DE 4 - Nguyên

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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (chuyên)

Part 1: Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the sentences. (0.1X10=1m)
1. For a short while, I managed to catch _______ of the pop star getting into his car.
A. vision B. notice C. view D. sight
2. The examiner made a difficult question, but at last, Mike _______ a good answer.
A. came up with B. came up to C. came up against D. came up for
3. She passed her exam, so all the hard work really _______ after all.
A. paid off B. paid up C. paid in D. paid back
4. I do wish you two boys would be more _______ to the others in the class.
A. dominant B. alert C. careful D. respectful
5. _______ the barrier at the side of the road, the car would have crashed into the valley below.
A. But for B. Apart from C. Except for D. Unless
6. Don't judge a book by its cover - appearances can often be very _______ .
A. mistaking B. fraudulent C. deceptive D. tricky
7. Honey is a sweet _______ that is produced by bees.
A. material B. substance C. matter D. fabric
8. There should be a _______ on the use of chemical fertilizers in cultivation.
A. law B. isolation C. insulation D. assurance
9. _______ away on business, he would have joined us on the trip.
A. Unless he was B. If he was not C. Had he not been D. Having been
10. Don't live on the main road unless you have good _______ against noise.
A. insurance B. ban C. prohibition D. stop

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. A

Part 2: Complete the sentences with one of the phrasal verbs or expressions given below.
Make any necessary changes. Write your answers in the spaces below. (0.5m)

shed light take someone's side draw the line

have a go spare a thought put one's backs
get one's own way make sense

1. If we really _______ into it, we could be finished by tonight.

2. I'd like to _______ at running my own business.
3. His explanation did little to _______ on the mystery.
4. I believe in freedom of choice, but I _______ at letting children choose whether or not to go to
5. Not everyone is as lucky as you - _______ for those who are out of work.

1. 2. 3. shed light 4. draw the line 5.

Part 3: Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets. Write you answers in the spaces
below. (0.1X5=0.5m)
Oral Communication
Effective oral communication is an important - but often (1. look) _______ and (2. practise) _______
skill in scientific and academic endeavor. This tutorial has been developed to serve as an(3. introduce
introductory guide and general reference for use when formulating a talk. The principles should be
applied whenever you are faced with making a public presentation, whether it's an informal or a more
formal talk, such as a conference and presentation or interview. There are very few people who have
a natural talent for delivering excellent presentations. On the other hand, foresight, hard work, and
practice can carry most of the rest of us into the ‘very good' level of presentation skills. The standards
for public speaking in the scientific and academic realms are(4. relate) _______relatively low, so a good
presentation is often (5. memory) _______.
memorable I've attempted to compile a short summary of skills needed
to make a good presentation so that a user can learn these skills, then apply them in professional

Part 4: There are five words which are not in the correct form. Pick them out and correct them.
Write the words in the spaces below. Number (0) is an example. (0.1X5= 0.5m)
TV Talk Shows
Television lies at the heart of American culture, (0. offer) offering a combination of news and
amusement. It is not surprising, therefore, that daytime talk shows, the ultimate blend of information
and entertainment, are earning top rate. Talk show producers and hosts claim that the purpose of air
all sorts of problems in national television is to benefit viewers. They say they provide useful
information and have helped to create a more sensitive and educational public. Many of those who
have appeared as guests say doing so changed their lives, and the shows can certainly take the credit
for giving a lot of people information they would not otherwise have had. So do the shows provide a
service allowing people to work through issues that would otherwise be swept under the carpet? Or is
there a danger that viewers will regard the self-centred and thoughtful behavior they see in these
programmes as a model of how to live their own lives?

1. rate -> rates 2. air -> airing 3. in -> on 4.self-centred -> self-centered 5. programmes -> programs


Part 1: Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. Write your correct answers in the spaces
below. (0.1X10= 1m)
Chronic hunger and malnutrition represents the most compelling (1) _______ of our times. There are
no simple solutions but there are (2) _______ of hope, perhaps the most important of these(3)
_______ the growing number people who recognize the reality and nature of the interdependence of
nations. This recognition of the vital links(4)_______ the problem of food, trade and international
finance was the impetus for(5)_______ World Food Day.
The observance of World Food Day has(6)_______ people around the
globe who share a commitment(7)_______ eliminating hunger and malnutrition to focus on the
needs of the poor.(8)_______ to the statisticians, the estimated(9)_______ of people afflicted
by hunger and malnutrition is about 500 million. But(10)_______ alone do not begin to tell the real
story of humiliation, sickness and suffering which that total represents.

