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Factual Knowledge (Remembering):

Factual knowledge involves recalling or remembering information, facts, and details. It's the lowest level of
cognitive engagement and doesn't involve deeper understanding or critical thinking.

Conceptual Knowledge (Understanding):

Conceptual knowledge goes beyond simple recall. It involves understanding and explaining concepts,
principles, and relationships. Learners at this level can demonstrate comprehension.

Procedural Knowledge (Applying):

Procedural knowledge involves applying what has been learned to solve problems or complete tasks. It
focuses on using knowledge in practical and meaningful ways.

Metacognitive Knowledge (Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating):

Metacognitive knowledge is the highest level of cognitive engagement in Bloom's Taxonomy. It

encompasses the ability to analyze, evaluate, and create new knowledge and ideas. It involves thinking about
one's thinking (metacognition) and being aware of one's cognitive processes.

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