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Generative AI-enabled Vehicular Networks:

Fundamentals, Framework, and Case Study
Ruichen Zhang, Ke Xiong, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Fellow, IEEE,
Jiawen Kang, Xuemin Shen, Fellow, IEEE, H. Vincent Poor, Life Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Recognizing the tremendous improvements that the devices, with the potential to significantly enhance the effi-
integration of generative AI can bring to intelligent transporta- ciency, safety, and sustainability of transportation. By enabling
tion systems, this article explores the integration of generative real-time data exchange and collaborative decision-making, a
arXiv:2304.11098v1 [cs.NI] 21 Apr 2023

AI technologies in vehicular networks, focusing on their potential

applications and challenges. Generative AI, with its capabilities vehicular networks can support a wide range of applications,
of generating realistic data and facilitating advanced decision- such as traffic management, autonomous driving, and smart
making processes, enhances various applications when combined city planning [1].
with vehicular networks, such as navigation optimization, traffic On the other hand, with the development of artificial intel-
prediction, data generation, and evaluation. Despite these promis-
ing applications, the integration of generative AI with vehicular
ligence (AI) technology, generative AI, as a branch of AI, has
networks faces several challenges, such as real-time data process- been receiving increasing attention. In particular, generative
ing and decision-making, adapting to dynamic and unpredictable AI focuses on creating new content or data, such as images,
environments, as well as privacy and security concerns. To texts, audios, videos, or even system designs, by learning
address these challenges, we propose a multi-modality semantic- patterns and structures from existing data and autonomously
aware framework to enhance the service quality of generative
AI. By leveraging multi-modal and semantic communication
generating novel outputs. For example, ChatGPT1 , a genera-
technologies, the framework enables the use of text and image tive AI language model developed by OpenAI, is capable of
data for creating multi-modal content, providing more reliable generating human-like text based on a given context. Also,
guidance to receiving vehicles and ultimately improving system some generative AI techniques such as generative adversar-
usability and efficiency. To further improve the reliability and ial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and
efficiency of information transmission and reconstruction within
the framework, taking generative AI-enabled vehicle-to-vehicle
diffusion models can be utilized to generate realistic traffic
(V2V) as a case study, a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based simulation scenarios, create alternative routes for connected
approach is proposed for resource allocation. Finally, we discuss vehicles, or minimize energy consumption in electric vehicles.
potential research directions and anticipated advancements in the For example, in [2], a DriveGAN was proposed to generate
field of generative AI-enabled vehicular networks. high-resolution and diverse simulations based on user-defined
Index Terms—Vehicular networks, generative AI, multi-modal, driving conditions, such as weather and positioning. Also, in
DRL [3], a realistic sensor data synthesis framework was proposed
for enhancing autonomous driving, where the data-driven
camera generation approach not only produces visually high-
I. I NTRODUCTION quality data but also serves as training datasets that enhance
The rapid advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) and con- the performance of AI algorithms.
nected devices have spurred the development of the vehicular The potential integration of generative AI into vehicular
networks as a critical component of modern transportation networks systems can lead to substantial advancements in
systems. A vehicular networks facilitates seamless commu- intelligent transportation systems. By automating the content
nication among vehicles, infrastructure, and other connected creation process and customizing it to users’ personalized
and proactive AI requirements, the effectiveness of vehicular
R. Zhang, and K. Xiong are with the Engineering Research Center of networks-based services can be significantly improved [4].
Network Management Technology for High Speed Railway of Ministry of For instance, the generative AI could automatically generate
Education, School of Computer and Information Technology, Beijing Jiaotong
University, Beijing 100044, China, with the Collaborative Innovation Center pertinent and timely information for drivers, such as real-
of Railway Traffic Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China, time traffic updates, weather forecasts, and nearby amenities.
and also with the National Engineering Research Center of Advanced Network Furthermore, it could also be utilized to generate specialized
Technologies, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China (e-mail:, driving data, such as accident simulations, to enhance real-
H. Du, and D. Niyato are with the School of Computer Science world operational efficiency. Companies like Siemens Mobility
and Engineering, the Energy Research Institute @ NTU, Interdisciplinary Corp. leveraged AI techniques to improve traffic management
Graduate Program, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (e-mail:, by generating reliable real-time traffic predictions, facilitating
J. Kang is with the School of Automation, Guangdong University of better routing decisions, and minimizing congestion.2 Simi-
Technology, China. (e-mail:
X. Shen is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Waterloo, Canada (e-mail:
H. V. Poor is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ08544, USA (e-mail: showcases-solutions-reduce-traffic-congestion


