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The University of Faisalabad

Contact Total Lectures

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Hrs/Week Allocated

Commencement of Mid Semester Semester

Discipline Semester No
Semester Examination Termination Date
BS Optometry 4 23rd January 2024 20 March 2024 29 MAY 2024

This course will provide detailed knowledge regarding the structures of the eye and associated tissues

At the end of the session student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of ocular structures and surrounding tissue
2. Explain in detail the structure of the eye in correlation to its functions
3. Describe the clinical conditions in which ocular structures may get affected
4. Explain the relationship between the higher brain ( cortex ) and the Ocular components
5. Appreciate the role of the ANS and cranial nerve in nomal body and visual functioning

Recommended Book : Clinical Anatomy of the Eye – Richard S.Snell , Michael A.Lemp

Weeks Lecture Learning objectives

Title of Chapter Contents
Development of Embryological By the end of this session students
1 the eye and development of the should be able to:
ocular eyeball, 1. Describe development of the eye
appendages retina,posterior from ectoderm and mesenchyme
1 chambers,sclera, 2. Briefly discuss the embryological
cornea ,vitreous and development of the eyeball, retina,
the ocular appendages optic nerve, lens, iris, anterior
posterior chambers, vitreous body
and cornea
1. State where the extra ocular
muscles develop from.
Describe the development of
2 appendages(eyelids, with lashes
and eyebrows, lacrimal apparatus,
conjunctival sac, and extrinsic
muscles of the eyeball)
Development of Postnatal growth By the end of this session students
the eye and should be able to :
3 ocular 1. Describe the events in postnatal
appendages ocular development of the eye
The Orbital Cavity Orbial margins, walls of By the end of this session students
2 the cavity should be able to :
1. Enumerate the orbital margins
2. Describe the walls of the orbit, their
4 structure and formation in detail
( roof, lateral wall, medial wall)
3. Enlist the relations of the bony orbit

Orbital fascia By the end of this session students

should be able to :
5 1. Describe the periorbita and facial
sheaths that arise from it

Introduction to Emmetropization and By the end of this lesson, students shall be

image formation early physiology of able to :
in the infant image formation
1.Define emmetropization
2. Outline the process of emmetropization in

Image formation differences between By the end of this lesson, students shall be
3 in the adult eye image formed by adult able to :
eye and infant eye
1.Identify basic differences between image
7 formed by adult eye and infant eye

2.Briefly state the role of the cornea, retina

and the crystalline lens in image formation

Paranasal sinuses Maxillary sinuses, By the end of this session students

frontal, sphenoidal, should be able to :
ethmoidal Eye relations to:
8 a. Maxillary
b. Frontal
c. Sphenoidal
d. ethmoidal
Ocular eyelids By the end of this session students
Appendages I should be able to :
Eyelids 1. describe the location of the
2. state the functions and general
arrangement of the eyelids
Ocular Muscle of the eyelids, By the end of this session students
4 Appendages I Blinking and muscles should be able to :
Eyelids involve in blinking 1. explain the muscles of the lids and
fascial spaces tarsal plates.
2. Define blinking
Movements of the lids 3. Discuss main muscles involved in
10 the process of blinking
4. Explain the fascial spaces -
,preseptal spaces along with their
nerve and blood supplies.

11 Ocular Movements of the lids 5. Describe lid movements

-Eyelids I
Ocular General arrangement By the end of this session students
appendages- II of the conjunctiva, should be able to :
Conjunctiva submucosa, blood 1. Discuss general arrangement of the
supply conjunctiva in three parts:
Lymphatics, nerve i) palpebral conjunctiva ii)
supply, plica conjunctival fornices iii)bulbar
semilunaris conjunctiva
12 2. Describe the venous and arterial
supplies of the conjunctiva
3. Describe lymphatic drainage of the
4. Define plica semilunaris
5. Explain the nerve supply to the

