Writing Pack 2 (B1+)

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Module 4




From Paragraph to Essay …………………………………………………….3

 Essay Outline …………………………………………………….4
 Parts of an Essay …………………………………………………….5

 I. The Introductory Paragraph …………………………………………………….5

 Thesis Statement …………………………………………………….6

 II. The Body Paragraphs …………………………………………………….9

 III. The Concluding Paragraph …………………………………….……………..13


 Opinion (Persuasive) Essay …………………………………………………..16

 For and Against Essay ……………………………………….............26



Essay Checklist …………………………………………………35

REFERENCES ………………………………………………….36


A paragraph develops one idea; an essay develops one idea in several paragraphs. An essay consists of at
least four paragraphs. Therefore, the outlines of a paragraph and an essay are not the same.

Topic sentence (the idea)

1. Supporting Sentence
Minor Support

2. Supporting Sentence Here is an outline of a paragraph.

Minor Support

3. Supporting Sentence
Minor Support

Concluding Sentence

General Introduction
Thesis Statement

Paragraph 1: Topic Sentence
1. Support
2. Support
3. Support Here is an outline of
Concluding Sentence
an essay.
Paragraph 2: Topic Sentence
1. Support
2. Support
3. Support
Concluding Sentence

Restatement or summary of the final points


Look at the table below, there is an example of an essay outline.

Essay Topic: Good sides of staying at dormitory

Thesis Statement: Staying at a dormitory provides students two main benefits during their
university education.


Paragraph 1: The first benefit of staying at a dormitory is that it is much more economical than
other options.
SS1: Montly payment - reasonable.
MS1: much cheaper than house rentals
SS2: No payment for bills
MS2: No bills for electrity, heating, internet etc.
SS3: Meals – included in payment
MS3: No extra money for food shopping

Paragraph 2: As students live at dormitories, they can have more free time to study or do other
SS1: no need for cleaning
MS1: cleaners – to do things like housework
SS2: no need for cooking
MS2: When stay at student house, needs to prepare meals
SS3: don’t have house responsibilities
MS3: no need to remember bills, no repairs etc

In conclusion, if you choose to stay at dormitory in your university life, you make your life
much easier. Besides having economical benefits, you can also spare a lot of free time as you
get free from a lot of responsibilities.


An essay has three parts. These are:

1. The introduction: The introductory paragraph is the “map” of the essay. It gives general
statements about the topic of the essay. It is followed by the thesis statement.

2. The main body (at least 2 paragraphs) The body (supporting) paragraphs explain, illustrate,
discuss or prove the thesis statement. Each body paragraph discusses one aspect of the main

3. The conclusion: The concluding paragraph is the final paragraph of the essay. It is the
summary of the main points or restatement of the thesis statement. It gives final thoughts
on the subject.


The function of the introduction is to serve as a "map" of the essay, outlining to your reader the
main argument and points which you develop in your essay. It starts with a general statement
narrowing down to more specific ones and finally to your thesis statement.

General Statement
More specific
More specific
More specific
Thesis Statement

1. General statement

2. Thesis statement

 In general, a good introduction accomplishes three purposes:

1. It attracts the reader's interest.

2. It provides the reader with background information.
3. It includes the Thesis Statement, which focuses the reader's attention on the main idea of the essay.

 Read the introductory paragraph below. Notice how the sentences gradually move from the
general topic of smoking to the specific of why it should be banned.

Smoking is an addiction which threatens human

health. Recent reports show that this addiction starts
at a very young age. People are divided on the issue
of limitations placed on smoking. Some people
believe that smoking should be banned everywhere.
Others are not nearly as harsh. In my opinion,
smoking should be banned as it endangers
everyone’s health and pollutes the environment.

Thesis Statement

Thesis statement is the sentence with the central or main idea. When you are writing your
thesis statement, remember the following rules: The essay is controlled by one main idea
which is called the thesis statement. The thesis statement is similar to the topic sentence in
paragraph,but it is broader and gives a general idea about the subject of the whole essay. It is
usually the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. Each of the topic sentences in the
body paragraph should relate to the thesis statement.

