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ARTICLE 1 – PREAMBLE ……………………………………………………… 1


ARTICLE 3 – MEMBERSHIP …………………………………………………… 2

ARTICLE 4 – MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS …………………………………….. 5


ARTICLE 6 – ELECTIONS ……………………………………………………… 9


ARTICLE 8 – BUDGET ………………………………………………………….. 12


ARTICLE 10 – DISSOLUTION ………………………………………………….. 12

ARTICLE 11 – AUDITORS ……………………………………………………… 12



ARTICLE 14 – AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS ………………………………….. 13

PROVISOS ………………………………………………………………………… 13


1.1 The Corporation

The name of this Corporation shall be the Canadian Association for Enterostomal
Therapy, or CAET, hereinafter called the Corporation.

1.2 The Bylaws

This document contains the general bylaws of the Corporation, and shall regulate the
transaction of its business and affairs.

1.3 Language
1.3.1 Although the Corporation recognizes both official languages of Canada, the
working language of the Corporation shall be English.

1.3.2 The English document is the governing authority, while the French document is
for information purposes only.

1.4 Corporate Seal

1.4.1 The seal of the Corporation shall be in such form as prescribed by the Board of
Directors of the Corporation and shall have the words: “Canadian Association for
Enterostomal Therapy” inscribed thereon.

1.4.2 The seal of the Corporation shall be in custody of the President, and only this
individual or her designate shall have use of the seal.

1.5 National Office

The national office of the Corporation shall be located in the town of Mount Royal, in the
province of Quebec, Canada.


2.1 Definitions
In this document, the following words have these meanings:
2.1.1 “Act” - the Canada Corporations Act, or any statute substituted for it.

2.1.2 “Annual Membership Meeting”(AMM) - the annual general meeting as described

in Article 4.1.

2.1.3 “Board” - the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association for Enterostomal

2.1.4 “Bylaws” - the bylaws of this Corporation, as amended.

2.1.5 “CAET” - the Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy.

2.1.6 “Corporation” - the Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy, as
incorporated under the Act.

2.1.7 “Director” - any person elected or duly appointed to the Board.

2.1.8 “Executive” - the President, President-Elect, Past President, and

Treasurer of the Corporation.

2.1.9 “Executive Director” - a person or firm employed by the Corporation as

defined in Article 5.3.

2.1.10 “Member” - a member as defined in Article 3.1.

2.1.11 “Membership privileges” – the specific benefits and rights of members as

regulated by the Corporation.

2.1.12 “Minister” – the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs

2.2 Interpretation
The following rules shall be applied in interpreting these bylaws:
2.2.1 Singular and Plural: words indicating the singular number include the plural, and

2.2.2 Gender: words indicating the feminine also include the masculine.

2.2.3 Headings are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of the

2.2.4 The Corporation reserves the right to interpret these bylaws.


3.1 Classification of Members

There are six (6) categories of members:
3.1.1 Active
a) An individual who is a Registered Nurse and who has successfully completed
an Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Education Program recognized by the
b) An individual who is not a Registered Nurse but who, prior to 1976, has
successfully completed an Enterostomal Therapy Education Program recognized
by the Corporation.
They shall:
i) pay dues as established by regulation.
ii) have all the privileges of membership.

3.1.2 Associate
Any health care professional who is interested in and supportive of the objectives
of the Corporation.
They shall:
i) pay dues as established by regulation.
ii) have specific privileges of membership as determined by regulation, but may
not make motions, vote, or hold office.

3.1.3 Industry
An individual who is employed by or represents a company whose primary
business is related to the field of wound, ostomy, and/or continence care, and
who is interested in and supportive of the objectives of the Corporation.
They shall:
i) pay dues as established by regulation.
ii) have specific privileges of membership as determined by regulation, but may
not make motions, vote, hold office, enroll in CAET’s Enterostomal Therapy
Nursing Education Program, or attend meetings except by invitation of a Board

3.1.4 Retired
Any member who is retired from employment and is interested in and supportive
of the objectives of the Corporation.
They shall:
i) pay 50% of dues established for their former membership category.
ii) retain the privileges of their former membership category, but may not make
motions, vote, or hold office.

