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JR ic ~

Experiment No. 11
s1f' p h ' ·c acid 00 it.
Aim: To identify the given substance by the action of ilute
d, atch glass atchbox d .
Apparatus: Test tube, test tube holder, test tube stan 1~ , e1Ivery tube
, .•a e P,.aper.

SI No. Experiment Obr rvation\

I. Add a pinch of ' £: giv~ ,· lo\ colourl~ s gas with t~

0 gen
containing about
sulphuric acid.
substance to a t st tube /, .

smell of rotten eggsis)
evo :ved .\' - . /

2. Test the gas with a filter pa er ~ - :fl\e baper hlfhed silvery !:JYli/ogen sulphide gas is
bla k~ confirmed.
soaked in lead acetate solution.
whe n wa~ dilute sulphuric acid.
Deduction: The substance gal hyd roge n su~ · hide gas
-......:....,;,0, • Fe 0~ H 2S t
Reaction: FeS + H2S04
Result: The give n unk now n subs tanc e ii a met a ulpb

RW.IAb Mpnual-cum-Pr:::,
Experiment No. 12
j\irn: To identify the given b
su stance by the ac . .,...
j\pparatus: Test tube, test tub h hon of ~mte , sulphuric acid on it.
e older, watch 1
substances required: Give nkn g ass, m tchbox, _delivery tube, etc.
nu own sub t · ( - \
paper. s ance, dilutes - lphun7c
aci , lime water,. potassium dicbromate
procedure: ~ /

SI No. Experiment
1. Add the given substance to a Bris~ cence of ~
test tube having bout 2 lhl cqltfurl~~-;, -~domless as
of dilute sulph ·c acid. /,,,, is ~o rved. (._
2. Pass the gas through lim 1tme j ter turned Jllie~ oxide.
water taken in another test
tube using a delivery tube. It'.?· )
3. Test the gas with a filter_ No o)jaracteristic ,
Carbon dioxide gas is
paper soaked in potassium" chan'ge.
dichromate solution. \ ~
Deduction: The substance gave carbo~ ~ J w ! {warmed with dilute sulphuric acid.
Reaction: Nalco, + H;SQ•.,.,, \ > Na2so. + H,O + co, t
Result: The given u i i . , . ,...... own su~stance is a metal carbonate.

Expe rime nt No. 13
Aim: To identify the given substance by the action of
' lute sulphuric acid on it.
tube holder, test tube stanl watch g}ass, matchb ox, dehve .
A aratus: Test tube, test
. . ry tub
pp \uric at id blue d e, etc
bstan ces required: Given unknown substance, dtl e sulpJ ' an red litrn .
Su Us pap
et' Sttj
Procedure: P\.

SI No. Experiment Observation

~- --t --- --- --- --r -:::::-=- --- ---e::, -- :- -- -+ --~ •nrerenee
substance Effervescenc of a bolourless Th
1. Add the given e gas may be hydrogen
odourless gas ~ served. '
to a test tube containing
/ ~ \. •

about 2 ml of dilute \ i, 'I '-. I


sulphuric acid.

2. Test the gas witli ois' I

The ~ eu& !-:-
asmay e "
'J, Ogen.
blue and red litmus pape'-.
strips. .\ f (
3. Introduce a glowing { The gas ~ ~op' sound
and the plin t got extin~ished. confirmed.
splint to the gas.

Deduction: The substance ga~ gas ~ ~ed with dilute sulphuric acid.

Reaction: Mg + IJ,SO, )( MgSO4~ 2

-y .
Result: The given unknown substance 1s a · ac? e metal.


nb Unrnvu-cwn-P_roct iC~
j $periJnent No. 14

.t ;,n:To identify the given sub t

rv s ance by the actio .
,4pparatus: Test tube, test tube h Id n of f
da l te sulphuric acid on it.
• o er, test tube stand .
substances required: Given Unkn Watch gl~ss, matchbox, delivery tube, etc.
own substanc d'l J
paper. e, 1 ute7 pin,c acili, lime water, potassium dichromat<
procedure: \ '

I SI No.
Add the given substance
to a test tube conta,inin~ Brisk te.fferv~~~nce C?f a
~ e gas may be sulphur
dilute sulphuric acid. \ _ c~lo~rl ss gas ~1t~ the smell of-" aioxi~~
burnin sulphur 1s,,obs
2. Pass the gas throu ~ '
Lim ~ d ilky. The. gas may be sulphur
water taken in another
test tube using a delivery illoxide.
tube. ~--/

3. Test the gas with a

: ulphur dioxide gas is
filter paper soaked in{ confirmed.
potassium dichromate~

Dedu~tion: The subs~ ~ t i r dir ~-gas when warmed with dilute sulphuric acid.

