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Device to Device based Proximity

Service Architecture Issues and

Applications First Edition Yufeng Wang
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Device-to-Device based
Proximity Service
Device-to-Device based
Proximity Service
Architecture, Issues, and Applications

Yufeng Wang
Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Qun Jin
Hongbo Zhu
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Wang, Yufeng (Computer scientist), author. | Vasilakos, Athanasios,

author. | Jin, Q. (Qun), 1962- author. | Zhu, Hongbo (Computer scientist),
Title: Device-to-device-based proximity service : architecture, issues, and
applications / Yufeng Wang, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Qun Jin, Hongbo Zhu.
Description: Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 2017. | Includes
bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017003187 | ISBN 9781498724173 (hardback : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Machine-to-machine communications.
Classification: LCC TK5105.67 .W36 2017 | DDC 004.6--dc23
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P r e fa c e xv
authors xix

Pa r t I architecture
chaPter 1 D e v i c e -t o - D e v i c e c o m m u n i c at i o n s
te c h n o l o g i e s 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Unlicensed D2D Communications 6
1.2.1 A Technical Overview on Wi-Fi Direct 6
1.2.2 Formations of Unlicensed Device-to-Device
Communication 8 Autonomous Device-to-Device
Communication 9 Network-Assisted Device-to-
Device Communication (Controlled) 12
1.2.3 Key Problems 17 Issues in Autonomous Device-to-
Device Communication 17 Network-Assisted Device-to-
Device Communication 23
1.3 Licensed Device-to-Device Communication 27
1.3.1 LTE Direct Architecture 27
1.3.2 Underlay and Overlay Device-to-Device
Communication 30

vi C o n t en t s

1.3.3 Key Challenges 31 Resource Allocation 31 Transmission Mode Selection 38
1.4 Conclusion 42
References 42

chaPter 2 P e e r a n D s e rvi c e D i s c ov e ry in

P rox i m it y s e rvi c e 47
2.1 Introduction 47
2.2 Peer and Service Discovery without Network
Assistance 49
2.2.1 Peer Discovery 49 Main Challenges 50 Solution to the Challenges 51 Combination of Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth 60
2.2.2 Service Discovery without Network Assistance 64 Supported Types of Service in
Wi-Fi Direct 64 Service Discovery Entity in
Wi-Fi Direct 65 Service Discovery in Wi-Fi Direct
Compared with Service Discovery
in Bluetooth 66 Service Discovery in Wi-Fi Direct
Compared with Service Discovery
in LTE Direct 66
2.3 Peer and Service Discovery with Network Assistance 68
2.3.1 Peer Discovery 68 Direct Discovery with Network
Assisted 68 Network-Dependent Peer
Discovery Schemes 71
2.3.2 Service Discovery with Network Assistance 75 App and Service Registration 76 Approach for Network-Assisted
Service Discovery 79
2.4 Conclusion 81
References 82

chaPter 3 m e s s a g e f o r wa r D i n g s t r at e g i e s 85
3.1 Introduction 85
3.2 Taxonomy of Social Behavior-Based Forwarding
Strategies 87
3.2.1 Location-Based Strategies 88
3.2.2 Encounter-Based Strategies 90 Social Property-Based Strategies 90 Community-Based Strategies 92
C o n t en t s vii

3.3 Typical Message-Forwarding Schemes for

Proximity Service 96
3.3.1 Location-Based Message-Forwarding Schemes 96
3.3.2 Encounter-Based Forwarding Schemes 98 Social Property-Based Schemes 98 Community-Based Forwarding
Scheme 99
3.3.3 Comparisons of Social-Based Forwarding
Strategies in Mobile Social Networking in
Proximity 105
3.4 Open Issues and Challenges 106
3.4.1 Internal Challenges 107 Bandwidth Constraint 107 Energy Constraint 107 Balance of Various Trade-Offs 108
3.4.2 External Challenges 108 Human Mobility Prediction 108 Dynamic Communities 109 Selfishness and Incentive
Mechanisms 109
3.5 Several Typical Prototypes 110
3.5.1 Haggle 110
3.5.2 DMS: DTN-Based Mobile Social Network
Application 112
3.6 Conclusion 115
References 115

chaPter 4 P r o f i l e m at c h i n g a n D r e c o m m e n D at i o n
sys t e m s i n P rox i m it y s e rvi c e 119
4.1 Introduction 119
4.2 Profile-Matching Schemes Device-to-Device-Based
Proximity Services 121
4.2.1 Bloom Filter-Based Profile Matching 122 Basic Concepts about Bloom Filters 122 Existing Bloom Filter-Based
Profile-Matching Schemes 123
4.2.2 Privacy-Preserving Profile Matching 128 Protocol 1 for Level-I Privacy 133 Protocol 2 for Level-II Privacy 134
4.2.3 Light-Weighted Privacy-Preserving
Profile Matching 135 System Architecture of LIP3 136 The Proposed Protocols 138
viii C o n t en t s

4.3 Over-the-Top-Based Recommendation Systems 142

4.3.1 Existing Recommendation Techniques 144 Content-Based Filtering
Algorithms 144 Collaborative Filtering
Recommendation Algorithm 145 Improvement to Recommendation
Systems 148
4.3.2 Location Recommendation Systems in
Location-Based Social Networks 150
4.4 Conclusion 153
References 153

chaPter 5 P r o x i m i t y -s e r v i c e a P P l i c at i o n
D e v e l o P m e n t fr a m e w o r k 157
5.1 Introduction 157
5.2 Overview of Proximity Service (Basic Concept and
Development View Point) 159
5.2.1 Over-the-Top and Device-to-Device
Development Pattern 159
5.2.2 Typical Scenarios of Proximity Services 162 Public Safety Communication 163 Discovery Mode 164
5.2.3 Two Different Viewpoints for ProSe
Development 165
5.3 From ProSe Application Designers’ View:
Components, Requirements, and Existing Works 166
5.3.1 Requirements in Developing ProSe
Applications 166 Physical Layer 167 Context Layer 168 Application Layer 169 Crosslayer 170
5.3.2 Comparison of Existing ProSe Applications
and Solutions 174
5.4 From ProSe Development Framework Builder View:
Benefits and Challenges 179
5.4.1 Benefits of Introducing Development
Framework 180
5.4.2 Challenges in Building ProSe Application
Development Framework 181
5.5 Summary of Existing ProSe Application
Development Frameworks 183
5.5.1 Commotion Wireless Project 184
5.5.2 Serval Project 186
5.5.3 AllJoyn 188
5.5.4 Proxima 188
C o n t en t s ix

5.5.5 Crossroads 189

5.5.6 USABle 190
5.5.7 CAMEO 191
5.6 Conclusion 192
References 193

Pa r t II f u n Da m e n ta l i s s u e s
chaPter 6 s m artPh o n e- Bas e D hu m an activit y
recognition 199
6.1 Introduction 199
6.2 Background 201
6.2.1 Common Sensors Embedded in Smartphones 201 Accelerometer 202 Compass Sensor 203 Gyroscope 204
6.2.2 Activities 204
6.3 Core Techniques 205
6.3.1 Raw Data Collection and Preprocessing 208 Types of Errors 208 Techniques to Address Error 210
6.3.2 Feature Computation 211 Time-Domain Features 212 Frequency-Domain Features 212 Discrete-Domain Features 213
6.3.3 Classification Methods 215 Performance Metrics for Activity
Recognition 217 Taxonomy of Classifiers 219 Decision Tree 220 KNN 222 HMM 223 SVM 225
6.3.4 Data Analysis Tools 225
6.4 Application 228
6.4.1 HAR for End Users 228 Daily Life Monitoring 228 Health Care 229
6.4.2 HAR for the Third Parties 230 Corporate Management and
Accounting 230 Targeted Advertising 230
6.4.3 Applications for Crowds and Groups 231 Activity-Based Social Networking 231 Activity-Based Crowdsourcing 231
6.4.4 Vehicle-Related Applications 232
x C o n t en t s

6.5 Challenges and Open Issues 232

6.5.1 Energy Consumption and Battery Life 232
6.5.2 Quality of Smartphone Sensors 233
6.5.3 Burden 233
6.5.4 Smartphone Placement and Use Habits 234
6.5.5 Security and Privacy Threats 234
6.6 Conclusion 235
References 235

chaPter 7 i n D o o r l o ca l i z at i o n anD tr ac k i n g s ys t e m s 239

7.1 Introduction 239
7.2 Background 240
7.2.1 Performance Metrics 240
7.2.2 Positioning Principles 243 Triangulation 243 Proximity 244 Scene Analysis 244 Pedestrian Dead Reckoning 245
7.3 Wireless Technologies Used in Indoor Localization 246
7.3.1 Existing Wireless Technologies for Indoor
Localization 246
7.3.2 Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization 247 Basic Concepts about Wi-Fi
Fingerprint 247 Improvements to Traditional
Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Systems 248
7.3.3 Pedestrian Dead Reckoning-Based Indoor
Localization 252 Step Detection 253 Step Length Estimation 257 Heading Estimation 259
7.3.4 Comparison of Wi-Fi Fingerprint
and PDR-Based Indoor Localizations 263
7.4 Improvements to PDR and Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based
Indoor Localization Schemes 264
7.5 Conclusion 270
References 270

chaPter 8 moBile crowDsourcing with B u i lt- i n

incentives 273
8.1 Introduction 273
8.2 MCS Framework and Typical Applications 278
8.2.1 MCS Enabling Modes 278
8.2.2 Comparison among Typical MCS
Applications 279 Direct Mode 279 WoM Mode 289
C o n t en t s xi