Data-based Generative AI technologies

Technologies Advantages Disadvantages
-Ability to combine style and content from different images -Dependence on high-quality style and content images
Neural style transfer [5] -Real-time style transfer with optimized algorithms -Difficulty in preserving fine details
-Applicable to various forms of media -Difficulty in controlling the level of stylization
-Autoregressive modeling of image pixels -Computationally expensive
Pixel CNN/Pixel RNN [6] -Explicitly captures local dependencies in data -Difficulty in capturing long-range dependencies
-Effective in modeling discrete data -Sequential nature limits generation speed
-Effective modeling of long-range dependencies -Memory consumption in large-scale applications
Transformer-based model [7] -Scalability with parallelization techniques -Complexity increases with sequence length
-Superior performance on various tasks -Dependence on large training datasets
-Leveraging existing data for generation -Dependence on the quality and variety of input examples
Example-based synthesis [8] -Ability to produce high-quality results -Difficulty in generalizing to unseen data
-Flexibility in incorporating domain-specific constraints -Computational complexity
Model-based Generative AI Technologies
Technologies Advantages Disadvantages
-Exceptional quality of generated images -Training instability
Generative adversarial network [2] -Can incorporate conditions to control generated output -Difficulty in evaluating model quality
-Ability to address mode collapse with advanced techniques -Susceptibility to mode collapse
-Effective representation of data in a probabilistic latent space -Blurry image generation
Variational Autoencoder [9] -Achieving disentangled representations -Limited expressive power of the prior distribution
-Unified framework for both inference and generation -Difficulty in choosing likelihood functions
-Direct modeling of temporal dependencies -Sequential nature limits speed
Autoregressive model [10] -Scalability achieved through parallelization techniques -Complexity increases with sequence length
-Compatibility with both discrete and continuous data -Difficulty in modeling long-range dependencies
-Generative process based on denoising score matching
-Slower generation process
Diffusion-based model [4] -Flexible noise schedule selection
-Complexity in training and selecting hyperparameters
-Resistance to mode collapse and overfitting

larly, Waymo Corp. released a VectorNet model to predict a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based approach is pro-
the behavior of traffic agents and their interactions with the posed to maximize the definite system quality of experience
surrounding environment in autonomous driving scenarios.3 (QoE) within the constraints of the transmission power budget
Thus, generative AI can ultimately improve the efficiency and the probability of successful transmission for each vehicle.
and convenience of vehicular networks-based services by Our approach jointly optimizes transmission communication
automating specific aspects of the content creation process and resources and generative AI resources and simulation results
tailoring it to users’ requirements. validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Despite the numerous advantages offered by generative AI-
enabled vehicular networks, it encounters several challenges II. G ENERATIVE AI- ENABLED VEHICULAR NETWORKS
and limitations during implementation. The most prominent In this section, the various types of generative AI tech-
issue is limited communication bandwidth, which may lead to nologies is presented. Subsequently, we explore the key ap-
unreliable data transmission and communication security con- plications of these techniques in vehicular networks scenarios.
cerns within the vehicular networks ecosystem. Additionally, Lastly, we discuss the prevailing challenges associated with
latency in communication between vehicles and infrastructure, implementing generative AI-enabled vehicular networks.
coupled with the intricacy of data processing, poses significant
barriers to the widespread adoption of vehicular networks.
Motivated by these, this article is an attempt to provide A. Generative AI technologies
a forward-looking research for leveraging generative AI in As an emerging subfield of AI, generative AI technology
vehicular networks systems. First, we introduce different types focuses on autonomously generating new content or data,
of generative AI techniques and then describe the potential including images, text, audio, video, and even system designs.
applications and challenges of these techniques in vehicular Similar to traditional AI technologies, such as discriminative
networks scenarios. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, AI, generative AI technologies can also be classified into
this is the first article that presents synergy between gen- two categories, i.e., the model-based technologies and the
erative AI and vehicular technologies. Second, to address data-based technologies. Specifically, data-based generative AI
these challenges, a novel generative AI-enabled vehicular employs learning algorithms to create novel content from
networks framework that integrates a multi-modal architecture existing data, while model-based generative AI leverages
is proposed, which is capable of accommodating both text predefined models and simulations to generate new outputs
and image data, ultimately offering more reliable guidance by manipulating model parameters. These techniques excel
to receiving vehicles. Third, to further improve the reliability in learning patterns and structures from existing data, pro-
and efficiency of information transmission with the framework, ducing outputs that closely resemble real-world samples, and
enabling machines to mimic human creativity, imagination,
3 and problem-solving abilities.

