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This text for question number 1- 2 !

Scientists believe that the earth’s original atmosphere probably consisted of ammonia and


Perhaps 20 million years ago the atmosphere evolved it something resembling the modern

composition of 78 percent nitrogen, 20 percent oxygen, and a variety of other gases.

One factor that was instrument in causing the change in the atmosphere was the evolution of

plant life; oxygen is part of the modern day atmosphere because of plant life and the process of

photosynthesis that goes along with it.

1. The topic of the passage is…

A. The static atmosphere

B. The change in the atmosphere

C. The earth’s original atmosphere

D. The process of photosynthesis

E. The evolution of plant life

2. Changes in the earth’s atmosphere took place because of the following except…

A. The changing composition of gases

B. The development of plant life

C. The earth’s original atmosphere

D. The process of photosynthesis

E. The evolution of the ecosystem

This text for question number 3-10 !

It seems many people are still out on the question of whether TV advertising influences

children. After …(3)… 20 international studies on children as consumers, Adrian Furnham,

professor of psychology at University College, London, found there was no evidence to support

calls for stricter …(4)… on the advertising of sweet, toys, and other goods …(5)… children. The

studies …(6)… indicated that children are far more sophisticated consumers that is imagined

popularity and that is no esoteric knowledge which advertisers can employ …(7)… demands in

children. … (8)…, they showed that authoritative parenting styles laying down rules and

expectations, but explaining …(9)… and valuing the child’s point of view – nurture responsibility

in children. Professor Furnham concluded that it was not advertising that …(10)…. children, but

irresponsible parenting.

3. A. Calculating

B. Estimating

C. Predicting

D. Analyzing

E. Regarding

4. A. Instruction

B. Controls

C. Commands

D. Indicators

E. Information

5. A. Aimed at

B. Aiming at

C. Are aimed at

D. Aim at

E. Which aims at

6. A. Analyzed
B. Were analyzed

C. Were analyzing

D. They were analyzed

E. It analyzed

7. A. Created

B. Creation

C. To create

D. Creator

E. Creative

8. A. However

B. Therefore

C. In conclusion

D. Meanwhile

E. Furthermore

9. A. Decisive

B. Decide

C. Decisions

D. Decidedly

E. Decisiveness

10. A. Harmed

B. Is harming

C. Had harmed

D. Was harming

E. Has been harming

11. X: Have you finished writing your final paper?

Y: Not quite

From the dialogue, we may conclude that the paper…

A. Is ready to be submitted

B. Still has to be published

C. Is rejected by the examiners

D. Still needs revising

E. Is to be presented in a seminar

12. X: I wish someone answered my call. It’s been ringing for about ten minutes.

The sentence ‘I wish someone answered my call’ means…

A. Someone will answer the phone

B. Someone had answered my call

C. The phone has stopped ringing

D. Nobody answers the phone

E. I would answer the phone

13. He could not finish his study in seven years, … , he would have been entitled to a

scholarship for further study.

A. However

B. Consequently

C. Otherwise

D. Moreover

E. Nevertheless

14. In spite of the many vacancies in a neighboring factory, the unemployed in my village

cannot get work because…

A. They need money

B. They have jobs

C. They are unfamiliar

D. They work part time

E. They are unskilled

15. When Rachel, a Sweden student, was asked …. of the museum, she quickly replied that it

had taught her a great deal about the history of Kraton Surakarta.

A. What did she think

B. About thinking

C. What she thought

D. If she was thingking

E. What she did think

16. A: What is he worrying about this time?

B: …. from her daughter after the plane crash

A. Not to hear

B. Having heard

C. She hasn’t heard

D. Not having heard

E. Having to hear

17. As the road to Puncak had become very slippery, I told the bus driver….

A. Do not speed

B. Not to speed

C. Let us not speed

D. Not speeding

E. He does not speed

18. A: What is going to happen to the children who have become orphans due to the tsunami


T: Don’t worry, they…

A. Will take care of

B. Will have been taken care of

C. Will have taken care of

D. Will be taken care of

E. Will be taking care of

Read the dialogue below and complete it! (for question 19 & 20)
Mr. Rony: Wobi, come here please!”
Paul: Yes Sir, I’m coming.”
Mr. Rony: (8)… the goods to the shop, please?”
Paul: “ With pleasure, Sir.”
Mr. Rony: “don’t forget to put into the correct case!”
Paul: “(9)…, Sir”
Mr. Rony: “thanks”

