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Pliers are a type of hand tool.

They allow the user to firmly grip an object –

usually something like a nail or wire – so it can be tightened or loosened,
twisted or cut. Pliers generally consist of five parts: two handles, a pivot and
two jaws.

Slip-joint pliers have grooved jaws, and the pivot hole in one member is
elongated so that the member can pivot in either of two positions in order to
grasp objects of different size in the most effective way.

Pliers are among the most basic and familiar of handheld tools. They are available in a
wide variety of sizes, designed for many different tasks, but the fundamentals remain
the same: two lengths of steel riveted together close to the midpoint to create a pivot,
with clamps on one side and handles on the other. The clamps may be long and thin
and pointed, broad, ridged and heavy duty – or somewhere in between.

liers allow the user to grip an object much more firmly than they otherwise
would be able to and apply ‘torque’ – rotational force - making them ideal for
any building, maintenance, engineering or repair task that requires gripping,
twisting, pulling or shearing.
A hand tool is a device for performing work on a material or a physical
system using only hands. The hand tools can be manually used employing
mechanical force, or electrically powered, using electrical current.
A jack plane is a tool used for smooth planing, which is the process
of shaving wood. It’s a type of hand plane that’s designed to level,
straighten, and smooth wood surfaces before they are put to use.
The size and shape of the blades used in jack planes make them
suitable for a range of tasks, from trimming small pieces of wood to
preparing wide boards for finishing.

The Parts of a Jack Plane

Plane Body

A jack plane’s body is usually made from cast iron or steel and is designed to
provide strength and durability. The body’s size affects the size of the surface
area that can be planed with each stroke, so it’s important to select a plane
with an appropriate body size for the task at hand.

Handle and Knob

The jack blade’s handle and knob give the user grip and control over the
cutting pressure applied to the blade. They can also be used to adjust the
angle of the blade for different tasks, letting you tailor your experience to suit
your needs.


The blade is perhaps the most important component of any plane since it
does all of the actual cutting work. Blades on jack planes are typically made
from high-quality steel for maximum durability and long-term use. It’s
important to select blades that are designed specifically for use with jack
planes — they will offer greater accuracy when working with hardwoods or
softer materials such as pine or plywood.

Setting up the Jack Plane

Preparing the Blade

Before attempting to plane, it’s important to ensure that your blade is properly
prepared for use to achieve maximum results. This involves making sure that
there is no rust or dirt on the blade before sharpening it with honing stones or
wet-dry sandpaper, depending on your preference. Once you’ve ensured that
your blade is rust and residue-free, it’s time to adjust its angle for optimal
performance when cutting into different woods.

Adjusting the Blade

It’s important to pay careful attention when adjusting your blade angles
because this will affect how efficiently you’ll plane. Standard jack planes
should be adjusted so their blades rest at an angle between 35 degrees (for
harder woods) and 45 degrees (for softer woods). Low-angle jack planes
should be adjusted so that their blades rest between 8 and 12 degrees
depending on how much precision you require when making cuts.

Sharpening the Blade

Once properly set up your blade, you need to sharpen it for optimal
performance when cutting wood. This involves sharpening both sides of your
blade using either honing stones or wet-dry sandpaper until it’s been
sharpened evenly across its entire edge. Make sure not to over-sharpen your
blade as this may cause it to become too brittle, which could result in damage
while planing.

Improperly designed tools and using the incorrect tool for a specific task can
obstruct blood flow, inflame tendons and increase muscle fatigue, all of which
can lead to injury.

Hand tools are an essential part of our everyday lives. From

simple tasks like tightening a screw to more complex
projects like woodworking or automotive repairs, hand tools
enable us to get the job done efficiently and effectively. But
have you ever wondered how these tools are designed to
meet our needs?
Hand tools are designed with a specific purpose in mind –
to assist us in performing a wide range of tasks that require
precision, control, and manual dexterity. They are crafted
to make our lives easier and more efficient, allowing us to
accomplish various tasks with ease.