Reaction: Na~S03 + r_,_~~

4 r,\. . . _\ Na2S0~ + H20 + S02 t
Result: The given un.kna~lSstance 1s k m~tal sulphite.
I ~
,/ Experiment No. 15
I me tal ion pre sen t in the given suhstance using flame test.
Aim: To identify the i
us: Ma tch box, wa tch gla ss, gla ss rod, platinurrywire, etc. }
Apparat ( pohl~) . A
hy dro chlor ic acid~solid sod ium carb onate
ed: Co nc en trated /
Substances requir J ~ )' 7" s1urn carbonate !
r bon ate .
calcium carbonate, copper car ' J
Precautions: (
ndled carefully. ~ f \
(1) Cone. HCI should be ha , ,._
/' ~li h 1·
(2) Care should be taken r o see
t ,t t t e pap um }IS thoroughly clean before testingV
Procedure: ~ ~ { ~
/ ,. ; ' . -~ /
A. Cleaning the platinum ¾ He at the wire in 'a non-~ tl'a
d iJf~th e J latmu m wr re.
Make a small loop at the en tint ttl.wi re ca Je. Then dip the wire1 in it. I:trousd
arne. Take
aci d in the ~la uce the ·
concentrated hydrochloric · d. To' ·l~ proced.u:c_e IS·
repeated until no colour is seen ~e
I r Impa~rte r,.
does not show colour h · ~
to the flame and note t e co ou t su sta nc e. W he n the flame
same should be done for each dif c ange, 1t
is assumed that the wire is~ lean.

B. Te
sting the giv en su
sta nc e:
at\ w
.. atc h
ass ....
Ad d a few dro
ps of cone. HCl to it and mi X With
Take the given substance A in a ,;<, n'l~ :;f!J? a 1·Itt1e of the paste to a non-luminous Bunsen fla
rste. Ii, -_ouuce
a clean glass rod to get a fin)! ;' w c1:e
ned as me liJ.tion ed be for e. No te the observations in a table. No
using a platinum , ~ ~ ce B no w by making a paste of it, as mentio
abov e!- r f st su bs tan
the platinum wire\~~ mentioJ?-ed d D.
pro edure~(( r substances C an
above. Then re1 /at, ~ 7 Metal ion present
SI No. Suti tancl
Sodium (Na+)
Potassium (K+)
Ca lcium (Ca2+)
Brick red (fugitive)
Copper (Cu +)

[PW Lab Manual-cum-Practical R~

Jj:$J>erirnent No. 16

...... To identify the given substance by the a t· f

C. .
j\l••·· c ion o eat on it.
.i\Pparatus: Test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, ipa tcbbox, -,htch glass, delivery tube, etc.
precautions: \ I )
(1) The tes~ tu~e should not be overheated and only a hard glass dry Borosil test tube should be used.
Otherwise, it may break. \
(Z) Heat the te st tube at th e tip of a non-luminous Bunsen flame. \ J
(3) If a h~t te tube comer ncon,ct with co\~urfaces or moisture, it'may break:- ✓
(4) The given subSt ance s ould n ~t be tou<!ficii by hands; it may b e p_pison ous.
procedure: (

SI No. Experiment

1. Heat a pinch of the given

. .
sub stance m a dry Boros1l est
k The red coloui:ed substance
decomposed to give a
The gas may be
oxygen and the
tube. ~ , , , co{ourless, odourless gas and silvery globules may
· .si~ ~ ~globules are de~ ted on be of mercury.
the sides of tfie test tube which
' ~1·1~./ .
..._ appe . eu... 11\'.'.e a mirror.
2. Introduce moisr o lu ~ ~ The gas is neutral.
litmus paper strips to the gas.

3. Introduce a fa lo ing splint got rekindled. The gas is oxygen.

splint to tli'e ga; . \
\ -·
4. Pass the las thr'ov gJ:i~alkali
r · e .-1:h~ pyr~ allol solution first Presence of oxygen
pyrogal\_ol soluti~ taken u.Jnerl bt own and then dark gas is confirmed.
J-&anothe~ test !!,i e using brown to black.
delivery , ~

React~ 2Hg0 ( 2Hg + 0 2 t

/ - -(rJ d) • (silvery)
Result: 'Fhe giverl'µnkno; ~ ubstance is mercuric oxide.