1. issue 2. signs 3. being 4. among 5. organizing
6. encouraged 7. to 8. According 9. number 10.
Part 2: Read the passage and complete each spaces with the correct form of one of the words
given in the list. There are more words than needed. Write your answers in the spaces below.

residence local inhabitants disastrous discovery persistence

dispose attend death neglectful chemistry waste

During the 20th century, pollution evolved from a mainly(1)_______ problem to one of global
consequences in which pollutants not only(2)_______ in the environment, but also changed
atmospheric and climatic conditions. The Minamata Bay(3)_______ was the first major indication
that humans would need to pay more attention to their waste products and waste(4)_______
practices, in particular, hazardous waste disposal. In the years that followed, many more instances of
(5)_______ or carelessness resulted in dangerous levels of contamination. In 1976、an explosion
at a(6)_______ factory in Seveso, Italy, released clouds of toxic dioxin into the area, exposing
hundreds of(7)_______ and killing thousands of animals that ate exposed food. In 1978, it was(8
)_______ that the Love Canal housing development in New York State was built on a former chemical
waste dump. The development was declared(9)_______ . The world’s worst industrial accident
occurred in Bhopal, India, in 1984. A(10)_______ gas leaked from an American chemical plant,
killing more than 3,800 people and injuring more than 200,000.

1. 2. 3. disaster 4. products 5. neglect
6. chemical 7. residents 8. discovered 9. inhabitable 10. dead

Part 3: Read the following passage and answer the questions from 1 to 5. Write your answers
in the spaces below. (0.1X5= 0.5m)
Sustainable School Travel Strategy
Over the last 20 years, the number of children being driven to school in England has doubled. National
data suggests that one in five cars on the road at 8.50 am is engaged in the school run. Children are
subject to up to 3.9 times more pollution in a car that is standing in traffic than when walking or cycling
to school. Reducing cars around schools makes them safer places, and walking and cycling are better
for health and the environment. It has been noted by teachers that children engaging in active travel
arrive at school more alert and ready to learn.

The County Council has a strong commitment to supporting and promoting sustainable school travel. We collect
data annually about how pupils get to school, and our report on the Sustainable School Travel Strategy sets out
in detail what we have achieved so far and what we intend to do in the future. Different parts of the County
Council are working together to address the actions identified in the strategy, and we are proud that we have
been able to reduce the number of cars on the daily school run by an average of 1%in each of the last three
years, which is equivalent to taking approximately 175 cars off the road annually, despite an increase in pupil

All schools have a School Travel Plan, which sets out how the school and the Council can collaborate to help
reduce travel to school by car and encourage the use of public transport. Contact your school to find out what
they are doing as part of their School Travel Plan to help you get your child to school in a sustainable, safe way.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading passage. Write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
(0). More children are injured when walking or cycling to school than when travelling by car.
1. Children who are driven to school are more ready to learn than those who walk or cycle.
2. Every year the Council gathers information about travel to schools
3. The Council is disappointed with the small reduction in the number of cars taking children to school.
4. The number of children in schools has risen in recent years.
5. Parents can get help with paying for their children to travel to school by public transport.


Part 4: Five sentences have been removed from the following passage. Choose from the
sentences A-F the one which best fits each gap (1-5). There is an extra sentence which you
do not need to use. Write your answers in the spaces below. (0.1X5=0.5m)
In Quest of the Ideal Image
Physical attractiveness can affect the personality. Of course, notions of what makes a person attractive
have changed throughout history and from culture to culture. For instance, the Western ideal of beauty
today is(0)H . It was not always so, nor is it likely to remain the same in the future. However, within
the same culture at any given time, most people agree on
(1) _____ .

Most people also tend to think that someone with good looks is confident and socially adept. These
perceptions do seem(2)_____. No doubt part of the explanation is that a person(3)_____ tends
to develop more self-confidence in dealing with others. In contrast, a less attractive person may seldom
have experienced the same kind of ego-building feedback in social situations.
Differential treatment based on appearance seems to begin early in life. In one experiment, women
were shown pictures(4)_____. The women saw the attractive children's behaviour as temporary,
but judged the less attractive ones(5)____.

