt or similar and locate the gutters with
iq ual distan ces be twe en bo rders.

E .12 ems
Fig. Fix a bamboo splint with a galvanized wire
No1 8
Locate the bamboo tiles with the exterior surface in

the upper side.

.E . F ix other splints at the top and lower part of F
the roof.

Part 6 - Section 16 - refabricationof bamboo houses 265

264 Part 6 - Section 16 - refabricationof bamboo hous es

The bamboo wall

wall boards generally are not plastered l.-Which the family heads of the users grou(l had the
PREF BRIC TION OF because the cement mortar increases the weigth of the same profession or activity. I proposed to make a program
walls which could not be by the small diamet er for shoe repaired, which are the poorest. This permit me to

columns. The only advantage which have the use of natural- establish a workshop surrounded by the houses where they
B MBOO HOUSES bamboo boards in the walls and floors is that in the dry sea- can work 3 or 4 hours a day repairing shoes and where
son the wind penetrates to the interior of the house they can learn how to manufacture shoes in order to

throught the cracks of the bamboo boards but also the encrease their profits and social leve
l. The money gathered
insects and dust of the roads and water in the rainy season. in this form was used for the monthly payments they have
In 1981 Guayaquil had a population of about one mil- make in order to pay to the goverrnent the loan that they
lion two hundred thousands persons of which about 60% of received in materials for the construction of th eir houses.
EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM OF PREFABRICATED HOUSES IN ECUADOR the total population lived in bamboo houses or cane hous- 2. All the family heads or their representatives have to
es (as they caB them), in the Guasmo and oth er poor quar- collaborate in the construction
construction of all the houses.
According to Alcedo y Herr era .. when the ters of this city. In these areas about the 80%t of the hous- 3. In order to facilitate the construction of the houses,
city of Guayaquil was founded in the sixteenth es had not acueduct and for solving this problem in each due to most of them have not any experience in construc-
century m·ound the hill of Cerrillo verde or house there were 2 to 4 metalic tanks which were lo located
cated in tion, we will develope a prefabrication method with bamboo
Cerro de to Cu[ata the structure of the houses front of each house in the street (Fig.18.2) and which w were
ere and each one of the parts will be manufactured by the users.
were built with timber, the walls with bamboo filled up with water by the many private trucks that trans- 4. The houses have to be designed in such way that
boards and the leaves
leaves oj bijao' palm we,·e used ported water and that charged at that time 20 sucres for fill- they can be builted or enlarged by stages. This permit to
as thatching. In 1 8 1 2 after the fire which ing up each tank. the future owners to get a loan for the first stage or for the
destroyed most of he city, the use of hatching In 1984. durin g several months I worked as consultant final stage.
roofs and the bamboo boar'ds in the walls were of the United Nations in Ecuador at the Junta adonal de 5. The first stage consist of a ·'basic unit of 3 by 6
forbiden and instead of them was recommen- la Vivienda in Guayaquil. This entity was in charge in this meters which include kitchen. badroom, living room which
ded the use of ceramic tiles or Spanish tiles fo,· country of the construction of low cost howses for families could be uses as bedroom and a dining room. This basic unit
the ,·oofs and quincha bahareque for the walls that earn at least 4 minimum salaries monthly. can be increased by the adition of one or two bedrooms.
which t that time were used in Lima, Peru .. . At my arrival I propose to this entity to car ry out an small 6.- In order to solv
solvee the problem of the water tankstanks
But later on the quincha walls were replaced experimental bamboo housing program in the area of that generaly are located in front of the houses in the street,
again by the bamboo boards which were fixed Guasmo, a very poor comunity of Guayaquil, where the peo- the house has been designed in such a way tha t the kitchen
vertically to the wooden struc tur e. (Fig A) ple used to live in bamboo hovels as shown in Figure 17. 1 B and the bathroom were located aside the str eed, in the front
On the other hand, most of the campesinos and C Most of the people which live in this area only earn of the house. This permit to lo locate
cate the metal tanks below
of Ecuador who emigrate to Guayaquil looking about one minimum salary or less. My purpose with this pro- the kitchen table by the exterior side. The kitchen table is
for a better future, the first thing they do is to gram was to demonstrate that was posible that the govern- extended to the bath room in order to have a water tank in
participate in invasions of lands where they ment could finance the construction of bamboo houses of the bath room. All the tanks were interconnected

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