One of the primary purposes of hand tools is to provide

mechanical advantage. They allow us to exert force or apply
pressure in a controlled manner, enabling us to manipulate
objects or materials to achieve a desired outcome. This can
include tasks such as cutting, drilling, fastening, measuring,
or gripping.

Hand tools are also designed to increase our reach. They

allow us to access hard-to-reach areas or work in confined
spaces where power tools may not be suitable. Additionally,
hand tools offer a level of manual control that power tools
may lack, making them ideal for tasks that require delicate
or precise movements.

Another essential purpose of hand tools is their portability.

Unlike bulky power tools that require electrical outlets or
batteries, hand tools are lightweight and easy to carry. This
makes them perfect for on-the-go tasks or situations where
power may not be readily available.

Furthermore, hand tools are often used in situations where

human judgment and skill are crucial. A skilled craftsman
relies on the feedback and feel provided by hand tools to
make precise adjustments or corrections. Whether it’s a
woodworker fine-tuning a joint or a mechanic feeling for
subtle abnormalities in an engine, hand tools play a vital
role in honing their expertise.

Overall, the purpose of hand tools is to empower individuals

with the ability to perform tasks efficiently, accurately, and
with utmost control. They are versatile, portable, and
indispensable in various industries and trades, making them
an essential part of our daily lives.

Ergonomics in Hand Tool Design

When it comes to hand tool design, one of the key
considerations is ergonomics. Ergonomics focuses on creating
tools that are comfortable, efficient, and safe to use,
minimizing the risk of strain, fatigue, and injury to the user.

One of the primary aspects of ergonomic hand tool design is

handle design. The handle is the interface between the user
and the tool, and it should be designed to ensure a
comfortable and secure grip. The shape, size, and texture of
the handle should be carefully considered to fit the average
hand size and reduce the strain on the user’s hand and

In addition to handle design, the weight and balance of a

hand tool are crucial for ergonomic performance. A tool
that is too heavy can lead to fatigue and muscle strain,
while a poorly balanced tool can affect the user’s control
and accuracy. Manufacturers take these factors into account
by using lightweight yet durable materials and carefully
distributing the weight along the tool’s body.

Ergonomic hand tool design also considers the range of

motion required during use. Tools that require repetitive
motions, such as screwdrivers or wrenches, should allow for
a natural and fluid movement without excessive strain on
the joints. Handles with contoured or cushioned grips can
help reduce stress on the hands and fingers.

Furthermore, hand tool design takes into account the force

required for various tasks. Tools that require high force,
such as hammers or pliers, often feature designs that
maximize the user’s leverage and reduce the effort needed
to accomplish the task. This helps prevent muscle fatigue
and reduces the risk of injury.

Overall, ergonomic design in hand tools is essential to

enhance user comfort, productivity, and safety. By
prioritizing ergonomic considerations, hand tool
manufacturers strive to reduce the physical strain on users
and create tools that can be used for extended periods
without causing discomfort or long-term injuries.

Materials Used in Hand Tool Design

The materials used in hand tool design play a crucial role in
determining the tool’s durability, performance, and overall
quality. Choosing the right materials is essential to ensure
that the tool can withstand the demands of its intended use
and provide long-lasting functionality.

Traditionally, hand tools were made from materials such as

wood, iron, or steel. Wood was commonly used for handles
due to its natural grip and shock-absorbing properties. Iron
and steel, on the other hand, offered strength and
durability for tool heads and other components.

Today, the variety of materials used in hand tool design has

expanded, offering more options in terms of performance,
weight, and cost. Here are some common materials used:
 Steel: Steel remains a popular choice for hand tool
design due to its strength, durability, and resistance to
wear and corrosion. Carbon steel, alloy steel, and
stainless steel are commonly used, with variations in
hardness and composition depending on the specific tool
and its intended use.