8.3 Generic Framework 290

8.3.1 A Generic Mobile-Crowdsourcing
Framework 291
8.3.2 Typical Workflow of MCS Applications 292
8.4 Key Challenges 294
8.4.1 Task Design and Allocation 294
8.4.2 Incentives 296
8.4.3 Security and Privacy 297 General Privacy and Security
Threats in Mobile Crowdsourcing 298 Countermeasures to Address
Privacy and Security Threats 300
8.4.4 Quality Control 302 The Malicious Behavior in the
Crowd 304 Ensuring Trustworthiness of Data 305
8.5 Quality-Aware Incentive 306
8.5.1 Detailed Operation of QuaCentive Scheme 308 Selecting Participants Based on
Their Reputation Ranking and
Bids (Step 3) 309 Rewarding Contributors (Step 7) 310 Verifying Crowdsourcers’ Bad
Ratings on the Quality of the
Sensed Contents (Step 8) 310 Updating Reputation Rankings of
Participants and Crowdsourcers 311
8.5.2 Theoretical Analysis of QuaCentive 311 From Crowd Side: Individual
Rationality, Incentive of Providing
High-Quality Sensed Contents,
and Truthful Bid 312 From Crowdsourcing Platform’s
Side: Condition of Being Profitable 313 From Crowdsourcer’s Side:
Truthful Feedback about Quality
of Sensed Contents 314 Strategies to Deal to
Whitewashing Users 316
8.6 Conclusion 316
References 317

chaPter 9 e n e r gy - e f f i c i e n t te c h n o l o g i e s i n
D e v i c e -t o - D e v i c e B a s e D P r o x i m i t y s e r v i c e 323
9.1 Introduction 323
9.2 Architecture of Energy-Efficient Proximity Services 325
x ii C o n t en t s

9.3 Energy-Efficient D2D Networking for

Proximity Services 327
9.3.1 Energy-Efficient Device-to-Device
Communications Technologies 327
9.3.2 Energy-Efficient Peer and Service
Discovery for Proximity Services 328
9.4 Energy-Efficient Localization Technologies 330
9.4.1 Technical Design Principle 330
9.4.2 Energy-Efficient Localization Schemes 332 Energy-Efficient Localization
for Outdoor Environment 332 Energy-Efficient Localization
for Indoor Environments 334
9.4.3 Complementary Context–Assisting
Energy-Efficient Schemes 338 Detection: Indoor or Outdoor 338 Battery Interactions 339 Image-Based Localization 339
9.5 Application and Architecture Features 340
9.5.1 Collaborative Downloading 340
9.5.2 Store–Carry–Forward Mechanism 340
9.6 Context Awareness for Energy-Efficient ProSe 341
9.6.1 Physical Context 342
9.6.2 Usage Context 342
9.6.3 Social Context 343
9.7 Energy Consumption Models and Measurement 343
9.7.1 Specific Measurements to
Record Energy Consumption on
the Smartphone 347
9.7.2 Trade-Off between Energy Efficiency
and Performance 349
9.8 Conclusion 351
References 351

Pa r t III a P P l i c at i o n s of P r ox i m i t y s e r v i c e
c h a P t e r 10 v e h i c u l a r s o c i a l n e t w o r k s 359
10.1 Introduction 359
10.2 Overview on VSNs 361
10.2.1 Main Components 361 Onboard Unit 362 Application Unit 362 Roadside Unit 362
10.2.2 Network Architectures 362 In-Vehicle Communications 363 Vehicle-to-Vehicle
Communications 364
C o n t en t s x iii
Infrastructure Communications 364 Vehicle-to-Cloud
Communications 364
10.2.3 Characteristics 365 Predictable Mobility 365 Highly Dynamic
Topology and Frequently
Disconnected Network 365 Various Communications
Environments 366 Hard Delay Constraints 366 Sufficient Energy, Storage, and
High Computational Ability 366
10.3 Applications of VSNs 366
10.3.1 Active Road Safety Applications 366 Intersection Collision
Avoidance 367 Sign Extension 368 Information from Other
Vehicles 368
10.3.2 Traffic Efficiency and Management
Applications 370
10.3.3 Comfort and Infotainment Applications 371
10.4 Challenges of VSNs 371
10.4.1 Mobility Model 371 Available Vehicular Mobility
Trace 373 Typical Mobility Models 374
10.4.2 Routing Protocols 381 Classification of VSNs
Routing Mechanisms 381 Several Typical Routing
Protocols 385
10.4.3 Security Issues in Vehicular Social Network 392 Security Requirement 392 Major Security Threats 395 Security Solutions 397
10.5 Conclusion 400
References 401

c h a P t e r 11 D e v i c e -to -D e v i c e -B as e D tr a f f i c o f f loa D i n g 405

11.1 Introduction 405
11.2 Architectures of D2D Based Traffic Offloading 408
11.3 Traffic Offloading onto Wi-Fi Direct 411
11.3.1 Preliminaries 412
xiv C o n t en t s

11.3.2 System Strategies 414 Subscribe-and-Send Architecture 414 Social Tie-Based Offloading
Framework 417 Offloading Cellular User
Sessions onto D2D Links 420
11.3.3 Analysis of the Aforementioned System
Strategies 424
11.4 Traffic Offloading onto LTE Direct 425
11.4.1 Use of Uplink Channel 425
11.4.2 Load Balancing 429
11.5 Usage Cases of Traffic Offloading 433
11.5.1 Peer-to-Peer 434 P2P Content Sharing 435 Multicast D2D Transmission 437
11.5.2 Relay 440
11.6 Challenges of Cellular Traffic Offloading 442
11.6.1 Congestion Control 443
11.6.2 Incentive Mechanism 448
11.6.3 Business and Commercial Perspectives 450
11.7 Conclusion 452
References 452

inDex 455

The pervasive presence of mobile personal devices with sensing,

communication, and computation capabilities together with the
massive use of online social network systems is increasingly creat-
ing a cyber–physical–social space where users can interact, exploite,
and generate information. Moreover, enriched with several sens-
ing capabilities and networking interfaces, today’s portable devices
are enabling new types of interactions, especially proximity services
(ProSe). Proximity awareness means the ability to actively/passively
and continuously seek relevant value in one’s physical proximity.
By the end of 2025, ProSe Market for long term evolution (LTE) &
5G Networks 2017–2030 research estimates that mobile operators
can pocket as much $17 billion in ProSe based annual service rev-
enue. This trend not only provides new opportunities for application
vendors but also has the potential to disrupt the current social net-
working market and the architecture of the web.
Existing technologies used to serve the proximity awareness can
be broadly divided into over-the-top (OTT) and device-to-device
(D2D) peer-to-peer (P2P) modes.
In the OTT mode, the centralized infrastructure (usually servers
located in the cloud) receives periodic location updates from user
mobile devices. The server then determines the proximity based on
location updates and interests. The constant location updates not only

xvi P refaC e

result in significant battery impact because of GPS power consump-

tion and the periodic establishment of cellular connections, but also
cause a serious privacy problem.
Different from the OTT mode, in local area, D2D-based ProSe
schemes forgo centralized processing in identifying relevancy
matches, instead autonomously determining the relevance at the
device level by transmitting and monitoring for relevant attributes.
This approach offers crucial privacy benefits. In addition, by keeping
discovery on the device rather than in the cloud, it allows for user-level
controls over what are shared.
D2D-based schemes cannot be seen as the replacements to OTT-
based schemes. Intuitively, using OTT, ProSe users can link to online
social networks to acquire others’ profiles over Internet and enable
common profile exchange. With this feature, proximity services are
capable of performing common interest matchmaking and content
recommendation for users. Naturally, OTT and D2D paradigms are
complementary with each other, enabling a proximity service that is
more efficient and robust.
Nowadays, cloud computing provides a large range of services and
virtually unlimited available resources for users. New applications,
such as virtual reality and smart building control, have emerged due
to the abundance of resources and services brought by cloud com-
puting. However, the delay-sensitive applications face the problem
of long latency, especially when many smart devices and objects are
getting involved in people’s lives such as the case of smart cities or
the Internet of Things. Therefore, cloud computing is unable to meet
the requirements of low latency, location awareness, and mobility
support. Our book is closely related to the emerging field of mobile
edge computing (fog computing), which facilitates the leveraging of
available services and resources in the edge networks. The purpose of
fog and mobile edge computing is to run the heavy real-time appli-
cations at the network edge directly using the billions of connected
mobile devices.
In a sense, our book could be regarded a discussion on D2D-
enabled fog computing from service and interdisciplinary viewpoints,
so-called ProSe.
Traditionally, D2D communication is a technology component for
long term evolution-advanced (LTE-A), working in licensed spectrum,
P refaC e x vii

which serves as an underlay to the cellular network as a means to

increase spectral efficiency. Here, our book explicitly regards various
methods as D2D communications technologies, which support
infrastructure-free and self-organized proximity area meaning that
there is no communication station and a pair of devices can send
and receive messages only when they move into each other’s commu-
nication range.
Unlike existing books on D2D communications, which mainly
focus on some physical layer issues, including power and interfer-
ence management, resource allocation, and mode selection, especially
in LTE Direct underlaying cellular networks, besides fundamental
D2D communications technologies (Wi-Fi Direct and LTE Direct),
our book thoroughly presents architecture, issues, and applications in
D2D networking environment.
First, the unified architecture from bottom to top, is composed
of the following layers/components: D2D communications layer
introduces the basic communications technologies and their issues.
Networking layer focuses on peer and service discovery. Topological
layer discusses the store-carry-forward based message forwarding
schemes (utilizing users’ mobility to disseminate content through
opportunistic contacts). Profile matching component includes two
parts: privacy-preserving profile-matching schemes and OTT-based
recommendation systems. Finally, ProSe development framework
investigates the requirements, challenges, and typical frameworks of
ProSe development and deployment.
Second, the fundamental issues are organized from realistic
application and interdisciplinary viewpoints. Specifically, the book
will pay special attention to the following issues: smartphone-based
human activity recognition, indoor localization and tracking systems,
incentive mechanisms (i.e., mobile crowdsourcing systems), and
energy-efficient ProSe technologies.
Finally, typical applications of D2D-based ProSe are given, includ-
ing vehicular social networks (VSNs), and D2D-based cellular traffic
In brief, D2D-based proximity service is a very hot topic and has
great commercial potential from an application viewpoint. Unlike
existing books that focus on D2D communications technologies, our
book fills a gap: by summarizing and analyzing the latest application
x viii P refaC e

and research results in academic, industrial fields and standardization,

we comprehensively present the architecture, fundamental issues, and
applications in D2D networking environment from application and
interdisciplinary viewpoints.

