Radial Gate

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1 Design data
Type Radial gate
Max.Flood level 337 m
High water level 336 m
Low water level 336 m
Crest El. 340 m
Clear span 14 m
Height 11 m
Design head-H 11 m
Quantity 2 sets
All.stress-SS400 1200 kg/cm2
All.stress-SM490 1600 kg/cm2
Corr.all. 2 mm

2 Economic radius of radial gate

R= 1.25 * H
= 1.25*11
= 13.75 m
sin β/2= h/2
= 5.5
= 0.4
β/2 = 23.58 o
β= 47.16 o
<= 0.26 radiant

3 Arc length of gate of the gate

L= R * (< in radiant)
= 3.14*13.75 *0.26
= 11.31 m

4 Spacing of horizontal girder

(a) Number of girder-N, according to standard for H= 8.5 to 12 =
(b) Water pressure, t/m2 spacing, m kg/cm2
p0 = 0.000 0.000
b1 = 3.726

p1 = 4.491 4.491
b2 = 3.189

p2 = 7.778 7.778
c 8.910
b3 = 2.644
p3 = 10.042 10.042
b4 = 1.441 10.521
p4 = 11.000 11.000
e 11.000

5 Vertical stiffeners
5.1 Bending moment on vertical stiffeners
M ab= p1*b1^2/6
= 4.49*3.73^2/6
= 10.391 tm
= 1,039,086 kg-cm

M cb & bc = (p1*b2^2/12)+(p2*b2^2/12)
= (4.49*3.19^2/12)+(7.78*3.19^2/12)
= 10.40 tm
= 1,039,761 kg-cm

M cd & dc = (p2*b3^2/12)+(p3*b3^2/12)
= (7.78*2.64^2/12)+(10.04*2.64^2/12)
= 10.38 tm
= 1,038,110 kg-cm

M de = (p3*b4^2/2)+(p4*b4^2/3)
= (10.04*1.44^2/2)+(11*1.44^2/3)
= 10.43 tm
= 1,042,558 kg-cm
Max. bending moment- Mb max.
Mb max. = 1,042,558 kg-cm

5.2 Number of vertical stiffeners

Spacing, s = 0.60 m
N= (B/s)+1
= 14/0.6+1
= 24

5.3 Bending stress

σcd = Mmax = 1042557.53
Zxl 815.90

= 1042557.53
= 1,277.80 tf/cm2

Material: JIS G 3101 SS400

H B Tw Tf
I mm 450 200 9 14
Cor.all. mm 1
I x1 = 18,195 cm4
Z x1= 816 cm3
Aw = 77.54 cm2
G= 60.87 kg/m
5.4 Weight of vertical stiffener
Gst = N * L * G
= 24*11.31*60.87
= 16,753.18 kgs
6 Horizontal girder
6.1 The end frames shall be fixed at about 0.2 * B distance from each end.

Distance of end frame from each end of the gate, e

b= 0.2 * B
= 0.2 *14
= 2.8 m
= 280 cm
Distance between end frames
e= B - ( 2*b )
= 14 -(2 *2.8)
= 8.4 m
= 840 cm

6.2 Loads acting on horizontal girder

(1) Beam B
wb = wb1 + wb2
wb1 = (p0 + 2 * p1) * b1
= (0 + 2 * 4.49) * 3.73 = 5.577 tf/m
wb2 = (2 * p1 + p2) * b2
= (2 * 4.49 + 7.78) * 3.19 = 8.908 tf/m
wb = 5.577 + 8.908 = 14.485 tf/m
= 144.85 kgf/cm
(2) Beam C
wc = wc1 + wc2
wc1 = (p1 + 2 * p2) * b2 =
(4.49 + 2 * 7.78) * 3.19 = 63.930
6 6
= 10.66 tf/m
wc2 = (2 * p2 + p3) * b3 =
= (2 * 7.78 + 10.04) * 2.64 = 94.23
6 6
= 15.71 t/m

