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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Lantapan East District
Poblacion, Lantapan, Bukidnon
2nd Semester, 3rd Quarter Examination
A.Y 2023-2024
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Instructions. Read carefully. Blacken the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet
1. Which statement best summarizes the relationship between social sciences and applied social sciences?
A. Social sciences lay the foundation for understanding human behavior, while applied social sciences
utilize this knowledge to solve real-world problems.
B. Social sciences and applied social sciences are two distinct fields that do not intersect.
C. Applied social sciences rely solely on practical experience, while social sciences focus on academic
D. Social sciences and applied social sciences are interchangeable terms referring to the same field of
2. The counselor found in the clinical setting is
A. Human Resource Officer C. Guidance Counsellor
B. Counseling Therapist D. Teacher Counsellor
3. Ryan Bang is a full-blooded Korean based here in the Philippines for he is a celebrity. For a long period of time of
staying here in the Philippines, Ryan already learned the Filipino language, which of the following best describes
Ryan Bang situation?
A. Communication B. Linguistic C. Social Adaptation D. Verbal Communication
4. Ben treats every patient as unique and respect his problem as well. what principle of counseling did Ben adhere
A. Principle of individuality C. Principle of acceptance
B. Principle of empathy D. Principle of a non-judgmental attitude
5. Counselors can make-up stories to protect the interest of his or her profession. The statement is
A. True B. Opinionated C. False D. Unverifiable
6. How does counseling help individuals, groups, and communities?
A. By prescribing medicine C. By prescribing to have a vacation
B. By prescribing talking to oneself D. By prescribing to sleep well
7. The following are the common misconceptions about counseling except one;
A. Counseling is a brain washing
B. A counselor is a problem solver
C. A person seeing a counselor has a mental illness
D. Counselling means giving a piece of advice
8. Which of the following belong to the Human Dimensional Goals of Counseling?
A. Lang Koh Lang is a Chinese national often travel to find alternative medicine for cancer
B. Fumiko always looks outside the box after he confess to Fr. Jaryl
C. After his Tala dance challenge, Jane Paula Ortiz has a lot of Instagram followers
D. Ms. Deocampo decided to bring her class in a Historical Museum
9. What is the main purpose of a career interest inventory in guidance counseling?
A. To predict a student’s future salary
B. To assess student’s interests and preferences for different career paths
C. To provide information on local job openings
D. To select a specific career for the students
10. What term best describes the process of helping students to explore their interests, abilities, and values to make
informed education and career decisions?
A. Personality assessment C. Educational advising
B. Career planning D. Emotional regulation
11. John always maintains proper behavior to protect his profession as a social worker. this is
A. Service B. Propriety C. Competence D. Integrity
12. During a counseling session, a client confides in you about their struggles with addiction. They seem hesitant to
seek professional help due to fear of judgment. As a counselor, which core value would you emphasize to
encourage the client to seek assistance?
A. Integrity B. Fidelity C. Justice D. Respect for Human Dignity
13. A process and methods through which group life is affected by a worker who consciously guides the interaction
process toward the accomplishment of goals.
A. Social Action/Social Reform C. Social Group
B. Community Organization D. Environmental Modification
14. What principle of social work the needs to respect, uphold and defend each person’s physical, psychological,
emotional and spiritual integrity and well-being?
A. Respecting the right to self -determination C. Promoting the right to participation
B. Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being D. None of the above