3.1.5 Honorary Life

a) Every President of the Corporation who has completed at least one (1) full
term of office.
b) Any active or retired active member recommended to the Board by another
member and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at an AMM. Nominees for honorary life membership shall have:

i) rendered outstanding service to the Corporation, and/or
ii) significantly enhanced the advancement of Enterostomal Therapy
Nursing practice, and/or
iii) made notable contributions to the health and welfare of mankind.
They shall:
i) be exempt from paying dues.
ii) have all the privileges of active membership. One (1) honorary life membership may be conferred each year.

3.1.6 Student Member

a) All students enrolled in the Corporation’s Enterostomal Therapy Nursing
Education Program shall automatically become student members.
b) Students enrolled in other Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Education Programs
recognized by the Corporation may become student members by submitting an
application and verification of such enrollment.
c) Students enrolled in basic nursing programs may become student members by
submitting an application and verification of such enrollment.
They shall:
i) not be required to pay dues.
ii) have specific privileges of membership as determined by regulation, but may
not make motions, vote, or hold office.
iii) retain student membership until graduation from their program.

3.2 Membership Privileges

The Corporation reserves the right to regulate the privileges associated with each
membership category.

3.3 Membership Year

The membership year shall be April 1 to March 31.

3.4 Annual Dues

3.4.1 Dues shall be payable on February 1 of each year.

3.4.2 Dues shall be in the amount recommended by the Board and approved by a
majority of voting members present at the AMM.

3.4.3 Members shall be notified at least thirty (30) days in advance when a motion to
increase dues will be made at the AMM.

3.5 Delinquent Dues

3.5.1 Dues shall be considered delinquent thirty (30) days after the due date, at which
time the person shall no longer be a member of the Corporation.

3.5.2 Delinquent members shall receive a final notice which shall be mailed within
seven (7) days following the final due date.

3.6 Reinstatement
Reinstatement to membership shall be made upon written application and payment of the
appropriate membership dues.

3.7 Removal and Withdrawal of Members

3.7.1 Any member may be expelled from the Corporation for cause by a unanimous
vote of the Board.

3.7.2 For any cause other than non-payment of dues, expulsion shall occur only after
the member has been advised of the reason for the action and given reasonable
opportunity for defense.

3.7.3 Any member so expelled may appeal the decision of the Board at the next AMM,
providing that notice of intent to appeal is provided in writing to the President at
least ten (10) days before the meeting.

3.7.4 Any member may withdraw from the Corporation by delivering written
notification to the President.

3.7.5 There shall be no refund of membership dues.


4.1 Annual Membership Meeting

4.1.1 The Corporation shall hold its AMM in Canada at such a time and place as
determined by the Board, unless the members resolve that a particular meeting be
held outside of Canada.

4.1.2 All members shall be notified of the meeting in writing at least sixty (60) days
prior to the selected date.

4.1.3 The meeting may be cancelled, postponed, and/or re-scheduled under

extraordinary circumstances such as natural disaster, epidemic, or other
unavoidable or unpredictable event. As much notice as possible will be provided
to members.

4.1.4 Minutes of the AMM shall be recorded by a secretary/clerk hired for this purpose,
and shall be kept in a secure storage unit located at National Office.

4.2 Quorum
A quorum shall be twenty percent (20%) of the voting membership.

4.3 Voting
4.3.1 A vote of not less than a majority of voting members present shall be required for
passage of any matter before the meeting, except as otherwise may be required
by these bylaws, the Act, or Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

4.3.2 Voting on all matters, other than elections and honorary life memberships, shall
be by show of hands.

4.3.3 Each voting member shall have one (1) vote.

4.3.4 No vote shall be cast by proxy.

4.4 Special Membership Meetings

4.4.1 A special membership meeting may be called at any time:
i) by resolution of the Board; or
ii) on written request to the President by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Board; or
iii) on written request to the President by at least twenty-five percent (25%) of
voting members.

