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take long before he was even stronger than before.

"Da-shixiong, where is You-shidi?" The first thing Wei Bai said after his secluded
cultivation was to ask for You XiaoMo's whereabouts, he wanted to thank him in
Zuo Yan hesitated for a moment but Wei Bai didn't notice. "Nine days ago, when the
battle of the Great Plains was over, he and Ling Xiao returned to their rooms. Ever
since then, they haven't come out and when Xiong-shidi went to knock, no one
From Zuo Yan's eyes, a little bit of worry could be seen. He knew that Ling Xiao had
been injured so them not coming out even now must have something to do with it.
"Did something happen?" Wei Bai asked confused. He just came out so he didn't
know anything about the Great Plains battle.
Zuo Yan knew that he couldn't hid it so he told him everything about the Vermillion
Blood Clan's invasion. Of course, he didn't linger on the dangers, just roughly told
him the conclusion.
Wei Bai knew that even though Zuo Yan said it calmly, it must have been very
dangerous. After all, there was still a gap between a six and seven star. If You
ZhenTian died in battle then it was likely that Ling Xiao also suffered severe wounds.
Thinking it this far, Wei Bai instantly wanted to go check on them.
However, Fu CangQiong suddenly grabbed his arm, "Xiao Bai, even if you go now,
it's pointless, it'll just get in the way of them recovering. If something was seriously
wrong then they would've said it already it. Don't worry too much, they'll be fine."
You XiaoMo's skill was already above that of Master Lai.
Wei Bai knew that he was right, so after some hesitation he decided to wait for a few
days, if they still hadn't come out then he will go take a look.
Just as everyone relaxed, Wei Bai suddenly said, "Let's go to the dungeon."
Hearing this phrase and knowing what he was thinking, a flash of happiness went
across Fu CangQiong's eyes. Indeed, some grudges and hatred needed to be left
At the same time, Qiu Ran, who was in the dungeon, suddenly felt a cold shiver.
On the other hand, the ones on everyone's mind, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao was
currently in their dimension. They had rested for about ten days and Ling Xiao's
wounds have almost completely recovered. Of course, it was all thanks to the
spiritual water. It was their first time using the spiritual water that had combined with
the rainbow stone and the effects were immediate. It didn't take a lot but Ling Xiao
was able to awaken in five days.
You XiaoMo looked at the deplenishing spiritual water pond and felt his heart ache.
Good thing the dimension evolved and there was more production of spiritual water,
otherwise, with Ling Xiao's usage, it would have really dried up.
"Next time something like this happens, be sure to warn me first so I can prepare
beforehand." You XiaoMo said bitterly to Ling Xiao who was sitting by the pond
cross-legged. If this happened a few more times, he really wouldn't be able to take it
anymore. At least give him some mental preparation.
Ling Xiao opened his eyes to meet his bitter expression, and promised, "There won't
be a next time."
You XiaoMo asked with suspicion, "Really?"
Ling Xiao nodded, "Really, I promise!"
Instantly You XiaoMo showed a bright and cheerful smile, "Okay, then I'll believe
Ling Xiao stared at him for a while before saying, "Are you thinking, 'even if I believe
him, it's better to be mentally prepared though.'"
You XiaoMo smile diminished, "How did you know?"
Ling Xiao glanced at him, "Your face said so."
Subconsciously You XiaoMo rubbed his face. Once he realized what he did, he
glared at Ling Xiao. Liar! His face was super clean.
"How are you feeling right now?" After a while, You XiaoMo finally asked about his
health. Thinking about it, they had been in the dimension for a while, if they don't go
out soon, Wei Bai and the others would start to worry. Also, they needed to deal with
the aftermath of the Vermillion Blood Clan issue.
Ling Xiao stood up, pat down his clothes and said, "Pretty good. We should go out
You XiaoMo saw that his face wasn't that of one still sick, so he went out with him.
The time they came out was coincidently when Wei Bai and Fu CangQiong arrived
at the dungeon. Xiong Xiao knew that they were disciples under the same shifu thus,
he asked if they wanted to check out the dungeon as well.
You XiaoMo thought that they had nothing else better to do and agreed.
As the three headed for the dungeon, Xiong Xiao told him about what happened
after their fight. Right now the Vermillion Blood Clan was just like sand, if no new
clan head appeared, it would dissipate. After all, there were You ZhenTian's four
sons who were all competing for that position.
Even if the Vermillion Blood Clan was not as strong as a force as before, they still
had resources, thus it was possible they could rise up again. That is, if no other
forces got involved. Xiong Xiao said this to hear You XiaoMo's opinion.
If You XiaoMo decided to get involved in the Vermillion Blood Clan matters, then he
didn't think anyone would dare target them as well. The Cang Alliance wouldn't
either, as the one who won against You ZhenTian was Ling Xiao.
Cang Alliance didn't have ambition, and Fu CangQiong knew that with more territory,
there was more responsibility as well as conflict. Not only that the South Continent
was more than enough, if it wasn't for You ZhenTian's ambition that had threatened
the Cang Alliance, they wouldn't have fought against them. War was often
accompanied by pain and bloodshed, Fu CangQiong didn't want to see his disciples
get hurt.
You XiaoMo didn't say anything and just smiled. He already had plans for them.
After a while, the three finally arrived. Just as Xiong Xiao mentioned that Qiu Ran
was inside, his angry shout could be heard from the outside. His roar loud, his
twisted heart on full display, "Wei Bai, you're lower level then me and less talented,
so why does everyone say I'm not as good as you! Even Shifu treated you better
than me, his first disciple! All the good stuff went to you! Why? Even now you're
luckier than me! Why don't you go die?!"
Qiu Ran shouted to the point his face and neck went bright red and his eyes were
bleeding enmity as he looked at Wei Bai. The hatred that had subsided for a few
hundred years was now released all at once. He had always thought that Wei Bai
had died, but now he appeared right in front of him, looking completely fine. But
most importantly, his backup was actually one of the major forces of the TongTian
Continent, the Cang Alliance!
Why? Why was his luck so much better, yet when Qiu Ran arrived, he was hunted
down? Why were they so different?
At the end of the day, Qiu Ran was jealous of Wei Bai.
Hearing this, You XiaoMo suddenly lost the desire to go down. Anyways, all he was
going to see was Qiu Ran's ugly face and his unwillingness to resign. People like
him, like You ZhenTian, were the same. The type that would do anything to achieve
their ends, even hurting those close to them. Death of these people didn't need to be
They didn't wait long before the other two came out from the dungeon. It wasn't until
later did they hear about Qiu Ran's outcome from Xiong Xiao. According to him, Wei
Bai didn't kill him, as he thought it would dirty his hands. However, he didn't want to
see Qiu Ran again so he had Fu CangQiong destroy his cultivation base and
released him.
The only thought You XiaoMo had after hearing that was, catty!
Chapter 697: Everything Has a Weakness
Translated by Yan of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
Just when everyone was waiting for the Cang Alliance to make their stance known,
You JunQi was 'detained' on Amaranthine Mountain by Tian Gui.
You XiaoMo personally ran outside to meet his clingy dad who had an extremely
unwilling expression on his face. After he saw him, he didn't immediately rush over
and plaster himself to him like he had in the past; instead, he looked at him with a
face full of hidden bitterness.
Father and son both had the same exact bitter expression.
Ling Xiao had always thought it was very mysterious. He knew that You XiaoMo was
a soul from a different world, so logically speaking, the two of them weren't really
father and son. But often times, their expressions were both mysteriously similar.
Whoever dared to say that they weren't father or son would definitely be considered
"Dad, don't look so miserable. Things aren't actually as serious as what you're
thinking." You XiaoMo hugged his dad's arm and looked at him, all smiles.
But You JunQi couldn't be happy at all. Instead, he snorted at him and complained,
"What's not as serious as what I was thinking? My son is about to ignore me, how
can I not run over immediately!"
You XiaoMo rubbed his head awkwardly.
He couldn't do anything about it either. If he didn't do this, his clingy dad wouldn't
have come over.
After all, the Vermillion Blood Clan was a major clan. Even though You ZhenTian
was dead, the clan wouldn't break up in a short amount of time. They still had many
experts in the clan.
He had heard his clingy dad say before in the past that many of the previous
generation actually supported him. Those people were the true treasures of the
Vermillion Blood Clan, as some had even survived from before the ancient war and
had personally witnessed the beginning and end of it.
The only thing was that those old farts ignored worldly affairs and hadn't been
involved in clan matters for many years already.
So after his clingy dad had been falsely accused and You ZhenTian monopolized
the Vermillion Blood Clan's power, they didn't make an appearance and help out, but
that didn't mean that they didn't want his clingy dad to return.
You XiaoMo hoped that his clingy dad would return to the Vermillion Blood Clan,
implying that he needed to become the Vermillion Blood Clan's head, but his clingy
dad who had been living free for quite a while definitely wouldn't agree. So he told
Tian Dao to tell him that if he didn't come back, he would ignore him from now on.
"Dad, don't misunderstand. Actually, you might not necessarily have to become the
family head," You XiaoMo hurriedly explained. He didn't want his clingy dad to go do
something that he didn't want to do either.
"What do you mean?" You JunQi looked suspiciously at his son, who had pressed
his lips together into a smile, as if he was turning some clever idea over in his head.
For now, he would listen to him talk a bit.
When You XiaoMo saw his expression relax a little, he immediately told him what he
was thinking.
Right now, the Vermillion Blood Clan only lacked an expert who could keep
everything under control. An outsider definitely wouldn't do, since they would
undoubtedly incite the backlash of the clan's members. As a result, the most suitable
one was You JunQi.
Of course, You XiaoMo would also work. After all, on the surface he was still You
JunQi's son, but he had many things to do. Lin ShaoYi's and Ling Xiao's grudge still
hadn't been resolved, so he and Ling Xiao would be unable to remain in South
Continent one day. Therefore, the best pick was only You JunQi.
If he wouldn't be the family head, then he could just be the acting family head.
After stabilizing the Vermillion Blood Clan, he could select the person who could
really become the family head. However, this person had to be on their side, or else
there would be another You ZhenTian, and You JunQi might as well be the family
head in that case.
As for a candidate, that wasn't actually that hard to find. The Vermillion Blood Clan
was a large clan, and besides You ZhenTian's bloodline, there were still quite a few
other factions. There would definitely be a lot of people who secretly refused to
accept You ZhenTian.
After listening to him, You JunQi also felt that this method was okay. He indeed
wasn't willing to see the Vermillion Blood Clan decline like this. The only reason the
Vermillion Blood Clan ended up where they were today was 99% due to You
ZhenTian, but they also had no choice but to obey You ZhenTian. You JunQi was
willing to give them a chance.
Finally, the father and son duo reached an agreement.
You XiaoMo successfully persuaded his clingy dad to assume control over the
Vermillion Blood Clan.
Afterwards, they told Fu CangQiong about their decision, and Fu CangQiong
indicated that he wouldn't meddle in this matter. Furthermore, if he had to, he could
dispatch someone to come help.
You XiaoMo was waiting for him to say that.
They had too few people on their side. If they wanted to subdue the thorn that was
the Vermillion Blood Clan, they couldn't depend on just his clingy dad, even if he
was a superior Sacred Realm expert.
Fu CangQiong let You JunQi take his smartest disciples, who were also the best at
administration, Yue QianShan and Yu Bu. With them at his side giving advice, things
should progress very smoothly.
Standing on the path at the bottom of Amaranthine Mountain, You XiaoMo sent off
the reluctant to part You JunQi, who looked back every three steps. You XiaoMo
smiled till his face grew stiff. Since he couldn't go with You JunQi, his clingy dad had
thrown a fit the entire day until You XiaoMo finally managed to comfort him.
Two days later, he and Ling Xiao set out for Xi Jing.
Tian Gui didn't go with them since he went with You JunQi to the Vermillion Blood
Clan. Tian Gui was good at fighting, and was also someone who was vicious,
merciless, and bloodthirsty. With him there, You JunQi could ask him to help take
care of matters that weren't convenient for him to appear at.
By the time they returned to the Ghost Tomb Mountain Range, two more days had
passed. As a result, they ended up seeing someone who they never thought they
would meet at Weeping Ghost Shore.
Ling Xiao casually swept a glance over him. "What are you doing here?"
You XiaoMo looked suspiciously between the two of them. It seemed as if he had
never met this uncle before, but Ling Xiao knew him. Who could it be?
It was as if Lin Ming didn't see the somewhat unwelcome expression on his son's
face. He turned to look at You XiaoMo, his gaze assessing. After a while, he
laughed. "You must be You XiaoMo. Sure enough, you're just like what A-Gu said."
You XiaoMo blinked and finally knew who he was.
Ling Xiao's father, the fake Qilin Lord. He had always been a mystery, but now he
appeared in front of them in broad daylight. He felt as if something wasn't quite right,
but Ling Xiao's father was just about the same as what he had been imagining: bold
and powerful, heroic and honorable-looking, his features honest, almost two meters
tall, extremely tall. His appearance seemed extremely masculine.
He looked completely different from Ling Xiao.
Before, You XiaoMo had thought that it was very likely that Ling Xiao had inherited
his father's genes. Now that he had personally seen the father in question, he finally
knew how wrong his assumption had been.
Lin Gu saw that the atmosphere was going awry, and he hastily stepped out to help
Lin Ming explain. "Ling-er, this time, when your father came over, he isn't planning
on leaving again."
Ling Xiao lifted an eyebrow slightly and sneered. "Exposed?"
Lin Gu nodded his head awkwardly.
But Lin Ming wasn't embarrassed in the slightest. He suddenly reached out a hand
and forcefully patted Ling Xiao's shoulder, who didn't move at all. Lin Ming didn't
care either, and he said, "Lin ShaoYi is already in control of the Qilin Clan. Two days
ago, he suddenly brought people and burst into the Qilin Clan before exposing my
identity in front of everyone. He even framed the previous Qilin Lord's death as my
doing. All those old farts believed him. At this point, Lin ShaoYi should have become
the new Qilin Lord. Son, you must be careful; the Lin ShaoYi now is different from
before. It seems as if his plan has succeeded."
Ling Xiao frowned. "Even those old farts believed Lin ShaoYi?"
Even though he didn't mention anyone by name, Lin Ming seemed to know who he
was referring to. His face darkened a little. He didn't need to say anything for the
answer to be self-evident.
Never mind the fact that Lin Tian was both father and grandfather. In reality, he was
incredibly indifferent to familial loyalty. He had never really looked at his son Lin
Ming or his grandson Ling Xiao or cared enough about them to ask after them. Of
course, he might have also never had anything to do with Lin Ming ever since he
was young.
Ever since Lin Ming was young, he had been brought up by the Qilin Lord. In terms
of affection, perhaps he was closer to the Qilin Lord. As time passed, father and son
nearly became estranged. Even when something happened to Lin Ming, Lin Tian
didn't have anything to say.
Lin Ming had long since abandoned all expectations for this father of his.
It was even more impossible for Ling Xiao. He could count on less than three fingers
the amount of times he'd seen Lin Tian before while growing up. On this matter, they
knew Lin Tian's choice since the beginning. However, once he stood on Lin
ShaoYi's side, that meant that a day would come where they would meet on the
"Son, it's up to you now. If you don't quickly destroy Lin ShaoYi's plotting, according
to the next step in his plan, he will target the Demon Phoenix Clan, True Dragon
Clan, and Black Turtle Clan. Seizing them means he'll seize Xi Jing. When that time
comes, he will definitely continue expanding his influence." Lin Ming spoke with
concern. It wasn't that he liked to worry about the country or its people; it was that
when Lin ShaoYi succeeded, the first people that he would deal with would definitely
be them.
"Based on what you're implying, Lin ShaoYi still hasn't reached that realm yet." Ling
Xiao pondered.
Lin Ming said, "How could it be that easy to reach the realm? However, I imagine it'll
be soon..."
"What do you mean?"
"It seems like he's planning something big. I suspect that the TongTian Emperor has
already been killed. That day, when he burst into the Qilin Clan, some of the
TongTian Emperor's underlings were among his, but the TongTian Emperor himself
has disappeared. We most likely don't have much time remaining."
Ling Xiao nodded. "I understand."
After speaking, he left with You XiaoMo.
Lin Ming originally wanted to talk with him privately, but Ling Xiao ended up running
away when he wasn't paying attention. By the time he wanted to call out for him to
stop, Ling Xiao had already disappeared.
"Don't force him. Give him some time."
Lin Gu just knew that it would be like this. In any case, what he had was time.
But Lin Ming didn't have as good of a temper as Lin Gu had to indulge Ling Xiao.
After hearing that he immediately laughed and scolded him. "Don't spoil him too
much. I can see that that damn brat is clearly purposefully stringing you along. It's
most likely because I didn't tell him the truth last time so he bore a grudge until now."
"Didn't tell him the truth?"
After a stretch of silence, Lin Gu's emotionless voice suddenly sounded.
Lin Ming silently cursed in his head. He had accidentally let it slip.
A second later, while standing in the doorway of the Smile Pavilion, Tian Dao saw
someone dragging somebody else away by the ear. His stiff expression revealed an
imperceptible smile.
Sure enough, everything has a weakness!
Chapter 698: Blending
Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The news that Lin ShaoYi came into power and became the new Qilin Lord of the
Qilin Clan soon spread to Xi Jing. Almost everyone who heard the news did not
believe it.

However, soon after, Lin ShaoYi announced the news that the Qilin Lord had been
dead for many years and implied that Lin Ming had killed the Qilin Lord. Lin Ming
became a traitor of the Qilin Clan and Lin ShaoYi even vowed to kill him for the sake
of avenging the Qilin Lord.

This had shocked many people, especially the Demon Phoenix Clan and the two
other clans.

The elders of the three clans more or less knew about the news that the Qilin Lord
was injured and in the midst of recuperation. However, a sleeping tiger was still a
tiger and many still did not dare to belittle the Qilin Lord.

Who would have thought that this man who had once killed so many in the Ancient
War had died?

Yet, what shocked them most was Lin ShaoYi's attitude. None of the three clans
were fools. Although they did not fully believe the rumors about Lin ShaoYi, they still
believed eighty to ninety percent of it. He definitely had to be plotting something with
how he was being so high profile at present.

Besides their indomitable physique, the reason why the Qilin Clan was the head of
the Four Ancient Beast Clans was also due to the Qilin Lord. He was equivalent to
the symbol of the Qilin Clan and his existence put an end to many with disloyal
hearts. It was reasonable to say that Lin ShaoYi should not be announcing the news
of his death.

The answer to this question was soon revealed.

Lin ShaoYi exposed his own identity in a high-profile way. Within three days,
everyone in the TongTian Continent knew that he was the leader of the Black
Spider. This seven star Sacred Realm expert had completely shed all pretense of
cordiality with the Demon Phoenix Clan and the two other clans.

He dared to do this as he had something to rely on.

Except for the few who had rebelled against him, the current Qilin Clan was now
under his control. Since the Qilin Clan seldomly participated in various battles, they
had not lost many members and the Clan was a powerful force for Lin ShaoYi.

As for the Black Spider, they had returned to their former glory with the TongTian
Emperor's subordinates filling in their previous vacancies. He was not worried even
if the Demon Phoenix Clan, True Dragon Clan and the Black Turtle Clan joined
hands to deal with him.

So far, the polarization of the situation in Xi Jing had finally become obvious, and it
was accompanied by fiercer and fiercer conflicts.

While You XiaoMo was concentrating on improving his strength and refining pills for
Han Gong, the Black Spider and the Demon Phoenix Clan had already fought more
than a dozen times.

Ever since Lin Ming told them that Lin ShaoYi's strength had risen again, both
husband and wife had gone into secluded cultivation.

You XiaoMo was intending to prepare for his breakthrough to Grade Seven. It was
rumored that Grade Seven was the most difficult threshold for mages to
breakthrough. From the ancient times to the present, many Grade Six mages had
been stuck at this threshold and were not able to progress. Although Grade Six was
already the apex for the mages in the TongTian Continent, their only regret was not
being able to reach the realm of Grade Seven.

You XiaoMo dared not take chances, so he decided to make preparations in


Ling Xiao seemed to have attained a valuable insight during the last battle with You
ZhenTian. The door to the private room where he had been in secluded cultivation
had not once opened from when he had returned till now.

You XiaoMo would occasionally come out to have a look when he was tired of
refining pills. In the end, there was no movement from Ling Xiao whatsoever.

He did not know that Ling Xiao was trying to integrate the Five Elemental Essences
into his body. This was a huge project and the slightest inattention could cause the
Five Elemental Essences to mutually repel each other and explode within his body.
Ling Xiao was afraid that You XiaoMo would worry about it, so he did not tell him.

Five types of Elemental Essences were calmly floating in front of Ling Xiao inside
the securely closed private room. The dazzling golden light, the crisp green light, the
gentle blue light, the blazing red light, and finally, the steady yellow light.

They had once been as nimble as an escaping hare, but were now as quiet as a
sleeping baby. Each light represented one type of Elemental Essence. The colors
were rich and diverse and they seemed to be faintly attracting each other.

Ling Xiao closed his eyes tightly as a faint radiance slowly escaped from his body.
After a moment, his body suddenly became faintly discernible as if it would
disappear at any time. Then it formed into the illusion of a silently roaring Golden
Dragon. The Golden Dragon roared at the floating Metal Elemental Essence. The
Metal Elemental Essence was immediately pulled towards the Golden Dragon
before it disappeared.

The Golden Dragon roared in fury as it thrashed, appearing as if it was fighting with
something. Its expression sometimes twisted as the golden rays from its body
violently flashed. The narrow room nearly could not contain these rays.

After an unknown period of time, the Golden Dragon's momentum weakened and
the golden rays from its body were no longer as piercing to the eyes. Instead, it had
dimmed and was looking very faint. When the Golden Dragon disappeared, the
figure of Ling Xiao reappeared once again with blood flowing out from the corner of
his mouth.

Ling Xiao opened his eyes a few seconds later, and raised the back of his hand to
wipe off the blood from the corners of his mouth. He raised an eyebrow as he
pondered, "It was fortunate that I've touched the threshold before. I didn't think it was
still so difficult, and nearly got rejected instead."

Nevertheless, his gaze still fell on the second Elemental Essence. He would either
win or perish!

On the other hand, You XiaoMo had waited for a long time for Ling Xiao with no
news, so he decided not to wait for him any longer. Tomorrow, he would fire up his
cauldron to refine the God Return Pill for Han Gong. Though the God Return Pill and
Samsara Pill were of the same grade, the latter was much more difficult. It was also
a pill that was rarer than the God Return Pill, so that was why there had been such a
big thundercloud.

But he still went to look for Lin Gu for the sake of safety. Lin Ming came along with
him as soon as Lin Gu agreed. This man who pretended to be Qilin Lord really
intended to stay here all the time.
You XiaoMo was not even surprised upon seeing him. He was probably the only one
in the world who had this honor of having two Sacred Realm experts acting as his

The process refining the pill was really very smooth. The situation with the Samsara
Pill did not occur when he was blending the materials together. Thunderclouds
gathered without a hitch over the palace. It was a dark mass of clouds that looked
particularly oppressive.

However, the present thundercloud did not look so terrible when compared with the
Samsara Pill. Finally, Lin Ming stepped in to ward off several strikes of Lightning
Tribulations. Compared with Ling Xiao, his Father-in-law was rather reserved and in-

You XiaoMo grabbed the God Return Pill that wanted to escape. The higher the
grade of a magic pill, the fiercer its struggled. The restriction of the Heavenly
Cauldron could no longer confine Grade Six Rainbow pills. This was especially when
he was refining the Samsara Pill as it almost escaped several times.

You XiaoMo put the God Return Pill in a bottle and was preparing to tell Han Gong
to come and take it.

In order to thank Lin Gu and Lin Ming for their help in acting as his guardian, he took
out the two rainbow pills he had refined before as a gift of thanks to them, but he
was refused.

"We're all one family. You don't need to stand on ceremony. We ought to help you."
Lin Ming looked at him with a gentle smile, but this sort of gentle expression was
really not suitable for him, so it looked very strange.

You XiaoMo did not even blink as he stared at Lin Ming without saying anything.

Lin Ming coughed suddenly, "You have been with Xiao-er for seven years. This kid
has many shortcomings. You're the only one who can tolerate them."

You XiaoMo indifferently rolled his eyes, "Actually, it's okay."

Looking at his stubborn attitude where he was refusing to listen, Lin Ming suddenly
found that You JunQi's son was not stupid. His former envy totally disappeared and
was replaced with deep sympathy when considering that he was now plunged into a
dire situation with the Vermillion Blood Clan.

