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Executive Summary

This executive summary provides a brief overview of our proposed alamang product.

alamang, also known as shrimp paste, is a traditional condiment widely used in Southeast

Asian cuisine. Our product aims to offer consumers a high-quality, authentic alamang made

from fresh shrimp and natural ingredients. Through careful sourcing and production

processes, we ensure a flavorful and nutritious product that meets the demands of discerning

consumers. Our market research indicates a growing interest in authentic ethnic condiments,

presenting a favorable opportunity for our alamang product. With its unique taste profile and

versatility in culinary applications, we anticipate strong consumer acceptance and market

penetration. Key strategies for success include targeted marketing campaigns, distribution

partnerships, and product innovation to meet evolving consumer preferences. In conclusion,

our alamang product offers a delicious and authentic addition to the culinary landscape,

poised for success in the competitive condiment market.

Current Marketing Situation

- Overview of the industry

The bagoong industry operates within the bigger picture of the sauces and condiments

market, which encompasses a wide range of products such as soy sauce, fish sauce, and chili

paste. The industry comprises both commercial producers and smaller-scale producers,

including at home and artisan bagoong makers.

Commercial producers often use modern production techniques to create bagoong on a

greater scale, and they may even export their goods abroad. To set themselves apart from

competitors and increase their market share, these businesses frequently spend money on

marketing, branding, and packaging. Which separates from made at home producers of

bagoong, instead of focusing on branding and packaging, they focus on other points, such as

personal use, college funds for their kids, and other kinds of expenses that they need in order

to take another step in life. Made at home producers of bagoong including ourselves, take on

more of a traditional recipe, we also use traditional techniques of making bagoong, which

also separates us from the factory produced bagoong, which relies on a more standard recipe

and a more common techniques.

Overall, the bagoong industry has been identified by a fusion of modernity and tradition, with

a wide range of manufacturers meeting the varying tastes of customers. It is impacted by

things like local cooking customs, the accessibility of ingredients, the desire of customers for

quality and authenticity, and changing gastronomic trends. Like any other food sector, the

bagoong industry is shaped in large part by laws pertaining to food safety, quality control

requirements, and market competitiveness.

- Product Market & Distribution

The product market and distribution landscape of the bagoong industry encompasses a

diverse array of offerings and distribution channels. As a way to set their goods apart,

producers frequently place an emphasis on authenticity and quality, using natural ingredients

and age-old recipes. It is crucial to comprehend the target market, taking into account

regional distribution, customer preferences, and demographic considerations. Small-scale

artisan producers and bigger commercial brands are among the competitors in the market, and

they are all fighting for the attention of consumers with various product offers and price

schemes. Local markets, specialty shops, internet retailers, supermarkets, and direct sales

campaigns are some of the distribution outlets for bagoong. In order to draw in customers,

packaging and branding must effectively convey the product's history, caliber, and distinctive

flavor character.

Producers in the bagoong industry distribute their products through various channels to reach

their target consumers effectively. These distribution channels include local markets and

specialty stores, online platforms, supermarkets, and direct sales initiatives.

Local Markets and Specialty Stores A lot of bagoong manufacturers sell their goods in

local markets so they can engage with customers face-to-face and demonstrate the

genuineness of their items. Customers searching for traditional and artisanal food goods

frequently visit these markets, which also function as centers for community involvement.

Online Marketplaces As e-commerce has grown, several bagoong manufacturers have

increased their market share by offering their goods on online marketplaces. Customers can

now easily acquire bagoong from the comfort of their homes thanks to these platforms, which

increase accessibility for them beyond their local market. Producers may also reach a larger

audience and target niche consumers with an interest in unique and original culinary products

through online sales.

Supermarkets and Grocery shops Retail chains, supermarkets, and grocery shops are

common distribution channels for larger-scale bagoong makers. For customers who prefer
one-stop shopping, these distribution channels offer convenience and increased exposure to

customers in various geographic areas. To make sure their products are placed on shop

shelves and successfully marketed to customers, producers may collaborate with distributors

or brokers.