The features of this book are given as follows:

• Proximity awareness, the ability to actively/passively and con-
tinuously search for relevant value in one’s physical proximity.
• The unified architecture including D2D communications
technologies, networking layer, topological layer, profile
matching in D2D- and OTT-based ProSe, and the proposed
ProSe development framework.
• Fundamental problems in D2D-based proximity service from
application and interdisciplinary viewpoints.
• Typical and hot applications of D2D-based ProSe.

Yufeng Wang earned his PhD in state key laboratory of networking

and switching technology, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, Beijing, People’s Republic of China. He is a full
professor in Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Nanjing, People’s Republic of China. From March 2008, he has been
an expert researcher in the National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan. He is a guest researcher
at Media Lab, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. He has published
nearly 100 English journal/conference papers. His research interests
focus on multidisciplinary inspired networks and systems. E-mail: or

Athanasios V. Vasilakos is currently a distinguished professor of

computer science at Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.
He has authored or coauthored more than 250 technical papers in
major international journals and conferences. He is author/coauthor
of 5 books and 20 book chapters. His works have received more
than 16,000 citations. He has an h-index of 75 and is an ISI
Highly Cited researcher. He served or is serving as an editor for
many technical journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Network
and Service Management, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE

xx au t h o rs

Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience,

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, ACM
Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, and IEEE Journal
on Selected Areas in Communications.

Qun Jin is currently a tenured full professor of human informatics and

cognitive sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University,
Tokyo, Japan. He has been engaged extensively in research works
in the fields of computer science, information systems, and social
and human informatics. He seeks to exploit the rich interdepen-
dence between theory and practice in his work with interdisciplin-
ary and integrated approaches. Dr. Jin has published more than 200
refereed papers in world-renowned academic journals, such as ACM
Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, IEEE Transactions on
Learning Technologies, IEEE Systems Journal, and Information Sciences
(Elsevier), and international conference proceedings in the related
research areas. He has served as a general chair, program chair and
Technical Program Committee (TPC) member for numerous inter-
national conferences, and editor-in-chief, associate editor, editorial
board member, and guest editor for a number of scientific journals. His
recent research interests cover human-centric ubiquitous computing,
human–computer interaction, behavior and cognitive informatics, big
data, personal analytics and individual modeling, social networking and
cyber security, e-learning and learning analytics, cyber-enabled health
care, and computing for well-being. He is a member of the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the IEEE Computer
Society (IEEE CS), and the Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM), New York, USA; Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineers (IEICE), Tokyo, Japan; Information
Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Tokyo, Japan; Japanese Society
for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), Tokyo, Japan; and China Computer
Federation (CCF); People’s Republic of China.

Hongbo Zhu is a professor and the former vice president of Nanjing

University of Posts and Telecommunications (NUPT), Nanjing,
People’s Republic of China. At present, he is serving in the follow-
ing positions: director of the Research Institute of Internet of Things
au t h o rs xxi

(IoT), NUPT; fellow of the China Institute of Communication (CIC),

Bejing, People’s Republic of China; chairman of the IoT Committee,
CIC; vice chairman of the Academic Committee, CIC; fellow of the
Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE), Bejing, People’s Republic of
China; chairman of the Communication Society, CIE; vice chair-
man of the Education Committee, CIE; member of the Information
Division of the Science and Technology Committee, the Ministry
of Education of China, People’s Republic of China; director of the
Ministerial Engineering Research Center on Ubiquitous Network
Health Service System, the Ministry of Education of People’s
Republic of China; standing deputy director of the Ministerial Key
Laboratory on Wideband Wireless Communications and Sensor
Networks, the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China;
director of Jiangsu Key Laboratory on Wireless Communications,
Jiangsu, People’s Republic of China; director of Jiangsu Collaborative
Innovation Center on IoT and Its Applications, Jiangsu, People’s
Republic of China; and academic leader of the Jiangsu Key Discipline
on Communications and Information Systems, Jiangsu, People’s
Republic of China.
He has authored or coauthored more than 500 papers and 3 books
on information and communication area, such as IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, and
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.
Part I
A rchitecture
D e v i ce -to -D e v ice
c o mmunications
technolo g ies

1.1 Introduction

Recently, the number of mobile subscriptions continues to grow

along with an explosive increase in the mobile data traffic demand.
Thereby, it creates significant network capacity shortage concerns
for mobile network operators. In order to address this problem, it is
essential to increase the network capacity at a low additional cost.
Device-to-device (D2D) communication is believed to be a promising
future mobile communication technology capable of creating various
new mobile service opportunities and offload traffic from the cellular
infrastructure. Efforts have been made by wireless engineers to meet
this sociotechnological trend: Qualcomm has pioneered a mobile
communication system known as FlashLinQ wherein wireless sense
is implemented to enable proximity-aware communication among
devices [1].
Basically, D2D communications commonly refer to the technolo-
gies that enable devices to communicate directly without an infra-
structure of access points or base stations (BSs), and the involvement
of wireless operators. A surge of interest in supporting direct D2D
communications is motivated by several factors: cost, efficiency, traffic
offloading, and especially the popularity of proximity-based services
driven largely by mobile social networking applications.
One of the key aspects of D2D communications is the set of spec-
trum bands in which D2D communications takes place. As shown in
Figure 1.1, D2D can be divided into licensed D2D and unlicensed
D2D communications [2].
Unlicensed D2D: Here the D2D links exploit unlicensed spectrum.
Instead of widely used cellular interface, using unlicensed spectrum


D2D Communications

Unlicensed Licensed

Underlay Overlay
Autonomous Controlled
D2D Cellular Cellular
Without With
infrastructure infrastructure Cellular D2D
assistance assistance Cellular spectrum Cellular spectrum

Node synchronization throughout
Spectrum efficiency
Poor user experience mode selection Interference
resource allocation
Manual device pairing energy efficiency
mobility management


Figure 1.1 Classification of D2D technology.

requires an extra interface and usually adopts other wireless technologies

such as Wi-Fi Direct, ZigBee, or Bluetooth. Some of the work on unli-
censed D2D [3–5] suggest to give the control of the second interface/
technology to the cellular network (i.e., controlled). In contrast, other
schemes propose to leave the D2D communications to the individual
users (i.e., autonomous) [6]. On one hand, in unlicensed D2D, there
is no interference between D2D and cellular users, and users can have
simultaneous D2D and cellular communications; on the other hand,
unlicensed D2D may suffer from the uncontrolled nature of unlicensed
spectrum, especially in an autonomous mode. Especially, unlicensed
spectrum is reserved internationally for the use of radio frequency
(RF) energy for industrial, scientific and medical, so-called ISM band,
and abundant instruments and applications appeared in these bands
including radio-frequency process heating, microwave ovens, and med-
ical diathermy machines, and so on. Therefore, there exists a signifi-
cant interference between mobile devices, unlicensed D2D, and ISM
For the unlicensed D2D communications with autonomous mode
(i.e., without infrastructure assistance), most of the mobile users can

only realize D2D function by Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, which is not an

integral part of the cellular networks, and thus might cause incon-
venient customer usage experience. For example, both Bluetooth
and Wi-Fi require manual pairing between two devices. The dis-
tance of Wi-Fi Direct is claimed to be 656 in., which means that
dozens of devices within the range may be on the list. This process
will make the user quite cumbersome compared to making a phone
call. Furthermore, since most of the existing D2D communications
technologies work on the crowded 2.4 GHz unlicensed band, the
interference is uncontrollable. For the similar reason, traditional D2D
technologies cannot provide security and quality of service (QoS)
guarantee as the cellular networks, and so on. In brief, autonomous
unlicensed D2D communications is usually motivated by reducing
the overhead of cellular networks. It does not require any change at
the BS and can be deployed easily. However, it also has some prob-
lems such as node synchronization, poor user experience, and manual
device pairing.
The controlled unlicensed D2D communications intentionally uti-
lize the advanced management features of cellular infrastructure to
improve the throughput, power efficiency, security, and reliability of
D2D communications by allocating appropriate resource (avoid using
the ISM bands that are currently occupied by other D2D), facilitat-
ing peer and service discovery, and selecting proper communications
mode (cellular or D2D).
Licensed D2D: This category exploits the cellular spectrum for both
D2D and cellular links. The motivation for choosing licensed commu-
nication is usually the high control over cellular (i.e., licensed) spec-
trum. Some researchers (see e.g., [7]) consider that the interference in
the unlicensed spectrum is uncontrollable that imposes constraints for
QoS provisioning. Under licensed D2D communication, user equip-
ments (UEs) can reuse uplink/downlink resources in the same cell.
Therefore, it is important to design the D2D mechanism in a man-
ner that D2D users do not disrupt the cellular services. Interference
management is usually addressed by power and resource allocation
schemes. Ideally, the transmission power should be properly regu-
lated, so that the D2D transmitter does not interfere with the cellular
UE communication while maintaining minimum signal to interfer-
ence plus noise ratio (SINR) requirement of the D2D receiver [8].

Interference can also be efficiently managed if the D2D users com-

municate over resource blocks (RBs) that are not used by nearby inter-
fering cellular UEs.
As shown in Figure 1.1, licensed communication can be further
divided into underlay and overlay paradigms. In underlay D2D com-
munication, cellular and D2D communications share the same radio
resources. Underlay D2D communications can improve the spectrum
efficiency of cellular networks by reusing spectrum resources, but has
the significant issue of interference between D2D devices and cellular
devices. In contrast, D2D links in overlay communication are given ded-
icated cellular resources. Allocating dedicated cellular resources to D2D
users can avoid the interference, but may waste the spectrum resource.
Irrespective of the unlicensed or licensed D2D, there are some
common challenges, such as power efficiency, throughout improve-
ment, security, and mobility management.
The chapter is organized as follows: Section 1.2 describes the basic
technologies about unlicensed D2D communication and summarizes
the fundamental issues and potential solutions. Section 1.3 describes
the basic framework of licensed D2D communications and introduces
some key problems and solutions. Finally, the conclusion is briefly

1.2 Unlicensed D2D Communications

This section first describes the popular unlicensed D2D commu-

nications technologies, especially Wi-Fi Direct, summarizes the
formation of two categories of unlicensed D2D communications:
autonomous and network-assisted D2D communications, and then
discusses several typical problems of Wi-Fi Direct technology,
including power saving and security, and some solutions to solving
these problems.

