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Basic Potato Dishes

1. Plain Boiled potato – Washed peeled cut into even sizes boiled in lightly salted water for 20
min & drained well.

2. Parsley potato -Boiled potato tossed in butter with chopped parsley.

3. Mashed potato – Mashed Potato 500g, Butter25g, Milk 30ml, Salt & Pepper

4. Duchess potatoes - Mashed Potato 600g, Egg yolk Butter25g, Salt & Pepper – Piped2cm
diameter 5cm tall -2300C 3min, egg wash, Brown lightly under salamander.

5. Saute potato – ½ Boiled potato cut into 3mm slices, tossed in hot shallow oil till lightly
brown, season with salt, served sprinkled with chopped parsley.

6. Lyonnaise potato- (Saute potato with onion) Saute potato mixed with shallow fried onions

7. Parmentier potato –washed peeled potato Cut into 1cm dices wash well & dry in a cloth,fry
in hot shallow oil till golden brown, Drain season & served sprinkled with chopped parsley

8. Croquette potatoes – Duchess mixture mould into cylinder shapes 5cm x 2cm, passed
through flour egg wash & bread crumbed deep fried till golden brown.

9. Roast Potato - washed peeled potato Cut into even sizes, lightly brown all sides on a pan,
Lightly season, cook in a 230-2500C oven 1 hr till golden brown turning the potatoes every
30 min. Drain & serve.

10. Chateau potatoes - washed peeled potato Cut into barrel shape, blanched for 3 min in hot
water, refresh drain, cook in a 230-2500C oven 1 hr till golden brown turning the potatoes
every 30 min. Drain & serve.

11. Baked jacket Potatoes – wash & Scrub well, make 2cm deep incision. Place the potatoes on
a tray mould of salt, cook in a 230-2500C oven 1hr turn by 30 min.

12. Fondant potatoes- washed peeled potato Cut into barrel shape5cm long, 1.5cm diameter,
center 2.5cm. Brush with melted butter or oil, half cover with stock, season with salt &
pepper, Cook in a hot oven 2300C brushing potatoes frequently with oil. Cook till all the
stock absorbed by potatoes. Brush with melted butter & serve.

13. French Fries- Blanch the potato strips in frying fat at a lower temperature so they cook
through without browning. They are then drained and refrigerated until service time & fried
to order.

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