"You are Xiao-er's wife and are the person closest to him. So I want to ask you for
help with a matter. You won't refuse me, right?" Lin Ming did not beat around the
bush and got down to business. He was so blunt that You XiaoMo was practically
unable to refuse him.

You XiaoMo was positive that Ling Xiao's shamelessness was definitely inherited
from Lin Ming. He actually played the 'family bond' card, was he certain that You
XiaoMo would not refuse him? Although he was unlikely to refuse.

You XiaoMo knew what Lin Ming wanted to say even if he did not mention it. It could
be nothing else except something related to Uncle Gu. Up until now, Ling Xiao still
was not talking to them. He probably had left their hearts hanging in an unsettled
state. Now that they could no longer bear it, they wanted to him to help them out.

Their appetite had been left hanging for long enough now. It was time to have a
frank and straight talk, so You XiaoMo still agreed to help them in the end.

"Then Father will just wait for good news."

Lin Ming laughed heartily. He was becoming more and more satisfied with this
daughter-in-law that his son married.

You XiaoMo put up a smiling expression in response and smiled so much till his face
became slightly stiff.

Lin Gu was also very happy. He knew about Xiao-er's feelings for You XiaoMo.
Although he often bullied You XiaoMo, in actual fact, Ling Xiao gave priority to You
XiaoMo opinions for everything and cared about his feelings very much. He believed
that Xiao-er would probably accept him with You XiaoMo's help.

Lin Ming's expression changed at that moment, and he suddenly looked in the
direction of the interior of the palace. His eyebrows twisted into a frown as he
emitted an imposing air.

"This kid is too reckless!" He then disappeared before he had finished speaking.

Lin Gu and You XiaoMo's reactions were a step slower. But they immediately
thought of something and hurried over too.

At this time, a large expanse of dark clouds had once again gathered above the
palace. The clouds covered a massive area and it nearly covered half of the sky
above the Ghost Tomb Mountain Range. It was so huge that even those from White
Bone Town felt that it was close at hand.

The wind howled as lightning flashed and thunder roared. The entire Ghost Tomb
Mountain Range seemed to be in a stifled world. The sounds of thunder roaring
seemed to pound on the hearts of all the people. Their heart hammered against their
ribs constantly and their heart rates were two times higher than usual. Everyone was
in a fluster and nobody knew what had happened.
Chapter 699: Contract Problems
Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Even though they were running very fast, the room Ling Xiao was doing secluded
cultivation in still exploded in front of them.

The palace had seals everywhere, even in these small locked rooms. So when You
XiaoMo saw the room destroyed, he went weak with fear. Before running over, they
could already feel the extremely tumultuous spiritual energy, the violent pulsing
comparable to when Lady Yin had self-destructed last time.

Lin Ming roared at the sky in anger. It was right in front of him, but he had been late
just by a few steps. Unable to do anything but watch as this happened to his son, his
despair and anger overflowed, enveloping him. Lin Gu had no expression, gazing at
the collapsed room blankly.

That was when a displeased voice sounded from behind them. The voice was a little
weak, but it was clear that the speaker was full of life and energy. “I’m not dead yet.
Do you all want to cry over me so badly?”

Lin Ming and Lin Gu’s expressions went blank. These two intelligent men, who often
displayed fox like cunning, were struck dumb in that moment. Though it was only a
mere moment, it would be a stain of shame on their lives.

“You damn brat, are you trying to kill yourself? How dare you do something so
dangerous? Do you realize what failure would mean for your cultivation level? You
could’ve permanently crippled yourself!” Lin Ming quickly snapped out of his stupor,
instantly starting to scold the other, spittle flying as he yelled.

Ling Xiao quickly backed away a few steps, avoiding getting spat on, but then
bumped into someone. He immediately turned and grabbed the other, lifting him and
throwing him to the ground.

You XiaoMo’s face was red in embarrassment. He had wanted to stop Ling Xiao
from backing away, angry at the other for risking his own life, so he stood behind the
other on purpose. Yet… he hadn’t managed to stop the other, instead getting thrown

“You alright?” Ling Xiao watched him with black eyes.

You XiaoMo: “...”

It felt like their lines should be swapped.

Lin Ming facepalmed. He suddenly felt like everything about his son-in-law being
smart was all an illusion. Or, rather, his son-in-law’s smarts didn’t include when he
was in front of Ling Xiao. He felt like he had found out the truth. You JunQi’s son
was the passive one. Though his own son was the one in control, he wasn’t happy
about it at all.

“You damn brat, don’t try and escape. What the hell was that just now?”

Ling Xiao side-eyed his father. “You already know.” Just now he had roared so
loudly, clearly having figured everything out already. Who would believe this act of

Lin Ming didn’t fall for his tricks. “I wasn’t in that room. How would I know what you
were doing in there? Don’t change the topic, there are others waiting for an

Others referred to You XiaoMo and Lin Gu. The two stared at him.

Ling Xiao stated seriously and calmly, “I was experimenting. I just failed, that’s all.
Who do you think I am? I wouldn’t joke with my own life.”

Lin Xiao was speechless at his reply, but it was true. That damn brat was smart. He
wouldn’t endanger his own life like that, but what he had just done really was
extremely dangerous. He didn’t really understand what the other was doing, but in
that moment just now, he felt like something was shifting in the very earth and
heavens. And then the room exploded.

“No matter what experiment it is, I hope that you’ll never do something so dangerous
again in the future. Even if you will, tell us first, alright?” Lin Gu, who had remained
silent, suddenly spoke up, almost in a begging tone.

He was the one who understood Ling Xiao’s personality the best. Ling Xiao was
assertive and stubborn. When he set his mind on something, no one would be able
to change it, so they could only choose a different tactic. Otherwise, he might say he
agreed, but then secretly continue whatever it was he wanted to do.

Ling Xiao stared at him for a few seconds before nodding. “Alright.”

Hearing this, Lin Gu smiled happily. After this shock, Lin Gu didn’t want to press him
too much, so he dragged the unwilling Lin Ming away, leaving the two husbands

“What were you doing?” You XiaoMo waited for the two to leave before voicing his
inquiries, glaring hotly with gritted teeth at Ling Xiao who seemed to not care at all.
He had been absolutely terrified just now. If he had known that Ling Xiao would
attempt something so dangerous, he would’ve kicked the door down before.

Ling Xiao put an arm around his shoulders and guided him away as he motioned for
the Qiu team to clean up. It wasn’t until they were completely alone that he began to

To successfully integrate the five Elemental Essences into his body and merge
them, he used the five demon beast bloodlines to absorb the elemental essence that
corresponded each. Each absorption was incredibly difficult, but he had managed to
get through all of them and successfully integrate the five Elemental Essences into
his body. However, integration didn’t mean a successful merging.

The reason why he wanted to absorb all five Elemental Essences was to increase
the chances of success when merging them, because that was the only way to lower
how much the Elemental Essences would repel one another.

Unfortunately, he failed.

He had tried with two Elemental Essences, but they repelled each other too much. It
was probably because of his current cultivation level. He predicted that he would
have to get to seven star to fully grasp it, so currently, the most pressing thing was
to get to seven star.

“You… Uncle Gu is right. Next time you do something so dangerous, tell me first so I
can prepare myself,” You XiaoMo said after a moment of silence.

Ling Xiao raised an eyebrow. “Prepare yourself?”

You XiaoMo nodded his head, looking into the other’s eyes as he said, “Of course. If
you accidentally die, I have to find a second spring*!”

Ling Xiao: “...”

Everything was silence for two seconds.

Ling Xiao suddenly smiled.

You XiaoMo ran for it.

After half an hour, a certain ‘first spring’ carried a certain young man who was
preparing to find his ‘second spring’ into their rooms. Not long later, moaning and
begging was heard from inside the room, on and off for four hours before stopping
completely. Then another half hour after that, begging was heard again, and again,
and again, until the next morning...

The people living in the palace weren’t confused at all when a certain person who
should’ve come out didn’t, even exchanging a few looks with suggestive smiles. At
the same time, You XiaoMo cursed Ling Xiao for his violent acts in his dreams. All
he did was joke around a bit. Was it really necessary to be so harsh towards him?
Starting in the day and not stopping until midnight the following day...

In the afternoon, You JunQi, who was cleaning up the mess regarding the Vermillion
Blood Clan, sent news over.

In a few short months, he had managed to stabilize the situation in the Vermillion
Blood Clan. The three sons of You ZhenTian who were still alive refused to accept
things, but their rebellious acts were quickly suppressed by Tian Gui. Two of them
even got a beating from Tian Gui.

As You XiaoMo guessed, with You JunQi’s You family blood, apart from the three
sons of You ZhenTian who wanted the position of family head to themselves, the
others were all willing to let You JunQi lead them.

Those who once supported You JunQi all stood up for him, including those who had
hidden themselves and their true loyalties away. As for You ZhenTian’s sons and
grandsons, they had long since lost their positions and everyone’s trust in that battle
against the Cang Alliance. Even if they still had people under them, they didn’t have
any Sacred Level powerhouses, so they wouldn’t be able to do anything even if they
wanted to.

Thus, You JunQi maintained the advantage in the Vermillion Blood Clan. Right now,
You JunQi was doing as his son suggested and trying to find someone who could
succeed him as the family head, but it wasn’t going well.

In the end, this was because of You ZhenTian. You ZhenTian was selfish. He would
do anything to accomplish his goals, and his cruelty even extended to his own kin,
his blood relatives. To make sure his line had the absolute advantage and would
forever have control over the Vermillion Blood Clan, he had oppressed other people
in the You Family.

The result of this was that those exceptional disciples of their clan ended up wasting
their critical period for cultivation due to not getting proper attention and guidance
when younger. After they grew up, they all became average, no matter how much
potential they had.

You JunQi was rather frustrated right now. It was far too hard to find someone to
succeed his position amongst these average people. People without potential and
cultivation level wouldn’t be able to make others obey and listen to them. The only
other way was to start from scratch, but who knows when he would succeed with

You JunQi had a headache over all this. He suddenly realized that he had been
tricked by his son, so the person he sent to bring back good news also came with
his complaints.

You XiaoMo knew that nurturing a successor wouldn’t be easy, so he was glad that
the other hadn’t come to complain personally. In the end, he had the messenger
bring back words of comfort and the two rainbow grade magic pills he had planned
on giving to Ling Xiao’s father, eventually managing to get him to settle down.

A few days later, XiaoJi, who had been out of contact for a long time, finally sent
word back to them. After finding out that Ji YunLang’s death was Lin ShaoYi’s doing,
Ji He stopped causing trouble for them, focusing all his attention on facing off
against the Black Spider. He also stopped causing trouble for Ji NingYu.

A while ago, XiaoJi’s cultivation level had finally achieved level eleven seven star,
becoming the demon beast in You XiaoMo’s team with the highest cultivation and
the fastest cultivation rate. With his cultivation level, he already had the right to
succeed as the Valley Head of the Demon Phoenix Clan, but the current head
required XiaoJi to cancel his contract with You XiaoMo. The Grand Elder Ji Wen
meant for them to meet to talk about it.
Joui: *Spring… the season of new life, the season of new growth, the season of
love… and the season of sex heheh.
Chapter 700: Released
Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
White Bone Town.
Under the protection of the TianGou, the current White Bone Town was nothing like
the previous, desolate, White Bone Town of the past. The roads had expanded and
the town was twice its original size with people hustling and bustling around. It was
an incredibly boisterous place.
The old inn owned by Wang had now become a large hotel. There was a lot of
customers everyday and it has expanded to become the largest hotel in town.
At the time, on the second floor, of the hotel's largest luxury suite, You XiaoMo
stared at the ones in front of him. It wasn't just one or two, it was a whole group.
Finally, he couldn't stand it and asked, "Didn't you say only the Demon Phoenix Clan
was meeting us? Why is the True Dragon Clan and the Black Turtle Clan here as
He could understand why the Black Turtle Clan was here because he already seen
the baby turtle in Xuan Zong's arms, but not in its human-form, rather in its turtle
Once it saw him, the baby turtle started to struggle within Xuan Zong's grasp,
wanting to climb onto You XiaoMo. However, there was no way Xuan Zong was
letting go of his great grandson and he didn't.
"There's no point looking at me." Ling Xiao said heartlessly, they were together all
the time.
"Fellow You, other things can be left after the issue about the contract is solved. You
already know our purpose of coming here. To tell you truthfully, NingYu is our choice
for the heir, he matches all our criteria and so if nothing goes wrong then he would
definitely succeed." Ji Weng said right off the bat.
You XiaoMo roughly knew what he meant. The Demon Phoenix Clan head couldn't
be in a contract with a human so little chick had to break off his contract with him.
Otherwise, the position of head was just fictitious, no matter how perfect he was,
they wouldn't let him succeed.
When they first heard of Ji NingYu's contract with a human, he should have been
stripped of his right to succession, however, he was luckily only in a normal contract
with You XiaoMo. A lifebound contract was unbreakable, unless one of them died.
But, the Demon Phoenix Clan were all a bunch of self-conflicting people. They
initially thought that with Ji NingYu's status, his contract with a human must be a
lifebound one, so they were all really pissed. However, once they found out that it
was a normal one, they got even angrier. To think a Demon Phoenix Clan member
would make a normal contract with a human, it was just shameful. It caused a scene
for a while before they finally all decided to have him break off the contract.
"I don't want to break off the contract. So what if I don't become the head, I don't
care." Little chick's rebellious words suddenly rose.
The moment he finished, he was slapped in the butt by Ji Weng. "You little bastard,
didn't I tell you to not say that anymore?"
"You're the heir to the Demon Phoenix Clan, you hold the future of the Demon
Phoenix Clan on your back. You're not at an age where you can be selfish anymore,
do you understand?" Ji Weng scolded with a deep voice.
The little chick pursed his lips together and said nothing. You XiaoMo looked at the
little chick, who was still a fat baby. If he remembered correctly, it wasn't even seven
years since his birth.
"Fellow You, as long as you're willing to break off your contract with NingYu, then
any condition, as long as it's in our power, we will agree to." Ignoring the protesting
Ji NingYu, Ji Weng said directly to You XiaoMo.
You XiaoMo glanced at Ling Xiao before rubbing his nose and saying, "Okay, I
agree to break off the contract."
After that, everyone was dumbfounded. Especially the Demon Phoenix Clan, they
were all mentally prepared for a harsh and grueling fight but to think it was that
straightforward. It was so straightforward that they didn't even have a reaction.
The little chick's eyes suddenly became teary as he stared at You XiaoMo without
You XiaoMo smiled at him.
The little chick paused for a second before his eyes rolled mischievously. After that,
he cried and said, "Master, do you not want me anymore?"
You XiaoMo explained with a smile, "It's not that I don't want you, we're just breaking
off the contract. You can still visit me or I'll visit you."
"Really?" The little chick said, looking as if he was about to cry.
You XiaoMo nodded, "Really, but I don't know if the Demon Phoenix Clan will
welcome me." After he said that, as if accidentally, he glanced over at Ji Weng.
Instantly the little chick turned towards Ji Weng.
With a cough, Ji Weng said, "Of course we welcome you. The fact that you're willing
to break off the contract with Ji NingYu means that we owe you one. The Demon
Phoenix Clan happily welcomes you to visit."
Thus, a fight that everyone of the Demon Phoenix Clan thought would be tough was
over. In a few words and without any bloodshed, the two sides even had a friendly
handshake to seal the deal.
On the side, Xuan Zong who had been watching this whole time finally felt a sigh of
relief as the situation was resolved so easily. Before he came, he was also worried
that You XiaoMo wouldn't break off the contract or make some preposterous
conditions. It's not that the Black Turtle Clan couldn't afford it, but it'll leave a sour
aftertaste behind. Seeing that he was so easy to talk to, he was finally relieved.
The baby turtle really liked You XiaoMo. Once Xuan Zong carried him over, he, very
strongly this time, broke free and climbed onto You XiaoMo with his four claws. Then
he sat butt first into his lap.
Xuan Zong couldn't help but feeling sour about the whole thing. The time they spent
as great grandparent and child wasn't even comparable to a few month with You
XiaoMo. He didn't know that his great grandson had the potential as a traitor.
(吃里爬外的: someone who lives off one person while secretly helping out another )
You XiaoMo was actually surprised too, as he didn't know that the baby turtle had
made a one sided contract with him. If the Baby turtle hadn’t said it, he maybe
would've never known.
The baby turtle was different from the little chick.The little chick had been with him
since it was an egg, so they had a foundation for their relationship even before birth.
On the other hand, his relation with the baby turtle could only be described as a
chance meeting. Now, with no reason whatsoever, even if it wasn't inducted by him,
he had the power to enslave the baby turtle, so of course the Black Turtle Clan
would 'remember' him.
You XiaoMo didn't want the baby turtle to suffer a loss either and it's not like you
need a contract to be friends so this contract must be removed. Not only that, if he
appeared generous, the Black Turtle Clan would definitely remember this favor. So
there was only benefit and no losses.
The situation on the Black Spider had been on You XiaoMo's mind for a while now,
but since Lin ShaoYi obtained the Qilin Clan, he had gotten more powerful
subordinates under his belt. TianGou's strength alone wouldn't be enough, so he
had his eyes set on the other three clans for a while.
Once the situation about the contracts was over, the True Dragon Clan explained
their reasoning for coming. Without much surprise, they were here for the Black
Spider and Lin ShaoYi. If they didn't deal with it now, no forces in Xi Jing would feel
safe, especially the three clans. Lin ShaoYi was a huge threat to them.
In the past few months, the three clans had fought a few more times with the Black
Spider, but now, they were no longer getting the upper hand. When the True Dragon
Clan calculated the wounded, the numbers became something almost intolerable for
them, thus they had to think of a method to stop this once and for all, so they came.
Long Yue was part of the True Dragon Clan who came as he knew You XiaoMo
from before. Neither Ji Weng nor Xuan Zong left as breaking off the contract was
just a part of it, the main focus was still on Lin ShaoYi and the Black Spider. Their
existence heavily threatened theirs, if they leave them be, and Lin ShaoYi's plan is a
success, then no one will get out free.
"This is not the place to talk, we'll go to another place." Ling Xiao opened his mouth
to say. Although the White Bone Town was their place, it wasn't completely safe.
No one disagreed. They had long heard of their luxurious palace. Supposedly it was
from the ancient times and made a shock even then, their White Tiger palace. They
had wanted to see it for themselves since long ago, but if they knew of Ling Xiao's
aim then, they would probably be pretty speechless.
Right now, there was two freeters in TianGou. It was Lin Gu and Lin Ming, and as for
who knew Lin ShaoYi and the Qilin Clan the best, it had to be Lin Ming.
Thus, they arrived at the palace and Lin Xiao threw the burden of finding a solution
to defeat the Black Spider plus Lin ShaoYi to Lin Ming and the three clans. He
himself went to secluded cultivation, to further his investigation on combing his
bloodlines. As for You XiaoMo, afraid that something would go wrong, went with
Although Lin Ming was mad that he threw him such a huge burden, there was
nothing he could do now, now that the other three clans were present.
As for Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo, to advance their levels, they went straight to the
secret room with the five blessing spirit eye. Ever since the Rainbow Spirit Eye was
taken from the Five Blessing Spirit Eye by You XiaoMo, the five colored liquid
stopped increasing. It became less by every drop they used and people started to
say that it felt different from before as well.
The main difference between the five colored liquid and spiritual water was its power
to dredge. For example, if someone who has been stuck in a level for a really long
time cultivated near a Five Blessing Spirit Eye, then their advancement would come
naturally. If the practitioner had narrow circulation passages, then he could also
expand it using the five colored spiritual energy released from the five colored liquid.
What everyone said felt different was it's ability dredge. Although it could still help, it
was not as effective. Like before, a year it could dredge half a centimeter, but now, it
wasn't even a third. But good thing was that it still worked, otherwise the Five
Blessing Spirit Eye was good as useless.
Once the two went into the secret room, they didn't come out even after the others
had finished their meeting.
Chapter 701: Synchronous Advancement
Translated by Yan of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
One month later, an enormous stretch of dark clouds gathered in the sky above
Ghost Tomb Mountain Range. Several flashes of lightning would occasionally flash
through the dark clouds, and the thunder made it seem as if a heavy rain was about
to fall. The people of White Bone Town were already used to seeing this.
Within this past year, they had already witnessed the dark thunderclouds at least ten
times before. Every time it was extremely impressive and they could essentially see
it and hear it even from the very edge of the Ghost Tomb Mountain Range. At the
beginning, everyone made a huge fuss about it and almost believed that the world
was ending, but after it appeared two or three times in a single month, they all
calmed down.
If some outsider grew alarmed over it, the citizens of White Bone Town would even
look down on them. After that, many people knew that the people of White Bone
Town all liked to look down on outsiders' panic. As a result, when more outsiders
came across this kind of situation, they didn't dare to make it too obvious. Right now,
when they saw the dark clouds again, everyone merely glanced at it before
continuing whatever they were busy with. Very few people cared enough to take a
second glance.
However, the other people weren't calm. From the moment the dark clouds started
to gather above Ghost Tomb Mountain Range, Lin Ming was so startled that he
jumped, his expression both shocked and happy, but still a little worried.
"This aura, could it be that Xiao-er is about to advance?" Lin Gu stood up with
surprise. Even though he had never experienced this kind of situation when
advancing, he could still tell that it was definitely someone strong who was about to
advance. Furthermore, this aura was much more powerful than he had imagined,
powerful to the point of being beyond reasonable limits.
Lin Ming frowned. "It seems so, but it feels as if there's something extra."
Lin Gu looked worried. "What's extra? Haven't you already experienced it before?
Will something happen to Xiao-er this time while advancing? Aren't these dark
clouds a little bit too excessive?"
"I also think it's strange. Back then, when I advanced into seven stars, it wasn't this
odd. I keep feeling as if there's something extra in the dark clouds above us!" Lin
Ming also remained perplexed.
When Lin Gu saw that he couldn't pinpoint why, he simply turned and left.
Lin Ming hastily pulled him to a stop. "Where are you going?"
Lin Gu didn't even look back when he responded, "I'm going over to the palace to
take a look, or else I won't feel at ease." Last time when Lin Ming's son was in
secluded cultivation, it was almost fatal. This time, no matter what he couldn't just sit
and do nothing.
"You can't!" Lin Ming forcefully rejected him.
"Why not?" Lin Gu looked back and stared at him, a trace of stubbornness and
obstinate appearing on his refined face.
Lin Ming felt his heartstrings tug with his stare. It had been a very long time since he
had last seen Lin Gu look like this, and it made his heart itch. The lines of his face
immediately relaxed, and he chuckled. "A-Gu, I know that you're very worried about
Xiao-er. I'm also worried about him, but you also know that in these circumstances,
you can't transport anything. Even if you don't use a transport circle, by the time you
hurry over there, it'll have ended."
Lin Gu knew that what he was saying was very logical, but he was still worried.
Lin Ming quickly said, "A-Gu, you have to believe in that damn brat. He isn't an
impulsive person. I imagine that he's been preparing for this for a long time already,
or else he wouldn't have chosen now to do it. Also, his wife is still at his side. With
him there, there shouldn't be too many problems."
If something happened to Ling Xiao, You XiaoMo definitely wouldn't just sit and
Finally, Lin Gu was still persuaded to stop.
"Actually, this brat chose just the right time to advance. By the time he comes out,
he should be able to help us. Let's first go and discuss a little. That person already
gave me the information; next I'll notify the Demon Phoenix Clan and the rest..." Lin
Ming led Lin Gu back as he slowly started to speak with his deep and low voice, as if
comforting Lin Gu's heart.
Meanwhile, in the palace's secret room.
You XiaoMo was currently sitting in lotus position on the stone bed, both of his eyes
closed. The spiritual energy around his body fluctuated extremely violently, as if it
was about to explode at any second.
In the secret room next door, the same thing was happening to Ling Xiao.
Unlike what Lin Gu and Lin Ming were imagining, You XiaoMo wasn't actually
keeping watch next to Ling Xiao. On the contrary, he was also advancing, but his
situation wasn't any better than Ling Xiao's. Lin Gu and Lin Ming's suspicions had
been correct: the reason why the dark clouds were so large, and the thunder and
sound were much greater than before, was because both of them were essentially
advancing simultaneously.
It was the first time that they had melded their minds and were undergoing
synchronous advancement. If Lin Ming knew, he definitely wouldn't have stopped Lin
Gu. Instead, he would've come over with him, but unfortunately he didn't have the
ability to foresee that.
However, in between the two secret chambers was You XiaoMo's Five Blessing
Spirit Eye. At that moment, this Spirit Eye's rainbow spiritual energy was swiftly
being absorbed by two attractions - You XiaoMo's and Ling Xiao's secret chambers.
The rainbow liquid was currently diminishing at a rate visible to the naked eye.
Two days later, the two of them finally stopped absorbing the rainbow spiritual
energy. However, there was less than a tenth of the rainbow liquid left.
Immediately after, the dark clouds in the sky changed, and it sounded as if the
explosive thunder was resounding right next to their ears. The people in the distant
White Bone Town all felt as if their ears were ringing, as thick lightning continuously
smashed towards the palace, landing on the barrier, causing it to shake a few times.
This was the strongest Lightning Tribulation that the people of White Bone Town had
ever seen, because the Lightning Tribulation was made up entirely of Ninth Heaven
Purple Lightning.
There were nine levels total for Lightning Tribulation. The higher the level, the
stronger the power of the Lightning Tribulation. The Ninth Heaven Purple Lightning
was the most formidable of the ninth level Lightning Tribulation, besides black
"Look, you guys, there's a human figure up above!"
A cultivator's surprised cry suddenly sounded, but it was quickly muffled by the
sound of thunder. However, even without his warning, everyone had already noticed
Under the enormous thundercloud, there was a white figure wavering like a dancing
mirage, its attitude leisurely and content. Every time a Ninth Heaven Purple
Lightning attacked towards him, he would accept it gracefully, making everyone
unable to take their eyes off of him.
About three hours later, everyone finally felt their necks grow sore from looking up,
and the thunderclouds weakened at last. By the time everyone let out a sigh of relief,
there was another sudden huge rumble in the sky, and a silver-colored lightning
sliced through the atmosphere, illuminating everyone's faces.
In the next second, a bolt of black lightning struck!
In Qilin Clan, ever since half a month prior, the sunny and cloudless sky had
become heavy and dark, as if a gray fog had blocked the sunlight. Ever since that
day, the atmosphere in the clan had become extremely stifling, and basically nobody
Zu Ma stood at the front of the main palace, staring at the tightly closed gates, her
expression calm.
At that moment, a subordinate suddenly walked out swiftly and said a few words
quietly next to Zu Ma's ear. Her face quickly darkened.
"You've confirmed the news?"
"Yes. It won't take long before they should start to make their move."
Zu Ma's expression immediately grew unreadable. "At this exact moment. It can't be
that someone's leaking information from our end?"
The underling didn't have an answer. He didn't have the qualifications to discuss this
kind of classified information.
Zu Ma didn't expect him to give her a correct answer either. She mumbled to herself
for a little before saying, "It doesn't matter when they're going to act. Pass on my
orders: tell them to prepare immediately. In addition, send out some spies to go
investigate. If it's true, notify me immediately."
"Yes, Holy Maiden!" After speaking, the subordinate immediately turned And left the
peak with the main hall.
Zu Ma's gaze transferred back to the tightly sealed main hall again. After a while,
she said in a voice so quiet nobody else could hear, "ShaoYi, you must come out
Two days later, after investigating, the Black Spider discovered that the Demon
Phoenix Clan, True Dragon Clan, and Black Turtle Clan were indeed gathering
experts. Furthermore, they would attack the Qilin Clan shortly. TianGou's members
were also involved.
The worry in Zu Ma's heart grew even stronger. If TianGou was also involved, she
knew that a certain man would most likely appear: Ling Xiao's father, Lin Ming. If he
also acted, the situation would be disadvantageous for them.
"The news about ShaoYi being in secluded cultivation is concealed very well. Most
people shouldn't know about it, yet the information was actually spread. There's
definitely someone leaking it." Zu Ma's expression was dark as her gaze swept over
the people present. Only the people here knew about ShaoYi's secluded cultivation.
"Is the Holy Maiden implying that she suspects someone among us leaked out the
information about Master being in secluded cultivation?" Dong ChengTian, who was
sitting at the second place to Zu Ma's right, felt his face grow slightly gloomy. He
clearly extremely disliked that Zu Ma was suspecting them.
The other people's faces were similarly unpleasant.
Nobody would look happy about being suspected as a spy, because as long as the
accusation was 'proven,' they would meet an extremely tragic ending. Traitors had
also appeared in the Black Spider before. In the end, that traitor had died very
miserably, because their master hadn't let him die easily.
Zu Ma swept her gaze over them coolly and said, "If we can't find an answer, this is
the only conclusion. You all had better pray that there isn't a spy, or you should
quickly find the mole. Or else when Master comes out from secluded cultivation and
learns about this, you will all be suspected."
Dong ChengTian said, "Holy Maiden, you're the only one suspecting the existence
of a spy. Who here was not personally appointed and trusted by Master? Now that
you're doubting us without good cause, if Master learns that you're suspecting us
while we're facing a great danger, what will he think?"
Zu Ma's face darkened slightly. "It's not that I want to suspect you all. It's only that,
coincidentally, I have no choice but to suspect you guys. I don't want this problem to
remain unresolved by the time Master comes out of secluded cultivation. When that
time comes, when Master lays blame, who among you dares to shoulder that
"Enough." Diao Xiong stopped them coldly. When everyone's gaze focused on him,
he continued, "Right now, it isn't the time to investigate whose responsibility it is.
What's more important is to think of how to deal with the Demon Phoenix Clan and
the other major powerhouses. According to the intelligence report, they'll reach Qilin
Clan within a few days. Master is in seclusion, we have no way of retreating. We can
only use Qilin Clan's terrain to defend ourselves."
"Blind defense most likely won't succeed. From what I'm thinking, we should select a
cavalry to cut them off and buy Master some time to win." Tao WenLiang spoke
calmly from next to Diao Xiong. His appearance was scholarly, and he was the type
who was extremely cautious.
The ones sitting there were all the upper crust of the Black Spider. The least
powerful was still at the one star Sacred Realm level. Even though Fang Yang, who
had already been killed by Ling Xiao, wasn't the lowest one of this group, he was
pretty much the bottom.
Their words made Zu Ma and Dong ChengTian calm down. The presence of a spy
was merely a suspicion; in reality, they had no proof at all. If they started to fight
over the groundless rumor of a spy and recklessly suspected their own people,
Master would definitely be furious when he found out.
Finally, they decided to listen to Tao WenLiang's idea and first send out some
people to intercept them, buying their master some time. If they couldn't block them,
then they would withdraw. In any case, they still had the Qilin Clan. There were quite
a few experts in it.
However, their plans changed far more quickly than expected.
Chapter 702: Mole
Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