Generative AI-enabled vehicular networks

Generative Adversarial Neural style transfer (NST)
Networks (GAN) 1. Navigation and route optimization 4. Insurance and risk assessment
• Tech: GAN, DFM, NST
• Tech: ARM, NMF
• Generative AI can be used to optimize Training vehicle neural
• Generative AI models can be
vehicle routes by creating paths based network model
employed to analyze driving
on real-time traffic data, road
behavior, accident risks, and other
conditions, and weather.
factors, allowing for more accurate
Find the way home Train models PixelCNN/PixelRNN(PC/PR)
Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and personalized insurance pricing
The best route has been and risk assessments. IoV service
according to the following Generate data
Clear road •
Good weather
No traffic accident


risk assessment

Generative techniques Generative techniques

Model-based 3. Driving data generation Data-based
Enabled Enabled
These techniques rely These techniques rely
on model generation
• Tech: DFM, PC/PR, ES on data generation
processes • Generative AI can be processes
used to create driving data,
such as accident scenarios,
Autoregressive Models (ARM) to enhance real-world
efficiency. Transformer-based model (NMF)

2. Traffic simulation and prediction

Data generation Examples
• Tech: GAN, VAE, DFM T

• Generative AI can be used for simulating and predicting traffic

Video Picture Text0
scenarios, helping transportation planners and traffic management
Diffusion-based models (DFM) systems optimize traffic flow and decrease congestion. Example-based synthesis (ES)

Communication Extreme data pool



AIGC Accident data

Computing Simulation and prediction Transportation
• •

Fig. 1. The schematic of generative AI-enabled vehicular networks.

Developing a deep understanding of generative AI tech- weather. By effectively analyzing data and making quick
niques suitable for specific applications in vehicular networks decisions, generative AI can offer optimal routes for
is crucial for optimizing performance and user experience. For vehicles, improving overall driving efficiency and safety.
instance, GANs can be utilized for data augmentation, en- Furthermore, generative AI provides vehicles with real-
hancing the performance of AI models in tasks such as object time information about alternative routes and suggested
detection or traffic prediction systems [2]. VAEs are valuable driving speeds, helping them make informed decisions. In
for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction in sensor case of unexpected events like road closures, generative
data, enabling more efficient processing and analysis [9]. Rec- AI can quickly recalculate the best route for vehicles
ognizing the strengths and limitations of each generative AI and adjust the path accordingly. For instance, Tomtom, a
technique is essential for developers when implementing the navigation system that uses generative AI,4 adjusts routes
most suitable strategy for specific applications within vehicular dynamically by using user-generated data and employing
networks, ultimately improving overall system performance GANs to predict traffic patterns, which allows drivers
and user satisfaction. To provide a clear overview, the advan- to avoid congested areas and reduce travel time. Thus,
tages and disadvantages of various Generative AI technologies the potential of generative AI technologies for navigation
are summarized in Table I, which can better harness the and route optimization could lead to smarter and more
potential of generative AI-enabled vehicular networks and efficient transportation systems for vehicular networks.
related applications. • Traffic simulation and prediction: Generative AI can
be used for simulating and predicting traffic scenarios,
helping transportation planners and traffic management
B. Applications systems optimize traffic flow and decrease congestion.
As shown in Fig. 1, by incorporating these advanced gener- Specifically, generative AI models can examine histori-
ative AI techniques, generative AI-enabled vehicular networks cally traffic data to create reliable simulations of various
is capable of analyzing traffic patterns and providing drivers traffic conditions, considering factors like time of day
with real-time suggestions for alternative routes to circumvent and road network configurations. Additionally, generative
congestion or accidents. For clarity, some major applications AI can be applied to forecast future traffic patterns and
of generative AI-enabled vehicular networks are summarized demands, enabling proactive adjustments in traffic signal
as follows: timings, dynamic rerouting, and effective resource alloca-
• Navigation and route optimization: Generative AI can
be used to optimize vehicle routes by creating paths 4
based on real-time traffic data, road conditions, and intelligence-map-making/

