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ASPPM Annex 2-3: Pre-delivery and

delivery inspection form

Set forth here below is the manner in which the Distributor must prepare delivery
reports. The option to report by hard copy is only for Distributors without access to
Shark. Other Distributors are required to submit their delivery reports on-line by means
of Shark. Filing of duly completed delivery reports is a pre-condition of warranty. If
delivery reports are not properly completed for each Machine, and handled as explained
below, any warranty claim may be invalidated.

A Handling of Delivery Service

a) The Distributor must submit a delivery report form whenever he performs a
delivery service on a Machine. If any unsatisfactory condition is found at the time
of the delivery, a copy of the related inspection report (ASPPM Annex 2-4) must
be submitted at the time of submitting the delivery report.
b) After completing a delivery service inspection, the Distributor’s work should be
confirmed by the Customer, who must sign the form. One copy of the form is kept
by the Customer.
c) Distributors not yet reporting via Shark, must submit two copies of the form to
Komatsu and this within ten calendar days after delivery to the Customer. The two
remaining copies should be maintained by the Distributor in the Machine file.
d) Distributors reporting via Shark must register the delivery report directly into
Shark. They must not submit copies of the form to Komatsu but keep the
remaining copies in their Machine file so that Komatsu can request copies any
time required.
e) Failing to submit this report may invalidate any claim raised with Komatsu.

B Filling Instructions of Delivery Report by hard copy

A series of circled numbers refer to the delivery report form below. The following fields
are mandatory fields and until all completed, the Delivery Report form will be considered
invalid: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) or (6), (7), (9), (10), (11) or [(12), (13), (15), (16)], (17), (19),
(20), (25) and (26). Field (6) is only to be completed when ending the demo. This date
should never be registered on the same form used at the time of reporting a Demo
starting (a separate form is required). The fields (5) and (6) can never be completed
C Filling Instructions of Delivery Report in Shark

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