wc= 10.66 + 15.71 = 26.36 tf/m

= 263.60 tf/cm
(3) Beam D
wd= wd1 + wd2
wd1 = (p2 + 2 * p3) * b3
= (7.78 + 2 * 10.04) * 2.64 = 12.278 tf/m
wd2 = (2 * p3 + p4) * b4
(2 * 10.04 + 11) * 10.52 = 7.465 tf/m
wd = 12.278 + 7.465 = 19.743 tf/m
= 197.43 kg/cm

wmax = = 263.60 kg/cm

MBA = wmax * b ^2 = 263.6 * 280 ^2
2 2
= 5,678,120.00 kg-cm
6.3 Bending stress
σBC = MBC = 5678120
Zxl 10454.64
= 11356240
Upper girder = 1,086.24 kgf/cm2
Material: JIS G 3101 SS400
H B Tw Tf
I mm 900 400 25 25
Cor.all. mm 1

I x1 = 468,368 cm4
Z x1= 10,455 cm3
Aw = 379.50 cm2
G= 297.91 kg/m

6.4 Weight of horizontal girder

Gst = N * B * G
= 3*14*297.91
= 166,828.20 kgs

7 Skin plate
From the practical safety consideration the thickness of skin plates is of not less than 10 mm.

An allowance of 2 mm thickness is made to allow for corrosion and rusting.

This allowance is included in the minimum specified thickness of 10 mm.

So that the effective thickness of skin plate is only 8 mm.

7.1 Bending stress

σs = K * a^2 * p
100 x t^2

7.2 Result of calculation

k= 50
a b b/a p t
(cm) (cm) (kgf/cm2) (cm) σs
60 372.600 6.21 2.245 1.80 (kgf/cm2)
60 318.900 5.315 6.134 2.80 1247.4
60 264.400 4.407 8.910 3.80 1408.4
60 144.100 2.402 10.521 3.80 1110.6
allowable bending stress SM-490 1311.5
Corrosion allowance 0.2 cm
Thickness of skin plate 1 20 mm
2 30 mm
3 40 mm
4 40 mm
7.3 Weight of skin plate, G=W * H * t * g
Width-W Height-H Thickness-t Weight-G
(dm) (dm) (dm) (kg)
1 140 37.26 0.2 8,189.75
2 140 31.89 0.3 10,514.13
3 140 26.44 0.4 11,623.02
4 140 14.41 0.4 6,334.64
5 Total 36,661.54

8 Total weight of moving parts exluding end frame

Weight of vertical stiffener = 16,753.18 kgs
Weight horizontal girder = 166,828.20 kgs
Weight of skin plate = 36,661.54 kgs
Total = 220,242.92 kgs

9 Friction force
9.1 Friction force on pin
Assume pin pin diameter -df = 600 mm
= 0.3 m
Friction between bronze and steel- ff = 0.25

(a) Maximum horizontal thrust on pin, P=

P= B * H^2
where n = number of end frame = 2
= 14 *11^2 = 484
2*2 4
= 121 tf
(b) Friction force on pin
Fp = P * ff = 121 * 0.25
= 30.3 tf
( c) Load due to friction- Tp
Tp * R = Fp * r
Tp = Fp * r / R = 30.25 *0.3 / 13.75
where = 0.66 tf
R= Radius of radial gate
Fp = Friction force on pin
R= Radius of pin

9.2 Friction force due to seal rubber

Assume width of seal bears water pressure - wr = 50 mm
= 0.05 m
Pressure area of rubber - ar = 2*L*wr = 2*11.31*0.05
= 1.13 m2
Average water pressure - pw = 5.578 t/m2
Friction coefisien between rubber and steel- fr = 1.1
Load due to friction of rubber seal - Tr
Tr = pw * ar * fr = 5.58*1.13*1.1
= 6.94 tf
10 Center of gravity
(kgs) (mm) (kgs.-mm)
1 gate leaf 220,243 11,311 2,491,162,385
2 end frame 24,575 6,875 168,953,560
3 total 244,818 2,660,115,945
4 center of gravity 10,866 from center of pin