tion. For instance, INRIX, a leading provider of real-time ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data
traffic and transportation data,5 adopts RNN/transformer- in real-time, consuming considerable bandwidth in the
based generative models to predict traffic congestion lev- process. Especially for AI applications that involve high-
els in real-time, allowing city planners to make informed resolution images or large data streams, both the upload
decisions about traffic management. By using genera- and download processes require significant network re-
tive AI technology in traffic simulation and prediction, sources to ensure low-latency services. For instance, high-
transportation systems can become more responsive and definition maps used by autonomous vehicles, such as
adaptive to changing conditions, ultimately leading to those provided by HERE Technologies,8 may consist of
improved traffic flow and reduced congestion. detailed data layers with file sizes ranging from several
• Driving data generation: Generative AI can be used to to tens of megabytes. Moreover, due to the dynamic
create driving data, such as accident scenarios, to enhance nature of vehicular networks and the need for up-to-
road safety. In particular, this driving data is employed to date information, vehicles may make multiple repeated
train generative machine learning models, improving their requests to specific edge servers to obtain reliable data.
reliable in predicting and preventing accidents during • Adapting to dynamic and unpredictable environ-
real-world driving. For example, NVIDIA has developed ments: Vehicular networks are exposed to dynamic and
a method called “data augmentation through GANs” to often unpredictable environments, which necessitate gen-
generate synthetic driving situations, including rare or erative AI models to rapidly adapt and respond to varying
dangerous conditions, which can be used to train and conditions. Specifically, the channel quality of vehicular
refine autonomous vehicular systems.6 By generating a networks can be severely impacted by the mobility of the
large amount of diverse and representative data, genera- vehicles themselves or changes in the surrounding envi-
tive AI helps close the gap between simulated and real- ronment, which affects the QoE of AI-enabled vehicular
world data, making machine learning models more ro- networks and further lead to decreased user satisfaction.
bust and adaptable. Moreover, generative AI can address • Privacy and security: Addressing data privacy and se-
the challenge of data scarcity in vehicular networks, as curity challenges in generative AI models for vehicular
collecting real-world driving data is usually costly and networks is critical, as these systems deal with sensitive
time-consuming. By leveraging generative AI technology user information. The large-scale data collection and
in driving data generation, researchers and engineers processing by connected vehicular service providers pose
can develop more efficient and safer vehicular systems, concerns regarding personal information protection, as
ultimately benefiting users and the transportation industry. mandated by data protection laws. Specifically, vehicle-
• Insurance and risk assessment: Generative AI mod- to-everything (V2X) communication systems, enabling
els can be employed to analyze driving behavior, acci- data exchange between vehicles and connected devices,
dent risks, and other factors, allowing for more reliable may inadvertently expose user information (e.g., license
and personalized insurance pricing and risk assessments. plate numbers, facial features, and vehicle details) to
These models can examine large amounts of histori- potential attackers, resulting in data breaches or privacy
cal driving data and generate synthesized instances that violations. Additionally, the presence of multiple parties
represent the underlying patterns and structures, which in vehicular networks complicates interest alignment,
helps insurers better understand the factors contributing to with enhanced security potentially diminishing privacy.
accidents and other risks and adjust their pricing accord-
ingly. For instance, Metromile, a pay-per-mile insurance
provider, utilizes generative AI to analyze driver data and III. S EMANTIC - AWARE F RAMEWORK FOR GENERATIVE
create personalized premiums based on individual driving AI- ENABLED VEHICULAR NETWORKS
habits and accident risk profiles.7 By harnessing gen- In this section, we propose a semantic-aware framework for
erative AI in insurance and risk assessment, companies generative AI-enabled vehicular networks to address current
can develop more precise and equitable pricing models, challenges and enhance road safety.
ultimately fostering a more efficient and fair insurance
A. Conventional Semantic-aware Framework for generative
C. Existing Challenges AI-enabled vehicular networks
While the application of generative AI in vehicular networks Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication within vehicular
has exhibited substantial potential, it also presents certain networks has emerged as a promising approach to improve
challenges that can be organized into three primary domains road safety. One potential involves using multiple cameras in
as follows. vehicles to capture real-time images of road conditions. For
• Real-time data processing and decision making: Gen- example, during a car accident, another vehicle can capture an
erative AI models in vehicular networks necessitate the image of the incident and transmit it to the driver through a
5 smart assistant, alerting other drivers and preventing further
traffic-solution/ accidents. However, transmitting high-resolution images in
7 8

