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“House Rental And Property Listing ”


Sr. No. Abbreviation Description

1. HTML Hyper Text Markup language

2. CSS Cascading Style Sheets

3. PHP Hypertext Pre-Processor

4. My-SQL Structure Query language

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”





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“House Rental And Property Listing ”


This Web Application helps user to register individual home or apartment to assist you
in finding the Perfect rental home or property. Also we can find your next rental from
search view in your targeted Area. This website is designed to attend to all our needs
from buying property, selling property or Renting/leasing of property in India. Here we
found the better opportunity to invest our value of entire Life. Property helps us to
maintain the database of various property & agents information. It not only Helps us to
maintain the agent information but here we also allow agents to access the portal
updated Information across the global environment. We know it is a tiring to call
individual property agents, Arrange appointment, finding better time for appointment
and they will assist you. For such complex Process we provide a one simple online
form which requires your basic information and we will assist in Sort time period.

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”


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“House Rental And Property Listing ”


We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. With
the current Paradigm shift in technological field, there is an urgent need to embrace and
appreciate the power of Technology. Housing sector remains vigilant to face the
challenges of change by employing a new Strategy that facilitates easy management
rental houses. Hence there is need to develop a House Rental Project. The Home Rental
System is Searching in Based on the Apartment House for rent in Metropolitan cities.
The Home Rental System is Based on the Owners and the Customers. The Owner is
Updated on the Apartment details, and rent details. The Customer is details about the
Room space, Room rent and the Address Details also. The Home Rental System is best
Suitable the owners because Time save and the only contact and the eligible person and
there is no need to explain the room details On the speak. The Home Rental System is
best application in the city place. The customer contact and The easily search and the
suitable place of House and based the Money, Limit Person is based on the Suitable
house. The Home Rental System is save the time also. The Rental Management System
is used To easily identify the suitable place in Save time, cost also. Hence this system is
best applicable for the Above reasons making House rental an easy process through an
online system.

DepartmentOfComputerEngineering,C.S.I.T.Deori Page5
“House Rental And Property Listing ”


Over the years landlords/property managers have had a problem in maintaining and
managing Their customers and their own records. Management has become difficult
because of issues that Include:

i) Data growth Data increase day to day. Storing and maintaining all data manually
is Very difficult
ii) Lack of computerized system Currently most landlords/property managers use
The manual system in recording and maintaining their property and customers
iii) Data Security is not assured In a manual way, data is recorded on books/papers
which may easily get Damaged leading to loss of data.
iv) There is no database to store information Potential of data Loss or damage is
very high because data is stored on tangible files. Lack of these crucial
Requirements makes management of the tenants and houses very difficult as
some tenants may End up not paying rent.

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”



A data-flow diagram is a way of representing a flow of data through a process

or a system The DFD also provides information about the outputs and inputs of each
entity and the process itself. User first open sport fever website then see login page for
the authentication and users keep proper ID And Password for entering site,so users ID
& Password send request to site and site response this users request after authentication
users provide site services such as posts, by this services such as posts ,by this service
users can share their individual post though request response model by their ID .And
uploading post on this site managed by photo management And last one Admin who
role for security of this site.

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

DepartmentOfComputerEngineering,C.S.I.T.Deori Page9
“House Rental And Property Listing ”


First of all user open the page. If he is new for our website he has to register first with
his name and strong password after registration he becomes an authenticate user of
website. Whenever user want to login he has to enter his login id and password he
entered on registration time our server match the login id and password if it is wrong
user get invalid user id or password and redirect to the login page again if password and
user id is correct user jump to the next page and enter to the home page of our website.
After that user can do various activities like check his profile, upload a image can visit
others profile watch their post like the post comment on the post and so on. After all if
user want to logged o from website for security purposes so he can logged out.

DepartmentOfComputerEngineering,C.S.I.T.Deori Page10
“House Rental And Property Listing ”


In our website the communication has taken between user and server. User start the
page for first user registered in website server store all the data provided by user for the
future. When user login in the website he entered on home page of website. User can
visit others post like the post and comments on the post and server store all activities
done by the user. User can upload sports related post on his profile and server store it.
When user again login he can get all the post that he uploaded before logged out from
website. Server is working like database server is managing data and save if user
accidentally delete his post or data so he can retrieve it from servers using I'd and
password. User can customize his website server save all customized data. After all if
user have to logged out server get the action from user and signed out. But server
ensure to user that his data never loss unless server get fail.

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

Chapter- 3

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”


Application rental system is one of the most important website for the tenant how is
looking for the house in the other city They do not want to go that place. Eliminate the
paper –based process Huge investment are not required renting allows you to live in a
premium area that you might not be able to afford to Buy. It saves lots of investments
High mobility in rented accommodation one can almost always easily give a months
notice and vacate house if . he/she needs to change a home/locality/city.