Seven Golden Rules of a Good Thesis Statement

1. A thesis statement cannot be a simple statement of fact. It should contain an opinion

because facts cannot be argued.
Fact: People use some chemicals to clean their lawns.
Thesis Statement: The chemicals that people use to clean their lawns are poisoning the
environment in two ways.
2. A thesis statement cannot be a simple announcement of a subject.
Announcement: I want to talk about the importance of the environmental problems.
Thesis Statement: Solving the environmental problems is difficult due to the lack of the
attention and financial limitations.
3. A thesis statement must be a complete sentence.
Title: High school students and university entrance exam.
Thesis Statement: Continuing changes in the university entrance system makes it almost
impossible for high school students to enter a university.

4. A thesis statement must have one controlling idea.

Two controlling ideas: She has become a world star with her great talent and wisdom, and she
has always been a good mother for her son.
One controlling idea: She has become a world star with her great talent and wisdom.

5. A thesis statement should be specific rather than vague or general.
Vague: Sezen Aksu’s songs are very good.
Specific: Sezen Aksu’s songs express true feelings such as a deep sorrow, a fresh love or
courtesy of a passionate lover.

6. A thesis statement cannot be a question.

Question: What are the advantages of getting up early?
Thesis Statement: There are three advantages of getting up early in busy work life.

7. The thesis statement must appear at the end of the introductory paragraph.

A. Decide whether the following statements are good or bad according to the seven rules.

1. There are two ways of meeting new people: travelling and joining a social club.

2. The causes of unemployment.

Bad (Not a complete sentence).
Possible answer: Overpopulation and the economic crisis are the two main causes of unemployment.

3. What are the effects of drugs on people?

4. Acting in a theatre play is more difficult than acting in a movie.

5. The thesis of this paper is the difficulty of solving our economic problems.

6. Aerobics is a good exercise for you.

B. Write more limited thesis statements using the general sentences and the words in parentheses
given about the topics.

1. Board games Board games are challenging. (What kind of board games?)
T.S: Playing backgammon with a friend is challenging.

2. Teachers Some teachers have effects on students. (Which teachers? What effects?)
Math teachers generally have bad effects on students.

3. Big cities Living in big cities is difficult. (In what ways?)

4. Cars A car reflects the owner’s personality. (How?)

C. Write a thesis statement using the topic and the purpose given. Pay attention to seven golden
1. Topic: Books
Purpose: To explain the advantages of reading a book
Thesis: There are several advantages of reading a book.
2. Topic: Culture
Purpose: To show the components of culture
Thesis: There are three important components of culture of a society: folk music and
dance, food and customs.
3. Topic: Computer
Purpose: To talk about the reasons why children like computer games
4. Topic: Entertainment
Purpose: To explain the aims of participating in song contests


Write an introductory paragraph about the topic given below. Your paragraph should move from the
general topic to your thesis statement (See the example paragraph on page 6).

Topic: The good sides of living in big cities



Body paragraphs are the heart of the essay, because their function is to explain, illustrate, discuss or prove
the thesis statement. In other words, body paragraphs are units of text that offer supporting evidence to back
up the thesis statement of an essay. A good body paragraph contains three main sections: a topic sentence (or
key sentence), relevant supporting sentences, and a closing (or transition) sentence. This structure keeps your
paragraph focused on the main idea and provides clear, concise information.

Paragraph 1: Topic Sentence
1. Support
Minor support
2. Support
Minor support
(3. Support
Minor support)
Concluding Sentence

Paragraph 2: Topic Sentence

1. Support
Minor support
2. Support
Minor support
(3. Support
Minor support)
Concluding Sentence

There are some rules about body paragraphs:

• The number of body paragraphs may change depending on the thesis statement and essay type but
the body should have at least 2 paragraphs.

• Each body paragraph discusses one aspect of the main point.

• There should be at least two supporting sentences and their minor supports in each paragraph.

• Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that states the point to be detailed in that

• The controlling idea in the body paragraphs should echo the central idea in the thesis statement.

e.g.: Thesis statement: "There are many advantages of living in the school dorm."

• If you write about the thesis statement above, the topic sentence of each paragraph should be
about one advantage of living in the school dorm.
e.g.:Topic sentence: "The first advantage of living in the school dorm is ... "

• The body paragraphs should have coherence and unity. The order of your paragraphs
should be the same as the order in the thesis statement.

e.g.: Thesis statement: In my opinion, smoking should be banned as it endangers everyone’s

health and pollutes the environment.

