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Dragon Rights 1st Edition Milly Taiden

Taiden Milly
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Dragon Rights
About the Book

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

The Daeria World

The Crystal Kingdom Series
About the Author
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden




Clarke Indiana, antisocial artist, needs an adventure. She wants to

live. She wants to love. And Gerri Wilder can make it happen. But
like all Gerri matches, Clarke isn’t even a little ready for two sexy
shifters that want her for a mate. They might be ice dragons, but
they’re hot enough to melt away her resistance.

Sleet and Hale are ice dragon alpha and beta on planet Aurora.
They've begged Gerri to help them find their mate to complete their
triad. Without this special woman, they will never be the rulers their
clan needs them to be. Once they meet her, they know Clarke is the
mate for them. She’s funny, sassy and those lips are driving them

When Clarke learns the clan's secret, she invests more than just her
time with them. After innocent lives are put into danger, Clarke goes
all superwoman on them to get the precious ones back, no matter
the cost. And it will take everything both dragons have to keep her
alive long enough to succeed.
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are
fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any
way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or
organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By
Latin Goddess Press
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dragon Rights
Copyright © 2020 by Milly Taiden
Edited by: Tina Winograd
Cover: Willsin Rowe
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Property of Milly Taiden
March 2020

Created with Vellum

—For everyone searching for love and romance,

It’s out there. Don’t lose hope.


D ear Ms. Wilder,

I hope you don’t find this forward but I was hoping you
could find it in your heart to take on a new client. I’m sure
you have plenty and really don’t want an unknown woman soliciting
you, but I’m desperate.
My name is Clarke Indiana. I’m twenty-six and I’ve never left my
city, let alone the state or country. I have no family, that I know of,
and no close friend, which is probably my fault for being so
antisocial. But aren’t many creative types lonely?
I’m hoping you could find the right man for me. I won’t survive
another disastrous relationship. I want out. I want to live. I want to
Best regards,
Clarke Indiana

G erri set the letter on her desk, sat back in the leather office chair
and closed her eyes. Clarke Indiana, she thought. Clarke Indiana.
Where in the world is your mate?
In her mind’s eye, a beautiful mountain landscape spread out
before her. The air held a particular chill. One filled with dragons. Far
overhead, two familiar dragons soared on the air currents.
With that thought, Gerri pulled out her communicator and placed
a call to Alyx, the king of the planet Aurora. She was ready for a trip
to her second home. It had been too long already. She waited for
Alyx’s holographic image to appear in front of her.
“Well, isn’t this a surprise. We had begun to think you’d decided
we were no longer worthy of a visit.” Alyx’s smooth voice rolled over
her and she laughed.
“Nice try. I’ve been busy here. Now tell me, how are Bella and
the babies doing? I do miss them.”
“Not really babies anymore. They’ve learned to walk and I
haven’t had a moment of peace yet. They are into everything. And
in a castle, there are a lot of things. But they are all doing
wonderful. They miss you, too.”
“Well, that’s why I’m calling actually. Have you taken care of the
threats to humans yet? Is it safe for me to bring a friend for a visit?”
Gerri picked up a pen and absently tapped it on the desk in front of
“Yes, it’s safe. No threats have been made. No humans have
been contacted, harmed, or anything else.” Alyx blew out a breath
and glanced around behind him. “I’m glad you called, though. Bella
mentioned having a Bunny Day egg hunt for the kids.
“I don’t want to look ignorant after all this time but all the Earth
women have jumped on board, and we men have no idea what
they’re planning.” Alyx grimaced and Gerri bit back a laugh.
“Brecc heard something about a rabbit that laid eggs. Please tell
me your animals on Earth aren’t that genetically screwed up.”
This time Gerri laughed out loud. “Oh, Alyx.”
“Oh no, you don’t. You don’t get to give me that oh you poor
man voice. How in the name of all that is good would we know
anything about a rabbit laying colored eggs? That’s not even
Gerri could picture Alyx pacing his office in his palace, running his
hands through his hair. Bella was probably watching him and
laughing. “I honestly can’t tell you how the rabbit became the face
of the holiday, but no, he doesn’t lay eggs. He just hides them for
the kids to find and leaves a basket of candy.”
Alyx groaned. “Humans have the weirdest traditions and
holidays. But there is another reason I’m glad you called. I had a
visit from Sleet and Hale. The dragons are wanting to know when
you’re coming back. They apparently are desperate for their mate.”
Gerri sat back in her chair and thought about the last time she
saw the two except the image in her head a few moments ago.
“Hmm, I was just going through my mail and I might have the
perfect person for them. Let me reach out to her and see what I can
do. Why don’t you invite the ice dragons to the Bunny Day egg
hunt? I’m sure they’d love it.”
Alyx sighed and the sound was loud through the phone. “Thank
you, Gerri. We can’t wait to see you. I will invite the two misfits and
their clan personally. I hope you have a strong mate in mind for
them. I can’t imagine having to put up with them on a daily basis,
personally.” Alyx laughed and the image faded.
He wasn’t wrong, though. Those ice dragons needed to complete
their triad and soon. Sleet was turning into a crusty, stuffy old
dragon and Hale was too much the jokester. How the two of them
led anyone was a confusing conundrum. Finding their third would
help mellow them both and Gerri was sure all of Aurora would thank
She picked up the letter from Clarke again and debated the best
way to get this young lady to Aurora. After a moment, she smiled.
Gerri picked up her cell phone and dialed the number at the
bottom of the letter. After a few rings, she heard a sweet voice.
“Hello, this is Clarke.”
“Hello, Clarke, this is Gerri Wilder.” Gerri paused for a moment to
see if Clarke had any reaction. Some yelled, some laughed, and a
few had even cried. It was a telling response.
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you for calling me.”
Gerri picked up a pen on her desk and pulled out a piece of
paper. At the top, she wrote polite. “No, thank you for contacting
me. I read your letter and I think I know the perfect relationship for
you. But before I make contact, I have to travel and need a
companion to help me. Would you be interested?”
“Um...” Gerri waited patiently for the woman to respond. In the
letter, Clarke did say she was antisocial. Well, she’d have to get over
“Think of it as an adventure and a chance to help an old woman
out. I’ll text you the address, meet me there in about three hours.
Ask for the guard on duty, and don’t judge a book by its cover, dear.
This will be the best experience you’ve ever had. See you soon.”
Gerri hung up and sat back in her chair with a smile. She had
shopping to do and she couldn’t wait to go back to Aurora.