Traditional generative AI-enabled V2V framework Proposed generative AI-enabled V2V framework

Step 1
Semantic Information

Vehicular 1 Vehicular 1
Camera Capture Camera Capture Features Picture
Step 2
T Image Skeleton
Video T Video Extraction
Features Text Features Features
Picture Text Encoder Picture Text Encoder Text
Tensor Tensor Tensor

Wireless Transmission VS Wireless Transmission Step 3

Wireless Transmission
T2I-Adapter Details



pixel unshuffle

o R R o R R
n B B … n B B
v v

Step 4
Network Features Generative AI-enabled
Text Encoder Text Encoder
Tensor …… Decoder
Image Generation
Features Network Features
Tensor Tensor

Adapters …… Step 5
Vehicular 2 Network Noise Noise Image Reconstruction
Vehicular 2

Fig. 2. The framework of generative AI-enabled V2V framework. Part A: the traditional generative AI-enabled V2V framework. Part B: Multi-modality
Semantic-aware Framework for generative AI-enabled vehicular networks.

real-time is not practical due to low latency requirements and shows the proposed framework, which uses both text data and
limited bandwidth resources in vehicular networks. image data to give more reliable guidance to receiving vehi-
As a remedy, semantic communication technology offers a cles. By using the semantic skeleton of the transmitted image
solution by enabling the extraction of essential information and text information, the generative AI-generated images of
from images, substantially reducing the data transmitted and road conditions closely match the actual images.
lowering communication delays [11]. Moreover, transmitting Step 1. Semantic information extraction: Similar to the
this information helps protect sensitive details like faces and traditional generative AI-enabled framework, the first step is
license plates in images. As illustrated in Fig. 2(a), traditional to extract semantic information from real-time road images.
generative AI-enabled vehicles can use semantic communi- This process uses computer vision techniques to identify and
cation technology to extract information from images at the classify objects in the images, such as vehicles, pedestrians,
transmitter end and restore it using generative AI technology road signs, and traffic lights. Once the objects are identified,
at the receiver end. This approach reduces transmitted data, their attributes and characteristics, such as speed, direction,
decreasing communication delays and improving V2V com- and location, are extracted to better understand the current
munication efficiency in vehicular networks. road environment. Note that this extraction process can be
However, a challenge remains with existing generative AI optimized based on factors such as wireless transmission
models that rely only on essential text information: They resources and the image reconstruction algorithms.
suffer from uncertainty and unreliability, making them unable Step 2. Image skeleton extraction: Extracting the image
to provide precise road information to smart assistants in skeleton is important because it provides a basic structure of
other vehicles. For instance, when a receiving vehicle receives the image and serves as the basis for extracting more advanced
a message: “Two vehicles have been involved in a traffic semantic information. This process involves identifying the
accident near a green belt,” even if a generative AI generates edges and contours of the road condition image and creating
a high-quality image of the accident, there may be significant a simplified representation of these features. The resulting
discrepancies between the generated image and the actual image skeleton is a streamlined version of the original image
accident scene. This unreliability could result in vehicles that captures its essential features without unnecessary details.
receiving incorrect road information, which is unacceptable for The image skeleton is then used for more advanced semantic
safety-focused vehicular networks. Therefore, a more reliable analysis, including object recognition, lane detection, and
and efficient generative AI framework is needed in vehicular traffic sign identification, making its extraction a key step in
networks to address these challenges and provide precise road generating reliable and useful semantic information from road
information for better decision-making and enhanced safety. condition images.
Step 3. Wireless transmission: Upon extracting the
B. Multi-modality semantic-aware framework for generative image skeleton and text information, they are combined
AI-enabled vehicular networks into a compact data package. This data package is then
In this section, we introduce a multi-modality semantic- wirelessly transmitted to the receiving vehicle through V2V
aware framework for generative AI-enabled vehicular net- communication. Note that the data volume of the skeleton
works. This framework addresses the problem of large dif- information (i.e., approximately 0.5 megabytes) is relatively
ferences between transmitted and recovered images. Fig. 2(b) small compared with that of the original captured image