Topic sentence of 1st body paragraph: My first reason for this opinion is that it gives harm to
human body.

Topic sentence of 2nd body paragraph: Polluting the environment is the second reason why
smoking should be banned.

• As your sentences need to flow smoothly, your paragraphs need to flow smoothly too. This
can be achieved through the transition words.

e.g.: Thesis statement: "I love Istanbul because it has historical and natural beauty."
1st body paragraph, topic sentence: "The first reason why I like Istanbul is its historical beauty."
2nd body paragraph, topic sentence: "The other reason of my love for Istanbul is its natural beauty."

Write suitable topic sentences for the body paragraphs according to the thesis statement given below.

1) Thesis statement: Smoking is dangerous for human health, environment, and economy.

Topic sentence of 1st body paragraph: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Topic sentence of 2nd body paragraph: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Topic sentence of 3rd body paragraph: ………………………………………………..……………………………………

2) Thesis statement: Although Istanbul is an important centre of national and international

business, it still has several serious problems.

Topic sentence of 1st body paragraph: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Topic sentence of 2nd body paragraph: ………………………………………………………………………………………

3) Thesis statement: Computer games effect children badly for two important ways.

Topic sentence of 1st body paragraph: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Topic sentence of 2nd body paragraph: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Prepare an outline for body paragraphs for the topic below (given on page 8):

Topic: The good sides of living in big cities

Thesis Statement: There are several good sides of living in big cities.

Paragraph 1: Topic sentence: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
SS1: ……………………………………………………………..
MS1: ……………………………………………………………..
SS2: ……………………………………………………………..
MS2: ……………………………………………………………..
SS3: ……………………………………………………………..
MS3: ……………………………………………………………..

Paragraph 2: Topic sentence: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

SS1: ……………………………………………………………..
MS1: ……………………………………………………………..
SS2: ……………………………………………………………..
MS2: ……………………………………………………………..
SS3: ……………………………………………………………..
MS3: ……………………………………………………………..

In conclusion, living in a big city can provide a lot of good sides to the people who prefer to
live there.

Write the body paragraphs (at least two) for the topic and outline you prepared on the previous page.




The final paragraph of an essay is the conclusion. In this paragraph, you tell the reader that you
have completed the essay. This is achieved by either writing a summary of the main points
discussed in the body of the essay or by rewriting the thesis statement in different words. Then
you add your final comments on the subject. Since this is your last opportunity to make your
point, you should write a strong, effective message that the reader will remember.

The concluding paragraph does three things:

1. It signals the end of the essay.

2. It summarizes the main points.

3. It leaves the reader with the writer's final thoughts on the subject.

To signal the end of an essay, use a conclusion transition signal such as in conclusion, in
summary, to summarize, in brief, or in short. Then, either summarize the main points of the
essay or rewrite the thesis statement:

Thesis statement: Personal computers have especially revolutionized communication and

business practices for the last twenty years.

Concluding Paragraph: In brief, the computer age has arrived, and it is changing our lives.
Computers have made communication and doing business faster and more convenient, and
they have greatly increased our access to information.

♦ Here is an outline of an essay:

Thesis Statement

Watching television is not a waste of time since it educates, entertains and stimulates.

Topic Sentences of Body Paragraphs

1st : It is a valuable educational tool.

2nd: It provides entertainment to cheer us up.
3rd: It provides something our family can have in common or discuss.

Now, examine the concluding paragraph of the outline given above.

To sum up, although some people will continue to criticize watching TV, it is a good way to
spend one’s time because of its educational value, its entertainment value and its provision of
things we can discuss together.

PRACTICE: Look at the outline below and write a concluding paragraph for it.

Thesis Statement
Although some people say the opposite, having a sibling has two main advantages.
Topic Sentences of Body Paragraph
1st: You can have a best friend by your side in every point of your life.
2nd: You can ask for help whenever you need.


PRACTICE: Look at the paragraphs you have already written on page 8, 11 and 12 and write a concluding
paragraph for the topic given below.