4.4.2 The request for a special meeting must state the reason for the meeting and any
motions to be considered.

4.4.3 The time, date, and location of such a meeting shall be determined by the
President and shall be fixed not later than ninety (90) days after receipt of a
proper request.

4.4.4 Each voting member shall receive written notice of the time, date, location, and
purpose of the meeting at least sixty (60) days prior to the selected date.

4.4.5 The agenda of a special meeting shall be limited to the purpose for which the
meeting was called.

4.4.6 Any special meeting shall have the same method of voting and the same quorum
requirements as for the AMM (Articles 4.2 and 4.3).


5.1 Board of Directors

5.1.1 Authority and Responsibility
The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by an elected Board of Directors
who shall supervise, control, and direct said affairs; determine policies or
changes therein within the limits of these bylaws; promote its objectives; and
have discretion in the disbursement of its funds.

5.1.2 Remuneration
Board members shall not receive remuneration for their services, but shall
receive compensation for expenses as per established policy.

5.1.3 Composition of the Board

The Board shall be composed of nine (9) members: President, President-Elect,
Treasurer, and Past President, hereinafter referred to as the Executive, and one
member elected from each of the following five (5) geographic regions,
hereinafter referred to as the Regional Directors:
i) Atlantic Provinces
ii) Quebec
iii) Ontario
iv) Prairies/Northwest Territories/Nunavut
v) British Columbia/Yukon

5.1.4 President’s Duties

The President shall:
i) preside at all meetings of the Corporation
ii) oversee and supervise the affairs of the Corporation, including the signing of
bylaws, special resolutions, and other documents
iii) report on the activities of the Corporation at the AMM and at Board meetings
iv) be the public spokesperson for the Corporation, or designate an alternate
v) perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by
resolution of the Board or that are otherwise incidental to this office.

5.1.5 President Elect’s Duties

The President Elect shall:
i) in the absence of or as requested by the President, preside over meetings of the
Corporation and of the Board, and otherwise exercise all the powers and duties of
the President
ii) if the President is unable to complete her term, assume this office for the
duration of the term, after which she shall begin her own two (2) year term
iii) serve as Privacy Officer
iv) perform such other duties as may be delegated by the President.

5.1.6 Past President’s Duties

The Past President shall:
i) be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Executive
ii) serve as a resource and consultant to the President
iii) perform such other duties as may be delegated by the President or the Board.

5.1.7 Treasurer’s Duties

The Treasurer shall:
i) keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the
ii) deposit all monies or other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the
Corporation in such financial institutions as may from time to time be designated
by the Board
iii) with approval of the Board, disburse the funds of the Corporation
iv) report on the financial position of the Corporation at regular meetings of the
Board and the membership, or whenever required
v) work in conjunction with an accountant or accounting firm approved by the
Board to prepare financial statements and budgets for presentation to

5.1.8 Regional Director’s Duties:

The Regional Director shall:
i) represent the members of her Region at Board meetings
ii) serve as liaison between the Corporation and the Region
iii) conduct a minimum of two (2) meetings per year
iv) perform other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or
the Board

5.1.9 Requirements for Office

Candidates for elected positions shall:
i) be voting members in good standing for a minimum of two (2) years prior to
ii) reside in Canada
iii) not be employees of the Corporation
iv) provide a written consent-to-serve

5.1.10 Vacancy and Removal Any Board position shall be automatically vacated:
i) upon delivery of a written resignation to the President
ii) if, at a special meeting of the Board, a resolution is passed by
three-quarters (3/4) of the Directors present and voting that the person be
removed from office
iii) if, at a special meeting of the general membership, a resolution is
passed by three-quarters (3/4) of the members present and voting that the
person be removed from office
iv) upon death of the incumbent
8 If a vacancy occurs for any reason, the Board may, by resolution, fill
such vacancy with a member of the Corporation in good standing, who
meets the requirements specified in Article 5.1.9. A vacancy that is filled as per Article shall be for the duration
of the term only.

