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St udent , Bharat hi Co llege (Aut o no mo us), Bharat hinagar

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Regist rat ion Number

Regist rat ion Number : P01EU21S0129 Academic Year : 2021-22

Personal Det ails

Program Level : PG Fat her's Name : Email Address :

St udent Name : MAHENDRA U K

TEJASWINI U M Mot her's Name : Alt ernat e Email Address :

Gender : Female MANJULA K M

Guardian's Name : Primary Mobile No :
Dat e of Birt h : 06-01-2000
Aadhaar No : 907297589892 8970468731
Alt ernat e Mobile No :
Parent /Guardian Mobile No :

Permanent Address Current Address

Address: Address :
Tejaswini U M Tejaswini U M
D/o Mahendra U D/o Mahendra U
K, Uppinakere K, Uppinakere

St at e : St at e :
Karnataka Karnataka

Dist rict : Mandya Dist rict : Mandya

Taluk : Maddur Taluk : Maddur

PinCode : 571428 PinCode : 571428

Special Cat egory

Religion : Hindu Cat egory: Category I I I (A) Cast e: Vokkaliga

Family Income Per Annum (in INR) : Yes Do you belong t o Kalyana Karnat aka? :
12000 Cast e Cert ificat e :
Are you a Rural Candidat e? : No
RD Number : RD2039278037810
Are you a Kashmiri Migrant ? : No Document: 903854_ Cast.pdf
Are you a Gadinadu/Horanadu Kannadiga?
Income Cert ificat e : : No
Are you claiming under Defence RD Number : RD2039278037810
Personnel Quot a? : No
Document : 903854_ Income.pdf Children of Sexually Exploit ed / HIV
Are you Child of Freedom Fight er? : No Infect ed /Devadasi : No

Kannada Medium? : No

Are you claiming under Polit ical Sufferer

Quot a? : No

Are you a Person wit h Disabilit y? : No

Quot a, Bank Det ails and Ot her Document s

Sport sperson / At hlet e at t he Universit y NCC (Please Provide B/ C and any Ot her Scout es and Guides : No
/ St at e / Nat ional Level? : No cert ificat e) : No
NSS : No

LCA (Lit erary & Cult ural Act ivit ies) : No Child of farmers who commit t ed suicide : Dest it ut e Women : No
Displaced Cit izen (Nirashrut haru) : No Universit y Teaching Employee : No
Universit y Non-Teaching Employee : No

Previous Educat ion Det ails

10t h St andard Educat ion Det ails

Board Name : Regist rat ion Number : 20150238163 Marks Card : NA

Karnataka Secondary Education
Examination Board

UG Educat ion Det ails

Under Graduat e : Outside UUCMS UG Equivalent Course Type : Universit y Name :

Bachelor of Science University Of Mysore,
Regist rat ion No : M1808735
Count ry of St udy : India Grading Syst em : Percentage
Year of Admission : 2018-19
St at e: Karnataka Inst it ut ion Name :
PES Commerce and Science
Year of Complet ion : 2020-21

Subject 1 : PHYSICS Subject 2 : CHEMISTRY Subject 3 : MATHEMATICS

Language 1 : KANNADA Language 2 : English UG Marks Card :
Click here for uploaded document
Tot al Marks Obt ained : 1628 Tot al Maximum Marks : 2600 Overall Percent age : 62.62


SEMESTER/YEAR Obtained Maximum Obtained Maximum Obtained Maximum Obtained Maximum Obta

369.00 600 358.00 600 411.00 600 265.00 400 22

Program Det ails

Program Name : Master of Science

Discipline Det ails

Sl. No Discipline Code Discipline Name


Fee Paid Det ails

Receipt Number : 1045 Fees Amount : 15000.00 Payment Dat e :

12/29/2021 12:00:00 AM
Chalan Document :
903854_ FeeChalan.pdf

Semest er Fee Paid Det ails

Receipt Number : 2726 Fees Amount : 20000.00 Payment Dat e : 17-12-2022

Chalan Document :
903854_ 7_ FeeChalan.jpg

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Any discrepancy in det ails please cont act your college admin.

Student Help Desk Number : 08069336633(10AM-6PM)

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