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Received: 19 May 2020 | Accepted: 19 May 2020

DOI: 10.1111/edt.12578


International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for

the management of traumatic dental injuries: 1. Fractures and

Cecilia Bourguignon1 | Nestor Cohenca2 | Eva Lauridsen3 |

4 5 6
Marie Therese Flores | Anne C. O'Connell | Peter F. Day |
7,8 9 10
Georgios Tsilingaridis | Paul V. Abbott | Ashraf F. Fouad | Lamar Hicks11 |
Jens Ove Andreasen12 | Zafer C. Cehreli13 | Stephen Harlamb14 | Bill Kahler15 |
16 17 18
Adeleke Oginni | Marc Semper | Liran Levin
Specialist Private Practice, Paris, France
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA
Resource Center for Rare Oral Diseases, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
Paediatric Dentitsry, Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
School of Dentistry, University of Leeds and Community Dental Service Bradford District Care NHS Trust, Leeds, UK
Division of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden
Center for Pediatric Oral Health Research, Stockholm, Sweden
UWA Dental School, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA, Australia
Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Division of Endodontics, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, UMB, Baltimore, MD, USA
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Resource Centre for Rare Oral Diseases, University Hospital in Copenhagen (Rigshospitalet), Copenhagen,
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld, Australia
Faculty of Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Specialist Private Practice, Bremen, Germany
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Liran Levin, Chair of the IADT Guidelines Abstract
Committee, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) of permanent teeth occur frequently in children and
University of Alberta, 5-468 Edmonton
Clinic Health Academy, 11405 - 87 Avenue young adults. Crown fractures and luxations of these teeth are the most commonly
NW, 5th Floor, Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9, occurring of all dental injuries. Proper diagnosis, treatment planning, and follow up
Email: liran@ualberta.ca are important for achieving a favorable outcome. Guidelines should assist dentists
and patients in decision making and in providing the best care possible, both effec-
tively and efficiently. The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT)
has developed these Guidelines as a consensus statement after a comprehensive

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2020 The Authors. Dental Traumatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

314 | 
wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/edt Dental Traumatology. 2020;36:314–330.

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BOURGUIGNON et al. 315

review of the dental literature and working group discussions. Experienced research-
ers and clinicians from various specialties and the general dentistry community were
included in the working group. In cases where the published data did not appear
conclusive, recommendations were based on the consensus opinions of the working
group. They were then reviewed and approved by the members of the IADT Board
of Directors. These Guidelines represent the best current evidence based on litera-
ture search and expert opinion. The primary goal of these Guidelines is to delineate
an approach for the immediate or urgent care of TDIs. In this first article, the IADT
Guidelines cover the management of fractures and luxations of permanent teeth. The
IADT does not, and cannot, guarantee favorable outcomes from adherence to the
Guidelines. However, the IADT believes that their application can maximize the prob-
ability of favorable outcomes.


avulsion, luxation, prevention, tooth fracture, trauma

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N all TDIs while “Injury-specific outcomes” are related to only one or
more specific TDIs. Additionally, the core outcome set also estab-
The vast majority of traumatic dental injuries (TDI) occur in children lished what, how, when, and by whom these outcomes should be
and teenagers where loss of a tooth has lifetime consequences. measured (Tables 1-13).
Treatments for these younger age groups may be different than in
adults, mainly due to immature teeth and pubertal facial growth. The
purpose of these Guidelines is to improve management of injured 3 | R A D I O G R A PH I C E X A M I N ATI O N
teeth and minimize complications resulting from trauma.
Several conventional two-dimensional imaging projections and an-
gulations are recommended. 2,8,9 The clinician should evaluate each
2 | C LI N I C A L E X A M I N ATI O N case and determine which radiographs are required for the spe-
cific case involved. A clear justification for taking a radiograph is
Trauma involving the dento-alveolar region is a frequent occur- essential. There needs to be a strong likelihood that a radiograph
rence which can result in the fracture and displacement of teeth, will provide the information that will positively influence the se-
crushing, and/or fracturing of bone, and soft tissue injuries including lection of the treatment provided. Furthermore, initial radiographs
contusions, abrasions, and lacerations. Available current literature are important as they provide a baseline for future comparisons at
provides protocols, methods, and documentation for the clinical as- follow-up examinations. The use of film holders is highly recom-
sessment of traumatic dental injuries (TDI), trauma first aid, patient mended to allow standardization and reproducible radiographs.
examination, factors that affect treatment planning decisions, and Since maxillary central incisors are the most frequently affected
the importance of communicating treatment options and prognosis teeth, the radiographs listed below are recommended to thoroughly
to traumatized patients.1–3 examine the injured area:
The combination of two different types of injuries occurring con-
currently to the same tooth will be more detrimental than a single 1. One parallel periapical radiograph aimed through the midline
injury, creating a negative synergistic effect. Concurrent crown frac- to show the two maxillary central incisors.
tures significantly increase the risk of pulp necrosis and infection in 2. One parallel periapical radiograph aimed at the maxillary right
teeth with concussion or subluxation injuries and mature root devel- lateral incisors (should also show the right canine and central
opment.4 Similarly, crown fractures with or without pulp exposure incisor).
significantly increase the risk of pulp necrosis and infection in teeth 3. One parallel periapical radiograph aimed at the maxillary left lat-
with lateral luxation.5,6 eral incisor (should also show the left canine and central incisor).
Kenny et al have developed a core outcome set (COS) for TDIs in 4. One maxillary occlusal radiograph.
children and adults. Outcomes were identified as recurring through- 5. At least one parallel periapical radiograph of the lower incisors
out the different injury types. These outcomes were then identified centered on the two mandibular centrals. However, other ra-
as “generic” or “Injury-specific.” Generic outcomes are relevant to diographs may be indicated if there are obvious injuries of the