5.2 Meetings of the Board

5.2.1 The Board shall meet a minimum of twice per year.

5.2.2 Meetings shall be held at a time and place agreed upon by the Board, provided
that a minimum of seven (7) days written notice is provided. Written notice shall
be waived when all Board members are present for such decision.

5.2.3 Meetings may be held by conference call, teleconference, or other electronic

means provided that all Directors agree.

5.2.4 A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business at any duly called meeting of the Board.

5.2.5 A vote of not less than a majority of Board members present shall be required for
passage of any matters before the meeting, except as otherwise may be required
by these bylaws, the Act, or Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

5.2.6 Each Board member, with the exception of the Past President, shall have one (1)

5.2.7 Members of the Corporation may attend meetings of the Board as observers, but
may not participate in discussion or vote. Such attendance may be limited by
space restrictions, and observers may be asked to leave at any time at the
discretion of the Board.

5.2.8 Minutes of all Board meetings shall be recorded by a secretary/clerk hired for this
purpose, and shall be kept in a secure storage unit located at National Office.

5.3 Executive Director

5.3.1 The Board may, at its discretion, employ a person or firm, hereinafter referred to
as the Executive Director, to be responsible for the administrative and day-to-day
operations of the Corporation. The Executive Director shall hold office at the
pleasure of the Board, or until she resigns.

5.3.2 The Executive Director shall:

i) have the authority to execute contracts on behalf of the Corporation, as
approved by the Board
ii) employ and terminate the employment of salaried staff, as approved by the
iii) be a non-voting member of the Board, except as otherwise provided by the
iv) carry out such other duties as may be specified by the Board
v) carry out her duties under the direction and supervision of the Board.

5.4 Advisory Panel

5.4.1 An Advisory Panel consisting of a minimum of three (3) members may be
appointed by the Board to provide advice, expertise, and consultation as

5.4.2 Advisory Panel members shall serve for two (2) years, and may be re-appointed
at the end of each term.

5.4.3 Advisory Panel members shall not receive remuneration for their services, but
shall receive compensation for expenses as per established policy.


6.1 Order of Election

6.1.1 The President-Elect shall be elected in even-numbered years.

6.1.2 The Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years.

6.1.3 Regional Directors from the Atlantic Provinces, Ontario, and the
Prairies/Northwest Territories/Nunavut shall be elected in even-numbered years
by voting members in their respective Regions.

6.1.4 Regional Directors from British Columbia/Yukon and Quebec shall be elected in
odd-numbered years by voting members in their respective Regions.

6.2 Term of Office

6.2.1 The President-Elect shall hold office for a single term of two (2) years, followed
by a single term of two (2) years as President.
6.2.2 The President shall hold office for a single term of two (2) years, then shall serve
for two (2) years as Past President.

6.2.3 The Past President shall hold office for a single term of two (2) years.

6.2.4 In the event that the Past President is unable to complete her term, the office shall
remain vacant until the President completes her term and becomes Past President.
6.2.5 The Treasurer and Regional Directors shall hold office for a term of two (2)
years, or until their successors are elected. They may be elected for a second
term, but no person shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.

6.3 Voting
6.3.1 Voting for the Board of Directors shall be by secret ballot which shall be mailed
to all voting members in good standing at least thirty (30) days prior to the first
day of the AMM. The ballot shall be returned as designated for deposit
unopened in the ballot box.

6.3.2 The candidate receiving the largest number of votes for each office shall be
declared elected to the office.

6.3.3 If there is only one candidate running for a particular office, she shall be declared
elected by acclamation.

6.3.4 In the event that there are no declared candidates prior to the AMM, a call for
nominations will be held at the opening of the meeting. Quorum and voting
requirements will be as per Articles 4.2 and 4.3, and voting shall be by secret

6.4 Tellers
6.4.1 Three (3) tellers shall be appointed by the President, with one designated as
Chair. The tellers shall count the ballots and report the results of the election to
the President.