(ii Pe rim en t No . 18
.01 : To id en tif y the given s ub stance b
tu be , tes t tub h Y the action of h eat on .1t.
_.pparatus: Te st e older t tub e stanct(a
~ ' est matchbov"' watch glass, de liv .
ery tub e, etc.
ec au tio ns :
Th e test tube should n ot be overh
(1 ) . . br ea k eated and ont 1_ .
. tee tu be should be used.
Othe rw ise , tt m ay y a ha ra glass t B oros1I
. }
) He at th e te st tu be at the f tp of a non l . f
tu be co m es in - uminous Bunsefl'flame .
(J) If a ho t te st contac ith
t W break.
e sh ou ld no t b co ld surfaces ot mo isture ' it may r
(4) The gi ve n su bs ta
nc .
e touched by h and s~ 1t may b,e po iso n~ .
proc ed ur e:

SI Ex pe rb ne Inference
I. H ea t a pi nc h of th e give J"he cr o~,olate .p ro wn subs
tance M ay be•.\ead dioxide.
si~ --/
su bs ta nc e in a dr y Bo ro ~ efi p-ale yellow.
te st tube. A colourless, odourless ga
s is The gas ma y be
evo\v~ oxygen.
d re d · ic change. The gas is neutral.
2. I~ tro du ce m oi st bl ue fan N? chara
e ga
lit m us pa pe r str ip s to\h~ ;.; .
g rekindled. The gas is oxygen.
3. In tro du ce a fa in t gl ow in
sp lin t to th e ga s.
\ Presence of oxygen
{h ro ug h ; ka lin e f ~e pyrogallol solution first
4. Pa ss th e ga s gas is confirmed.
io nY .~ i br ow n and then dark
py ro ga llo l sol ut
g a , , 'b;d f'n to black.
in an ot hef te stf ub e us in
delivery tu'be. ~
~ wi~h Th e residue is lead
co ol 4 '~e.~ 11J w residue fu~e monoxide (litharge).
5. A llo w t{ e te st qi1"e-to gl as s of the te st tu be g1vm
g 1t a

~ \ br ow n appearance.

~ n1
2Pb i 2

(c oc ol afe brown
- ..=--= --=.-\ -~ ), 2P b0
( \ llo
~ ~(ye w)
+ 0 2t

.te br o,.,wn su bs ta nc e is le
rr i( )- . - '
.vue g1vell\1!-,-~ .
nk no w n_ph oc-o!@
)- ' ......__,, *

Experiment No. 19
action of heat on it.
Aim: To identify the given substance by the
tube stan d, matchbox, watch glass, delivery e, etc
Apparatus: Test tube , test tube holder, test
I ·
Precautions: shoul
and only a f ard glass cJfy Borosil t~st tube
(1) The test tube sho uld
Otherwise, it may break.
not be ove rheated
f )d be u&erj
us Bunse flaJl1.e. I ·
(2) Heat the test tube at the tip of a non
with cold
surfaces or moisture, it niay break.
(3) If a hot test tube com es in con
The give n sub stance sho uld not be tou ched b .han ds; it ma:0pe poison ous.

Experiment Observation
SI No. ; .

Heat a pinch of the give ~ The colour of the substance ~ye PPer(ID
I. \
substance in a dry Borosil f\ st chai~ge d from Jight gre en to black. oxide.
{ A colourless, odourless gas is The gas may be
e',olveo~ carbon dioxide.

Introduce moist blue and red Blue litmus turned red. No change The gas is acidic.
as.J .• o~ ed in red litmus.
litmus paper strips to~
The gas is carbon
3. Pass the gas through lime
water taken in another 1$r dioxide.
tube using a delivciy.-rube.
Presence of carbon
!ntroduc~ ~ l~er pap er~ aked .)ro cha
4. racteristic change.
~ dioxide gas is
m potassmm tch romate
solution ~ther1as. l