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

Chapter- 4

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”



< !--/ Carousel Star /-- >
<div class="intro intro-carousel">
<div id="carousel" class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
@foreach ($properties as $property)
<div class="carousel-item-a intro-item bg-image"
style="background-image: url({{ $property->Image()
<div class="overlay overlay-a"></div>
<div class="intro-content display-table">
<div class="table-cell">
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<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-8">
<div class="intro-body">
<p class="intro-title-top">{{ $property->location
<br> {{ $property->pincode }}
<h1 class="intro-title mb-4">
{{ $property->PropertyName }}
<p class="intro-subtitle intro-price">
<a href="{{ route('', $property->id)
class="price-a">{{ $property->status }} | ₹
{{ number_format($property->price) }}</span></a>
<!--/ Carousel end /-->
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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur
aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris
aliquet elit, eget tincidunt

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nibh pulvinar a.
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voluptatibus officia expedita corpori.
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<h5 class="testimonial-author">Albert & Erika</h5>
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipisicing elit. Omnis, cupiditate ea nam
debitis hic ber quibusdam
voluptatibus officia expedita corpori.
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<img src="{{ asset('img/mini-testimonial-2.jpg')
}}" alt=""
<h5 class="testimonial-author">Pablo & Emma</h5>
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“House Rental And Property Listing ”


Operating System

• Windows 10 is the latest operating system from Microsoft for personal computer
officially unveiled in 2014 it introduces the idea of rolling updates to the operating
system. Windows 10 was released to consumers on the 29th July 2015 as the successor
to windows 9.


• Browser software that allows a computer user to find and view information on the
internet web browser interpret HTML tags in download document and format the
displayed data according to a set of standard style rules • Here we are use browser as
platform to run our program to displayed the output of the website which we are
• When we will request our web page to the browser the browser retrieve the necessary
content and displayed the page on the user device.

DepartmentOfComputerEngineering,C.S.I.T.Deori Page27
“House Rental And Property Listing ”


Frontend Language:-

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the basic building block of the web. It designed the
meaning and structure of web content. HTML tell the browser how to display the content.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) fondly referred to as CSS. Is a simple designed language
intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable.CSS allows applying style to web
pages. CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.

• Bootstrap5

Bootstrap 5 is the newest version of Bootstrap, which is the most popular HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first website

Backend Language:-


PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is a scripting language used to develop static and dynamic
webpage and web applications. It is one of the most widely used serverside scripting language in a
web development. PHP is so popular because it’s very easy to learn code and deploy on server hence
it has been the first choice for beginners since decades.

• My-SQL

My-SQL is an open source relational database management system. Its name is a combination
of ”My” the name of co-founder Michael Widenius’s daughter, and “SQL” the abbreviation of
Structured query language.

Hardware Requirement:-

Processor: Intel Pentium duo-core 2.4 GHz

RAM: 500 Mb

Hard Drive: Minimum 500 GB

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

Chapter- 5

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

Chapter- 6

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”


1.Eliminate paper-based process

2. Intuitive & user-friendly

3. Customization and flexibility

4. Optimal resource allocation

5. Highly secure

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”

Chapter- 7

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“House Rental And Property Listing ”


In future our project is meant to satisfy the needs of rental house owners. Several user
friendly interfaces have also been adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful in
satisfying all the requirements of the users. It is with utmost faith that I present this
software to you hoping that it will solve your problems and encourage you to continue
appreciating technology because it is meant to change and ease all our work that seems
to be very difficult. I don't mean that my project is the best or that I have used the best
technology available it just a simple and a humble venture that is easy to understand. In
extent we can add GPS system in build and can give live chat online option to users.
This project can also be extended to IOS Platform and several state Database can be
included. Could also allow local business to push deals/coupons within a certain
geographic area.

DepartmentOfComputerEngineering,C.S.I.T.Deori Page37
“House Rental And Property Listing ”


Effectively resolving the apartment issues is important to the buyer’s long-term future,
the Home Rental Project will be an important tool for creating rental housing stability
by helping tenants speak with Greater credibility through initiating and documenting
communications and building productive Relationships with sellers. Home Rental
project provides buyers of specific housing associations and Social sellers International
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue 1681 with a simple Way to
report and arrange repairs to properties. Finally, the goal of the project is to create a
better Relationship between tenants and a sellers which can be achieved through this

DepartmentOfComputerEngineering,C.S.I.T.Deori Page38
“House Rental And Property Listing ”



2.OpenCV Documentation -

3.NumPy –

5.Python with deep learning [ https://www.tutorialspoint.c

DepartmentOfComputerEngineering,C.S.I.T.Deori Page39

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