19. The suitable expression is …

A. Can you bring
B. Can I bring
C. May I bring
D. Don’t bring
E. I would like to bring

20. The suitable expression is …

A. Sorry, I cant
B. I wish I could help you
C. I’m busy
D. I need some help
E. Don’t worry
Read the text for question number 21-25 !
Running is the most basic of sports that involves the lower limbs and movement in a reasonably
straight line. Because of the high knee lift in sprinting, the injury patterns in sprinting are
different from those in long distance running.

Many distance runners complain of low back pain because of the stiff upright styles used in the
long distance running. This can be eased with number extension exercises and hip flexion.
Runner's knee is particularly common in the slower distance runner who may benefit from
increasing his or her speed and exercising the inner quadriceps muscles better.
Shin splits and lower limb stress fractures may be associated with poor biomechanics. It can
often be corrected by a change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics. Variations on these may
help ease many of the causes of foot pain that are found in distance runners.

In sprinting, the runner must come out of the start block. In doing thus, he or she must rotate the
legs and use adductor strength. This frequently leads to adductor pulls although ut is in full flight
that hamstring and quadriceps tears usually occur, especially if there is a tight bend.

A flexibility routine built into a training schedule may help prevent many of these injuries and
competition should not be allowed until the sprinter is fluent in his or her stride and pain-free.

21. Which of these statements has a similar meaning to this sentence?

"Because of the high knee lift in sprinting, the injury patterns in sprinting are different to those
found in long distance running."

A. Different types of running have different types of injuries.

B. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by the high knee lift.

C. Injuries found in long distance running can also be found in sprinting due to the high knee lift
in sprinting.

D. Sprinting injuries are different to long distance injuries because in sprinting tha athlete must
lift his or her knees high.

E. Injuries are found in many sports.

22. What involves in running?

A. The high knee lift

B. The stiff upright styles

C. The rotation of the legs and the use of adductor strength

D. The lower limbs and the movement in a reasonably straight line

E. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by the high knee lift.

23. What can correct poor foot biomechanics?

A. A flexibility routine in a training schedule.

B. Exercising the inner quadriceps muscles.

C. Lumbar extension exercises and hip flexion.

D. A change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics.

E. Sprinting and long distance running.

24. One way to prevent injuries in sprinting is ...

A. Increasing speed while running

B. A flexibility routine in a training schedule

C. Exercising the inner quadriceps muscles

D. A change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics

E. The stiff upright styles

25. What is this passage about?

A. How to deal with injuries in running

B. Sprinting and long distance running

C. Injuries by sprinting and long distance running

D. Athletes should use appropriate shoes in running to avoid injuries

E. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by high knee lift.

26. Fikri: The river is very dirty. People shouldn't have thrown household rubbish into the river.

Ahmad: That's exactly what I think.

From the dialogue above, we know that...

A. Ahmad disagrees with Fikri's opinion.

B. Fikri thinks exactly the same way.

C. Waste material has not been collected.

D. People polluted the river with rubbish.

E. Fikri warned people not to throw rubbish.

27. E: Do you think that monetary crisis will soon come to an end?

F: ........... this condition won't be back to normal within one or two years.

A. I am fed up with the news.

B. I am sorry to hear that.

C. It would be agreeable.

D. It is not my business.

E. It is very unlikely.

28. Manager: Jimmy, .......take this note to the accounting department?

Jimmy: Yes, certainly.

A. Is it possible for you to

B. Could you please

C. May I tell you to

D. Should I ask you

E. Can you ask I

29. Policeman: Your truck causes too much pollution.

Driver: Oh, .....Officer.

Policeman: Please, consult a mechanic about it.

Driver: Yes, I will.

A. Why not

B. I'm sorry

C. How come

D. Congratulation

E. Don't mention it.

30. Ria: It's breaktime. ................. a cup of tea?

Denny: That would be very nice of you.

A. Shall I have

B. May you get me

C. May I offer help to get

D. Could you help me to get

E. Would you like me to get you

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