Direct Sales Initiatives A few bagoong manufacturers use a variety of methods to sell their

goods directly to customers in a direct sales effort. This might entail setting up community-

supported agriculture (CSA) initiatives, taking part in farmers' markets or food festivals, or

selling bagoong directly from the production site. Producers may interact more deeply with

customers through direct sales activities, share the narrative of their products, and get quick

feedback on the preferences and quality of their offerings.

Bagoong manufacturers may enhance their market presence, efficiently target their

customers, and seize development possibilities in the fiercely competitive food business by

utilizing these distribution channels.

Environmental Analysis

In analyzing the environmental landscape for a bagoong alamang product, several key factors

come into play. Internally, the product boasts strengths such as its deep-rooted authenticity

within Filipino cuisine, offering a traditional taste that appeals to consumers seeking genuine

ethnic culinary experiences. Furthermore, its nutritional value, including probiotics and

essential nutrients, positions it favorably amidst the growing health-conscious consumer base.
However, challenges exist, notably limited awareness beyond Filipino communities and the

perishable nature of fresh bagoong alamang, which could affect its distribution logistics.

Externally, opportunities arise from the increasing interest in ethnic cuisine, particularly

Filipino food, offering a chance to introduce bagoong alamang to a broader audience.

Moreover, the rising trend of health and wellness presents an opportunity to market bagoong

alamang as a nutritious condiment option. Yet, threats loom in the form of competition from

other condiments and sauces, both locally and internationally, as well as the regulatory

environment's complexities, particularly concerning food safety regulations and

import/export restrictions.

Socially and culturally, bagoong alamang benefits from its widespread acceptance within

Filipino communities but faces challenges in penetrating markets with different taste

preferences. Economic factors, such as household income levels and price sensitivity, can

influence consumer purchasing behavior and demand for specialty food items like bagoong

alamang. Additionally, technological advancements in production, packaging, and digital

marketing present opportunities to enhance product quality, extend shelf life, and expand

market reach. Through a comprehensive analysis of these environmental factors, producers

can gain valuable insights to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and position

bagoong alamang for success in the market

Marketing Objectives

Our marketing objective for our bagoong alamang product is multifaceted, aiming to position

it as the premier choice in the market. Over the next year, our goal is to increase sales

revenue by 30% through strategic pricing strategies and promotional campaigns. We plan to

expand our distribution channels, aiming for a 25% increase in retail outlets carrying our

product. Additionally, we aim to enhance brand visibility and consumer engagement through

targeted social media campaigns and influencer collaborations, resulting in a 40% growth in

online followers and engagement metrics. By conducting ongoing market research and

gathering customer feedback, we will refine our offerings to meet evolving consumer

preferences. Through participation in culinary events and educational initiatives, we aim to

establish our brand as the authority in Filipino cuisine. We will also focus on fostering brand

loyalty through a customer loyalty program and personalized recommendations. Throughout

the year, we will closely monitor key performance indicators to optimize our marketing

strategies and ensure the long-term success of our bagoong alamang product.

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy for our bagoong alamang product revolves around showcasing its

authentic taste, versatility, and cultural significance to target consumers effectively.

Leveraging digital platforms and influencer partnerships, we will create engaging content that

highlights the unique flavor profile and culinary applications of bagoong alamang. Through
targeted social media campaigns and recipe collaborations with food bloggers and chefs, we

will position our product as a must-have ingredient for Filipino dishes and a versatile flavor

enhancer for international cuisines. Additionally, we will prioritize experiential marketing by

participating in food festivals, cooking demonstrations, and tasting events to allow consumers

to sample and experience the product firsthand. By emphasizing the quality, tradition, and

culinary heritage behind bagoong alamang, we aim to evoke a sense of authenticity and

connection with our target audience, ultimately driving increased awareness, trial, and loyalty

for our brand.

Action Program

Creating an action program for promoting Bagoong Alamang involves a comprehensive

approach to ensure its success in the market. Initially, thorough market research is essential to

understand the preferences and buying behavior of the target market. Following this, attention

must be given to product development, ensuring both quality and packaging meet consumer

expectations and regulatory standards. Establishing a unique selling proposition (USP) and

effectively positioning the brand within the market are crucial steps in building a strong

foundation for the product. Identifying key distribution channels, such as supermarkets, local

markets, and online platforms, is necessary to reach the target audience effectively. A well-

rounded promotional campaign, including advertising, social media promotions, influencer

marketing, and sampling events, will create awareness and generate interest in the product.

