Book Review Yazhini V Ds190080 PCM

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Author: Subhash C. Kashyap

Binding: Paperback
Year of Publication:2018
Language: English
Edition: 5th Edition
No of Pages:416 Pages
Age Group: All
Dimensions:21.1"(L)13.5"(W) (CMS.)
ISBN: 81-237-0734-1
ISBN 13: 978-81-237-0734-1

About the constitution of India:

India, also known as Bharat, is a Union of States. It is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic
Republic with a parliamentary system of government. The Republic is governed in terms of the
Constitution of India which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November, 1949 and
came into force on 26th January, 1950.
The Constitution provides for a Parliamentary form of government which is federal in structure with
certain unitary features. The constitutional head of the Executive of the Union is the President. As per
Article 79 of the Constitution
of India, the council of the Parliament of the Union consists of the President and two Houses known as
the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha).

About the author:

Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap (born 10 May 1929) is a former Secretary-General of 7th Lok Sabha, 8th Lok
Sabha and 9th Lok Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariat (Lower House of Parliament of India) from 1984 to
1990. He is well known Political Scientist, expert in Indian Constitution, Constitutional Law,
Parliamentary Experts and distinguished scholar. He also headed an International Centre for
Parliamentary Documentation at Geneva till 1983. He was Honorary Constitutional Advisor to the
Government of India on Panchayati Raj Laws and Institutions. He is also Recipient of several
prestigious awards for the Best Books in Constitution, Law and Political Science. Dr. Kashyap is an
Honorary Research Professor at the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), New Delhi. He was also a
Member of the National Commission to Review the Working of Constitution and Chairman of its
Drafting and Editorial Committee.


The Constitution provides a legal framework for a nation, where citizens pledge to abide by the rule of
law and protect the sovereignty of the country. India has a written Constitution, which was created
following four years of intensive debates among different stakeholders, all their concerns addressed and
inputs incorporated. This makes India’s Constitution unique as the British, who ruled India till 1947, do
not have a written Constitution. Although most of the laws were inherited from the British times,
provision of reassessment and
amendments keep the doors of change open. The rights to freedom of religion and freedom of speech
promise equity and introspection. India’s young people need to know this Constitution, how we are
governed and what are our democratic rights and responsibilities as citizens, for us to be able to become
global Indians. This handy book introduces the world’s largest Constitution to the readers, explaining on
what basis India’s democracy works and dispels some of the popular myths and misunderstandings
regarding our Constitution.
 Lucidly explains the intricate features of our Indian constitution with its
evolution and various supreme court cases.
 Provides valuable insights into the "soul of the country".
 Provides an analytical understanding of our constitution.
 Explains the nuances of the constitution in 25 Chapters.
 The language used is simple & coherent. Useful for the preparation of UPSC examinations.
About the authar:
Dr. Subhash C. Kaskyap (b0Fh lB May 1929) is a f0FlTler S9EF9tüF -t9h9Fül 0t
7tL t0t SabLa, 8tL Laf Sa6La anJ 9tL Laf SabLa ühd Laf tü6Lü t9EF9tüFİüt
(L0W9r N0MS9 0f Parliament 0f lndİü) fF0lTI l9t t0 lt9O. Ne İS W9ll tB0Wh
0lltlEül El90tlSt, 9XÇ9Ft lh h lüñ BI1StltMtl0I1, LOhStitutiOhül Law.
Parliamentary Experts and distinguisked sEholar. Ne also keaded an
lnternati0nal Centre for Parliamentary Documentation at Eeneva till 1983. Ne
was Nonorary L0nstitutional Advisor to the Eovernment 0f lndia on Panflhayati
kaj Laws and lnstitutions.
Ne is also keflipient of several prestigious awards for the Best Bo0ks in
Constitution. Law and PolitÏEül tEl98E9. IF. tüSLyag ÏS an NonBFüry 9S9üFEt
tF0t9SS0F üt th9 90tF9 t0F 0 ÏE 9S9üFEL (LPF), New Delki. H9 WüS ülS0 ü
Member of the NütÎohül C0mmissi0n t0 F9View the PorfinÇ Bf t0flStÎtMtÏBfl üflt
Chairman of its Drafting and Editorial Committee. *


Ïhe L0nstituti0n pr0vides a legal framew0rL for a nation, where Eitizens pledge
ta abide by the rule of law and prot9Et th9 SBV9Feignty of the Eountry. lndia has
a written Lonstituti0n, whiEk was Ereated following four years of intensive
debates am0ng different staLeholders. all tLeir EonEerns addressed and inputs
ÎhEOFÇBFated. Ïkis mafes lndia s ConstitutÎofl Mnique as tke British, who ruled
India till l9t7. do not have a written Constitution. Althougk most of tke laws
W9F9 Íhkerited fr0m the British times. gF0ViSÏB8 0t F9üSS9SSlTl98t ü8t
amendments keep th9 t0BFS 0t Chü0Ç9 0Ç9fl. Ïte riÇhtS t0 fFeedom 0f religion
and freedom 0f speeEh gF0lTiise equity and intF0Sg9CtÏBB. htÏü S \0MflÇ g9Bg 9
B99t t0 th0W thÏS L08Stituti0h, how we ar9 Ç0V9Fned and what are our
d9lTlBEFütlE FÏÇLtS ühJ resgBnsibllltl9S üS EltÍZ9flS, tBF MS t0 t9 üble to beEome

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