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Energy Medicine Specialists


Energy Therapy 1
ET 1 Course Objectives:

Able to:
• describe Energy Medicine Specialists, Energy Therapy program and Healing
• describe EMS Code of Ethics, Client’s Rights and the Role of the Practitioner
• describe how Energy Therapy exists within the Energy Medicine field
• describe Self Care and Development
• describe Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual healing
• define 12 Concepts of EM and terms used
• define boundaries and perform the Boundaries Quiz
• describe the Components of the Human Energy System and how they interact
• describe how we influence energy and journaling
• perform journaling exercises
• describe Intention, Presence and Grounding
• describe Assessment; Use of intuition and Hand Sensing
• describe Energy Vocabulary and categories of identification
• describe and perform an Intake
• describe and perform Assessment of the Etheric, Chakras and Field
• describe/perform Hands Still and Hands Sweeping
• perform a Self-Healing Treatment Sequence and document a session
• define the ethics of and how to work with another with ET
• describe additional techniques of clearing, expanding, balancing and energizing
• describe and perform a Healing Treatment Sequence and document a session

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists, a dba of Heart Healing Center, Inc Highlands
Ranch, Colorado. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act
of 2011, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, or stored in a data base
or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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About Energy Medicine Specialists Module 1

Energy Medicine Specialists is a center of excellence in energy medicine, education and

integrated health care. It exists to foster healing and wellness for the people and community that
we serve. Energy Medicine Specialists strives to provide the community with practitioners of the
highest ethical and educational standards in the field of energy medicine through education,
practice, and support.

About Our Instructors Module 2 a, b

Lead Instructor
Janna Moll, MSN, SEM, HTP, LMT
Janna is the founder of Energy Medicine Specialists (EMS), an
organization offering beginner to advanced coursework in the field of
energy medicine. Janna teaches and presents internationally. EMS exists
to educate and support the most highly trained and ethical practitioners
in the Energy Medicine (EM) field.

Janna Moll has been involved with energy-based healing modalities since
1994, teaches coursework from beginners to advanced practitioners and
has written all levels of the educational curriculum of EMS. She has been
a consultant on NCCA accreditation for energy disciplines and has served
on Ethics, Curriculum and Certification boards/committees.

Janna maintains a private practice offering healing sessions both locally and long distance. She
is trained in multiple energy disciplines (Polarity, Sound and Color Healing, Reiki, Pranic, Healing
Touch, and EFT - to name a few) along with psychotherapy and coaching. Janna is published in
texts, newsletters and e-periodicals on various topics in the field of energy medicine. She is a
Licensed Massage Therapist and a Specialist in Energy Medicine. Janna also holds a Master’s
Degree in Nursing. For years Janna has worked with holistic medical practitioners in building
community, networking and support groups for EM practitioners .

Associate Instructor
Melinda Chichester, SEM, HTCP/I, End-of-Life Doula
Melinda has been in an administrative role with Energy Medicine
Specialists since 2014; coordinating, consulting and contributing writer for
Energy Therapy coursework. Melinda is an End-of-Life Doula, Certified
Practitioner; Instructor and Mentor for Energy Medicine Specialists. Her
focus is to release trauma within the Human Energy System while
supporting your life’s journey. Melinda empowers advanced practitioners
to continue their personal development in the field of energy medicine She
is a self-starter with high enthusiasm and Melinda strives to motive people
and educate the community on the benefits of self care. She is published
in several professional publications.

We recognize our contributors! Course material was written by Janna Moll and Melinda
Chichester with collaboration from; Lucia Puchalski, Lee Hutchison, Sanaz Mansourin and Jen
Penza. Background music for the video is used by permission and with gratitude from Mysterium
Music, Peter Kater, the CD Light Body. See the bibliography for ordering information.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 3

Code of Ethics for Energy Medicine Practitioners Module 3
1. Practitioners utilize liability insurance, documentation and consent forms in alignment
with allopathic medicine. Professional private practitioners do as well.
2. The practitioner will dress and have conduct considered professional and non-sexual.
3. The practitioner will uphold confidentiality for the client, other professional practitioner
consulted or engaged, the medical process, and the medical institution, if one is used.
4. The practitioner honors the client’s autonomy over his/her care without discrimination.
5. The practitioner is considered a ‘mandatory reporter’.
6. The practitioner works with high ethical standards and intention for the client’s highest
7. The practitioner accurately represents his/her training and scope of practice.
8. The practitioner engages ongoing selfcare and training in the energy medicine field.

EMS Client’s Bill of Rights

As a client you have the right:
1. To safe, considerate, respectful, compassionate and professional care
2. To expect records/communications be kept confidential and to be given copies of records,
if requested
3. To receive information in order to make informed decisions about your care plan and to
give consent for treatment, including touch
4. To have autonomy over your care; to refuse all or some treatment
5. To know the cost of treatment, as well as how many treatments might be required to
achieve your desired outcome
6. To be transferred, referred and/or discharged upon request
7. To ask questions or bring up concerns, and to have these acknowledged
8. To see other energy practitioners for care or professional opinions

Role of the Practitioner Module 4

Whenever you are working with subtle diagnostic information, your energetic assessment
produces foundational knowledge for the treatment of your client. When this information is shared,
it can educate or enlighten your client to his/her process and challenges. This contributes to the
choices he/she can make, and the intention formulated for treatment.
This course provides rich information that allows you to gather additional diagnostic information
and review and enhance techniques to further your current level of practice. The aim of our work
as practitioners is to empower our clients to engage in their healing process. Seeking knowledge
through love and for service is the empowerment that we strive for.
As an EMS trained practitioner in Energy Medicine, with diagnosis you are finding patterns in the
energy expression of your client. When you share what you have found with your client, be sure
to share this information as possibilities, not facts. Nothing is documented as truth if it is not truth
for the client. It is recommended that you ask the client if any of the information identified rings
true and if so, what he/she would like to work on or release.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 4

Table of Contents:
Energy Therapy 1 Course Objectives. ....................................................................2
Code of Ethics and Client’s Bill of Rights.................................................................4
Role of the Practitioner .............................................................................................4
Introduction to Energy Therapy ................................................................................6
Terms and Conditions .......................................................................................... 7-8
What is Healing..................................................................................................... 8-9
What is Energy Medicine........................................................................................10
What is Energy Therapy ................................................................................... 10-11
12 Basic Concepts in Energy Medicine ........................................................... 11-12
Who Makes a Good Energy Therapist............................................................. 12-13
System Components of the Human Energy System ....................................... 13-19
Origins and Components of the Spiritual Human ............................................ 19-20
Symbolism ..............................................................................................................20
What Is Self Care ............................................................................................. 20-21
Healing and Self Development...............................................................................21
Journaling ......................................................................................................... 21-22
Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Healing .......................................... 22-25
Increased Capacity for Healing and Self-Forgiveness Technique .................. 26-27
Boundaries and Consent .................................................................................. 27-31
Influencing Energy ............................................................................................ 32-33
Self-Healing Work and Practitioner Preparation.............................................. 33-34
Intake or Collecting a History .................................................................................34
Energy Vocabulary ........................................................................................... 34-35
Use of Symbology and Healing ........................................................................ 35-37
Assessment: Intention and Hand Sensing....................................................... 37-39
Self-Healing Techniques .................................................................................. 39-40
Healing Work with Another ............................................................................... 40-41
Additional Interventions .................................................................................... 41-42
Documentation of Sessions ...................................................................................42
Energy Therapy Forms and Samples .............................................................. 44-66
Glossary and Bibliography ............................................................................... 67-69

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 5

Introduction to the Energy Therapy 1 Course
Energy Therapy 1 Module 5
Embark on a journey of self-discovery with Energy Therapy 1 (ET1), an online offering
encompassing lectures, PowerPoint slides, demos and self-practice. ET1 training aligns
practitioners (new and experienced) with healthcare and teaches an approach to maintaining
wellbeing through self-healing, as well as treating others energetically. In working with another
person our focus is on the whole person (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual expressions) to
achieve balance - or optimal health.

Learn gentle, non-invasive techniques to initiate or restore energetic flow, balance and harmony
through assessment and holding and running energy within yourself. Learn about the human
energy system components, which are essential for becoming a diagnostician or specialist in
energy medicine. We are amazing in our capacity to self-heal! The human energy system is
designed to be in homeostasis, or a balanced state. Yet symptoms can show us where we are
out of alignment due to a series of events, beliefs or traumas, including physical injuries or
symptoms. Support yourself and others to energetically return to health with these learned skills.
ET1 completion and practice with documentation is the prerequisite for attending ET2 (A and B).

Course and Program Description

This is the entry level course of healing in the field of Energy Medicine from Energy Medicine
Specialists (EMS). This online course is recognized under nursing continuing education
standards. ET1 offers (beginning to advanced) coursework toward a program completion in
Energy Therapy. Upon completion, an application for certification and the acronym Specialist in
Energy Medicine (SEM), which considers other training you have achieved in the field of energy
medicine, may be pursued through EMS.

Use of pronouns in this program is to be considered interchangeable, without preference.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 6

Conditions and Definitions Module 6

The state of the world today is in flux and changing. Whenever this occurs, that which is becoming
obsolete historically fights to maintain its dominance. This is the natural order of change.

What we currently see is a system motivated by money and power in healthcare and although the
claim is that ensuring the ‘safety of the patient’ is a primary concern of allopathic (western, big-
business) medicine, if you follow the money, you see that the predominate influence is over having
money and control (the illusion of power).

One way for the shadow to keep the status quo is to make the alternative the enemy in an effort
to prevent change and this is what we see through a fear-based focus on what is wrong with
alternatives to allopathic medical processes.

I am all for standards that ensure the highest quality and practitioner professionalism in the field
of healthcare. The patient or client should have autonomy over his/her care and be deeply
involved in decision making. They should also have choices, which this fear-based approach tries
to diminish.

Energy Medicine is a field of medicine and hands on healing is one of many peripheral disciplines
in this field collaborating with healthcare. We work complementary to allopathic medicine and in
no way advocate us instead of them. We are part of the team.

Merriam Webster Definitions of Terms:

Definition of energy (en-er-gee)
1a: dynamic quality narrative energy
b: the capacity of acting or being active
c: a usually positive spiritual force as in the energy flowing through all people
2: vigorous exertion of power as in investing time and energy
3: a fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production
of physical (emotional, mental, spiritual) change within the system and usually regarded as
the capacity for doing work
4: usable power as in what energy is available

Definition of medicine (med-i-sin)

1a: a substance or preparation used in treating disease
b: something that affects well-being
2a: the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention or
alleviation (or cure-elimination) of disease
b: the branch of medicine concerned with the nonsurgical treatment of disease
3: a substance (such as a drug, portion or action) used to treat something other than disease
4: an object held in traditional American Indian belief to give control over natural or magical

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 7

Definition of therapy (ther-a-pee)
1: therapeutic medical treatment of impairment, injury, disease, or disorder (see ART

2: PSYCHOTHERAPY the psychotherapist knows that all actions in therapy are messages
that need be decoded and understood regardless of the 'language' the patient uses.

Also please refer to additional definitions in the Glossary.

What is Healing? Module 7

Healing is an intensely personal (subjective) experience that involves a return to greater peace,
balance and often, peak performance. Energy healing can assist one to move from an unbalanced
system holding compromise, such as a trauma or pattern of distressing events or thoughts, or a
physical diagnosis of illness, to one of increased, or restored balance. Our health and wellbeing
are influenced by our conscious and subconscious choices, thoughts and emotions, which is why
shifting the energy and one’s understanding of the expression of compromise can be helpful in
eliminating energetic patterns. When contemplating your own healing you may primarily be aware
of your physical body and state. Energy awareness is relating to oneself on a deeper, non-physical
level, which illuminates the possibilities for healing in a powerful new light. Energy healing is a
holistic practice that activates the body’s subtle energy system to release the blockages which
lead to dis-ease and ultimately, if untreated – to disease. By breaking down the energetic blocks
held, whether subtle or profound, the body’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated.

Biofield science as a study aims to provide a scientific foundation for understanding the complex
functions and expressions of energy. This information may help guide the physiological regulation
of living systems. The term ‘biofield’ is a relatively new term, coined in 1992 at a National Institutes
of Health (NIH) meeting. It reflects the growing openness and courage of scientists and medical
practitioners to expand their thinking toward new models of health and healing that exist beyond
the purely physical.

Energy Medicine (EM) practitioners work within this biofield restoring balance in the vital life force
which supports all life. EM practitioners utilize an energy awareness through the tools of intention
and intuition, which can be learned. Our practitioners learn to sense or assess imbalances in the
client’s energy system and regulate these vital energy flows to release energy blockages, which
impede the healing process. Most traditional healing practices maintain that disease starts with
an energetic imbalance, such as an irregularity or block in the flow through the body. We dis-ease
from the outer edges of our energy system and this diminished flow moves inward toward the
physical body. We heal from the center of the body (our densest energy) outward to the edge of
our energy expression.

