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Name: Gillian Joyce P.


Year Level & Section: 11- HUMSS Dignity

Article Review: Teen Pregnancy Crisis in the Philippines

This article discusses the alarming issue of teen pregnancy in the Philippines, it is

mostly focusing on the high number of adolescent girls giving in the country. It

highlights the challenges and consequences faced by young mothers and their babies

due to early pregnancies. According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

report indicating the country has the highest rate of teen pregnancies in Asia. Factors

such as multiple partners and low condom use contribute to the high number of

adolescent girls giving birth.

The Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM) reported a concerning

trend of pregnancies among children below 15 years old doubling in the past decade.

This increase in early pregnancies poses major health risks for young mothers and

their babies, as emphasized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Teenage

pregnancies not only lead to health complications but also contribute to high number

of unsafe abortions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further worsened the teen pregnancy crisis in the

Philippines, with reports suggesting a surge in child marriages and adolescent

pregnancies due to economic impacts. Disruptions in family planning and maternal

health services during the pandemic have raised concerns about increase maternal

deaths and unintended pregnancies among vulnerable populations.

Despite efforts to address the issue, including the passage of a reproduction health bill

in 2012, access to contraceptives remains a complex and divisive problem in the

Philippines. Cultural stigmas surrounding birth control, particularly in predominantly

Catholic population, present significant barriers to effectively addressing the teen

pregnancy crisis.

In conclusion, addressing the teen pregnancy crisis in the Philippines requires a

multi-faced approach that focuses on improving reproductive health education,

enhancing access to contraceptives, and providing support services for young mothers.

Efforts to mitigate the social and health implications of early pregnancies are

essentials for the well-being of adolescent girls and their communities in the country.

Collaborative efforts from government agencies, non-profit organization, and the

community are crucial in addressing this pressing social issue and safeguarding the

rights and health of young girls in the Philippines.

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