11 Steel wire rope

11.1 Tension on Steel wire rope in normal condition
diameter, d 35 mm
breaking strength, T kgf
unit weight, Wc 90 kg/m
Taking length of wire rope - Lc = 12.31 m
Tension in wire rope due to its own weight = 1.11 tf
Total tension in one side of wire rope in normal condition - Wc
Wc = (Gg+Gf+Tr)/2 = 220.24+1.96+6.94/2
where = 114.57 tf
Gg = weight of gate leaf = 220.24 tf
Df = portion of end frame weight at wire rope position
(Dwg.3) = 1.96 tf

11.2 Tension on wire rope in Emergeny condition

(a) Related dimensions
span - B = 14 m
Radius - R = 13.75 m
tan A =B/R = 13.75/14 = 0.98
angle < A = 44.48 o
(i) Nearest distance from pin to diagonal line of another pin to the edge of gate leaf - "X"

X= sin(A)*B = 9.81 m
angel < D = = 45.49 o
(ii) Distance from intersection of diagonal line and gate center line to pin centerline - "Y"

Y/X = SIN(D)
y= sin(D)*X 7.00 m
( iii) C of G = = 10.87 m
from center of pin
(iv) Distance from intersection of diagonal line and gate center line to center of gravity - "Z"

Z= 10.87-7 = 3.87 m
(v) Nearest distance from c.g to diagonal line of another pin to the edge of gate leaf - "p"

p= sin(D)*X = 2.758 m

(b) Moments
Taking moment about vertical plane passing through diagonal line

Gg*p = Rd*X
(i) Reaction at point d, Rd
Rd = Gg * p
= 110.12*2.76 = 303.68
9.81 9.81
= 30.94 tf

(ii) Taking moment about vertical plane passing through wire rope line P-Q

Rd*Cc - Gg*Dc = Ra*Bc

Ra = reaction at point A

Ra = (Rd*Cc) - (Gg*Dc )
= (30.94*0.6) - (110.12*6.4) = (686.21)
13.4 13.4
= (51.21) tf
Cc = nearest distance of wire rope from point D 0.6 m
Gg = Load on c.g/2 110.12 tf
Dc = nearest distance of wire rope from point c.g 6.4 m
Bc = nearest distance of wire rope from point A 13.4 m

(iii) Tension in emergency

Taking moment about vertical plane passing through D, parallel to line AK

T'*X= Gg*(X+Cc)-(Ra*X)
T' = 110.12*(9.81+0.6)-(-51.21*9.81)
= 1,649.35 = 168.13 tf

Added with friction loads = 175.07 tf






Dwg.7 - Basic arrangement of upper

12 End frame
12.1 Axial loads on end frame members
(a) Axial load
wb = 14.49 t/m
wc = 26.36 t/m
wd = 19.74 t/m
w max = 26.36 t/m

( b) Maximum Hydrostatic load - F

F= wmax * B /2
= 26.36 *14/2
= 621.52 tf

( c) Inclined component along the line of end member - F'

Radius - R = 13.75 m
Angle of end frame inclination - θ = 11.51 o
Length of end frame - L = R / cos (θ) = 13.75/-0.87
= 15.80 m
F' = F*L/R = 621.52*15.8/13.75
= 713.98 tf
(d) Profil for end frames
Upper girder
Material: JIS G 3101 SS400
H B Tw Tf
Double-I mm 750 300 30 30
Cor.all. mm 1
I x1 = 586,564 cm4
Z x1= 15,726 cm3
Aw = 722.40 cm2
G= 567.08 kg/m

(e) Bending moment - Bm

length of end frame, L' = L - (hf+hg) = 14.45 m
L = incline distance of end frame = 15.80 m
hf = height of vertical stiffeners web = - m
hg = height of horizontal girders web = - m

Bm = G * L'^2
= 567.08 *(14.45)^2
= 118,331
= 14,791.40 kgm

(f) Bending stress - Sb

Sb = Bm*100 + F'
z A
= 14791.4*100 + 713.98*1000
15725.57 722.4
= 1,479,140.40 + 713975.11
15725.57 722.4
= 94.06 + 988.34
= 1,082.40 kg/cm2

(g) Weight of one element of end frame

Gst = L' * G
= 14.45*567.08 = 8,191.69 kgs

Total weight- Gef = N * Gst = 24,575.06 kgs

N = number of arm = 3

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