Reaction: Cu ClO3 ,~,.,-. . / f rciio\t do t


(grJ n) ..
ate .
een,amorphous substance is copper carbon
.. A ~ ,
Res 1t: The given,._____ o

lPW Lab Manual-cum-Proclical R,!j

eriment No . 20
·,n. To identify the given sub st ance by the .
,4J •
Tes t tube, test tube h od I action of heat on it ·
tus :

ara er stt
.t\PP ' e tube stand matchbo)'-, watch glass, delivery tube, etc.
1 s·
precau • /
l) The tes t tub e sho uld not b
rheated and o I Borosil te~ tube Jshould be used.
( Otherwise, it ma y hr k e ove n Ya gla ss
ea .
) He at the tes t tub e at the tip 0 f ·
(2 a non -.Iumin ous Bun se '"'-flam .
tes t tub e com es in c t act With cold urf:
(3) If a hot . on s aces ot
tsture, it m~y bre ak. \
sta nce sho uld t b
(4) The giv en sub O
o e touched b - h and s-,t' 1t
be poisonous
du re· .-- -- ma
1 //' ./ . ~
proce ·
SI No. Ex per im ent Inference
1. He at a pin ch of the giv en b: ~ esidue may be
he 9olsmr of the substance
sub sta nce in a dry Bo ros il te . t \ chaefg~ from ~ hite to yellow. a metal' bx-ide.
/ Th e gas ma y be
tube. A coi ourless, ohourless gas is
als o-e'Wlve'"~ carbon dioxide.

2. Pass the gas through µme L. e wa ter tur ned mi ky.. .J Th e gas is car bon
water taken in anothet etube dioxide.
using a delivery tube. .
Pre sen ce of car bon
3. Introduce potassium
dio xid e gas is
di chr om ate

residue wh ich wa s yel low Th e residue is zinc

4. oxide.
down. n-h ot tur ned wh ite wh en
d. '

+ CO 2 t
Reaction: Zn (yellow when hot and
- Ycwi white when cold)
morphous substance is zinc carbona
Resul · ow n whi .
Experiment No. 23
Aim: To identify the given substance by the action of ; eat on it.

Precautions: (
Apparatus: Test tube, test tube holder, test tube stan matchbbx, watch glass, delivery tub
. J\JO
( l) The test tube should not be overheated and
Otherwise, it may break. .
only a ard glass

(2) Heat the test tube at the tip of a non-lurnmous Bunse flam . 7 Borosil test tub h

(3) If a hot test tube comes in contact with cold surfaces r mJ isture, i'. .~ break. .
~ J
e s OUld '--
'1': ~
(1 )

(4) The given substance should not be touched b_y..h.,rj ; 1t mayt ,. .,L~r \
e p01s.:o~m, . . "__

Procedure: f \
r, 171 ~ (3
SI No. Experiment Inference
I. Heat a pinch of the give
substance in dry Borosil
t', )7he colol)Iless ,cJ..eliquescen
~ryst'1s turned y~llow o!Y1'e ating
ktid a reddish brJwn gas turning
blu/ iittfuls-red1s"-e-,a!~ .
f Th ~low )
substance-may be
ZnO orPbO.
The gas may be
0 Tlie s o i u ~ed black.
nitrogen dioxide.

2. Pass the gas througH Presence of nitrog


. .d
freshly prepared solution of e gas is
ferrous sulphate. I confirmed.

3. Allow the te~s~-tube

down. J

ool . r he residue, which was yellow

when hot, turned white when
The residue is zinc

Reaction: 2 zJ~oJ _ d_.__ + 4N0 2 t +

(cor less) ~ (yellow when hot and
whit when cold)
(reddish brown)

Result~ t r,en\unknoJ n white c stalline substance is zinc nitrate.

[PW Lab ~
iiperJJJJI:'..... .... ~- - .

. . To identify the giv en sub st ance by the

ara tus : Test tube, tes t tube h. older t
action of heat on ·t• . l
precaThe test tub e s oul d not b
(1 oth erw ise , it ma y bre ak e ove
· .
H t the tes t tub t the tip of a non-Iu .
, est tube stand/n

rheated and onl

matchbl , watch glass, delivery tube, etc.

d g ass Boros ii tept tube should be used.

\. j
(2) ea "'i 'fl
tes t tub e com es in . minous Bunse ~flam . .
( J) If a hot
contact With cold l . \
. b . Surfaces O f mo isture it m{y break.
sub sta nce sho uld '
(4) The giv en not e touched b h /. .
- ands; 11 may 1,{ poison,,.. ~
SI No.
-I H<~~~ch;-~ ::= r--~=,-- y~ O~b ~se~rv~a~ti~ ~
on - .------1-~In~fe~r~en~c~e~ -J
He at a pin of ~:
the giv e ·
1 e a c)!pper
e bly 71Ystal~ changed t~ blacf' ~t ~
· sub sta nce in a dry Bo ros il .,,..' salt and the-olack
tes t tub e. Pe : d9t ~n heating .
residue may be
copper (II) oxide.