6.4.2 No teller shall be a candidate for office nor a member of the Nominating

6.5 Election Results

The President shall announce the successful candidate for each office at the AMM.


7.1 The core programs of the Corporation shall be:

i) Informatics and Research
ii) Marketing
iii) Professional Development and Practice
iv) National Conference Planning
v) Political Action

7.1.1 Each core program shall be chaired by a Program Leader who shall hold office
for a term of two (2) years. Program Leaders may serve a second term, but no
person may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.

7.2 The standing committees of the Corporation shall be:

i) Nominating
ii) Bylaws

7.3 Nominating Committee

7.3.1 The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chair and five (5) members, one
from each Region.

7.3.2 The Chair shall be appointed by the Board. The remaining Committee members
shall be elected by voting members from each Region at Regional Meetings held
during Annual Conference.
7.3.3 The term of service of each committee member shall terminate with the next
succeeding AMM.

7.3.4 To serve on the Nominating Committee, members shall:

i. be voting members in good standing for at least two (2) years prior to the time
of election
ii. not be members of the Board
iii. not be candidates for election

7.3.5 The Nominating Committee shall:

i. solicit nominations for all elected positions due to expire each year
ii. fully explain to potential candidates their duties and responsibilities
iii. obtain from each candidate a written consent to the nomination
iv. prepare a slate of nominees for presentation to the members
v. prepare and distribute ballots to voting members

7.4 Bylaws Committee

7.4.1 The Bylaws Committee shall consist of a Chair and at least five (5) additional
members, to include one (1) from each of the five (5) Regions.

7.4.2 The Chair shall be appointed by the Board. The remaining Committee members
shall be recruited by the Chair with the assistance of Regional Directors.

7.4.3 Committee members shall serve a two (2) year term and may be re-appointed at
the end of each term.

7.4.4 To serve on the Bylaws Committee:

i) members shall be active, associate, retired, or honorary life members in good
standing for at least two (2) years
ii) the Chair shall be an active member in good standing for at least two (2) years
prior to appointment

7.4.5 The Committee shall:

i. review the bylaws annually and recommend to the Board any amendments
and/or additions.
ii. solicit proposals for amendments from membership which must be submitted
in writing to the Chair at least sixty (60) days prior to the AMM. Such proposed
amendments shall be circulated to voting members at least thirty (30) days prior
to the meeting.
iii. prepare and present proposed amendments for consideration at the AMM
iv. communicate amendments adopted at the AMM to the President.

7.5 Ad Hoc Committees

7.5.1 Ad hoc committees may be created from time to time to carry out specific tasks
or to make recommendations on specific issues, and may be established by:
i) vote of the Board of Directors, or
ii) appointment by the President, or
iii) appointment by Program Leaders, or
iv) resolution of members at the AMM
7.5.2 Ad hoc committees created by the President shall terminate with the expiration of
the President’s term of office, but may be extended for longer periods by
resolution of the Board.

7.5.3 Ad hoc committees shall be disbanded by Board motion when their task is
completed or no longer relevant.

7.6 Operation of Core Programs and Committees

7.6.1 The Board shall develop and approve general policies and procedures for the
operation of all core programs and committees.

7.6.2 Program Leaders and Committee Chairs shall report to the Board and shall
submit annual budgets for Board approval.

7.6.3 Program Leaders and Committee Chairs shall not receive remuneration for their
services, but shall receive compensation for expenses as per established policy.


8.1 Budget Approval

Voting members at the AMM shall approve the operating budget of the Corporation for
the following fiscal year.

8.2 Amendments to the Budget

Voting members at the AMM shall approve amendments to the operating budget of the
actual fiscal year.

8.3 Discretionary Funds

The Executive may approve expenditure up to a maximum of $5,000.00 without prior
approval of the membership, provided that monies are readily available. Such
expenditure shall be identified at the AMM.


9.1 The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern in all cases
not covered by these bylaws.

9.2 A qualified parliamentarian shall be appointed to attend the AMM. Remuneration and
payment of expenses shall be decided by the Board.


