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Keghan Strydom


AED3701 Assignment 2


Question 1 pg 3
Question 2 pg 4-6
Question 3 pg 7
Question 4 pg 8-9
Declaration Form pg 10
Reference List pg 11


1,1,1 False.
- Assessment in learning Is also considered as the crucial link
between learning outcomes, content and teaching and learning

1.1.2. True.

1.1.3. False.
- Teachers hould always consider the diversity of learners in their
classroom when planning their assessments.

1.1.4. True.

1.2.1. Self Assessment.

1.2.2. Continuous Assessment.

1.2.3. Baseline Assessment.

1.2.4. Peer Assessment.

1.3. The assessment Instruments that could be used when assessing an

activity/task are : Memorandum
Assessment Guidelines


2.1. Continuous Assessment Is used to exlain the on-going process of
assessments that expands to the entire learning process. Assessments begin
when learnin starts and is continued through the entire learning process. As
teachers we use on-going scenarios of collecting information about our
learners' learning with theaim of identifyng their strengths and weaknessess.
The continuous assessment uses a variety of methods of assesment that cater
to diffrerent learners needs. It is also vital to take into account the importance
of giving individual learners constructive feedback after they have written their

2.2. The five forms of assessment that will apply in Afrikaans Intermediate
Phase Grade 4 will be:
- Summative Assessments (Term tests and end-of-year exams)
- Formative Assessments (Written Assessment done through research)
- Baseline Assessments (Completed in Term 1 to gain undeerstanding of
the current level that the learners are at)
- Diagnostic Assessments (Creating assessments to analyse learners
understanding of current topics being
covered in class)
- Continuous Assessments (Creating activities to determine the rate of
process of teaching.)

2.3. Reasons for the forms of assessments chosen:

- Summative Assessment (Determine adequate progress is being made
based on work covered in class.)
- Formative Assessment ( To assist in leearning and teaching techniques)
- Baseline Assessment ( To detemine the level of knowledge and skills
before the work has been taught/ application
- Diagnostic Assessment ( To identify the learning gaps as well as the
learners strength and weaknessess.)
- Continuous Assessment ( Allows the educator to assess the learners
performance formally and informally.)

Haptic The assessment should -Presentation
incorporate activities -Dramatisation
that allow the learners -Completion and board
to use movement, games
space, touch, imitation
and practice.
Auditory Assessment activites -Dialogue
should give these -Brainstorming
learners space and time -Debate
to read aloud the
information presented
in the assessment.
Visual Assessment activites -Experiment
should allow learners to -Projects
be hands-on, plan in
advance and use
reading materials.

2.5.1. Social Justice should be promoted in the classroomto create a conscious

community. This environment ensures that the learners' voices, opinions and
ideas are valued and respected by eachother. We can establish this by
developing rules that teach fairness in classroom discussions and behaviour.
These productive conversations can be developed by teaching our learners to
share their ideas and opinions with others that allow for disagreement but
values eachothers perspective.
We should continuouly be encouraging this environment and challenging them
to question the world around them as well as the schools they attend.

2.5.2. Social Constructivism surrounds the collaborative nature of learning.

Students rely on eachother to grow and build their foundatioons. As a teacher
we should be concerned with not only what our students learn but also how our
students learn. The aim is to help students manage themselves and ecourage

and support themselves. We should percieve the world not as a static reality
but as a reality in the transformatiion process.


3.1. E

3.2. D

3.3. C

3.4. A

3.5. B


4.1. Five purposes of assessments are:

a) to provide a reliable, valid and fair assessment of achievement of a
learner in a specific subject. Summative Assessment (test and exams)
b) to help the teacher plan according to learners needs to improve
teaching methods. Formative Assessment (projects, assignments)
c) to provide information about learners, teachhers and schools.
Continuous Assessment (all types of assessments)
d) for promotional purposes. Summative Assessment (final exams)
e) to drive curiculum and teaching. Continuous Assessment (all types of

4.2. Formative Assessment- Is used to determine the progress o the learners

towards achieving the oucomes and the appropriateness of learning aquired.
For example: Setting a test to provide feedback to the learner and track the
Summative Assessment- To determine the overall achievement and leaarning
success. For example: An assessment can be taken at they end of the cycle or
phase to aquire the results of the achievement average.
Diagnostic Assessment- Can be an informal/formal assessment. Various
assesments can be completed to determine the learners level of knowledge.
For example: Weekly tests to determine if any learners are falling behind in
content knowledge.
Baseline Assessment- This assessment takes place before learning
commences and is used to determine what learners know and can do. For
example: An assessment can be completed in the beginning of the term to
determine their current knowledge.

4.3. Fairness- When learners are assessed on what they know and have been
taught, and questions are set in relation to the Bloom Taxonomy/TIMSS
cognitive levels and the covered curriculum taught.
Validity- This is regarded as an assessment that is relevant to the standard set
according tot the CAPS for a specific assessment task.

Reliability- Takes into cognisance the assessment process and consistency.
Suffiecient- Reffers to adequatley covering the entire work that has been
taught through the use of Blooms Taonomy/TIMSS questioning order, being low
order, middle order and higher-order.
Credible- This is implies that the assessment should have respected outcomes,
and the process of assessing should be fair, valid, sufficient and reliable.

4.4.1. Assesment for learning-An assessment used in teaching and learning to

determine how learners are progressing towards achieving the set learning

Assessment of learning- A classroom or field-based assessment that takes

plae at the end of the lesson, cycle or year, whichh is used to determine the
overall achievement of the learner.

4.4.2. Assessment as learning- A self-assessment done by the leaner in that

they take responsibility for their own learning and determine steps they need
to take to improve learning.

Assessment in learning- This assists the teacher to identify learners' career.

Learners are interested in learning something that will at the end benefit them.


I Keghan Strydom, 67783619
hereby state that all work Is ocompleted by me, with the assistance of
prescribed textbooks.
For the subject AED3701


Only the study guide Assessment in Education Only StudyGuide AED3701

was used to complete thisassignment.


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