 Aluminum: Aluminum is favored for its lightweight

nature, making it ideal for tools that require portability
or extended use. It offers good strength-to-weight ratio,
corrosion resistance, and is often used for handles or tool
 Titanium: Titanium is a lightweight and high-strength
material that offers excellent corrosion resistance. It is
commonly used in high-end or specialized hand tools
where weight reduction is crucial, such as aerospace or
medical applications.
 Plastic: Plastics, such as ABS or nylon, are frequently
used for tool handles. They provide a comfortable grip,
insulation against electric shock, and are resistant to
chemicals and impact. Plastic handles can also be molded
into ergonomic shapes, enhancing user comfort.
 Composite Materials: Composite materials, such as
fiberglass-reinforced plastics or carbon fiber, offer a
balance between strength and lightweight design. They
are used in high-end hand tools, particularly in
applications where weight reduction and strength are
critical factors.

When choosing materials for hand tool design,

manufacturers consider factors such as the tool’s intended
use, durability requirements, cost, and user comfort. The
selection of the right materials ensures that the tool
performs optimally, withstands repetitive use, and provides
a satisfactory user experience.

Considerations for Handle Design

The handle is a critical component of any hand tool, as it
provides the interface between the user and the tool itself.
The design of the handle can greatly impact the comfort,
control, and overall usability of the tool. Here are some key
considerations for handle design in hand tools:

Ergonomics: Ergonomics is at the forefront of handle design.

The handle should be shaped and contoured to fit
comfortably in the user’s hand, reducing strain and fatigue
during prolonged use. Ergonomic handles are often designed
to distribute pressure evenly, allowing for a natural and
relaxed grip.

Size and Shape: The size and shape of a handle should be

suited to the specific task and the average hand size of the
target users. Handles that are too small can be
uncomfortable, while handles that are too large can result
in reduced control and grip strength. Manufacturers
consider the ergonomics of the tool and the range of
motions required during use when determining the ideal
handle size and shape.

Texture and Grip: The texture of the handle plays a role in

providing a secure grip. Handles may be textured with
patterns, rubberized coatings, or ergonomic materials to
enhance grip and prevent slipping, especially when hands
are sweaty or oily. Handle materials should also be resistant
to chemicals or solvents commonly encountered in specific

Vibration Dampening: Hand tools that produce vibration,

such as power drills or jackhammers, may include features
to dampen the transmission of vibrations to the user’s hand.
This can help reduce the risk of hand-arm vibration
syndrome (HAVS) and improve comfort during extended
Handle Attachment: The method by which the handle is
attached to the tool is another factor in handle design.
Handles can be attached using screws, rivets, or other
fastening mechanisms. The attachment should be secure to
ensure the handle does not detach during use,
compromising safety and usability.

Weight Distribution: The weight distribution of the tool

impacts balance and control. Manufacturers strive to design
handles that distribute weight evenly, optimizing tool
performance and reducing strain on the user’s hand and

Handle Material: Handle materials vary depending on the

application and tool requirements. Common handle
materials include wood, plastic, rubber, and composite
materials. The choice of material affects grip, comfort,
durability, and resistance to chemicals or environmental

Accessibility and Safety: Handle design should consider the

accessibility of controls and mechanisms, ensuring they are
easily reachable and operable. Safety features such as guards
or non-slip surfaces may also be incorporated into the
handle design to prevent accidents and injuries.

By carefully considering these factors in handle design, hand

tool manufacturers create tools that are not only functional
but also comfortable, safe, and easy to use. A well-designed
handle enhances user experience, reduces fatigue, and allows
for precise control, ultimately improving overall
productivity and satisfaction.

