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Introduction to Netiquette

oNetiquette refers to the guidelines for polite and respectful

behavior when communicating online.
o Maintaining good netiquette fosters positive interactions,
enhances online relationships, and creates a welcoming
digital environment.
Essential Netiquette Guidelines
◦ Key Netiquette Principles
◦ Bullet points:
◦ Respect Others: Treat others with respect and kindness, avoiding insults, harassment, or
offensive language.
◦ Use Proper Language: Communicate clearly and concisely, avoiding excessive use of caps
lock, emojis, or internet slang that may be difficult to understand.
◦ Mind Your Tone: Be mindful of your tone and intent when communicating online, as text-
based messages may be misinterpreted without facial expressions or vocal cues.
◦ Privacy and Security: Respect others' privacy by not sharing personal information or private
conversations without permission
Netiquette Best Practices
◦ Think Before You Post: Pause and consider the potential impact of your words or
actions before posting or commenting online.
◦ Be Tolerant and Inclusive: Embrace diversity and differing opinions, engaging in
constructive dialogue while respecting others' viewpoints.
◦ Respond Thoughtfully: When responding to messages or comments, take the time
to read and understand the content before replying, and avoid engaging in flame
wars or online arguments.
◦ Seek Permission: When sharing content created by others, such as images, articles,
or videos, always give credit to the original source and seek permission if necessary
Thank you everyone
highly appreciate your time

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