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Assitant Professor
Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)
Chennai - 600 042

September 4, 2020

T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)

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UNIT-III The Urysohn Lemma

If A and B are two subsets of the topological space X, and if there is a
continuous function f.X → [0, 1] such that f (A) = {0} and
f (B) = {1}, we say that A and B can be separated by a continuous
Note: The Urysohn lemma says that if every pair of disjoint closed
sets in X can be separated by disjoint open sets, then each such pair
can be separated by a continuous function.hThe converse
 is trivial,
−1 1 −1 1
if f : X → [0, 1] is the function, then f 0, 2 and f 2
are disjoint open sets containing A and B, respectively

T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)

- 600 042 () September 4, 2020 2 / 12
UNIT-III The Urysohn Lemma

Definition (completely regular)

A space X is completely regular if one-point sets are closed in X and
if for each point x0 and each closed set A not containing x0 , there is a
continuous function f : X → [0, 1] such that f (x0 ) = 1 and
f (A) = {0]

Note: A normal space is completely regular, by the Urysohn lemma,

and ahcompletely
 space i is regular, since given f, the sets
−1 1 −1 1
f 0, 2 and f 2
, 1 are disjoint open sets about A and x0 ,
respectively As a result, this new axiom fits in between regularity and
normality in the list of separation axioms. Note that in the definition
one could just as well require the function to map x0 to 0, and A to
{1}, for g(x) = 1 − f (x) satisfies this condition.

T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)

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UNIT-III The Urysohn Lemma
A subspace of a completely regular space is completely regular. A
product of completely regular spaces is completely regular.
Proof: Let X be completely regular; let Y be a subspace of X. Let x0
be a point of Y and let A be a closed set of Y disjoint from x0 . Now
A = Ā ∩ Y, where Ā denotes the closure of A in X. Therefore,
x0 ∈/ Ā. Since X is completely regular, we can choose a continuous
function f : X → [0, 1] such that f (x0 ) = 1 and f (Ā) = {0}. The
restriction of f to Y is the desired continuous function on Y .
Let X = Xα be a product of completely regular spaces. Let
b = (bα ) be a point of X and let A be a closed set of X disjoint from
b. Choose a basis element Uα containing b that does not intersect

A; then Uα = Xα except for finitely many α, say α = α1 , . . . , αn .

Given i = 1, . . . , n, choose a continuous function
T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)
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UNIT-III The Urysohn Lemma

fi : Xαi → [0, 1]
such that fi (bαi ) = 1 and fi (X − Uαi ) = {0}. Let
φi (x) = fi (παi (x)) ; then φi maps X continuously into R and
vanishes outside πα−1i (Uα1 ) . The product

f (x) = φ1 (x) φ2 (x) · · · φn (x)

is the desired continuous function on X, for it equals 1 at b and

vanishes outside Uα .
EXAMPLE: The spaces R2` and SΩ × S̄Ω are complelely regular but
not normal For they are products of spaces that are completely regular
(in fact, normal).

T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)

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UNIT-III Urysohn metrization theorem
Theorem (Urysohn metrization theorem)
Every regular space X with a countable basis is metrizable.

Proof: We shall prove that X is metrizable by imbedding X in a

metrizable space Y , that is, by showing X homeomorphic with a
subspace of Y . The two versions of the proof differ in the choice of the
metrizable space Y. In the first version, Y is the space Rω in the
product topology, a space that we have previously proved to be
¯ b) = min{|a − b|, 1} be the standard bounded
metnzable ( Let d(a,
metric on R. If x and y are two points of Rω , define

d¯(xi , yi )
( )
D(x, y) = sup

Then D is a metnc that induces the product topology on Rω .)