1.2.1 A Technical Overview on Wi-Fi Direct

Nowadays, IEEE 802.11 standard has become one of the most com-
mon ways to access the Internet. However, to continue with its strik-
ing success, the Wi-Fi technology needs to evolve and embrace a
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elaborately carved fronts having stone balconies with grey reliefs of elephant

Then we entered the "fort" itself, and began our progress through the
long series of its seven gateways that close the zigzag road at intervals. First
came the "Padal Pol" of Akhbar's time, and then a new gate with two
monuments and the sacred emblems of Siva. The third was the Gate of
Hanuman, the monkey friend of Rama. Set within a grand stone arch, the old
wooden doors covered with large iron spikes were dropping to pieces with
age. Between this and the preceding gateway Akhbar himself is said to have
shot the besieged leader in the great siege of 1568. The Ganesh Gate
followed, and just at the turn of the zigzag far above our heads the rough
masses of bare rock—here, blood-red ochre, and there, pale purple grey—
reared up and up to yet higher steeps of masonry to the line of the great road
wall above. Here and there stunted trees clutched the stones or straddled
some projection with clinging roots. The fifth gateway was the Jorla Pol
with a rough, stone house built over it. The Lakshman Pol was close to this
last, and had a group of nine brown-legged native soldiers lounging in the
gate-house. Beside this part of the road there were some hundreds of small
monuments like double cubes from two to three feet high, and I was told that
in past days anyone of Chitor who had been to Benares built one of these.

In front of the Ram Pol, the seventh and last gateway, there is a
wonderful old stone building with carved pillars and a long beam-like piece
of stone, now used as a bench to sit upon, carved from end to end with
alternate balusters and figures. The carving round the base of this gateway is
very remarkable, being in three tiers together, not higher than three feet, with
human figures in the upper course, horses in the middle one and elephants

Beyond this gate are the ruins of old Chitor. Blue-glazed tiles still gleam
from broken walls of palaces and time takes leisurely its slow revenge.
There are two towers in Chitor—one, the Tower of Fame and the other the
Tower of Victory. The first is close to an old Jain temple, and is itself of
Jaina architecture, built probably about the time when Saxon pirates looked
on the Roman ruins of Londinium.
In a niche over the very tiny doorway and on each of the other three
sides at the same level, stands a perfectly nude figure which I suppose to be
that of the deified saint or Tirthakarai to which the tower was dedicated.
Throughout its seven storeys the tower is covered with elaborate sculpture
and horizontal mouldings. The door was locked with a brass lock, and it took
some hunting to find the keeper of the key.

When I bowed down and crept at last within, the dusk was filled with a
great whirring sound of many things. I clambered up to the open storey at
the top, and as I climbed grew more used to the subdued light and could
distinguish in the carving dancing-girls with strings of jewels, strange stags
among trees and lines of geese, while a myriad long-eared bats squealed
about my head. There was no lightning-conductor on the Tower of Fame.

The Tower of Victory, glowing a golden yellow in the declining sun, was
obviously more used to visitors, and has an easier and a cleaner stairway. It
is a fifteenth century monument built to commemorate a victory over
Mahmud, King of Malwa, and has nine storeys covered with carved
decoration. Within this also there are many sculptures of the Hindoo
mythology—Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and their various incarnations. On the
top storey but one there are eight carved marble columns very old and
yellow, in an inner rank, and on the outer projecting portion of the storey
other marble columns. By a wooden ladder I ascended from here to the top
storey which is roofed with a dome restored last century, and now protected
by a lightning-rod. There were no marble pillars on this upper storey which
is octagonal in shape with four open sides and four closed by stone screens.
Inside, against the latter, four stone slabs about two feet square are let in to a
stone framework, and two of these are old and covered with inscription.

As I was driven away, all the edges of the tower glowed like burnished
copper in the sunset light.

The twin cradles of the Jaina sect were the States of Mewar and Marwar;
and while the former is still independent, the latter forms with Ajmere an
isolated British district in the middle of Rajputana. I had now seen at Chitor
one of the most famous Jain monuments in the Tower of Fame, and was next
to journey to Mount Abu to see there the celebrated Jain temples which are
not much later in date.
Mount Abu is a detached hill about fifteen miles on the south-west of the
Aravalli Range. From Chitor I, therefore, went northwards to Ajmere, the
city which Akhbar had so frequently visited on his pilgrimages to the shrine
of its saintly anchorite. This saint was of the same Persian family as the
Sheik Salim Chisti whose tomb I had seen at Fatehpur Sikri. His burial-place
is known as the Dargah, whither I drove from Ajmere Railway Station.

There were steps up and steps down, and then a gateway painted bright
blue with gold Persian lettering upon it and doors covered with repoussé
metal. In the large courtyard within, the most noticeable object is the larger
of two metal cauldrons—an iron pot of gigantic size—set in stepped stone,
over a furnace. This is for cooking the rice and other food, offered for
charitable distribution by wealthy pilgrims. In the same courtyard there are
also tall metal candelabra with niches all the way up for small oil votive
lamps. The great area covered by the Dargah includes mosques and other
tombs, as well as that of the saint which last is entered through a series of
silver doors.

The traveller in India soon grows accustomed to the wearing of garlands;

but at Ajmere not only was I adorned at the tomb of Akhbar's saintly
councillor, with long strings of roses and marigolds, but when I came to
remount the tonga which had been left at the entrance to the Dargah, I found
that it also had been decorated and now carried on each side a tree of pink
and yellow paper flowers.
At Ajmere, a really beautiful treasure of architecture is a magnificent
carved screen of sandstone arches and five rows of columns behind them,
the remains of an otherwise ruined mosque called the Arhai-din-ka-jompra
built from the materials of a former Jain temple about the end of the
eleventh century. A lake which was made about the same date as the Arhai-
din-ka-jompra has an embankment used as a public promenade on which
there are white marble pavilions. When I reached the edge of this lake,
through the beautiful trees of public gardens, the sun was nearly setting and
suffused everything with the inevitable enchantment of its golden light.

But there are ugly sights as well as beautiful ones at Ajmere, and one of
the worst pieces of gaudy modern barbarism is that called the Moolchu
Temple, with painted images of elephants and painted corrugated iron and
common plush and gilding seen through glass screens. It must not be
supposed, however, that there is no good modern native building, and not
far away I saw one of the best examples in the handsome Mayo College, a
splendid pile of white marble built for the education of young Rajputs of
high birth.

From Ajmere I travelled South again down the other side of the Aravalli
Range on the way to Abu Road. In the background the Chinwan Mountains
could be faintly seen beyond nearer hills, and masses of blue-grey rock split
and cracked with dark fissures. The landscape was spotted with wriggling
snatches of shadow from stunted trees with dried grey leaves.

Where any earth was visible it was yellow, and where it was covered by
any kind of vegetation that was yellow too. Cotton plants here and there
showed maroon-coloured heads, but the only really bright colour in the
general white glare was the brilliant scarlet of the dak tree blossoms which
glowed like red embers. Late in the afternoon I reached Abu Road and
drove thence by tonga to Mount Abu. It was a terrible journey through
choking dust. I could not get at my sand-glasses, and against a scourging
wind kept my eyes shut as much as possible, only opening them now and
then to peep at the black-faced monkeys that stared from roadside rocks. It
was like the ordeal of some fairy story where the hero has to climb an
enchanted mountain with sinister and malevolent powers fighting against
his ascent. Dead trees gnarled and twisted shook with fantastic menace, and
countless boulders seemed to cry out like the black stones to which
previous wayfarers had been transformed by the mountain demon.

It was evening and quite dark when the tonga finally stopped at the
equivalent of a livery stable, and I learned that the last part of the way was
expected to be done by rickshaw. In the darkness, and being weary enough
besides, I offered no resistance, and at length attained food and shelter at
the dak bungalow of Mount Abu.

I had come to see the Dilwarra Temples, and the next morning after I
had obtained the necessary permit I walked by an easy path to these curious
buildings. There was no dust-storm now but clear fresh air and plenty of

I entered an outer court and seeking for some one who should open the
gate of the temples came upon a man curled up on a bench in such a way
that he seemed to show all the possible creases of his fat little body. He was
an effeminate-looking creature and not, I imagine, a priest—are not Jain
priests always clad in white?—dressed in two pieces of silk, one of an
orange colour round his chest and the other of crimson partly covering his
legs. He had short black hair and wore three large pearls on a thin ring
through one of his ears.

When this decorative object at last arose he consulted with another who
was rubbing down sandalwood on a stone to mix it with saffron powder for
painting marks or spots on the temple images. Together they admitted me
and I was shown round these famous and typical examples of Jain
architecture. There were the cross-legged seated stone figure of the saint at
the back of the image cell, the pyramidal or domed roof, and the pillared
portico. Every part, and especially the curious struts of the pillars and the
interior of the roof, was covered with elaborate carving, and the whole
stood within a large yard surrounded by colonnades having a series of
separate image cells against the wall. All these seated marble figures were
alike, and all had fishy-looking eyes of glass or crystal with black centres.

In a separate building there was an equestrian statue of Vimala Shah,

who built one of these temples. The horse was clumsy and droll-looking,
with a broad nose, and had a small marble elephant on each side of him.
I only saw one priest inside the temple, and he was furnished with the
traditional bib of the Jainas, the white cloth over mouth and nostrils. The
attendant told me this was worn in order that the priest's breath might not
contaminate the image of the saint which he called God, whereas the
accepted purpose is to prevent the possible destruction by the priest of even
minute forms of life which would otherwise be drawn in with his breath.
Absolute respect for life in all its forms is one of the chief tenets of the
Jaina sect which is very much akin to Buddhism, and may have somewhat
preceded it in date.



"His Highness has sent a carriage for you." This was a two-horsed, two-
wheeled vehicle in which I was speedily whirled away from the railway
station of Idar Road, four hours' journey from Ahmadabad, along a very
rough road. The Highness in question was Sir Pratap Singh, now the
Maharajah of the little State of Idar.

