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Nadia: Hi, Kate. Would you like a ....................?

Kate: No, thanks. I don't like them.

Nadia: Oh dear! What's the matter with you today?

Kate: I'm ..................... My life's the same every day. I .................... at seven o'clock, I ...................., I go
to school, I have a boring lunch, I go home, I ........................., then I have dinner, I listen to music
and I go to bed at half past ten. The next day, I get up and do it again!

Nadia: So what? What's the problem? It's the same for me.

Kate: It's boring, boring, boring! I never go to ....................... places. My parents don't understand
me. And that ........................ boy Alain doesn't like me!

Nadia: Hold on, Kate! Think about the good things in your life, like the .................... test

Kate: Ha, ha! Do you know any good jokes? Oh, what's the time?

Nadia: It's ten to six. Why?

Kate: There's a great programme on TV at six o'clock. Do you ...................... watch it with me?

Nadia: OK. But I hope it isn't .....................!

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