T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)
- 600 042 () September 4, 2020 6 / 12
UNIT-III Urysohn metrization theorem
In this case, it tums out that our construction actually imbeds X in the
subspace [0, 1]ω of Rω .
Step 1: We prove the following: There exists a countable collection of
continuous functions fn : X → [0, 1] having the property that given
any point x0 of X and any neighborhood U of x0 , there exists an index
n such that fn is positive at x0 and vanishes outside U .
It is a consequence of the Urysohn lemma that, given x0 and U ,
there exists such a function. However, if we choose one such function
for each pair (x0 , U ) , the resulting collection will not in general be
countable. Our task is to cut the collection down to size. Here is one
way to proceed:
Let {Bn } be a countable basis for X. For each pair n, m of indices
for which B̄n ⊂ Bm , apply the Urysohn lemma   to choose a continuous
function gn,m : X → [0,1] such that gn,m B̄n = {1} and
T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)
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UNIT-III Urysohn metrization theorem
gn,m (X − Bm ) = {0}. Then the collection {gn,m } satisfies our
requirement: Given x0 and given a neighborhood U of x0 , one can
choose a basis element Bm containing x0 that is contained in U . Using
regularity, one can then choose Bn so that x0 ∈ Bn and B̄n ⊂ Bm .
Then n, m is a pair of indices for which the function gn,m is defined;
and it is positive at x0 and vanishes outside U . Because the collection
{gn,m } is indexed with a subset of Z+ × Z+ , it is countable; therefore
it can be reindexed with the positive integers, giving us the desired
collection {fn } .
Step 2: Given the functions fn of Step 1, take Rω in the product
topology and define a map F : X → Rω by the rule
F (x) = (f1 (x), f2 (x), . . .)
We assert that F is an imbedding. First, F is continuous because Rω
has the product topology and each fn is continuous.
T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)
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UNIT-III Urysohn metrization theorem
Second, F is injective because given x 6= y, we know there is an index
n such that fn (x) > 0 and fn (y) = 0; therefore, F (x) 6= F (y).
Finally, we must prove that F is a homeomorphism of X onto its
image, the subspace Z = F (X) of Rω . We know that F defines a
continuous bijection of X with Z, so we need only show that for each
open set U in X, the set F (U ) is open in Z. Let z0 be a point of F (U ).
We shall find an open set W of Z such that
z0 ∈ W ⊂ F (U )
Let x0 be the point of U such that F (x0 ) = z0 . Choose an index N
for which fN (x0 ) > 0 and fN (X − U ) = {0}. Take the open ray
(0, +∞) in R, and let V be the open set
V = πN ((0, +∞))
of Rω . Let W = V ∩ Z; then W is open in Z, by definition of the
T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)
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UNIT-III Urysohn metrization theorem
subspace topology. See Figure.

We assert that z0 ∈ W ⊂ F (U ). First, z0 ∈ W because

πN (z0 ) = πN (F (x0 )) = fN (x0 ) > 0
Second, W ⊂ F (U ). For if z ∈ W, then z = F (x) for some x ∈ X,
and πN (z) ∈ (0, +∞). Since πN (z) = πN (F (x)) = fN (x), and fN
vanishes outside U, the point x must be in U. Then z = F (x) is in
F (U ), as desired. Thus F is an imbedding of X in Rω .
T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)
- 600 042 () September 4, 2020 10 / 12
UNIT-III Urysohn metrization theorem
Theorem (Imbedding theorem)
Let X be a space in which one-point sets are closed. Suppose that
{fα }α∈J is an indexed family of continuous functions fα : X → R
satisfying the requirement that for each point x0 of X and each
neighborhood U of x0 , there is an index α such that fα is positive at
x0 and vanishes outside U . Then the function F : X → RJ defined
F (x) = (fα (x))α∈J
is an imbedding of X in RJ . If fα maps X into [0,1] for each α, then
F imbeds X in [0, 1]J
Proof: The proof is almost a copy of Step 2 of the preceding proof;
one merely replaces n by α, and Rω by RJ , throughout. One needs
one-point sets in X to be closed in order to be sure that, given x 6= y,
there is an index α such that fα (x) 6= fα (y).
T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)
- 600 042 () September 4, 2020 11 / 12
UNIT-III Tietze extension theorem

A space X is completely regular if and only if it is homeomorphic to
a subspace of [0, 1]J for some J.

T HARIKRISHNAN Assitant Professor Guru Nanak College(Autonomous)

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