Scientists understand that living tissue generates energy and that we are made of energy, not of
solid matter as is generally believed. In fact, what appears as matter is simply slowed down or
denser energy. Electricity is everywhere in the human body as our cells and those of all living
things, have specialized to conduct electrical currents. These currents move in waves. The
elements in our bodies like calcium, potassium and magnesium, each have a specific electrica l
charge. Our cells use these charges, called ions, to generate electricity. This electricity is the
movement of waves and particles. Quantum physics states that as you go deeper into the

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 8

workings of the atom, you see that there is no actual mass there, but simply energy waves. An
atom is actually representative of an invisible force field made up of even smaller particles which
also emit or create electrical energy. To understand these waves, imagine the radiation of energy
outward as from a pebble dropped into still water. These waves will express differently based
upon the size and mass of the pebble, or rock. The energy flow of our bodies is specifically
dictated by the electrical components of positrons, neutrons and particles incredibly small.
Quantum Physics and Quantum Medicine now consider the role of energy fields (uniform waves)
in medicine and their impact upon human health, such as the impacts from discordant waves in
our environment. The world is beginning to embrace energetic therapies as we deal with the
unseen and newly measured subtle flows in the human body.

To support health and wellbeing we must consider the role of our energetic human system as a
complex human expression. It is within our capacity to self-heal, yet every energy influence;
thought, feeling, mood, or belief can have a negative or positive affect on our physical well-being.
EM practitioners influence the energy system using light touch techniques on or off body in order
to promote a relaxation response, which allows the release of congestion that has decreased
function in some way. This release allows the body/person to process differently resulting in self-
healing. The chart below illustrates a full perspective of the body’s reactions to energy medicine.
(2006 Komitor Healing Method, Healing Touch for Animals)

The Physiological Response to Energy Healing Module 8

©2006 Healing Touch for Animals

Komitor Healing Method, Inc

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 9

What is Energy Medicine? Module 9
In the burgeoning field of health care Energy Medicine (EM) is composed of two branches. One
branch is a bio-mechanical intervention utilizing electrical and magnetic equipment that images,
stimulates (treats) or is diagnostic in nature. The second branch is referred to as biofield therapy
and holds many disciplines of energy practices. It is in this branch that Energy Therapy exists.

All matter has a field of energy associated with it and in particular, biological matter has multiple
unique energy signatures and frequencies. It is these unique energy signatures that allow for
diagnostic information to be gathered in the form of MRIs, CTs and Radiographs (in the
biomechanical branch) and as congestion (diminished flow) or stillness (in the bio-field branch).
Nursing diagnosis has included ‘energy field disturbance’ to embrace the energy assessment of
balanced or effected human expressions. The human energy field can express congestion in the
form of a distorted or changed energy signature (this is what allows for analysis by MRIs, CTs, X-
rays, etc.) and appears as congestion in the biofield branch of EM. A changed energy expression
can be caused by environmental influences, such as trauma, physical injury or disease and can
also be due to unexpressed or unprocessed emotional/spiritual experiences. Change to
congested energy is a movement toward wholeness and wellness.

Since all humans are composed of this energy, a trained practitioner can support the healing
process by centering on a clear and vibrant expression of his own energy and through this, allow
for a healing environment that the client can resonate with. This is like moving a ringing tuning
fork into the field of a still tuning fork. The silent fork will acoustically couple at the same frequency
with the one ringing and begin to ‘sing’. A trained practitioner elicits a similar response, called
resonance, in a client who is experiencing illness, anxiety, or undergoing a surgical process. This
has been shown to support quicker healing from surgery, bruising and blood loss, faster recovery,
a decrease in the stress response or anxiety, and increased immune function and well-being.

Much research is being conducted in the biofield arena and there is ongoing mapping of these
energy signatures. It is these same signatures that are addressed in Chinese Energy Medicine
(Traditional Chinese Medicine-TCM) as well, commonly known as acupuncture. One particularly
academic practice of biofield therapy offering nursing continuing educational units is Energy
Medicine Specialists’ Energy Therapy program.

What is Energy Therapy? Module 10

Energy Therapy is a practice of light touch healthcare, which utilizes techniques that transmit
vibrational flows or vital energy to a client in order to restore balance and promote a sense of well-
being. Energy Therapy practitioners work energetically with the human energy system, which is
the energy that surrounds and penetrates the human body. The whole human energy system
expression includes the Hara, Chakras, Meridians and Energy Field, or Aura. Together this body
of energy represents a personal fingerprint of vibrations, or an integrated bubble in the greater
field. The auric field interconnects and expresses the physical body as an energetic
communication (or feedback) system. The ultimate goal of energy therapy is to empower the client
to embrace balance, or her highest and truest expression. Energy Therapy supports the reduction
of stress responses and anxiety (or imbalance), promoting a greater sense of comfort and peace
(or balance). Generally, energy is facilitated by a therapist using on or off body, light touch
techniques to clear, balance, energize and open the flow of an individual’s energy system (flowing
energy equals health). Stuck or non-flowing energy is a precursor to disease. The techniques you
will learn in ET Level 1 are gentle and non-invasive. Use of them enhances healing of your

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 10

physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Later in this course we introduce using these
techniques with another as well.

If you are stressed, anxious, or physically drained, an Energy Therapy (ET) session can help you
to relax, calm down and feel more energetically vibrant. It is important to note that ET is a
complementary modality and does not replace or exclude Western (allopathic) medicine or the
healthcare you are receiving. When living a healthier lifestyle through good nutrition, exercise,
hydration, restful sleep and/or receiving ET treatments, you can exponentially influence energetic
shifts to greater healing.

12 Basic Concepts in Energy Medicine Module 11

1. We acknowledge that pure Divine love is life’s creator and most powerful healer.
Therefore, it is the absence of love that contributes to dis-ease/disease.

2. Human health and quality of life are affected by the health of one’s energy system.

3. Becoming fully present, grounded and blending energy with another are the first steps in
practitioner preparation and foundational for healing work and therapeutic presence.
Consciously focusing on the breath can facilitate coming into the present moment.

4. Therapeutic Presence includes maintaining compassion, respect, heart-centeredness,

humility, trusting the process while holding these states and a non-judgmental attitude.

5. A commitment to self care and a life of integrity are evidence of highly professional and
effective practitioners. Self-growth is attended physically, emotionally, mentally and

6. Practitioners model self care to their clients and recommend self care to clients as a way
of both empowering them and supporting their health and healing.

7. EMS Practitioners strive to empower clients through encouraging self-reflection,

education and individualized self care. They support the client’s connection to a Divine
and Loving Power/perspective for self direction.

8. Following intuitive and energetic guidance on how to use one’s hands, heart and words
to benefit another is a guiding principle. This skill improves with time and practice.

9. EMS Practitioners are conduits for Universal Energy/Pure Love. They don’t utilize
personal energy flows other than to stabilize a client’s connection to Universal Energy.
Practitioners also receive energy when treating others by accessing this flow. Energy
Therapy is non-dogmatic, so clients are supported without having to change beliefs.

10. Practitioners strive to remain un-attached to the outcome of a treatment. While keeping
in mind mutual intentions for healing, the practitioner simultaneously releases any
specific goals for treatment, trusting that the energy will serve the client’s highest good.

11. Energy Therapy is based on scientific, energetic and spiritual principles and is taught
from these perspectives.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 11

12. Quantum physics shows us that the field of energy is influenced by our state of
consciousness and tied to the art of energy healing. We are part of a vast, invisible field
of energy, which contains all possible realities and responds to our thoughts and our

Who Makes a Good Energy Therapist? Module 12

A good Energy Therapist is foremost, committed to ‘walk the talk’ regarding self care, self-healing
and self-development. This means doing one’s own personal healing work and this process
precedes healing work on another. It is through this practice that one has the ability to beneficially
impact his own or another’s healing process. Healing is accomplished through teaching the client
about self care, helping her release blocked energy within the energy system, guiding her toward
self-discovery and empowering engagement with her healing process. An ET guides and/or
encourages another to embrace the path of self-healing and does not actually heal another. All
ET healing is a facilitation of self-healing.

The Energy Therapist’s foundation of professionalism aligns the practitioner with healthcare
practices and standards. The study of energy within science and medicine has paved the way for
combining an energy healing practice with modern conventional (allopathic) medicine. Our study
and practice have created new understandings of a human’s energy and how it operates in the
universe. ET is fully complementary to conventional medical healthcare, as well as with alternative
and integrative care options of high standards. The fact that energy healing as taught in this
program has no contraindications makes it a perfect choice for use alongside surgical
interventions, cancer therapies, mental health practices, physical therapy, massage and spiritual

Energy Therapists adhere to the EMS basic concepts and the Code of Ethics which are the
guiding concepts for a safe practice. These are designed to help practitioners conduct business
honestly and with integrity. Basic morals, values and ethical actions are the groundwork for the
ethical standard. Being on time and using appropriate language regarding expressions of beliefs,
attitudes and opinions while honoring the autonomy of the client, are integral parts of creating a
safe, comfortable and caring relationship with another.

The role of an Energy Therapist (ET) is to hold professional boundaries and practice responsibly
in a safe, therapeutic space. The purest healing occurs in an environment where the therapist is
able to be focused and present with the client, disruptions are minimized, and compassion and
support are utilized.

An ET is trained to hold a present and grounded state for healing work, which means that she is
present in her body and connected with the earth. This allows the practitioner to feel centered and
connected no matter what is going on around her. This state is referred to as the ‘universal
observer’ role as the ET is observing what is going on with another without getting pulled into the
client’s issues, chaos, or feelings. Energy Therapists understand that accurate documentation
represents a professional practice standard in any healthcare treatment setting. Documentation
helps ensure a continuity of care is provided over time. Proper documentation helps the
practitioner to recall important moments, assessments, conversations or decisions, and is a
simple tool to help the practitioner identify energetic patterns over a sequence of sessions. It is
also an essential part of the healing process for the client as it documents his personal process
and demonstrates professionalism in the actions of the practitioner.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 12

Understanding your personal Scope of Practice, or the level of training you have achieved in this
field, is essential to providing safe and professional care. It is important that your Scope of Practice
is accurately reflected in the expertise you claim and that it be shared with a client. To protect
your practice, know, understand, and be in compliance with the laws and regulations that apply
to your field. Each county and state can have different and potentially changing laws.

System Components of the Human Energy System Module 13

The Human Energy System is complex. To achieve one’s greatest wellbeing, each component
within the human energy system must be aligned, functioning in harmony and communicating
smoothly among all parts. This is called balance. Negative patterns of thought, emotion, anxiety,
or even trauma can cause disruptions in a particular part of a system, or in the whole system. We
know that an imbalance at any level if unresolved will eventually show up in the physical field/body
as disease. Along that continuum, varying degrees of disquiet or disease can also present. These
may express subtly, or obviously. The personal components of the Human Energy System include
the Matrix, Hara, Chakras, Meridians and Auric Field. Although these components are distinct
from each other vibrationally, they work together beautifully as an intricate, divinely designed
network, ultimately manifesting as a physical to spiritual human body.

The Matrix
The Matrix is an opening in the Universal Energy Field that
allows for an expression of separation by the individual. The
Matrix is the container for a network of holographic, conscious
vibrations that concentrate intention (I AM) into expression (I
EXIST). This intention holds the energetic fingerprint of all parts
of the human energetic system. The Matrix is the space created
through one’s intention within the Universal Energy Field that
connects all life and within which, all can appear as ‘physical’. It
is the Matrix that allows for all expression separate from the
Divine, or all that is, or zero point field. This does not state that
we are ever separate from the Divine, only that it is how it can
appear that we are in order to have the experience of ‘I’ instead
of the we, collective one, or all. This system holds for a
multiplicity of dimensions within our expression.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 13

The Hara

The Hara system is powered by the Universal Energy

Field through the Matrix and functions to connect us to
the Divine (or ALL) and anchor us upon a physical
planet by way of a physical, or energetically dense
body. The Hara serves as the axis through which we
anchor our spiritual expression into the physical world.
This concentrated stream of energy runs from beyond
the heavens, through our energy bodies and extends
into the center and matrix of the Earth. Within the Hara
the individual can access and express the fullness of
her soul. When one has an aligned, vibrant and flowing
Hara, she is typically healthy, happy and living from a
state of integrity.