(i.e., approximately 6.7 megabytes), and the less bandwidth is We define the outage probability of successful transmission
required for transmitting only the skeleton and text prompt. as a constraint, considering the advanced driving services
Consequently, the wireless transmission effectively ensures of vehicle mobility. This constraint takes into account the
that the receiving vehicle acquires the fundamental information achievable transmission rate, image similarity metric, channel
needed to reliably reconstruct the road condition image, while coherence time, and generated image payload.
conserving network resources. Since transmission rate and image similarity are two critical
Step 4. Generative AI-enabled image generation: The indicators in generative AI-enabled V2V systems, we adopt a
generative AI model uses the extracted image skeleton and novel QoE metric based on the Weber-Fechner law to integrate
semantic information to generate a road condition image that these two indicators into the system optimization goal [13].
closely resembles the actual image. The image skeleton pro- Specifically, the Weber-Fechner law describes the relationship
vides the basic structure, while the semantic text information between the magnitude of a physical stimulus and the per-
adds extra details such as road signs, vehicles, and pedestrians. ceived intensity, which in our case refers to the transmitted
By using both the image skeleton and semantic text informa- image quality. By incorporating this law into our QoE metric,
tion, the generative AI model can create a more reliable road we can account for both the transmission rate and the image
condition image that helps vehicles make informed decisions similarity in a unified manner. To optimize generative AI-
on the road. Additionally, the model can generate images enabled V2V resource allocation, we formulate the problem
for various scenarios, such as different weather conditions, as follows: Our objective is to maximize the system QoE
times of day, or traffic situations, giving a more complete within the constraints of the transmission power budget and
understanding of road conditions. Note that this generation the probability of successful transmission for each vehicle. To
process can be optimized based on factors such as diffusion achieve this, we need to optimize several parameters, including
steps. channel selection, transmission power for each vehicle, and
Step 5. Image reconstruction: The generated road the diffusion steps for inserting the skeleton. By doing so, we
condition image is reconstructed on the receiving side and can effectively allocate resources to each V2V link in a way
provided to the intelligent assistant, which alerts the driver that maximizes system performance while ensuring reliable
about potential hazards. The intelligent assistant analyzes the and regular safety information sharing among vehicles in the
reconstructed image and compares it with the current road vehicular networks.
condition to identify potential hazards, such as accidents or
roadblocks. If hazards are detected, the assistant alerts the
driver through audio or visual cues, prompting them to take B. Proposed DRL-based Approach and Simulations
necessary precautions. This process allows the vehicle to stay
informed about road conditions and take appropriate actions For the considered problem, we propose a double deep
to ensure the safety of both its occupants and other vehicles Q-network (DDQN)-based approach to address the resource
on the road. allocation problem in generative AI-enabled V2V communi-
By following these steps, the proposed framework effec- cation. DDQN is a deep reinforcement learning technique that
tively reduces data transmission requirements and improves employs two neural networks [14], namely the online network
the reliability of road condition images in the vehicular net- and the target network, to approximate the Q-value function.
works. Additionally, the framework can enhance driving safety Specifically, the online network selects actions based on the
and reduce the occurrence of accidents, making it a valuable current state, while the target network is utilized to estimate the
contribution to the field of vehicular networks. Q-value of the subsequent state. The DDQN-based approach
enhances the stability of the training process and prevents the
IV. C ASE STUDY: G ENERATIVE AI- ENABLED V2V overestimation of Q-values. Moreover, the action space, state
space, and reward function are designed as follows.
1) Actions: The action space is composed of the optimiz-
In this section, we propose a DRL-based approach to
ing parameters, i.e., the selectable channel, the transmit power,
address the generative AI-enabled V2V resource allocation
and the diffusion steps. Specifically, for the selectable sub-
channel, binary variables indicate whether to select the sub-
channel or not. For the transmit power and diffusion steps,
A. System Model feasible values are quantized into multiple values to accom-
Following 3GPP V2X standards [12], we consider a gen- modate practical circuit limitations and facilitate learning.
erative AI-enabled vehicular networks consisting of multiple 2) States: In defining the state space, our aim is to incor-
V2V links. The primary objective of this network is to ensure porate as much relevant environmental information as possible
reliable and timely safety information sharing for each vehicle. for the considered problem [15]. In the proposed DDQN-based
To achieve this, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing approach, the state space consists of two parts: the current
technology is adopted and each V2V link has varying achiev- information and the previously selected action. Specifically,
able transmission rates at different sub-channels. the current information depends on the channel information of
In addition to the transmission rates, the image (i.e., skele- each V2V link, the transmission rate of each V2V link, and
ton) and text (i.e., prompt) information transmission frequen- the generated image payload. The previously selected action
cies also vary and dynamically change for each V2V link. depends on the action taken during the previous time step.