Essential Features of Hand Tool Design

Hand tools are designed with a variety of features that
contribute to their functionality, durability, and overall
usability. Whether it’s a simple screwdriver or a complex
wrench, these tools incorporate essential features that make
them indispensable in various tasks. Here are some key
features commonly found in hand tool design:
 Durable Construction: Hand tools are built to
withstand the rigors of everyday use. They are typically
crafted from durable materials such as steel or alloy,
ensuring longevity and resistance to wear and tear.
 Appropriate Size: Hand tools come in various sizes to
accommodate different tasks and applications. Size
considerations include the length and width of the tool,
with smaller tools offering greater precision, while larger
tools provide more leverage for heavy-duty tasks.

 Proper Weight: The weight of a hand tool should be

balanced to provide optimal control and ease of use.
Tools that are too heavy can cause fatigue, while tools
that are too light may lack the necessary strength and
 Clear Markings and Measurement Scales: Many hand
tools incorporate markings, measurement scales, or
indicators to help users achieve accurate results. These
features provide guidance and ensure precision in tasks
such as measuring, cutting, or aligning.
 Comfortable Handle: The handle of a hand tool should
be designed for ergonomic comfort, allowing for a secure
and comfortable grip. Handle materials, shape, and
texture play a crucial role in minimizing strain and
fatigue during prolonged use.
 Easy-to-Use Mechanisms: Hand tools often incorporate
simple yet efficient mechanisms that allow for easy
operation. Features like quick-release systems, adjustable
jaws, or ratchets enhance usability and enable efficient
task completion.

 Secure Fastening: Hand tools that require fastening,

such as wrenches or pliers, often include mechanisms to
ensure a secure grip or hold. These features prevent
slipping or accidental disengagement, providing both
safety and effectiveness.
 Replaceable or Interchangeable Components: Some
hand tools feature replaceable or interchangeable
components. This allows for easy maintenance and repair,
saving time and money in the long run.
 Cleaning and Maintenance: Hand tools should be
designed for easy cleaning and maintenance. Smooth
surfaces, corrosion-resistant materials, and access to
moving parts enable users to keep their tools in good
working condition.
 Proper Storage and Organization: Hand tools often
come with storage or organizational features, such as
toolboxes, pouches, or magnetic strips. These enable users
to keep their tools organized, protected, and easily
accessible when needed.

These essential features of hand tool design make them

reliable, efficient, and user-friendly. By incorporating these
elements, manufacturers strive to create tools that meet
the needs of various industries, trades, and tasks, ultimately
enhancing productivity and satisfaction for users.

Factors to Consider in Hand Tool

Hand tools are designed with specific functionalities in mind,
and several factors are taken into consideration to ensure
their effectiveness and efficiency. These factors determine
how well the tool performs its intended task and how user-
friendly it is. Here are some key factors that affect hand
tool functionality:

 Task-Specific Design: Hand tools are designed with

specific tasks in mind. Consideration is given to the shape,
size, and features of the tool to optimize its performance
for its intended use. A tool designed for cutting, for
example, will have a sharp cutting edge and appropriate
leverage to make the cutting process easier and more
 Ease of Use: Hand tools should be intuitive and easy to
use. Features such as well-placed handles, well-balanced
weight distribution, and ergonomic designs contribute to
a tool’s ease of use. Users should be able to grasp the tool
and perform the intended task without the need for
complex instructions or excessive effort.
 Efficiency and Speed: Hand tools should enable users to
complete tasks efficiently and quickly. Factors such as the
speed of operation, the range of motion required, and
the tool’s functionality all contribute to its efficiency.
Tools that allow for quick adjustments or provide rapid
results enhance user productivity.

 Accuracy and Precision: Hand tools often require

precision, especially in tasks such as measuring, cutting,
or aligning. The design and construction of hand tools are
engineered to ensure accuracy and precision. Features
like clear measurement scales, fine adjustments, or stable
holding mechanisms contribute to achieving accurate
 Durability and Strength: Hand tools must be sturdy
and capable of withstanding the demands of their
intended use. Factors such as the choice of materials,
construction techniques, and reinforcements affect a
tool’s durability and strength. Hand tools should be able
to endure repeated use and withstand the forces applied
during tasks without deforming or breaking.
 Adaptability and Compatibility: Some hand tools need
to adapt to different materials, sizes, or conditions.
Features like adjustable jaws, interchangeable
components, or compatibility with various accessories
enhance a tool’s versatility. This allows users to tackle
different tasks or adapt to changing requirements
without needing multiple specialized tools.