The town of Idar itself was eighteen miles away, but close at hand
beyond yellow ruined walls I could see the city of Ahmednagar at the
palace of which Sir Pratap was in residence. Presently, leaving the road, we
rumbled and bumped and lurched over a tract of sand covered with coarse,
low bushes to the State guest-house which looked like a very ordinary dak
bungalow. It was built on a square plan with doors in such positions as
ensured a through draught. A large lizard scampered over the wire of the
outer gate as I walked in over the matting of the verandah. Outer gates were
placed on all four sides to permit the four pairs of inner double doors to be
left wide open.
"I shall inform the Resident of your honour's arrival and he will arrange
for your honour to pay his respects to His Highness at four o'clock." This
fluent English proceeded from the man who had "met" me at the railway

I walked into the central room of the house which had eight double
doors opening into it. All the walls and the ceilings were washed over with
very pale blue. Great bees were booming and buzzing in and out over the
bedsteads of which there was a large variety from the native charpoy to an
iron double four-poster with brass ornaments and painted with flower
garlands. In addition to the beds the furniture consisted of square wooden
cane-seated chairs of ugly pattern covered with brown varnish—what is
commonly known as a "nursery" table—with turned and varnished legs and
no cloth, and part of a dressing-table by way of writing desk in one corner
with pen, ink and paper.

In front of the bungalow, planted in the sand but quite out of the
perpendicular, two square-sectioned blue wooden posts supported
crookedly set lamp glasses in the blinding glare of noon sunlight.

There was no punkah in spite of the intense heat, but I counted no less
than nineteen large iron rings in the ceiling. If these were not intended for
punkahs perhaps they were to dissuade intending suicides by the difficulty
of choosing which one to hang by!

The man who had driven me had disappeared with a promise that tiffin
would come immediately, and while I was noticing the above-mentioned
details I sat on one of the cane-seated chairs and Tambusami waited with an
eye on the outer sand. A long time seemed to have gone by with no sound
breaking the intense hush except the noise of the bees when Tambusami
said: "One basket coming I see: one man coming I see," and from a blue
palace beyond the tawny sandstone walls over the sand and out of the heat
at last came—breakfast.

The one man carried a series of pans, fitted into one another like a tall
cylinder in a frame, as well as the basket, and was accompanied by several
little black Sambos carrying chatties of water on their heads. And now there
were placed on the table a tea-cup with a hare-lip and the motto "Remember
me," some marmalade in another tea-cup with blue cornflowers on it, and in
gold the words "Think of me," and a third cup with the same motto
containing some butter which looked like thin melted white lard, but when
the contents of the cylinder of pans were put before me I forgot to notice
what they were in my eagerness to consume them.

When four o'clock came and no one had called for me I started out
alone with umbrella spread leaving Tambusami to watch our baggage at the
bungalow. The heat was intense as I ploughed through the sand and scrub
towards the arch in the broken wall which extended for a long distance on
either side. It must at one time have been magnificent, being built of very
large blocks of stone cut and squared with towers at intervals, and the
gateway, with its deep but simple Gothic arch, was an imposing structure
with handsome square pillars in the corners having brackets as in Jain work.
As I passed through this archway I saw about forty yards ahead of me a line
of houses, several storeys high, the lower part of which had evidently been
built of stones from the dismantled wall. They were roofed with the half-
tube tiles lipped over and under exactly like those of houses in the
Pyrenees, and as I entered a street I was reminded of an old home of the
former Dukes of Montmorency near Carcassonne by the carved woodwork
of a house front.

Asking my way—by what must have seemed to native ears uncouth

sounds and weird signs—I gradually reached what I supposed was the
palace, and approaching a kind of guard-room with a number of soldiers
lounging about, I asked to be directed to the Vakil. Another building was
pointed out to me a little below where I was standing and thither I next
turned my steps. It was a curious structure without any pretence at design,
an iron spiral outside staircase in one portion and a long verandah in
another upon a raised platform. I passed a few rose-bushes and walked up
on to the verandah and found a long series of doors, and between them on
wall and sideboards, rifles, polo-sticks, horse-trappings, bits, shields,
revolvers, field-glasses, and one much dented cricket bat.

I knocked at one door after another pausing at each in hope of some

response, and at the fifth door this was forthcoming and I found myself
quite suddenly in the presence of His Highness the Maharajah Dhiraj
Major-General Sir Pratap Singh.

Beyond the door was a vast apartment which seemed in semi-darkness

as I entered from the outer glare. A young native gentleman in riding
breeches and a khaki shirt came towards me and asked if I was the
gentleman who had arrived that morning. It appeared there had been a
misunderstanding about sending over for me, and I was at once led up to a
charpoy with a white quilt on it upon which was reclining a strong-looking
little man with a grizzled bullet head, kindly brown eyes and a grey
moustache. He wore just a white cotton shirt and a thin pair of riding-
breeches and had his well-shaped feet bare.

Rising into a sitting posture, Sir Pratap—for it was he—shook hands,

and as soon as a chair had been brought for me we were chatting
comfortably. It seemed that he had had fever badly two days before through
the sudden and untimely heat and was only just recovering. Another native
gentleman sitting at some distance was Sir Pratap's doctor.

Close by stood a man swinging a large fan punkah rhythmically with

both hands, and outside the three window openings nearest to us bheesties
(water-carriers) kept constantly pouring water upon the grass tatties or

His Highness spoke English well and was quick to understand and we
talked for more than an hour on many subjects. He said he had fought
plague successfully at Ahmednagar in what he believed was the only
practicable way—namely by building two small cities of detached houses at
some distance away and compensating the poorer people for turning out of
their old dwellings. In this way he had made a clean sweep of the dirtier
part of the town.

Sir Pratap expressed a great affection for our royal family and reverence
for the memory of Queen Victoria, whose portrait he showed me with pride
within two little folding doors of a shrine of elaborately-worked metal about
two feet high and one and a half feet deep.
Spare and wiry in figure, simple and unaffected in dress, quick and alert
in manner, there seemed little that was Oriental in this man, and in spite of
the tatties and the fan very little suggestion of luxury in his surroundings.
He said he had travelled a great deal but liked his own part of India better
than any other place in the world.

"One difficult question for India," he said, "is the increasing

consumption of cows' flesh and the consequent recent large increase in the
slaughter of cattle. I do not believe it is good for our people in this hot
climate to take to the eating of flesh. It is quite a different thing in Europe
where the colder climate makes it practically a necessity. Here the price is
already three times what it was a few years ago, which alone shows the
diminution of cattle, and their continued slaughter for an agricultural people
must produce harm. In any case we lose great numbers of cattle in our
famine times which are more frequent of late, and even this year, though we
shall not lose human lives through the famine, numbers of cattle must
starve. Also I do not think our grain should be sent out of the country. This
is no doubt good for the traders, but they are few and the continued export
of grain is disastrous for the agricultural population."

Two trays of tea were brought in, one for each of us, and we poured out
for each other, His Highness taking saccharine tabloids instead of sugar, and
the motto "forget-me-not" upon my tea-cup suggested near relations to my
breakfast furniture.

"The chief trouble of all in India," continued Sir Pratap, "is that the
Mussulman will not be friends with the Hindoo. The Mussulman says the
Hindoo is a bad man, and the Hindoo says the Mussulman is a bad man, and
these, together with people in your English Parliament who call out and
make a great noise, are all bad for India."

It was about five years since Sir Pratap moved to Ahmednagar from
Idar, eighteen miles away, and his house is practically in a jungle as he
delights it to be. Both carriages and motorcars he dislikes as enervating
things, and roads he is not fond of, preferring his Arabs and Walers and a
life in rough country half spent in the saddle.
I was introduced to His Highness's son, Dolat Singh, and also to his
grandson, Himat Singh, a healthy-looking lad in shirt and riding-breeches,
with a pearl in each ear, and the next day was granted a sitting by Sir Pratap
for a painting, when he appeared in military uniform, with top boots and a
grand array of stars and medals and a turban with a beautiful aigrette. He sat
very patiently, sought in every way to make my task as easy as possible,
and behaved throughout with a charming courtesy.



[1] Reprinted by permission from The Fortnightly Review.

A little Mohammedan boy was sitting cross-legged upon a worn-out old

quilt or rezai, the hair-stuffing of which peeped out all over it through
irregular holes. The covering was partly red and partly blue. On his knees
was a wooden board with a handle piece projecting at one end. This board
called a "Takti," shaped like an old English horn-book, had been washed
over with mud-water so that it was nearly white and former writings were
covered up. In his right hand the boy held a reed pen called a "Colam" with
which he made strange characters upon the board. An earthen pot held the
ink for his pen. Just in front of him was a little hinge book-rest called a
"Ral" on which was a "Kitab" or book of short pieces.

Beside this boy were others also writing upon "Taktis." None were more
than twelve years old and most were about eight. Some wore turbans and
some little round plush caps, while one had a cap of fine linen with a
broidered edge; he wore a quilted jacket of yellow.
In a sing-song voice they read the words they had written. By the door
was a heap of brushwood and two little mice peeped at the boys from under

The Maulwe sat in the middle of one side of the class upon the floor like
the boys. He was very old and had a beautiful yellow beard. Some beards
seem to grow yellow instead of white with age. Some of the boys could
look down into the water-stream that ran along in the brick gutter. They
were quite a yard above the road, but the passers-by came close to them,
and once twelve camels passed with three baby camels, woolly things with
long, long legs.

The sun was so dazzling that everything outside seemed to shiver and
shake, but under the cool roof the boys could see quite well. The roof was
partly tiled and partly thatched, and the row of brick columns supporting it
at the outer edge was covered with white-washed plaster—at least it was
once white, but just where Ghafur, one of the boys, leaned his back against
it (when he was not bobbing his back up and down as he read) it was nearly
black. How difficult it is for anything to keep white all over! It is easy to
keep some patches clean, especially when they are in places we don't use.
Ghafur began to eat sugar-cane when the Maulwe was not looking.

If you looked between Go Kal Chung (a boy with a dark crimson

turban) and Abdul with the green coat, right across beyond the road,
through a dip in the wall on the other side to the far distance—although in
the dust and the sunlight all distant things seemed nearly the same colour as
the sky—you could just make out on the other side of the River Jumna the
great white dome of the Taj Mahal.