In the event of dissolution or winding-up of the Corporation, all of its remaining assets after
payment of its liabilities shall be distributed to one (1) or more recognized charitable
organizations in Canada.


11.1 The members shall annually appoint an auditor for the purpose of auditing and
verifying the books and accounts of the Corporation.

11.2 Remuneration of the auditor shall be fixed by the Board of Directors, who shall
fill any casual vacancy in the position by resolution.


12.1 Contracts, documents, or any instruments in writing which require the signature of the
Corporation shall be signed by any two (2) members of the Executive, whose signatures
shall be binding upon the Corporation without any further authorization or formality.

12.2 The Board shall have the power to appoint an officer or officers on behalf of the
Corporation to sign contracts, documents, and instruments in writing generally or

12.3 The Seal of the Corporation, when required, may be fixed to contracts, documents, and
instruments in writing signed as aforesaid or by any officer or officers appointed by
resolution of the Board.


13.1 The Corporation indemnifies each member of the Board against all costs or charges that
may result from any act done in her role for the Corporation.

13.2 The Corporation does not protect any Board member for acts of fraud, dishonesty, or bad


14.1 The bylaws of the Corporation may be enacted, repealed, or amended by a majority of
the Board of Directors and sanctioned by an affirmative vote of at least two thirds (2/3)
of voting members present and voting at a meeting duly called for the purpose of
considering said bylaws. The enactment, repeal, or amendment of such bylaws shall not
be enforced or acted upon until the approval of the Minister has been obtained.

14.2 Editorial Changes

When amendments are approved, consequential editorial changes shall be made as


2.1.8 “Executive” - the President, President-Elect, Past President and Treasurer of the
Proviso # 1: In the above proposed amendment, the office of President-Elect will become
effective immediately. The position of Past President and all articles related to this position will
be become effective in 2008, when the current President’s term is completed. In 2008, the
office of Secretary will be deleted. The present Secretary will complete her term of office
which expires in 2008, after which the duties of the office will be assumed by a paid
Professional Assistant. For the year 2007 – 08, the Executive will therefore consist of:
President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary.

5.1.3 Composition of the Board

The Board shall be composed of nine (9) members: President, President-Elect,
Treasurer, and Past President, hereinafter referred to as the “Executive”, and one
member elected from each of the following five (5) geographic regions, hereinafter
referred to as the Regional Directors:
i) Atlantic Provinces
ii) Quebec
iii) Ontario
iv) Prairies/Northwest Territories/Nunavut
v) British Columbia/Yukon
Proviso # 2: In the above proposed amendment, the position of Vice President will be changed
to that of President-Elect, effective immediately.

6.1 Order of Election

6.1.1 The President-Elect shall be elected in even-numbered years.
Proviso # 3: The newly elected Vice President will become President Elect effective
immediately, but will serve a one year term only. In 2008, another election for President Elect
will be held, and this person will hold this office until 2010, when she will become President. In
subsequent years, elections for President Elect will take place in even-numbered years.

6.2 Term of Office

6.2.1 The President-Elect shall hold office for a single term of two (2) years, followed
by a single term of two (2) years as President.
Proviso 4: Because the current President’s term expires in 2008, the newly elected President
Elect will serve as such for one year only, assuming the office of President in 2008. The above
proposed amendment will then become effective May 2008.


7.1 The core programs of the Corporation shall be:

i) Informatics and Research
ii) Marketing
iii) Professional Development and Practice
iv) National Conference Planning
v) Political Action

7.1.1 Each core program shall be chaired by a Program Leader who shall hold office
for a term of two (2) years. Program Leaders may serve a second term, but no
person may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Proviso # 5: In the above proposed amendment, the former Focus Groups will be replaced by
Core Programs, effective immediately. During this transition period, current Focus Group
Coordinators may become Program Leaders, or other qualified active members may be
appointed to fill these positions.

Adopted: 24 May 07
Amended: June 2008

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