15. A counselor works primarily with individuals struggling with substance abuse disorders, providing assessments,
counseling, and referral services. They collaborate with medical professionals, support groups, and treatment
facilities to develop comprehensive recovery plans for their clients. What area of counseling is this professional
specializing in?
A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling C. School Counseling
B. Addiction Counseling D. Rehabilitation Counseling
16. Social workers play different roles, like case management, direct practice and advocacy and policy building.
Being a social worker, he/she must have a _______ to…
A. Heart B. Brain C. Money D. None
17. Gay men and lesbians, migrants, women, abused or neglected children, elderly, pensioners, veterans, military
service men and women, people in conflict with the law, unemployed, people with substance abuse and addiction
belongs to ___________________
A. Group and organization as client of social work C. Both A and B
B. The community as client of social work D. None
18. The place where an environmental change so as to make possible for individuals and groups on the minority to
achieve social well-being or social justice and respect for their rights.
A. Group and organization as client of social work C. Both A and B
B. The community as client of social work D. None
19. An individual who has undergone a life challenging situation and asked a social worker how to cope with his/her
problem belongs to what kind of client in social work?
A. Individual B. Group and Organization C. Community D. None
20. Social workers do not only serve as academic lecturer in higher education institutions, they also perform
community extension work.
A. Basic Education level C. Elementary level
B. Tertiary level D. High school level
21. Which statement best describes the primary goal of applied social sciences?
A. To conduct theoretical research and expand knowledge in social science disciplines
B. To understand human behavior and societal dynamics through empirical observation
C. To use social science theories and methods to address practical problems in society
D. To explore philosophical questions related to morality and ethics in social contexts
22. Which of the following best defines the relationship between social sciences and applied social sciences?
A. Social sciences focus on theoretical research, while applied social sciences emphasize practical
applications of theories.
B. Social sciences and applied social sciences are interchangeable terms used to describe the same field
of study.
C. Social sciences provide the foundational knowledge, while applied social sciences utilize this
knowledge to address real-world issues.
D. Applied social sciences are a subset of social sciences, focusing specifically on experimental research
23. How do social sciences and applied social sciences complement each other in addressing societal challenges?
A. Social sciences provide theoretical frameworks, while applied social sciences implement practical
B. Social sciences focus on individual behavior, while applied social sciences focus on collective societal
C. Social sciences prioritize historical analysis, while applied social sciences focus on contemporary
D. Social sciences emphasize qualitative research methods, while applied social sciences use quantitative
24. Principles of social work includes, respect for human rights, social justice and professional integrity. In which
principle does be professionally accountable belong?
A. Respect for human rights B. Social justice C. Professional integrity D. None
25. It is the basis for someone to go out and become a voice to the voiceless and a friend to the people who need it
most shows what core values of social work?
A. Service B. Compassion C. Social justice D. None
26. When social work intervention is planned, implementation is accompanied by a detailed process documentation
to be able to explain what is happening on both sides, the social works and on the recipient of services belongs to?
A. Conducting needs Assessment for Individuals, groups, organizations and communities
B. Monitoring and Evaluating Social Work Effectivity
C. Both statement A and B
D. None of the above
27. What principle of social work the needs to respect, uphold and defend each person’s physical, psychological,
emotional and spiritual integrity and well-being?
A. Respecting the right to self -determination
B. Promoting the right to participation
C. Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being
D. None of the above

28. Problems like alcoholism, loss of job, divorce, imprisonment and rehabilitation can be a cause of shame and
embarrassment belongs to __________.
A. Individual as client of Counseling C. Group or Organization as client of counseling
B. Community as Client of counseling D. None
29. A discipline that provides guidance, help, support to individuals through the application of psychological methods
that includes case history data, personal interviews, and aptitude tests.
A. Social Work B. Counseling C. Demography D. Statistics