 Safety Features: Hand tools should incorporate safety

features to protect users from potential hazards.
Examples include non-slip handles, blade guards, or
mechanisms that prevent accidental starts or releases.
Safety considerations are crucial to ensure user
protection and prevent accidents or injuries.
 Maintenance and Serviceability: Hand tools should be
designed for easy maintenance, repair, and serviceability.
This includes features such as accessible moving parts,
replaceable components, or clear instructions for
maintenance. Tools that can be maintained or repaired
easily prolong their lifespan and provide a cost-effective
By considering these factors in hand tool functionality,
manufacturers can create tools that excel in their
performance, provide a positive user experience, and meet
the diverse needs of the users.

What are the major ergonomic concerns of a

hand tool design?

Weight of the tool

Ideally, a worker should be able to operate a tool with one hand. The weight of the
tool may depend on the use:
 2.3 kg (5 lb) if the hand tool will be used away from the body or above shoulder height.
 1.4 kg (3 lb) or less for tools operated with one hand
 0.4kg (1 lb) for precision tools to allow for good control.

Tools above these recommendations should be supported with a counterbalance, tool

holder, articulating arm, or straps as appropriate.

Figure 1
It is also important that the centre of gravity be aligned with the centre of the gripping
hand. In other words, tools should feel "easy" to hold either in an upright position or
in the position it will be used (i.e., pointing down). For example, drills that are "front-
heavy" will require effort (especially in the wrist and forearm) to hold in a usable
position and should be avoided. The exception to this principle is a power hand tool,
such as a grinder, that has to be heavy in order to reduce the force that the worker has
to exert while using it.

With the exception of tools for precision work (e.g., watchmaking, microsurgery,
carving), the handles and grips of hand tools should be designed for a power grip. A
power grip means that the operator can align their fingers towards the palm, using
their entire hand and allowing for a stronger grip. Pinch grip refers to holding an
object between the thumb and fingers of a single hand.
Handle shape
Tools with "bent" or angled handles or tools with pistol grips are beneficial where the
force is exerted in a straight line in the same direction as the straightened forearm and
wrist, especially when the force must be applied horizontally (see Figures 2, 3, 4).

Figure 2
Figure 3

Figure 4
Tools with straight handles are for tasks where the force is exerted perpendicular to
the straightened forearm and wrist, for instance, when the force must be applied
Shaped tools such as bent-handle tools are effective where most of the tasks are done
in the same plane and height as the arm and hand and when only one or two other
tools are used (see Figure 5).