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316 BOURGUIGNON et al.

mandibular teeth (eg, similar periapical radiographs as above for is a frequent finding during post-traumatic pulp healing, especially
the maxillary teeth, mandibular occlusal radiograph). after luxation injuries.15 Thus, the lack of a response to pulp sen-
sibility testing is not conclusive for pulp necrosis in traumatized
The radiographs aimed at the maxillary lateral incisors provide teeth.16–19 Despite this limitation, pulp sensibility testing should
different horizontal (mesial and distal) views of each incisor, as be performed initially and at each follow-up appointment in order
well as showing the canine teeth. The occlusal radiograph pro- to determine if changes occur over time. It is generally accepted
vides a different vertical view of the injured teeth and the sur- that pulp sensibility testing should be done as soon as practical to
rounding tissues, which is particularly helpful in the detection of establish a baseline for future comparison testing and follow up.
lateral luxations, root fractures, and alveolar bone fractures. 2,8,9 Initial testing is also a good predictor for the long-term prognosis
The above radiographic series is provided as an example. If other of the pulp.12–15,20
teeth are injured, then the series can be modified to focus on the rel-
evant tooth/teeth. Some minor injuries, such as enamel infractions,
may not require all of these radiographs. 5.2 | Vitality tests
Radiographs are necessary to make a thorough diagnosis of
dental injuries. Tooth root and bone fractures, for instance, may The use of pulse oximetry, which measures actual blood flow rather
occur without any clinical signs or symptoms and are frequently than the neural response, has been shown to be a reliable non-
undetected when only one radiographic view is used. Additionally, invasive and accurate way of confirming the presence of a blood
patients sometimes seek treatment several weeks after the trauma supply (vitality) in the pulp.14,21 The current use of pulse oximetry is
occurred when clinical signs of a more serious injury have subsided. limited due to the lack of sensors specifically designed to fit dental
Thus, dentists should use their clinical judgment and weigh the ad- dimensions and the lack of power to penetrate through hard dental
vantages and disadvantages of taking several radiographs. tissues.
Cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) provides en- Laser and ultrasound Doppler flowmetry are promising technol-
hanced visualization of TDIs, particularly root fractures, crown/ ogies to monitor pulp vitality.
root fractures, and lateral luxations. CBCT helps to determine the
location, extent, and direction of a fracture. In these specific inju-
ries, 3D imaging can be useful and should be considered, if avail- 6 | S TA B I LIZ ATI O N/S PLI NTI N G : T Y PE
able.9–11 A guiding principle when considering exposing a patient A N D D U R ATI O N
to ionizing radiations (eg, either 2D or 3D radiographs) is whether
the image is likely to change the management of the injury. Current evidence supports short-term, passive, and flexible splints
for splinting of luxated, avulsed, and root-fractured teeth. In the case
of alveolar bone fractures, splinting of the teeth may be used for
4 | PH OTO G R A PH I C D O CU M E NTATI O N bone segment immobilization. When using wire-composite splints,
physiological stabilization can be obtained with stainless steel wire
The use of clinical photographs is strongly recommended for the up to 0.4 mm in diameter. 22 Splinting is considered best practice in
initial documentation of the injury and for follow-up examinations. order to maintain the repositioned tooth in its correct position and
Photographic documentation allows monitoring of soft tissue heal- to favor initial healing while providing comfort and controlled func-
ing, assessment of tooth discoloration, the re-eruption of an intruded tion. 23–25 It is critically important to keep composite and bonding
tooth, and the development of infra-positioning of an ankylosed agents away from the gingiva and proximal areas to avoid plaque
tooth. In addition, photographs provide medico-legal documentation retention and secondary infection. This allows better healing of the
that could be used in litigation cases. marginal gingiva and bone. Splinting time (duration) will depend on
the injury type. Please see the recommendations for each injury type
(Tables 1-13).
5.1 | Sensibility tests
There is limited evidence for the use of systemic antibiotics in the
Sensibility testing refers to tests (cold test and electric pulp test) emergency management of luxation injuries and no evidence that
used to determine the condition of the pulp. It is important to un- antibiotics improve the outcomes for root-fractured teeth. Antibiotic
derstand that sensibility testing assesses neural activity and not use remains at the discretion of the clinician as TDIs are often ac-
vascular supply. Thus, this testing might be unreliable due to a companied by soft tissue and other associated injuries, which may
transient lack of neural response or undifferentiation of A-delta require other surgical intervention. In addition, the patient's medical
nerve fibers in young teeth.12–14 The temporary loss of sensibility status may warrant antibiotic coverage. 26,27