Topic: The good sides of living in big cities



After the completion of your essay, you are required to give a title which will cover the topic.

Your title should

 attract the reader.

 be brief and reflect your main idea.
 be a phrase, not a sentence.
 have capitalized letters (all or the first ones)

PRACTICE: Look at the outline below and write a suitable title for it.

Thesis Statement
Although some people say the opposite, having a sibling has two main advantages.
Topic Sentences of Body Paragraph
1st: You can have a best friend by your side in every point of your life.
2nd: You can ask for help whenever you need.

Your title: ………………………………………………………………………

The purpose of an opinion (persuasive) essay is to convince the reader to agree with your
point of view. To do this, you must give reasons to support your opinion. You must also argue against
the opposing point of view.
This type of argumentative composition uses personal expressions. Your opinion should be
expressed in the introduction and again in the conclusion.

Signals and Phrases in an Opinion Essay

In my opinion,
In my view,
Expressing opinion I think / feel that
I (don’t) agree that
I (strongly) believe
It seems to me
It appears to me

First points In the first place,

First of all,
To start with,

Adding more points What is more,

In addition to this,
Apart from this,

Giving examples For instance,

For example,
To illustrate,
As an example,

Conflicting It is argued that

viewpoints People argue that
Opponents of this view say
In their defence

Study the first example essay below with its signals.

Cigarette Advertising

Smoking is a dangerous habit for our health so it is forbidden to smoke indoors. However,
cigarette advertising is not prevented and we can see advertisements about cigarette companies
everywhere. This makes cigarette advertising a hot topic for discussion. An increasing number of
people believe that it is immoral and should be banned. I support this view for a variety of reasons.

In the first place, cigarette advertising should be stopped because an unhealthy product is
being promoted. According to many medical experts, tobacco is a major cause of lung cancer and is
sometimes responsible for heart disease. When people see the adverts, this fact can be forgotten
and smoking can be seen as a normal habit. What is more, smoking can have harmful effects on non-
smokers: when in the presence of smokers, they have no choice but to breathe in second-hand
smoke. This makes them be exposed to illnesses. Shortly, showing this dangerous habit on adverts
should be stopped in order not to promote it.

Another major reason for banning cigarette advertising is the fact that it targets young
people. Firstly, cigarette adverts show young, beautiful, successful people smoking and having fun.
This is an image which is appealing to teenagers. In other words, they become attracted to this
vigorous representation of smoking. And it leads them to take up smoking as a habit. Furthermore,
the average teenager does not consider the harmful effects of smoking or the fact that it is addictive.
Seeing them on TV makes teenagers consider smoking as a usual activity. In short, it should be
banned as they effect teenagers badly.

In their defence, however, tobacco companies argue that since their products are legally
sold, they have the right to spread information about them, in other words, advertising. They also
argue that advertisements are not intended to cause people to start smoking, but rather are an
attempt to cause smokers to switch brands. They strongly deny that they target young people in
their adverts, stating that all the models whose photographs they use are adults.

In conclusion, I believe that cigarette companies are only interested in making money, as
their advertising campaigns are unethical and a bit aimed at teenagers. It is not good to promote an
unhealthy product, so in my opinion, cigarette advertising should be banned.

PRACTICE 1: Look at the second example essay below and underline the signal words/phrases.

Life Sentence vs Death Penalty

In some places, murderers get life sentences for their crimes. In others, they get the death
penalty. There is a lot of disagreement about how murderers should be punished. However, I believe
that people should get life sentences for murder, not the death penalty.

One reason I support life sentences for murder is that death is not the worst punishment.
Firstly, it is worse to have to sit in jail for the rest of one’s life. Life imprisonment is hard. Secondly,
prisoners never get to do what they want. All they can do is think about their crimes. Thirdly, they
know that they will never be able to get out of prison. Therefore, life imprisonment is an effective

Another reason is that sometimes people change. Some people commit murder when they
are addicted to drugs or have other bad influences in their lives. With time, people can change in jail.
Furthermore, many convicted criminals start studying or learn about religion when they are in jail.
Some of them start to really think about what they did wrong. They even try to help other prisoners
by teaching or counselling them. However, change is not possible if they are dead. Shortly, life
sentence gives criminals a chance to understand their mistakes and crimes.

