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Written Report

 Mauricio Ortiz 4th A

 Marco Patricio 17/11/23
 Elian Saldaña
 André Varela

Suffrage Movements

Social movements are an important part of the modern world nowadays, we have several
types of movements, and each movement has its own characteristics and origin besides all
the movements existing all-round the globe.

Movements are meant to share and idea which many people follow or believe in, these
movements try to get bigger by getting more people knowing them and joining their ideas
but also sharing them to other people, these ideas can be bad or good depending on every
person mentality of the topic.

Social media and internet are exceptionally good source of information for these
movements, movements usually publish articles and photos on social media to expand their
movement and letting know other people about it, so it gets bigger and bigger and gains
notoriety to obtain the objectives the movement is looking for.

Even if some movements articles can be fake, many movements have an official profile in
social media or articles from experts which is a better source of information than just wikis
or non-trustable pages on internet.


The suffrage movement is conformed by women who fight for the privilege of letting the
women to vote, there is no social condition on people for this movement as it fights for the
right of voting in women, of course, women are the principal members of the movement.
Not only women but many people had supported the suffrage movements and now it is a
much stronger movement than it used to be in the past when it initially started.


The suffrage movement has multiple causes, some of them being women not having as
many rights as men, they were expected to marry and care for their husbands and children,
could not own any property, but the most important of all, they could not vote in any
political thing of their country.

The movement started in the 18th century in Britain by a group of women who promoted the
right to vote in women, these women started the movement in 1848 and expanded it all
around the globe to the actual day.


The movement’s goals are achieving the voting rights for women in all the countries, but
also searching more employment and education opportunities for them.

The demands are several of them and are obviously connected to the women opportunities
in general, for example, the right for women to run for office, speak in congresses and
voting in country-related affairs, and related demands on giving women opportunities to
live a normal life like every human.


Susan Brownell Anthony

Susan Brownell Anthony was an American suffragette feminist, human rights advocate,
and writer who played a vital role in the fight for women's rights and the right to vote for
women in the 19th century in the United States.
In 1888, she helped merge the two largest suffrage associations into one, the National
American Woman Suffrage Association. She led the group until 1900. She traveled around
the country giving speeches, gathering thousands of signatures on petitions, and lobbying
Congress each year on behalf of women.

Alice Stokes Paul

Alice Stokes Paul was an American feminist activist, who led the campaign for the
Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
A vocal leader of the twentieth century women's suffrage movement, Alice Paul advocated
for and helped secure passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting
women the right to vote. Paul next authored the Equal Rights Amendment in 1923, which
has yet to be adopted.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an American suffragette and abolitionist who has gone down
in history as one of the greatest pioneers in the fight for women's rights.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton began the organized women's rights movement in 1848 and
continued to be a leader in the effort. An intelligent and motivated activist, Stanton started
several associations, which encouraged many women to work for women's rights as well as
the rights of others who were disenfranchised.
Lucy Stone
Lucy Stone was an acclaimed orator, prominent American abolitionist, and suffragette who
was especially influential in 19th-century American history.
A leading suffragist and abolitionist, Lucy Stone dedicated her life to battling inequality on
all fronts. She was the first Massachusetts woman to earn a college degree and she defied
gender norms when she famously wrote marriage vows to reflect her egalitarian beliefs and
refused to take her husband's last name.

Ida Bell Wells-Barnett

Ida Bell Wells-Barnett, also known as Ida B. Wells
was an African American journalist and activist. She was part of the suffrage movement
and was co-founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
dedicated to the defense of civil rights and women's rights in the United States.
In Chicago, Ida Wells first attacked the exclusion of Black people from the Chicago
World's Fair, writing a pamphlet sponsored by Frederick Douglas and others. She
continued her anti-lynching campaign and began to work tirelessly against segregation and
for women's suffrage.

1848-Seneca falls convention
Women´s rights activists- Elizabeth Cady and Lucretia Mott – organized the first women´s
rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. About three hundred women and men

1913-Woman suffrage parade

Five thousand women marched in Washington for the right of the vote.

1916-First woman elected to congress

Jeannete Rankin represented Montana, one of the many countries that granted women full
voting rights.

1964-Poll taxes got banned

The 24th amendment was ratified banning poll taxes in federal elections.

1965-Voting rights act

One of the most significant civil rights to nowadays.

1968-First Black woman in the congress

Shirley Chisholm gets elected as the first woman ever in the congress of the US.
2016-First woman elected to the candidature of president for the us
Hillary Clinton turned into the first woman to ever be elected in the US elections.


The suffrage movement was supported since the beginning by women and men, as this has
been a big movement through the years the authorities have done nothing but support the
movement just as the society.

The suffrage movement is one of the most important movements since its creation, the
movement has evolved a lot with the pass of the years for good in most of the cases.
Women’s suffrage movement has changed history course for the women and for all
humanity, women can now vote, work, earn own things and more, these things were
unbelievable in the past and the women´s figure has changed a lot besides all the critics this
movement could have had in the past.