A. who has been treated as attractive

B. why attractive people are self-confident
C. to have serious behavioural problems
D. of attractive and unattractive children misbehaving
E. which individuals are more or less attractive
F. to hold true up to a point
G. depicting children of different ages
H. to be tanned, slim and athletic

1. B 2. F 3. A 4. D 5. C

Part 5: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the question.
Write your answers in the spaces below. (0.1X5=0.5m)

The water buffalo was probably domesticated in South Asia in the third millennium B.C, and even
today is one of the most popular domestic animals in the region, used to work in the rice fields, perform
other farming chores, and as a beast of burden. They also produce milk and high-quality leather.
The largest of the buffalo species, the water buffalo can weigh up to 2.200 pounds, though the female
weighs slightly less. Both sexes have triangular- shaped horns, which measure up to six and a half
feet across and spread outward and upward. They have the greatest horn spread of any buffalo.

Besides Southeast Asia, the water buffalo is found in parts of Europe, Southwest Asia and Africa,
where they live in wet grasslands, swamps and river valleys and can also inhabit cold, mountainous
regions. They are special animals, living in herds which can number in the thousands. They spend
most of the day eating, sleeping or wallowing in water and soil for protection from insects. The water
buffalo submerges itself in water, leaving only its nostrils exposed, while a layer of mud cakes on its
neck, legs and back that insects cannot penetrate. The joints in the bottom part of their legs give them
great flexibility and nimble movement in mud.

The water buffalo is slow to breed compared to some other animals and even after giving birth is slow
to rebreed. After a ten-month pregnancy, the female gives birth to one or two calves, who follow their
mother as soon as they are able. Other female parents will nurture orphaned calves if necessary.
Unfortunately, the calves succumb quickly to viruses, parasites, bacteria and poor nutrition. In the case
of domesticated water buffalo, the farmers often sell adult milk, depriving the young of nourishment.

1. Which of the following does the author not mention about the horns of the water buffalo?
A. No other buffalo has such large horns.
B. The calves are born with horns.
C. The horns are upright and have a wide span.
D. Their horns have a distinctive shape.
2. What can be inferred from the passage about the female water buffalo?
A. It does not have many calves throughout its life.
B. It does not look after its own calves.
C. Many females die giving birth.
D. They spend a large part of their lives being pregnant.
3. Why does the water buffalo cover itself in mud?
A. As protection from the weather.
B. To safeguard itself against insect bites.
C. it is the result of what is in the water.
D. As a shield against the coldness of the water.
4. According to the author, water buffaloes _______ .
A. have an isolated life B. prefer to live in cold areas
C. live and move about together D. spend all day in the water
5. Water buffalo calves _______ .
A. all grow into healthy adults
B. are used to supply the farmer with leather
C. leave their mothers when still young
D. often suffer from a lack of milk

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D

IV. WRITING (3.5ms)

Part 1: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one printed
before. (0.1X5=0.5m)
1. I am convinced that there is some mistake with this bill - it's astronomical.
There is some astronomical
. mistake with this bill.
2 They were seasoned travelers, which we had not expected them to be!
Contrary to our expectation, they. were seasoned travellers.
3. They dispose of any unsold perishable goods at the weekends.
Any unsold perishable goods are disposed
. of at the weekend.
4. He did not pass his driving test until he was nearly 30.
It was not until he was
. nearly 30 that he passed his driving test.
5. I’m afraid that I think he shouldn't marry her.
I can't help feeling that.he shouldn't marry her.

Part 2: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one printed
before. Use the words given and do not alter in any way. (0.1X5=0.5m)
1. How has the strike affected student attendance? (EFFECT)
How did the strike have an effect on student's attendence?
2. She began to suffer from irrational fears. (PREY) to fall prey to sb/sth: to be influenced by someone or something
She began to be the prey of irrational fears.
3. Mr. Misery was the only student who didn't smile. (EXCEPT)
Everyone except Mr.Misery smiled.
4. I assume you're hungry. (GRANTED) to take it for granted that + SVO = assume
I took it for granted that you're hungry.

5. The book was not as good as he had hoped. (EXPECTATIONS)

The book turned out to be not as good as his expectations.

Part 3: Letter (0.5m)

Part 4: Essay (1.5ms)

---- The end ----

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