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BOURGUIGNON et al. 317

8 | PATI E NT I N S TRU C TI O N S Since prognosis is worse in combined injuries, the more frequent
follow-up regimen for luxation injuries prevails over the less fre-
Patient compliance with follow-up visits and home care contribute to quent regime for fractures.
better healing following a TDI. Both patients and parents or guard-
ians should be advised regarding care of the injured tooth/teeth and
tissues for optimal healing, prevention of further injury by avoidance 12 | PU LP C A N A L O B LITE R ATI O N
of participation in contact sports, meticulous oral hygiene, and rinsing
with an antibacterial agent such as chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12%. Pulp canal obliteration (PCO) occurs more frequently in teeth with
open apices which have suffered a severe luxation injury. It usu-
ally indicates the presence of viable tissue within the root canal.
9 | FO LLOW U P S A N D D E TEC TI O N O F Extrusion, intrusion, and lateral luxation injuries have high rates of
P OS T-TR AU M ATI C CO M PLI C ATI O N S PCO.39,40 Subluxated and crown-fractured teeth also may exhibit
PCO, although with lower frequency.41 Additionally, PCO is a com-
Follow ups are mandatory after traumatic injuries. Each follow mon occurrence following root fractures.42,43
up should include questioning of the patient about any signs or
symptoms, plus clinical and radiographic examinations and pulp
sensibility testing. Photographic documentation is strongly rec- 13 | E N D O D O NTI C CO N S I D E R ATI O N S
ommended. The main post-traumatic complications are as fol- FO R LU X ATE D A N D FR AC T U R E D TE E TH
lows: pulp necrosis and infection, pulp space obliteration, several
types of root resorption, breakdown of marginal gingiva and 13.1 | Fully developed teeth (mature teeth with
bone. Early detection and management of complications im- closed apex)
proves prognosis.
The pulp may survive after the trauma, but early endodontic treat-
ment is typically advisable for fully developed teeth that have been
10 | S TAG E O F RO OT D E V E LO PM E NT— intruded, severely extruded, or laterally luxated. Calcium hydrox-
I M M AT U R E (O PE N A PE X ) VS M AT U R E ide is recommended as an intra-canal medicament to be placed
(C LOS E D A PE X ) PE R M A N E NT TE E TH 1-2 weeks after trauma for up to 1 month followed by root canal fill-
ing.44 Alternately, a corticosteroid/antibiotic paste can be used as
Every effort should be made to preserve the pulp, in both mature an anti-inflammatory and anti-resorptive intra-canal medicament
and immature teeth. In immature permanent teeth, this is of utmost to prevent external inflammatory (infection-related) resorption. If
importance in order to allow continued root development and apex such a paste is used, it should be placed immediately (or as soon as
formation. The vast majority of TDIs occur in children and teenag- possible) following repositioning of the tooth and then left in situ
ers, where loss of a tooth has lifetime consequences. The pulp of for at least 6 weeks.45–48 Medicaments should be carefully applied
an immature permanent tooth has considerable capacity for heal- within the root canal system while avoiding contact with the access
ing after a traumatic pulp exposure, luxation injury, or root fracture. cavity walls due to possible discoloration of the crown.48
Pulp exposures secondary to TDIs are amenable to conservative
pulp therapies, such as pulp capping, partial pulpotomy, shallow or
partial pulpotomy, and cervical pulpotomy, which aim to maintain 13.2 | Incompletely developed teeth (immature
the pulp and allow for continued root development. 28–31 In addition, teeth with open apex)
emerging therapies have demonstrated the ability to revascularize/
revitalize teeth by attempting to create conditions allowing for tissue The pulp of fractured and luxated immature teeth may survive and
in-growth into the root canals of immature permanent teeth with heal, or there may be spontaneous pulp revascularization follow-
necrotic pulps.32–37 ing luxation. Thus, root canal treatment should be avoided unless
there is clinical or radiographic evidence of pulp necrosis or peria-
pical infection on follow-up examinations. The risk of infection-re-
11 | CO M B I N E D I N J U R I E S lated (inflammatory) root resorption should be weighed against the
chances of obtaining pulp space revascularization. Such resorption
Teeth frequently sustain a combination of several injuries. Studies is very rapid in children. Hence, regular follow ups are mandatory
have demonstrated that crown-fractured teeth, with or without pulp so root canal treatment can be commenced as soon as this type of
exposure and with a concomitant luxation injury, experience a greater resorption is detected (see below). Incompletely developed teeth
frequency of pulp necrosis and infection.38 Mature permanent teeth that have been intruded and also have a crown fracture (combined
that sustain a severe TDI after which pulp necrosis and infection is traumatic injuries) are at higher risk of pulp necrosis and infection
anticipated are amenable to preventive endodontic treatment. and, therefore, immediate or early root canal treatment might be

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318 BOURGUIGNON et al.

considered in these cases. Other endodontic treatment of teeth

development in
with incompletely developed roots may involve apexification or

immature teeth
• Pulp necrosis
and infection
• Symptomatic


further root
pulp space revascularization/revitalization techniques.


• Lack of
• Apical
13.3 | Endodontic treatment for external
inflammatory (infection-related) root resorption

development in
immature teeth
• Continued root
pulp sensibility
• Asymptomatic

response to
Whenever there is evidence of infection-related (inflammatory)

• Positive
external resorption, root canal treatment should be initiated im-


mediately. The canal should be medicated with calcium hydrox-
ide.49 The calcium hydroxide should be placed for 3 weeks and
replaced every 3 months until the radiolucencies of the resorptive

injury such as a luxation

• If there is an associated
• No follow up is needed
lesions disappear. Final obturation of the root canal can be per-

the tooth suffered an

infraction injury only
formed when bone repair is visible radiographically.

injury, that injury-

specific follow-up
if it is certain that

regimen prevails
Follow up
13.4 | Dental dam field isolation during
endodontic treatment

Endodontic treatment should always be undertaken under dental

bacterial contamination of
sealing with bonding resin

prevent discoloration and

• Otherwise, no treatment
should be considered to
infractions, etching and
dam isolation. The dental dam retainer can be applied on one or more
neighboring teeth to avoid further trauma to the injured tooth/teeth

• In case of severe
and to prevent the risk of fracturing an immature tooth. Dental floss

the infractions.

is necessary
or other stabilizing cords may also be used instead of metal retainers.