Figure 5
Knowing the tasks and the workplace layout where they will be used is vital for
selecting the right tools for any given job. Select tools that do NOT require wrist
flexion, extension or deviation. In other words, select tools that allow you to keep the
wrist straight or in a neutral position.
The important ergonomic principle in tool use and design -- bend the tool, not the
wrists -- however correct and valuable, does not always prevent discomfort and
injuries when bent-handle tools are used indiscriminately, regardless of the layout of
the work situation.
Handle diameter recommendations vary. In general, cylindrical or oval handles at
40mm (1.5 in) offer a better power grip, ranging from 30-50mm (1.25 to 2 in). For
precision grips, a diameter of 12mm (0.45 in) is recommended, with a range of 8-
16mm (0.3 to 0.6 in). The larger diameter will allow for maximum torque, while the
smaller diameter helps with dexterity and speed.
A handle that is too short can cause unnecessary compression in the middle of the
palm. It should extend across the entire breadth of the palm. Tool handles should be
not less than 100 mm (4 in) to reduce the negative effects of any compression exerted.
Handles around 120 mm (5 in) are generally recommended. Keep in mind that the use
of gloves requires longer tool handles.
Separation between handles (Span)
Crushing, gripping or cutting tools such as pliers or tongs are equipped with two
handles. The recommended distance separating the handles is between 65-90 mm (2.5
to 3.5 in). Grips that are larger than 100 mm (4 in) will be difficult for some users.
Tools with larger or smaller spans will reduce one's maximum grip strength.
Materials and texture of handles
To ensure a good grip on a handle, sufficient friction must exist between the hand and
the handle. This is particularly important where a considerable force must be applied
with a sweaty hand. Hand tools should be made of non-slip, non-conductive and
compressible materials. For example, textured rubber handles provide a good grip,
reduce the effort needed to use the tool effectively, and prevent the tool from slipping
out of the hand. Glossy coatings and highly polished handles should be avoided. The
electrical and heat insulation properties of the handles are important for power hand
tools. Handles made of plastics or compound rubber are recommended. Sharp edges
and contours can be covered with cushioned tape to minimize lacerations.

Tool Weight

The weight of the tool and distribution of the load within the tool
affect the way the operator holds the tool; whether one or both
hands are required to stabilize the tool; the amount of time an
operator can hold the tool; and the precision with which it can be
manipulated. It is best to limit the weight of the tool to 3 pounds
(1.4 kg) or less for tools operated with one hand. For precision
operations, tools should weigh less than 1 pound (.5 kg).

The distribution of weight in the tool also should facilitate

comfortable gripping in the orientation that helps align the tool's
center of gravity with the center of the gripping hand. For example,
drill tools that are front-heavy require more effort to balance while
in use. When the tool weight cannot be reduced or if the tool is
poorly balanced, use a tool balancer. Other controls include using
tool holders and articulating arms, or adding microbreak straps to
hand tools to allow the operator to relax his/her grip when the tool
is not in use.


Tools should be designed so they can be held using a power grip. A

power grip requires the operator to align the fingers such that they
work in conjunction with, rather than against, each other to
maximize the hand capacity. Exceptions to this are tools used for
precision work. A pinch grip may be more appropriate for
precision work to allow better finger control for minute
manipulations with the tool.


Handle shape is an important consideration affecting wrist and

arm postures. Determine handle shape after considering the type
of task, orientation and layout of the task, and the workplace.
Select the handle so that the tool does not require wrist flexion,
extension or ulnar or radial deviation, allowing the operator to
maintain a neutral wrist posture.

Pistol grips are preferred when the force is exerted in a straight line
in the same direction as the straightened forearm and wrist,
especially when the force must be applied horizontally. Tools with
straight handles are a good choice for tasks in which the force is
exerted perpendicular to the straightened forearm and wrist, for
instance, when the force must be applied vertically. Bent handles
are effective when most tasks are performed in the same plane and
height as the arm and hand.

Handles should be cylindrical or oval in shape, and the preferred
diameter for tools used with a power grip (for example,
screwdrivers) is 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). The recommended minimum
is 1.2 inches (3 cm), and the recommended maximum is 1.8 inches
(4.6 cm). The preferred diameter for tools used with a pinch grip
(for example, tweezers) is 0.4 inches (1 cm). The recommended
minimum is 0.3 inches (0.8 cm), and the recommended maximum
is 0.5 inches (1.3 cm).


A handle that is too short can cause unnecessary compression in

the middle of the palm. It should extend across the entire breadth
of the palm. The preferred handle length is 5.5 inches (14 cm), with
a recommended minimum of 4 inches (10.2 cm). In addition,
rounded padded handles will reduce any soft tissue compression
that may exist. A longer handle length may be required if work is
performed wearing gloves.