Re<!pi~h brown gas wit li su~ g The gas may be

tlo~ t}Volv\ d. nitrogen dioxide.

2. Pass the gas through a

freshly prepared~ utio~j .£
P UQ!ljuined black. Presence of nitrogen
dioxide gas is
ferrous sulph; te~ ·- y
f .
Reaction: 2Cu(NOJ2 ~ ..:l CuO + 4N 0 2 t + 0 2 t
(bht )
A" \black) (reddish brown)

tall ine substance is copper nitrate.

Result: The given unkno \

Exp erim ent No. 25
Aim : To identify the given substance by the
action of ~ at.-on it.
App arat us: Test tube, test tube holder, test tube
stan '
matchb'ox, watch glass d 1.tvery tub

(1) The test tube shou ld not be over heat ed and
Otherwise, it may break.
only a ard ass i Borosil t st tube

should be
e, etc.

~( (2) Hea t the test tube at the tip of a non- lumi

nous Bun se )
surfa ces or . oi ture, it m brea k.
(3) If hot test tube com es in cont act with cold
(4) The give n subs tanc e shou ld not be touc hed
b ~ ; 1t m~ pe
pois on -~~ J'-ir, ,
Proc edur e:
I Exp erim ent Inference
SI No.
I 1. Hea t a pinc h of the give , ce decr epita t
chan g~d from.:
subs tanc e in dry Boro sil test ~

tube .
The gas may be
nitrogen dioxide.
of nitrogen
2. Pass the gas thro ug . ence
Pres .
d1ox1de gas is
prep ared solu tion of
sulp hate .

3. Allo w the he yell ow resid ue fuse d with the The residue is lead
~ s of the test tube givi ng it a monoxide.
~ wn appe aran ce.

2 2Pb~ + 4N0 2t +
ale yellow) (reddish brown)

Result: The gi stall ine subst/nce is lead nitrate.

'Jllent No. 26
fh .
-ro ident ify the given substance by the acf

ion o eat on 1t.
·JJJ: J.'
,>I psratus: Test tube, test tube holder, lest tube stand
fmatcbbo • watch glass, delivery tube, etc.
l'AP dons:
be used.
Borosil ter\: tube,)should
fhe test
(1) other wisetu~e s hould
, ,t may not. be overheated and only a

am .. /
fleat the test tube at the tip of a non-luminous Bunse
ture, it m!ty break.
(Z) If a hot test tube comes in contact With cold surfaces O mo(s
it may lie poison · ,• ., ~, ;
(J) The give n subs tance shonJd not be touched b chands, C l~
'1 .
.::_~ iiL -...1..____j~ _:~ ~~ ;:: :~- -- .
procedurrie:=__ __ __j_~ _ _J~ . .:::::::::,,._.JL_
L t - ~- --- i~~ ~~ ~~ --,
- - -~E~x~p~e~n~·m~e~n~ ~:
t ~cllbsla
Infer ~--;-~
nce is a/
w'e'll .
SI1No- sub ~. Th~ whdite
Heat a pinc h of the ao/"e did nO\ melt but
· give n subs tanc e in a dry n efense w~ te fu~ fume's'
are due to NH, an
po ited as wllite sahd on HCl gases formed.
Boro sil test tube.

ti·on·· NH4CI ~ J
Result: The 0£(whit
oive . c
n e)unknown wh1te
ce--is ammonium

Expe rime nt No. 27
Aim: To identify the given substance by the action of heat on
ox, watch glas s, d ehver
Apparatus: Test tube, test tube holder, test tube stanc i(m atchb y tub
I \ e, etc.
i lass cjly Borosil test tube
( 1) The test tube shoul d not be overh eated and only a ard

Otherwise, it may break . / f-- .. should be r

I er,flafl\1 . ~ J ~
(2) Heat the test tube at the _tip of a non-_luminous Buns

(3) If a hot test tube come s m conta ct with cold surfa ces
or mqisture, it nl,y break.
may be poiso~
(4) The given subst ance shou ld not be touch ed by_ha nd( it
Procedure: 'Y ../ •

Experiment Observation Inference

SI No.
~ e vidle t cryst~ls chan gedp o b The,s b t .
1. Heat a pinch of the give e did
yiole tfvap ours witho ut melti ng and )not d~cos a,
subst ance in a dry Boro sil '-- .,,,, . I _, tnpose
noi-e stdue was left behm d. --- M b ·
test tube.
r -- ~ ay e a sublim ate.
Introduce a filter papet soJke d The~ per turne d yell@w. ) Iodin e vapours
in silve r nitrat e solui lim to th_}<- "---/ confirmed.
gas. / - -/
Reaction: 12 == == =~
Result: The given violetc'iy stal
I \