14 | CO R E O U TCO M E S E T
• Recommended radiographs:
The International Association for Dental Traumatology (IADT) recently

- Additional radiographs
- One parallel periapical

or symptoms of other
potential injuries are
are indicated if signs
developed a core outcome set (COS) for traumatic dental injuries
assessment, and findings

(TDIs) in children and adults.7 This is one of the first COS developed
Imaging, radiographic

• No radiographic

in dentistry and is underpinned by a systematic review of the out-

Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for enamel infractions



comes used in the trauma literature and follows a robust consensus

methodology. Some outcomes were identified as recurring through-
out the different injury types. These outcomes were then identified
as “generic” (ie, relevant to all TDIs). Injury-specific outcomes were
also determined as those outcomes related only to one or more indi-
• Pulp sensibility tests usually
possible associated luxation
• No sensitivity to percussion

vidual TDIs. Additionally, the study established what, how, when, and
especially if tenderness is
• Evaluate the tooth for a

injury or root fracture,

by whom these outcomes should be measured. Table 2 in the General

Introduction section66 of the Guidelines shows the generic and injury-
• Normal mobility

specific outcomes to be recorded at the follow-up review appoint-

Clinical findings

or palpation

ments recommended for the different traumatic injuries. Further



information for each outcome is described in the original article.7

15 | A D D ITI O N A L R E S O U RC E S
loss of tooth structure
An incomplete fracture

the enamel, without

(crack or crazing) of
Enamel infraction

Besides the general recommendations above, clinicians are encour-

aged to access the IADT’s official publication, the journal Dental
TA B L E 1

Traumatology, the IADT website (www.iadt-denta​ltrau​ma.org), the

free ToothSOS app and the Dental Trauma Guide (www.denta​ltrau​
TA B L E 2 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for uncomplicated crown fractures involving enamel only

Uncomplicated crown
fracture (enamel-only Imaging, radiographic assessment, and Unfavorable
fracture) Clinical findings findings Treatment Follow up Favorable outcomes outcomes

• Loss of enamel • Enamel loss is visible • If the tooth Clinical and radiographic • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
• No visible sign of • Missing fragments should be fragment is evaluations are necessary: • Positive response • Pulp necrosis and
exposed dentin accounted for: available, it can be • after 6-8 wk to pulp sensibility infection
• Evaluate the tooth for - If fragment is missing and there are bonded back on to • after 1 y testing • Apical periodontitis
a possible associated soft tissue injuries, radiographs of the tooth • If there is an associated • Good quality • Loss of restoration
A coronal fracture
luxation injury or root the lip and/or cheek are indicated to • Alternatively, luxation or root fracture, restoration • Breakdown of the
involving enamel only,
fracture, especially if search for tooth fragments and/or depending on the or the suspicion of an • Continued root restoration
with loss of tooth
tenderness is present foreign materials extent and location associated luxation injury, development in • Lack of further root
• Normal mobility • Recommended radiographs: of the fracture, the the luxation follow-up immature teeth development in
• Pulp sensibility tests - One parallel periapical radiograph tooth edges can regimen prevails and immature teeth
usually positive - Additional radiographs are be smoothed, or should be used. Longer
indicated if signs or symptoms of a composite resin follow ups will be needed
other potential injuries are present restoration placed

TA B L E 3 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for uncomplicated crown fractures involving enamel and dentin

Uncomplicated crown
fracture (enamel- Imaging, radiographic assessment, Unfavorable
dentin fracture) Clinical findings and findings Treatment Follow up Favorable outcomes outcomes

• Normal mobility • Enamel-dentin loss is visible. • If the tooth fragment is Clinical and radiographic • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
• Pulp sensibility tests • Missing fragments should be available and intact, it can evaluations are • Positive response • Pulp necrosis and
usually positive accounted for: be bonded back on to the necessary: to pulp sensibility infection
• No sensitivity to - If fragment is missing and tooth. The fragment should • after 6-8 wk testing • Apical
A fracture confined to percussion or palpation there are soft tissue injuries, be rehydrated by soaking in • after 1 y • Good quality periodontitis.
enamel and dentin • Evaluate the tooth for radiographs of the lip and/or water or saline for 20 min • If there is an restoration • Lack of further
without pulp exposure a possible associated cheek are indicated to search before bonding associated luxation, Continued root root development
luxation injury or root for tooth fragments and/or • Cover the exposed dentin with root fracture or development in in immature teeth
fracture, especially if foreign materials glass-ionomer or use a bonding the suspicion of an immature teeth • Loss of
tenderness is present • Recommended radiographs: agent and composite resin associated luxation restoration
- One parallel periapical • If the exposed dentin is injury, the luxation • Breakdown of the
radiograph within 0.5 mm of the pulp follow-up regimen restoration
- Additional radiographs (pink but no bleeding), place a prevails and should be
are indicated if signs or calcium hydroxide lining and used. Longer follow
symptoms of other potential cover with a material such as ups will be needed

injuries are present glass-ionomer


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| 320

TA B L E 4 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for complicated crown fractures

Complicated crown
(enamel-dentin fracture Imaging, radiographic Unfavorable
with pulp exposure) Clinical findings assessment, and findings Treatment Follow up Favorable outcomes outcomes

• Normal mobility • Enamel-dentin loss is • In patients where teeth have Clinical and radiographic • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
• No sensitivity to visible immature roots and open apices, evaluations are necessary: • Positive response • Discoloration
percussion or palpation. • Missing fragments should it is very important to preserve • after 6-8 wk to pulp sensibility • Pulp necrosis and
• Evaluate the tooth for be accounted for: the pulp. Partial pulpotomy or • after 3 mo testing infection
A fracture confined to a possible associated - If fragment is missing pulp capping are recommended • after 6 mo • Good quality • Apical
enamel and dentin with luxation injury or root and there are soft tissue in order to promote further root • after 1 y restoration periodontitis
pulp exposure fracture, especially if injuries, radiographs of development • If there is an associated • Continued root • Lack of further
tenderness is present the lip and/or cheek are • Conservative pulp treatment (eg, luxation, root fracture development in root development
• Exposed pulp is indicated to search for partial pulpotomy) is also the or the suspicion of an immature teeth in immature teeth
sensitive to stimuli (eg, tooth fragments and/or preferred treatment in teeth with associated luxation • Loss of
air, cold, sweets) foreign debris completed root development injury, the luxation restoration
• Recommended • Non-setting calcium hydroxide follow-up regimen • Breakdown of the
radiographs: or non-staining calcium silicate prevails and should be restoration
- One parallel periapical cements are suitable materials to used. Longer follow ups
radiograph be placed on the pulp wound will be needed
- Additional radiographs • If a post is required for crown
are indicated if signs retention in a mature tooth with
or symptoms of other complete root formation, root
potential injuries are canal treatment is the preferred
present treatment
• If the tooth fragment is available,
it can be bonded back on to the
tooth after rehydration and the
exposed pulp is treated
• In the absence of an intact crown
fragment for bonding, cover
the exposed dentin with glass-
ionomer or use a bonding agent
and composite resin