Crushing, gripping or cutting tools such as pliers or tongs are

equipped with two handles. The preferred handle span for one-
handed tools with two handles (for example, pliers) is 3 inches (7.6
cm). The recommended minimum is 2 inches (5.1 cm), and the
recommended maximum is 4 inches (10 cm) to fit both male and
female users. Tools with larger or smaller spans will reduce the
user's maximum grip strength.


To ensure a good grip on a handle, sufficient friction must exist

between the hand and the handle. Hand tools should be made of
non-slip, non-conductive and compressible materials. Textured
rubber handles provide a good grip, reduce the effort needed to use
the tool effectively and prevent the tool from slipping out of the
hand. Avoid glossy coated and highly polished handles.

The electrical and heat insulation properties of the handles are

important for power hand tools. Handles made of plastics or
compound rubbers are recommended.

Power Tools
Where possible, power tools should replace hand tools that
normally require the exertion of frequent and repetitive force to do
the job. The greater the force exerted with a hand tool, and the
more the hand must twist to use it, the greater the risk. Power tool
triggers should be at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) in length to allow more
than one finger to activate them.


The goal is to create as much distance as possible between the

vibration-generating tool and the user. Use tool covers and anti-
vibration gloves to achieve this distance. Proper tool maintenance
also may reduce the vibration.

Contact Stress

Mechanical stress or pressure can be transmitted to the palm and

the fingers during hand tool use, especially when large forces must
be exerted. Forces should not exceed 22 pounds/inch2 (10
kg/cm2). Force exerted by the finger (e.g., to activate a trigger or a
slide switch, or to steady a heavy tool) can put pressure on the

Due to the wide range of available alternatives, the process of

finding hand tools that support good ergonomics can be difficult
and complicated. In addition, lack of objectivity when purchasing
ergonomically designed hand tools may create situations in which
the product intended to reduce the risk of injury may either have
no effect, or in some cases, even increase the risk of injury. The
copious use of the term "ergonomics" in marketing products with
limited or no support for associated reduction of physical stress or
improved human performance may add to confusion for the buyer.

Following the guidelines offered here should help streamline the

tool selection process. Applying these guidelines in tool design can
help maximize human performance on the job by making the job
easier for the worker, improving safety and decreasing injuries.

Sidebar: Take-Away Tips for Tool Selection

 Use the right tool for the job, and the right tool for the user.
 "Bend" the tool, not the wrist. Use tools with angled or "bent"
handles when appropriate.
 Avoid high contact forces and static loading.
 Reduce excessive gripping force or pressure.
 Avoid extreme and awkward joint positions.
 Avoid twisting hand and wrist motion by using power tools
rather than hand tools.
 Avoid repetitive finger movements, or at least reduce their
 Minimize the amount of force needed to activate trigger
devices on power tools.
 Avoid thumb triggers.
 Use two- or three-finger triggers for power tools; use four-
finger triggers only when the tool is balanced.
 Maximum grip force for a trigger should not exceed 4 pounds
(1.8 kg).
 Choose tools with handles that have added friction such as
compressible rubber or closed-cell foam, with slightly etched
 Handles should be 4.5 to 5.5 inches (11.4 to 14.0 cm) long;
add .5 inches (1.3 cm) of length, minimum, if wearing gloves.
 Select tools with 1.25- to 1.75-inch (3.2- to 4.4-cm) handle
diameter, 1.5-inch (3.8-cm) recommended. For precision
operations, use .3- to .6-inch handle diameter (.8- to 1.5-cm).
 Use torque reaction bars on tool balancers.
 Use tools with auto-shutoff clutch to prevent "kick."
 Use pulse tools.
 Replace torque-producing hand tools with automatic torque
drivers mounted in fixtures.
 Straight or in-line power tools with a torque output
exceeding 28 inches/pound (33 cm/kg) should be equipped with a
reaction torque-limiting device.
 Pistol grip tools with torque output exceeding 60
inches/pound (69 cm/kg) should be equipped with a reaction
torque-limiting device.
 Right-angle power tools with more than 442 inches/pound
(509 cm/kg) of torque should be mounted on an articulating arm,
use multiple spindles or have other torque-limiting devices.
 Add micro-break straps to allow users to relax their grip
between tasks.
 In general, specify in-line tools to work on horizontal
surfaces, pistol-grip tools to work on vertical surfaces.
 Use a dyna-swivel attachment on pneumatic tools to reduce
pressure force.
 Avoid or limit vibration; select impact tools that minimize
vibration (e.g., impulse tools) rather than mechanical impact tools.
 Select pneumatic tools that do not allow air exhaust to vent
on the hand, wrist, face or other exposed skin areas.
There are various kinds of hand drills on the market ,but many of them are unreasonable designed.
Hand drills vibrate in use , users may easily get tired with no auxiliary handle, only one handle to
support ;
spinning drill not only brings panic to users but also gives scraps which may hurt them ; the drill is
to locate; hand drill brings noise pollution; cold mechanical shape design makes people feel uneasy.
some details may also cause troubles . (Fig.1. shortcomings of hand drill) .Consequently, hand drill
design should consider its use security in various aspects.