30. In the Philippines, a number of social workers stand to fight for the rights of individuals and groups or advance
the interest of displaced sectors in the pursuit of equality and equity.
A. effectiveness and efficiency C. access and use
B. fairness and justness D. fair treatment and recognition of right
31. Social workers elevate service to others above self-interest where they draw on their knowledge, values and skills
to help people in need and to address social problems. In what principle does it belong?
A. Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems.
B. Social workers challenge social injustice
C. Social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of the person
D. None of the above
32. They enter into any agreement with the social worker to solve their issue.
A. Applicant B. Model C. Client D. Social work
33. A process by which community identifies the needs or objectives: rank these needs: finds the internal or external
resources: takes actions and develops cooperative and collaborative attitudes and practices in the community.
A. Social Work Research C. Environmental Modification
B. Social Group D. Community Organization
34. This is based on the premise that there will always be everywhere with unmet needs or problems which are
beyond their own capacity to solve.
A. Concept of human potentials and capacities C. Concept of equal opportunities
B. Concept of social responsibilities D. Concept of social provision
35. This type of counseling are concerns around parenting, sibling conflict, loss of family members, new members
entering the family, dealing with a major move or a general change affecting the family system.
A. Family counseling C. Spiritual counseling
B. Peer counseling D. Couples counseling
36. Breaking a client’s confidentiality is _________.
A. Necessary in some circumstances C. Should be a last resort
B. Could be the cause of the malpractice suit D. All are correct
37. When a student is struggling with academic performance, guidance counselor might recommend:
A. Punishing the student C. Tutoring or study skills support
B. Reducing the student’s extracurricular D. Ignoring the issue
38. A counselor notices that a client consistently arrives late for sessions and often appears disheveled and distracted.
What is the most appropriate way for the counselor to address these concerns?
A. Ignore the behavior and focus solely on the content of the sessions.
B. Confront the client directly about their tardiness and appearance.
C. Explore potential underlying issues contributing to the client's behavior with empathy.
D. Terminate the counseling relationship due to the client's lack of commitment.
39. A counselor is working with a client who seems to have a history of substance abuse. The client denies any
current substance use but exhibits signs of withdrawal during sessions. What should the counselor do?
A. Confront the client about their suspected substance abuse.
B. Refer the client to a rehabilitation center immediately.
C. Explore the client's history of substance abuse in a non-judgmental manner.
D. Ignore the signs and focus on the client's present concerns.
40. A counselor is working with a client who has a history of trauma. During a session, the client becomes
emotionally overwhelmed and starts to dissociate. What should the counselor do?
A. Leave the client alone until they regain composure.
B. Ignore the dissociation and continue with the session as planned.
C. Ground the client by guiding them through relaxation techniques.
D. End the session early and reschedule for another time.
41. You're involved in a project aimed at reducing juvenile delinquency rates in a neighborhood. What strategy would
be most effective in addressing the root causes of delinquent behavior?
A. Implementing strict curfew laws for minors.
B. Providing after-school programs and mentorship opportunities.
C. Increasing police presence and surveillance in the area.
D. Enforcing harsher penalties for juvenile offenders
42. Which setting below is most likely to employ social workers to address community needs?
A. Movie production studios C. Non-profit organizations and charities
B. Amusement parks D. Tech startups

43. A social worker is planning a community outreach program to address substance abuse issues. Which of the
following steps should be taken FIRST in the planning process?
A. Identifying community stakeholders and partners
B. Conducting a needs assessment within the community
C. Developing program objectives and goals
D. Securing funding for the program
44. Imagine you're designing a program to support individuals with disabilities in gaining employment opportunities
and integrating into the workforce. In which of the following settings would you place social workers to
implement and oversee this program effectively?
A. A fast-food restaurant C. A rehabilitation center
B. A public library D. A jewelry stores
45. You're counseling a client who is facing severe family conflicts. They express a desire to reconcile with their
parents but are struggling with forgiveness. Which counseling core value is most applicable in this situation?
A. Autonomy C. Nonmaleficence
B. Beneficence D. Respect for Human Dignity
46. A client reveals they have been experiencing symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. They are seeking counseling
to learn coping mechanisms. What role does the counselor play in this situation?
A. Diagnose the client with a specific anxiety disorder
B. Prescribe medication to manage anxiety symptoms
C. Collaborate with the client to develop coping strategies
D. Recommend the client to join a support group
47. Where would a counselor primarily operate to provide therapy sessions to couples seeking to improve their
communication and relationship dynamics?
A. Bookstore C. Movie theater
B. Marriage counseling center D. Dog Park
48. Design a scenario where a counselor would be essential in a non-traditional setting. Choose the most appropriate
option below:
A. A counselor providing mental health support at a disaster relief center after a natural calamity.
B. A counselor offering relationship advice in a nightclub.
C. A counselor facilitating stress management sessions in a space research center.
D. A counselor providing grief counseling services at a fast-food restaurant.
49. As a social worker in a child welfare agency, you receive a report of suspected child abuse. Upon investigation,
you find evidence that the child is indeed being maltreated by their caregiver. What should be your immediate
A. Discuss the matter with your supervisor and wait for further instructions.
B. Offer support to the caregiver and suggest parenting classes to improve their skills.
C. Report the findings to the appropriate authorities and take steps to ensure the safety of the child.
D. Ignore the report to avoid complicating the situation further.
50. A social worker is faced with a client who has a history of substance abuse and is currently unemployed. The
client has been reluctant to engage in therapy sessions. What would be the most effective approach for the social
worker in this situation? In this scenario, which of the following options best demonstrates a client-centered
A. Implementing a treatment plan without the client's input
B. Offering the client several therapy options and letting them choose
C. Referring the client to a rehabilitation facility against their wishes
D. Ignoring the client's substance abuse and focusing solely on their unemployment issues

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Grade 11 Curriculum Head

Noted by:

School Principal I

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