16009657, 2020, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/edt.12578 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TA B L E 5 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for uncomplicated crown-root fractures

Uncomplicated crown-
root fracture (crown-root
fracture without pulp Imaging, radiographic Favorable Unfavorable
exposure) Clinical findings assessment, and findings Treatment Follow up outcomes outcomes

• Pulp sensibility tests • Apical extension of fracture • Until a treatment plan is finalized, Clinical and • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
usually positive usually not visible temporary stabilization of the loose radiographic • Positive • Discoloration
• Tender to percussion. • Missing fragments should be fragment to the adjacent tooth/teeth evaluations are response to • Pulp necrosis and
• Coronal, or mesial or accounted for: or to the non-mobile fragment should necessary: pulp sensibility infection
distal, fragment is usually - If fragment is missing be attempted • after 1 wk testing • Apical
A fracture involving
present and mobile and there are soft tissue • If the pulp is not exposed, removal of • after 6-8 wk • Continued root periodontitis
enamel, dentin and
• The extent of the injuries, radiographs of the coronal or mobile fragment and • after 3 mo development in • Lack of further
fracture (sub- or supra- the lip and/or cheek are subsequent restoration should be • after 6 mo immature teeth root development
(Note: Crown-root
alveolar) should be indicated to search for considered • after 1 y • Good quality in immature teeth
fractures typically
evaluated tooth fragments or foreign • Cover the exposed dentin with glass- • then yearly for restoration • Loss of
extend below the
debris ionomer or use a bonding agent and at least 5 ys restoration
gingival margin)
• Recommended radiographs: composite resin • Breakdown of the
- One parallel periapical Future Treatment Options: restoration
radiograph • The treatment plan is dependent, in part, • Marginal
- Two additional radiographs on the patient's age and anticipated co- bone loss and
of the tooth taken with operation. Options include: periodontal
different vertical and/or • Orthodontic extrusion of the apical inflammation
horizontal angulations or non-mobile fragment, followed by
- Occlusal radiograph restoration (may also need periodontal
• CBCT can be considered for re-contouring surgery after extrusion)
better visualization of the • Surgical extrusion
fracture path, its extent, and • Root canal treatment and restoration
its relationship to the marginal if the pulp becomes necrotic and
bone; also, useful to evaluate infected
the crown-root ratio and to • Root submergence
help determine treatment • Intentional replantation with or
options without rotation of the root
• Extraction
• Autotransplantation
| 321

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| 322

TA B L E 6 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for complicated crown-root fractures

Complicated crown-root
fracture (crown-root fracture Imaging, radiographic Favorable Unfavorable
with pulp exposure) Clinical findings assessment, and findings Treatment Follow up outcomes outcomes

• Pulp sensibility tests • Apical extension of fracture • Until a treatment plan is finalized, Clinical and • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
usually positive usually not visible temporary stabilization of the loose radiographic • Continued • Pulp necrosis
• Tender to percussion. • Missing fragments should be fragment to the adjacent tooth/teeth evaluations are root and infection
• Coronal, or mesial or accounted for: or to the non-mobile fragment should necessary: development • Apical
distal, fragment is usually - If fragment is missing and be attempted • after 1 wk in immature periodontitis
present and mobile there are soft tissue injuries, • In immature teeth with incomplete • after 6-8 wk teeth • Lack of
A fracture involving enamel, • The extent of the radiographs of the lip and/ root formation, it is advantageous to • after 3 mo • Good quality further root
dentin, cementum and the fracture (sub- or supra- or cheek are indicated to preserve the pulp by performing a • after 6 mo restoration development
pulp alveolar) should be search for tooth fragments partial pulpotomy. Rubber dam isolation • after 1 y in immature
(Note: Crown-root fractures evaluated or foreign debris is challenging but should be tried. • then yearly teeth
typically extend below the • Recommended radiographs: - Non-setting calcium hydroxide for at least 5 y • Loss of
gingival margin) - One parallel periapical or non-staining calcium silicate restoration
radiograph cements are suitable materials to • Breakdown of
- Two additional radiographs be placed on the pulp wound the restoration
of the tooth taken with • In mature teeth with complete root • Marginal
different vertical and/or formation, removal of the pulp is bone loss and
horizontal angulations usually indicated periodontal
- Occlusal radiograph - Cover the exposed dentin with inflammation
• CBCT can be considered for glass-ionomer or use a bonding
better visualization of the agent and composite resin
fracture path, its extent, and Future Treatment Options:
its relationship to the marginal • The treatment plan is dependent, in part,
bone; also useful to evaluate on the patient's age and anticipated co-
the crown-root ratio and to operation. Options include:
help determine treatment • Completion of root canal treatment
options and restoration
• Orthodontic extrusion of the apical
segment (may also need periodontal
re-contouring surgery after extrusion)
• Surgical extrusion
• Root submergence
• Intentional replantation with or
without rotation of the root
• Extraction
• Autotransplantation

16009657, 2020, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/edt.12578 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TA B L E 7 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for root fractures