S leet Hoarfrost, alpha of the ice dragons of the southern ice

peaks, flew over the snowy mountainous ground and watched
as his people went about their daily routines and worked in
the open-air market at the base of the mount. He loved watching
them from above, they appeared so tiny until they shifted and flew
up to join him.
Today, there seemed to be a larger crowd than should be in the
market. That will piss off Hale to no end. He sighed. Normally, they
were happy with a lot of visitors coming to their market to buy
goods. That was the main source of the clan’s financial stability.
But these past several months, they’d been hiding a secret, that
if exposed, could destroy the entire clan.
Banking to the side, he headed home—away from the mountain,
over the forest covering the valley floor where the clan had built
their homes.
Something out of the ordinary in the forest caught his eye.
Another cluster of trees were gone, leaving a hole in the green
canopy. Another sinkhole in the land had opened, taking out a chunk
of greenery. This side of the mountain slope was becoming
increasingly unstable. He was sure it would slide off sooner or later.
Since everyone on that side had relocated, he didn’t worry about
it. Well, one house still stood, but the older couple had moved to
another planet after all their children left the nest. He wouldn’t let
anyone touch it because the owners didn’t leave any instruction of
what to do with it.
He assumed they were keeping the wood structure to stay in
when they visited their children. But as soon as they did return, he
needed them to either abandon the house or move it to stable
ground closer to the basin.
Satisfied all was well in his neck of the kingdom, he continued on
toward his home to check in with Hale.
As soon as he landed and shifted, Hale walked out of the cabin
tossing a pair of sweats to him. “About time you came down from
the clouds.” Hale turned and stomped back into the cabin. Sleet
pulled on the sweats and glanced around to see if there was any
indication of what got his beta and best friend in such a snit.
“Dude, what the hell? I wasn’t gone any longer than normal,”
Sleet called out as he marched through the door, searching the area
for his friend. “Where did you go?” From the kitchen, he could hear
Hale slamming doors.
“Why are we fighting this, might as well just give in. Nothing is
going to change and they don’t give a dragon’s ass about it, either.”
Hale slammed his hands down on the counter and turned around
to lean against it. “They’re just normal people. I’m not being
paranoid. I’m on edge, and I don’t know why.”
Sleet walked over to the younger man. “Go for a fly, maybe stop
in at the port and remind the operations manager of the agreement
he made to limit those coming to the market.”
“Dammit. I really don’t want to take the time to do that, but
there’s really no choice if we’re wanting to protect our secret.”
Sleet scowled at his beta. He didn’t like secrets, even big ones
that would ruin the clan if discovered too early.
He wondered if Hale’s real issue was their lack of a third to
complete their triad. It had been a while since they talked with Gerri
Wilder. The last time he’d seen her was at an event at the king’s
castle. Perhaps it was time to contact her again. The longer they
stayed unmated, the more unhinged each of them became.
He wasn’t sure why his beta was feeling the lack of a third more
than he was, but it was trying on their relationship.
He felt like a babysitter sometimes rather than the dragon clan
leader. In the center of the round breakfast table, the communicator
sounded. Sleet leaned forward and tapped the button. There in his
kitchen, a life-size image of Alyx popped up.
“Greetings, my friends. It has been a while.”
Hale nodded. “It has been. How are the babies?”
“Growing like the grass.” In the image of Alyx, he turned his head
slightly to the side, then the image of his mate Bella stood in front of
him. “You remember my mate, Isabella. She has something she’d
like to tell you.”
In the hologram, Bella’s eyes glowed with excitement and she
looked to be bouncing on her toes. “Hey, guys, we are having a
Bunny Day and all of your clan is invited to come.”
Sleet froze his expression. He did not want her to see his
reaction. What’s a Bunny Day? he wondered.
Bella continued. “Bunny Day is a new holiday here in the castle
because I declared it. We’ll have so much fun. We’ll have an egg
hunt for all the kids and we’ll have baskets of goodies, too. So do
you think you all can come?”
Immediately, Sleet and Hale eagerly agreed they would come.
When Bella ran out of the image, Sleet gave Alyx a “what the hell?”
expression. Alyx raised his hands. “I know, I know. This is something
all the human females want to do. So we are going to do it.”
Sleet grinned. “So you are going to make us all suffer with you,
Alyx leaned forward until his whole face consumed the image.
“Yes.” He leaned back to his normal position, again looking to the
Bella leaned into view. “I forgot to say that Gerri Wilder will be
here soon and she specifically asked to speak with you guys. You’d
better get here, no matter how much you’re suffering. “ She smiled
then disappeared out the side.
Alyx frowned. “I need to go. I think I’m in trouble.” The hologram
disappeared. The guys remained quiet.
“What just happened?” Hale asked.
“I don’t think I want to know.” Sleet just stared at where the
image was and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “You realize
Gerri has the eerie knack for finding shifters their human mates,
Hale nodded. “I don’t understand why that would be a problem.
You’ve never mentioned anything about humans before.”
Sleet laughed lightly. “You know me better than that. I’m worried
about explaining our clan’s unique members. What if she can’t or
won’t accept our people or ways?”
Hale shuffled to one of the cabin windows and looked out among
their people going about their lives. “I hadn’t thought of that…aren’t
humans supposed to be more open-minded with all their religions
and equality?”
Sleet scooted his chair back from the table. “I don’t know. I
guess we just trust Gerri to bring us the perfect person…if she
agrees to find us a mate, that is. What is your schedule like? When
do you want to go to the castle?”
Hale stepped away from the window. “I want to see the
spaceport manager first. We have got to do something about these
people. Someone will find out.” He shucked his clothes on the way
out the door then shifted.
Sleet shook his head. This day was going downhill fast.