LEW Ttw Manuql-qnt.Practio

ent No. 30

. . To detect the prese nce of hardness in . h

.. •JJl•
. a
given sarp.ple of water and to find ways to remo ve t e
~ ..1.-.essof water
aratus: Test tube, test tube stand b wire gauze Bunsen burner, etc.
J\PP . ' eaker, glass ro '
bstances required: Magn esium bicarb onate and di ( -
Su , J
procedure: ~
_ preparation of hard water
1 ( \ · ·
Take 250 ml of distil led wate r in a c1ean beaker. Ad .6 g of magn esium bicar• bona te
m 1t.
. 11 "th 1 ~ '-
Stir we w1 a c ean g 1ass rod and d"lSSO 1 sub nee. Yovr samp le' €Y ~d water ts now rea y.

What is hard_wate ater in whic h i ~ alled •~

~ o ,.:-7:11:e~
- wate r
a stick y . c
Produc es gher fa!t}' acids such as stean
' ,
acid. ._,_.____,,
Water + sodiu m stear ate
Mg(H C03 ) 2 + sodiu m stear a
. _)
2. Testing for hard ness of wate r
ch tube w~ -different samp les of wate r.
Mark three test tubes as A, B--ah
Take distil led wate r in tes, tub e B and'"th~lia rd wate r samp le prepa red _in
t) in each samp le. Shak e each samp le with
test tube C. Add a smal l a
its mout h close d for one minu has produ ced more lather. The samp le that
produ ces lathe r quic · ~~til e'! ater.

Sam ple Quantity of lathe r prod uced Hard ness

SI No.
Larg e amou nt Nil (soft )
I. A
Mod erate Sligh tly hard
2. B

3. C Al!!!2,&.i nil. Only a white scum is seen. Hard

powd er inste ad of soap using fresh samp les

Repe,tthe sartre··~ pepime"n'[\1With as all amou nt of deter gent
of A, anti C.
Hard ness Qua ntity of lathe r prod uced

Nil (soft) Good amou nt

Sligh tly hard Good amou nt

Hard Good amou nt

Note: Detergents a · not ected by hardness of water.

3. Removal of hardness
Method 1
Boil the sam p~ 0 ~II find that the wat
fh d wat er pre par ed and coo . 1 ter ft
out \any part·1c es c.1ormed. No w te t
is n
for hardn ess. 1ou twt . ~a rd ;;m . o e. Thi s is bec aus. e the!._
bicarbonate presen 1
.n wat er gets rem ove d as mso le w te p wd er of magne sium carb c~i\l.'q.
gn ~, (1)
CO )
3 2
(white powder)
. Mg C0 3 + Hl + co
~ --
I (2)

Add a sma11 amo unt of was hin g sod a to ~
th mP, e of har d\ wa ter an - sha..i1 -
. d . ke wel l. Filt er
me • No w tesn he wat er for
c. ~-
art1c1es 1or rdn ess . ·~ ou wil l find tha -r...
et-.18-ilo· ~ dout
ibi s is bec aus e the m/ gne siu~ bic arb ; '/
1,<1 wat
. I ~
ona pre sen:}11 Wa ter ets rifu.ov ed as.-m sduble w ite POl,r~
of mag nes ium car bon te. ~.;,;.__- -..
..+-- --+_ ..
Mg(HC03)l + Na le 3 \
(white pow der)

Exp erim ent No. 31

Aim: To identify the sources of polluti s in and aro und you r locality.
Procedure: Visit the water bodie~
- our Ity suc h as lakes, rivers, pon ds, we ll,
h~ fu l materials that mi~ th-t rese wa etc. Find out the
tf bodies. Som e causes ?f ~at ~r po~luti
with the water body, di mpmg of garbag on ar~ sewage mixing
e afldJ)olythene bag s, etc. In It, dis pos
mg che mic al poisons such
as industrial wastewa~e\ ~ d so Of·i f
bul ate the inf orm atio n you col lec ted .
SI No . Na me of wa ter bod y
Ki nd of pol lut ant s

4. --C.

,o\ alo nes that stu y"thC. l'ty f bf

/c an al O send amples the water fro th
m ese water bodies
qua 1 o water. for testing to the government and private

O **1

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