Additionally, implementing sales promotion tactics like discounts, coupons, and loyalty

programs can encourage purchase and repeat buying. Building positive relationships with
media outlets, food bloggers, and influencers through public relations efforts will further

enhance the product's visibility and reputation. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the

action program's effectiveness through sales data, customer feedback, and market trends will

enable adjustments to be made to optimize performance and ensure long-term success.

Project profit & Statement and Budget


 Sales of bagoong alamang jars: $54,750

 Total Revenue: $54,750


 Raw materials (shrimp, salt, etc.): $45,000

 Labor costs (salaries, wages, benefits): $30,000

 Packaging materials: $35,000

 Utilities (electricity, water, gas): $45,000

 Marketing and advertising: $45,000

 Miscellaneous expenses: $40,000

 Total Expenses: $240,000

Net Profit/Loss:

 $54,740 - $240,000 = $185,260

Budget Breakdown:

Raw Materials:

 Shrimp: $16,000

 Sugar:$13,000

 Other ingredients: $10,000

 Total Raw Material Budget: $39,000

Labor Costs:

 Wages for production staff: $500

 Benefits: $10,000

 Total Labor Cost Budget: $10,500

Packaging Materials:

 Jars: $14,600

 Labels: $18,250

 Sealing materials: $10,950

 Total Packaging Material Budget: $43,800


 Water: $30,000

 Gas: $30,000

 Total Utilities Budget: $60,000

Marketing and Advertising:

 Social media ads: $30,000

 Flyers and posters: $45,000

 Samples for tasting events: $45,000

 Total Marketing Budget: $120,000

Miscellaneous Expenses:

 Transportation: $48,400

 Contingency fund: $40,000

 Total Miscellaneous Expense Budget: $88,400

Total Budget:

 Sum of all budget categories: $361,700


Establishing up measurable, explicit KPIs is essential for assessing the effectiveness of your

marketing initiatives, such as:

Sales Revenue:

Track the total amount of money made from our bagoong purchases over time. Examine it

more closely by channel to see which flavors are mostly bought.

Word-of-Mouth Referral Rate:

Keep track of the number of new clients brought in through word-of-mouth recommendations

from present customers. A high percentage of referrals is suggestive of satisfied customers

and brand loyalty.

Sales Growth Rate:

Calculate the percentage that our handmade bagoong items' sales income increased during a

certain time period in comparison to the previous period. This KPI shows how well our

marketing and sales activities are generating growth.

Evaluate these KPIs on a regular basis to industry standards or set goals to evaluate

performance and pinpoint areas that require improvement.

Social Media Engagement Rate:

Keep an eye on how many people are liking, commenting, and sharing our handmade
bagoong items on the social media sites where we advertise them. A high percentage of

engagement shows that people are actively interested in and interacting with our business.

>Budget Monitoring:

Ingredient Costs:

Maintain an accurate account of the prices of every ingredient we use in our homemade

bagoong recipes. This covers the primary components, such as shrimp or fish, in addition to

any additional seasonings, salt, vinegar, and spices.

Review supplier costs for ingredients on a regular basis and make necessary adjustments to

purchases to get the greatest deals without sacrificing quality.

Packaging Expenses:

Keep track of the costs related to the labels, seals, jars, bottles, and other packaging supplies

we use to package our homemade bagoong goods.

Investigate savings for bulk purchases and cost-effective packaging choices to reduce

packing costs without sacrificing product quality or appearance.

Utilities and Overhead:

Pay attention to the utility costs associated with our DIY bagoong manufacturing, including

those for gas, electricity, water, and sanitation.

Set aside a certain amount for overhead expenses that are directly related to our producing

space, such as rent and household utility bills.

Equipment and Maintenance:

Take note of the costs of purchasing new equipment or maintaining existing tools and

equipment, such as scales, packing machines, cooking pots and pans that are utilized in the

manufacture of our handmade bagoong.