C larke dropped her paint brush into a jar of cleaner. She

couldn’t believe Gerri Wilder responded to her. Now she was
going on a trip with the matchmaker. In three hours. Three!
Clarke couldn’t stop smiling or dancing around the apartment she
had been subletting. When they got back into town, Gerri would find
her soul mate.
Her rental time was almost up and she was ready to try
something new. It was weird, though, everything she’d heard about
the legendary matchmaker made her seem capable and to be asked
to go on a trip as her companion was quite a shock. Then after that,
she’d meet the man of her dreams.
Clarke stood back from her easel, analyzing her latest piece. This
was of her iridescent dragon gliding over a forest. The moon shined
down on the scales reflecting greens, yellows, and teals. And, of
course, that mystical shade of baby blue that shone when she
looked into the dragon’s eyes.
For the longest time, she wondered if someone was playing a
trick on her. Every time she painted the iridescent beauty, a hint of
baby blue peeked out. She knew she’d never used that shade. And
the strange thing about it—she could never mix the exact same
shade as the one she saw on the canvas.
She took the finished painting off the easel and leaned it against
the wall next to the others.
Seeing the ten plus paintings, she sighed. Each one a dragon in a
surreal setting. Over the years, she painted dragons in fantasy
scenes, dragons in real world places, and dragon portraits.
She even sold several of them. A gallery on the other side of
town accepted works that were fantasy. Her first painting with them
was a large photo-like image of a majestic iridescent white dragon
with his wings stretched and feet down just about to land.
The best part of the artwork was that from every angle, it
seemed the eyes were looking at you. And the iridescent paint
changed color every time the viewer moved. She was amazed
something like that came from her.
Without doubt, that was her best piece she ever painted. It sold
for $20,000. She wished she’d gotten the name of the person who
bought it, but part of the rules was buyers stayed anonymous.
She’d painted it during a marathon binge, almost in a trance-like
state. She was on her feet for hours on end, brushes with paint
spread all over the table and floor. Her palette was completely
covered and she’d even used the backside for a mix. The colors
blended perfectly and she knew exactly what she wanted.
It appeared like magic from her canvas.
On her way to her room, she texted the gallery’s owner to come
pick out what he wanted for his show next week. He usually took
most of them even though not all sold for top dollar. But her talent
had put food on the table for years.
Clarke rushed into her room and quickly grabbed a suitcase and
packed what little belongings she had, including her brushes. Yeah,
that was strange, but she felt comfort knowing they were with her.
Probably because her brushes were the only thing she owned
besides her clothes. All of the apartment’s furnishing belonged to the
tenant she rented from.
Growing up in foster care taught her to own next to nothing and
be able to pack it quickly.
Two hours later, she dropped her bag on the vacant bus seat
next to her. She’d been going over everything in her head to see
what she was missing. She’d never traveled more than across town
and just knew she was forgetting something. She hated that feeling.
She had to wait for the gallery owner to get to her apartment.
Not a big deal. He wanted all the paintings in the group. Hopefully
something would become of them. If not, then he’d just have to
hold them till she got back. It wasn’t like she had someone to go get
She didn’t have any family that she knew of. Shit, she sighed,
she didn’t even have any friends to let know she was going to be
away. Last week, her latest foster dogs had been adopted so she
didn’t even have to worry about them. Her mood plummeted when
she realized how alone she really was.
Her apartment and mail keys fell from her hand onto the floor.
Her fob was a mini magic eight ball which landed with a thunk.
With a huff, she picked it up and shook it. “Can Gerri Wilder find
me a date?”
Clarke waited eagerly for the little white die in the black mass to
reveal her answer. She didn’t realize she was holding her breath until
she could read it and the breath whooshed out of her lungs. “Yes.”
She shook it again, asking her next question. “Will he be a
shifter?” She muttered under her breath, “He better freaking be.”
The magic ball revealed the answer: “Outlook good.”
Clarke grinned and shook it again. “Will I be happy?” This time