Imaging, radiographic Unfavorable

Root fracture Clinical findings assessment, and findings Treatment Follow up Favorable outcomes outcomes

• The coronal segment • The fracture may be • If displaced, the coronal fragment should Clinical and radiographic • Positive response • Symptomatic

may be mobile and may located at any level of be repositioned as soon as possible. evaluations are to pulp sensibility • Extrusion and/
be displaced the root • Check repositioning radiographically necessary: testing; however, or excessive
• The tooth may be • Recommended • Stabilize the mobile coronal segment with • after 4 wk S+ a false negative mobility of
tender to percussion radiographs: a passive and flexible splint for 4 wk. If the • after 6-8 wk response is the coronal
A fracture of the root • Bleeding from the - One parallel periapical fracture is located cervically, stabilization • after 4 mo S++ possible for segment
involving dentin, gingival sulcus may be radiograph for a longer period of time (up to 4 mo) • after 6 mo several months. • Radiolucency
pulp and cementum. seen - Two additional may be needed • after 1 y Endodontic at the fracture
The fracture may be • Pulp sensibility testing radiographs of the • Cervical fractures have the potential • then yearly for at treatment should line
horizontal, oblique may be negative tooth taken with to heal. Thus, the coronal fragment, least 5 y not be started • Pulp necrosis
or a combination of initially, indicating different vertical especially if not mobile, should not be solely on the basis and infection
both. transient or permanent and/or horizontal removed at the emergency visit of no response to with
neural damage angulations • No endodontic treatment should be pulp sensibility inflammation
- Occlusal radiograph started at the emergency visit testing in the fracture
• Root fractures may be • It is advisable to monitor healing of the • Signs of repair line
undetected without fracture for at least one year. Pulp status between the
additional imaging should also be monitored fractured
• In cases where the above • Pulp necrosis and infection may develop segments
radiographs provide later. It usually occurs in the coronal • Normal or slightly
insufficient information fragment only. Hence, endodontic more than
for treatment planning, treatment of the coronal segment only physiological
CBCT can be considered will be indicated. As root fracture lines mobility of the
to determine the are frequently oblique, determination of coronal fragment
location, extent and root canal length may be challenging. An
direction of the fracture apexification approach may be needed.
The apical segment rarely undergoes
pathological changes that require treatment
• In mature teeth where the cervical fracture
line is located above the alveolar crest and
the coronal fragment is very mobile, removal
of the coronal fragment, followed by root
canal treatment and restoration with a
post-retained crown will likely be required.
Additional procedures such as orthodontic
extrusion of the apical segment, crown
lengthening surgery, surgical extrusion or
even extraction may be required as future
treatment options (similar to those for
crown-root fractures outlined above).

Note: S+ = splint removal (for mid-root and apical third fractures); S++ = splint removal (for cervical third fractures).
| 323

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| 324

TA B L E 8 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for alveolar fractures

Imaging, radiographic assessment, Unfavorable

Alveolar fracture Clinical Findings and findings Treatment Follow Up Favorable outcomes outcomes

• The alveolar fracture is • Fracture lines may be located • Reposition any Clinical and radiographic • Positive response to • Symptomatic
complete and extends all at any level, from the marginal displaced segment evaluations are pulp sensibility testing • Pulp necrosis and
the way from the buccal bone to the root apex • Stabilize the segment necessary: (a false negative infection
to the palatal bone in • Recommended radiographs: by splinting the teeth • after 4 wk S+ response is possible for • Apical
the maxilla and from the - One parallel periapical with a passive and • after 6-8 wk several months) periodontitis
The fracture
buccal to the lingual bony radiograph flexible splint for 4 wk • after 4 mo • No signs of pulp necrosis • Inadequate soft
involves the
surface in the mandible - Two additional radiographs • Suture gingival • after 6 mo and infection tissue healing
alveolar bone and
• Segment mobility and of the tooth taken with lacerations if present • after 1 y • Soft tissue healing • Non-healing of the
may extend to
displacement with several different vertical and/or • Root canal treatment is • then yearly for at least • Radiographic signs of bone fracture
adjacent bones.
teeth moving together are horizontal angulations contraindicated at the 5y bone repair • External
common findings - Occlusal radiograph emergency visit Bone and soft tissue • Slight tenderness of inflammatory
• Occlusal disturbances • In cases where the above • Monitor the pulp healing must also be the bone to palpation (infection-related)
due to displacement radiographs provide insufficient condition of all teeth monitored may remain at the resorption
and misalignment of the information for treatment involved, both initially fracture line and/or on
fractured alveolar segment planning, a panoramic and at follow ups, to mastication for several
are often seen radiograph and/or CBCT can determine if or when months
• Teeth in the fractured be considered to determine the endodontic treatment
segment may not respond location, extent and direction becomes necessary
to pulp sensibility testing of the fracture

Note: S+ = splint removal.


16009657, 2020, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/edt.12578 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TA B L E 9 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for concussion injuries of the teeth

Imaging, radiographic assessment, Unfavorable

Concussion Clinical findings and findings Treatment Follow up Favorable outcome outcome

• Normal mobility • No radiographic abnormalities • No treatment is needed. Clinical and radiographic • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
• The tooth is tender to • Recommended radiographs: • Monitor pulp condition evaluations are necessary: • Positive response to pulp • Pulp necrosis
percussion and touch - One parallel periapical for at least one year, but • after 4 wk sensibility testing; however, and infection
• The tooth will likely radiograph preferably longer • after 1 y a false negative response is • Apical
respond to pulp - Additional radiographs are possible for several months. periodontitis
sensibility testing indicated if signs or symptoms Endodontic treatment • No further root
of other potential injuries are should not be started solely development in
present on the basis of no response immature teeth
to pulp sensibility testing
• Continued root development
in immature teeth
• Intact lamina dura