Make time for routine equipment upkeep or repairs to guarantee efficient output and avoid

unexpected expenses or downtime.

>Market Research:

Maintaining a competitive advantage requires being aware of customer behavior, competitor

activity, and market developments. The following describes how to include market research

in our control measures:

Customer Surveys and Interviews:

We've previously dealt with this before with the surveys and interviews in the past. To learn

more about your target market's interests, tastes, and purchase patterns, conduct focus groups,
interviews, or surveys with them directly.

Ask open-endedly about their preferences towards flavors, packaging, and readiness to pay,

as well as their habits of consuming bagoong. These qualitative data could provide insightful

information about the requirements and preferences of the consumer.

Competitor Analysis:

Examine and assess the handmade bagoong market's current rivals as well as similar goods

in the condiment and fermented food categories.

Determine the advantages, disadvantages, product lines, pricing schemes, means of

distribution, and promotional techniques of our main rivals. This study could help us in

locating market gaps and chances for unique selling points.

Local Market Assessment:

Investigate our local area's farmer's markets, food events, or specialty grocery stores to get a

personal look at customer preferences and behavior.

Observe customer demographics, buying habits, and opinions about related artisanal or

handcrafted food goods. This evaluation of the local market might offer insightful

information about consumer trends and regional preferences.

>Quality Assurance:
Gaining the audience's confidence and credibility requires consistency and commitment to

brand guidelines. Put the following measures for quality assurance into action:

Ingredient Sourcing and Inspection:

To guarantee the quality and safety of our homemade bagoong, source ingredients that are

both high-quality and fresh from reputable vendors.

Check incoming ingredients for cleanliness, freshness, and compliance with guidelines. Any

ingredients that don't fit your standards for quality should be rejected.

Sanitation and Hygiene Practices:

To avoid contamination and guarantee food safety, we try to keep the manufacturing area tidy

and sanitary.

Adopt hygienic practices for all tools, surfaces, and equipment utilized in the making of our


Ensure that all employees engaged in the production process follow to strict hygienic

measures, such as cleaning their hands, dressing in clean clothes, and preventing cross-


Recipe Standardization:

We can also create consistent preparation methods and recipes for your homemade bagoong

goods to guarantee uniformity in terms of flavor, texture, and quality.

To reliably reproduce successful batches, record exact measurements, cooking durations,

temperature settings, and other crucial factors.

Batch Testing and Sampling:

This was something we had already done before. Examine every batch of handmade bagoong

for safety and quality factors, such as the pH level, salt content, and presence or absence of

harmful bacteria.

Before releasing items for sale, use batch sampling processes to gather representative samples

for examination or sensory evaluation.

Customer Feedback and Complaint Handling:

Actively seek feedback from customers on their experiences and preferences, and encourage

them to share their thoughts on our handmade bagoong items.

Respond quickly to any complaints or issues from customers about the satisfaction, safety, or

quality of the product.

In general, a thorough approach to quality assurance is necessary to guarantee the reliability

and quality of our Star's Bagoong goods in a home-based production environment. Effective

quality assurance procedures must be put in place even when they don't operate at a

manufacturing level in order to maintain product integrity, comply with legal requirements,

and gain the trust of customers.

Technical Elements

Bagoong Alamang, a traditional Filipino condiment made from fermented small shrimps or

krill, undergoes a meticulous production process involving several technical elements.

Initially, fresh krill are meticulously sorted and cleaned to remove any impurities.

Subsequently, they are mixed with salt, which acts as a preservative and aids in the

fermentation process. The mixture is then carefully packed into fermentation containers,

where it undergoes anaerobic fermentation for a specific duration, typically ranging from a

few days to several months, depending on the desired flavor profile. Throughout the

fermentation period, monitoring factors such as temperature, pH levels, and microbial activity

is crucial to ensure the quality and safety of the final product. Once fermentation is complete,

the bagoong alamang is carefully strained to remove any remaining solids, resulting in a

smooth and flavorful condiment ready for consumption. This intricate process highlights the

technical expertise and attention to detail required to produce high-quality bagoong alamang..

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