I liked it best by moonlight.

In India, moonlight seems so much brighter than in England. Walking at

night about the gardens I could still see the colours of the flowers; only the
white roses seemed to whisper wakeful and restless, and the red ones to be

The long path of water from the main entrance gateway to the pavement
below the platform of the Taj is divided half-way by a circular tank and by
this there is a marble seat. The soaring spirit of the vertical lines of the
minarets was echoed everywhere; in the little fountains at short intervals all
the way, and in the cypress trees along the garden beds parallel to the water-
course. Far in the distance against the marble wall the glimmering light of a
lantern moved waveringly; I could dimly distinguish the figures of some
who had just been within to the tomb chamber. Then a spark, a little spurt of
brighter light, gleamed out from far up the building.

The moonlight was slowly creeping round like a tide, and ever as it
advanced some other of the innumerable gems set in the delicate pallor of
that vast facade for some brief moment, gleamed and died again.

The next day when I passed the little school I found it closed and the
reason was that Moharam had begun.

The Moharam Festival extends over many days and at Agra I saw it
celebrated elaborately. Its origin was in a fight over the question of
succession some time after the death of Mohammed. Two Imams, named
Hassan and Hussein, direct descendants of the prophet, died in battle. The
place where they were killed was called Kerbela, which means the place of
sorrow. Now everything connected with that fighting is remembered and, as
far as possible, reproduced or re-enacted at the time of Moharam.

For long beforehand the preparations had been going on. Old swords
and maces had been brought out and brightened. At the street corners I had
seen men furbishing old weapons, long gauntlet-hilted swords, as well as
others making new wooden ones for fencing, covered with red or purple

The Imams, Hassan and Hussein, died on the night of the tenth day of
the month of Moharam, and it is on that day that the innumerable tasias are
carried in procession to the Kerbela where the Janazas, the two little biers
contained within the gorgeous pagoda-like structure of the tasia, are buried
in the earth.

Now when these Imams, Hassan and Hussein were fighting against
Eazied, all the sources of water were closed and they suffered terribly from
thirst. For this reason drink at this time, sherbet, a mixture of milk, sugar
and water, or water alone, is obtainable everywhere. All along the streets at
short intervals, on wooden stands the size and shape of an Elizabethan
bedstead with grandly-decorated canopy, are rows of large red jars from
which, in most cases, an attendant ladles the contents to smaller vessels for
whoever will to drink.

Men of any means pride themselves not only on the lavish decoration of
their "Tasia," but in furnishing one of these stands for free refreshment and
keeping it supplied during the festival days. Here and there also I saw a man
sitting in a chair, with two large pipes in front of him at which all comers
were free to smoke. He kept tending the coal-bowls of the pipes.

For days the air was full of the noise of drums and cymbals, and I would
see camels laden with families of children as well as crowded carts coming
into the city from outlying places.

On the ninth day the crowds in the streets were very dense, but among
them were kept numbers of little circular spaces in which were performed
fantasias of various kinds. In one, men would be seen fencing with wooden
staves and in another, to the accompaniment of drums and cymbals, a man
would dance, wildly brandishing with quick thrusts and whirling, back and
forth, up and down, a long quivering sword with stiff gauntlet hilt well
above the wrist. Sometimes he would be quite an old greybeard. Round and
round he would lead and dance, the flashing steel never, by some miracle,
touching the ring of onlookers though passing within an inch of their faces.
Serjeant Troy's performance in the wood with Bathsheba would have
looked tame to this. Until utterly exhausted the man kept up leap and dart
and bound and brandish and then as at last he sank, another out of the eager
waiting crowd took up the relinquished sword and the dance continued.
Sometimes the people round gave a great yell of encouragement and waved
their arms. The poor vultures, much disturbed by the unwonted crowd and
the great noise, flew overhead while kites, seemingly less flurried, sat upon
the trees.

The most grotesque circle I saw held a fantasia of six big drums. These
were really heavy and very cumbrous. The drummers danced wildly
together, crossing and changing places and beating all the while, keeping on
till exhaustion claimed them and then slipping out of the drum straps for
others to take their places.

In costume, it is proper to wear green for Moharam and about a third of

the crowd do actually have green turbans.

Comes along a grotesque tiger carried on a man's head on a wooden

framework. Comes a "Saddah," a curious box-like erection shaped like a
Punch-and-Judy show with the front of it all bunches of green muslin.

The streets were dense with people, but upon the roofs also men and
women crowded; and towards sunset in their green, crimson, purple, amber
or scarlet robes they looked in the distance like uncut jewels yielding for
some mystic occasion the full intensity of their colour without shine or

Another kind of display was a fight with short cloth-covered wooden

sticks held in the right hand, while in the left was kept twirling a longer rod
with ball ends.

Men carried children on their shoulders, and two little jesters—

youngsters with whitened faces and tall pointed caps and dresses covered
with jingling bells—dodged under legs and squeezed their way along.

At night, as if there were not quite enough mystery in the moonlight, the
air was thick with dust from the trampling feet. I have said nothing of the
"Buraks" which were as wonderful chimeras, half mythic creatures on
which it is supposed the commander rode, beings with human faces and
strong fore-limbs, half like peacocks with great spreading tails. Many of
them were borne among the crowd on frames or platforms carried shoulder

Here was a space kept for the Barati dancer. In a green vest and a white
loin-cloth he danced with a small skull-cap on his head. He carried whirling
in his hand the "Barati," a long rod with balls of fire flaring at each end. At
one side of the space kept for this dancer, three men held up a frame on
which hung specimens of many of the ancient arms, "Buttas" of various
kinds, and "Danarh" too, and "Patapazis"—small shields.
Men pushed the circle outward to widen it for a yet wilder dance.
"Genari Hadri!" "Genari Hadri!" the crowd yelled for encouragement. A
man went round pouring fresh oil on the torches called "Kuppi" and my
eyes streamed with the smoke and dust. The fretwork of the projecting
upper parts of the houses looked white in this light. Two large "Tasias"
passed and many drummers. Then a posse of police, with their tall red hat-
like turbans, pushed through the crowd with long sticks.

Out of the great round earthen coolers into the small brown pots,
attendants at the "Sabils" or drinking-stands, kept on ladling. Under one,
two children lay fast asleep, their dark heads as close together as the golden
ones of Goblin Market, while a little girl in green kept watch over them.

These "Sabil" stands are given, some of them, by filles de joie, who are
often lavish in charity.

A man was selling coloured plaster figures—he had a great basket of

them—two pi for a big one. Paper lanterns called "Kandils" of many
shapes, two feet high, hung from the houses. You must understand
thousands of people were walking through and through the old city that
night, and the people of the houses vied with one another to show each
something more bizarre than the rest.

Some men carried trophies of swords and green streamers arranged in

fan-shape on the top of a ten-foot bamboo pole. This is called "Zulfikar,"
and at intervals the bearer stopped, raised the pole and balanced it on his
chin. "Genari Hadri!" shouted the crowd again, and the "Zulfikar" man
marched on with his set of drummers in front of him. Then came men
singing Marsias, i.e., verses about the death of Hassan and Hussein—poems
of regret: and men of the Shia sect did beat their breasts.

When the enemy cut off the Imams' hands they put them on the spikes
of banners and here, above streamer cloths, I saw flat pieces of silvered tin
cut in the shape of hands.

Many private houses threw open that night the courtyard and one of the
rooms for the crowd to pass through as it did in constant pressing stream. In
some of these one sat on a mimbar reading the Marsias, in others the
"Tasia" was arranged for show in half of the room corded off or, when it
was a very large one, in the courtyard. Bells of the jesters jingled among the
crowd. In iron ladles coloured fires were being burnt in front of a colossal
burak with gleaming eyes.

The "Tasias" were of infinite variety. One I saw was made entirely of
cotton, with animal and architectural subjects painted all over it. In one
house were twenty hand banners in one row. I followed streets narrower
than that traditional narrowest of old Tours on the Loire. In some houses
were grand "Torahs"—pictures, the drawing of which consisted entirely of
cleverly-interwoven Arabic characters in such shapes as a camel or the
British crown. There were clusters of floating oil lights in crystal glasses on
gilded standing candelabras.

In one street a gigantic and most elaborate lantern had within it a

revolving cylinder of cut-out figures making shadow pictures to move on its
surface. Near this by another alley I was carried with the flow of people into
a house where the crowd was more dense than ever. There was a rail across
the room and behind that a second rail. Gold embroideries hung along the
back, and in the centre stood the "Tasia" in this instance made in the shape
of some buildings at Mecca. Vessels for spreading rose-water stood within
the railing and a long row of lamps, and in the middle of the front face of
the "Tasia" was a miniature stage about two feet square; behind this,
curtains dropped and rose again and various scenes, rather on the principle
of old-fashioned "trick" valentines, followed one another slowly. The
trouble here was that no one wanted to move, and the press was stifling.

At last came the day of the great procession, February 12, of our
reckoning. The streets were thronged in the early morning as they had been
all night and the previous day and the night and day before that.

I drove past the great mosque, the Jama Masjid; the white zigzags on its
dome shone brightly against the red Agra sandstone which now, in the
morning light, looked as if it had a kind of bloom upon it. That was on the
left—on my right hand I could see the crenelated walls of the fort,
colourless against the sun now streaming across them.
Parties of people, gay in new green cloths and turbans, were on their
way to take their places in friends' houses for the day. Hand-carts, with
seven or more great copper vessels, were being pushed from stand to stand,
refilling the great water-jars. All traffic was stopped for the day through the
greater part of the city, and I soon had to leave my gharry and continue on
foot my way to a house in the Kashmiri Bazaar where a place was being
kept for me at a window. At three different places I passed groups of
acrobats arranged high in air like a sort of human set piece of six or seven
sets of limbs. It looked curious in this country to see them wearing a kind of
"tights." In one case all the legs were yellow, in another purple, and in a
third black.

