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1. Site Selection
1. Site selection is quite a tedious process, for it entails certain
mandatory steps to follow and must be followed by heart. It
also requires much legwork and coordination with
authorities concerned. The number of sites to be
considered must be no less than three and should be
described briefly and shown through a location map. The
basis of the site selection criterion should be supported with
the discussion on the review of related literature.
2. Site Selection Criteria
1. The proponent shall formulate a site selection criteria
suited for the project.
2. It is broken down into two sets .of criteria to be
1. the major (specific) criteria
2. the minor (general) criteria
3. The major site selection criteria that are to be
formulated shall be a criterion that are considered
specifically for your project. These are factors which
would make the site preferable not only because of
the usual utility and accessibility considerations but
must consist of considerations that establish site
values highly compatible with the requirements of the
specific project.
4. They must be formulated with care and logical
thinking bringing to mind the essence of these criteria
in selecting the most appropriate site for the proposal.
They are considered as the more potent ones in
creating the tone for site selection.
5. The minor site selection criteria refers to factors that
are usually considered and is generally applicable to
most types of projects, say, utility systems,
accessibility, and the like. However, land use though
may appear applicable to all must be a major
6. The student must fully understand that site selection
is divided into a progressive process as follows:
7. The student must fully understand that site selection
is divided into a progressive process as follows:
1. GROSS SITE SELECTION. It considers the
macro context of site selection where the
student should be able to understand where
should be the correct or most preferable
location for the project site in a larger milieu.
Example, Bangued, Abra; Dingalan, Aurora;
Isulan, Sultan Kudarat, etc.
selected site itself within the locale identified in
the gross site selection process. It must be
shown in a location and vicinity maps so that
the reader could see the community to where
the site belongs. It is also here that the
foregoing site selection criteria have been
site may be larger than what the project needs.
Therefore, the proponent should make a "best
use analysis' ' within the site to determine the
most appropriate spot to where the
concentration of development should be
8. In presenting the site selection criteria in tabulated
form, the Likert scale system with adjectival
equivalency rating can be adopted. Each criterion
should be given with a corresponding weight. Major
criteria shall have higher weight than the minor
9. Sample of a Likert Scale System
2. Rating shall be as follows:
1. 5— highly preferable/desirable
2. 4 — very preferable/desirable
3. 3 — preferable/desirable
4. 2— satisfactory/fair
5. 1— poor
3. Note: for projects that have specific identified sites, no site
selection will be done anymore. This is true for projects like
the Redevelopment of Araneta Center and Preservation of
Manila City Hall.
4. Site Justification
1. The chosen site must be fully justified in terms of
methodical and scientific approach through analysis
of a matrix resulting from a 5-point rating or other
rating system applied of the criteria adopted which
should be the basis of site selection. It should
expound further and validate the site selection.
2. It should also state the reasons why the site was
chosen over the other sites considered. However,
other facts about the site must be fully presented in
order for the reader/evaluators to fully comprehend
the reason/s for the site's justifiable selection in its

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