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How much have you learned?
Complete the statement:
After studying the module, it added to my knowledge that. My understanding of intelligence has
expanded since taking the Theory of Multiple Intelligences module. Rather than being a single,
fixed attribute, intelligence is a wide spectrum with a range of unique traits and capacities. This
theory which was put out by Howard Gardner emphasizes how various people have strengths in
linguistic, logical-mathematical, geographical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal,
intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligences, among other multiple intelligences. My
understanding of human potential and the ways that people learn and succeed in many fields
has expanded as a result of grasping this idea.
Let’s Apply

• Design 2 activities that could develop each of the multiple intelligences .

Multiple Intelligences Grade Level and the How could these activities
Activities develop this certain

Linguistic Intelligence 4th Grade: Story Writing promotes diverse vocabularies,

Workshop sentence structures, creativity
and writing styles. This
broadens their understanding
of language and enhances their
linguistic abilities.

Logical-Mathematical 5th Grade: Math Olympics can enhance their logical-

Intelligence mathematical intelligence and
develop strong analytical and
problem-solving skills.

Spatial Intelligence 3rd Grade: Map making spatial reasoning skills to

visualize patterns, shapes, and

• In a multigrade classroom, design 2 activities that could already tap and help
develop 3-5 intelligences of Howard Gardner.
Grade Levels Activity Intelligences being

3rd Grade Science Fair Excibition Logical-Mathematical

Intelligence: Students with
this intelligence would excel
in planning and conducting
experiments because they
can understand the logical
steps involved, analyze data
effectively, and draw
conclusions based on
evidence. Spatial intelligence:
They need to visualize how to
present their data effectively,
arrange elements on a poster
or in a model in a visually
appealing and informative
way, and ensure that the
spatial layout enhances the
communication of their
research. (Linguistic
Intelligence): They would use
their language skills to
articulate their methods,
results, and conclusions
clearly and persuasively,
ensuring that their audience
understands the significance
of their work.

4th Grade Creative Writing Worksop Linguistic Intelligence:

Students write stories or
poems, demonstrating
language proficiency.

creativity, and storytelling

skills. Interpersonal
Intelligence: Students
collaborate with peers in
brainstorming sessions, peer-
editing, and giving feedback,
fostering social interaction
and communication skills.
Intrapersonal Intelligence:
Students reflect on their owrt
writing process, preferences,
and emotions, enhancing self-
awareness and self-

VI. How is your learning relevant or useful to you as a pre-service teacher?

Let’s Reflect
Do you agree with Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences? Why/Why not?

• Yes, pre-service teachers can benefit from Howard Gardner's theory of multiple
intelligences. It offers a framework for comprehending that intelligence is not just
determined by IQ or other traditional measures, but also includes linguistic, logical-
mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and
naturalistic intelligences. Teachers can enhance their students' learning environments
and foster greater inclusivity by acknowledging and addressing the varied intelligences
of their pupils.

From the Presentation of Group 3 on the Multiple Intelligences, I realized that …

• From the presentation of Group 3 on the Multiple Intelligences, it is evident that Howard
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences emphasizes the idea that individuals possess
different kinds of minds and learn, remember, perform, and understand in various ways.

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