Written Report, Ria Jane B. Morales

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Bacolor, Pampanga
Graduate School
Masters of Arts in Education - Educational Management

Foundations of Education

Name: Ria Jane B. Morales

Professor: Dr. Esperanza F. Salinas
Section: MAED EM – 1F
Topic: Philosophy and Branches of Philosophy

Philosophy comes from the Greek word Philo means Love and Sophia means Wisdom that is why
Philosophy is the study of love of wisdom. Philosophy in a broad sense, is an activity people undertake
when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their
relationships to the world and to each other. Philosophy is a quest for knowledge and truth.

Philosophy came to be understood more as a way of thinking about questions. From the time we
started to question everything, that is already philosophy. We seek answers to questions which makes us also
question our answers.


• Metaphysics
• Epistemology
• Aesthetics
• Ethics
• Logic

a. Metaphysics – 1 of 3 main branches of Philosophy. An effort to understand the fundamental nature

of world, universe and being. This is the branch of Philosophy that studies the nature of reality.
Questions regarding reality and existence.

b. Epistemology – study of knowledge. It investigates the origin, structure, methods and integrity of
knowledge. Branch of Philosophy that studies the nature and scope of knowledge.
Value Theory has 2 main branches, Ethics and Aesthetics.

c. Ethics - studies and evaluate human conduct. Ethics isn’t just a code of what is right and what is
wrong. It’s the study of how humans should live with each other. Rather than just sitting around and
judging people, ethics poses questions like: How should I live? Whatever you decide what’s good or
evil is determined by your values. That’s why Ethics is in Value Theory.

Us, teachers have a code of ethics and the following is an example.

Article III Section 3

every teacher shall merit reasonable social
recognition for which purpose he shall behave with honor and
dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as gambling,
smoking, drunkenness and other excesses, much less illicit

d. Aesthetics – branch that studied the nature of beauty. Beauty and art are things we value and
evaluate. Branch of Philosophy that is related to the study of beauty.

e. Logic – this branch of Philosophy is about reasoning. This is also about giving strong arguments. It
is the methods of distinguishing correct and incorrect reasoning.

The following is a situation that shows the opposite of Logic.

Justine saw a black cat on her way to school. She failed on her
exam that day. Therefore, black cats are bad luck.

You do Philosophy in almost every aspect of your life. Everytime you argue with someone
or you should date someone or choose either you’ll go for ham and cheese or chicken sandwich, you are
doing Philosophy. Because you are thinking about the world and your place in it. You are figuring out what
you value, why you value it, and what you should do about it.


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