Text prompt: Two vehicles have been involved in a traffic accident near a green belt

Semantic Information: Two vehicles

Semantic Information: green belt

Image semantic

Semantic Information: a traffic accident Denoising

U-Net decoder Generated image

Skeleton extraction

Insights: Semantic information could provide more picture-forming structures for text prompts

Fig. 3. Compressing the image semantic information in multi-modality generative AI.

14 6
''41 RXUSURSRVHG DDQN (our propsed)
DDQN (our propsed)
 '41 DQN
12 Greedy
*UHHG\ 5 Greedy

Average successful transmission data

 5DQGRP Random


Average QoE





           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
,WHUDWLRQ1XPEHU Image payload Size Image payload size

(a) The obtained reward versus the number of (b) The average QoE versus the size of image (c) The average successful transmission data
iteration number with the different approaches. payload with the different approaches. with the different approaches.

Fig. 4. Simulation results.

3) Rewards: The reward function takes into account both a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of the road
the objective function and the constraints of the considered conditions.
problem. Specifically, it consists of two terms. The first term In the training stage, Fig. 4(a) compares of the average
is the instant reward, reflecting the unconstrained system QoE rewards obtained by four types of resource allocation strategies
achieved at each time step. The second term is the penalty as the iteration number increases, where the corresponding
term, which assigns a larger penalty if the constraints are curves are smoothed via a sliding window to provide a clearer
not satisfied. By combining these two terms, the reward overall trend of the raw data. It shows that the proposed
function encourages the agent to achieve high QoE while DDQN-based approach consistently achieves higher rewards
simultaneously satisfying the constraints. and converges more rapidly compared to the greedy-based
Fig.3 shows an example of the multi-modality semantic- and random-based approaches. Furthermore, although the re-
aware generative AI-enabled V2V, where the received image wards acquired by the proposed DDQN and DQN during the
skeleton is extracted from the captured road condition image. training phase are roughly similar, the reward value of the
It shows that in the received vehicles with the semantic proposed DDQN surpasses that of DQN after convergence, and
encoder, the semantic information for the keywords of the the fluctuations in the proposed DDQN-based approach are
prompt that generate the image is presented, where the image smaller than that in DQN. This observation can be attributed
representation reflects the importance of each keyword through to the proposed DDQN-based approach’s ability to prevent
different brightness levels, with higher brightness indicating overestimation by decoupling the Q-target.
greater weight assigned to the corresponding keywords. The Next, in the testing stage, Fig. 4(b) shows the QoE achieved
reason is that semantic information is designed to intelligently by four types of resource allocation strategies as the size
emphasize specific keywords (i.e., two vehicles, a green belt, of image payload. It is seen that the proposed DDQN-based
and a traffic accident) during the image generation process, approach is superior to the other benchmarks. It also shows
which facilitates the creation of more reliable traffic images that the increment of the size of image payload is beneficial to
based on the image skeletons and text prompts, leading to the system QoE, as a larger payload implies a more substantial

amount of transmitted semantic information.

To further examine the impact of image payload size on
received QoE, Fig. 4(c) is plotted. It is observed that the In this article, we have introduced the generative AI-
proposed DDQN-based approach is superior to other bench- enabled vehicular networks, emphasizing the generative AI
marks, where the amount of data successfully transmitted technologies and their application scenarios. Following this,
under random and greedy are always 0. This is because the we have proposed a multi-modality semantic-aware framework
two methods do not guarantee that the successful transmission designed to enhance the service quality of generative AI,
outage probability for each vehicle is satisfied. Moreover, it which encompassed both semantic and multi-modal technolo-
is interesting to find that as the image payload increases, gies. To further improve system transmission efficiency, we
the average amount of data for successful image transmis- have proposed a DRL-based approach to tackle the generative
sion initially rises and then declines. The phenomenon may AI-enabled V2V resource allocation problem. Our simula-
be attributed to vehicular networks congestion and elevated tion results have validated the effectiveness of the proposed
probability of packet loss (i.e., decreased transmission success approach. Finally, we have summarized potential research
rate) under high payload conditions. Consequently, the number directions in the realm of generative AI-enabled vehicular
of retransmissions may increase, thereby reducing the overall networks.
transmission success rate.
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