Ocular Lacrimal gland By the end of this session students

appendages- III structure , arterial should be able to:
5 lacrimal supply and nerve 1. Describe the structure and location
apparatus supply of the lacrimal glands (orbital and
Secretions of the palpebral parts)
lacrimal gland, lacrimal 2. Describe the lacrimal artery, its
drainage route and parts of the lacrimal
gland it supplies.
3. Explain the nerve supply of the
lacrimal gland
13 Briefly state the control of lacrimal
1. Explain the process of lacrimal
drainage through the punctum
lacrimale, canaliculi,lacrimal sac,
the structure of the nasolacrimal
2. Discuss tear production and tear
distribution, circulation and

Ocular Layers of tear film By the end of this lesson, students shall be
appendages- III ( mucous layer) able to :
apparatus 1. Describe the layers of the tear film
2. Explain the structure of the
14 3. Describe the Mucous layer
Discuss functions of the mucus
layer , including role of the goblet
cells ,regulation of conjuctival
electrolytes and water secretion

15 Ocular Layers of tear film By the end of this lesson, students shall be
appendages- III (lipid and aqueous able to :
lacrimal layer)
apparatus 4. Describe the Mucous layer
Discuss functions of the mucus
layer , including role of the goblet
cells ,regulation of conjuctival
electrolytes and water secretion
4 Describe the aqueous layer of the
tear film
5 Describe how protein secretion is
6 Explain the structure of the
meibomian glands and mechanism
of lipid layer formation
Explain how meibum secretion is
The eyeball-I Fascial sheath of the By the end of this session students
6 eyeball should be able to :
1. Describe the structure of the fascial
sheath (tenon’s capsule)and its
related functions

The eyeball -II cornea By the end of this session students

should be able to :
1. Explain the Cornea
2. Explain the structure of cornea in
detail along with blood supply and
nerve supply
3. Discuss the optical properties of the
cornea ( light refraction,light
17 transmission)
4. Discuss properties of corneal
barriers (endothelial and epithelial)
5. Discuss how corneal edema occurs
6. Discuss based on a physiological
perspective, the function of the
cornea in drug delivery and UV light

The eyeball -II Sclera By the end of this session students

should be able to :
7. Explain the structure of Sclera in
detail along with blood supply and
18 nerve supply
8. Describe mechanical properties of
the sclera
9. Explain the episceleral vasculature

The eyeball-III Limbus, uveal tract, By the end of this session students
7 canal of schlemm should be able to :
1. Describe the structure and function
19 of the limbus
2. Explain the structures forming the
canal of Schlemm and its function

20 The eyeball-IV Anterior and posterior 1 Explain the anterior and posterior
chamber and chambers of the eye
Aqueous humor - 2 Describe formation of aqueous
formation humor
3 Discuss composition of aqueous
4 Define intraocular pressure and
discuss how it builds up
5 Explain the structure and functions
of the blood aqueous barrier

The eyeball-IV Aqueous humor - 1. Briefly state fluid mechanics of the

drainage anterior chamber tissues
2. Discuss how trabecular outflow is
3. Describe the uveoscleral outflow

The eyeball-V Pupil , Lens By the end of this lesson, students shall be
8 able to :

1. Describe the movements of the

22 pupil
2. Discuss basic lens structure
3. Explain the suspension and of the
The eyeball-V Accommodation By the end of this lesson, students shall be
able to :

1.define accommodation reflex

overview the ocular structures involved in

The eyeball-VI Vitreous Body By the end of this lesson, students shall be
able to :

1. Describe the support function of

24 the vitreous for the retina and
filling up function of the vitreous
body cavity.
2. Describe the diffusion barrier


The eyeball-VI Vitreous Body 1. between the anterior and posterior
segments of the eye
10 Explain the function of the vitreous
as a metabolic buffer
The eyeball-V Lens 1. Explain how lens growth is
27 The eyeball-III Limbus, uveal tract, 1. Explain the parts of the
canal of schlemm uveal tract in detail, including
choroid, ciliary body and iris
The eyeball -II Sclera Discuss physiological mechanisms
disrupted in scleral edema
11 explain mechanism of
accommodation in detail
The eyeball-VI Vitreous Body By the end of this lesson, students shall be
able to :