Some opponents of life sentences for murder say that it is too expensive to keep murderers
in jail and it would be cheaper to execute them. However, capital punishment can also be very
expensive. The courts are very careful before they execute people, there are many court hearings
before they decide to execute them. Sometimes the hearings continue for years. The government
has to pay for the court hearings, the criminal’s lawyer, and many other expenses. It is clear that
capital punishment is not always cheaper than life in prison.

In conclusion, there are many good reasons to give life sentences to murderers instead of the
death penalty. Life sentences are an effective punishment, they give criminals a chance to change,
and they do not involve a lot of court hearings. For these reasons, I think that life sentences are a
better punishment for murder than the death penalty.


General statements

Thesis statement identifying the writer’s point of view. (State the topic and your opinion clearly.)
(e.g. I believe that/I think that physical education should be taught at schools.)

Your 1st VIEWPOINT/REASON supporting the thesis statement

Justifications (Support your reason by explaining, giving examples, and details)

Your 2nd VIEWPOINT/REASON supporting the thesis statement

Justifications (Support your reason by explaining, giving examples, and details.) MAIN

Opposing (Others’) viewpoint

Reason(s) for the opposing viewpoint (State why opponents think that way.)
Refutation (Prove that they are wrong, or their argument is not powerful enough.)

Restatement of the thesis, final comments on the topic.
(Restate the thesis, summarize the main ideas, and/or make final comments.)
In conclusion, /All in All, /To conclude, …………………….

PRACTICE 2: Read the paragraphs and put them into the correct order (1-5) to form an opinion essay.

a. ( ) First of all, schools have a responsibility to educate children in all areas, no matter where
their particular talents might lie. For that reason, it is just as important to provide Physical
Education training and sports practice for the professional sportsmen and women of the future as
it is to provide academic training to those who will go to university.

b. (___) In addition, students these days spend long hours studying, working at their computers or
in their library. Therefore, they need the opportunity to do some physical activity during the school
day. These will not only help to increase their level of fitness and make them healthier, it will also
mean that they develop better social skills and are able to concentrate on their studies for longer
and therefore achieve better results.

c. ( ) In conclusion, I strongly believe that sports and Physical Education should remain a key part
of the school curriculum. All children have the right to a balanced education, and they should not
miss the opportunity to learn how to play sports.

d. ( _) On the other hand, some people believe that the purpose of schools is to be
prepared students to become productive members of the workforce. This means that they have to
spend as much time as possible for developing skills that will be of use in their employment.
Consequently, schools have little time to devote to less important subjects such as Physical

e. ( _ _ ) The ancient Greeks always held that a healthy mind in a healthy body is the key to a
well-balanced life. Nowadays, many schools are decreasing the amount of time given to sports and
Physical Education, and some schools are removing it all together. Although academic subjects are
certainly a very important part of the school curriculum, I am strongly opposed to the complete
removal of sports and Physical Education.

Here is an outline of an opinion essay. Examine the parts in the table below.

Topic: Metrobus – not an effective solution

1st Viewpoint: exceed the capacity and cannot function properly
SS1. High number of people using the system
MS1. Too crowded platforms
SS2. Waiting too long
MS2. Arriving late for school/work

2nd Viewpoint: not prevent traffic congestion

SS1. More traffic
MS1. lanes – fewer and narrower
MS2. long queues during rush hour

Opposing Viewpoint: some people defending its effectiveness

1. Long distances- faster, shorter


Not effective for a megacity

PRACTICE 3: Now, read the essay below, complete the missing parts by looking at the outline on page 21.

1. Write a thesis statement.

2. Write a topic sentence for the second paragraph.
3. Write a concluding sentence for the third paragraph.
4. Write the starting sentence for the concluding paragraph.

Is Metrobus a solution?

Istanbul, whose population has already exceeded 15 million, has a big network of public
transportation. In addition to the classical services of bus, tram, subway and ferryboat, people in this
big city have been using Metrobus as a means of public transportation since 2007. It has always been
a matter of discussion whether metrobus is an effective means of transportation for Istanbul.