Along this column of Hara energy there are several

nodes or areas of potentials and energy
concentrations. The Hara energy is very subtle,
meaning barely discernible and it exists at a very high
vibration. It exists above the frequency of measurement
(at this time) and because it does not appear as
physical, we roughly identify its location through
relationship to the body. Roughly above the head about
an arm’s reach is the Individuation (ID) Point, or
uppermost node. The ID holds our awareness of unity
with ‘all that is’ (the Divine) through the collective
consciousness. Below this point our awareness
perceives that although we are individuated, we still
maintain a direct, but separate connection with Source.
The next point moving downward along the Hara is the Soul Seat (SS) node, located roughly in
the area of the mid to upper chest. This is where our soul’s longing to follow our passion or
purpose for this lifetime is held and radiated. In the lower third of the Hara is the Tan Tien (TT)
node, roughly located just below the navel. This is the node that keeps us energetically connected
to our physical body and grounded to the Earth. When our Tan Tien vibrates at the same
frequency as the Earth, we can feel secure and grounded. Below the Tan Tien and just below us
into the surface of the planet is the Earth Chakra. The Earth Chakra allows the individual to be
grounded in place and gives one a sense of belonging. At the center of the planet is the Earth
Crystal which anchors the Hara to the Earth’s energy field and Matrix and allows expression of a
physical vitality. The Core Star (C/S) exists in one’s core dimension of the Hara and expresses
the individual’s light outwardly into the world. This spark of light is the first expression of one’s
individuality, arising as we come out of the void of collective consciousness and into this world. It
is located roughly in the area of the SS (or high heart) and when clear, expresses as pure, Divine
Light. The Hara and Core Star together express our personal potential and integrity; our collective
interpretation of life. This energy is integrated into and supported by the matrix, our personal
energetic container.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 14

The Chakras
The chakra system is another part of the whole human energy system, which expresses as a step
down, or lowering of vibration of the Hara energy to support the expression of the human. Each
of the chakras is another node, or energy transformer governing the function of issues specific to
each chakra’s vibration.

Each chakra has its own expression and consciousness as it is a specific lens through which the
world is perceived. There are many chakras however, our reference to ‘the chakras’ primarily
includes the seven major chakra centers in the body, which are widely accepted.

Chakras have the ability to

receive, store and transmit
varying energy vibrations. These
energetic transactions correlate
to life experiences, or the
attitudes, thoughts and feelings
about one’s life memories and
experiences. Each chakra is
identified with specific issues,
functions and a zone of the body.
Each maintains an overall
physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual vibration, or identity as
well. The function of each chakra
is to assist us in processing what
we experience. This healthy
function supports balance within
the chakra system.

The chakras function within the whole process of transforming energy from the very high
frequency Universal Energy Field to a lower frequency, which can be utilized by the human body.
The seven major chakras are inter-connected, allowing the energy from one chakra to flow to
another and vice versa. An energy blockage in one chakra can therefore affect the other chakras,
and energy imbalances in the human system tend to cause illness, especially if unresolved over
time. Thus, chakras are very influential and can impact the way one interacts within the world.

Few people enjoy pain and the typical human goal is to make pain go away, block it out, or ignore
it. According to Barbara Brennan, this occurs by disengaging our consciousness from the pain
and stuffing it into the unconscious. The effort to keep pain blocked disrupts the flow of energy
and causes energetic congestion. This creates imbalance and dis-harmony within the human
energy body. Likewise, clearing congested energy from these areas gives the entire system the
boost/reset needed to move back toward homeostasis.

The seven major chakras include (from the base of the spine upward) the: Root, Sacral, Solar
Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, and Crown chakras. The Root chakra reflects our life force from
physical bodily sensations to our desire for self-preservation. The Sacral chakra encompasses
our emotions, especially those of desire and pleasure. The Solar Plexus chakra corresponds to
our intellectual or mental body, with an emphasis on power and self-esteem. The Heart chakra
represents love (connection) and compassion but is also the level of consciousness that bridges
our physical survival perspectives with our spiritual expression and expansion. The Throat chakra
holds the vibration of our self-expression and sense of duty. The Brow chakra reflects a higher

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 15

knowing and various expressions of sight (for example: clairvoyance, inspiration, dreams, insight)
and intuition. The Crown chakra connects us to the Divine collective/all that is, or that which is
greater than the human ‘I’.

The Meridians
The meridians are a support system
for the human organs and body
systems, again stepping down the
frequency of energy to support life.
They act as rivers transporting
lifeforce (Qi, Chi) energy throughout
the lowest vibration energetic
system (meridians) and down into
the physical body, providing nutritive
value to the subtle and human
physical expression. These exist as
a physiological system, meaning
that once the physical body is no
longer alive/running energy, the
meridians cease to exist.

There are 12 major meridians

identified in Oriental medicine and 2
extra meridians that are not
associated with an organ. The San
Jiao/Triple Warmer refers to areas of
the trunk of the body and is also not
associated with an organ. The upper
Jiao is from the sternum upward, the middle Jiao is from the sternum to the umbilicus (belly button)
and the lower Jiao is from the umbilicus to the pelvic bone.

Each of the major meridians is tasked with governing certain body functions. Like chakras, the
meridians can become congested and require regular maintenance to continue running smoothly.
The meridians are paired, meaning if one if out of balance, the other is always out of balance as
well. This is a very important point about meridian energy function and expression. There are also
emotions that when out of balance indicate a specific meridian is at focus. Prolonged emotional
states, such as anger, can put a meridian out of balance and a prolonged state of organ or
meridian imbalance will manifest in the associated emotion being out of balance.

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The major meridian pairs include the: Central (or Ren) and Governing (or Du), Lung and Large
Intestine, Spleen and Stomach, Heart and Small Intestine, Kidney and Bladder, Pericardium and
San Jiao (also known as Triple Warmer), Liver and Gallbladder. [Chart of Pairs - see below]

Meridian Pairs
1. Central (Ren) Governing (Du)
2. Lung Large Intestine
3. Spleen Stomach
4. Heart Small Intestine
5. Kidney Bladder
6. Pericardium San Jiao (Triple Warmer)
7. Liver Gall Bladder

The Pericardium meridian is grouped with the San Jiao meridian and shares the heart as its
organ. The main function of the Pericardium is to protect the heart. There is no specific emotion
associated with the Pericardium/San Jiao relationship. The Lung meridian governs Qi (loosely
translated as energy as there is no word for Qi in the English language), controls respiration,
dominates dispersing and descending, meaning energy that must go down to meet the heart and
kidney. Imbalances can be seen in the quality of the skin and hair. The emotion associated with
the Lung is grief/sadness. For example, a person with a recent death experience, or relationship
ending that does not work through the associated emotion will most likely have reoccurring colds,
or increased allergies/sinus problems. Prolonged emotional suppression will result in constipation
and in severe cases, impacted bowels (symbolizes ‘not letting go’). The Large Intestine is the
paired organ with the Lung, and it is in charge of elimination from the body. It also connects with
the lungs to manage the transportation functions in the body.

The Spleen meridian dominates transportation and transformation of food and controlling blood,
dominating the muscles and is about worry/pensiveness. Excessive worry and digestive issues
are all too common in our society. The Stomach meridian partners with the spleen to distribute
food for the body to absorb optimally. The Heart meridian regulates heart function, blood and
vessels. This function manifests in the face (red or pale face) and houses the mind’s quality. When
the heart is strong and steady, it controls the emotions. When it is weak and wavering, the
emotions rebel and prey upon the heart-mind, which then loses its command over the body. The
emotion specifically associated with the heart is joy, specifically excessive joy when imbalance is
present. Someone who laughs inappropriately is an example. The paired organ with the heart is
Small Intestine, whose main function is clearing the fluids, taking the impurities (turbid) and
sending them out as waste, allowing the body to absorb clear fluids.

The Kidney meridian stores the essence (fire) of life and dominates human reproduction and
development, water metabolism and receiving Qi from the Lungs, produce marrow, dominates
bone and the manufacture of blood. The Kidney organs themselves reside in the Lumbar spine
and chronic low back achiness or coldness is a symptom of Kidney imbalance. The emotion
associated with Kidney is fear. Fear many times will lead to anxiety. The Bladder meridian
supervises the release of fluid waste from the body. The Liver meridian is responsible for the
smooth flow of energy and stores blood in the body and is a major detox organ. It controls the
tendons and imbalance can be seen in the fingernails, typically with ridges. The emotion
associated with the Liver is anger or angst. Remember the organ imbalance can manifest as
anger and prolonged anger can cause organ imbalance. The Gallbladder meridian resides over

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 17

the gallbladder and processes fats, stores bile and assists in digestion. Its normal direction is
downward and when there is imbalance, there can be a bitter taste in the mouth.

The Central/Ren or Circulation Sex meridian is paired with the Governing/Du meridian. These
meridians are formed at conception. The Central meridian is responsible for all yin organs (Lung,
Heart, Pericardium, Spleen, Liver and Kidney), it runs from the perineum to the bottom of the
lower lip. The Governing meridian is responsible for the yang meridians (Large Intestine, Small
Intestine, Stomach, Bladder and Gallbladder). [Chart of Associations - see below]

Associations from Conception

Central (Yin) Governing (Yang)
Lung Large Intestine
Heart Small Intestine
Pericardium Stomach
Spleen Bladder
Liver Gall Bladder

Congestion in the meridians can lead to dis-ease or illness. Since our bodies are always working
and regularly under stress, the meridians need regular maintenance to remain open and function
smoothly. Balancing them can be done by tracing them on the body or on a picture in a book. We
can flush the meridians by stimulating an opposite flow, or by holding or tapping acupuncture
points near their end points. Regular clearing and balancing of the meridians can keep their
energy highways open and the body energized and its systems functioning at peak performance.

The Auric Field

Our subtle energy bodies make
up our auric field and reflect the
various vibrations of energy that
envelope the physical body.
Although these layers are
identified as distinct from each
other, they are very interactive
and overlap. Each layer (or wave)
of the biofield is generated by the
pulsing of its correlated chakra
and maintains a particular
purpose, vibration and
expression. Thus, there are
seven auric bodies within our
biofield. These in order
(beginning with the layer closest
to the physical body and working
outward) are: the Etheric body
(physical template of the body,
Photo by Alex Grey
sometimes called the ‘body
double’), the Emotional body
(comprised of the basic human emotions), The Mental body (basic thought patterns and mental
functions), The Astral body (integrates upper fields with the lower fields and links us to love), The
Etheric Template body (maintains the template for the body’s most perfect physical expression),
The Celestial body (a higher angelic or collective love energy that supports and protects life), and

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 18

the Ketheric Template body (holds for higher knowing and expression of spiritual qualities and
forms the edge of the field). Our subtle bodies describe the various layers of energy enveloping
the physical body, or aura that make up the radiation of our personal energy in the world. The
seven levels (bodies) of our energy field are distinct but also interactive with each other and
correspond with the chakra system as a whole unit. The state of our field is a reflection of how
the components of the layers are working together. The first three energy bodies (Etheric,
Emotional and Mental) are most closely related to our physical expression of life and the outer
four energy bodies (Astral, Etheric Template, Celestial and Ketheric Template) are most closely
associated with our spiritual perspectives and expression. Each body or layer and its specific
purpose or expression correlates to its partnering chakra. For example, the root chakra correlates
to the first energy body, or the Etheric layer. The sacral chakra correlates to the second layer, or
the Emotional body.

Humans Express Origins of Spirit Module 14

Emptiness may be the starting point for all that exists, and it connects continuously with every
aspect of the universal matrix system with the potential for all to manifest. This emptiness is often
referred to as the Zero Point Field. Our human reality is a small part of the spectrum of the infinite,
expressing varying speeds of vibration. Atoms make up everything and the speed of vibration and
energy output determine if an object appears as a solid, liquid, or gas. Einstein is quoted as
saying, “Everything in life is vibration”. Many of us struggle with the two paradigms of the energetic
and the physical. Scientific reality now tells us that nothing in the universe is solid as everything
surrounding us vibrates at one frequency or another, including us. Each person has a different
vibrational signature, as do trees, water, and animals. Because of our personal vibrational
expression, we appear separate from everything else. We live at individual levels of
consciousness and share a unified consciousness, which is linked to infinity and eternity, but of
which we are mostly unaware. From this condition of duality, comes fear. Fear may play a part in
why each person’s path to become more enlightened occurs at different times. Every person is
unlimited by time (a linear construct) and space. Everything we manifest in our lives matches the
vibration of our thoughts and feelings, or consciousness. In the quantum realm particles separated
by time and space know/respond to what other particles are doing. Therefore, holding or focusing
on negative thoughts and experiences brings down our vibration and aligns us with that field of
vibration and all within it. Healing occurs when one is able to raise one’s vibration, which impacts
the energy expression. This is managed through shifting negative thoughts, releasing ownership
for other’s actions, addressing hurt or stuck feelings and especially through increasing one’s self
care, which brings increased energetic balance.

Expression Components of the Spiritual Human Module 15

We are multidimensional beings operating from the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
dimensions simultaneously. Yet, we all seem to think the physical life is the most important and
real. You may have heard the statement that instead of being physical beings having a spiritual
experience (when we do), we are in fact spiritual beings having a physical experience. If you turn
your thinking around to embrace this, you start to understand that the primary expression and
importance of our experience here in this human body is spiritual and originates in the collective
consciousness. If you were to accept that the part of you that you can see is not the true focus
and intent of your life here, but instead embrace all responsibility for your soul’s awareness, depth
of goodness and understanding, and thoughts and actions at the highest level and vibration, how
would you live your life? Would it be different? Would this give you more capacity for love?