30 1. Describe the diffusion barrier

between the anterior and posterior
segments of the eye

12 31 The eyeball-VI Vitreous Body Explain the function of the vitreous

as a metabolic buffer
By the end of this session students
The eyeball-VII Retina should be able to :
32 1. Explain the layers of the retina and
the different cells composing them

Retina 1. Discuss macula lutea and neural

The eyeball-VII retina in detail
2. Explain the blood retina barrier

Photoreception 1. Describe the of rods and cones

13 34 The eyeball-VII

Photoreception 1. Compare the structure and

35 The eyeball-VII functions of rods and cones

Photoreception 1. Explain mechanism of dark

The eyeball-VII Light and Dark adaptation and light adaptation,
Adaptation including role of Rhodopsin
2. Discuss adaptation to changing
levels of ambient lighting
Explain the differences between
Photopic and Scotopic vision

Movements of Position, muscles By the end of this session students

14 the eyeball and producing movement should be able to :
Extraocular of the eyeball, muscle 1. State the primary and secondary
Muscles -I contraction, positions of the eyeball
2. Tabulate the origin, insertion,
37 tendon length and nerve supply of
the four recti and two oblique
3. Describe the actions of the
extraocular muscles

Movements of Adduction, By the end of this session students

the eyeball and elevation,depression, should be able to:
Extraocular binocular movements, 1. Explain movements and involved
Muscles -II positions of gaze muscles of adduction,
2. Explain binocular movements
(dextro, levo, supra and infra vision)
3. Define convergence
4. Describe positions of gaze

Ocular Blood Arterial and venous By the end of this session students
Vessels -I supply of the eyeball should be able to:
Briefly state the arterial and
venous supply of the eyeball
Binocular Vision By the end of this lesson, students shall be
15 able to :
binocular imaging
40 1. Explain the significance of binocular
imaging over monocular

41 Cranial nerves General introduction to By the end of this session students

cranial nerves should be able to :
1. Enlist the 12 cranial nerves
Autonomic Introduction and By the end of this session students
Nervous system -I general structure should be able to:
1. Discuss the organization of the
nervous system
Explain Sympathetic and
parasympathetic functions
Autonomic Autonomic reflexes By the end of this session students
16 Nervous system should be able to:
III 1. Explain Direct and Consensual
light reflex
2. accommodation reflex

Applied Anatomy Refractive errors : By the end of this lesson, students shall be
and Physiology: myopia and able to :
Refractive errors : hyperopia ,astigmatism
44 myopia 1. Describe physiological changes
hyperopia leading to development of Myopia

Applied Anatomy hyperopia 1. Describe physiological changes

and Physiology: leading to development of
45 Refractive errors : hyperopia
Applied Anatomy Astigmatism 1. Explain Astigmatism
17 46 and Physiology
Applied Anatomy Presbyopia 1. Define presbyopia
and Physiology: 2. Explain the physiological basis of
presbyopia presbyopia
3. Discuss factors contributing to

Developmental By the end of this lesson, students shall be

visual deprivation able to :
1. Explain ocular dominance plasticity



Internal Assessment – 35% Mid Semester Examination – 25 Final Semester Examination – 40%

Breakup of Quizzes, Assignment/Project detail (with dates of conduct

Sr # Nature of the Details Date of submission

Conduction date Submission Date
1 Assignment (10) Logbook of labeled eye 19 January 2024 12 April 2024
2 Project (10) Explantion of anatomy 25 January 2024 10 April 2024
and physiology of eye
stuctutres by help of
model (group)
3 Quiz (10) Mcqs 25 March 2024 25
March 2024
Presentation (5) Project presentation 11 April 2024 11 April 2024
Note:-The above course outline covers all contents of the subject as prescribed by HEC and respective
accreditation Council.

Instructor’s name: Arsh Ali Signature & Date________________

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