Many corporations are now publishing the movement and is one of the biggest movements
of the modern day, as this is an especially important movement around four billion of
persons support this movement from its beginning to the present day.
All the countries in the world permit women to vote in political stuff thanks to this

Hilfrank, E. (2023, 8 marzo). The Women’s Suffrage

movement. History.
theSkimm. (2021, 23 abril). Women's Suffrage: key moments in history.
Woman suffrage and the 19th Amendment. (2021, 2 junio). National
Vegetarian Movements

The vegetarian movement is another of the many famous movements we have in 2023,
despite the vegetarianism has been a practice since Egyptians and some other cultures the
recent movement started in around in 1940 in New York.

In the 19th century, the vegetarian movement gained momentum with prominent figures
such as Sylvester Graham and William Alcott. They focused on health and ethics by
promoting a plant-based diet. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the International
Vegetarian Society was founded to spread these ideas.

The term vegetarian replaced Pythagorean on September 29, 1847, in Ramsgate, England
when the first vegetarian society was formed. Three years later, a similar group known as
the American Vegetarian Society was founded in New York City by William Metcalfe,
Sylvester Graham, William Alcott, and Russell Trall.

In the 20th century, vegetarianism became connected to countercultural and health

movements. Environmental awareness incorporated into the reasons for adopting a
vegetarian diet. Figures like Mahatma Gandhi advocated for plant-based eating.

As the 20th century progressed, vegetarianism diversified with variations such as veganism,
focused on the total exclusion of animal products. This movement has continued to grow,
influenced by ethical, environmental and health concerns.

Vegetarian movement most relevant information source is the official page of the
movement, or even vegetarian people wikis. This is because in the wikis we have opinions
from people who have been vegetarian and the vital information about the movement is in
their official pages on internet, opinions help us to know how being a vegetarian is and how
it can affect your body or diary life.
¿How are the vegetarian people?
Vegetarian people do not have any economic or social class as they are normal people as
everyone, the vegetarian people are of all colors and kinds there are older vegetarians,
young vegetarians, blonde vegetarians, etc. etc.

Of course, vegetarians avoid eating meat from any type of animal and are pretty like the
vegans who avoid eating any food coming directly from an animal, because of this people
have become vegetarian for many reasons such as getting fit or just because of their caring
for animals.


The vegetarian movement started around two thousand years in India and Asian societies as
a philosophical awakening of those times, this means the vegetarians do not really have an
initially cause but many reasons to be vegetarians and to make a bigger movement.


The vegan movement wants to encourage more people to become vegetarians and to live in
a world where humans do not exploit animals or non-humans’ life beings.

They are also looking for a world where the resources are used in a sustainable way and to
take care of our planet in general.

Increase the amount of people that believe in:

 Animals have the right of freedom.
 Animal exploitation also affects humanity.
 Animal farming is not sustainable and damages the environment.
 Balanced vegan nutrition is healthy.


Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician considered the first pure
mathematician. He contributed significantly to the advancement of Hellenic mathematics,
geometry, and arithmetic.

He founded the first anti-meat society in Western civilization. He abstained from

eating any type of meat, beans, or eggs.
He ate a modest diet of bread and honey and vegetables for dessert. He was repelled by
butchers and butcher shops. He drank some wine but preferred water.

Thomas More
Thomas More was an English lawyer, thinker, theologian, politician, humanist and writer,
poet, translator, professor of law, judge of civil affairs and lord chancellor to Henry VIII,
revered as a saint.
In his book Utopia he abolished the slaughter of animals with the utopian mandate that says
that citizens "should not kill animals through sacrifice, nor should they think that God
views blood and slaughter favorably because he gave life to animals with the sole purpose
of so that they could live.

He wrote against the slaughter of animals and against those who eat meat but also criticized
those who waste barley making alcoholic beverages. He drank wine.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the most prominent leader of the Indian independence
movement against the British Raj - for which he practiced non-violent civil disobedience -
as well as an Indian Hindu pacifist, politician, thinker, and lawyer.
He became a member of the Vegetarian Society.
said that "it should not be eaten to please the palate but simply to keep the body going.
Occasionally, when fasting, I drank insignificant amounts of fruit juices.
He never wanted to eat eggs or drink cow lidie because he said, "they excite the passions."
He suffered an attack of dysentery and was advised to drink milk.

The vegetarian movement has become one of the biggest movements of all having many
official courts and “sub movements” around the world, it is now incorporated to many
famous companies and with each day passing becoming partners with more countries to
promote the vegetarian consume of food and resources.

Ignoring the bad things of vegetarianism such as the bad nutrients consume or even the
deformation of the bones with the “vegan” food which haves lots of chemicals, being a
vegetarian is eco-friendly and a cool habit if you know how to live with it and to control a
balanced diet.

It is actually a cool movement with good community, but some people can also be very
extremist with the vegan consume of aliments or with the caring of the resource’s

The Vegetarian Society. (2022, July 1). Why Go Veggie | The Vegetarian Society. Vegetarian
Our vision and mission. (n.d.). The Vegan
Claudio. (2022, November 1). Famosos Personajes Vegetarianos: Artistas y Famosos que

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