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 19

We as human beings have many expressions of ‘self’, which can be perceived as a positive or
negative nature to us. The layers of the energy field (as discussed previously) influence these
expressions. Our thoughts tell our souls, as well as our cells, what we intend to manifest. This
occurs consciously and unconsciously. We know and it is proven in science that thoughts create
physically. It has been said for many years that all energy follows thought and now we know this
is true! It is important for our health that we monitor our thoughts and strive to keep them positive.
This advice comes from an understanding of how powerful our spirits and intentions are as well
as the science that proves it. If you are not in control of your thoughts and believe you are
vulnerable physical bodies subject to the whims or actions of others, you are not embracing your
power to create a different world from what is perceived around you. All of our expressions
throughout our energy, with all of our systems in communication with each other, are the collective
blueprint for the life we are living. Life is not happening to you; it is what you choose.

Symbolism Module 16
Our body is a microcosm in that it has many expressions and functions unto itself from the
smallest unseen particles to how we physically appear. We can think of it as a tiny universe. At
the same time, it also reflects the macrocosm of the universe in that each of us expresses as one
in a sea of many. Acknowledging that each part of the energy body reflects energies within and
around us, conscious and subconscious, we start to understand that everything we express can
have a hidden significance. There are three steps to fully recognizing this symbology of human
expression; the physical expression and symptoms, the organ or body part that is expressing the
symptom (the micro) and the energy system within which the expression originates (the macro).
The body with its symptoms and conditions is symbolic of spiritual consciousness made manifest.
Everything is symbolic of our consciousness; what is happening within us and what is happening
in the greater world. Therefore, our symptoms of illness or dis-ease are part of the body’s
feedback system designed to get our attention. Exploring this symbolism gives us deeper
awareness of the levels of meaning related to our soul’s expression and the need or desire for

What Is Self Care? Module 17

Self care is the practice engaged by an individual to manage discomfort and enhance wellbeing
and balance. It is our ultimate healing mechanism for wholeness: body, emotions, mind and spirit.
When we compassionately, consciously and regularly care for ourselves, our authentic nature
becomes empowered and is more aligned with the Divine (highest consciousness), which is our
highest self-expression. Self care is a profoundly positive action for clearing spiritual disquiet,
mental patterns, physical weakness or dis-ease and emotional debris, or blockages.

Self care is an essential part of maintaining wellness and can mean different things at different
times in your life, and to different people. EMS Energy Therapists are empowered to practice self
care in order to create and maintain higher vibrations within their energy systems. Self care allows
the healer/practitioner to release that which is not serving and move into a heart-centered
expression. This is the basis and practice of holding space. A clear and highly vibrating energy
being is better able to facilitate a wider scope of vibrations for healing through resonance. The
Universal Observer role allows the perspective that what is happening within another is not about
us and this encourages a more compassionate perspective without taking on energy for another.
Ongoing self care, along with proper practitioner preparation to facilitate healing work, creates a
healing presence and supports the client to self-heal.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 20

While flying on an airplane with a child you are shown the safety demonstration using an oxygen
mask and are told to place the mask on yourself before placing it on a child. As the most able
person (the adult) you save others by saving yourself first. As a healer, if you are already depleted
physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, you will be unable to hold the necessary energy to
assist another. It is said that you cannot pour from an empty cup. The ET practices self care as a
priority in order to be whole, which assists you to become an effective practitioner.

It is imperative that as practitioners we know our energetic limits and are able to identify when it
is necessary to nurture the self before treating another. Achieving and maintaining balance
between the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual expressions restores an open energy
flow, which allows the whole system to respond and heal. A healed and whole system is better
able to facilitate healing in another.

Healing and Self Development Module 18

The commitment to self-healing, self-development and personal growth is an ongoing process.
Exploring the deeper reaches of the self brings the seeker into alignment personally and
collectively. Through introspection we are offered new and often different perspectives, insights
and understandings, which allows us to maintain a strong sense of self while keeping our egos in

When a person starts developing an interest in personal growth, it is generally based on the
realization of a need for change. This realization is usually where the individual understands that
there are either things in life that no longer serve him or her, or there is more potential to be
developed/embraced. When a person feels stagnant or in need of healing/change, growth work
moves one into the disorder/discord of blockedness and guides her to uncover the truth of who
she really is. When one is ready to expand self-consciousness and break down old belief systems,
she can learn about personal strengths, as well as weaknesses and change behavior patterns
that no longer serve her, or her loved ones/relationships. Each person (practitioner and client) is
free to decide what to learn from life and the methods for achieving growth through change.

A continuous pattern of self-development is the process of reviewing various areas of one’s life
and a striving for improvement. Some examples of self-development are; increased physical
fitness, increasing books read, practicing gratitude, learning a new language, becoming less
reactive to others’ behaviors or judgments, having a better life/work balance, or changing
behaviors that no longer support you. There is likely an aspect of self-expression that you currently
desire to change or improve in your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual wellbeing.
Journaling Exercise: Feel free to make journal entries as we explore these self-healing and
self-development topics. (Please reference the Forms section of the workbook.)

Journaling Module 19
Journaling is a method to help you identify what you feel or think about yourself, or your life. It
acts as a magical process to clarify your thoughts and feelings and can bring up those that you
may not have even known before you started writing. In a very general sense, journals are used
as a safe medium to express and explore ourselves individually.

Keeping a journal can help create order when you feel your world is in chaos. You get to know
yourself better though uncovering your most private restrictions, thoughts, and feelings. It can
be a place where you describe your hopes and dreams and where no one can critique you. A
journal is a place to write out your thoughts/feelings and is effective with few rules. There is no

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 21

best way to express yourself and because of this, journals are unique to the individual.
Variations of journaling include writing and drawing, artwork such as a collage, a dream journal,
a health journal, a gratitude journal (writing only what you are thankful for), and a prayer or
intention journal. What kind of journal speaks to your inner self?

There are multiple benefits to journaling. It can help you understand yourself better; what you
think, how you think, what you feel, or what you value or wish for. Journaling can help you to
nourish creativity and accomplish goals. Journaling for some has been shown to improve mental
health with stress reduction, change in coping behaviors, reduce symptoms of
anxiety/frustration, improve control over emotions and moderate the strength of emotional
responses, identify one’s triggers to other’s behaviors, build positive self-talk and release beliefs
and/or wounds held.

Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual Healing Module 20

Physical Healing
Our bodies are the barometer or measure of our soul’s lessons and development. We have a
highly intuitive system of checks and balances that is designed to keep our physical wellbeing in
perfect operating order. As example, imagine one morning you have a near collision while driving
your car. As the day progresses you notice a decline in your physical wellbeing, and you begin
bumping into furniture and dropping things. Body pain is another possible reaction to the energetic
jarring from the earlier incident and you don’t have to have been injured physically to develop
pain. An unprocessed event can cause a blockage in any part of your energetic expression and
over time, decreases your physical vitality. Receiving an energy treatment can support a return
to balance. Through this process you notice the messages of the body and choose to address it
with increased self care. This helps release the energetic trauma of the near car accident.

Most of us lead busy and stressful lives and we all live in a complicated world, which usually leads
us at the most stressful times to put our health and wellbeing on the back burner. Physical
wellness consists of good sleep, eating and hydrating well, physical activity, good hygiene and

The way we express ourselves through body language and body mechanics can play a key role
in communication. How I hold my body physically offers subtle information to others about how I
am feeling because our bodies reflect our energy. Carrying yourself in a powerful way (see high
powerful poses below) can direct your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Your body can feel
powerful and present when you align with power through posture. Low power poses (see images
below) are symbolic of taking up as little space as possible. Psychologists have studied how
physical postures influence psychological and physiological processes, as well as decision
making. A client’s posture during the initial intake may offer additional insight to his thoughts,
feelings and overall well-being. Carefully observing what someone says, does and exhibits
physically becomes part of your intuitive assessment.

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High Powerful Poses Module 21

Low Power Poses

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 23

Emotional Healing (contains additional information to the video)
Life has a way of knocking us down at times and when we internalize events (often that we have
no control over) as being about us, we can feel emotional pain and experience the ground as
unsteady under our feet. It may feel like there has been an energetic earthquake and there are
cracks in your foundation. Emotional wounds can go beyond “sadness” and may be felt in the
depths of your being. The loss of a loved one, a divorce, childhood abuse, or transitioning from
familiar surroundings are usually painful experiences that may energetically block full expression
and lead to feelings of fear, anxiety, or loss. Honor your sadness. Lean into the disruption and
attempt to not run from it. We all engage coping mechanisms. These are the behaviors that when
used in the past, got you through our childhood challenges. In some cases they helped you (or
others) to literally survive. However, when they stop serving us, we need to notice that these
coping mechanisms are not creating the same outcome as they did of feeling loved or safe. This
is when it is time to make a change. This recognition is one that energetically lifts you from the
(mostly) unconscious pattern of coping to a conscious pattern of choosing more appropriate
responses. Unplug from the old pattern by taking time to reflect and give yourself permission to
grieve/feel your fear and/or breathe through any anxiety. Re-visiting deep feelings or emotional
wounds can bring out personal demons, such as self blame, feeling victimized, or holding
bitterness. It is helpful to remember, that you can choose to not let patterns control you, but
instead consider changing your thoughts about the situation.
Journaling Exercise: What are you noticing about your patterns around coping? (Please
reference the Forms section of the workbook.)

Sometimes we torment ourselves about the choices we’ve made, words we’ve spoken and/or the
path we’ve taken. In this case your thoughts and judgments are the source of emotional pain. In
healing it is important to find your way back to core balance, peace and well-being. Making self
care a priority can encourage you to shine your inner soul light more brightly. Don’t think of self
care as adding to the list of things you must do, but rather as a foundational step in learning self-
love. You are identifying your personal needs and making them a priority in order to embrace
greater confidence. When you sense a decline in emotional wellbeing, balance yourself with an
energy treatment, a walk, or a call to a friend, as it can support greater expansion in your energy
system. Self care can promote a deep relaxation, allowing the physical, emotional, mental and/or
spiritual bodies to re-set. Even one step in the right direction is a powerful one toward healing.
Journaling Exercise: Journal your level of self care and your commitment, or resistance to
embracing self-love. (Please reference the Forms section of the workbook.)

Mental Healing
Mental well-being includes your cognitive responses to events. Your beliefs and thoughts drive
how you feel. It is your perception (observation with resulting thought/belief) and never the actual
circumstances that create ongoing issues for us. We observe something and perceive or interpret
it according to our beliefs. Then we attach a feeling to that event. Once a feeling has been
attached, the energy becomes heavier and can lead to restricted patterns that reflect your
attempts at coping.
For example: David says he will buy my car, but he hasn’t returned my calls. The truth is just that.
David said he wants my car. I can’t contact David. [What people do is simply what they do and is
about them.] Now I tell myself that David is avoiding me and is unreliable. These are my thoughts
alone and extend beyond the facts of what David does or doesn’t do. [What I tell myself about
what people do, is about me.] From here I can attach emotions based upon situations from the

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 24

past – such as: “David is using me. He doesn’t value our friendship. He has abandoned me. David
is a bad person”, etc. [Here is where our patterns of trauma become activated through an
emotional attachment.] The World Health Organization describes mental well-being as “a state in
which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can
work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

Sometimes, our life struggles can be eased by taking better care of ourselves and perhaps talking
about the issues with a supportive friend, or family member. Seeking professional help can be a
harder decision for some to make when dealing with depression, anxiety, relationship issues, or
a combination of these. It is important to understand that psychotherapy can offer hope for a
brighter future through learning new skills, breaking down patterns of thought or behavior, or even
through the experience of being heard. As a practitioner it is important for you to have qualified
psychotherapists in your referral network when working with clients. Therapy provides an
opportunity to learn to live fully in the present, with a strong sense of self and with the capacity to
have deeply satisfying relationships.

Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing is the path of transformation, a journey that connects the body, heart and mind
in support of the soul’s desire or need for a greater expression. Spiritual healing addresses
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks from a greater connection/awareness downward
into one’s daily life. Spiritual imbalance can be identified on multiple levels and a full diagnosis
can lead to the removal of the spiritual root cause of the problem.

Spiritual healing is defined as finding or developing a connection to something greater than

yourself; be it friendship, community, a sense of virtue or meaning, God, a higher power, or some
sense of higher truth, beauty, or sacredness in life. Therefore, spiritual healing is anything that
helps you to transcend the isolation you feel due to a lack of meaning or purpose in life, or because
of a lack of connection to a higher power or something greater than yourself.