she was bouncing in her seat waiting for the magic die to show her
the answer.
“You may rely on it.”
Clarke did a little dance in her seat. She brought the fortune
teller to her face. “Is it a wolf shifter?” Clarke didn’t really care what
the man could shift into but she was curious and had nothing else to
do on the bus. She shook the ball and waited.
“Concentrate and ask again.”
Clarke groaned. “Fine, I didn’t really want a wolf anyways. Is my
mate going to be a bear shifter?” She shook the ball with both hands
and waited.
“Reply hazy, try again.”
“Dammit. One last time.” She shook the small ball in her hand.
“Do you know what kind of shifter my mate will be?”
“Better not tell you now.”
Clarke groaned and dropped the ball into her purse. She plopped
her head back on the seat. “I just want to be happy and find some
adventure. Is that really too much to ask for?”

C larke stood on the sidewalk , looking at the text on her phone and
comparing it to the address numbers on the fancy all-glass building.
This was it. A man in a suit opened the door for her.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” he asked.
“Hi, I’m here to meet Gerri Wilder.”
“Ah, yes. The lifts are there.” He gestured toward a bank of
“Thank you.” In the elevator, she pushed the button for the floor
on the text and took a deep breath. In a moment, she was going to
be with THE Gerri Wilder. The doors slid open and she stepped out,
rolling her suitcase behind her. Now which way, left or right?
“Clarke, over here.” Gerri stood in her doorway waving her along.
“You’re early. I like you already.” The woman smiled and Clarke’s
shoulders relaxed a bit. Gerri walked away as she stepped over the
Before her lay the most beautiful room she’d ever seen. Done all
in white, it was fresh, clean, and open. She set her stuff inside the
door and closed it.
“Have a seat, dear,” Gerri called from a different room.
As she slowly made her way to the white sofa, she noted a
painting of a dragon on the wall. Clarke looked around, didn’t see
anyone, then hurried in. The creature in the image was so detailed,
it could’ve jumped out of the frame.
“I love that painting,” Gerri said, placing a tray on the coffee
table between the sofa and two upholstered chairs. “A dear friend of
mine gifted that to me.” Clarke startled and felt her cheeks blush.
Gerri said, “Would you like tea with the scones?”
“Do you have iced tea?” Clarke asked. She had a sweater on and
knew she’d get too hot if she drank something warm. It was hard
having a hot body in a hot climate, but she made do with lots of ice
and cold everything.
“I do. Be right back.” Gerri disappeared into the other room.
Clarke sat on the front half of the sofa cushion, hands between her
knees. God, she hated this. Talking to a complete stranger about
things she knew nothing about.
“Here, dear.” Gerri set the tall glass of iced tea on the coaster on
the table. The ice stacked to the top. Yes. “Try a scone. They are
cream cheese.”
Oh, that sounded good. She snatched up a pastry and bit into it.
Cheese slid over her tongue and she moaned. Damn, it was
Gerri smiled. “I assume that you like it.” With food still in her
mouth, Clarke nodded. “Wonderful. Now, do you have any questions
for me?”
That caught her off guard. So far, she’d taken Gerri at her word
and didn’t worry about anything. One thing came to mind. “We’re
not flying, are we?”
Gerri’s brow raised. “I take it you don’t like flying.”
She shook her head. “No.” There wasn’t a specific reason for it,
but just the thought of getting into something so big that she
couldn’t get out of if things went wrong set her pulse speeding.
“Not a problem, dear. We’re not flying.”
Clarke breathed out relief and drank half her extremely cold tea.
It felt good going down.
“Let me refill your glass.” Gerri swept up her cup and left the
room. Clarke sneaked another scone, putting half in her mouth. She
swallowed and shoved the other half in, taking delight in the taste.
Just at that moment, she needed to sneeze. Shit.
She pinched her nose hoping to make the urge go away. Didn’t
work. She slapped a hand over her mouth and did her best to stifle
it. With little noise, her body jerked with the force of the air. The
food in her mouth stayed, but it moved, lodging in her throat.
“Here you go.” The woman set the glass on the coaster.
Clarke, almost choking on the sweet, snatched up the drink to
help her swallow. She patted her chest, coughing. Then gulped
another two mouthfuls.
“Sorry,” Clarke said, “had to sneeze.” She set the glass on the
“Oh, no, darling. I’m the one who’s sorry.”
What did she mean by—