It had been three days after the black colored Lightning Tribulation occurred. Those
bold enough tread into the Ghost Tomb Mountain Range for a look and found that
the Cartilage Mountain had been leveled flat by the formidable might of the black
colored Lightning Tribulation.

Without the natural barrier of the Cartilage Mountain, there was nothing to hide the
palace and it was completely revealed in front of the public. They had heard that
there was a beautiful and magnificent palace in the Ghost Tomb Mountain Range
but they never had a chance to see it before. Now they were almost blinded with just
one look.

As a result, a story of two princes living in the palace had recently become popular
in White Bone Town.

Lin Ming and Lin Gu came to see them after the event, but they were still shut in
their private room and did not come out. They did not know what the hell You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were up to inside, but it was fortunate that they were all right,
so they were relieved.

Lin Gu breathed a sigh of relief, "Ming, shall we wait for them to come out before we
set out?"

"I'm afraid we won't be able to wait anymore. We're pressed for time. There won't be
another if we're late and miss the opportunity. How about this? I'll get someone to
stay behind to wait for them to come out. Maybe they can catch up." Lin Ming also
wanted to wait for them, but Time waited for no one. He had received the news that
now was the best time to attack.

"All right then." Lin Gu looked at the tightly shut door of the private room before he
left with Lin Ming.

Two days later, Lin Ming arrived at ZiHua Mountain with members of the TianGou.
ZiHua Mountain was located on one of the routes to reach the Qilin Clan. There is
no danger on the way because it lead directly to the Qilin Clan, so they had already
sent people to occupy ZiHua Mountain before the plan was made.

Almost all the other forces had arrived by the time they did. The Demon Phoenix
Clan, True Dragon Clan and the Black Turtle Clan had all gathered in ZiHua
Mountain. In addition, there were other small forces who were unwilling to be
swallowed by the Black Spider. They basically accepted the olive branch thrown out.

However, one of them did not come.

"What did the Nine Headed Serpent King say?" Lin Ming did not react much when
he heard about it. It had long been within his expectations, but he was a little
surprised because he did not expect the Nine Headed Serpent King to refuse so

The expert from the True Dragon Clan shook his head, "He didn't say anything.
Instead, he just let the demon beasts under him ask me to leave. I don't think he will

The Nine Headed Serpent King had no worries. His only son and ‘daughter’-in-law
were traveling all over and not a trace of them could be found. He could find a new
place to enjoy a life in retirement even if Xi Jing was occupied by Lin ShaoYi. The
TongTian Continent was so huge. He did not have to worry that Lin ShaoYi ould
target him after his plan succeeded.

Though he was strong, he could not even make any big waves even if he wanted to
with the strength of the Black Spider. Besides, he had no enmity with the Black
Spider. Another reason was that he has no forces and did not pose a threat to Lin

"It's up to him since he doesn't want to come. Let's discuss the plan of attacking the
Qilin Clan first." Lin Ming did not force him to come. This kind of thing was voluntary.

The major forces soon gathered together. Since they had decided to form an
alliance, they would naturally have an Alliance Head. This issue was raised
immediately at the beginning of the meeting, but there was not much dispute.

There was basically no need to discuss this sort of thing because the Demon
Phoenix Clan and the two other clans felt that Lin Ming was the most suitable. One
was the reasons was that he was very strong; a practitioner at the pinnacle of seven
stars was strong enough to lead them and to convince the masses. However, the
most important was that he was very familiar with the Qilin Clan thus he was the
most suitable one to lead them. Even if some people had objections in their hearts,
they did not dare to raise them.

"Thank you for your kindness. Then, this Lin will not refuse any longer." Lin Ming
simply accepted their compliments. He didn't want to touch this pile of shit if he
could, but who asked his son and ‘daughter’-in-law be in the center of this storm? He
had to do it even if he was unwilling. Otherwise, both he and A-Gu would be worried.

"According to the information I have received, Lin ShaoYi is now in secluded

cultivation and preparing to smash through to the Almighty realm. The Qilin Clan is
now at their most vigilant, but at the same time it is our chance!"

"Does the Alliance Head mean that we should attack the Qilin Clan now?" The
expert from the Black Turtle Clan thought for a while before he asked.

"That's right."

"But our alliance has just been established. Will it not be too hasty to attack them
now? Furthermore, since we were able to think of this, they should be able to think
the same as well. I think that the experts from the Black Spider should be defending
the Qilin Clan too. I fear that we will incur heavy losses if we rashly attack."

Lin Hui glanced at the second speaker. He was not an expert from the Demon
Phoenix Clan and the two other clans, but a leader of a small force of an
independent regime in Xi Jing, called Long Jiao. His cultivation was that of Level
Twelve one star and his original form was a flood dragon.

"What does Brother Long Jiao think we should do?"

Lin Ming asked instead of refuting what he said.

Long Jiao was immediately embarrassed and he awkwardly said, "I'm just voicing
my thoughts. You are the head of the alliance. The Alliance Head will still have the
final say on the decision of whether we should attack the Qilin Clan."

Lin Ming gave him a profound look and immediately replied, "Casualties will certainly
occur. No battle can be avoided. Even if we don't face it now, we will face it later,
and it is likely that we will face a Lin Shaoyi who has reached the Almighty realm. All
of us here are smart people, but I will also respect your decision. Those who don't
want to go can stay."

After that, Lin Ming's piercing gaze swept over the faces of all the people one by

The whole conference room was quiet and no one spoke. Even Long Jiao, who had
just raised his objection, did not take any stand. He hunched his neck and no one
knew what he was thinking about.

"Since there is no objection, let's discuss the plan of attacking the Qilin Clan..." Lin
Ming immediately concluded since no one had opened their mouths after he waited
for a while.

Night had fallen.

Usually one could see countless shining stars at ZiHua Mountain at night. However,
these stars were covered by black clouds tonight. Only a few dim stars could be
vaguely seen, as if the stars also knew that a fierce battle was imminent.

At the time when not a sound to be heard, a black shadow speedily and stealthily
jumped down from ZiHua Mountain, quickly disappearing without a trace.


Zu Ma sat calmly at her desk with a sheet of paper spread out on it, drawing strange
patterns that no one else could understand. She raised her head after a while and a
strange smile suddenly appeared on her beautiful and clean face.

The next day, Zu Ma suddenly called all of them together just before Diao Xiong and
others were about to depart. Although everyone thought it strange, they still

Zu Ma's first sentence caused everyone to argue at the meeting. She actually
wanted them to change the plan that they had finalized a few days ago. Dong
ChengTian, who was a little bad-tempered, was the first to raise an objection,

Zu Ma's calm gaze swept over everyone's faces. Everyone had a different
expression on their face. She explained after a while, "I've received a secret report.
Lin Ming secretly divided his troops and they're traveling by different routes. They
are now on the way over so it is no longer necessary for us to besiege ZiHua

"How does the Holy Maiden know about this?" Diao Xiong asked.

The corner of Zu Ma's lips lifted as a malicious glint flashed through her eyes,
"Because my people have infiltrated their alliance. I know their route and the people
in the alliance, so I want you to cut them off and kill them while they're on the way

"We understand now. What are we going to do next?" Diao Xiong nodded.

Only thirty minutes had passed when they came out of the meeting room. Everyone
who had gotten their tasks did not tarry for a moment and they left the Qilin Clan
with their men. A young man frowned imperceptibly within the crowd.

Zu Ma looked at their figures from high up while standing. Her lips lifted up slowly
and her smile became weirder and weirder. She wanted to see how that man would
pass his message to Lin Ming.

She always had the firm belief that there must be an mole inside the Black Spider
and the position of the mole was high. However, she has been unable to find a
chance to root him out. She must definitely dig him out now that such an opportunity
had presented itself.

More than a dozen shadows flashed through the dense forest. The speed of the
shadows was so fast that they had traveled several hundred meters in a blink of an
eye. Just as they were about to jump over the hill ahead, one of them suddenly
screamed in pain and fell down from the tree.

The others stopped immediately and Tao WenLiang, the leader, immediately turned
back and landed in front of the man who had screamed. He asked in concern,
"What's the matter?"

The man grabbed a poisonous snake that he had struck dead within the grass and
hatefully spat, "It's my fault that I was careless and was bitten by this beast just now.
Now the venom has spread throughout my body."

Tao WenLiang grabbed the man's hand all of a sudden and probed it before he
opened his mouth, "This is a Level Ten demon beast, the QingZhi snake. It
specializes in sneak attacks and is extremely venomous. I'm afraid the venom can't
be removed in a short time, so you'll have to go back to the clan and think of a

"Then what should I do? We can't delay the operation because of me. Otherwise, I
can hardly absolve myself from the blame if the Holy Maiden takes offense." With
that, worry appeared on the man's face.

"There is nothing to be done!" Tao WenLiang ordered, "Don't take part in the
operation today. You should go back to the Qilin Clan as soon as possible and ask
the holy maiden to help you detoxify the venom. Shall I'll send someone to take you

"No, no, I can do it alone. I can't delay the holy maiden's plan." The man shook his
head while struggling to stand up.

Tao WenLiang patted him on the shoulder, "All right then, you be careful. We'll go

All their figures disappeared from the man's view in the next moment. The man who
had been looking so worried now revealed a smirk after his scheming had
succeeded. He took out an anti-poison pill and ate it. The venom of the QingZhi
snake was immediately dissolved.
Chapter 703: Face Off
Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

He had brought the QingZhi Snake with him to make his escape smoother. When
they went through an area of forestry that was known to have many demon beasts,
he pulled out the half dead QingZhi Snake and pushed its fangs into the back of his
hand. By this point, his plan was pretty much a success.

QingZhi Snakes weren’t a very high level demon beast. At the very least, the level
ten snakes were no threat to level eleven practitioners like them. However, it’s
venom was rather special. The venom of a QingZhi Snake wouldn't kill someone
immediately, but it caused paralysis, and its effect was very obvious. Depending on
one’s constitution, it might not even take fifteen minutes for the venom to spread
across the entire body. Generally, if an antidote wasn’t administered within three
days, the victim would die. So long as it was administered within three days, it
wouldn’t be fatal.

That was what the man used to make Tao WenLiang believe him.

Tao WenLiang grabbing his hand to check the venom was within his expectations.
QingZhi Snakes were infamous for their dexterity as speed type demon beasts. It
wasn’t unreasonable that he would be bitten despite his cultivation base. Even Tao
WenLiang with his intelligence and experience wouldn’t notice anything wrong.

The man dusted off the bits of grass on him, glancing at the direction Tao WenLiang
and co left in with a mirthless smile. Then he turned and left, but the direction he
was heading in wasn’t the Qilin Clan, but a different one. His figure shot through the
forestry, even faster than he had moved before.

He had to hurry and inform that person before Tao WenLiang and them got there.

After a few minutes, the man landed on a large tree and made a sound of confusion,
gazing out at the silent forest. He had come through this forest before. It was home
to a great many demon beasts, and one could often hear the sounds of them
roaring. However, he hadn’t heard a single one yet. Something wasn’t right!

The man was confused, but he was in an urgent situation right now, so he could only
suppress his confusion. He poised to start running again. That was when a slash of
light struck from the darkness, impacting the tree he was on and leaving a smooth,
clean cut.
The man’s expression changed, quickly jumping out of the way onto the ground. The
massive and ancient tree fell with a tremendous rumbling, leaving just the roots.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” The man whipped out his dagger and fell into a battle
stance. His gaze was directed at the direction the attack had come from, his gaze
sharp but also alert and unsettled at the unknown danger. This was too strange.

As he spoke, a figure in white walked out from behind the tree, long dress swaying,
a woman of incredible beauty. If one ignored the pressure from her aura, they might
think she was a beautiful lady lost in the woods.

When the man identified her, his entire face went pale, eyes wide in disbelief as he
stuttered, “Ho-holy Maiden?”

In the next moment, his dagger fell onto the ground. This was because a group of
people walked out from behind Zu Ma, including the ones who had just left to
ambush the Alliance’s people, Tao WenLiang and company.

Seeing this, it became clear to the man that he had fallen for a trick.

“As expected, you were the mole. I finally caught you. Looks like I didn’t plan this
trap for you for nothing.” Zu Ma’s gaze was ice cold, fixed on the shocked man.

“Why?” The man forced himself to stay calm. “How did you find out?”

He wasn’t someone who participated in any of the meetings, but he was a

subordinate of Dong ChengTian. Dong ChengTian was ill tempered and loved to
drink. When he got drunk, his tongue would start wagging, and he wouldn’t
remember anything he had said or done once he sobered up.

A while ago, he had used several casks of spirits, gifted by some underlings, to get a
lot of useful information out of Dong ChengTian that he was planning on sneaking
away to relay. He had thought he had covered his tracks well, never thinking he
would be found out. He couldn’t for the life of him figure out where he had slipped

He had found it kind of strange when they were splitting up for the mission. He was
under Dong ChengTian, yet the Holy Maiden had him go with Tao WenLiang.
Thinking back now, it was probably because the Holy Maiden didn’t want Dong
ChengTian ruining things with that temper of his.

“If I can’t kill you, then I don’t deserve to be called Dong ChengTian!” Dong
ChengTian. who had realized that he had been used, glared venomously at the man
like he wanted nothing more than to tear him asunder.

The man flinched. He knew how cruel Dong ChengTian’s methods were.

“I didn’t know that you were the mole,” Zu Ma spoke up coldly, “This entire operation
was designed to draw you out. The Alliance is attacking the Qilin Clan, yes, but not
now. It’s happening the day after tomorrow. I just set the time forwards and you
rushed to go and report it.”

The man’s expression twisted, turning and fleeing. He didn’t bother with finding out
the truth anymore. He just knew that if he fell into their hands, then it was over for

Zu Ma sneered at his retreating figure.

Before she gave the order, Dong ChengTian gave pursuit in a rage. With his sacred
level strength, it would be easy to for him to catch a level eleven expert. Thus, none
of the others moved. After around five minutes, a corpse fell from the sky, landing
heavily in front of Zu Ma.

Though the man’s corpse was still whole, he was completely disfigured. His skin
was gorged open across his body, revealing the flesh underneath. His face was
unrecognizable, eye sockets empty. His limbs flopped, bones shattered.

The people there were all cruel, merciless and cold. This wasn’t enough to scare
them. They merely glanced at the corpse emotionlessly. A dead person was
beneath their notice.

Zu Ma looked on in satisfaction. Very good. She had finally cleared away this stain.

Since Lin ShaoYi was undergoing secluded cultivation, Black Spider fell to her to
take care of. She wouldn’t allow any accidents to happen while Black Spider was
under her control, otherwise she wouldn’t have the face to show herself in front of

Everyone thought that they had dealt with the mole. They didn’t know that the real
mole was standing in a corner quietly watching, his young face unmoving.

No one noticed at all!

The ‘day after tomorrow’ Zu Ma had talked about arrived very quickly. With the mole
gone, they no longer had to worry when acting. That day, apart from the clansmen of
the Qilin Clan, she also sent out ninety percent of the Black Spider’s people.
Knowing Lin Ming’s people and pathing, she concentrated their firepower on the two
paths apart from the one Lin Ming had chosen.

So long as they got rid of the others first, the remaining Lin Ming and company
would no longer be a threat after ShaoYi came back from secluded cultivation. Even
if ShaoYi didn’t make it in time, she could defeat Lin Ming through an advantage in
numbers. Zu Ma had planned meticulously, but didn’t realize that she had fallen into
Lin Ming’s trap. So when Lin Ming appeared outside of the Qilin Clan with the
Alliance’s powerhouses, her face was one of complete disbelief.

“What? You weren’t expecting us?” Lin Ming calmly gazed at Zu Ma and the Qilin
Clan’s clansmen behind her, including a very familiar face. However, this face
couldn’t affect him anymore. People who choose different paths wouldn’t be able to
come together, that was all he could tell himself.

Zu Ma was very intelligent. When she saw a rather panicked and surprised face in
the crowd, she figured out the crux of the matter.

Lin Ming had known that one of her people was in the Alliance, but didn’t know who
it was, so he did this on purpose to lure her into a trap. In reality, he hadn’t acted
according to his own plans, but changed them last minute, so her people couldn’t
make it in time to warn her.

Now with most of Black Spider’s manpower elsewhere and needing to wait two to
four hours before they returned, she could only rely on the Qilin Clan’s experts for
now. However, against Lin Ming, it would be a bit of a struggle.

The gears in Zu Ma’s mind began to turn furiously, but she couldn’t come up with a
solution. She could only hope that Lin ShaoYi would come out of secluded
cultivation as soon as possible, or for Tao WenLiang and the others to realize it was
a trap and immediately head back.

“Lin Ming, are you really set on going against the Qilin Clan?” That was when an
elderly voice rang out. Though it was an inquiry, the voice held a hint of awe
inspiring authority. It was clear from the voice that the owner was someone serious
and strict.

But this sounded like an accusation.