When we neglect our spirit it usually shows up in other areas of our lives, whether we consciously
notice it or not. For example, you may begin to experience anxiety, annoyance, depression and/or
frustration or even a sense that something is wrong with the world. Choosing to take more care
of your spiritual wellbeing can make all other areas of your life function a little better. When we
engage in a spiritual practice such as getting quiet, praying, connecting to something greater, or
listening within to the stillness, we begin to uncover innate joy. This leads to a continual source of
centered peace, or mindfulness that improves one’s life. Spiritual wellbeing is a sense of
contentment that stems from a personal relationship with the spiritual aspects of life. Our spiritual
wholeness expresses through the other parts of us as well; the mental, emotional and physical.
Therefore, having a strong, rich spiritual life supports health at all other levels. Spiritual wellness
allows one to feel and express uniqueness in the world. Being connected to your inner guidance,
intuition and/or guides or angels, makes for a fulfilling spiritual life’s journey.
Journaling Exercise: 1) What are you noticing about your patterns around coping? 2) What
is your level of self-care and your commitment or resistance to self-love? 3) What is your
relationship to Higher Self (wise self) and the Divine (judging or loving being)? (Please reference
the Forms section of the workbook.) Module 22

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 25

Increased Capacity for Healing Module 23
Taking care of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health is known as self care and is
one of the most important things we can do for our long-term health. Self care leads us back to
balance and living through all aspects of ourselves. It gives us the fuel we need to live happy,
healthy and productive lives. Self care does not mean only what you do for yourself, such as
sleeping in, eating right, etc. It includes all that you do or receive in support of healing and
represents your level of commitment to ongoing care.

Committing to self care is not what we call ‘selfish’ but is self-centered in a good way! Self care is
expressed through learning self-worth, self-respect and self-compassion (love), and in seeing the
impact that these have on wellbeing. Words like nourished, recharged, renewed, replenished,
loved and supported all embody the essence of a solid self care expression.

One helpful way to know what self care means for you is to explore the difference between what
you need and what you want. For example, imagine struggling with anxiety and frustration. You
know that mindful meditation or sitting in quiet reflection are excellent for you as self care and that
it is also what you need. However, you really want to go have lunch with your friends and go
shopping. Time with friends is important but it does not allow for inner reflection and though it may
serve you on occasion, it is not an ongoing practice of fully getting what you need from self care.

Another great way to increase a self care practice is to engage the technique of Self
Forgiveness. The Self Forgiveness Technique can be utilized anywhere, at any time. As soon
as you notice that you are engaging a inner, negative self-talk, start running through the sentence
below by filling in the blank as appropriate. You may also add any others that come to you.

We are only as good a vessel for healing (for oneself or another) as we are in holding our highest
vibration and expression. Self care is the ongoing practice toward holding the highest self-
expression, which includes self-compassion and forgiveness.

Self-Forgiveness Technique
Whenever you find yourself critiquing or judging yourself with negative self-talk say, “I forgive
myself for _________.

Say as many statements as you can think of in the moment, without stopping. As soon as you run
out of thoughts that are prominent regarding the situation, let the statements dissolve from your
mind and stop the exercise. It will have run out of steam and often, the feelings will have faded.

Here are some possible statements for filling in the sentence blank above:

* for blaming myself/others for ____________________________________

* for thinking it is my fault that ____________________________________

* for thinking I’m not _________________________________(good enough, loved, etc.)

* for feeling ___________________________________________________

* for taking responsibility for ______________________________________

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 26

* for never/always______________________________________________

* for talking myself out of ____________________________________

* for giving all my energy away to _____________________________

Fill in the sentence blank until you can think of nothing else. This exercise can be repeated as
often as is needed, though once you start to notice your negative inner dialogue and engage the
Self Forgiveness Technique, the need for using it can diminish quickly. When you are finished
you may put the practice aside until such time as it is needed again. This technique can be used
with clients as ‘homework’ to help them break the negative self-talk pattern as well.
Journaling Exercise: Take a moment to experience this technique with a recent negative self-
talk event. Where have you engaged ‘self-blame’? (Please reference the Forms section of the

Boundaries Module 24
Boundaries are defined as an established perimeter demonstrating where one ends, and another
begins. It’s a line of demarcation (whether literal or invisible) that sets a limit to, and/or defines a
space. Energetic boundaries ideally function to allow what is in alignment with our highest good
into our personal energetic space, while simultaneously keeping out that which does not serve
our highest expression. This ‘keeping out’ is through letting go or keeping out, as well as through
the intention of holding a distinct interior energy. Simply put, our boundaries act to filter the types
of energies flowing into, through and within our individual energy fields.

Energetically, our most obvious boundary is the auric field. Although this is a set edge, optimally
it allows for energy to flow both in and out; acting as a screen that allows air to flow both ways.
Because of this constant two-way movement, boundaries can become blurred if they are not
intentionally established and maintained.

For example, imagine that you (as the practitioner) develop an instant connection with a new
client. She attends her appointments with you regularly and you grow increasingly comfortable
with her. She has a fun personality and is easy to talk to. Soon, you begin to confide in your client,
speaking together of your daily stresses. She is a good listener and encourages you to share
more details, so you divulge your personal life’s story to her. Very soon the healthy boundary you
had is too vague to guide you in maintaining a professional relationship and your neutrality with
her has slipped. As another example, imagine allowing yourself to “flirt innocently” with a client
whom you find incredibly attractive. You allow him/her to have extra time unpaid, or to get
physically closer to you than is normal. Again, maintaining a healthy boundary has slipped beyond
your professional relationship and either, or both parties, now are vulnerable.

In both of these examples as your boundary loosens (or fails), you are giving energy away or
taking on energies that are not yours. A weakened or lose of boundary can manifest as symptoms-
such as tiredness, irritability, headaches, pain, an inability to focus, or worse. As a practitioner
and a consumer of other practitioners’ services, your boundaries are extremely important in
maintaining professionalism and health and must be kept in alignment according to the EMS Code
of Ethics. Though we do encourage dual relationships (having more than one type of relationship
with a client - such as being both a client and a practitioner through energy exchanges), you are
expected to express and uphold the most professional boundaries possible with your clients.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 27

Interpersonal Boundaries Module 25
Interpersonal boundaries can be divided into five categories: physical, emotional, mental, sexual,
and energetic (Benjamin & Sohnen-Moe, (2005).

Physical Boundaries
Physical boundaries are established based on a direct correlation of an individual’s perceived
level of safety, comfort, and security relative to a physical environment. I had a friend that never
locked the front door to her house, regardless if anyone was home or not. She grew up in the
neighborhood and knew all of her neighbors and some of their extended family members. Her
family and friends came in and out of her house without knocking or ringing the doorbell. When
she would visit her brother a few towns over, she would insist that the front and back doors be
locked at all times and she would never answer the door without checking first. In this example,
my friend felt safe, secure and comfortable in her own home and allowed her personal space to
be extended. However, her level of comfort, safety and security decreased dramatically when
visiting her brother and she would literally set a tighter boundary due to her fear.

Various settings modify boundaries in different ways. If you notice boundaries are changing you
may evaluate your space through hyper-attentiveness meaning your acceptable physical
boundary becomes significantly reduced. Without an ability to set distinct parameters, threats to
your boundary can feel overwhelming. Ironically, most individuals are unaware of their boundaries
until they are threatened or crossed. Each person can maintain healthy boundaries through active
monitoring and evaluating what happens within and around him.

Fung Shui is another ‘tried and true’ discipline that can positively enhance your physical and
personal space. By positioning specific items in specific places (based upon the Chinese New
Year energy and your birth year), you can enhance or diminish energetic influences. If all around
us is symbolic of our energy, then in keeping our physical boundaries clean and clear, we enhance
our overall expression.

Emotional Boundaries
Emotional boundaries can be the most confusing of physiological issues because it is often
challenging to assess weak ones. If you are confused as to where to draw the line with other
people, then you likely won’t avoid emotional and relationship troubles. Boundaries are the
dividing lines that separate your thoughts and feelings from those of others.

Signs and symptoms of weak emotional boundaries include; social anxiety, easy overwhelm
emotionally, continually seeking approval, narcissism, buying other’s affection/love, introversion
and isolation, to name a few.

Trusting and establishing rapport with others are significant signs of having good emotional
boundaries. Expressed emotions can seem to place you in vulnerable situations, especially in
your personal relationships with others. If you feel loved and respected, you are more likely to
open up with another about feelings, including about things needed that you are not getting, or
those things you most appreciate about how another treats you. This is true intimacy, yet your
boundaries should maintain for you a perspective on where you end and another begins. As well,
when we experience a loss of intimacy by interpreting behaviors as having decreased or become
manipulative, you may withdraw your trust in another. In this case, intimacy diminishes. Evaluating
what you feel, both positively and negatively, helps you determine where to open up, or withdraw
from another for your highest good.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 28

Boundaries around emotional expression are flexible and sometimes volatile. Take the classic
cheating scenario, for example. A woman catches her husband having an affair and in a jealous
rage, slashes the mistress’ car tires. The mistress presses charges and the wife is ordered to
attend anger management classes. Yet the woman’s relationship was not with the mistress. Why
was her anger directed at her? Projection of emotion onto another is a common action when we
think we are establishing boundaries. In fact, we are ignoring the real issue, which is of
abandonment by someone we have relaxed our boundaries with. Our vulnerability tells us we are
safer to strike out at another than to face the perceived loss of love.

Depending on the level of trust and comfort you have with another, or their emotional proximity,
your sense of closeness can vary from person to person, or with the same person, from moment
to moment. An example is my cousin who was very shy when she was younger and would cry
when strangers would try to speak to her. However, when she spent time with our beloved and
loving Grandma, she was so comfortable she would not stop talking!

Mental Boundaries
Mental boundaries are fairly rigid and formed according to one’s beliefs, opinions and thoughts.
Our minds identify and classify our experiences based upon these filters and most of us are
unwilling to budge in our opinions about another’s actions and motivations. It is said we perceive
others as we are rather than as they are. To establish objective mental boundaries, we must strive
to identify our thoughts and beliefs, to which we add how we perceive actual events. As I loosen
rigid mental boundaries and expand my knowledge, I can embrace Truth (as opposed to truth),
especially about myself. This softening of edges allows each of us to identify misperceptions and
opinions and seek honesty and compassion regarding our own and other’s behaviors. This
relaxing of rigid boundaries creates less judgmental and more supportive (heart-centered)

Sexual Boundaries
Sexual boundaries represent the capacity for the expression of one’s sexuality. These are
determined by each individual and may be separate from intercourse and represent intimacy
instead of sexual activity. Sexual boundaries indicate how one chooses to engage, or not to
engage intimacy in close relationships. Some people express intimacy through sexual innuendo
to create a sense of closeness, control, or acceptance. Physically obvious but energetically subtle
examples of overstepping or manipulating sexual boundaries include suggestive actions or words,
over exposure through dress, standing too close, or frequent unsolicited touching. Establishing
an appropriate level of intimacy always begins with consent. Although consent can be expressed
in different ways, it still must be expressed each and every time you engage with another in a
sexual manner for intimacy to exist. Violation of sexual boundaries can be devastating for all
involved and can additionally result in a criminal offense. ET practitioners always get consent for
care (which can include touch) and always practice through non-sexual touch. Non-touch
treatment is always an option.

Energetic Boundaries
Energetic boundaries reflect the span of the individual’s energy field and are aligned with
intention. Although such boundaries are subtle and invisible, they are undeniably real. The
function of energetic boundaries is to repel other’s energies by maintaining a sense of self distinct
from another. Good energetic boundaries allow identification with helpful and supportive energy
while keeping destructive or manipulative energy out.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 29

Boundaries are subject to change over the course of one’s life and extent of personal
development. They reflect the soul’s identity to the world and through spiritual development,
become more responsive, authentic and appropriate with intention and practice. Consent is the
basis of forming a relationship with another through honoring boundaries of all kinds.
Journaling Exercise: What kind of boundaries do you maintain? (Please reference the Forms
section of the workbook.)

No Means No, or Consent Module 26

Everyone has the right to safety, protection and privacy, especially within her personal space. A
practitioner has no reason to work on someone with whom s/he does not have permission. When
we engage with a client in an energetic manner, we are entering one’s personal and sacred space.
As energy medicine practitioners, it is our responsibility to honor such personal and sacred

It is important for all to remember that individuals must want to be healed (either spiritually-which
is beyond understanding, or consciously) in order for the healing to happen. To obtain consent
for care you may directly ask the client, “Do I have permission to touch and/or send energy?”
When asking permission to treat in a spiritual, intuitive, or energetic way, such as by asking the
individual’s Higher Self or Divine connection (or when working with children, their parent or
guardian), permission must also be given. NO means NO and with this answer, you may not treat.
It is considered unethical to direct energy to another without permission, as this intrudes upon
free will and personal autonomy over one’s care.