C larke opened her eyes to see a smiling blurry lady standing over her.
“I thought you were going to sleep the whole trip away.”
She sat up quickly and groaned when her head started spinning.
She shut her eyes. “I’m dreaming, right? I fell asleep. Shit, Gerri
Wilder? Is that you?” Clarke rubbed her head and tried to pull up her
last memory.
“Yes, dear. Are you feeling better? You’ve slept through the whole
trip to Aurora. Now, before you open your eyes, I need to warn you,
we aren’t on Earth anymore.”
Clarke groaned. “Whatever you say, dream Gerri.” She opened
her eyes again to see the stunning older woman smiling at her. “Hi,
Ms. Wilder.”
Gerri rolled her eyes. “Call me Gerri. Now, my traveling
companion, I’ve already had our bags taken inside the palace for us.
Isabella, Charlotte, and Rebecca are waiting for us. We need to help
get everything set up for their first Bunny Day egg hunt.
“What?” She looked around at the landscape. The colors were
completely different. Was it possible she was on another planet?
What the hell was wrong with her? Of course, it wasn’t possible.
“I’m so confused.” Clarke stood and almost fell, her legs shook and
she didn’t think it was caused by the dizziness this time. “This is the
best dream ever, Gerri. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.”
“You humans and your ability to deny what is right in front of you
in favor of a dream state. This is really sweet. Do you want me to
pinch you?” Gerri’s voice held a touch of laughter and Clarke swung
her gaze around to her face.
“I’m not dreaming?”
“No, dear. We are on a planet called Aurora. You’re here to meet
your mate and help plan a Bunny Day egg hunt.” Gerri laughed and
spun around. “This is Aurora.”
“I can’t take this all in.” Clarke circled in place. “I have so many
questions for you right now, including what is a Bunny Day egg
“It’s an Easter egg hunt on Earth. They don’t have that here, but
Bella really wanted to have an egg hunt. So, now Easter is known as
Bunny Day.”
Okay, that was easy enough. Now for the harder stuff. “All right,
how in all that is golden did I get here?” Clarke couldn’t stop looking
around. The colors were so vibrant and different than anything she
had ever seen before. “What is that behind you? Please tell me you
did say palace, right? Damn, am I going to meet a real king and
Gerri laughed and put her hand on Clarke’s shoulder. “Breathe.
Take a few deep breaths and I will answer as many questions as I

H ale breathed in the cool air as he flew toward the spaceport.