Bands of Marsia singers were perambulating the streets. At length I

found my window, or rather balcony, and from it for hour after hour I had
an excellent view of all that passed. The procession of "Tasias," which did
in fact take seven hours to go by, seemed as if it would never end.
Stoppages were frequent, and sometimes there would be a wait of ten
minutes or even a quarter of an hour. Of every material imaginable, the
common denominator was a square base with two carrier poles making four
handles and a series of stages diminishing vertically except at the very top
where, in some instances, there was a kind of horizontal windmill or other
device for movement. Some were of tin, some were gilded, some were
silver; some, used year after year, were of intrinsically valuable materials;
others, and these the majority, were only built for use on the one occasion,
however lavishly and gaily decorated. Several were of green grass, the
"Tasia" having been covered with wet cloth smothered in seed like trophies
in a cottage garden exhibition, only upon a much larger scale. There were
"Tasias" of quite elaborate architecture, covered entirely with flower
blossoms. Some sought distinction in exaggerated height, rearing thirteen or
twenty stages high in air above the topmost roofs—and these, as may be
imagined, were carried with difficulty, the base poles projecting a long way
so that many arms could help and cords from the top being used in some
cases to steady the toppling pile. There were "Tasias" of coloured paper and
"Tasias" of coloured cloths, and with each marched the people to whom it
belonged, with drums and stands of old weapons. Buraks of all sizes varied
the strange scene, and "Zulfikars" with their "Alams" or tall stands of arms
delighted the onlookers by feats of balance during the many stoppages.
Under each "Tasia" and "Burak" was carried a supply of brushwood.
For some while I had wondered what the purpose of this could be, but
during one of the halts it was made plain. When the drumskins slackened a
little, fire was made of some of the brushwood and the drum held over the
flames until the skin became quite taut again.

The irregular line of the roofs as well as the balconies of every floor
were studded with spectators up and down the street. Only where there were
purdah ladies, blinds and curtains hid them from view.

The next morning I was out, just at dawn, stepping across the bodies of
sleeping servants along my veranda. I had heard of a curious custom of the
Shia sect of Mohammedans and was anxious to see it carried out. Whereas
the Sunnis and indeed nearly all the Mohammedans of Agra, would march
in a second procession to the Kerbela beyond the city and there bury in the
ground the twin biers from within the "Tasias," the Shias would go down to
the Jumna banks and bury theirs by the river.

Close to the pontoon bridge I found the Shias very seriously and
reverently carrying out their ceremony. They appeared to take the whole
matter gravely. Their "Tasias" were not large or very showy, but the burying
was conducted like a solemn ritual. At this time of year the river was of
course low, and the Shia gentlemen had dug a long trench close to the edge
of the water. Out of each "Tasia" the two little biers garlanded with
marigolds were lifted carefully under a white covering cloth, laid in the
water at the bottom of the trench, and covered in with earth. Then the
"Tasia" itself was broken up, the pieces thrown in and covered with more
earth as the trench was refilled.

The procession of the previous day had simply been a great march
round in order that all "Tasias" might be paraded through all streets of the
town. Upon this day, the conclusion of the festival, they were to go to the
Kerbela for the biers to be buried there. "Hai Hassan ham na huai!" "Oh
Hassan!" I heard cried out, "I am very sorry I could not help you at the time
of battle."
It was a wild fantastic scene that I beheld when finally after a good deal
of persistence I reached the little mosque in the Kerbela, from which some
dozen feet above the ground level I was privileged to watch. The whole air
was filled with the deafening noise of a thousand drums. Slowly the vast
series of "Tasias" advanced into the enclosure, moving them to right or left
to carry out the burying where their owners chose or had some right of
ground. And there were two among them, taller even than any I had seen on
the previous day—so lofty that it was a wonder they could be carried at all
without toppling over—bowing and bending now to one side, now to
another and then quivering erect for a moment while at the top of one, a
peacock turned round and round and round, and at the top of the other a
wheel kept revolving. How the children shouted! Many of the grown people
were like children those days and shouted too, and the whole air was colour
and dust and noise.

Thus ended for that year one of the greatest religious festivals still
observed in the British Empire, a festival which I was privileged to see
celebrated with all its ancient pomp and circumstance.


[1] Reprinted by permission from The Fortnightly Review.

The river flowing swiftly was a glorious vivid blue, clear as crystal and
dancing with gleeful hurry. There was almost a greater contrast between the
water of the Ganges here at Hurdwar and at Howrah than between that of
the Thames at Billingsgate and Bablock Hythe.
The Hari Ghat lies in a short sidepiece of the river, with a railed iron
bridge about two feet wide crossing its neck. From this narrow bridge I
looked back at the ghat with its shrines and temples, and the rocky sides of
the hills above which here come down steeply. In the water itself were
hundreds and hundreds of big large-scaled fish which are cherished and fed
regularly. They swirled about the posts of the little bridge in a dense crowd,
—dark brownish-green creatures about two feet long, some with red gills

On the steps of the ghat itself no one is permitted to wear shoes, and
leaving mine, I walked with stocking feet to visit the "Charan," or sacred
footprints, and the Gangadwara Temple. By this a priestess played a flute,
squatting upon a tiny platform. She was dressed in bright colours and
spangled clothes with a strange conical hat on her head. There was a
priestess similarly dressed on another wooden platform at the top of the
other end of the steps. There were sacred cows, of which I had already
noticed several in the street, bearing a strange deformity in an extra limb
hanging loosely from the hump. In some cases this extra limb ended in a
hoof, and in some cases in a second pair of horns and in one I saw both
together. I wondered whether these excrescences had really been grafted on.
There were various holy people about the road leading to the ghat
—"Sadhus" and "Nagas" with naked bodies whitened with ashes.

A friendly Brahmin took me into the inner sanctum of the temple at At

Khamba Mundi near the ghat and there, under a mauve silk coverlet,
decorated with gold thread-work, rested the Granth, the sacred book of the
Sikhs. It was rather like a body upon a wooden bed. Above, hung a canopy
with a deep border of gold and silver fringe. The place was covered inside
and out with paintings of the stories of the gods. In the inner courtyard over
the part of the building where the book is kept, there was a tall pole bearing
a once white flag and a leafless bush. On the other three sides of the
courtyard the buildings were all rest-houses for pilgrims.

Now, the kindly Brahmin had a glass eye which was very far from clean
and had no resemblance to its bloodshot fellow. It seemed to have been
rather large for its socket, to have been fixed in years ago and never since
disturbed. He showed me the Temple of Sarwarnath where there are statues
of elephants within the surrounding courtyard. The bull Nandi was
conspicuous on the high stone platform of the temple, and beside the main
entrance was a tall iron pole about forty feet high ending in a large green
bronze trident called the "Tarshoon," often represented in little in the hand
of Siva.

Hurdwar seems to exist upon its importance as a place of pilgrimage,

and to have little else of interest about it. The Brahmin, whose terrible eye
was more insistent than that of the ancient mariner, told me above all places
I ought to visit Rakhykash, twelve miles farther up the river and of very
great holiness. It was nearly one o'clock, but it appeared just possible to get
there and back that day. I had engaged for the day a vehicle called a
tumtum, a kind of two-wheeled cart, and in spite of the protests from the
driver that the roads would be impassable we hurried back to the bungalow
for my ulster and started on a particularly rough drive.

Passing the Hari Ghat, the road, paved roughly with large round stones,
led under a two-storeyed brick archway out of Hurdwar. Below flowed the
swift blue river glistening in the sun, and above rose the rocky slope of the
hillside. These rock slopes are the end of a line of hills striking at a sharp
angle to the river. Leaving them, the way was soon along uneven country—
level on the whole, but rough and tumble in detail. The road alternated
between collections of boulders and stretches of sand and at intervals
streams, some narrow and some wide, crossed it on their way from the hill
slopes to join the wider river. Ten times we had to ford considerable rivulets
apart from minor water-courses. Only once there was a bridge, wooden and

Here and there towards the first part of the journey were a few acres of
cultivated ground mostly given to paddy, and in one place there was a
plantation of fruit trees now snowy with blossom. Most of the way,
however, was through a rough tract of jungle with large trees in places and
miles of tall rough grass sometimes ten and even twenty feet high. We
passed bullock-carts bringing heavy loads of broken wood, and once I saw
an ox lie down on the sand under the yoke it found too hard to bear. We
passed two men carrying between them in a cloth a huge python which they
took out to show me—a creature twice the length of a man.
All the while, far beyond the forest on the other side of the river,
mountains were in sight, pale and ethereal in the heat of the afternoon. I
passed many ant-hills—ridged grey peaks of mud under which snakes often
lie. At one moment a flight of green parrots would rise from near trees and
cross the road screaming—at another I would see a crowd of monkeys
golden in the sunlight swinging in the slender upper branches. There were
cork trees with masses of tiny pink blossoms, and one kind of tree, as large
as an English oak, known as the "flame of the forest," was covered with big
five-petalled scarlet flowers.

It was getting ominously late and the shadows lengthened every minute.
At last the tumtum driver declared that he could not drive over the rocky
way to the village. I left him by some great trees on the roadside, and to
lead me to the holy places I waylaid a boy whom I drove before me
hurrying in a race with the sun—my servant following at his usual decorous
pace. I think it was another mile before passing quite a number of large
solid brick and stone Darmsalas (or pilgrims' rest-houses) and a small
bazaar, I came out on a wide stretch of rounded boulders along the side of
the river. The hills now rose from quite near the farther bank and the scene
was very beautiful indeed. The water rushed along, rippling over shallows
and racing through narrower channels bluer than ever.

There were no temples of any architectural pretensions, and it became

evident to me that the importance of Rakhykash did not lie in its buildings
at all, but in the worshipping places of the Sikhs. Along and above the
shore, I came at intervals to paled enclosures within which a large and
devout crowd of people sat listening to a priest who was seated beneath a
thatched gable-shaped cover on wooden upright posts. The largest of these
was at the head of a path made of smooth white boulders which stretched a
furlong from the water's edge. At the opening to the loose tall fence were
many shoes. Leaving mine with the rest, I stood for a moment at the
entrance, looking inquiring permission to one of the priests. The men were
grouped round the front and sides of the thatched cover, and receiving
welcome I entered and sat among them on a reed mat like the rest. At one
side were a crowd of women farther away than the men, all in white robes
which covered their heads like white hoods lovely in the soft warm glow of
the setting sun.
The thatched shelter is called the Kuteah. The Padre or chief priest sat
just in front of the thatched opening and round him Gristis or minor priests,
one of whom was speaking. When he had finished, the women all rose and
went out in long single file. The sun had just set. Beyond were the
mountains and infinite space. The sound of the river came faintly over the
great expanse of stones.