Identify Boundary Concerns Module 27

Energy Therapy practitioners may be unaware of how to maintain professional boundaries with a
client. There are healthy perimeters and the practitioner is responsible for managing boundary
concerns. The checklist below was adapted from the work of Estelle Disch, which helps us
illuminate a problematic relationship that may (or may not) be present in an energy practice. You
may copy this page and place a checkmark next to the statements that apply to you in a particular
situation to test appropriate boundaries. (Benjamin & Sohnem-Moe, 2005)

If you check some of the following bulleted items, boundary challenges may be interfering with
your ability to ethically work with a particular client. You may wish to seek professional supervision
to help you process the relationship and develop stronger, more professional boundaries.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 30

Identify Boundary Concerns
1.____This client feels more like a friend than a client.
2.____I often tell my personal problems to this client.
3.____I want to be friends with this client when treatment ends.
4.____I think the goodbye hugs last too long with this client.
5.____Sessions often run overtime with this client.
6.____I accept gifts or favors from this client without examining why the gift was given.
7.____I have a barter arrangement with this client, and it is at times a source of tension for me.
8.____I sometimes choose my clothing with this particular client in mind.
9.____I have attended small professional or social events that I knew this client would be
present at, without discussing it ahead of time.
10.___This client often invites me to social events. I don’t feel comfortable saying yes, or no.
11.___Sometimes when I’m touching this client during our regular sessions, I feel like the
contact is sexual for either or both of us.
12.___This client behaves seductively, and I often don’t know how to handle it.
13.___This client owes me a lot of money and I don’t know how to handle it.
14.___I have invited this client to public social events.
15.___I am often late for sessions with this particular client.
16.___I find myself cajoling, teasing and joking a lot with this client.
17.___I am in heavy emotional crisis myself and I identify so much with this client’s pain that I
can hardly attend to the client.
18.___I allow this client to comfort me.
19.___I feel like this client and I are very much alike.
20.___This client scares me.
21.___This client’s pain is so deep I can hardly tolerate it.
22.___I enjoy feeling more powerful than this client.
23.___Sometimes I feel like I am in over my head with this client.
24.___I feel that I am the only person who can help this client.
25.___I often feel hooked or lost with this client and advice from colleagues and/or former
teachers, has not helped.
26.___I often feel invaded or pushed by this client and have difficulty standing my ground.
27.___I feel overly protective of this client.
28.___I have been doing things for this client that I don’t usually do with/for other clients.
29.___I sometimes have a drink or use recreational drugs with this client.
30.___I’m doing so much on this client’s behalf that I feel exhausted.
31.___I am hesitant to discuss certain client/practitioner interactions in my peer supervision
or networking group.
32.___I accommodate this client’s schedule and then feel angry or manipulated.
33.___This client has invested money in an enterprise of mine, or vice versa.
34.___I have hired this client to work for me and am having difficulty separating roles.
35.___I find it difficult to keep from talking about this client with my close friends and
36.___I find I’m engaged in over self-disclosure with this client-telling stories and engaging in
peer-like conversations.
37.___I feel emotionally drained after working with this client.
38.___My body feels heavy or painful after working with this client.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 31

Influencing Energy Module 28
Because our sense of existence is not restricted to just being physical, we are constantly
interacting beyond the physical world in non-localized ways. This means that as spiritually
complete beings we are able to communicate our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and intentions on
energetic levels. The most prominent ways to influence energy is with thought (this includes
intention), visualization and breathwork. Regardless of how you choose to influence energy, it is
important to be as relaxed as possible to be most effective. A relaxed disposition allows for a
smooth flow of energy and this helps to strengthen concentration. The more you are able to
concentrate, the more effective your influence will be. Holding pure intention for the highest good
of the receiver of the healing energy supersedes all other expected outcome. Our presence in the
world is by itself an example of our influence over energy.

Through Thoughts
Our minds are so powerful that we direct energy both consciously and subconsciously. When we
use our thoughts (mental energy) consciously and intentionally to direct energy, we can help bring
about changes in ours, or another’s expression. Using the imagination to help project energy
through thoughts is very powerful because with the imagination, all thoughts appear real.
Experiencing a thought as being real, requires more of your focus. The more focused you are and
the stronger your belief that something is in fact real, the stronger your likelihood of influencing
the desired outcome. An example of this is an intention or prayer for a sick family member. You
can project thoughts (intention) of wellness toward him with the belief that he is already healed or
healing, or you can request healing (prayer) from something greater or more powerful than you in
support the healing process. Being detailed in your belief improves the outcome of your intention.

Through Visualizations
Visualization can also be used to direct the flow of energy. Visualization is a thought joined with
a picture. Through imagery you can create ways to work energetically through a situation, or
toward a specific goal. The key to effective visualization is envisioning, which requires adding
details to the picture of the desired outcome that involve the senses. The more intricate the details
visualized, the more you can imagine a result through your senses (seeing, feeling, hearing,
tasting, smelling, sensing). With practice stronger outcomes are possible. It is well proven that
athletes use visualization to achieve sporting goals. A runner can increase her chances of winning
a race just by imagining that she is the first to cross the finish line. “Imagination is the magic wand
that, once waved, will change your experience from one of reacting to your world into one of
creating your world” (Choquette, 1994). Intention with visualization is the process of manifestation.

Through Breathwork
Breath is a fundamental rhythm and function of life. Being aware of your breath is the easiest way
to cultivate mindfulness. The next time you are feeling stressed, anxious, angry, or a little lost,
take several deep breaths. Hold the intention to be focused on your breath, rather than what your
mind is chattering about (thoughts, judgments, worries, etc.). Place your whole focus on slow,
even and deep inhalations and exhalations of your breath for several minutes. Journal what you
then notice after 5 minutes of this. Conscious breathwork helps to both stabilize and release
excess energy. The most common energy released from the body is tension. The more attuned
or attentive you are to your breathing, the quicker you will notice the subtleties of energy shifting
with the change in tension through release or a calming. Breathing can help clear out excess or
stuck feelings from our bodies as well. Consciously breathing into the physical sensations of an
emotion, pain, or anxiety (tension) and intentionally releasing it with your exhale, discharges the

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 32

emotion from the body and the energetic field. The more you are able to surrender to the
experience, the more successful you are likely to be. Our physical bodies are symbolic of our
energetic bodies, so all our physical symptoms can be a reflection of the mental and emotional
states you are experiencing.

Self-Healing Work Module 29

Anyone can heal. Your capacity to rejuvenate and regenerate yourself is patterned into your
energy expression, specifically in the Hara, Chakras, Meridians and on down into the DNA. Your
body is designed at the physical level to be self-healing. (The body will heal a cut and mend a
broken bone.) It makes sense then that energetically we have the ability to express at a higher
level of consciousness. The amount of energy available to you to manifest and impact your
expression of perfection (health) is limited only by your ability to love yourself. Therefore, the more
you get to know yourself from the deepest level, the more capacity you have to heal and express
wholeness. Everyone has this ability to heal. It can be helpful to journal what you are learning
about yourself though this process as with energy work, often when changes are made it is quickly
difficult to remember how you felt/expressed previously.

A key component in transforming one’s life is to set a positive, clear intention, say for full physical
vitality. By setting an intention, you are willing your energy to a state where your thoughts, words
and actions begin to shift in alignment with your intention, even if you don’t know how it will
happen. An intention for healing also includes the receptivity to achieve that outcome. Your
intentions are the vibrational state that you operate from. It is the vibe or energy you radiate. Strive
to hold the highest state of belief in yourself, even if you don’t immediately believe it fully, for
practice can make for perfection.

Presence is about being in the now and noticing when all of your senses (sound, touch, sight and
smell) agree on one expression or outcome at the same time. Being fully present in the moment
increases self-awareness and teaches you how to be focused and fulfilled in this moment.

Learning to be present to yourself (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) means being
in a conscious momentary awareness. Being present is how you become aware of yourself at the
truest level. The saying, “Don’t let the future steal your present” reminds me of a friend who was
relocating to a new state and home. She shares with me her stress, anxiety and disruptions in
finding the new home. I remind her to stay fully present and allow those precious moments to
bless her while waiting for her house to come across her path. In other words, not getting ahead
of herself. My recommendation to my friend for being mindful (focusing ones’ awareness on the
present moment, while acknowledging and accepting her feelings and thoughts), allowed her the
opportunity to stay in a place of gratitude. She began to enjoy those moments even though her
outer life was in a state of chaos. Utilizing intention for her desired outcome and a presence to
herself during physical activity brought her a desired outcome, as well as greater joy. Presence
is summarized as be here now.
Journaling Exercise: How present do you feel to yourself? To others? Do you listen to hear
or to respond when another is talking? Please reference the Forms section of the workbook.)

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 33

Grounding Module 30
One of the greatest challenges we all face because we lead such busy lives today with a social
media normalcy, is not being able to stay grounded in the present moment. Grounding is an
energetic presence of being fully here now (in body) and can be imagined as though you are a
tree anchored deeply into the earth with long, vibrant roots reaching into the center of the planet.
This is a contrast to the mental focus of quick social media inputs and outputs, and the hurriedness
of day to day life. We all tend to do too many things at once, multitasking even with our most
important communications. This draws us into a scatteredness versus having full presence. When
fully grounded there is a quality of aliveness that isn't normally there because you are connected
to our physical source-the planet that supports our life. Grounded presence offers each of us
wisdom through being with a person or situation fully and this is the foundation upon which all
your senses widen and deepen, including your intuitive ones.

ET practitioners prepare for work with their clients by being present through focusing inward while
taking a deep intentional breath, and then grounding this energy by becoming physically
connected to self and the planet in this moment. This allows the practitioner to hold the space of
healing for another, while being the universal observer; supportive and non-judgmental. As
individuals move more fully and consistently into a sense of grounded presence in their daily lives,
they begin to see profound growth changes.
Journaling Exercise: What do you know about your ability to ground? (Please reference the
Forms section of the workbook.)

Intake or Collecting a History Module 31

When you decide to work on yourself energetically, it is helpful to check in with yourself for a
healing direction, forming an intention for change or outcomes. The goal is to create balance in
your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing, for being out of balance is usually
where symptoms prevail. Practitioners continually monitor their energy systems so they can
identify areas that need attention and/or healing.

As practitioners, we do a thorough intake with our clients as well in order to determine where they
may be compromised or expressing a blockage in the energy system.
(Please reference the Forms section of the workbook.)

Energy Vocabulary and Expressions Chart Module 32

As you further develop your intuition through the experience of working in energy systems and
engaging your own self-care and self-growth, you will develop an energy vocabulary. This allows
you to talk about energy more professionally and will also enhance how you notice the differences
in the energy you are working with. Additional information you may glean about yourself can come
from dreamwork, looking at your body’s symbolic messages, or current affairs or challenges. It is
extremely important to remember that information gathered through intuitive or spiritual
connections is not necessarily meant to be shared, and certainly is not shared as fact, but rather
as possibilities. ALL information is best thought of as symbolic and nothing is ‘Truth’ unless it is
claimed as truth by the client. Clients have the right to choose the meaning of intuitive information
for themselves. The following chart identifies ways energy can be sensed and are given to help
you build an energy vocabulary. These terms do not include values such as good, bad or evil –
as these values do not apply in energy medicine.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 34

Activated Burning Blocked Painful
Active Cool Bulging Prickly
Congested Cold Bumpy Shaky
Dense Hot Drained Sharp
Flowing Icy Empty Sticky
Heavy Warm Hole Stinging
Pulling Irregular Stuck
Pulsating Jagged Tear Ripped
Pushing Leak Vacant
Vibrating Off center Void


Armored Magnetic Brilliant Phrases
Bouncy Shielded Colors Sentences
Bubbly Slippery Dark Sounds
Buzzing Structured Images Tones
Clammy Stiff Lights Voices
Electric Sweaty Luminous Words
Expansive Tingling Muddy
Full Vital People
Fuzzy Wet Symbols
Hard Thought Forms

Use of Symbology in Healing Module 33

Life is symbolic, meaning our physical lives symbolize our deeper, more ‘real’ and impactful
spiritual lives. Symbolism is a language spoken from the Universal Energy Field or ‘All That Is’
and is adaptable, multi-dimensional and infinite in manifestation. Interpreting signs and symbols
is similar to tapping into limitless potential as well as establishing an experience and
communication with something greater than ourselves. As practitioners develop their intuitive
skills, they are able to identify symbolic messages or information, which can empower others to
their limitless potential.

When we are being challenged with grief, rage or illness, we still have the power to view the
moments of our lives as symbolic messages with a greater meaning. These messages offer
validation about the connection to something grandiose and utterly unified in its ability to support
and encourage our wellbeing. Symbology offers hidden meaning to events, patterns of behavior
or emotions, thoughts, or outcomes.