He couldn’t believe he had to do this again. Several months
ago, he met with the port manager and worked an
arrangement that spread out the number of off-planet visitors over a
longer time period.
This had allowed the clan to keep watch over the safety of their
secret. Wandering feet didn’t need to go off to explore what else the
dragons had to offer.
Far below on the ground, the route from the port to their
mountainside market cut a swath through the forest. At this
moment, he could see two transports on the road. There should’ve
been none. A sigh of ice shot out his nose and crumbled.
Ahead, the huge metal port stuck out like a black spot on white
snow. That was one reason why the facility was located far from the
natives’ homelands. Compared to other ports, theirs wasn’t as busy.
At night, traffic slowed quite a bit since the market was closed and
visitors came to the planet for few other reasons.
Instead of entering through the front like those coming to the
port should, he flew over the compound to the back side where
ships lowered onto platforms extending from the internal bay to
When landing, Hale always had to make sure he was securely on
the concrete before shifting back to two legs. If for some reason he
misjudged the landing or a strong gust of engine exhaust pushed
him backward, he wouldn’t hit the ground for two hundred feet at
the base of the cliff. There were no do-overs if coming in too low.
As he scanned for platforms to touch down on, he spotted a
personal transport he and Sleet had been thinking about purchasing
for the clan. It was slender and long so it could carry all of the
children at once or could be transitioned to carry a decent amount of
He set down behind it, shifted and donned his cover-up robe
from the bag tied around his waist. Then he rubbed his hand along
the ship’s side, appreciating the strong hard surface that was also
lightweight. This model was touted to have the best power available
at the price point.
“Hey,” an angry voice drew his attention, “get your hands off my
Hale slowly lowered his hand and turned toward the big man
stomping out of the bay. He stepped back and raised both arms.
“Just admiring your craft. I thought about purchasing one myself.”
The man narrowed his eyes, still advancing on him. The closer he
got, the bigger he got. Hale discreetly sniffed. A species he’d never
encountered before. The smell didn’t scent like any others he’d met.
Just another person visiting the market.
The man stopped several feet in front of him and crossed his
thick arms over his chest. “I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another one of
these. Dependable, maneuverable, and holds a lot of cargo.”
“You headed to the dragon market?” Hale asked.
The man sniffed and stepped backward. “I’m not here for the
market.” Behind the alien, a person wearing a robe with the hood up
stood in the ship at the top of the exit ramp. When the man saw
Hale’s eyes look over his shoulder, he turned and ran back to the
“Careful, Mama. Wait there.” He ran to the entrance, guiding the
woman back inside. Hale continued into the bay, seeing workers
loading and unloading cargo and directing visitors along the railed
path to the bay exit.
Reaching the operating manager’s office, he knocked and was
granted entrance. The man who sat at the desk was different from
the man he met last time. Hale walked in and shook hands with the
new manager. The first thing he noticed was the man was a fire
How the hell did a fire dragon, their direct adversary, get this
job? No wonder things had changed for the worse. Dragon shit. He
sat in front of the desk, thinking how to handle this without killing
the bastard.
He said, “The previous manager had set up a schedule to limit
the amount of people allowed to the market at a time. I’m here to
ask for that schedule to remain for another thirty days.”
The fire dragon grinned, a sparkle in his eye. “I’m sure I can do
that...given a good enough reason.”
Anger ripped through Hale. Of course, the bastard would love to
know the reason, but it wasn’t happening.
He returned the smile. “We don’t want to encourage stealing
from our vendors. They are hard-working and don’t deserve to be
robbed of their livelihood.” That was the truth, but not the main
reason for the request.
The manager narrowed his eyes. Hale had to hold back the laugh
wanting to burst from his chest.
After a moment of a stalemate stare down, the manager leaned
back in his chair. “Fine. I will find the paperwork from the previous
manager and reimplement. Will that make all you ice dragons
Hale stood. “You betcha.” Before he stepped away, he asked,
“How long have you been here?”
The man didn’t look at him as he dug through a pile of papers on
the corner of his desk. “I’m only temporary. Don’t go and make a big
shit pile of trouble with your alpha.”
Hale walked back into the bay. He hadn’t thought about starting
any problems. But why would the position be temporary? Maybe the
other manager was on sick leave or something. He didn’t really care.
As long as their wishes were granted, he’d behave.
Now he wanted to get back to the clan so he and Sleet could get
to the castle. He knew Gerri would be able to help them complete
their triad. And he so needed that.