Nearly 800.000 people take the metrobus every day. The buses, the platforms, the footbridges are
full of people who try to reach their destination. It is impossible to get on or get off the bus, especially
during rush hour. Passengers sometimes wait for a long time and they are often late for their school
or work. Therefore, the system of metrobus does not work accurately.

My second reason is that it does not relieve traffic congestion in E5 motorway. Actually, it
causes more traffic. The lanes for automobiles are fewer and narrower than before since two
separate lanes for metrobus were constructed. This leads to many problems during the day. For
example, there are long queues of cars every day and night, especially during rush hour.

On the other hand, there are some people who claim that metrobus is a very effective
solution for public transportation system in Istanbul. They say that it enables people to travel long
distances faster and in shorter time. They might have a point. However, the metrobuses are crowded
with hundreds of people. You cannot even find a place to stand or read a book, so it might be faster
but it is not a comfortable journey at all.

………………………………………………………………………………… It was a short-term solution and now, Istanbul
needs to replace it with a more stable, safe comfortable means of public transportation.

HOMEWORK PART A: Complete the outline below about the question:

 Is salary more important than job satisfaction?

Topic: ……………………………………………………………………..

Your 1st Viewpoint: ……………………………………………………………………..
SS1: ……………………………………………………………..
MS1: ……………………………………………………………..
SS2: ……………………………………………………………..
MS2: ……………………………………………………………..

Your 2nd Viewpoint: ……………………………………………………………………..

SS1: ……………………………………………………………..
MS1: ……………………………………………………………..
SS2: ……………………………………………………………..
MS2: ……………………………………………………………..

Opposing Viewpoint: ……………………………………………………………………..

SS1: ……………………………………………………………..
MS1: ……………………………………………………………..



HOMEWORK PART B: Write an opinion essay about the topic according to the outline you
prepared on the previous page (23). Develop your paragraphs following the rules and criteria
discussed above for writing an opinion essay. Try to use suitable signals and phrases in your


EXTRA STUDY: Write an opinion essay about the topic given below. First, make an outline and
then develop your paragraphs following the rules and criteria discussed above for writing an
opinion essay. Try to use suitable signals and phrases in your essay.

 What do you think about studying abroad?


For & Against Essay is a type of essay that deals with the “advantages & disadvantages;
benefits & drawbacks; pros & cons or positive sides & negative sides” of a given topic.

Organise your essay in paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Arguments for the topic

Paragraph 3: Arguments against the topic

Paragraph 4: Conclusion

For & Against Essay Outline


General statements

Thesis statement
(e.g. There are both advantages and disadvantages of ......................................... )

Main Body

Paragraph I: Topic sentence

(e.g. ………… has certain advantages due to various reasons.)
Supporting sentences
(listing words + supporting ideas + linking words + justifications)

Paragraph II: Topic sentence

(e.g. On the other hand, many people believe that, there are some disadvantages of
Supporting sentences
(listing words + supporting ideas + linking words + justifications)


Re-tell the thesis statement

give your opinion / balanced consideration

THESIS STATEMENT sentence structure for For & Against Essay

benefits and drawbacks

Noun has several advantages and disadvantages
V + ing is believed to have many good points and bad points
certain positive sides and negative sides
pros and cons

e.g. Television is believed to have several advantages and disadvantages.

e.g. Travelling by plane has positive sides and negative sides.

PRACTICE 1: Write thesis statements for the topics below.

1. Living abroad: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Using e-books: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Living with family: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

TOPIC SENTENCE structure for “for & against” essay

There are
several disadvantages
many drawbacks
Noun+ is believed to noun
certain good points
to have of V+ ing
some bad points
various positive sides
V+ ing has
negative sides

e.g. There are several benefits of using a bilingual dictionary.

e.g. Using a bilingual dictionary has certain benefits.

PRACTICE 2: Write different forms of topic sentences for the topic below.
Having a sibling:
1. There are ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…… of having a sibling.
3. Having a sibling …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


 One major advantage/disadvantage of…

e.g. One major advantage/disadvantage of travelling by bicycle is that you do not have to pay for fuel.
 A further advantage is that…
e.g. A further advantage is that it is environmentally friendly because you do not have to use petrol.
 One point against…
e.g. One point against travelling by bicycle is that you have no protection from the wind or rain.
 The most important drawback is that…
e.g. The most important drawback is that it is not good for long trips as it is not protective.