In healing, meaning can be derived from evaluating where one thing is representative of
something else. Such as where the macro represents (or reflects) the micro, or the body part

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 35

represents the issue, or the disease process represents what I am doing to myself emotionally.
Looking at the symbology of health through emotions, actions, processes and interpretations of
events can lead one to a deeper understanding and ownership of situations that lead to dis-ease
and disease.

Dream Symbology
Betty Bethards, a mystic and healer says, “Dreams are like a letter from the higher self to the
conscious mind. They take us to higher resources of knowledge within ourselves, giving us
information on what is happening in our daily lives and how we meet and move through the
problems that face us.”

Dreams can give us insight and guidance toward our growth, assist us in problem solving and
connect us with the superconscious mind. Dream symbology can be perceived as messages,
sensations, images, thoughts, and more. They can occur during sleep, or during an induced state
of deep relaxation. They can occur before a session, during and/or after a session. They can be
recurrent, have a theme, or feel like a premonition. They can indicate through symbology if any
of the chakras are affected with the issues. For example, dreaming of losing your vision can
indicate a compromise in the brow chakra, making it difficult to access intuition and the ability to
see things clearly.

Dream symbology can be reviewed from the perspective of the practitioner, or the client-though
we honor the client’s ultimate truth of interpretation. Ask the client what their dream means for
him. This empowers the client to reflect on his guidance and utilize intuition in personal healing
and development. Document dreams shared and the resulting discussion as insights can deepen
over time.

Homework can be given to the client as part of agreed upon self care practices. For example,
keeping a dream journal is a simple tool to document dreams and reference back to them as
needed. Experts recommend journaling upon waking while the dream is fresh and noting any
thoughts, feelings, or sensations that accompany the dream. These references might not make
sense in the moment but may provide valuable information in the days to come, especially in the
case of recurrent dreams.

For practitioners, open ended questions can be asked to help the client interpret his dreams and
identify any guidance they bring or suggest. A dream journal can be a valuable tool to reference
during a session.
Journaling Exercise: How are your dreams representing your challenges or healing?
(Please reference the Forms section of the workbook.)

Body Symbology
Looks at the state of the physical body to obtain further information for healing. While scanning
the body, observe the client’s posture while walking, standing, sitting, and lying on the table. Do
they stand tall, hunch, have a balanced gait? Is one shoulder or hip higher than the other. Are
they stronger on one side of the body? Do they present with physical pain or injury? Do they have
a chronic illness? Ask them how they feel about the ailment? What does the ailment feel like? Do
they have any thoughts on the emotional roots or experience that may have led to the current
condition or physical state, or what it represents?

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 36

The body may be manifesting an imbalance in the energy field due to a variety of disturbances
such as anger, an inner problem/deep secret, pain, fear, trauma, shame, guilt, regret, heavy
burden/responsibility, or a past life experience. The body is a medium of information that can
present imbalance in order to increase awareness, release, resolve, and heal.

For example, the right side of the body reflects the masculine aspect of your being, and the left
side reflects the feminine. An imbalance in strength from one side of the body to the other can
represent over use of masculine or feminine energies, a blockage, or a difficult relationship with
a family member or acquaintance of the male for female gender that corresponds with the
imbalance. It might also be a message about which aspects you are to develop further to bring
about balance.

If a client complains of a stiff neck and shoulder pain, the stiff neck may indicate rigidity and limited
range of motion. This may symbolize an inability to see things from different perspectives, or only
looking one way at a situation. Tight, raised shoulders can indicate held fear and anxiety, where
hunched shoulders can represent carrying a heavy load or feeling the weight of the world on one’s
shoulders. As with dream symbology, an accurate body symbology reference can help identify
physical symptoms and imbalances as guidance for moving toward a state of healing and
Journaling Exercise: What is your body symbology saying about your needs or challenges?
(Please reference the Forms section of the workbook.)

World Events as Symbology

When we take the macro view and look at what is happening in the greater world, we get clues
about what is happening symbolically to ourselves as well, and what is appearing for us to heal.
For example, right now we are dealing with a collective lack of safety through mass shootings at
a time when we are about to send children back to school. (9/19) Schools have been seen as
unsafe for some time (Columbine, Sandy Hook to name a couple) and recently in my area we had
another shooting at the STEM school - a stone’s throw from my home. How do I deal with the fear
coming up for me as I live in the shadow of the Columbine High School massacre? How do I trust
the schools to keep my children safe? Do I limit or increase my actions? My connections with
others? My goals, or my child’s activities in order to manufacture a sense of safety? How are
global events of fear, trust, separation and limits showing up in my need for individual healing?

Assessment; Intuition/Hand Sensing Self Module 34

One of the most important steps to becoming a powerful healer is self-healing. Taking your own
healing work seriously is the key to helping others. Being in human form and having daily
experiences, you continue to be challenged and get out of balance. Regardless of how much
healing work you do on yourself, you must continue ongoing maintenance through clearing your
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual expressions in order to keep returning to a state of
wholeness (balance).

Assessing yourself through intuition (checking in), Hand Sensing your energy and journaling
your thoughts and feelings, are tools which support a personal healing journey. The more
energy flow you maintain, the better you are at being able to facilitate the healing energy flow
with or for another. Therefore, step one is self care and self-healing and the better able you are
to maintain your personal balance – the more proficient you are in becoming a practitioner of
energy therapy.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 37

Please print, date and complete 6 Self Treatment Documentation Forms to bring to ET 2A.
(Please reference the Forms section of the workbook.)

Intuition (Feel, Know, Hear, See, Taste, Smell)

Intuition is one of an energy medicine practitioner’s greatest asset. This internal communication
is a source for the information perceived through one’s senses, which include feeling, knowing,
hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling. Intuition does not come from thinking or being told, but
rather from a deep inner knowing that originates from the connection to one’s higher self. This
strong connection to inner intuitive guidance is one of the things that differentiates an energy
medicine (EM) practitioner from another (untrained or unpracticed) person.

An EM practitioner’s ability to be guided by an inner knowing or another of the senses is a very

special gift. Some have this gift well developed while others can develop their intuitive knowing
or another of the intuitive gifts. All of us have the ability to listen within. As you spend more time
in self-development, growth-work, self care and energy work, your ability continues to develop
and evolve with practice.

Hand Sensing to Determine Balance vs Non-Balance Module 35

Hand Sensing is a method of assessment that uses the hands to determine energetic qualities
while moving the hands just hovering above the surface of the physical body (etheric field). These
assessments are used as a tool to determine the quality of the auric field or energy body (just
above the physical body).

Hand Sensing is using the hands to discern the quality of a particular aspect of the energy system
prior to, during and after EM interventions. The practitioner is able to obtain information about
disruptions or imbalances in the energy system; hara, field, centers, or body.

It is important to note that energy (and energy assessments) can change from one moment to the
next. I refer to this as a ‘snapshot in time’. An energy change can occur in response to many
factors, which include; a thought or memory, vision, scent, sound, an experience or feeling, or
through a change brought about through and exchange of energy. The goal of each one of us is
to maintain a balanced energy system, as health is expressed in this way. We accomplish balance
through ongoing self-care or receiving an energy treatment. Therefore, assessing and
reassessing the energy system is an important clinical step in understanding how the body and
field are responding to the energetic shifts during self-care activities and energy interventions.

Hand Sensing the Etheric Body (Just Above the Physical)

Place the hands with palms towards the client’s body approximately 4-6 inches above the physical
body. Starting at the head, either on the right or left side, slowly move your hands from the top to
the bottom of the energy body, which extends around the body typically in an egg-shaped bubble.
Note any differences you can identify. You may repeat the Hand Sensing by moving downward
over first the front side and then the back of the body as well. [When sensing yourself, you may
work with intention over areas you cannot reach, or in a mirror.] Are both sides of the body similar
in how they ‘sense’? Would you call it ‘balanced’? Is energy flowing equally on both sides of the
body? What about above and below the body? Are there differences in temperature, density,
movement or quality? Are there energetic blocks or areas of dense, stagnant energy? Do you
receive a ‘picture’ of what you are sensing or is there a sound or color quality? For example, a
block in energy flow may be perceived as reduced movement, temperature imbalances, quality
changes, or density. [See chart on page 29 for language descriptors.]

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 38

Hand Sensing the Fields (Size, Shape, Expansion)
The auric fields are found outside of the body, emanating from our core to several feet away.
These fields compose our energetic boundaries. The aura is an electromagnetic field of energy
produced by electrical currents in our bodies. Every cell in our body pulses with energy. Electricity
produces magnetism, which means that every cell and organ, as well as the entirety of your body
generates energy fields which create movement. Therefore, the fields are dynamic expressions
having a synergistic relationship with the hara, chakras and meridian systems. The fields also
interact with other people’s fields and the environment through an exchange of energy

To sense an auric field, start approximately 8 feet away from the body. [If sensing your own, you
may do this with intention, or imagine you are standing in front of yourself and hand sense the
body in front of you.] With your palms facing toward the body, slowly begin to walk toward it until
you sense the edge of the auric field or become aware that you have made contact as your
hands just stop at an ‘edge’. Sense the field from outside to inside, noting the qualities or edges.
What do you notice? Is there a vibration, pulsation, smooth, or bumpy edge/quality? Does it feel
light and airy, or dense? Does it push you away or draw you in? Or do you sense temperature
fluctuations? Does it change as you move around the body in the field? Would you call it
expanded or contracted? Is the edge of the field even on all sides of the physical body? Can
you determine how many feet it extends to each direction (front, back, left, and right)?

Hand Sensing the Chakras

You can also Hand Sense over each of the chakras to determine the energetic quality of a
particular zone or area of the body, relating to a particular chakra. This is done by moving your
hands over the chakra area from side to side as though that particular zone is an inner tube
surrounding the body. What do you notice? Over time you will build your own energy vocabulary
regarding how you sense energy. Ultimately, we are seeking areas that are out of balance,
meaning different from one spot to another, as you move through all of the 7 chakra zones with
your hands. How are the zones different, similar, or the same from one area to another? Where
do your hands pick up different sensations, or qualities? Are you getting information in pictures,
sounds, smells, or taste?

Meditation Module 36

Self-Healing Techniques Module 37

To utilize techniques for healing on oneself, the practitioner always starts by becoming fully
present and grounded within the body and to the earth. Next, it is important to set intention to be
a healing facilitator by accessing the higher vibration of Divine Love, which is life’s most powerful
healer. Holding your own balance and opening to this healing flow you become a facilitator of
higher frequencies, which encourage the receiver into higher expressions of balance by breaking
down areas of congestion. Refer to Alice Bailey and Reiki for Hands Still and Hands Sweeping

Hands Still
The hands are placed on an area of the body identified as needing treatment or balance. They
are held here until you sense it is time to move them somewhere else, or remove them from the
body. The hands may be placed side-by-side, on top of each other, or on the front and back (or
sides) of the body in what is called ‘cocooning’. You may use one or both hands with this method.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 39

One’s touch is appropriate and light. Typically, the hands are held still in each position for a minute
to two. As the hands are still, the practitioner may become aware of, and allows the energy to flow
from Divine Source. The intention is to allow the energy to break up congestion in a specific area,
fill a void of energy, or bring the energies into balance for the highest function or expression.

Hands Sweeping
The hands are held in a soft position (not stiff and flat, but gently curved) and slowly swept over
the body with the palms facing the body, and about 6 inches above it. Hands Sweeping may be
done in a specific area of the body, or over the whole body, with the hands moving together or
independently. It is affective used in different ways, such as moving toward or away from the
body, upward toward the head, or downward toward the feet. The intention is to sweep out of your
energy body (or bubble) anything which no longer serves your highest expression. This might be
emotions, thoughts or beliefs, tensions, or other symptoms. Hands Sweeping can also be used
to connect one part of the body or energy with another, such as the left with the right, the front
with the back, or the upper body with the lower body. This is accomplished by sweeping a hand
(or both) over one part of the body toward another with the intention of connection or blending the

Self-Healing Sequence – Practice format

1. Perform a meditation to be present and grounded.
2. Set intention for session with self.
3. Assess field and chakras with Intuition and Hand Sensing.
4. Treat with Hands Still and/or Hands Sweeping.
5. Re-assess (including impressions) during and post session.
6. Document session on form given.
7. Print, date and complete. Bring to ET 2A.

Healing Work with Another Module 38

When providing an energy healing session for another it is imperative to hold full presence, be
grounded and to have practiced working on one’s self frequently in order to become familiar with
the language and sensing of energy. Sessions begin by helping your client set an intention for
their healing. Intending outcome for the highest good of the client and remaining unattached to
the outcome is the foundation of all healing work.

Ethics of Energy Work with Another

A client is given autonomy over their care, meaning they chose the treatment particulars and can
deny treatment at any time. Client feedback is respected. Clients will be released from care if they
are unethical or unprofessional.

Consent for treatment/touch is always given. No consent means no treatment. A parent gives
consent for minors and should be present on property. A healthcare guardian may give consent
for care of his/her charge. Consent is documented.

