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Підготуйте коротку розповідь: Citizen jornalism is... .

Avantages and
disadvanteges of this phenomenon.
Citizen journalism is the collection, dissemination, and analysis of news by people
who are not professional journalists. This form of journalism has emerged with the
rise of the internet and social media platforms, allowing everyday individuals to
share news, photos, and videos directly with the public. Citizen journalists often
report on events within their communities or provide firsthand accounts of
significant incidents, sometimes filling gaps left by traditional media.
Advantages of Citizen Journalism:
1. Democratization of Information: Citizen journalism allows for a more
democratic flow of information, where individuals have the power to report
on issues and events that may be overlooked or ignored by mainstream
2. Real-Time Reporting: With the ubiquity of smartphones, citizen journalists
can report news as it happens, offering immediate insights and updates
during unfolding events.
3. Diverse Perspectives: This form of journalism brings a multitude of
perspectives to the forefront, providing a richer, more nuanced view of
events than might be presented through traditional media channels.
4. Increased Public Engagement: Citizen journalism encourages active
participation in the news process, fostering a sense of community and shared
responsibility for disseminating information.
Disadvantages of Citizen Journalism:
1. Lack of Professional Training: Unlike professional journalists, citizen
reporters often lack formal training in journalism ethics and practices, which
can lead to inaccuracies or biased reporting.
2. Verification Challenges: The rapid spread of information through social
media makes it difficult to verify the accuracy of reports from citizen
journalists, leading to the spread of misinformation or "fake news."
3. Quality Concerns: Without the editorial oversight typical in traditional
media, the quality of reporting can vary significantly, affecting the reliability
and credibility of the news.
4. Legal and Ethical Risks: Citizen journalists may inadvertently violate
privacy laws or fail to maintain journalistic ethics, such as respecting
confidentiality or avoiding harm, leading to potential legal and ethical

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