Before Lin Ming could reply, Lin Gu, standing beside him, voiced his displeasure,
“Lin Tian, what right do you have to say that?” Lin Gu disliked Lin Tian immensely.
He had respected the other solely because the other was Lin Ming’s father, but now
that respect had vanished completely. This man didn’t even believe his own son,
instead going to support his son’s enemy. He really didn’t know what Lin Tian was
thinking, he had probably gotten brain damage from being struck by lightning or

“If I remember correctly, Lin Ming isn’t a member of the Qilin Clan anymore. You
were the ones to chase him out. Instead of believing your own son, you go and
support someone who murdered his own clansmen, and wants to murder your very
own grandchild. Lin Tian, you’re the one with the least right to accuse Lin Ming of

Lin Tian’s gaze grew colder and colder, landing on Lin Gu. A powerful killing intent
erupted from him, directed at Lin Gu, “What do you think you are to accuse me!”
Chapter 704: Turmoil
Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
Lin Tian's voice made its way into everyone's ears. It contained his anger and his
unprecedented pride. Even if they weren't enemies, the tone itself would have ticked
people off.
Lin Ming glanced coldly at all of the Qilin Clan members stopping them, they were all
elites of the clan. They really poured out everything for Lin ShaoYi. Although he
didn't want the clan to go extinct, they had no choice but to fight now.
"If you want to fight then we will." As his voice stopped, an incredible force erupted
from his body and his seven star pinnacle pressure washed over Lin Tian and the
Zu Ma's panicked, she had wanted to stall for time, that’s why she had Lin Tian, who
was blood related to Lin Ming appear. She didn't think that would have the opposite
effect and Lin Ming would act on his words so quickly.
What she didn't know was that their relationship was so bad that it was beyond
repairs. Lin Tian was prideful and had a one track-mind, he would never admit his
wrong. He was self-centered so that everything he said was right, and those who
disagree were wrong.
For people like these, even if Lin Ming wanted to patch up their relationship, it would
be for naught. It happened once before, but Lin Tian's condition was that he must
always listen to him and not fight back. If he said to go east, then he was going east,
not west.
Lin Ming felt that he needed a puppet and not a son. So after that incident, he
stopped trying.
Knowing very well what Lin Tian was like, there was no way Lin Ming would waste
any time talking. Not only that, luring Tao WenLiang and the others away was his
trap, there was no way he couldn't guess what Zu Ma was planning.
"You bastard!" Seeing that Lin Ming was serious, the muscles on Lin Tian's face
twitched and moved in anger. His eyes were freezing as they looked upon Lin Ming
and his force started to move as well.
"If you want to die that much, then I'll grant your wish!" Lin Tian rose to the sky and
stared at Lin Ming from a distance. He was a cultivating madman. Ever since he
knew what it was, he focused all of his time on it, and that was the true cause of
them growing further apart. However, he truly was a genius, with the sword as his
guide, he was now also seven stars.
The Qilin Clan had suddenly gotten two level twelve seven star practitioners, that
was incredibly threatening, but the rest of the world didn't know about it.
Lin Ming had disappeared for many years and even back then he kept a low profile,
so not many people knew of his cultivation base. If Lin Ming and the Qilin Clan didn't
turn against each other, maybe the Qilin Clan would be the strongest Emperor Beast
Clan in the continent. Conquering the whole continent was even possible.
The onlookers trembled in fear as they watched. The one who was the calmest was
surprisingly Zu Ma, because she had been shocked before. Ever since she knew
that the Qilin Clan had six elites, she felt, from the bottom of her heart, relief. She
was very glad that the Qilin Clan was on their side, otherwise, if this fight broke out,
even she couldn't say they would succeed.
When this fight started, something happened over at the Ghost Tomb Mountain
Range as well. This time, it wasn't a massive field of rain clouds but the roaring wind
along with thunder striking down, as if nature itself was angered. With the palace as
it's center, a terrifying phenomenon kept happening in the sky above. For example,
the rain clouds gathered into a weird shape, as if a beast roaring, ready to attack.
Some thought it looked like a skull whereas others believed it to be a demon beast...
Everyone who saw this was dumbfounded. They had thought that they gotten used
to it by now, but it just gets better and better. Now, it didn't just affect the Ghost
Tomb Mountain Range, something even happened by the White Bone Town.
A great gust of wind and a massive tornado. The sand flew across the sky, carried
by the tornado and even some people were close to being carried away. Now, the
residents of the White Bone Town were just happy that their houses were no longer
in shambles, otherwise, with the tornado coming through, even the houses would
have flown up.
"My TianGou (read:God), what is happening this time?" Owner Wang said as he
hugged a pillar and stared fearfully at the tornado.
"Owner, could it be...they angered the gods and so...this came..."A servant asked
with hesitation. He had heard of stories that if someone did something outrageous or
a place had been severely damaged, the gods will descend punishment from above.
Before he even finished, Owner Wang turned around and punched him, "What
nonsense are you saying?!"
The servant became timid from that shout and couldn't respond. This kind of thing,
to someone normal like him, was unbelievable. The roaring winds, the thunder, the
heavy rain, none of them looked man-made.
But, it was actually 'man-made'.
And, the one who 'made' it was You XiaoMo, who was secluded in the palace,
cultivating. He only knew from last time, when both he and Ling Xiao advanced, that
leveling up to grade seven would cause such a ruckus. Normally, there that wasn't
the case.
However, it wasn't hard to believe either.
Why did the TongTian Continent lack mages who were grade seven? Because it
was rare.
A rainbow grade six mage was equivalent to the Almighty practitioner. The only
difference was that a mage couldn't control the world like the Almighty. Rainbow
grade seven was a level that reigned supreme. It was very difficult to satisfy it's
requirements. One of them, was the soul level and the only one who satisfied it in
the TongTian Continent was You XiaoMo. The other condition, You XiaoMo didn't
know as there wasn't any successful examples for him to follow, thus his
advancement success was very much by luck.
You XiaoMo's dimension was closely tied to his soul, when his dimension evolved, it
benefited his soul as well. It was just that, this benefit wasn't very apparent so he
never noticed that he had more than sufficiently satisfied the requirements. All he
needed was an opportune moment.
That opportune moment was...
Every time he remembered he...he couldn't help but swear, it was so embarrassing.
Who would be doing that right before advancing?! No doubt, that man could only be
Ling Xiao!
However, it was only after did he realize that the pinnacle grade dual cultivation soul
training manual wasn't to scoff at. The only reason the Buddha’s Willow Standard
was at the pinnacle was because of its rarity, especially since it was for dual
In the TongTian Continent, there was still a market for pinnacle level soul training
manual. They were usually auctioned at large auction houses, but most of them
were skill training manuals, sometimes soul training manuals too. However, all of
them were single person only, as for dual cultivating manuals? No one had ever
seen one.
You XiaoMo still remembered that day. Ling Xiao suddenly ran into his secluded
cultivation room. Before he could even say anything, he said, "Wife, let's cultivate
together," and then proceeded to jump on him like a starving wolf. Before he could
say a word, his clothes were stripped off his body and with no foreplay, Ling Xiao's
massive thing at his crotch went in. Good thing he didn't bleed...shit, was he
supposed to be happy for his natural 'talent'?
Later, he also let loose and they did it regardless of whether it was day or night.
During that time, the Buddha’s Willow Standard unconsciously started to work as
well. By the time they realized it, they couldn't stop it anymore. With their sea of
consciousness, a drastic thing was happening. It was as if they were wrapped
together by a ball of light, into a cocoon.
He saw the five colored spiritual energy around them slowly seep into their body. By
the end of that night, they managed to use up one tenth of the five colored liquid and
he had heard that a tenth could be used for a thousand years...
The next day You XiaoMo kicked Ling Xiao back into his secret room.
A few days later, they advanced together.
The advancement caused natural phenomenon to occur, but because they were
close to each other, their Lightning Tribulation blended together and evolved. It
wasn't just the Nine Day Purple Lightning Tribulation but also Black Lightning
Tribulation. He had heard that Black Lightning Tribulation only occurred when one
advanced to the Almighty.
In the end, Ling Xiao used his barrier and the palace's barrier to finally withstand the
Black Lightning Tribulation, however, the Cartilage Mountain couldn't take it's force
and disappeared, along with the Cartilage Beasts. However, because his level
wasn't on par with the Black Lightning Tribulation, so as to not destroy the palace,
he took it back near the end, and along with it You XiaoMo. He suffered some
internal injuries afterwards.
You XiaoMo, with an almost completely blackened face, threw Ling Xiao into his
dimension. By now the spiritual water pond was almost his exclusively. Ever since
his first internal injury, suffering them had become almost a mandatory incident.
"When are you going to stop suffering from internal injuries?" You XiaoMo stood by
the pond and stared at the lesser spiritual water. He was considering whether or not
to pour the rest of the five colored liquid in to make up for the loss.
Ling Xiao floated on top and said with a relaxed expression, "Once I deal with Lin
You XiaoMo silently gave him the middle finger. Basically he was saying that before
he dealt with Lin ShaoYi, it was likely that he would still suffer injuries. He had
almost become numb to Ling Xiao getting injured.
"You're almost right, should we go out now?" You XiaoMo said with hesitation,
"Father and the others are probably really worried right now."
"Not now!" Ling Xiao swam back and stood beside him drenched. He knew he was
going to ask why so he explained, "You are a grade seven mage now, so you can
make a pill now. If we don't take this chance now, I'm afraid we won't get one later."
"Why?" You XiaoMo still asked.
"Father and the others have already headed for the Qilin Clan, and it shouldn't take
long before the war starts. If we fail, we might all die so we must finish this before
Lin ShaoYi."
Seeing how severe it sounded, You XiaoMo couldn't help but take a breath in. It was
the first time he heard such severe consequences from Ling Xiao, "I understand."
Thus, that's how the tornado and heavy rain came about. A grade seven rainbow pill
was no longer a normal pill. Every pill, when completed, would have a gain of
sentience. They would try their best to escape, like a living being.
This kind of creation of new life wasn't allowed by the rules, thus the rules would
summon the strongest Lightning Tribulation to stop it all. Luckily for them, the world
was without a owner, and the rules had been diminished by a lot over the past
hundreds of millions of years, thus the Lightning Tribulation's power wouldn't be as
strong as in the legends.
The Yin Yang God's Pill had been been recorded in the jade drive to help
practitioners advance to the Almighty realm, but because no one has ever tried it,
they didn't know the success rate. The ominous souls' roar; the continuously
developing black clouds above the Demon Beast Graveyard; the black fog blown
away by the wind, and the thunder. If the thunder strikes the soul, then it would
instantly dissipate.
In the middle of the Demon Beast Graveyard, there stood two people. It was You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao. This time, they were smarter about it and came directly to the
Demon Beast Graveyard for pill refining. There was a lot of wronged souls and the
black fog as a natural barrier, it was the best defense.
Ling Xiao appeared behind and caught him, but only to be pushed aside with great
"Quick! The Yin Yang God's Pill is about to run away!" You XiaoMo said with a face
of worry. About rainbow grade seven pills, his ancestors gave some hints on the pill
recipes and that was about what happens when they gain sentience. That's why it's
important to take it not when the pill is complete and especially when it's the seventh
Lightning Tribulation, because the last three were specifically for the grade seven
Those starting to gain sentience needed to pass the Lightning Tribulation and
because it was a new being, the Lightning Tribulation tended to be very powerful
and hard to pass. If they didn't intervene, then it was likely the Yin Yang God's Pill
would be roasted to dust by the lightning. However, if it passed the last three
Lightning Tribulations, then it would gain true sentience and become Level Twelve.
By then, it would be hard to capture it again.
The seventh Lightning Tribulation had been brewing before the pill was completed,
so when it finally flew out of the cauldron, the lightning almost struck at the same
time. Just as it looked to be hit, the outer layer of the magic pill suddenly emitted a
bright light. Once the lightning struck the light, they were evenly matched until the
light seemed to dim. That was when the magic pill suddenly shook violently and the
light became stronger. Finally, the lightning ran out of fuel and it was over.
However, that was just the seventh, there was still the eighth and ninth. Once the
seventh was over, the eighth pretty much finished brewing and was looking to strike
at any moment.
Ling Xiao told him to lean against the cauldron as his figure disappeared and
reappeared behind the Yin Yang God's Pill. Just as he reached to grab it, the Yin
Yang God's Pill dodged quickly as if it had eyes. That said, Ling Xiao wasn't easy
either, there was no way he would let it escape. Not only that, it wasn't completely
'alive' so with the other hand he reached out and the Yin Yang God's PIll landed into
his hands.
To stop the Yin Yang God's PIll from gaining true sentience and kept it alive, there
was only one option. That was to deal with the other two Lightning Tribulations for it.
Without them, even if it had some sentience right now, it was just like a beast with
only intuition; a single-celled organism that couldn't think.
Once he grabbed the pill, it instantly started struggling and another bright light
started to emit from it. Quickly, Ling Xiao used his other hand and flicked off the
light. It dimmed and eventually turned completely silent. He then proceeded to throw
it down to where You XiaoMo was.
That was when the eighth Lightning Tribulation arrived. The eighth was the Nine Day
Purple Lightning Tribulation, but Ling Xiao had already been through eight before, so
this was a piece of cake. However, the ninth was a bit troublesome as it was the
Black Lightning Tribulation. He caught it last time only with the help of the barriers.
You XiaoMo put away the Yin Yang God's Pill and arrived beside Ling Xiao. He
couldn't help but swallow as he stared at the depressing thunder clouds. Last time
he had been locked away in the palace, so he never saw the power of the Black
Lightning Tribulation.
"What should we do now."
Without another word, Ling Xiao pulled him towards the other side of the Demon
Beast Graveyard. That direction was where the white-cloaked You ancestor was.
That was where the strongest demon beasts and practitioners lie, even after death
they were nothing to scoff at.
The thunder cloud shifted with them. Without the Yin Yang God's Pill as a target, it
instantly locked onto You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao instead as they were the only things
alive. The wronged souls of the graveyard were livid as they arrived. These two
bastards, whenever they showed up it was always something bad. The first time
they arrived, they fulfilled the white-cloaked man's wishes and because of that, he
laughed for three days and three nights. But, they were no match for him and could
only hold it in.
Now they even brought the Black Lightning Tribulation over. With them all being
souls and filled with enmity, they were most scared of lightning. No matter how
strong they were before, dead was dead.
Some souls were angered to the point that they started swearing, but before they
got anywhere, the Black Lightning Tribulation finished brewing. The two poor
replacement ghosts could only hide. If they couldn't hide, then they just had to take
it. If they couldn't take it?
Then they just had to die again.
Due to those two, the Demon Beast Graveyard was thrown into massive turmoil.
Only once the Black Lightning Tribulation went away and the rain clouds went away
did the ghosts have a feeling of narrowly escaping death.
"Fuck! That scared the crap out of me! I thought I was gone for sure!" Who knows
which ghost shouted, but soon a floating voice replied.
"You were already dead..."
The moment the thunder clouds disappeared, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao instantly
left. After angering so many vengeful ghosts, if they stayed they would have
definitely been ganged up on.
"That was so thrilling!" You XiaoMo shouted as he felt his heart pumping. Seeing the
state of the Demon Beast Graveyard, he couldn't help but laugh.
"If we get the chance, we should come again." Ling Xiao said with no good
You XiaoMo took a look at the Demon Beast Graveyard's direction and nodded with
force. Then he pulled out the Yin Yang God's Pill and handed it over, "When are you
going to secluded cultivation next? Or should we go to the battlefield now?"
During this time, they had been constantly in secluded cultivation and advanced as
well. If they kept it going, it was unlikely to bear further results.
Unexpectedly though, Ling Xiao said, "Let's wait."
You XiaoMo blinked as he didn't understand what Ling Xiao was up to. That's how
they went into secluded cultivation again, but this time, it was only Ling Xiao and not
him. It was boring waiting in the palace so he got the Weasel Beast to send in
information about the frontlines. The war has started.
The warzone was right outside of the Qilin Clan. A group of elites were fighting to
their utmost, but more or less it was their side that had the upper hand, mostly
because the Black Spider had been directed elsewhere. But, he also got the news
that Lin ShaoYi was also in secluded cultivation and couldn't help but furrow his
brows. Was it really a coincidence?
Yep, it was just that coincident!
To end things quickly, Lin Ming didn't hold back against Lin Tian. Although they were
both seven stars, Lin Ming was at the pinnacle of it and he had the help of Lin Gu.
No matter how strong Lin Tian was, he started to falter.
Zu Ma was held back by the Demon Phoenix Clan's elites, with one of them being Ji
He. Ji He, taking revenge for his grandson, fought fearlessly. He was not as strong
as Zu Ma and thus he resorted to ambushes. Zu Ma almost went crazy with his
antics. Not only that, there was always someone else too that she couldn't strip
away from.
Ever since the Mage Assemblage, she hadn't felt this much agony. Just as she was
about to explode, Lin Tian got punched into a deep ditch by Lin Ming and they didn't
know if he was alive or not.
Zu Ma's expression changed. It wasn't because she cared about Lin Tian, but
because of Lin Gu and Lin Ming. They ignored Lin Tian and took the chance to go
into the clan. Just as she was about to follow, Ji He flash in to block her.
Chapter 705: A Race Against Time
Translated by Yan of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
Even though the Qilin Clan's territory was also located in Xi Jing, they actually
resided in a different dimension, an enormous space that the founder of the Qilin
Clan opened. After Lin Gu and Lin Ming entered, a huge range of towering
mountains appeared before their eyes, just like another world. Their clan members
lived among these towering mountains, and the tallest peak was where the Qilin
Lord lived.
The two of them didn't stop. They immediately flew towards the main peak. On their
way there, some Qilin Clan members wanted to block their way, but, at that moment,
the only ones left behind to guard were some experts who were below Level Eleven.
They could only try and stop them for a second before they were sent flying.
They swiftly reached the bottom of the main peak.
According to the information that the mole sent them, Lin ShaoYi was currently in
secluded cultivation at the main peak, looking for a chance to break into the
Almighty. Under these circumstances, if he was disturbed, not only would he fail, he
might also very likely be counterattacked.
Lin Gu controlled his heart, which was beating slightly faster. Just thinking of how
Lin ShaoYi would be taken care of very soon and Xiao-er would no longer be in any
danger, nor would Lin Ming be pursued to death anymore for bearing the crime of
murdering the Qilin Lord, made Lin Gu unable to restrain his excitement.
"Ming, nobody is currently guarding the main peak. Should we go up now?"
Lin Ming's forehead wrinkled severely, and he looked at the quiet main peak with
hesitation. The current peak felt slightly different from how it had before. "We don't
have much time. Let's go up and see."
But when they were about to enter the main peak, they suddenly collided with a
barrier. A series of brilliant light rays shot out from the barrier, the strong golden light
forcing them to retreat a few steps.
Lin Ming's expression changed. "This is..."
"What is it?" Lin Gu also had an unpleasant premonition.
As if he had realized something, the look on Lin Ming's face became extremely ugly.
He gritted his teeth and responded, "Lin ShaoYi actually used the Qilin Lord's bones.
He ground the Qilin Lord's bones to powder and then used it to create a barrier.
Those golden bones contain the energy of the Qilin Lord when he was alive..."
Lin Gu opened his eyes with shock. Lin ShaoYi was actually audacious enough to
grind the Qilin Lord's bones to powder just to guarantee his own safety. This kind of
utterly heartless behavior...
"Do the Qilin Clan's people know of this?"
Lin Ming shook his head, his expression as ugly as ever. "If it was before, I could still
be certain of it. But now, I no longer know how the clan members would react if they
learn of this."
"We cannot let Lin ShaoYi succeed!" Lin Gu said with a darkened face.
"I know. Step aside, let me see if I can break through the barrier." Lin Ming nodded.
There was no way he would let Lin ShaoYi succeed either. Even though he had
been separated from A-Gu for so many years back then because of the Qilin Lord's
opposition, the Qilin Lord had been kind to him. He had already departed from this
world for many years, so there was no way Lin Ming could just stand and watch the
Qilin Lord's bones be trampled on.
After he spoke, Lin Ming immediately unleashed all of his strength. His spiritual
energy whipped into a fierce wind; he hadn't even tried this hard when he was
fighting with Lin Tian just then.
By the time Zu Ma evaded the Demon Phoenix Clan's people to rush over, she just
happened to see Lin Ming attacking the barrier. His blow contained all of his power,
and the barrier started to distort violently. But just when it looked like the barrier
couldn't handle it anymore, a layer of golden light appeared on the surface,
seemingly blocking Lin Ming's attack. A second later, the barrier returned to its
original state.
Zu Ma let out a sigh of relief at once. She was the only one who knew the truth
about the barrier, but Lin Ming was too powerful, so she wasn't certain whether the
barrier would be able to sustain itself against his attack. Now she could be at ease.
At that moment, Lin Ming turned and glared viciously at Zu Ma. Zu Ma's expression
went cold, and she immediately went on guard as her spiritual energy started to
revolve quickly inside of her, ready to strike back at any moment.
"Woman, it seems like you also know." Lin Ming's face went dark. He said to Lin Gu,
"A-Gu, go gather some manpower to attack the barrier together. As long as the Qilin
Lord's energy is consumed, the barrier will collapse."
Lin Gu nodded. Zu Ma wanted to stop him, but with Lin Ming present, she couldn't
do a single thing. Furthermore, she didn't have an opportunity to do so either before
Lin Ming's attack arrived immediately in front of her.
Meanwhile, inside the palace on the main peak, in the center of the array, Lin
ShaoYi's eyes were closed. The array under him was like a living being, and the
pattern on the ground was carved with fresh blood, blossoming with red light. It
continued to writhe on the ground like veins, endlessly transferring blood to Lin
ShaoYi in the middle.
Someone was hanging in front of the array - shockingly, the TongTian Emperor.
Right now, he couldn't be called a person anymore. There wasn't a single section of
skin that was still intact, and it was as if there was no end to his blood as it continued
to drip down onto the array before being absorbed. Because his cultivation was
unique, there was a faint golden color to his blood.
The TongTian Emperor was still barely breathing, but he was pretty much about to
die. He lifted his head slightly, and even though it was very minute, his red eyes
looked towards Lin ShaoYi as strange wheezing noises came from his mouth. He
knew that he wouldn't be alive for much longer.
Strictly speaking, Lin ShaoYi was much younger than him, so TongTian Emperor
had always believed that he would be the one to become the master of all the
planes. He had firmly believed that, but he hadn't expected to end up falling to
someone of the younger generation. His whole life was just like a big joke.
Compared to Lin ShaoYi, their levels were too far apart. TongTian Emperor had
never thought that he would actually become the key for Lin ShaoYi breaking into
the seven star pinnacle realm, and the only one at that. His strength level was at the
seven star pinnacle level, but most of his strength came from gathering and
accumulating the faith of many planes.
The strength of faith was an illusory sort of thing, but it still really did exist. Every
time his strength increased by a level, another golden thread would appear in his
blood. That golden color was the power of faith.
What Lin ShaoYi wanted was that power of faith. His original plan was to let Zu Ma
break into grade seven and make a Yin Yang God's Pill for him, but that had been
ruined by You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao. Fortunately, he had a backup plan, so his
plans wouldn't be ruined by an accident at the last moment.
He had investigated it before. Even though the power of faith was something from
other planes, it was also applicable elsewhere. Moreover, after gaining the power of
faith, the difficulties of cultivating would decrease greatly. Once he gathered enough
faith power, he could attack the highest realm.
The TongTian Emperor had already collected the power of faith for over a hundred
thousand years now. The power of faith in his blood was extremely thick, so there
wouldn't be anyone more suitable for being Lin ShaoYi's stepping stone. If the
TongTian Emperor had known this would happen earlier, he wouldn't have regretted
over what he had done before, but he definitely would have strangled all of the
dangers to him in their cradles.
"Your suffering will end very soon." Lin ShaoYi's eerie voice echoed in the empty
Resentment seemed to flash through the TongTian Emperor's eyes, but it darkened
again in the next moment. They didn't know that Ling Xiao was currently also
attacking the the last layer of restraint. But, most likely because he had just broken
into the seven star level, it wasn't going very smoothly.
Of course, it might also be because he didn't know the right way to do it. Under the
constant drench from the spiritual water and multicolored spiritual energy, his
foundation was already extremely stable, so the most likely possibility was that his
method wasn't right. Even with the Yin Yang God's Pill, it was only a supplement.
The most important part still depended on his own awakening.
In order to allow Ling Xiao to break through in the best environment possible, You
XiaoMo had moved the Five Blessing Spirit Eye into his dimension. With the five-
colored spiritual energy and heavenly spiritual energy mixing together, perhaps it
could create some results that went beyond their expectations. Furthermore, if Ling
Xiao broke through by luck, maybe they would be able to avoid the Lightning
Tribulations by hiding in the dimension. You XiaoMo was truly a little worried that he
wouldn't be able to block it when the time came. If he caused Ling Xiao to be struck
by lightning, everything would be over.
The rich white spiritual energy and five-colored spiritual energy danced gracefully
through the air like a rainbow, multi-colored and extremely beautiful, before finally
flowing into Ling Xiao.
That scene persisted for about six hours before finally stopping. When everything
calmed down, Ling Xiao moved, both of his hands slashing strange tracks through
the air. Each track was a different color, as if corresponding with the five elements,
releasing a sort of flourishing aura.
You XiaoMo discovered with astonishment that all of the grass underneath his feet
were all pointing in Ling Xiao's direction, as if they were worshipping him. Some
patches of bare dirt were even starting to sprout new shoots of grass at a visible
When he looked at his magic herb field again, there was faint movement on the
distant mountain peak as well. He thought that Ling Xiao was about to succeed. Half
an hour later, that feeling subsided like the tide, and Ling Xiao coughed out a
mouthful of fresh blood as the spiritual energy around them immediately scattered.
You XiaoMo hastily ran over to his side. "How are you feeling?"
Ling Xiao waved his hand. "No harm, I just feel a little blocked up. It seems like I'm
missing something."
"Should you take the Yin Yang God's Pill now?" You XiaoMo had a flash of
Ling Xiao shook his head. "It's not time yet."
You XiaoMo grew anxious at once. If he didn't take the Yin Yang God's Pill and
continued to cultivate, it seemed like nothing much would change. Even though Ling
Xiao's path of cultivation didn't really have any difficulties, he still couldn't just blindly
keep doing what he was doing if he encountered a problem, especially if it was a
bottleneck. The more worried he was, the easier it was to fail.
"How about taking a rest?"
"No, I'm afraid there isn't enough time." Ling Xiao rejected him without even thinking
about it. The closer he was to that layer, the more clearly he could sense what the
rules for that Heaven and Earth Realm were. He could faintly see the indication that
the rules the previous Almighty left behind were about to collapse. This usually
indicated that a new Almighty was about to appear, most likely Lin ShaoYi.
When the Almighty appeared, the rules would be shattered, and the Heaven and
Earth Realm would draw up new rules. As long as this new Almighty was still alive,
all the rules would be made by him, and as long as a promise was broken, the rules
would directly punish the person who broke it. With Lin ShaoYi's personality, he
would probably make it even more extreme.
You XiaoMo clutched at his head, jittery, his hair a mess because of him pulling at it.
At that moment, the two husbands suddenly felt something, and they both looked
towards the small wooden house. In the quiet, simple house, a strong light exploded
from the cracks in the windows, as if there was something resonating inside of the
What could it be?
Chapter 706: Simulacrum and Separation
Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
Even as the owner of the house, You XiaoMo also could not guess what it was.