A documentation form is utilized in alignment with professional care as a record of treatment.

Documentation includes what the client wants/needs, assessment before and after treatment, a
record of the treatment given, feedback from the client and the notes of the practitioner. The

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 40

documentation form, written in ink, is a legal record of care and a copy given if requested by the

It is never appropriate to place hands on the breasts of a woman or the pubic area of anyone in
an EM treatment. Clients are primarily treated clothed. Touch is light or over body. Practitioners
are ethical and professional.

Practitioners carry liability insurance and operate according to the jurisdictional requirements of
county, state and federal government.

Hands Sensing Demo - Module 38b

Hands Still and Hands Sweeping Demo - Module 38c
Additional Interventions: with Hands Still/Hands Sweeping
Module 39

Clearing is used to eliminate congestion in any part of the expression or energy system including
dense, dis-eased, or disruptive energy. Clearing can reduce emotional or physical pain, reduce
mental fog to improve decision making, reduce toxins to improve flow throughout the body, or
reduce energetic congestion, and it can promote a sense of peace or wellbeing. Clearing can be
accomplished with Hands Still on, or over a specific area of the body (such as pain), or with Hands
Sweeping to draw out congestion. Hands Sweeping is used with movement away from the body.

Expanding is used to expand the energy expression/s by restoring and/or building energy
capacity. This application expands the energy footprint but does not necessarily increase energy
expression, or quality. Expanding increases balance to a system (field) that is withdrawn,
asymmetrical, compressed, or shielded. This can improve a person’s receptivity, sense of trust,
connection with others, breathing, or openness to new experiences or expressions. Hands
Sweeping is used to draw away from the body the energy boundary to allow for greater capacity
or space. Hands Still may be used in any chakra to encourage more expansion as well.

Balancing is used to restore symmetry and flow in the energy system in a unilateral way.
Imbalance may express body bilateral (side to side), horizontal (up and down), anterior and
posterior (front and back), or among all energy systems (physical, meridians, fields, chakras, etc.)
or expression (physical/spiritual, mental/emotional, masculine/feminine, etc.). This technique can
elevate the overall frequency of an energy body as well. An improved sense of overall balance,
an increase in feeling grounded, or improvement in one’s approach to issues (problem solving),
of feeling whole, or in one’s alignment with spirit are possible outcomes. Hands Still on two
opposing parts with intention is utilized to bring about balance between different expressions
(male/female, physical/spiritual).

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 41

Energizing is used to clear the field, physical body, and/or organs of stagnant energy that has
blocked or reduced the natural flow of energy throughout the field and body by increasing energy
quality. The purpose is to INCREASE the energy frequency and is able to change (improve) the
quality of the energy as well. Building more vitality through removing and clearing blocks can
restore the overall balance and energize the field and physical body. Outcomes may include
reduced fatigue, restful sleep, mental clarity, increased energy, increased vitality, a shift toward
optimal function in organ systems, etc.

All dis-ease creates imbalance and balance is the goal of all healing. Therefore, a combination of
techniques is commonly utilized to reach the goals set for healing. Clearing, Energizing,
Expanding and Balancing can be combined in a way unique to you as a practitioner, or to the
specific needs and symptoms of the client. It can take 3 days to adjust fully to a shift or change in
the energy field. Hand Sensing (assessment) should be performed prior to and immediately post
treatment to assess the change and response to the interventions used. The energetic benefits
of treatment have been measured 30 days post session for both the client AND the practitioner!

Documentation of Sessions Module 40

Documenting an energy therapy session provides greater consistency over time and
demonstrates a high level of professionalism. The purpose of complete and accurate patient care
documentation is to promote quality and continuity of care. Documenting a healing session
creates a process of communication between the practitioner and client, allows for a record of
treatment over time, tracks referrals made, and the plan for self-development. For example, when
a client is describing pain with, “I’m exhausted all of the time”, on an energetic level this can give
the practitioner an explanation why their energy field may feel, assess, or look compromised
during a session.

Using a documentation form consistently demonstrates good practice and provides the
practitioner with a professional format to address client care plans and outcomes, from one
session to the next. The practitioner uses all forms of assessment; touch, sound, intuition and the
hands (Hand Sensing) to accomplish a full energy assessment and this assists the practitioner to
identify aspects of the energy system needing treatment.

The benefits of proper documentation are; an accurate reflection of each session to inform the
practitioner and the client of patterns and shifts, to establish consistency in care - one session to
the next and provide the practitioner with a professional format for managing client’s care plan.

Treatment Sequence - Working on Another Module 41

1. Presence – Practice being fully present.
2. Grounding – Practice being fully grounded.
3. Intention for outcome/highest good of the recipient
4. Interview Process – What does the client want? How does the client present?
5. Intuition - Intuitive assessment with Hands Sensing (Etheric, Chakras and Fields)
6. Techniques – apply Hands Still or Hands Sweeping (know the use of each)
7. Document Session

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 42

Requirements for Attending ET Level 2 A Module 42
1. Printed completion certificate for ET Level 1
2. Journal ongoing practice of self care. Six samples with a variety of dates, written on
prompts from this course.
3. Journal the use of techniques on yourself (Hands Still, Hands Sweeping) used to
balance, clear, energize and expand the energy. Bring one example of each.
4. Documentation of 6 full sessions on yourself with one intake.
5. Documentation of 3 full sessions on another with one full intake, using learned
techniques. Sessions dated and printed.
6. All homework documents are dated, show your name, and are brought to ET 2 A.

Thank you and Credits: video and music Module 43

Supplemental video: Recorded Q&A Module 44 a, b, c and d

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 43

Energy Therapy Forms

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 44

Identify Boundary Concerns
1.____This client feels more like a friend than a client.
2.____I often tell my personal problems to this client.
3.____I want to be friends with this client when treatment ends.
4.____I think the goodbye hugs last too long with this client.
5.____Sessions often run overtime with this client.
6.____I accept gifts or favors from this client without examining why the gift was given.
7.____I have a barter arrangement with this client, and it is at times a source of tension for me.
8.____I sometimes choose my clothing with this particular client in mind.
9.____I have attended small professional or social events that I knew this client would be
present at, without discussing it ahead of time.
10.___This client often invites me to social events. I don’t feel comfortable saying yes, or no.
11.___Sometimes when I’m touching this client during our regular sessions, I feel like the
contact is sexual for either or both of us.
12.___This client behaves seductively, and I often don’t know how to handle it.
13.___This client owes me a lot of money and I don’t know how to handle it.
14.___I have invited this client to public social events.
15.___I am often late for sessions with this particular client.
16.___I find myself cajoling, teasing and joking a lot with this client.
17.___I am in heavy emotional crisis myself and I identify so much with this client’s pain that I
can hardly attend to the client.
18.___I allow this client to comfort me.
19.___I feel like this client and I are very much alike.
20.___This client scares me.
21.___This client’s pain is so deep I can hardly tolerate it.
22.___I enjoy feeling more powerful than this client.
23.___Sometimes I feel like I am in over my head with this client.
24.___I feel that I am the only person who can help this client.
25.___I often feel hooked or lost with this client and advice from colleagues and/or former
teachers has not helped.
26.___I often feel invaded or pushed by this client and have difficulty standing my ground.
27.___I feel overly protective of this client.
28.___I have been doing things for this client that I don’t usually do with/for other clients.
29.___I sometimes have a drink or use recreational drugs with this client.
30.___I’m doing so much on this client’s behalf that I feel exhausted.
31.___I am hesitant to discuss certain client/practitioner interactions in my peer supervision
or networking group.
32.___I accommodate this client’s schedule and then feel angry or manipulated.
33.___This client has invested money in an enterprise of mine, or vice versa.
34.___I have hired this client to work for me and am having difficulty separating roles.
35.___I find it difficult to keep from talking about this client with my close friends and
36.___I find I’m engaged in over self-disclosure with this client-telling stories and engaging in
peer-like conversations.
37.___I feel emotionally drained after working with this client.
38.___My body feels heavy or painful after working with this client.

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Journal Exercise: _________________________________________
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Journal Exercise: _________________________________________
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Name: ______________________________________________________

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Energy Therapy
Documentation Samples

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Autonomy means the right or condition of self-government.

Continuity of Care is idealized in the patient's experience of a 'continuous caring relationship'

with an identified health care professional.

Divine (The Divine) or God is that which is perfect in power, wisdom and goodness.
Consciousness that creates the Universe. Ultimate reality. Universal Intelligence. Source of all
moral authority that personifies LOVE. Supreme being over all that is eternal having sacred,
magical insight.

Grounded means being well balanced and sensible, or connected to the body and earth.

Higher Self or Best Self is one’s more virtuous, amiable or kindly instincts. The energetic/divine
aspect of self that is God-like; more knowing, more eternal and more aligned with goodness.

Homeostasis is the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent

elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.

Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in
the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.

Love is admiration, benevolence, devotion. The greatest, most powerful source of perfection in
unity and healing. The energy accessed for purity.

Non-localized means distance or not local (or near).

Physiological Regulation means one utilizes learning from past experience to make
responses that preemptively and effectively neutralize anticipated regulatory challenges.

Presence is the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing.

Subjective is defined as based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

Subtle energy is electromagnetic wavelengths, rates of vibration, patterns of pulsation – the

dynamic infrastructure of the body.

Scope of Practice describes the procedures, actions, and processes that a healthcare
practitioner is permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their professional license.

Therapeutic Presence involves being fully in the moment with a client on a multitude of levels,
physically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually.

Universal Observer is defined according to quantum physics as the act of observing something
and thereby affecting it. Just that fact that you look at it, changes it.

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 67

Andrews, Ted. (1993) The Healers Manual; A Beginners Guide to Energy Therapies, St. Paul,
MN: Llewellyn Publications

Bailey, Alice. (1971). Esoteric Healing: Sixth Edition. New York, NY: Lucis Publishing Co.

Benjamin, B. E., & Sohnen-Moe, C. (2005). The Ethics of Touch. Tuscan, AZ: Sohnen-Moe and
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Bethards, Betty. (1983). The Dream Book- Symbols for Self-Understanding. Petaluma,
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Bradford, Michael. (1995). Healing Energy of Your Hands. New York, NY: Crossing Press

Brennan, B. (1993). Light Emerging. New York, NY: Bantam Books

Brennan, B. (2017). Core Light Healing: My personal journey and advanced healing concepts for
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Brugh, Joy W. (1979) Joy’s Way. New York, NY: Penguin Putnam Inc.

Bruyere, R. (1989). Wheels of Light: A study of the chakras. Arcadia, CA: Bon Productions

Carson, R. and Shield. B. (1989). Healers on Healing. New York, NY: Penguin Putnam, Inc.

Chopra MD, Deepak. (2015). Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers on Mind/Body Medicine,
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Choquette, Sonia. (1994). The Psychic Pathway. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press

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Cloud, H., & Townsend, J. (1992). Boundaries. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan

Cuddy, A. (2015). Presence. New York, NY: Back Bay Books/Little, Brown and Company

Dale, C. (2009). The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of your Energetic Anatomy. Boulder, CO:
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Dale, C. (2013). The Subtle Body Practice Manual: A comprehensive guide to energy healing.
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Dale, Cyndi. (2013). Energetic Boundaries. Boulder, CO: Sounds True

Eden, Donna. (1998). Energy Medicine. New York, NY: Penguin Putnam Inc.

Eleanor Limmer, M.S.W. (1995). The Body Language of Illness. Liberty Lake, WA: Freedom Press

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 68

Fraser, Karen. (2019). The Little Book of Energy Healing Techniques. Emeryville, CA:
Althea Press

Grey, Alex (1990). Sacred Mirrors. Rochester, NY: Inner Traditions International

Hay, Louise. (1982). You Can Heal Your Life. New York City: Hay House

Hendricks, Gay. (1995). Conscious Breathing. New York, NY: Bantam Books

Karol K. Truman. (2003). Feelings Buried Alive Never Die. St. George, UT: Olympus Distributing

Komitor, Carol. (1996). Healing Touch for Animals. Highlands Ranch, CO: Komitor Healing
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Marciniak, Barbara, 2004). Path of Empowerment. Pleiadian wisdom for a world in chaos. Maui,
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Markowitz, D. (2013). Self-Care for the Self-Aware. Bloomington, IN: Balboa Press

Myss, Caroline. (1996) Anatomy of the Spirit Crown. New York, NY: Publishers Inc.

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Oschman, James. (2000) Energy Medicine; The Scientific Basis. Leith Walk, Edinburgh: Harcourt
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Peirce, Penny (2009) The Intuitive Way; The Definition Guide to Increasing Your Awareness. New
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Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov; 4(Suppl): 8–14. Published online 2015 Nov
1. doi: 10.7453/gahmj.2015.038.suppl

Copyright © 2019 by Energy Medicine Specialists 69

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