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Santiago Vasconcelos Escalante

Colegio Iberoamericano de Tabasco

V semestre de bachillerato
• By 2034 I will have changed my haircut a lot of times
• By 2034 I will have learned two new lenguages
• By 2034 I will have lived in five different countries
• By 2034 I will have started a new hobbie
• By 2034 I will have visited a lot of new places around the world
• By 2034 I will have finished my medicin career
• By 2034 I will have enjoyed my life
• By 2034 I will have talked with a famous person
• By 2034 I will have dated a lot of girls
• By 2034 I will have worked very hard to meet my goals
• By 2034 I will have listened a lot of new songs
• By 2034 I will have practiced a new sport
• By 2034 I will have jumped with a parachute
• By 2034 I will have tried to cook something new
• By 2034 I will have loved a very special person

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