There are too many things to count in the little wooden house. There was a little bit
of everything and some were little trinkets picked up from some peddlers. Most were
piled into the cabinets in the little wooden house after he bought them.
You XiaoMo was hesitating whether to go and look through it or not. Ling Xiao had
already gotten up and walked over so he hurried after him. He could not help but
block his eyes with his hands when they opened the door of the little wooden house
and saw the scene inside. It was too dazzling to the eye.

You XiaoMo put down his hand a moment later.

The light had burst out from the decorations placed on the cabinet and there were a
total of twelve rays of light. A distant memory suddenly appeared in You XiaoMo's
mind upon seeing these things. It was a memory from long ago. At that time, he had
not left the southern part of the Long Xiang Continent.

He remembered that he went to SiFang Town, which was famous for its sculptures,
to buy a soul stone. In SiFang Town, Ling Xiao and him met a little boy who sold
them twelve jade carvings that were handed down from his ancestors at a very low
price. At that time, he only bought the twelve jade carvings because they looked like
the twelve Zodiacs. He just thought they were nice-looking, but he didn't realize that
these jade carvings were quite extraordinary.

Under their gaze, the twelve jade carvings suddenly rose into the air. They were
barely able to make out that the intense light was emitted from their bodies.

You XiaoMo tightly grasped Ling Xiao's sleeve, "This-this-this..."

He could hardly speak a complete sentence because he was too agitated. Suddenly,
he had an intuition that the twelve jade carvings might be the key to help Ling Xiao
to break through.

Ling Xiao gripped his hand, yet his eyes never left the jade carvings. He could feel
an unknown powerful aura, but there was also a feeling of familiarity. The several
bloodlines within his body began to pulse, as if a resonance had been created within
his body.

The twelve jade carvings rotated in the air, and the light became more and more
dazzling. At last, You XiaoMo could not help closing his eyes. As a result, there was
only one jade carving in front of him when he opened his eyes again.
The jade carvings looked like a Milu. This is the first thought that came into You
XiaoMo's mind after seeing it. Of course, he was not referring to the Milu from the
animal kingdom. The original name of the Milu was an elk, and the Milu here was
not an elk. The Milu quietly floated in the air.

Just as You XiaoMo was thinking of walking over, Ling Xiao suddenly pulled him
back. You XiaoMo was about to turn his head and question him when the jade
carving of the Milu changed.

The Milu jade carving emitted a faint ray of light. The next second, the light
lengthened and instantaneously transformed into a human figure wrapped in light,
making it hard to make out its appearance.

You XiaoMo jumped out of his skin. He turned and threw himself into Ling Xiao's
embrace while the latter took the opportunity to hug his waist at the same time.

A moment later, a reserved sigh sounded, as if it had been steeping for thousands of
years. The figure that could not be seen clearly opened its mouth as a somber tone
came from it, "Now that twelve jade carvings have been activated, it means that a
person with four types of bloodlines has reappeared. Regardless of who you are, I
will only say it once before I’ll disappear, so please listen carefully..."

As the other talked continuously, even the expression on Ling Xiao's face changed

This unfamiliar figure was the same person who died and brought down the former
TongTian Emperor with him during the ancient war. He was also the inheritor of four
bloodlines and the twelve jade carvings was a simulacrum he had left behind. Only
those who have four bloodlines would be able to activate them. Otherwise, these
jade carvings would just be an ordinary and ornamental item. Of course, although he
left behind the simulacrum, he would not have expected that Ling Xiao did not just
have four bloodlines, but five instead. Nevertheless, what he said had also greatly
benefited Ling Xiao.

Just now, he had problems while cultivating and what he lacked was a key.

He had this key now!

The content of the simulacrum's narration was his experience of successfully

integrating four bloodlines. He was not as lucky as Ling Xiao and had to blindly feel
out bit by bit for him to be able to grow to such a high level. The process was very
difficult, but he finally succeeded. He did not know if there would be another person
with four bloodlines like him in the future, but he left this simulacrum as he knew that
the person with four bloodlines would definitely be discriminated against. Whether
that person could get it or not depended on his luck.

In the land of the Qilin Clan, Lin Tian had finally arrived. He was only a little hurt and
it was nothing serious. Though Lin Ming did not deal the final blow to him in the end,
this just made him loathe Lin Ming even more. He had hindered Lin Ming’s progress
together with Zu Ma to buy time for Lin ShaoYi.

In fact, Lin Ming had guessed that Lin Tian definitely knew that Lin ShaoYi had
smashed the remains of Qilin Lord and used them to create a barrier. This was
because Lin Tian was the one who had hated the Qilin Lord the most among the
Qilin Clan. He must be the most happy to see that the Qilin Lord had died without a
whole body. They other members of the Qilin Clan had probably been left in the dark
regarding this.

"I say, what do you think would happen if I told the others that the Qilin Lord's
skeleton did not exist anymore?" Lin Ming threateningly glared at Zu Ma and Lin
Tian. He would no longer show them any mercy.

Zu Ma frowned.

On the contrary, Lin Tian was very calm. When he heard his words, the expression
on his face remained unchanged. The corner of his lips drew up in a cold smirk, "No
one will believe you. You are a traitor of the Qilin Clan and you're the one who killed
the Qilin Lord."

Zu Ma was immediately reassured upon hearing him say this. She was afraid that
the Qilin Clan would rebel at this critical moment. Now that the members of the
Black Spider had been drawn out, she could only rely on the Qilin Clan, but...

Zu Ma frowned. Tao WenLiang should have found out that it was a trap by now.
Why hadn't he come yet? Could it be that a mishap had happened while they were
on their way over again?

Lin Ming knew that the problem Lin Tian had brought up was the crux. Nowadays,
the members of the Qilin Clan did not believe him. Even if he said anything, they
would think that he was trying to sow dissension among them and would not believe
him at all. However, he believed that there would be some within the clan who
harbored some doubts.

As long as he scattered the seeds of suspicion and buried a lurking peril in their
hearts, the seeds would naturally grow when they think about it.

Lin Gu’s heart and his were linked as 0one, and Lin Gu had already asked people to
spread this out without Lin Ming needing to say anything.

The barrier that had appeared at the main peak was just too fishy. They had never
even heard of such a thing before. The Qilin Clan was not totally composed of blind
people. The reason they had chosen to unconditionally believe in Lin ShaoYi was
because the reputation he had construction in the past was deeply rooted in their
hearts. Therefore, they were not willing to believe the rumors spreading outside no
matter how bad it was.

But after such a long time, some people had begun to suspect something. Lin
ShaoYi often conspired with the Black Spider, though they did not know what sort of
shameful things they were doing behind others' back.

Now there were some old folks who did not approve of the war they were waging
with the three other clans. They believed that this misfortune was one the Black
Spider had brought down on themselves, and it should not be borne by the Qilin
Clan. However, they could not say anything because of Lin ShaoYi's might, resulting
in the present situation.

Lin Tian’s expression darkened upon feeling the change in the emotions of the Qilin
clansmen. However, as he was not naturally suited to be a leader, he was unable to
say anything to bolster their trust.

Only Zu Ma was anxious as she saw that the barrier would soon be broken by Lin
Gu and the rest. At this moment, Tao WenLiang finally came back. But unlike what
she had assumed, Tao WenLiang and the rest had cut an even more sorry figure
than her and they had even brought back less people then the number they had set
off with.

Zu Ma jumped out and rushed to them while Lin Tian was hassling Lin Ming, "What's
the matter? You were ambushed?"

"It is the Mage Association, the Beast Transfiguration Guild and the Cang Alliance.
They somehow got the news and ambushed us at those routes. We had managed to
escape after great difficulty and rushed back." Tao WenLiang's expression was no
longer as calm as before.

As he had finished speaking, the Mage Association, the Beast Transfiguration Guild
and the Cang Alliance who had been following closely behind rushed into the Qilin
Clan's land. Their arrival was one disaster on top of another for Zu Ma's side. She
had thought that their situation would improve, but they had attracted more
opponents in the end. All of this had clearly long been orchestrated by Lin Ming.

They did not suspect that there were still moles among them because of Lin Ming's
ingenious arrangement. The scene became more chaotic and the sound of fighting
and furious roars mingled. Through the joint siege of the seven major forces of the
TongTian Continent, the Black Spider and the Qilin Lord were finally unable to hold
out. The barrier had also collapsed under the attacks of Lin Gu and his group. The
golden dot of light that seemed to be representing the Qilin Lord slowly rose into the
sky, and eventually disappeared.

It was like they had felt something as all the Qilin clansmen suddenly felt like raising
their heads.

Several elders of the Qilin Clan suddenly withdrew from the battlefield. With a
sorrowful look on their faces, they muttered something that seemed to be related to
the Qilin Lord if one listened carefully. Then they made a decision that shocked

"The Qilin Clan announces their withdrawal from this war!"

A tossed stone raised a thousand ripples

Besides Lin Ming and Lin Gu, the others all had incredulous expressions on their
faces. This was especially so for Zu Ma and the Black Spider as this action had
which directly gave them a profoundly painful blow.

"You old farts, are you crazy? Do you know what you're talking about?! You've
actually deserted your Qilin Lord at this critical moment! Could it be that you aren't
afraid that ShaoYi will settle the score with you guys after he comes out of
seclusion?" Zu Ma practically went crazy. Things had not been going well for her
ever since ShaoYi went into secluded cultivation.

Several elders did not say anything even as they eyed her indifferently. Then they
left with their clansmen. The only person who did not move was Lin Tian. His
apathetic expression had never changed even when the truth was exposed. It had to
be said that he was really cold-blooded and ruthless to the extreme.

With the departure of the Qilin Clan, the situation on the battlefield became
overwhelmingly one-sided in an instant.
Chapter 707: Failure
Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

After the Qilin Clan withdrew, Black Spider became nothing more than a paper tiger.
Lin Ming left Black Spider to the six great powers. With their current strength and
numbers, Black Spider’s defeat was merely a matter of time. He and Lin Gu, on the
other hand, headed for the central peak.

The two soon arrived at the palace on the peak. Lin Ming had lived in this palace for
several thousand years, so he knew the place like the back of his hand. It didn’t take
him long to figure out where Lin ShaoYi would choose to undergo secluded

Apart from being where the Qilin Lord traditionally lived, the central peak was also
where their ancestors were buried. The Qilin Clan was the emperor among emperor
beasts, and even after death, their bodies still contained huge amounts of power.
Thus, the place where they were buried was also abundant with power.

If Lin ShaoYi wanted to ascend to the Almighty, then the best place for secluded
cultivation was the burial place behind the palace. At this thought, Lin Ming’s
expression darkened. Considering how power crazy Lin ShaoYi was, who knows
what he might do to the bones of their ancestors.

The two sped over. From afar, they could see a dense miasma behind the palace.
The burial place of their ancestors was now enveloped in malignant energy.

Lin Ming raised his head, looking at the sky. Though it was a rather clear day, he
could just about feel that the spiritual energy that made up the heavens and the
earth was restless, the clouds seemed distorted and the wind brought with it gusts of
heat. It was as if the entire world had somehow changed. That wasn’t the only thing.
He also saw countless barely visible white threads interlacing in the air, like a
massive spider web.

Seeing this, Lin Ming could help the shock that arose in him. Remembering what he
had heard before, he deduced that these thin white lines were probably the rules.
Once a new Almighty was born, the rules would be remade. Since he had never
seen it before, he hadn’t been sure. But it seemed that it was actually true.

Was Lin ShaoYi really about to succeed?

“We have to go and stop him!” Lin Gu, like him, felt a deep sense of worry. His
cultivation level was lower than Lin Ming’s so he couldn’t see the white lines of the
rules, but he could feel a sense of foreboding. His instincts told him that he had to
stop Lin ShaoYi.

The two immediately ran over. There were no barriers around the Qilin Clan’s burial
place, so the two kicked the door open and dashed in, onl to be shocked by the sight
they were met with.

Lin ShaoYi sat, legs folded, in the middle of a magic array, dark red energy swirling
around him. The magic array had already stopped what it had been doing, because
the TongTian Emperor had become no more than a pile of bones in front of him.
Though his recognizable features were all gone, it was easy to guess his identity. To
think that high and mighty TongTian Emperor would fall so low!

Glancing at the magic array, Lin Ming’s gaze turned to ice. He was very familiar with
this magic array because he had seen it before in the Qilin Clan’s forbidden
grounds. It was banned by the Qilin Clan because it was too evil. It had to absorb
another’s cultivation base to activate.

The Qilin Clan’s ancestors were buried under here, where Lin ShaoYi had set his
magic array. He was clearly using the energy left here by their ancestors to activate
the magic array. In the Qilin Clan, this sort of behavior was basically high treason
and perpetrators would usually be banished.

That was when Lin ShaoYi opened his eyes, his black irises had turned blood red,
staring directly at Lin Ming and Lin Gu. A malicious smile appeared on his
handsome face, like the devil, and he suddenly began to laugh uproariously, “Lin
Ming, you were pretty quick in getting here, but too bad, you’re still too late!”

“We won’t know that for sure until we try!” Lin Ming intoned as he raised a hand. A
glowing orb of spiritual energy formed on his palm, expanding until it was the size of
his fist. He curled his fingers and flung it at Lin ShaoYi, yet the other remained
confident and calm.

When the ball of light was within range, Lin ShaoYi suddenly opened his mouth. The
orb was immediately grasped by some sort of energy, being pulled into Lin ShaoYi’s
body uncontrollably and disappearing without a trace or sound.

Lin ShaoYi laughed wildly. “I already told you, you’re too late! Your attacks are
nothing to me. Just give up. If you beg now, I might even let you live.”

He sounded wild and handsomely arrogant, but neither of the two there to witness
this scene held any admiration for him.
Lin Gu directly suggested to Lin Ming, “Ming, try a physical attack.”

Lin Ming had also thought of this. If attacks with spiritual energy had no use and
would instead strengthen the other, then maybe physical attacks would work. Plus,
he had a good weapon on him. A silver longsword appeared in his hands soon after.

This longsword had a story behind it, too. The feat of You XiaoMo had used a spade
as a weapon at the Mage Assemblage, whacking Zu Ma into defeat, had long since
spread far and wide. Even Lin Ming had heard of it.

Normal steel wouldn’t be able to hold up against Zu Ma’s soul weapon, so

afterwards he had found out that the spade was spat out by the Metal Swallowing
Beast. Something created by the Metal Swallowing Beast was definitely made out of
the strongest metal to exist. Coincidentally, he had been missing a blade, so he
shamelessly asked for one from his son-in-law.

The Metal Swallowing Beast was very reluctant. It was only after You XiaoMo bribed
him with metal elemental liquid that the beast agreed.

Seeing them unwilling to accept defeat, Lin ShaoYi’s face darkened. “If you want to
die so badly, then I’ll take you as my first sacrifices as the Almighty.”

As he finished speaking, Lin Ming’s longsword had already struck.

The miasma above Lin ShaoYi immediately formed into a formidable shield, but it
only managed to last a few moments. With a clank, the shield was destroyed by the
longsword, returning to its original form. The blade continued to strike downwards at
Lin ShaoYi’s head.

Lin ShaoYi’s head snapped up, light flashing through his blood red eyes. The
longsword immediately stopped, hovering a mere ten centimeters away and unable
to progress any further.

Lin Ming roared, his spiritual energy whirling into action within him. He pressed down
as hard as he could, finally advancing a few centimeters more. On the other hand,
Lin Gu also took out his own weapon. Though it wasn’t made out of the Metal
Swallowing Beast’s metal, it was pretty good quality. While the two were at a
deadlock, he charged, stabbing forth.

When the sword was about to strike him, Lin ShaoYi suddenly roared in rage. The
miasma around him began to swirl rapidly, and the magic array under him erupted in
red light. An overwhelming power exploded from his body, sweeping outwards and
throwing Lin Ming and Lin Gu back several feet.

“Hahaha!” When they were about to charge again, Lin ShaoYi suddenly started
laughing like a crazy person, his laugh grating, growing louder and louder. Even
those outside the central peak heard him. Those who were relatively weaker
covered their ears in discomfort.

As he laughed, the magic array began to siphon the energy in the earth under them
into Lin ShaoYi’s body. Suddenly it was like they could see the blood in his body on
the surface of his skin, but his blood was no longer red. After taking the power of
belief that belonged to the TongTian Emperor, his blood had turned gold.

Lin Ming and Lin Gu paled as one. He succeeded?

Lin ShaoYi had become abnormally terrifying. The aura he emitted was no longer
something that a practitioner at the peak of seven stars could, but a pressure that
made even Lin Ming feel like he was suffocating.

“Run!” Lin Ming immediately grabbed Lin Gu and ran for it.

“Run? It’s too late for that!” A bloodthirsty and cruel smile appeared on Lin ShaoYi’s
face. He felt great right now, to the point where he wanted to do nothing more than
kill someone. The power in his body was restless, it made him feel too full. He
wanted to vent, so the two in front of him became his first prey. He wanted to know
what expression Ling Xiao would make when he realized that Lin ShaoYi had killed
his kin. It would look great, he was sure.

Then, he flicked his hand gently and a terrible power erupted, flying forth. This
casual attack was shockingly fast, reaching them in the blink of an eye. This was the
disparity between levels. He didn’t need to prepare or put any effort into it.

Lin Ming immediately pushed Lin Gu behind him, his spiritual energy erupting like a
fountain and lunging at the attack like a fearsome tiger. Yet in the next moment, he
coughed out blood. This disparity in power meant that he was nothing in front of
even a casual attack of Lin ShaoYi’s. Lin Ming swallowed down the pain that lanced
through his body and fled with Lin Gu.

Outside, everyone was struck dumb by the sheer pressure of this powerful aura.

This energy was very foreign, but it pressed down on them, caused their hearts to
tremble. It made them feel like they would kneel.

Unlike the other people of the seven great powers, Zu Ma’s expression changed
from shock to delight. The moment she had been waiting for was finally here. Then,
they saw two streaks of light escape from the central peak. Behind them, the palace
was also beginning to collapse. The building representative of the Qilin Clan, the
home of generations of Qilin Lords, was now destroyed.

The two streaks of light stopped before Tian Ming and Tian Hen. Before they could
speak, Lin Gu immediately said, “The plan failed, retreat at once!”

Hearing this, everyone instantly realized the severity of the situation. It was good
that they had already discussed the consequences of failure. Seeing Lin Ming
injured, they had already begun retreating.