Useful Linking Words and Phrases

To introduce To conclude
To list point To add more points To make contrasting
to the same topic point

In the first place, What is more, On the other hand, For example, To sum up,
First of all, Furthermore, However, For instance, To conclude,
To begin with, Besides, Although……………. like………. On the whole,
Secondly, Apart from this/ that, Even though………… such as…… Above all,
Thirdly, In addition to this, Yet, especially In conclusion,
Last but not least, Also, Despite……………… in particular All things considered,
In spite of…………… Taking everything into
…..but………………. account,
On the contrary, It seems that
It can be argued

Study the first example essay below with its linkers.


Many types of animals have gradually become domesticated. We have taken them into our

homes as pets. Pets are enjoyed by young and old alike because they are worth living with. However,

some people think that pets should live in nature instead of being a part of our family life. Having a

pet has many positive sides as well as negative ones.

Having a pet is believed to have many positive sides. To begin with, pets can be great

companions for those who live alone, such as the elderly. They can share alone people’s lives leading

them to spend enjoyable time together. What is more, having a dog around the house can give you a

sense of security. People can feel themselves protected as dogs frighten potential thieves.

Furthermore, young children usually love animals and giving them the opportunity to look after a pet

teaches them to care for living things and be responsible.

On the other hand, bringing a pet into your home is not a decision to be taken lightly since it

has got many disadvantages, too. There are some expenses involved as animals need food, special

cages, equipment and occasional veterinary treatment which can be costly. They need care and

attention on a daily basis as well, which can be time-consuming. In addition to this, a pet ties you

down to a certain extent. You cannot just get up and go away for the weekend or for a holiday

without first taking your pet’s needs into consideration. This is not always easy and can be expensive

if you have to pay for professional care.

To sum up, having a pet should be a carefully planned decision. If you are fully aware of your

pet’s needs and all the responsibilities involved in owning one, then having a pet can be a very

rewarding experience.

Study the second example essay below with its linkers.


Mobile phones are one of the electronical devices that are very popular today. Almost
everyone owns a mobile phone and people without a mobile phone are thought of as eccentric.
Some people think that mobile phones have a lot of features that make our life easier; whereas,
others disagree with that opinion. As for me, there are both numerous benefits and pitfalls that
come with mobile phones.

There are significant advantages that mobile phones bring into our lives. First of all, they
are portable. Therefore, it is convenient for us to carry mobile phones and keep in contactwith others
at any time. For example, when we are outdoors, where there are no telephones, we can use our
handy mobile phone. Secondly, mobile phones enable us to call for help duringtimes of emergency.
For instance, if you are involved in an accident or if you witness a crime taking place, you can call
the police immediately using your mobile phone. Last of all, mobiles are not only a great time-
saving device, but they are a source of entertainment, too. To illustrate, they have several
functions such as MP3 players, radios and games.

On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of using mobile phones. Firstly, they can
be lost easily since they are quite small. You can forget it anywhere and it is very difficult to find it.
Moreover, talking on mobile phones can also be expensive because we need to pay high roaming
costs when we are overseas. If you have a friend or family member in foreign countries, you limit
your communication in order not to pay high bills. In addition, mobiles are believed by some
people to give out radioactive waves and some scientists believe that this radioactivity can cause
brain tumors or damage our ears. Finally, people can easily becomeaddicted to mobile phones since
they are now multi-purposed with different functions.

In conclusion, I think that mobile phones are indispensable tools that we cannot live
without, but we should avoid abusing them. Therefore, we should think carefully about the
advantages and drawbacks before purchasing a mobile phone, and ask ourselves why we need a
mobile phone and whether we will be able to use it responsibly.