“Y es, Clarke, that is Alyx’s palace behind me. If you would

walk with me, you can meet the queen. Though, here,
she is known as Bella and the alpha’s mate. She and a
few others who are around to get this party decorated and set up
are from Earth like you. Concerning how you got here, I did
apologize before we left.”
Clarke remembered Gerri saying she was sorry at her apartment.
Then after that, Clarke remembered nothing. She groaned. “We flew
here, didn’t we?” She wasn’t sure if she should be upset over the
trickery or not.
Gerri smiled. “Not in the traditional way you think. To get here
requires a power plant and wormhole. Having you sleep through the
transport was the best choice since some of the others traveling
here from Earth didn’t appreciate the ride.”
“Wormhole?” Clarke could feel her legs shaking again. “Are you
sure this isn’t a dream?”
“Come on, Clarke, I think we need to get you inside and maybe
get something to drink.” Gerri grabbed her arm and pulled her
slightly to get her walking.
“I’m supposed to be in your apartment on your couch. I was
there last I remember.” Clarke looked around. “Um, Gerri?”
“Yes, dear?”
“I think I’m hallucinating now.”
Clarke was jarred to a halt when Gerri stopped in front of her.
“What do you mean? What do you see, Clarke? Do we need to go
Clarke spun around, she was getting dizzy but there was no way
it was possible. “Are there two suns above us?” Clarke swallowed
and looked down at her feet then up to Gerri. “Why are there two
“I told you we are on Aurora, a different planet than Earth. Come
on, sweetie, let’s get you out of the sun, well, both of them.” Gerri
started to guide her again and Clarke froze again.
“Gerri what color are those trees?”
Gerri laughed, “I guess there are a lot of differences here. I
forget how it would look to someone who isn’t used to it. The forests
here are shades of purple and absolutely stunning! Wait till you see
the water! Oh, it’s a gorgeous blue and snow…how could I forget
how it sparkles! Just wait until you see it all.”
The last thing Clarke heard was Gerri saying was, “Oh, dear.
Maybe I put too much in her tea.”

“G erri ?”
“Oh good, you’re awake.”
“Why am I hanging upside down? Did you take me to another
planet as some kind of sacrifice? I should warn you I’m not a virgin.”
Clarke wrapped her arms around the trim waist her head bounced
against. She figured she had a slim chance of holding on if they tried
to throw her into a volcano or something.
“Clarke, honey, no one is sacrificing you. You passed out and
this, um...gentleman is carrying you to the palace.”
Clarke could hear the sarcasm in Gerri’s voice and it made her
“He couldn’t find a way to carry me that didn’t require my ass to
be in the air for everyone passing by to see?” Clarke moved her
hands to the man’s lower back and pushed up. It was a bit
uncomfortable but at least she could see her surroundings a little.
“Sir, she is awake, as you can hear. I think she would prefer for
you to put her down. Forgive me, I’ve forgotten your name.”
Clarke attempted to angle her head to see the person who
carried her.
“Yes, ma’am, but I rather like the view from here,” he replied.
Clarke choked on a laugh. She had to be dreaming. There was no
way this was her life now.
“Cardeen, what are you doing with my guest tossed over your
shoulder?” The man carrying her like a sack of potatoes stopped, his
body tense under her.
“Your Highness, she passed out and I offered to carry her inside.”
Clarke couldn’t see the man the other voice belonged to but she
saw legs stop in front of her.
“She appears to be awake now. Why haven’t you put her down
The man holding her didn’t reply so Clarke huffed. “Apparently,
he likes the view of my ass.”
Gerri chuckled and Clarke realized she was probably talking to
royalty. “Um, Your Highness.”
“Cardeen, put her down. I would like to talk to her face if you
don’t mind.”
Clarke felt her body suddenly change positions and she squeezed
her eyes closed and threw her hands out to steady herself. She
didn’t think about anyone standing close to her and her hand hit a
hard chest.
She whispered, “Gerri. Please tell me I didn’t just slap the king of
this weird planet in the chest with my hand.”
“I can’t do that, love, but I promise you Alyx won’t be mad. Open
your eyes, love.”
Clarke pasted a smile on her face, aware they could see every
expression she made and opened her eyes. “Shit. Hi. Damn, you're
gorgeous. And I’m saying that out loud, aren’t I?”
“Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you, Clarke. I’m Bella, his
mate. Welcome to Aurora. I remember how disorienting it was the
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Zu Lettow-Vorbeck, Ostafrika

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Westlicher Teil
Östlicher Teil
Zu Lettow-Vorbeck, Ostafrika
Marsch des Hauptteils der Schutztruppe
vom April 1916 bis November 1918 (Waffenstillstand)
Nördlicher Teil
Südlicher Teil
Ein stattlicher Band von 526 Seiten mit Bild des
Preis geh. M. 20.—, in vornehmem Einband,
Titelzeichnung von Prof. Tiemann, M. 25.—
Die Lektüre dieses Buches wird für jeden folgerichtig denkenden
Deutschen ein erschütterndes Ereignis bedeuten. Der gefürchtetste
Gegner unserer Feinde spricht zu uns. Der Einzige, der mit genialem Blick
den Weg zum Siege erkannte, enthüllt, wie man ihn kaltstellte. Tiefster
Schmerz um alles Große, das uns verloren ging, spricht aus diesen
Blättern, aber auch ein fester, stolzer Wille zum ehrenvollen Weiterleben.
„Vom Deutschtum zu retten, was noch zu retten ist, bleibt des
Schweißes der Edlen wert. Unsere Hoffnung aber sei das kommende
Geschlecht. Ein Sklavenvolk sind wir noch nie gewesen. Seit
zweitausend Jahren hat unser Volk nach jähem Sturz immer wieder
sich emporgehoben.“
Mögen diese Worte, in denen die „Erinnerungen“ ausklingen, im ganzen
deutschen Volke Widerhall finden.
Generalquartiermeister und Kriegsminister a. D.