That was when a bloodthirsty voice echoed from the central peak. “Since you’ve all
came here, then don’t even think about leaving. All of you will become my
Chapter 708: Caught Up
Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
Hearing this sound, the elites from the seven major forces expressions all changed.
Even though they had considered this possibility before going here, they weren't
really mentally prepared. Now, their souls were most certainly trembling because of
Lin ShaoYi.
This kind of feeling cannot be wrong!
Black Turtle Clan had one member who experienced the ancient war and his face
turned excited and his hands shook too. His stared wide eyed at that direction and
murmured, "That person...he's here again..."
Although his voice was small, those nearby to him still heard it.
In their hearts they all started to question, who was he?
"Don't overthink it, hurry up and go!" A True Dragon Clan practitioner charged over
with a anxious expression. Even though there weren't many True Dragon Clan
members here, they were all elites. If they all died here, it would be a huge blow to
the True Dragon Clan.
They had believed that even with the Black Spider and Qilin Clan partnering up, they
could deal with it as the major forces and that includes Lin ShaoYi as well. No matter
how strong he was, he was just the pinnacle of seven stars and they had a seven
star as well. So it's impossible to think they couldn't deal with one Lin ShaoYi.
However, this was all under the pretense that Lin ShaoYi's plan failed. As people
should know, the Almighty Realm wasn't easily achieved. They just didn't think, Lin
ShaoYi was lucky enough to get there at the most critical of moments.
Everyone's face turned sour. The weaker ones ran first while the strongest stayed
behind. However, they still underestimated the Almighty. The first thing Lin ShaoYi
did as the Almighty was to kill as a warning, and they were the unlucky ones chosen.
Thus, they would become the first souls to appear by his hand.
Just as they ran towards the edge of the Qilin Clan, the exit suddenly closed.
The Qilin Clan's base was an dimension created by their ancestors. With Lin Ming
and the other's abilities opening it wasn't hard, but also closing it was just as easy,
so when they realized that no matter what they did, it wouldn't open, they finally
understood the severity of the issue.
Lin ShaoYi's laughter came behind them.
Everyone turned around but the Black Spider had no given chase. They had all
suffered some sort of injuries, after all, they were surrounded by the seven major
forces and many died. Now, they all stood below the mountain and above them, was
Lin ShaoYi, who appeared as if God had descended.
If the Lin ShaoYi from before was shockingly strong, then the Lin ShaoYi now made
one feel suffocated, as if an invisible hand was clamped around their neck, ready to
take their lives at any moment.
"I told you, none of you are getting away." Lin ShaoYi's voice and chuckle slowly
appeared. His blood-red eyes stared at them and an invisible pressure weighted on
them like a mountain. "From now on, I'm the owner of all the planes, you will all live
under my rule. Killing you can be done with just a thought."
As he said that, his hand reached forward and lighty tightening his fist, white strings
appeared then turned to dust under his hand. Once he opened his fist, everything
had disappeared from this world.
This was the world's 'rule', it used to restrict them, but now, with a flick of a finger, he
could pulverize these 'rules'. This wonderful feeling of controlling everything filled
him from the inside out. He couldn't help but want to sigh, this was the strength he
longed for!
Once he had such power, all Lin ShaoYi saw looking at Lin Ming and the others was
their insignificance. It was so boring, because the him now, could use a finger and
make them completely disappear.
Seeing the blank looks of the people below, Lin ShaoYi laughed in mockery. All
idiots who knows nothing!
"To celebrate my becoming of the Almighty, I'll give you guys a chance. Bow before
me, surrender yourselves to me and I'll spare your life. As for those who opposes,
death!" Lin ShaoYi's spiteful voice appeared in everyone's ears, it was so loud that
they felt their ear drums buzzing. For a lot of them, this moment was when they
realized, maybe they really lost.
After he finished and a long while after, no one said anything. Even if they knew they
were mostly likely going to die, no one wanted to be the one to cave.
Lin ShaoYi wasn't angry either, instead, his lips curled up and he eyed Lin Gu and
Lin Ming with interest. They were the ones he wanted to deal with first, not only
because they were Ling Xiao's family but because he needed to kill the strongest for
the 'warning' to be effective.
Thinking it this far, he slowly reached out his hand.
Just then, a sudden loud bang could be heard.
The dimension suddenly started to shake violently, as if some incredible force was
attacking it from the outside. The earth shook with it and a while later, the dimension
was broken through and a few stream of light charged in with intensity. In an instant
they appeared before them and from the light appeared six figures.
"The head, it's the head!" The Demon Phoenix Clan experts shouted in surprise.
Other than them, the elites of other clans all showed an expression of pleasant
surprise as they stared at the figures above them.
The six were, Fu CangQiong, the strongest three from the Demon Phoenix Clan, Lei
Gong and Shen Old Man. However, they did not feel the happiness from being on
time, but rather they stared at Lin ShaoYi with a solemn expression. From his body,
they felt a terrifying power, was that the strength of the Almighty?
"Heh, instead of me going to you, you decided to come and seek your death!" Lin
ShaoYi looked at them and his lips curled up in joy. These were all people he
wanted to kill. At first he thought of finishing things here before going to find them
but now, it was more convenient this way.
Fu CangQiong walked in front and stared at him with a piercing gaze, "If we didn't
come to kill you, were we supposed to wait for you to come and pick us off one by
one? Lin ShaoYi, let's be frank here, we all know your wish of unifying the TongTian
Continent. But I'm here to tell you that's impossible!"
Lin ShaoYi shrugged and laughed. With an incredibly arrogant expression, he said,
"Unifying the TongTian Continent? Do you think I still need to? Let me tell you, I'm
the current ruler of all the planes, including the TongTian Continent and you guys?
You are just a measly ant beneath my feet!"
"Don't waste anymore time chit chatting, let's go at once!" Xuan Zong said with a
cold expression. After he said that, he turned into his original form and a massive
Black Tortoise covered the sky. Those of the Black Turtle Clan rarely showed
themselves, especially in their original form, almost no one had seen it before.
The Demon Phoenix Clan and Dragon Clan head didn't fall behind either, with one
turning into a massive Fire-red Demon Phoenix and the other a Five-Clawed Golden
Dragon. The sky was almost completely covered by these three with barely a cloud
in sight. An overpowering pressure slowly spread across.
They must use all of their power to defeat Lin ShaoYi, the longer they dragged on,
the worse it was for them. Thus, the three Emperor Beasts roared towards Lin
ShaoYi from the sky and after a short while, they all used their ultimate moves. A
flaming fireball, a scorching dragon's breath, a horn like soundwave...
Lin ShaoYi looked at the three Emperor Beasts in the sky and smiled mockingly.
The seemingly terrifying power was nothing in front of him. If the Almighty could be
defeated by a few seven stars, then it wasn't the Almighty Realm anymore. So, he
simply reached out and said, "Freeze, break!"
Just a freeze and a break, that's all it took.
The three powerful moves stopped, then like glass, shattered, turning into shining
dust and disappeared amongst the sky.
But, that wasn't the end of it.
Lin ShaoYi lightly waved and in an instant, as if hit by a powerful blow, the three
Emperor Beast's massive bodies actually went back a good distance. Not only that,
all three spit out blood, and that blood, like mist, slowly fell down the sky.
Everyone from the Black Spider watched with fervour, this was the power of the man
they chased after! With no effort at all, he defeated the best of the Demon Phoenix
Clan, the True Dragon Clan and the Black Turtle Clan, and with only one move at
that! Zu Ma's eyes also sparkled. She stared at Lin ShaoYi with adoration and
worship, this was the man she choose!
On the other hand, the Alliance were filled with despair. They had thought that with
their experts finally here, they could at least drag out Lin ShaoYi for a while, but they
couldn't even last a hit. Now, they finally understood the strength of the Almighty. It
was terrifying!
Some wore a solemn expression, looks like death was inescapable now.
Fu CangQiong, Lei Gong and Old Man Shen were all shocked, but they did not back
down. The three looked at each other, then charged over in three streams of light.
The Emperor Beasts who turned back to their human form, also charged over. If
three wasn't enough, then six.
However, they still underestimated the power of the Almighty.
Controlling the 'rules' and becoming the ruler of everything within it, the Almighty
didn't need to use spiritual energy from his body or absorb the spiritual energy from
the world. Instead, like You XiaoMo's control over his dimension, with a single
thought, he could make anything from that dimension appear and he could appear
anywhere in his dimension.
Lin ShaoYi was the same, although he couldn't travel between planes, as long as he
stood on the TongTian Continent, then he could go anywhere within it.
That was one of the difference between the Almighty Realm and the Sacred Realm.
In the sky appeared the sound of power and power colliding. Under the shocking
gaze of everyone else, even with the six partnering up, they weren't enough.
One after another they were blasted away and dropped into the mountain range
below. Their power was so strong that it broke the mountain range. High above in
the skies, Lin ShaoYi stood pridefully.
As if sound disappeared from the world, everything felt silent.
Lin ShaoYi's indifferent gaze slowly landed on Lin Gu and Lin Ming who bore a
heavy expression. Lin ShaoYi's eyes was filled with an unmistakable killing intent as
he said softly, "Now it's your turn!"
With that, without giving them a chance to speak, he pointed towards their direction.
The spacial energy around them suddenly went into turmoil and the space around
them started to twisted, creating black spatial cracks one after another. The vast
spacial energy poured out and these black holes, as if planning to devour them,
opened their bloody mouth at Lin Ming and Lin Gu.
Under the purposeful control of Lin ShaoYi, these spatial energies, which used to a
piece of cake for Lin Ming and the others, became life threatening. There with no
doubt in their minds that if they were hit, they would die. Seeing this, TianGou's
members eyes went bloodshot and their expression were as if they wished to tear
Lin ShaoYi apart.
Feeling their hatred, Lin ShaoYi laughed, "Stupid people, don't worry, once I'm done
with your master, the next is you guys."
As he finished, the spacial cracks filled with spacial energy made a sizzling sound
and pounded at Lin Gu and Lin Ming.
Seeing as the two was about to be sucked in and teared into pieces, the menacing
spatial energy and crack suddenly stopped. A second later, a power that seemed to
have poured out from the ground brushed over the twisted dimension, as if by a
comforting hand, it returned to its original state. The spatial energy that once filled
the air instantly shrunk back into the spacial crack as if a mouse had seen a cat and
There was pure silence as a blurry figure, maybe two, appeared soundlessly above
the spacial crack.
Just as everyone appeared to have been strangled, the calm, high above, arrogant
expression of Lin ShaoYi's finally cracked.
Chapter 709: Fight
Translated by Yan of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
"Ling Xiao, sure enough it was you!" Lin ShaoYi's furious howl resounded all across
the territory of the Qilin Clan. He stared dead at the two figures who had suddenly
appeared. Even if they turned into ash, he would recognize them: Ling Xiao and You
XiaoMo. The two of them actually appearing at this moment was indeed outside of
his expectations, but what really shocked him wasn't that.
He could sense a power that wasn't weaker than his own coming from Ling Xiao's
body. How could this kind of thing happen? However, that feeling of disbelief only
flashed across his mind before he immediately remembered that time when he allied
with the TongTian Emperor to fight Ling Xiao.
Back then, Ling Xiao had revealed the strength of the bloodline in his body to them,
but at that time, Ling Xiao wasn't as powerful as him yet, so his bloodline strength
wasn't as strong as Lin ShaoYi's either.
Lin ShaoYi hadn't paid much attention to it then because Ling Xiao only had a six
star cultivation base. Even if his goal was also the Almighty, there was still a large
gap. At that time, Lin ShaoYi's plan was about to succeed, so no matter what he
didn't believe that Ling Xiao had a way to catch up to him.
Now, Ling Xiao gave him "a pleasant surprise."
Lin ShaoYi glowered at Ling Xiao's figure. Even if he was dreaming, he wouldn't
have imagined his luck to be so good. Sure enough, he should have personally set
out at that time in Dong Zhou.
His roar startled a bunch of people at once. Everyone finally recovered and they all
opened their eyes wide, staring at the two figures in the sky with shock. If Lin ShaoYi
hadn't shouted one of their names, most of them would probably be unable to
recognize them immediately.
"Is it really Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo?" Lei Gong pushed aside the stone on top of
his body and instantly stood up, staring at the two of them like everyone else. Since
he had only seen the two of them a few times before, he wasn't very certain. This
aura was much more powerful than anyone else's here.
Old Man Shen furrowed his brows. He glanced at the other people's reactions. "It
should be them, correct."
"The two brats finally made it! I thought that they wouldn't be able to. Thankfully they
did. Next, we can only leave Lin ShaoYi to them. It's the young folks' job!" Fu
CangQiong said emotionally. He had long since learned from TianGou that the two
of them had been in secluded cultivation this entire time, and he had guessed then
that they were very likely thinking of a way to deal with Lin ShaoYi.
"What happened to the two of them?" Xuan Zong walked over, looking bewildered.
Even though he was very happy that someone could deal with Lin ShaoYi, he was
still extremely puzzled over their sudden advancement in strength, especially You
It wasn't unreasonable for Ling Xiao's strength to abruptly rise. Since Xuan Zong
was the head elder of the Black Turtle Clan, he had once been lucky enough to hear
the founder's prophecy.
"No matter what happened, in the end it was still something good!" The Dragon Lord
continued for him. From his point of view, as long as they could lessen the
casualties for the True Dragon Clan, anything would do.
The head of the Demon Phoenix Clan also nodded his head in agreement.
Even though they could already tell that Ling Xiao was in the same boat as Lin
ShaoYi, with both of them seemingly possessing the Four Ancient Beast Clan
bloodlines, if they had to pick one from the two, they would choose Ling Xiao without
a question. At least no matter how you looked at it, Ling Xiao didn't seem like
someone who would scheme wildly.
The two figures in the air slowly descended in front of everybody, before finally
landing before Lin Gu and Lin Ming. They hadn't walked over yet before Lin Ming
violently slammed a fist on Ling Xiao's shoulder and immediately started to curse.
"Damn brat, you really know how to choose the right moment. You purposefully pick
this key moment to appear, do you think you're really impressive, really cool, really
handsome? Why do I feel like you guys got here a long time ago and deliberately
hid to the side, watching secretly? Answer me obediently, was that the case?"
Ling Xiao rolled his eyes at him.
Sweat appeared on You XiaoMo's forehead as he spoke; not out of guilt, but just
because he felt like Papa Lin's way of thinking was very peculiar. During such a
dangerous time, how could they hide to the side, watching secretly? When he
thought of that, he immediately tugged at Ling Xiao's sleeve.
Ling Xiao answered extremely calmly, "If it was just you, I definitely would've fulfilled
your 'wish.' But since Uncle Gu is also here, I wouldn't take that risk."
Lin Gu felt both happy and helpless when he heard that: happy because Xiao-er still
looked very highly upon him, but helpless because Ling Xiao still called him Uncle
Gu even up till now. He actually wanted to hear a different name come from Ling
Xiao's mouth more.
Lin Ming laughed out of anger. He just knew that if this damn brat didn't talk back for
a single day he wouldn't feel comfortable inside his heart. However, he didn't grow
angry, since he was the same as Lin Gu. He always worried before that his son
wouldn't recognize A-Gu. Now it looked like there was still a chance. Furthermore,
begging his son's wife earlier was indeed the right thing to do. It seemed like his son
was one of those people who listened only to his wife.
It probably sounded a little miserable. His son always ignored him, but Lin Ming
wasn't the type to be heartbroken over it, as he was someone who was quite
stubborn. After all, his son had been separated from him since he was young, so it
was probably a little difficult to make him formally recognize him immediately, so
there wasn't really anything to complain about.
"I didn't think you would really succeed!" Lin Ming turned the topic back onto him.
From his expression, you could tell he was extremely excited. Lin ShaoYi's earlier
attitude had made him burn with rage, and now he could only depend on his son to
restore equilibrium once again.
But Lin Gu wasn't as optimistic as him. Instead, his expression grew serious as he
said, "Xiao-er, you and Lin ShaoYi both only broke through recently. Your levels of
strength are the same, you must be careful!"
Ling Xiao stared steadily at him before the corners of his mouth suddenly lifted. The
curve of his lips indicated an unbidden, extremely arrogant self-confidence. "Just
wait and see, Uncle Gu."
After he finished speaking, he turned and flew into the sky, meeting Lin ShaoYi in
the far distance.
Ling Xiao looked at Lin ShaoYi across from him with a faint smile. He said slowly,
"Even though you look only a little worse than me, every time I see this face of
yours, I feel like I have a cramp in my stomach. I'm already tired of this feeling, so
let's take care of our grudge once and for all."
"Pfft!" You XiaoMo couldn't help but burst out laughing. Before, he had already
witnessed how Ling Xiao talked back to Lin ShaoYi. He was highly anticipating this
time as well, and sure enough, Ling Xiao didn't disappoint him.
However, not everyone else was so fortunate, as they all looked absolutely
Lin ShaoYi's eyes twitched. He found out that even though he succeeded in
becoming the Almighty, he could still be angered by Ling Xiao. Every time they met,
Ling Xiao could always say something that made Lin ShaoYi want to kill him on the
spot. His face immediately grew cold, and he aimed his clenched fists at him as he
said, "Ling Xiao, you can only talk big all you want right now. In a moment, I'll show
you who's the real Almighty!"
"Talk big?" Ling Xiao laughed lightly, looking at him with pensive eyes. His
expression looked more like that of the Almighty lord looking down from the sky,
unruffled and unhurried, as if nothing anybody else said could bother him.
You XiaoMo lifted his head, staring with adoration at his man. He had also heard
what Lin ShaoYi said. He was the one who understood Ling Xiao the best; not only
was he skilled at talking big, his fighting ability was even more powerful than his
ability to talk big. Thinking of this, he immediately shouted loudly, "Ling Xiao, beat
him to death! Show him how great you are! Peel off all his clothes, let him taste what
it feels like to bare his butt!"
If there wasn't that last sentence, it definitely would've amazing encouragement! Not
only was did he speak suddenly, startling others, but with that last sentence, he
instantly scared quite a few people.
Lin ShaoYi's face went ashen, and his killing gaze moved from Ling Xiao to him. He
looked as if he wanted to eat someone alive with his gaze, and You XiaoMo
adjusted his face to a 'come and eat me' expression.
That kind of arrogant attitude made Lin ShaoYi's killing intent surge to its peak in a
single instant. He made his move without saying a single word more. His fist
smashed over, but it was blocked unsurprisingly by Ling Xiao. The fist that Fu
CangQiong and the rest had to use all their strength to withstand was easily blocked
by Ling Xiao.
Now, everyone finally believed that Ling Xiao's strength was already powerful
enough that he could compete equally with Lin ShaoYi. Hope replaced many
people's despairing expressions, as everyone started to look a little excited.
Lin ShaoYi glared at Ling Xiao with a gloomy look, as he spread his hands before
curling them into one tight fist. Those white colored threads appeared again.
Perhaps other people couldn't see it, but Ling Xiao could. All around him, the
threads of the rules materialized, gathering around him like sharp blades with Ling
Xiao at the center. His mouth curled in disdain, and with a crook of his finger, the
rule threads instantly halted before turning back to nothingness in the next moment.
Just like Lin ShaoYi before, he could destroy the existing rules at his whim.
"Luckily you can perform these small tricks. If it was me, I would definitely feel very
ashamed!" Ling Xiao didn't forget to hit him one last time afterwards, but this time
after speaking, he didn't give Lin ShaoYi time to twitch his face. His figure flashed,
and he immediately disappeared.
Everyone immediately looked towards Lin ShaoYi. Sure enough, they saw their two
figures tangle together at a speed so fast that they couldn't even see it.
Two Almighty exchanging blows; the scene was awe-inspiring.
In order to avoid being affected, Fu CangQiong and the rest immediately withdrew
from the Qilin Clan's territory with everyone else. The space very likely wouldn't be
able to withstand the destruction that the two of them were creating. Even if
everyone wanted to watch the state of the battle extremely badly, they still left
according to plans for the sake of their lives.
The Black Spider wasn't so lucky. The exit was guarded by Fu CangQiong and the
rest, so unless they charged out, they could only stand and watch.
Zu Ma snorted coldly and didn't move. She believed firmly that ShaoYi would
definitely win. When that time came, not a single person would be able to escape.

You XiaoMo was just watching the fight, unable to take his eyes off of it, when a
familiar voice sounded next to his ear, "Master!"
Chapter 710: Colliding Energies
Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The voice from behind was extremely agitated, however You XiaoMo did not hear it.
His entire head was full of the two people above. It was only until the other side
roared in his ear that he startled and jumped in shock. When he looked closely, he
found that not a single one from his Qiu team had left.

"Why haven't you guys left yet?" You XiaoMo asked subconsciously.

The group of more than ten people instantly looked at each other in dismay. Finally,
SheQiu stepped forward as the representative and took a deep breath, "How can we
leave before our Master?"

You XiaoMo blinked, "Why can't you guys go?"

SheQiu sighed, "Because we are your contracted demon beasts and you are our

Other than the Weasel Beast, the rest had arrived first with Lin Ming. Each and
everyone of them could be considered as a member of the TianGou. They had put a
lot of effort into this battle because Lin ShaoYi had deep grudges with their Master.
Fortunately, their strength had all greatly improved so they were able to execute
many members of the Black Spider. Although they were injured, they did not
encounter any huge obstacles.

You XiaoMo looked at them and realized for the first time that he had contracted
with many demon beasts.

With all his demon beasts standing in a row, he just happened to have eleven
demon beasts when excluding the chick who temporarily had his contract dissolved
and the baby turtle who they did not know whether to include. This was just enough
to form a soccer team.

Speaking of this, he had hardly met up with the members of this Qiu team ever since
they came to the TongTian Continent. Though they had lived in ease and comfort
after following him, they spent of of their time outside helping him run errands.
Looking at them now, he discovered that each and everyone had changed greatly.

"You don't have to stay here. Go outside and help others." You XiaoMo waved his
hand, "When I first arrived, Ling Xiao and I saw many powerful demon beasts
outside and noticed that they were the forces from Xi Jing. Furthermore, all were
here to throw themselves into Lin ShaoYi's lap. It should be Zu Ma who asked them
to come with the intent to ambush us."

Since Lin Ming had preparations made to meet contingencies, Zu Ma would also
have a backup plan. This backup was the forces who were relying on them.
Although they were mostly a rag-tag bunch, these people were also a powerful force
when gathered together. She had originally intended to hide them outside to ambush
those moving alone or those who were injured, but she did not expect things to
develop in this manner.

"I understand." SheQiu knew what You XiaoMo meant at once. Anyway, they could
not do much even if they stayed here. It was better for them to go outside and kill the
enemy to their heart's content.

"Let's compete and see who kills more!" The no-longer naive PiQiu immediately
suggested with two glittering eyes.

He got the others to go along with him soon enough. The first one to agree was
CatQiu. The two often hung out together and did not learn many good things,
instead they learned a large basket of bad things. You XiaoMo did not have time to
pay attention to them then. As a result, they turned out this way.

LanQiu also headed off to kill the enemies with his brothers. Ever since You XiaoMo
saved the Wolf of Greed, the six brothers worked themselves to the bone for him.
Twenty to thirty percent of the subordinates that the Black Spider had lost was due
to their handiwork. You XiaoMo's eyes almost popped out when he heard this from
Tian Dao.

Within a short while, the group of more than ten people had left.

You XiaoMo breathed a sigh of relief. He had been really afraid that they would
insist on staying. He would be at a loss if they were mixed up with this and got
injured. Suddenly, he felt several scorching gazes fall on him. He discovered three
familiar people as he followed the lines of sight and instantly grinned.

Two of the three immediately gave him a piercing glare. A loud explosion in the sky
drew their attention once again. One could only see two entangled figures - one in
blue and the other in white - quickly separating as their killing intent filled the sky.

Both of them were Almighty practitioners. They were no longer at the stage where
they used their spiritual energy to bombard each other like before. Sonic booms
continuously sounded from the air, warping the space. The spacial cracks that
appeared in large quantities practically riddled the sky like a thousand gaping
wounds. There was a spacial crack above their heads that would probably collapse
in a short while.

Lin Shaoyi malevolently glared at Ling Xiao. Flames rapidly flared up beneath his
feet and swiftly materialized into the shape of a fire Qilin in front of him. Though it
looked exactly the same as that fire Qilin that had fought to a stalemate with Ling
Xiao, its aura had changed.

The fire Qilin opened its eyes and a pair of crimson eyes emerged from within the
flames. The eyes were vivid and realistic and as if there was life in the fire Qilin. It
ferociously stared at Ling Xiao like its master as a threatening noise came from its
mouth. It suddenly flew out like a meteor after using its front hooves to kick out a few
times, pouncing towards Ling Xiao.

The corner of Ling Xiao's mouth lifted in a callous arc as he tightly clenched his fist.
Boundless power instantly converged in his hand. When the fire Qilin attacked while
roaring, he smashed his fist onto its head. The entire scene froze in a flash and the
Qilin roared as it turned into sparks before disappearing.

Lin Shaoyi concentrated his attention on this, but Ling Xiao's attack arrived before
he could make a move. After Ling Xiao eliminated the fire Qilin, his left hand quickly
formed several seals. White balls of light rose from his hands and the numerous
balls then shot towards Lin ShaoYi.

Lin Shaoyi gave a cold snort and was about to meet the attack with his palm.
Suddenly a palpitation arose in his heart and his expression changed as he
retreated as fast as the wind. Unexpectedly, the light ball abruptly increased its
speed and swiftly arrived in front of him...


The explosion of numerous balls of light was like a gorgeous and ultra-large
firework, blooming brilliantly above in the sky. The space finally collapsed, crashing
down like shattered glass.

"Get out of here!" Fu CangQiong's voice suddenly sounded and everyone turned
into streaks of light as they speedily flew towards the exit. They were already close
to the exit and arrived in the blink of an eye.

Though there were members of the Black Spider behind them, everyone ignored
them. With the collapse of the space, everyone would be drawn into the void if they
did not leave in time. There was spacial energy that could wring a person to death
everywhere within the void. These could not be compared to the spacial storms
encountered in a spatial passageway as their power was almost doubled.

The rate of the space collapsing was extremely fast. You XiaoMo was rejoicing as
he fled. Fortunately, he had the foresight to tell SheQiu and the rest to get out.
Otherwise, he would worry about whether they could escape. He did not need to
worry about the rest. If they died because of this, their self-respect would probably
be thrown all the way to their grandma's house.

The whole process took less than fifteen seconds. You XiaoMo turned around. The
space had been filled the dark and bottomless world of the void. The entire Qilin
Clan's clan land disappeared instantly without a trace. Looking up, You XiaoMo saw
Ling Xiao standing above a mountain peak while Lin ShaoYi cut a slightly sorry
figure. His luxurious clothes were tattered and torn. Though he did not appear to
have sustained an injury, it was a small achievement to see him cut such a sorry

The expression in Lin ShaoYi's eyes was hidden as a low pressure radiated all over
from Lin ShaoYi's body, causing the heaven and earth to change with his negative
mood. The sky was gradually covered by a cloud of blood. Since Lin ShaoYi's
method to become an Almighty was unorthodox, this huge cloud of blood seemed to
be the posthumous energy of the Qilin Ancestor that he had absorbed. There was
an enormous amount of energy in the cloud and an unusual rage-filled aura could be
vaguely seen twisting inside. Tremendous booms were accompanied by thunder
and lightning. Fu CangQiong and the rest below were dumbstruck.

Unexpectedly, Lin ShaoYi still had such a technique which appeared to be his trump
card. Every lightning bolt contained an exceptionally violent energy. Even they did
not have ample confidence that they would be able to block the next lightning bolt.
As they were too focused, they did not noticed that the expressions of all the experts
of the Qilin Clan had changed. Their gazes that were full of murderous intent were
fixed onto Lin ShaoYi.

Everyone anxiously looked at Ling Xiao. Yet, Ling Xiao's expression did not have the
slightest change at all. It was so calm and collected like before that it made people
feel at ease. In the next second, flames that filled the whole sky poured out from his
feet and it instantly gathered into a flame that was on par with the blood cloud.

Shockingly, these flames were not purple or red, but white like ice and mist.
However, it was definitely flames. They could feel the burning heat emitting from it
despite it looking so chilly that cold air could radiate from it. Moreover, it was not the
burning feeling of the skin, but of the soul. It was as if they were standing naked
within the flames and there was also an indistinct feeling of separation from the

All of their hearts were palpitating as they wondered what kind of flame it was. Some
even looked at You XiaoMo with questions written on their faces.

You XiaoMo was also bewildered. They hurried over immediately after Ling Xiao had
advanced, so he had never seen it before too.

Without an answer, everyone could only turn back and continue to stare.

The clouds of blood that blotted out the sky and covered up the earth seemed to
have finished gathering as the oppressive sounds of thunder echoed from it. The
sounds were extremely overwhelming and everyone's hearts convulsed as they
heard it. Then, under Lin Shaoyi's instructions, the clouds of blood warped into a
strange face as it fiercely leaped at Ling Xiao to take a bite out of him.

