CU-2021 B.A. (Honours) History Part-II Paper-III QP

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(1) T(II)-History-H-3

Third Paper
Full Marks : 100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

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T(II)-History-H-3 (2)

[English Version]
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
1. Answer any two questions : 5×2
(a) What is meant by Vassalage?
(b) To what extent was the Black Death responsible for the 14th century crisis?
(c) What is meant by Proto-industrialization?
(d) What were the features of Renaissance humanist education?
(e) What were the motives behind geographical expeditions?

2. Answer any two questions : 5×2

(a) What is meant by ‘New Monarchy’ in England?
(b) What was the nature of the empire of Charles V?
(c) Who were the Huguenots?
(d) Write a short note on Gerrard Winstanley.
(e) What was the significance of the peace of Westphalia?
(3) T(II)-History-H-3

3. Answer any one question : 10×1

(a) Explain the consequences of the fall of Constantinople in European politics and society.
(b) What were the Socio-political changes caused by the Military Revolution?
(c) Write a short essay on ‘Enclosure System’.

4. Answer any one question : 10×1

(a) Assess the role of John Calvin in the history of reformation.
(b) What was the significance of the dissolution of monasteries in England?
(c) Write a short essay on Counter-reformation.

Answer any three questions, taking at least one question from each Unit. 20×3
Unit - 1

5. Explain the nature of feudalism in Europe with special reference to regional variations.
6. Why did Renaissance begin in Italy in general and Florence in particular?

7. Was Niccolo Machiavelli a humanist political thinker?

8. Did the Portuguese voyages in the 15th century reflect a struggle between Christianity and Islam for
establishing control over the ancient trade in gold?

Unit - 2
9. Assess the contributions of Martin Luther in the Reformation Movement in Germany.
10. Assess the place of Anabaptist Movement in history as a radical wing of protestantism.
11. How far did the Scientific Revolution contribute to the development of a scientific and secular culture
in Europe?
12. Write a critical essay on the political thoughts of John Locke.

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