Erlebnisse und Betrachtungen

aus der Zeit des Weltkrieges
Preis geh. M. 10.—, in vornehmem Einband,
Titelzeichnung von Prof. Tiemann, M. 14.50
Aus einer Zuschrift an den Verlag: Es wird Ihnen als Verleger eine Freude
sein, zu hören, daß ich seit Jahren kein Buch mit solchem Genuß und
solcher Ergriffenheit gelesen habe, als dieses. Zunächst rein äußerlich,
dieser großartige Stil, diese kurzen Sätze, wie gehacktes Eisen. Das ist
die echte deutsche Soldatensprache. Dann aber inhaltlich dieser Spiegel,
der dem deutschen Volke vorgehalten wird.
D i e s e s B u c h m u ß d i e B i b e l d e s d e u t s c h e n Vo l k e s w e r d e n .
Die Kapitel „Reichstag“, „Regierung“, „Heer“ sind das Beste, was ich über
diese Dinge je gelesen habe.

K . F. K o e h l e r Ve r l a g L e i p z i g
Generaloberst Freiherr von
Erinnerungen an den
Mit Bildnis des Verfassers, verschiedenen
Karten und Gefechtsskizzen und einer
einleitenden vortrefflichen historischen Studie
Friedrich M. Kircheisen
Preis geheftet etwa M. 10.—, gebunden etwa M. 14.50
Generaloberst von Hausen war zu Beginn des Krieges Führer der 3.
Armee, die dem Gegner an der Marne solche kraftvolle Schläge versetzte,
daß Joffre und Foch jeden Augenblick glaubten, das französische
Zentrum würde durchbrochen werden.
Hausen hat die Operationen seiner Armee musterhaft geleitet, trotzdem er
an Typhus erkrankt war. Seine Erkrankung war tatsächlich der Grund, daß
er vom Kaiser seines Kommandos enthoben wurde, während die Legende
sich bildete, daß Hausen an der nichtgewonnenen Schlacht schuld sei.
Hausens Erinnerungen bedeuten eine
Ehrenrettung der 3. Armee und ihres Führers.
Sie basieren auf den Unterlagen des Großen Generalstabes, die ihm zur
Verfügung standen, und sind untermischt mit höchst lebenswarmen
persönlichen Eindrücken, so daß nicht etwa ein militärtechnisches oder
polemisches Buch entstanden ist, sondern ä u ß e r s t s p a n n e n d e ,
fließend geschriebene Feldaufzeichnungen.
Die beiden weißen Völker!
(The two white nations!)
Deutsch-englische Erinnerungen eines
deutschen Seeoffiziers

Georg von Hase

Korvettenkapitän a. D.
Preis geheftet etwa M. 10.—, gebunden etwa M. 14.50
Zwei historische Zusammentreffen mit Teilen der englischen Kriegsflotte
bilden den Inhalt dieses Buches, das seine Titel einem Trinkspruch eines
englischen Admirals verdankt. Die Begegnungen fanden zu ganz
verschiedenen Zeiten und unter ganz veränderten Umständen statt: 1914
zur Kieler Woche und 1916, als die deutsche Flotte vor dem Skagerrak
ihren gefährlichsten Gegner stellte und schlug. / Korvettenkapitän von
Hase nahm an der Seeschlacht vor dem Skagerrak als Erster
Artillerieoffizier unseres größten, stärksten und schönsten
Großkampfschiffes, des Schlachtkreuzers „Derfflinger“ teil. Er ist in das
heißeste Kampfgewühl hineingeraten, hat sämtliche Phasen der Schlacht
miterlebt und dabei zu der Vernichtung der beiden englischen
Schlachtkreuzer „Queen Mary“ und „Invincible“ entscheidend beigetragen.
Es gibt zur Zeit noch keine Darstellung der Schlacht vor dem Skagerrak,
in der ein Mitkämpfer in führender Stellung die Schlacht sowohl vom
militärischen Standpunkt wie vom Standpunkt des persönlichen
Miterlebens, frei von den Fesseln der Zensur, beschrieben und beurteilt
hätte. Das vorliegende Buch berichtet als erstes vom tatsächlichen
Geschehen und wird zu einem Heldensang deutschen Mutes und
deutscher Kraft.
K . F. K o e h l e r Ve r l a g L e i p z i g

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