Before the blood cloud could reach Ling Xiao, the icy and foggy flames that were
boiling around him turned into a white Qilin in the blink of an eye. The white Qilin
immediately rushed out. Its jumping ability was extraordinarily high, and it practically
collided with the blood cloud that transformed into a devil mask in an instant. The
devil mask opened its mouth and seemed to be intending on swallowing the white
Qilin in one gulp. However, the Qilin jumped over the top of the devil mask and
revealed razor-sharp teeth when it was on the head of the devil mask. With an open
mouth, it bit down...

The devil mask distorted and it immediately bit back. Both parties bit each other
back and forth until they were bitten out of shape. Their transformed bodies violently
convulsed as if it was on the verge of being unable to maintain its shape. The two
powers slammed into each other, and waves of energy continued to spread out. The
nearby mountains and peaks were leveled by the energy waves, shaking both the
heaven and the earth.

The people no longer cared about the fight as each and everyone of them
evacuated to a safe place. Who knew if the energy would suddenly reach them in a
moment of carelessness.

As this tense moment, the fire Qilin that appeared to be facing imminent defeat
roared toward the sky. Even more white flames gathered around it rapidly and the
figure that was about ten meters tall rose dramatically to a height of one hundred
meters. Its energy seemed to be even more potent as it stared at the devil face
blood cloud like a powerful hunter eying its prey.

Lin ShaoYi's expression changed.

Chapter 711: Victory?
Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

By the time Lin ShaoYi realized what the other was planning, it was too late. The
massive Qilin opened its jaws. Suddenly, a powerful force appeared, targeting the
devil mask and drawing it inwards. Caught off guard, the immense cloud of blood
was sucked in. When Lin ShaoYi wanted to pull it back out, a third of the blood cloud
had already entered the Qilin’s maw.

It was almost as if everyone could hear the sound of chewing. It didn’t take long
before half the devil mask was devoured. As if it could feel pain, the devil mask let
out a blood curdling scream, gratingly harsh on the ears. Some people had to cover
their ears, but it didn’t have too big of an effect.

“Bastard!” Lin ShaoYi cursed, screaming in rage. His entire face was red, almost like
it was about to bleed. He put his all into strengthening the blood cloud, but no matter
what he did, it wasn’t enough. The devil mask was still pulled in bit by bit, devoured
by the massive qilin little by little.

The situation wasn’t looking good for him at all. Lin ShaoYi hardened his heart and
gritted his teeth, abandoning the majority of the blood cloud and devouring what little
remained himself, as if afraid it would be devoured by the massive qilin. He still
didn’t understand where Ling Xiao got his white fire from. Logically speaking, he had
Ling Xiao were in the same circumstance, so why did the other have what he didn’t?

Across from him, the massive qilin smacked its lips, dissatisfied, before turning back
into flame and returning to Ling Xiao. This exchange once again ended in Ling
Xiao’s favor.

Lin ShaoYi couldn’t figure out why, so he decided to stop bothering to try. Perhaps
he and Ling Xiao were in different circumstances. If he kept at it, he’d only lose
confidence in himself, and he refused to let that happen. At this thought, he
bellowed, a terrifying power spreading out, as if the very earth was trembling and the
skies were about to collapse...

The crowd’s hearts fell.

It seemed like the blood cloud wasn’t Lin ShaoYi’s ace up the sleeve. What followed
would truly be the decisive factor.

That was when Lin ShaoYi’s form wavered, like it was about to disappear, yet in the
next moment, everyone was dumbstruck.

Lin ShaoYi’s original form was a qilin. Even if he had obtained the bloodlines of the
Demon Phoenix, True Dragon and Black Turtle Clans, he was still a qilin. That
wouldn’t change, unless he was born with it like Ling Xiao.

However, what now stood in front of everyone wasn’t a qilin.

If You XiaoMo had to describe it, he could only say it didn’t look like anything in
particular. This demon beast had an extremely odd appearance, it held hints of the
qilin, but also the other three clans. It might look strange, but the terrifying aura it
emitted was much stronger than any of the four demon beasts. It even had a third
eye on its forehead, though it was shut tight at the moment.

A dense miasma clung to it, silent but oppressive. Then, that third eye suddenly
opened in the dark mist, the gaze of that blood red iris causing one’s very soul to
tremble, like a beast that had crawled out of the abyss, staring directly at Ling Xiao.

“Ling Xiao, this is my true form after becoming the Almighty, a king above all else. I
know that you’re the same. Come, show me your true strength. I want you to
remember who it was that defeated you!” The demon beast stared straight at Ling
Xiao, speaking in a human voice, but cold seeped out of his eyes and it’s aura
pressed down against the world.

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked to Ling Xiao.

A strange smile appeared on Ling Xiao’s calm face. “You think that’s enough to
defeat me? I’m surprised that you have such a naive side to yourself, Lin ShaoYi. It’s
alright though. Let me widen your scopes and show you what a real king is like!”

With that, the massive qilin exploded with a bang, turning into white flame and
returning to Ling Xiao’s body. At the same time, a power aura erupted from his body
and his form also began to waver, a massive beast fading into existence.

That was when Ling Xiao’s head turned into a massive tiger’s head, a tiger’s roar
splitting the skies, reverberating through everyone’s bodies. They were all stunned.
A tiger’s roar, they hadn’t heard wrong had they?

Opposite to him, Lin ShaoYi’s beast form had its eyes wide open in shock, staring at
Ling Xiao. “How, how is this possible?”

There were only four bloodlines, and there was no such emperor beast as the White
Tiger among the Four Ancient Beasts. Where did Ling Xiao’s White Tiger blood
come from?

Soon enough, he figured out how this was.

In the DongZhou DongYu, the underground palace, the one that Ling Xiao had taken
for himself, there really was much more to it than he had thought.

When he had sent people to DongYu at first, he hadn’t thought anything of it

because he had already found another method to accomplish his goals, and no one
knew if White Tiger even existed. After all, he was a powerhouse from the ancient
war, and had disappeared straight after. Plus, he wasn’t as lucky as Ling Xiao was,
coincidentally meeting You XiaoMo’s ancestor and obtaining the true secret of that
man of legend. Thus he didn’t know that the real legend detailed the merging of five
bloodlines, and he certainly didn’t know that the White Tiger was the key to this all.

If he had known, then he would’ve paid DongYu a visit no matter what. It was too
late now. The TongTian Continent’s one and only White Tiger was gone now. There
was no other.

Ling smirked, but no one could see it. His true form was enveloped by a mist like
fire. No one could see his true form, but they could sense its immense power. He
was definitely at least stronger than Lin ShaoYi. Nothing had happened yet, but just
his mere presence already put him at the upperhand.

“Surprised? Didn’t I tell you before, don’t be too arrogant. I’ll have you buried where
you come from, and make sure you’ll never be able to get up again.”

If it wasn’t for the current situation, You XiaoMo would laugh.

Lin ShaoYi’s face alternated between green and white at his words, finally settling
on an enraged, crazed smile. “Who do you think you are? So what if you have five
bloodlines, I can still defeat you! Don’t think for a moment that you’re better than me
because you have the White Tiger’s bloodline!”

With this, his aura swelled, the miasma around him moving violently. The earth and
heavens seemed to be affected by this, the skies growing dark with the sound of
thunder in the distance. Then, he roared at the sky and streaks of darkness shot into
him from all around.

Below him, some people collapsed on the ground, grasping their heads, and then a
dark streak shot out of them.

“He’s using negative emotions!” Fu CangQiong cried in surprise.

No one had expected that Lin ShaoYi could absorb the negative emotions of others
to empower himself. As expected, what underhanded tactics.

It didn’t take long for Lin ShaoYi to swell with power, his true form doubling, then
tripling in size to become a three, four hundred meter tall demon beast, his presence
overpowering. His eyes were filled with blood, his sanity slipping. Like he had lost all
rationality, the massive demon beast charged, tossing its head, his immense form
lumbering, surprisingly fast, towards Ling Xiao who was enveloped in flame.

A threatening bellow came from inside the flames. He didn’t take such exaggerated
actions like Lin ShaoYi did, keeping a deadly calm pressure, like a ball of energy
being compressed further and further. Once it erupted, its strength would multiply.

Seeing Lin ShaoYi attack, the beast enveloped in flames abruptly disappeared. All
anyone could see was a few dancing embers. When they next snapped back to the
present, it was to a huge explosion. The two demon beasts collided with which other
midair, their immense size and terrifying power sent shockwaves out, cracking open
the earth and distorting space. Spacial tears appeared, leaking spacial energy like a
growling beast, some less careful people lost a limb to their sudden appearance.

Though they were already far away enough, everyone still retreated further in fear.

They had never seen such an earthshaking battle before. The two immense
creatures collided again and again. It was a battle of pure brute power, and the
shockwaves tore up forests, broke through mountains and lakes, ripping through
everything in its path and assaulting their gazes.

Some people had never even seen a sacred level expert before and now they were
watching a fight between two Almighty. This scene would be forever carved into their
hearts, never to be forgotten!

You XiaoMo barely blinked, carefully watching the battle.

The two beasts collided, then swiftly separated. He could tell that Lin ShaoYi’s
presence was starting to waver, the crimson in his eyes seemed to fade. Blood
spilled from his forehead. Though he was clearly losing, his eyes shone with
determination, glaring at Ling Xiao with hatred. The next moment, he charged out

As he moved, it was like there was something burning, its presence peaking like it
had no limits, swelling and swelling and then he leaped, opening his jaws at Ling
Xiao below him. A powerful, limitless force formed into an orb of blood which then
shot straight at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed, the white flames around him gathering in front of him in a
violent vortex before forming into a crystal blade, shooting out to collide with the
incoming blood orb...


A massive explosion consumed the skies, blood impacting fire and violently
sweeping out. The already cracked earth broke into parts, forming an immense
canyon that would be a lasting mark to commemorate this battle.

Smoke devoured the skies; who won?

Everyone anxiously waiting, gazing upwards.

Chapter 712: The Fight was Over
Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
Once the smoke dissipated, they were left with a bloody figure of Lin ShaoYi. Across
from him was Ling Xiao, who had just turned back into human form, staring at him
coldly. Comparing the two, he looked as if nothing had ever happened.
Using unorthodox methods was still not the correct path, so the difference in
bloodline made for the power difference today. The resulting loss of Lin ShaoYi was
actually predetermined.
The only reason he looked to have better grasp of the world's 'rules' was because
both he and Ling Xiao advanced around the same time. Once Ling Xiao's level
settled, the control over this world would slowly tilt towards him, at that point, Lin
ShaoYi would still lose and at an even greater shift.
The Almighty Realm was just like the Sacred Realm or Divine Realm, there was a
difference even within the realm itself. Ling Xiao was stronger than him, so he could
reign supreme and that's the cruelty of reality!
"Hahahahaha!" Lin ShaoYi suddenly laughed out loud looking almost crazed. The
laughter no longer held his pride or arrogance but the anger over the unfairness of
His blue robe had been stained dark red by the blood. The vigor he used to have
was nowhere to be seen, instead, the him, with scattered hair and continuous
laughter felt more like a demon that just came from the depth of hell. The blood that
spilled out from his mouth contained a hint of gold, and as to return to its original
color, it slowly dissipated with his power from faith.
Lin ShaoYi wiped off the traces of blood with his hand and staring at it, his
expression turned hideous. He stared at Ling Xiao across from him unwilling to
resign and laughed, "If the world won't accept me then let's all die together!"
As he finished, the space around him started to shake, then warped as if an invisible
hand was twisting it.
"Look, look at his body!"
Instantly everyone turned towards Lin ShaoYi only too see him oozing blood from
every inch of his body. The viscous blood quickly covered his entire body and just
like a massive heart, it went 'thud, thud'. However, they only felt a sickening aura of
death from the heart, as if the world would soon be consumed by it.
No need for further warning because everyone started to fly as far away as possible.
Everyone rushed forward as if a huge monster was chasing behind them. Even
though it was just a feeling, that feeling told them that if they didn't runaway as fast
as possible, they'll die!
Soon the situation became chaotic.
Ling Xiao was quick to react as well. When Lin ShaoYi started shouting, he knew
instantly what he was going to do, he was going to self-destruct and take everyone
with him. If he were to succeed, then not only Xi Jing but the whole of TongTian
Continent would be destroyed. The self-destruction of the Almighty was nothing like
the Sacred Realm, if he were to use a number to describe it, it would be a few
thousand times greater.
The first to break down was the space around Lin ShaoYi. The spacial crack got
bigger and bigger as the sky started to be filled with it's darkness. If he were to
continue, the first to be destroyed would be Xi Jing.
Ling Xiao moved behind Lin ShaoYi and his raised hand slapped down towards him.
In his palm was a black swirl that kept getting bigger, just like the time in the Tian
Xin Sect cave behind the mountains, where he showed it to You XiaoMo.
He couldn't stop Lin ShaoYi from self-destructing since he acted very quickly. The
moment he lost, he started to plan for their mutual destruction, so by the time he
found out, the power within Lin ShaoYi was already uncontrollable. Thus, he could
only hope to move him away.
The massive ball of blood was being torn apart, but it still resisted with vigor. Even
then, slowly, piece by piece, it got sucked into the black hole on Ling Xiao's palm.
"Ling Xiao, it's time for me to repay the favor!" As if detecting his intention, Lin
ShaoYi's crazy thought instantly transmitted into Ling Xiao's mind. The ball of blood
quickly grew to three, four times its size. Within it, something seemed to be moving
and the stench of blood kept flowing while a red flame burst out at the same time...
Ling Xiao's expression changed.
Just then, You XiaoMo, who was being pulled by others, turned around just to see
Lin ShaoYi and Ling Xiao in a stalemate, then a huge explosion. With the two as
center, an explosion rang across the continent as the endless sea of flame swarmed
the skies. The sky started to break as the flame, twisted in the spacial energy,
expanded in all directions. Now, the already in tatters Rock Mountain finally broke
under this force. This force that came in to destroy, made it feel as if it was
doomsday. Those who were unable to escape all died under that power.
In front of such dreadful power, the experts that ruled the TongTian Continent
seemed so small. Some, felt their knees go weak and could only be pulled into
safety by their friends.
A massive area of natural forest was destroyed in this catastrophe; ten miles, a
hundred miles, a thousand miles...the area kept growing. Everyone ran for their lives
in a panic, the only thing they knew was that they could only live if they ran far, far
away. Of course, most of them got separated from their comrades.
In no more than half an hour, the whole of Xi Jing was destroyed by approximately
two thousand miles. On the ground appeared a huge, endless pit...
You XiaoMo laid by the pit. The one who had pulled him away was long gone and he
was the only one nearby. He stared dumbfounded in front of him, but there was
nothing there. No trees, no mountain, no demon beasts, and no humans in sight,
then...where was Ling Xiao?
He saw with his own eyes the moment of explosion. Ling Xiao was almost face to
face with Lin ShaoYi then, that meant he took everything from Lin ShaoYi's self-
destruction head on. He didn't want to be negative, but his mind couldn't help but go
You XiaoMo suddenly rose and shouted towards the endless pit. His voice was full
of the conflicting emotions of hope and fear. His eyes darted all over the place in
panic. "Ling Xiao, where are you? Answer me!"
There was no voice, all that's left was the echo of his own voice. Ling Xiao was
nowhere to be seen. You XiaoMo finally knew fear and cried. If Ling Xiao died, then
he didn't want to live either. Ling Xiao had been with him almost since the very
beginning. He was used to him being there, it was almost instinctual that he would
be there. He never thought about Ling Xiao leaving him.
When he was absorbed in sadness, he didn't notice the danger looming over.
It was only until the killing intent loomed over his head did he break from his
emotions, but it was too late. Without guarding, his back was hit by a powerful attack
and his whole body went flying towards the pit. Good thing he regained his posture
quickly. Ignoring his wounds, he quickly made distance between himself and his
opponent. Once he landed, blood came gushing out and his mouth was filled with
the taste of metal.
You XiaoMo wiped off the blood from his mouth. He felt no surprise when he saw
the perpetrator's face.
Zu Ma stared at him with hatred and loathing. Word by word, as if squeezed out
from her, she said, "ShaoYi died. Now I'll sent you down to him and let Ling Xiao feel
the pain of losing a loved one!"
As she finished, she came rushing over full of killing intent. She didn't leave any time
for You XiaoMo to react and once she was close, she hand made a claw and
grabbed for his head. From the looks of it, she wanted to tear his head off, very
Suddenly, a hand grabbed onto her wrist and with a 'crack', it broke...
You XiaoMo tilted his head and looked at her calmly, "You want to kill me? You
aren't worthy! I haven't even gone to find you and you just come to deliver yourself
to me? What do you say I do with you? Get rid of your cultivation skill and throw you
into a whore house? How does that sound?"
Zu Ma was only grade six, she wasn't enough for him back then, much less now. If
he wasn't absorbed in Ling Xiao's disappearance, there was no way a grade six
could've hurt him.
Hearing this, Zu Ma's eyes turned red from anger.
If it was before, You XiaoMo wouldn't have said something like this, but the moment
he remembered that Lin ShaoYi involved Ling Xiao in the accident, he couldn't help
but unleash his anger onto Zu Ma. Don't think he would be polite when the other
person wanted him dead, even if she looked pretty. He only knew how to appreciate
his man's body.
Without another word, Zu Ma went for her third attack. She didn't give a care to her
broken hand and went at him with her life. Clearly, she no longer cared for her life.
To think she cared for Lin ShaoYi to this extent!
You XiaoMo wanted to tell her that he wasn't going to be moved and so his ready-to-
kick-at-anytime right feet landed right on her stomach. With a scream of pain, she
flew and landed harshly on the ground. Her pretty face was replaced by a twisted
expression. Just as he thought she wasn't going to get up, she did, but wobbly. Her
expression wasn't that of despair after losing but instead a twisted smile.
A second later, You XiaoMo knew why.
A scary soul force came out from her body continuously. The soul force had a chill
that could be felt all over...Clearly this was another self-destructing, takes thing way
to hard maniac!
"Hahahahaha!" Zu Ma laughed with a savage expression, as if a female ghost, but
she didn't get to do so for much longer as it was abruptly stopped. Her bloodshot
eyes widened with shock, as if her eyeballs were going to fall out. She stared at You
XiaoMo while the latter looked behind her in shock.
Zu Ma looked down to see a sword pierced through her chest, just like the TongTian
Emperor who was betrayed. Fresh blood dripped from the pointed end of the sword
and the sword was slowly pulled out from her body. Blood dripped from the corner of
her mouth and the aura around her dimmed. The sword not only went through her
body but also her soul.
With a 'thud' she knelt but before she did, she turned. When she saw the
perpetrator's face, her eyes widen once more and asked, "Why?"
Zu Ma couldn't understand even during her death, why her adopted son would
betray her. When they were searching for the traitor, she never even questioned it
could've been him. She admitted that she hadn't given him the attention he deserved
and sometimes was overly strict, but it was all for his own good!
"He is my friend!" The young man said plainly. He knew what Zu Ma was shocked
about. He was her adopted son and he owed her, but that favor he had already
repaid. Being on the verge of life and death, doing things for her that was against his
morals, he had long grew tired of it all.
Zu Ma fell onto the ground with a saddened smile. She had thought about dying in
anyone of her opponents hands, but never under the hands of her most trusted
person. She died with a strong, unresigning feeling.
"Zhan YuXuan!" You XiaoMo shouted out the young man's name with excitement.
After they went separate ways, he had not seen him since. Yin Ge had said that
Zhan YuXuan's identity was a bit special, but now, he finally knew, he was part of
Black Spider, but that didn't matter now!
Zhan YuXuan looked at him and gave an elegant smile. The smile on his handsome
face was bright and cheery, "It's me, I'm happy to see you too and congratulations!"
He broke free as well.
You XiaoMo thought about Ling Xiao and suddenly his smile disappeared.
Zhan YuXuan knew what he was thinking of and comforted him, "Don't worry, Ling
Xiao's strong, he'll be okay, I'm sure of it."
You XiaoMo moved his lips, hopefully. Just then, behind him a spatial crack
appeared. Zhan YuXuan stood in front of him and saw it. His expression changed
and then after shouting 'be careful', he pulled You XiaoMo close.
You XiaoMo was, however, frozen.
A sorry figure appeared by the spatial crack along with a few coughs. Then, a
familiar, mocking tone appeared, "Wife, your husband just left for a little while and
you already began searching for your second spring, huh?"
The air was silent for three seconds.
You XiaoMo's dumbfounded expression turned into pure joy as he pounced on him.
He squeezed him close and went right in for a bite on his neck. It was a pretty strong
bite as blood came out, so afterwards, he licked it a few times.
Ling Xiao took a small breath in and heard his wife's excited voice by his ear,
"Second spring, I finally found you."
Not far from there, Zhan YuXuan couldn't hold it in and laughed. Then he walked
towards the distance, there appeared many who lived through the disaster. He
wanted to leave this space for the couple. Above him was the clear blue sky and a
bright ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds to scatter on the land, signaling a
new life.
Chapter 713: Grand Finale
Translated by Yan of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
Time passed quickly, and three years flew by.
As the battlefield, Xi Jing was nearly destroyed to the point that it was impossible to
continue living there after that war. Many of the remaining demon beasts had no
choice but to move to other locations, and to this day, that large hole still remained.
As time went on, Xi Jing finally more or less recovered, and the turbulence from the
past years calmed down at last. After the tragic battle concluded, Xi Jing's major
powerhouses all entered dormant modes to rest and reorganize. They all lost a few
clan members and disciples on the battlefield, and even though it hurt, they couldn't
do anything about it either. Furthermore, if it weren't for Ling Xiao and the rest, there
would most likely be many times more casualties, so everyone was still very grateful
towards Ling Xiao.
The head of the Demon Phoenix Clan was the first one to extend an olive branch of
kindness towards them. They released Ling Xiao's mother, Ji XiuXin.
Originally, after Ji XiuXin broke the clan rules, she was going to be imprisoned for
life, but because they owed Ling Xiao, the head of the Demon Phoenix Clan
released her after discussing it over with several elders. They promised that she
would be free from now on, and the Demon Phoenix Clan would no longer tie her
After leaving, Ji XiuXin didn't go find Ling Xiao. Even though it was because of Ling
Xiao that she ended up being forgiven and received her freedom, what happened
between her and Ling Xiao could finally be considered balanced, and they had
nothing more to do with each other.
After that happened, the chick, who was loaded down with heavy responsibilities,
secretly ran away from the clan. He lazed about in the palace, refusing to leave.
Strangely enough, the Demon Phoenix Clan, who was supposed to bring him back,
didn't make any movements.
The True Dragon Clan and Black Turtle Clan also sent them friendly messages.
Long Yue would occasionally run over to the Ghost Tomb Mountain Range and visit
You XiaoMo, coming and going quite frequently. Fortunately, there were many
rooms in the palace.
As for the Black Turtle Clan, the baby turtle pretty much hung out in the palace all
the time. He was still in the shape of a turtle, and he enjoyed crouching on You
XiaoMo's shoulders or head the most. At night, he would even guard the head of
You XiaoMo's bed, but most of the time he ended up being thrown out by Ling Xiao.
As a result, he stubbornly refused to give up.
Finally, the Qilin Clan. Needless to say, the Qilin Clan's elders were still very smart.
Since they withdrew beforehand, they had lost the least among the Four Ancient
Beast Clans. Of course, if it weren't for them withdrawing at the most critical
moment, they definitely would've dropped from the top of the Four Ancient Beast
Clans to the bottom. Later, the Qilin Clan didn't actually choose a new Qilin Lord.
Some people said that the position of the Qilin Lord was left for Ling Xiao. Besides
him, nobody was qualified.
As for Lin Tian, he disappeared after that war happened. Not only was he no longer
in the Qilin Clan, he didn't appear anywhere else either. Rumor had it that he was
exiled by the Qilin Clan and basically found himself completely alone. In the end,
that old man finally paid the price for his behavior.
Three years of reconstruction later, the Ghost Tomb Mountain Range was no longer
a dangerous place that frightened people. Instead, it become the location that
developed the fastest in Xi Jing. White Bone Town became White Bone City, as its
area expanded several times over compared to its original foundation. Now, it had
already become a big city. In a short amount of time, White Bone City had leaped to
become the biggest city in Xi Jing, and it was almost about to catch up to Central
The reason was naturally related to the two who lived in Ghost Tomb Mountain
Range. It was the greatest blessing to be in 'close range' with the two strongest and
most respected experts in TongTian Continent.
The news of Ling Xiao becoming the Almighty had long since spread all over
TongTian Continent three years ago. From the very start, he had been the focus of
much attention, and during the whole journey, many people had watched him, but
they had never thought that he would become the master of all the planes.
After the new Almighty appeared, the rules of the planes started to materialize.
Ling Xiao overturned the original rules and set new rules in place. For example, the
rules concerning oaths; before, one couldn't casually pledge anything, and now, it
was even more impossible, because if someone didn't abide by their oath, the rules
would immediately punish them. As for what the punishment was, just try it and you'll
find out.
The other expert was You XiaoMo, TongTian Continent's very first grade seven
mage. The respect associated with his status was second only to Ling Xiao's. In
order to learn from him, quite a few grade six mages hardened their skin and went
up to ask him for advice, including Lei Gong, Old Man Shen, and Cang Alliance's
Master Lai, all transcendent level mages. They couldn't even be chased away.
The most shameless ones were Lei Gong and Old Man Shen. At first, they
unabashedly used Jiu Ye and Qiao WuXing, sending them over to try and coax the
secret out of You XiaoMo. You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao didn't know whether to laugh
or cry.
Besides that, several friends that You XiaoMo missed quite a bit also came to find
They were Feng ChiYun and Yin Ge, who had disappeared for a long while. They
had long since heard of what was happening in Xi Jing. Originally, they wanted to
rush over, but because they were too far away and didn't have anything convenient
like teleportation talismans, by the time they made it over the war was already over.
Only later did the two of them find out that that was the work of Yin Ge's father, the
Nine-Headed Snake Emperor.
In reality, the Nine-Headed Snake Emperor had been paying close attention to them
the entire time. He knew that a war would break out in Xi Jing, and he also knew that
Feng ChiYun and Yin Ge would rush over for sure after finding out. So he
purposefully made them go somewhere extremely far away so that they wouldn't be
able to make it back, very sinister! This was also the real reason why the Nine-
Headed Snake Emperor didn't accept the invitation. He was too busy keeping an
eye on his son and ‘daughter’-in-law, where would he find the time to go participate
in some war!
In the end, they all stayed temporarily at Ghost Tomb Mountain Range, helping You
XiaoMo's da-shixiong and second-shixiong rebuild White Bone City.
Finally, the Black Spider. After Lin ShaoYi and Zu Ma died, the Black Spider
immediately dissolved. Even though they had suffered many casualties, some of the
remaining people were still placed on the wanted lists, including Su Lang and Yan
Hui. Without the Black Spider binding them together, the two people who loathed
each other parted ways, no longer caring what happened to the other.
You XiaoMo occasionally heard some information about them. After all, both of them
had extremely high cultivation bases, and it was impossible for them not to do
anything. Furthermore, TianGou's information net was becoming more and more
perfected. It wasn't hard to investigate what the two of them were up to. However, he
didn't tell anyone to do anything against them, as he didn't harbor any grudges
against them in the first place, so why bother making more trouble!
But even though he didn't want trouble, his dad came to make trouble for him
After thinking for several years, You JunQi finally discovered that he had been
screwed over by his own son. When protesting failed, he threw down the mess that
was the Vermillion Blood Clan and ran away once more, only telling someone to
send You XiaoMo one sentence -- your dad quit!
You XiaoMo couldn't do anything about it, so he could only ask Tian Dao to help You
XiaoMo find someone shrewd to help him take over the Vermillion Blood Clan for
now. In any case, with his and Ling Xiao's current positions, it would be impossible
for anyone who was still unwilling in the Vermillion Blood Clan to have any devious
After three years of chaos, would their days finally calm down?
In their dreams!
The bright and pure moon hung over the tip of the mountain, since there were no
trees, only the peak of the mountain. A furious howl came out of the magnificent
palace once again, shocking the moon to the point that it seemed to shake a few
times before secretly ducking behind the mountain.
Upon hearing this, the people who lived in the palace only paused for a moment
before continuing their business at hand as if nothing had happened. Every so often,
this kind of thing would always happen to the couple who would often display PDA in
front of them. Every time, the reason was different, and as time passed, they all
grew numb to it.
You XiaoMo kicked open the door before charging in, full of energy, making a
beeline straight for the certain somebody lying sideways on the bed. Without even
taking off his shoes, he jumped on the bed and hauled Ling Xiao up, accusation
written all over his face. "How many times have you eaten my magic pills now? Even
though you clearly knew that I prepared it for someone else. Do you know that I'll
have to make it all over again?"
Ling Xiao calmly shot him a glance, allowing You XiaoMo to haul him up. After that,
he asked easily, "Wife, is your friend more important, or your husband?"
"Don't change the subject. Those are two different things. Now that you ate them all,
I have to spend even more time to make them. I'm very busy!" You XiaoMo almost
blew his top. Every time he questioned Ling Xiao, the other always responded with
the same thing.
Ling Xiao's expression didn't change. "Wife, do you still remember what you once
agreed to do for your husband? You said that you would refine pills for your husband
every single day. Have you completely forgotten your promise from back then?"
"What the hell! You still have the nerve to bring that up?" When You XiaoMo heard
him bring up what happened back then, he knew that Ling Xiao was clearly just
trying to bully him since You XiaoMo didn't know anything and was screwed over
back then because of it. If he allowed this to continue, he would definitely become
stupid. Even though Ling Xiao never brought this up before, now he actually wanted
him to hand over high level and transcendent level magic pills the same way he did
with low level magic pills? How would You XiaoMo have that much time to refine
pills for him?
Ling Xiao's hand had already moved to his waist. He didn't refute his words; he only
said, "Alright, even if the promise back then is invalid, you still have to attend to your
husband's needs."
"When did I ever not attend to your needs? Don't slander me." You XiaoMo
glowered at him unhappily. During these past few years, he didn't actually refine
transcendent level magic pills all that often, but each and every time he did, wasn't it
for Ling Xiao? Was that not attending to his needs? Give him an inch, and he'll want
a mile!
"Okay. In order to prove that it isn't slander about my wife, then I ask that my wife
attends to the husband's needs right now." As he spoke, Ling Xiao's groping hand
had already touched his butt.
There were black lines on You XiaoMo's face, and he immediately felt something
both hard and hot beneath his butt, shamelessly poking him. It turned out that
everything that happened before this was just a prelude for spreading the bed
sheets. Ling Xiao's real objective was to satisfy his lust. You XiaoMo immediately
started to struggle, wanting to get up, but as a result, he was tossed aside by a
certain person and pressed beneath his body.
Ling Xiao took off his shoes very efficiently. But he forgot that his wife was still
angry, and during a moment when he was caught off guard, he was kicked in the
groin. His expression immediately changed.
When You XiaoMo saw him hunch over, as if in a lot of pain, he hastily withdrew his
leg. The one who was originally in the right was You XiaoMo, but now he felt guilty.
After a while, he said, embarrassed, "Are... are you okay... ah..."
His last word hadn't left his mouth yet when one of his legs was suddenly lifted with
explosive power. With a rip, his pants tore, and even worse, it tore straight in the
middle, revealing both of his butt cheeks and the thing lying soft and asleep between
his legs. When the cold air entered, it immediately trembled.
You XiaoMo was given a huge fright. He was about to crawl up when there was
suddenly a heavy slap on his pale butt cheeks. The sound of the slap was extremely
sharp and crisp. Even without looking at it, he knew that there would definitely be the
shape of five fingers imprinted on the skin. The guilt from before immediately
He was about to curse when a hand suddenly gripped his jaw, and soft lips bit down
on his. It was really a bite, and it was about to ache when a moist and hot tongue
instantly slipped into his mouth. It wasn't gentle; it could be considered plundering
and overbearing. Next, he felt another hand slip over his butt and between the seam
as a finger gently pressed a few times against his entrance before the tip slowly
pierced inside...
"Ah... get it out..." You XiaoMo sucked in a breath of air. He wanted to struggle, but
he had no strength to do so, so he could only allow that finger to move in and out of
him. After a short while, he went weak, and he could even feel the different joints in
the man's finger, making him blush.
His expression changed very quickly.
The man took off his pants, pressing his stiff rod against You XiaoMo's entrance,
both hot and hard. You XiaoMo didn't have time to react before he felt himself being
stretched open. The feeling of something foreign invading him couldn't be described
as wonderful, but it didn't hurt very much either. His body immediately went soft,
both of his legs like rubber.
"Bastard, you tricked me!"
A member so full of energy, how was it like something that had gotten injured!
You XiaoMo was remorsefully fooled once again. He took back all of his guilt and
sympathy. Liar!
"That's right, I'm a bastard. And you're a bastard's wife!" The man buried his face in
You XiaoMo's neck, letting out light laughter, exhaling the heat of his breath against
You XiaoMo's ear, which immediately flushed red.
You XiaoMo tilted his head, so angry that he wanted to bite him. But when he
opened his mouth, the man immediately thrust all the way in to his deepest parts,
and You XiaoMo immediately lost the ability to speak. With the strength and speed
of the man's rough thrusting, fragmented moans poured out of his mouth. "Mm ah...
slow down... too fast..."
The man's response was for his movements to grow even rougher. Every time he
thrust in, it basically reached his deepest area, very quickly turning You XiaoMo into
a puddle of water. The wet sound also grew louder and louder, as if the quiet night
came with a loudspeaker. When the shameful noises arrived at You XiaoMo's ears,
he had long since forgotten who he was.
The man picked him up, pulling him into his embrace.
"Mo... you are mine!"
【The End】
Chapter 714 (Extra 1) : Mission
Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations
Extra - The Earth Arc
The Ministry of Defense of Z Nation had a type of special military branch called the
White Shark, whose existence was seldom known to anyone. There were less than
five people who knew its existence even in the Ministry of Defense. This was
because almost all of its members were cultivators. However, in the worldview of
ordinary people, cultivators were equivalent to supernatural entities.