2 .The security analysis of hand drill

Hand drill have a high operating frequency in daily life. Unreasonable design may cause many upper
limbs occupational disease or even systemic harm. Thus, hand drill design should follow the ergonomic
principles and start with human’s security psychology.
2.1 hand drill appearance design exploration
2.1.1 hand drill’s shape exploration
Function decides form, especially in some practical product like hand drill, no matter its entirety or
details , should satisfy people’s need and give users a better operation.
See from a integral hand drill, it should be streamlined and not too heavy. Pointed shapes may seem
aggressive while streamlined form looks moderate; overloaded hand drill increase fatigue,so it should
less than 0.45kg.
In details, proportionate relationship between hand and drill and ancillary distribution will directly
influence operate. The length of hand drill should be less than arm length; the handle should not have
groove; switch and other operating buttons should within fingers’ reach etc. [2]
2.1.2 Hand drill color design

Modern hand drill color design should make users feel stable and safe and even can improve work
efficiency. Cold color give people a sense of mechanical cold while warm color may dispel that cold
feel light and soft. Hand drill color design should balance out between those two types of colors .
2.2.2 The analysis of new hand drill’s
There should be a protective barrier between
drillbit and user from security point. The barrier can covers the drillbit to protect users from mistakenly
touch and clastic splash ; the barrier can not affect the normal operation , that is the operator should be
able to see how the drillbit works. A hand drill gives about 100 db noise which is much higher than
environmental noise severe pollution standards (>74 db ). So the barrier can also appropriately consider
the requirement of noise reducing.

Shown in fig.4 , a transparent barrier setted around the drill. The barrier is light and small so that it
wouldn’t affect its total mass. The barrier have various functions. The first one is the transparent
can let users see how drillbit works clearly; the second is that the barrier’s cross section is parallel to
wall so that the drillbit can perpendicular to the wall in use and also have some positioning function.

third one is the barrier contract with the depth of drillbit , will not affect the operation. The forth is it
isolate some noise.
2.2.3 Tactile analysis of new hand drill
As a directly contact tool with people, whether the
handle is reasonable designed or not is really important.
The hand drill requires hard effort and accurate drilling,
bear the focus on positioning and accurate positioning
two properties. While the movement should not have
both positioning property, the handle design is
supposed to consider the feasibility and rationality of
the operation to reduce the working intensity and
From the focus on positioning terms, the handle
should adopt hand joint curve for gripping comfortably and alleviating vibration ; handle should use the
material which can increase friction; add some auxiliary handle to reduce finger stress. As it shown in
fig.5, the auxiliary handle is different from traditional ones , behind or beside the handle. It’s a small
change in the handle : extra A point. A gives hand an inward force while B gives an outward one .
two forces put handle firmly fixed in the palms. [8]
This handle design also spares extra auxiliary handle to save material and processing cost.

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