Most of the turbaned priests were in woollen robes or togas of a colour

between saffron and salmon pink. The thatched hut of long grass was, I
should have said, facing the river so that the high priest looked towards it.
The pilgrims and other people were in white or other colours and a few in
black blankets. Just in front of the priests were four musicians, with grey
clothes and white turbans, the ones nearest me with two tom-toms and the
farther one with a kind of viol. They were now singing to their music words
of the Granth. The viol player was blind and made grimaces as he sang; all
had black beards. One Gristi, who had in front of him the holy book itself
folded in a cloth on a book-rest, presently stopped the singers and sent a
man to say they were all pleased to see me among them. He told me that
they do not make temples but worship only the words of the Granth, and
that the musicians were singing some of these words. These men all looked
clean and healthy. Most of their faces were refined—some of them noble.

Slowly the light faded and when I came away the last thing I saw of that
place was the splendid landscape—the river flowing under solemn hills and
stars coming out. I do not suppose I shall ever see nearer to the source of
the Ganges.

Darkness had fallen before I again found the tumtum. The driver was
sitting with some other men who were preparing food at a fire under the
trees. An elephant was supping on a heap of green branches which had been
thrown down for him close by.

When we started to come back we had no lamp but borrowed a lantern a

little later from a camp outside Rakhykash under promise of return by
coolie next day.

The long journey back was nearly as much walk as drive. After an hour
and a half the light of a fire showed above the road and we stopped to rest
the horse. A man came down the rocks and said there was a holy lady there
who gave tea to all travellers and had sent word she would be pleased if the
sahib would stop and take refreshment. Now it was late and the night was
very dark, but it would be good to rest the horse rather longer, and I went up
rough steps in the rock to a level place some ten feet above the road which
was here passing a piece of low hill.

On the ground were mats, but I was shown a place on a slab of stone.
We were under a thatched roof without sides, and in front of me was a wood
fire with one large forked branch smouldering, and every now and then this
blazed up brightly as the fire was stirred. There were a few people sitting
along each side, and immediately behind the fire, facing me, was a woman
sitting very upright with crossed legs. She was naked to the waist, with a
dark cloth round her lower limbs, and her face and body were entirely
whitened with white ash. She had very long hair which fell in thick brown
coils about her shoulders, but being pushed back from the forehead left her
face quite uncovered. The flames cast as they danced a great shadow of the
woman on a cloth hanging at the back to keep out the wind.

I learned after many questions that this woman had lost both father and
mother when she was twelve years of age, and had thenceforward given her
life to make refreshment for pilgrims and travellers; that she was now fifty-
five years old, and that for the last five years she had stayed here: that the
place was called Dudupani, and that her own name was Duthani

Of fakirs, anchorites and other holy people she was the first I had seen
in India who seemed to me beautiful, and indeed had a strange loveliness.
Not only did she look much less old than the age she told me, but her face
had that subtle curve immediately below the cheek bones that draws like a
strain of music, and which I have seen only in two women and in La
Joconda, and one marble head shown as a piece by Praxiteles at the
Burlington Fine Arts Club a few years ago.

Her large ecstatic eyes, her tall forehead, her long, straight nose, her
delicate lips and chin were alike lovely, and the wan pallor added by the
white ash made the favourite Eastern comparison to the beauty of the moon
less unreal than with any princess it was ever applied to; she was not
emaciated, and her body had that moderate fullness which best shows the
perfection of each natural curve. Her eyes as I have said were large and
dull, but although wide as if their gaze came from the depths of some far
away uncharted sea, they had also in them recognition and arrest—and

Oh! Flaubert with your talk of the mummy of Cleopatra—would you

not rather have seen the strange beauty of this living death than any
coffined husk of once warm flesh?

But when she spoke in the hush of this strange night, the sweetness of
her soft low tones was almost passionately unendurable. Music not of the
Venusberg but eloquent of the appealing purity of a being locked in chains
of ice, doomed slowly to die, renouncing the world in which it has been
placed, judging its Maker in a fatal mad conceit.

Slowly she kept moving her little hands, warming them at the fire. In a
brass cup hot tea was brought to me made not with water but with fresh
milk from the cow. The other people were passing round fresh pipes, with
glowing coals in their flower-shaped cups. In the fire three or four irons
were standing upright, and three of them had trident heads like the tarshoon
at Sarwan Nath. Was this woman herself impaled on a real trident of which
the irons were but outward signs?

"You have done better to see me than to see all priests," she said. I asked
which of the gods she liked best, and she answered, "There is only one
God." Later she said, "I shall speak of you with the God every night
wherever you may be."

She put her hand down into a large brass bowl at her side and took out
fruits which were passed to me on a brass dish. I ate an orange slowly and
asked her if there was anything she would like sent to her from Europe. She
said she wanted nothing. "I give tea—I give all—only my name I keep,"
and her name is Duthani Hookamnajee.


Consequences do not appeal as a subject of interest to the typical British

mind until they have arrived. But when, as was the case in our acquisition
of India, a heedlessness of consequences is accompanied by ignorance of
the future development of his own government into a democratic tyranny,
the extension of free institutions by a conqueror to a subject race becomes
fraught with aggravated dangers. These are now upon us and we have to
steer between a panic withdrawal of liberties and an equally rash
programme in their too rapid extension.

The more we can help India to become a nation, the more we can knit
her together by conscious bonds of common needs and aspirations the better
it will be for her and the better, therefore, for ourselves now that we can no
longer tolerate with equanimity an exploitation of a subject race solely for
our own commercial advantage.

That East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, is
one of the worst superstitions prevalent among British people. Let those
who so glibly reiterate what I believe to be a falsehood pernicious in its
tendency to preserve a bigoted exclusiveness, compare India not with the
West of to-day but with ancient and mediæval Europe.

The anchorite in a cage at some street corner, mendicant friars and

pilgrims with their bowls, flagellants and the innumerable sects that seek to
honour God by scorning his gifts, altars made red with the blood of
sacrifice, the tight-rope walker and the ballad man, religious pageantry and
the pomp of kings, the calm aloofness of sequestered lives, the careless
luxury of courts, the squalid existence of a servile peasantry, the sordid
rookeries of each reeking town, unchecked disease and callous cruelty, the
taciturn denial of every new discovery, and brooding superstition over all—
the counterpart of nearly every phase of life, so often considered as
typically Oriental—surely existed in past ages between Rome and Bristol.
It needs no conscious pharisaism for men of both authority and learning
to contrast the ideals of modern industry unfavourably with those of
renunciation and quietism and to call the one new and the other old; but this
is only another way of saying that authority and learning are not always
denied even to sentimentalists though they be without hope and see the
world with but a single eye.

Oh, wondrous dreamings of a golden age that never was under the light
of the sun! Were the people of India under Akhbar or Asoka better in any
one respect than they are to-day? The wanderings of ascetic Sadhus and
Yogis have probably worked towards the cementing of the country, and
their spirit of detachment has at the same time helped to withdraw attention
from the yoke of foreign rule.

It has been shown in the history of modern India that at a time of mutiny
and under the excitement of anger at inhuman butchery, one of our bravest
and (in his own profession of soldiering) most capable of men may have his
ideas of civilization so far distorted as to plead for a return to methods of
the most extreme savagery in the treatment of prisoners; but it has not been
shown that any Englishman of recognized capability to-day has such a
distorted view that he looks upon India as a permanent goose to be kept
sufficiently nourished to lay golden eggs for the benefit of his own country.
To whatever party he may belong, every Englishman in England, who
studies Indian affairs and the relation of India to the rest of our Empire,
feels that our rule should be so conducted as to prepare India for ultimate
self-government and a place in the future councils of a British confederation
among the other units of the Empire.

The growth of a national spirit in India under our self-appointed

guardianship, while giving us just pride in the nobility of our achievement,
may yield us the yet nobler crown of humility when we behold in its
maturity the developed genius of our foster-children.

Mr Theodore Morison, writing on Imperial Rule in India, sought

authority for his proposed suppression of all newspapers but a subsidized
government organ in "the policy which has done so much for the progress
of Mexico," and remarked, "It is apparently necessary for English
politicians to behold a country given up to anarchy before they can realize
that popular institutions make for the disruption of a nation which is not yet
compact and unified."

The recent happenings in his chosen instance incline me to say that even
Mr Morison himself would now, doubtless, admit that such despotic
methods only produce an apparent and temporary calm and are certain
sooner or later to break down, together with the government that enforced

The influence of the Press is only beginning to help the creation of a

national spirit. Newspapers are naturally more likely to fan the red embers
of latent animosities than to attack the infinitely more difficult and less
lucrative task of sound patriotic afforestation to make a permanent fuel
supply to those fires of national aspiration, which as yet have little more
hold than a handful of crackling thorns.

It is as erroneous to assume that local press opposition to any particular

measure of government is the sign of an united national feeling as to
pretend that an united national feeling can only be created by agitation
against the British rule.

The fact that there is not yet a national sympathy in India strong enough
to overrule the enmity of religions or the rivalry of races, is the best of all
arguments for cherishing its growth by every means in our power. National
feeling must first be associated with territorial boundaries and many many
will be the years to come ere the Mohammedan will lie down with the
Hindoo and a little Parsee shall lead them to the sound of Sikh flutes and
Christian tabors!

Mr Theodore Morison contends that all men east of Suez think

themselves the slaves and chattels of the man God has set above them for
their king,[1] but in whatever way they regard their relation to their rulers
we, at least, may no longer regard them as slaves and chattels; rather must
we think of them as wards for whom we have become responsible through
the actions of our grandfathers—wards whom we have not only recognized
as family relations but have trained in our own business and given just so
much knowledge of our methods as to make them capable of being

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