This specialized unit only served the country and appeared when there were things
that neither the police nor the special forces could solve. Their operations were
secretive and they may not reveal their identities unless there was no other
alternative when they encounter difficult cases. However, there would be people
stepping in to erase their traces after the incident had been resolved.

This morning, the person-in-charge of the White Shark received a special

assignment. The assignment was to have them transport a prisoner arrested half a
month ago to Thunderclap University.

Thunderclap University was not an ordinary university, but one run by the world of
practitioners. All the students recruited were practitioners. There were not only
aristocrats, but also many civilians. Although their hierarchical identities were
different, the school rules and the requirements for the enrolled students of
Thunderclap University were both very strict. As Thunderclap University had a high
prestige in the world of practitioners, many came to apply for the entrance
examination held every three years despite its high requirements.

The prisoner from the assignment was related to Thunderclap University. As the
prisoner's risk designation was not something that ordinary police could cope with,
they needed to step forward.

Liu Ying, the person-in-charge, handed the information from their superiors to
Johnson who was standing in front of him, "Two more people will be added to the
assignment of escorting the prisoner this time."

Johnson frowned and understood who the two men to be included were without
asking. He could not help but say, "The prisoner has an unusual identity and they're
powerful too. Those two people just joined White Shark not long ago. I'm afraid they
might not be qualified for this assignment."

Liu Ying waved and replied in an tone that had no room for doubt, "It is because they
have just joined White Shark. Now is the opportunity to test and get proof of their
strength. The higher-ups are paying a lot of attention to them. If they do well in this
mission, their entry into White Shark will be officially approved."

Johnson, who originally wanted to refute, immediately shut his mouth upon hearing
the word 'higher-ups'. He had been the captain of the White Sharks for more than
ten years. Whatever the higher-ups said had to be obeyed and there must not be
any protest or refusal, otherwise it would be impossible for him to hold onto his
position as the Captain of the White Sharks for more than ten years with the number
of people gunning for his position.

In the afternoon, Johnson announced the names of those who were escorting the
prisoners and this immediately caused internal repercussions.

Some people had heard about the mission and were following it closely. This was
because the mission was classified as an S-Rank. There were usually rewards for
missions of S-Rank and above, and the rewards were frequently good things that
had no measurable market value. Therefore, all the members of the White Shark
were hoping that they would be selected to be part of the escort.

However, the atmosphere fell still all at once when they heard that the two new
members had taken two of the places. Johnson had long expected this to happen.
The reason why he felt astonished earlier was also due to this.

New members would not normally be chosen for missions of S-Rank and above, so
the decision of the higher-ups made them feel very surprised. At the same time, they
felt slightly dissatisfied as there was a feeling that they were not as good as two new

"Captain, could there be a mistake in the name list?" He YiMing finally lost his cool
and protested first. The others immediately stopped talking and looked at Johnson.
They also hoped that the name list was wrong so that they would all have a chance.

Johnson kept the name list and calmly swept a glance over their expressions,
"There's no mistake. This is the decision made by the higher-ups."

This single sentence immediately cut them all off.

"The members whose names are called will gather here tomorrow morning.
Dismissed!" Johnson added on before looking at the two men who had an
unaffected expression on their faces from beginning to end. He could not help but
think highly of them and determined that they were pretty good.
Those whose names were read out left the conference room to make preparations
with smiles on their faces. The only ones left were those who were unsatisfied that
their names were not called. He YiMing's reaction was the most obvious. He eyed
the backs of the two people who had left the conference room and immediately spat
on the ground, "Fucking shit! They're most likely those high-flying young masters
from the military."

His friend patted him on the shoulder and warned, "Keep your voice down. You'll be
suffering if they heard you. It's not like you don't know what the characters of those
young masters are like. All of them are particularly arrogant and look down on the

"So what if they hear? It's not like I'm afraid that they'll make life difficult for me." Not
only did He YiMing turn a deaf ear, he even raised his voice, as if he deliberately
meant for them to overhear.

His friend shook his head. The so-called young masters of the military were the
children of clans with high status and backgrounds. They were also cultivators and
usually came to the White Shark to beef up their resumes.

For example, those clan children who wanted to take the political path or the military
route would have to perform meritorious deeds if they wanted to have a good
starting point. The White Shark specialized in resolving some of these difficult cases
and it was undoubtedly their best choice. If they were lucky enough to successfully
complete a mission above A-Rank, it would be beneficial for their future

These situations were quite common and there was a basis for what He YiMing had

There had been several incidents previously. All of them would transfer out of the
White Shark after their 'meritorious deed' and there had even been a case where
they tried to steal credit. So they all loathed these young masters.

The next day, Johnson walked into the conference room and looked at all the
members of the group who were present. Suddenly he frowned before looking at the
clock on the wall. There were still two more minutes.

The others immediately let out an expression of taking joy in calamity and delight in

As long as they were members of the White Shark, they all knew that the Captain
hated people who were late. One would be finished the moment they left a bad
impression on their Captain. Although he would not make their life difficult, he would
give priority to others when they had missions in the future.

Two minutes passed quickly. Everyone could see that their captain's face getting
darker and darker when there was only twenty seconds left till the time to gather.
Someone whistled. This was definitely an attitude of watching a good show.

With a black face, Johnson raised his wrist and began to countdown - ten seconds,
nine seconds, eight seconds, seven seconds...


The door of the meeting room was opened in the remaining three seconds and
standing outside were the two figures who took their time to arrive. It was the two
new people who had been excluded by the members of the White Shark. Ever since
the persons involved had joined the White Shark five days ago, they had never
showed any desolation after being excluded. Instead, they often stuck together and
some people had ridiculed them secretly several times.

"Captain, we aren't late right?" The comparatively taller man smiled and asked
calmly. He lifted his head and looked at the black-faced Johnson with his
incomparable handsome face that made many people jealous.

"No, go join up since you're here now." Johnson frowned inconspicuously. It could
be not counted as late even if they arrived one second before, so he could not say
anything to them. Although he did not approve of letting the two newcomers
participate in the S-Rank mission, he could only obey the orders from the higher-

The tall man dragged a young man with a short stature as he walked over.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on the hands of the two. Despite their
astonishment in the beginning, they were incomparably unperturbed now. The
members of the White Shark were mostly experienced and knowledgeable people
although their society was not very open-minded. Even if they had not personally
seen it before, they had heard a lot about it.

After that, Johnson gave a concise and comprehensive briefing about the areas of
the mission to pay attention to before they departed for the Deep Prison.

The Deep Prison was used by Z Nation to imprison those who had committed a
serious crime. The serious crimes did not refer to the crimes of ordinary criminals
who committed rape, robberies, murder and arson. Such crimes would be
considered as commonplace in the world of cultivators. The criminals in the Deep
Prison were those cultivators who committed major crimes. This was because
ordinary prisons were unable to detain them, so the Deep Prison was created as a

The Deep Prison was located on an isolated island. Its defenses were extremely
strong and tight and it was almost impossible for anyone to break in. Few people in
the world knew that there was still such an extraordinary prison in the world, and that
any prisoner who had been released from it was enough to shake the world.

They arrived at the island that same afternoon.

Chapter 715 (Extra 2) : Surprise Attack
Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The island was surrounded by water. To those cultivators who could fly, it didn’t
mean anything. They could return to the continent whenever they wanted, provided
they could escape the heavily guarded prison. Having gotten wind of their arrival, the
warden of the prison immediately had the prisoner escorted out.

Unexpectedly, the prisoner didn’t look like a brute, like most people had expected,
but was instead a thin, pale, frail-looking man who looked to be around thirty or so.
His hands were locked in a pair of handcuffs. Though they couldn’t tell what material
the handcuffs were made of, they knew that it was definite very strong if it could hold
a cultivator.

Johnson took care of the transfer procedures with the prison and it didn’t take long
before they were boarding the ship to leave the island. Though they were all
cultivators and could thus fly, they had to be careful even in areas with very few
people like this, otherwise, being seen would cause a huge commotion.

“Captain, what sort of identity does this prisoner have that requires ten of us to
escort him?” Zhang Long asked, confused, as he came out of the cabin.

Hearing his words, everyone turned to Johnson, standing on the deck. They wanted
to know as well. Right now, they only knew that the criminal was called He Pin. He
was once a mentor of the Thunderclap Academy and had killed students there. They
didn’t know how serious his crime was, but if Thunderclap Academy asked for him
like this, then there must be some special circumstances.

There were a total of twenty-five members in White Shark. This number had never
changed. If people transferred in, then there would be people transferred out. Those
who were transferred out were either being promoted, or had done something wrong
and were being demoted. Ten people for this mission wasn’t a small number,
because usually S rank missions would be assigned eight people max, which was
why they thought it strange.

Johnson had expected this. “It says very clearly on the files I gave you that he
wasn’t the only perpetrator. He has several accomplices, and they’re certain to come
to try and save him. They’re all very powerful. Our superiors don’t want us to return
in failure.”

“Captain, who is the student they killed?” Zhang Long immediately cut to the chase.
Johnson said, “They didn’t only kill one student. From what I know, there are more
than ten victims, two of which are clan disciples of the capital.”

“No wonder.”

Everyone made faces of understanding. Clan disciples were different from normal
people. Each and every new talent was important, because in this world that lacked
spiritual energy, cultivation was incredibly hard, and there were less and less of
those with the potential for it. Especially for the large clans in the capital, every
disciple with the potential for cultivation was important.

More importantly, they were students of Thunderclap Academy. All the students
killed were quite talented, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to get in. It would
be stranger if they weren’t enraged after losing two at once!

“Alright, cut the chatter. Keep an eye out on your surroundings, his accomplices
could come at any time.” After satisfying their curiosity, Johnson directly stopped
their chatter.

However, Zhang Long didn’t seem to get the message. “Captain, don’t worry too
much, even if they really do come to save their accomplice, we have ten people
here. There’s no need to fear them. But I just hope that some people don’t think they
can help and end up getting in the way.”

It was all too clear who he was talking about. The others might not have said
anything, but their expressions clearly meant that they agreed, glancing towards the
two at the stern.

Johnson frowned and gave a sigh.

At the stern of the boat, the two there didn’t need to keep their ears perked to hear
what the others were saying. The tall man patted the younger man’s hair
absentmindedly, his mouth curled into a mysterious smile, seemingly completely
uncaring of the conversation occurring at the bow. They had experienced this sort of
ostracization daily since they joined White Shark.

“Look look, I think there’s a small fish down there.” The younger man tugged on the
other’s clothes, black eyes shining as he gazed at the ocean. The ocean hid away
everything inside under a deep blue, yet he seemed able to see everything that was
happening below.

The man rubbed his chin. “Not just one.”

The younger man immediately looked around and finally found the second fish at the
bow of the boat, calling out in surprise, “What a big fish!”

He didn’t have any time to continue before the ferry suddenly began rocking

Everyone paled.

“They’re coming, be on level one alert!” Johnson immediately bellowed. One of the
team members had already stationed himself at the entrance of the cabin before the
other even finished speaking. Another went into the cabin. Below, there were two
others watching over the prison, though their plan was to have four people, in order
to make sure no accidents occured.

A massive pillar of water shot up from the bottom of the ocean, glancing off the side
of the boat. The entire boat pitched to the right, yet a hundred meters away to the
right, a massive whirlpool had appeared, unnoticed. The whirlpool sucked in water
relentlessly, slowly pulling the ferry inside. If it wasn’t stopped, the ferry would be
pulled into the ocean.

Two members flew down to steady the ferry. Just as they managed to steady it, a
massive fish tail surged out of the sea, creating a huge splash and slamming
towards them.

The two didn’t expect it, and it was too late to block it. They hurriedly dodged it, but
when the tail slammed into the ship, it practically flattened the sturdy steel ferry,
creating a huge dent in one side. The others came quickly to help, but the fishtail
escaped back into the ocean.

Johnson’s face was pale. He had the others stay and guard the ferry, taking three
members down to pursue. If they didn’t defeat their enemies, he was certain their
enemies wouldn’t let them leave here alive. One thing that surprised him was that
He Ping’s accomplices included experts from the Ocean Clan. That was something
that the information they had on him hadn’t talked about, otherwise, they wouldn’t
have chosen to take a ferry, knowing the possibility of an ambush like this.

The four landed in the ocean with a splash.

Apart from He Ping and the two others that were watching from inside the cabin,
there were only three people on the deck. One was the one guarding the entrance to
the cabin, and the other two were naturally the tall man and younger man who were
being ostracized.
“You two had better be careful. This mission isn’t a joke.” The remaining green
army-uniformed member, seeing that only them three remained, didn’t have much
hope in the other two helping. He just hoped that they wouldn’t get in the way.

The younger man ignored him, gazing at the bottom of the ocean as he leaned on
the railings. A massive fishtail flashed in and out of view, sending waves of water up
on occasion. However, not long after Johnson and the other four dived in, the
surface of the water calmed and the whirlpool disappeared.

After a while, a huge rumbling erupted in the direction of the stern.

The three looked over simultaneously. The battlefield had shifted from under the
boat to the sea, in an area about three to four hundred meters away. It was an
intense battle, if the huge splashes and occasional pillar of water was any indication.

The uniformed members let out a slight breath of relief. It seemed like He Ping didn’t
have that many accomplices.

Just as this thought passed through their heads, the ferry rocked violently, with a
boom, it was like the ground beneath their feet had suddenly disappeared, and then
their views opened ip, a massive pillar of water spending the ferry into the sky from

There was a flash and the ferry was cut in half, falling into the water in pieces, water
rushing in. Everyone was shocked by the sudden turn of events. Of the three
guarding He Ping, only one had time to grab him, but they both still ended up in the

Only two people acted as if nothing had happened. In order to not stand out, they
also fell into the water. Underneath them, a massive sea monster had its jaws open,
waiting for them.

The seas were home turf of sea monsters. This wasn’t the first time White Shark
fought in the water, but it wasn’t something they were used to, and it made
movement far more inconvenient. They could only all fly out of the water. One of
them was even injured before the battle even started.

However, when they saw that the injured person was the one who had grabbed He
Ping, their faces grew dark. “What happened? Where did he go?”

“The two two newbies are gone, too!” Another suddenly exclaimed in shock.
They all looked around, and didn’t find hide nor hair of the two. The sea slowly
calmed. It didn’t seem like there was anyone fighting down there. They couldn’t help
but wonder, had they been eaten by the beast?

Currently, the two they were wondering about were still in the ocean, facing that

The sea monster’s green eyes glared maliciously at the two, glancing at He Ping
every now and then, who was in the young man’s hands, its eyes shockingly human.

“Wow! This is the first time I’ve seen such a small sea monster!” The younger man
cried out in shock. Previously, he had travelled around quite a lot, and the sea
monsters he had seen had been far larger than this one, so he was rather excited to
see such a small one. It was like a mini sea monster.

The sea monster’s face darkened.

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