TA B L E 1 0 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for subluxation injuries of the teeth

Imaging, radiographic
Subluxation Clinical findings assessment, and findings Treatment Follow up Favorable Outcome Unfavorable outcome
The tooth is tender to • Radiographic appearance is • Normally no treatment Clinical and • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
touch or light tapping usually normal is needed radiographic • Positive response to • Pulp necrosis and infection
• Tooth has increased • Recommended radiographs: • A passive and flexible evaluations pulp sensibility testing; • Apical periodontitis
mobility but is not - One parallel periapical splint to stabilize the are necessary: however, a false • No further root development
displaced radiograph tooth for up to 2 wk may • after 2 wk S+ negative response is in immature teeth
An injury to the tooth- • Bleeding from the - Two additional be used but only if there • after 12 wk possible for several • External inflammatory
supporting structures gingival crevice may be radiographs of the tooth is excessive mobility or • after 6 mo months. Endodontic (infection-related) resorption
with abnormal present taken with different tenderness when biting • after 1 yr treatment should not – if this type of resorption
loosening, but without • The tooth may not vertical and/or horizontal on the tooth be started solely on the develops, root canal
displacement of the respond to pulp angulations • Monitor the pulp basis of no response to treatment should be initiated
tooth sensibility testing - Occlusal radiograph condition for at least pulp sensibility testing immediately, with the use
initially indicating one year, but preferably • Continued root of calcium hydroxide as an
transient pulp damage longer development in intra-canal medicament.
immature teeth Alternatively, corticosteroid/
• Intact lamina dura antibiotic medicament can be
used initially, which is then
followed by calcium hydroxide

Note: S+ = splint removal.


16009657, 2020, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/edt.12578 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
| 326

TA B L E 1 1 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for extrusive luxation injuries of the teeth

Imaging, radiographic
Extrusive luxation Clinical findings assessment, and findings Treatment Follow up Favorable outcome Unfavorable outcome

• The tooth appears • Increased periodontal • Reposition the tooth by gently Clinical and radiographic • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
elongated ligament space both pushing It back into the tooth evaluations are necessary: • Clinical and radiographic • Pulp necrosis and
• The tooth has apically and laterally socket under local anesthesia • after 2 wk S+ signs of normal or healed infection
increased mobility • Tooth will not be • Stabilize the tooth for 2 wk • after 4 wk periodontium. • Apical periodontitis
Displacement of • The tooth will appear seated in its socket using a passive and flexible • after 8 wk • Positive response to • Breakdown of marginal
the tooth out elongated incisally and will appear splint. If breakdown/fracture • after 12 wk pulp sensibility testing; bone
of its socket in • Likely to have no elongated incisally of the marginal bone, splint for • after 6 mo however, a false negative • External inflammatory
an incisal/axial response to pulp • Recommended an additional 4 wk • after 1 y response is possible (infection-related)
direction sensibility tests radiographs: • Monitor the pulp condition • then yearly for at least 5 y for several months. resorption – if this
- One parallel with pulp sensibility tests Endodontic treatment type of resorption
periapical • If the pulp becomes necrotic • Patients (and parents, should not be started develops, root canal
radiograph and infected, endodontic where relevant) should solely on the basis of treatment should be
- Two additional treatment appropriate to be informed to watch no response to pulp initiated immediately,
radiographs of the the tooth's stage of root for any unfavorable sensibility testing with the use of calcium
tooth taken with development is indicated outcomes and the need • No marginal bone loss hydroxide as an intra-
different vertical to return to clinic if they • Continued root canal medicament.
and/or horizontal observe any development in immature Alternatively,
angulations • Where unfavorable teeth corticosteroid/
- Occlusal radiograph outcomes are identified, antibiotic medicament
treatment is often can be used initially,
required. This is outside which is then followed
the scope of these by calcium hydroxide
guidelines. Referral to a
dentist with the relevant
expertise, training and
experience is advised

Note: S+ = splint removal.


16009657, 2020, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/edt.12578 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TA B L E 1 2 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for lateral luxation injuries of the teeth

Imaging, radiographic
Lateral luxation Clinical findings assessment, and findings Treatment Follow up Favorable Outcome Unfavorable outcome
• The tooth is displaced, • A widened periodontal • Reposition the tooth digitally by Clinical and • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic

usually in a palatal/ ligament space disengaging it from its locked position radiographic • Clinical and • Breakdown of
lingual or labial which is best seen on and gently reposition it into its original evaluations are radiographic signs marginal bone
direction radiographs taken with location under local anesthesia. necessary: of normal or healed • Pulp necrosis and
Displacement • There is usually an horizontal angle shifts - Method: Palpate the gingiva to • after 2 wk periodontium infection
of the tooth associated fracture of or occlusal exposures feel the apex of the tooth. Use one • after 4 wk S+ • Positive response to • Apical periodontitis
in any lateral the alveolar bone • Recommended finger to push downwards over the • after 8 wk pulp sensibility testing; • Ankylosis
direction, • The tooth is frequently radiographs: apical end of the tooth, then use • after 12 wk however, a false • External replacement
usually immobile as the apex of - One parallel another finger or thumb to push • after 6 mo negative response is resorption
associated with the root is “locked” in periapical radiograph the tooth back into its socket • after 1 y possible for several • External inflammatory
a fracture or by the bone fracture - Two additional • Stabilize the tooth for 4 wk using • then yearly for at months. Endodontic (infection-related)
compression • Percussion will give a radiographs of the a passive and flexible splint. If least 5 y treatment should not resorption
of the alveolar high metallic (ankylotic) tooth taken with breakdown/fracture of the marginal • Patients (and be started solely on the • External inflammatory
socket wall or sound different vertical bone or alveolar socket wall, parents, where basis of no response to (infection-related)
facial cortical • Likely to have no and/or horizontal additional splinting may be required relevant) should be pulp sensibility testing resorption – if this
bone response to pulp angulations • Monitor the pulp condition with pulp informed to watch • Marginal bone height type of resorption
sensibility tests - Occlusal radiograph sensibility tests at the follow-up for any unfavorable corresponds to that develops, root
appointments outcomes and the seen radiographically canal treatment
• At about 2 wk post-injury, make an need to return after repositioning should be initiated
endodontic evaluation: to clinic if they • Continued root immediately, with
• Teeth with incomplete root formation: observe any development in the use of calcium
- Spontaneous revascularization • Where unfavorable immature teeth hydroxide as an intra-
may occur. outcomes are canal medicament.
- If the pulp becomes necrotic and identified, Alternatively,
there are signs of inflammatory treatment is often corticosteroid/
(infection-related) external required. This antibiotic medicament
resorption, root canal treatment is outside the can be used initially,
should be started as soon as possible. scope of these which is then followed
- Endodontic procedures suitable for guidelines. Referral by calcium hydroxide
immature teeth should be used to a dentist with
• Teeth with complete root formation: the relevant
- The pulp will likely become necrotic. expertise, training
- Root canal treatment should be and experience is
started, using a corticosteroid- advised
antibiotic or calcium hydroxide
as an intra-canal medicament
to prevent the development of
inflammatory (infection-related)
external resorption

Note: S+ = splint removal.


16009657, 2020, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/edt.12578 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TA B L E 1 3 Permanent teeth: Treatment guidelines for intrusive luxation injuries of the teeth

Imaging, radiographic
Intrusive assessment, and
luxation Clinical findings findings Treatment Follow up Favorable outcome Unfavorable
• The tooth is • The periodontal Teeth with incomplete root formation (immature Clinical and • Asymptomatic • Symptomatic
displaced axially ligament space may teeth): radiographic • Tooth in place or is • Tooth locked in place/
into the alveolar not be visible for all evaluations are re-erupting ankylotic tone to
bone or part of the root • Allow re-eruption without intervention necessary: • Intact lamina dura percussion
Displacement • The tooth is (especially apically) (spontaneous repositioning) for all intruded • after 2 wk • Positive response • Pulp necrosis and
of the tooth immobile • The cemento- teeth independent of the degree of intrusion • after 4 wk S+ to pulp sensibility infection
in an apical • Percussion enamel junction • If no re-eruption within 4 wk, initiate • after 8 wk testing; however, • Apical periodontitis
direction into will give a is located more orthodontic repositioning • after 12 wk a false negative • Ankylosis
the alveolar high metallic apically in the • Monitor the pulp condition • after 6 mo response is possible • External replacement
bone (ankylotic) sound intruded tooth than • In teeth with incomplete root formation • after 1 y for several months. resorption
• Likely to have no in adjacent non- spontaneous pulp revascularization may occur. • then yearly for at Endodontic • External inflammatory
response to pulp injured teeth However, if it is noted that the pulp becomes least 5 y treatment should (infection-related)
sensibility tests • Recommended necrotic and infected or that there are signs • Patients (and not be started solely resorption – if this type of
radiographs: of inflammatory (infection-related) external parents, where on the basis of no resorption develops, root
- One parallel resorption at follow-up appointments, root canal relevant) should be response to pulp canal treatment should
periapical treatment is indicated and should be started as informed to watch sensibility testing be initiated immediately,
radiograph soon as possible when the position of the tooth for any unfavorable • No signs of root with the use of calcium
- Two additional allows. Endodontic procedures suitable for outcomes and the resorption hydroxide as an intra-
radiographs of immature teeth should be used. need to return to • Continued root canal medicament.
the tooth taken • Parents must be informed about the necessity of clinic if they observe development in Alternatively,
with different follow-up visits any immature teeth corticosteroid/antibiotic
vertical and/ • Where unfavorable medicament can be used
or horizontal Teeth with complete root formation (mature teeth): outcomes are initially, which is then
angulations identified, followed by calcium
- Occlusal • Allow re-eruption without intervention if the treatment is often hydroxide
radiograph tooth is intruded less than 3 mm. If no re- required. This is
eruption within 8 wk, reposition surgically and outside the scope
splint for 4 wk with a passive and flexible splint of these guidelines.
Alternatively, reposition orthodontically before Referral to a dentist
ankylosis develops with the relevant
• If the tooth is intruded 3-7 mm, reposition expertise, training
surgically (preferably) or orthodontically and experience is
• If the tooth is intruded beyond 7mm, reposition advised
• In teeth with complete root formation, the pulp
almost always becomes necrotic. Root canal
treatment should be started at 2 wk or as soon
as the position of the tooth allows, using a
corticosteroid-antibiotic or calcium hydroxide
as an intra-canal medication. The purpose of
this treatment is to prevent the development of
inflammatory (infection-related) external resorption

Note: S+ = splint removal.

16009657, 2020, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/edt.12578 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

16009657, 2020, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/edt.12578 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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How to cite this article: Bourguignon C, Cohenca N,
root resorption in replanted dog teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol.
Lauridsen E, et al. International Association of Dental
50. Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM, Skeie A, Hjorting-Hansen E, Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic
Schwartz O. Effect of treatment delay upon pulp and periodon- dental injuries: 1. Fractures and luxations. Dent Traumatol.
tal healing of traumatic dental injuries – a review article. Dent 2020;36:314–330. https://doi.org/10.1111/edt.12578
Traumatol. 2002;18:116–28.
51. Andreasen JO, Bakland LK, Andreasen FM. Traumatic intrusion of
permanent teeth. Part 3. A clinical study of the effect of treatment

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