PRACTICE 3: Study the example essay below, underline the linking words and write them in the
correctcolumns below.

to list to add more points to the same to make contrasting to introduce to conclude
points topic point examples


As working is already a difficult task in people’s lives, working for a boss can even be more
problematic. Many people claim that it restricts workers and prevents their potential. For this reason, the
number of people choosing to start their own business has risen significantly in recent years. Being your
own boss has some advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, there are certain good points of working for yourself. One big advantage of
being self-employed is that you are completely self-reliant and can make decisions on your own. This can
give you a great sense of freedom and allows you to do exactly what you want without interference from
anyone else. What is more, your working day can be planned for your convenience. This results in
allowing you to work when you want rather than when you have to. Finally, if your business is successful,
people will know that you alone should be given the credit, not anyone else. This increases your self-

On the other hand, being your own boss is believed to have some bad points. Firstly, you have to
have capital to start your own business. If your capital is not that big, you may need to get a bank credit
resulting being in debt. Secondly, as you are on charge, you have to think everything in detail without
skipping anything. This can be very tiring and stressful. Secondly, in order to build a successful business,
you have to be prepared to work long hours. This could cause you to sacrifice your personal life and you
may not spend enough time with your family and friends.

All things considered, being self-employed has not only certain advantages but also some
disadvantages. It seems to me that working for yourself can be a gratifying experience although not one
without difficulties. But when success is achieved, the greatest reward of all is the knowledge that you
have done it on your own.

PRACTICE 4: Read the paragraphs of a For & Against essay below with the topic “advantages and
disadvantages of being your own boss” and put them in order; introduction, main body and conclusion.

A) However, there are disadvantages of being your own boss. Many self-
employed people have said that to build a successful business, you have to
be prepared to work long hours and sacrifice your personal life. As B. C.
Forbes once said, “If you don’t drive yourbusiness, you will be driven out of
business.” Moreover, a 1996 government study found that over a quarter
of the businesses run by a newly self-employed people failed within the
first two years.

B) Have you ever considered becoming your own boss? In recent years, the
number of people choosing to start their own business has risen
significantly. Many claim that this is because more and more people are no
longer content to work for someone else. However, we shouldn’t forget
that it has both advantages and disadvantages.

C) All things considered, it seems to me that self-employment can be a very

gratifying experience, although not one without difficulties. But when
success is achieved, the greatest reward of all is the thing that you have
done it on your own.

D) One of the main advantages of being self-employed is the fact that you are
completely self-reliant and can make decisions on your own. This can give
you a great sense of freedom and allows you to do exactly what you want
without interference from anyone else. What is more, your working day
can be planned for your convenience, allowing you to work when you want
rather than when you have to. Finally, if your business is successful, people
will know that you alone should be given the credit.

Introduction paragraph ……………..
Main Body paragraphs ……………..
Conclusion paragraph ……………..

PRACTICE 5: Write a For & Against Essay about the topic given below. First, make an outline and
then develop your paragraphs following the rules and criteria discussed above for writing For &
Against essay. Try to use suitable signals and phrases in your essay.

The pros and cons of using e-books


HOMEWORK: Write a For & Against Essay about the topic given below. First, make an outline and
then develop your paragraphs following the rules and criteria discussed above for writing For &
Against essay. Try to use suitable signals and phrases in your essay.

The pros and cons of living alone




 Does my paper have an identifiable, clearly written thesis statement in the introduction?

 Does my introduction grab the reader’s attention?

 Does my paper have an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion?

 Do my paragraphs support the thesis statement?

 Do I stick to the subject in each paragraph?

 Do my ideas make sense?

 Is my content developed with relevant details, examples, illustrations, facts,figures, and


 Does the paper have a logical order?

 Does my conclusion restate the information and make a brief statement that will impact the


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Coursebook,Pre-Intermediate. Pearson Longman.

Kocaeli University Writing Worksheets (2007-2008).

Oruç, N. & Yürekli, A. (2007). Towards Essays. Çözüm Eğitim.

Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. (2007). Introduction to Academic Writing. Pearson Longman.

Rees, G. & Lebeau, I. (2011). Language Leader Coursebook, Elementary. Pearson Longman.

Savage, A. & Shafiei, M. (2007). Effective Academic Writing1: The paragraph. OUP.

Savage, A. & Mayer, P. (2005). Effective Academic Writing2: The short essay. OUP.

Velioğlu, A. & Kandiller, B. (1998). Writing Tasks 1. METU.

Yıldız Technical University Writing Pack (2011-2012).

Zemach, E.D. & Stafford, L. (2008). Writers at Work. Cambridge UP.









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