CT Question Set (3-2) - 2

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CT Questions (3-2)

PHY 3201: Basic solid State Physics

Full Marks: 30 Time: 45 min

1. Define lattice and basis. What do you mean by crystal structure? 4
2. What do you mean by crystalline and non-crystalline material? 4
3. What are single crystal and polycrystalline? 2
4. What are primitive cell and unit cell? 2
5. What are point group and space group? 2
6. Mention the seven crystal system with their essential conditions. 6
7. What is reciprocal lattice? Mention its importance. 4
8. What are Miller indices? 2
9. What is d spacing or interplaner spacing? 2
10. Show that primitive cell has only one lattice point. 2

Full Marks: 20 Time: 45 min

1. What are free and nearly free electron model? Write down the basic
assumptions of free and nearly free electron model. What are the successes of
nearly free electron model? 1+4+1
2. What is density of states? Show that at 0K the average kinetic energy of an
electron is in three dimensions. 1+5
3. Explain the effect of temperature on Fermi-Dirac (FD) distribution function. 5
4. Define electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity and deduce Wiedmann-
Franz law. 3

N.B.: Any three questions have to be answered. Marks will be distributed

question wise.
CT Questions (3-2)
PHY 3202: Basic Nuclear Physics

Full Marks: 20 Time: 40 min

1. Define mirror nucleus with example. 3
2. What is Nuclear force? Write some characteristics of Nuclear force. 3+2 = 5
3. Explain how a positive proton & neutral neutron stay together in a nucleus? 4
4. What is Binding energy? Draw curve. 2+2 = 4
5. How much energy is needed to remove a neutron for . Compare the
result with 7.94 & 7.71 MeV.
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Full Marks: 20 Time: 40 min

1. Define Decay. 2
2. State and prove the law of radioactive decay. 4
3. Define half-life and mean life. 3
4. What is -decay? Why do heavy element decay instead of p or d? 2+2 = 4
5. The half-life of is 1620 years. What is the activity of 3 gm radium?
6. Write some uses of radio-isotope. 2
CT Questions (3-2)
PHY 3203: Relativity: Special and General

Full Marks: 10 Time: 30 min

1. Explain Twin paradox. 3
2. Obtain the transformation equation of force. 4
3. Define Proper time. 1
4. Two particles A and B travel in opposite directions each with a velocity 0.9c.
What is their relative velocity?
(i) as observed by A and (ii) as observed by a stationary observer. 2
CT Questions (3-2)
PHY 3204: Computational Physics

Full Marks: 10 Time: 30 min

1. Which method is better between Regular Falsi method and newton Raphson
method? Explain your answer. 2
2. Describe the working principle of Secant method for the solution of non-linear
equation. 3
3. Evaluate f(9) using Lagrange formula with the help of following data: 5
x 5 7 11 13 17
f(x) 150 392 1452 2366 5202

Full Marks: 10 Time: 30 min

1. Define Diagonal Matrix. 1
2. Use Trapezoidal rule to compute ∫ where n = 3 and write a C++ program for
solving this integration. (3+3)
3. Write a C++ Program for matrix ADDITION of the two matrixes-

[ ] & [ ] (3)

Full Marks: 10 Time: 30 min

1. Write down the significance of computation in Physics. 2
2. Using modified Euler’s method, determine the value of y when x = 0.05. Given
that, , h = 0.05, and .4
3. Write a C++ Program for solving LR circuit by any ODE method. Give the reason
of choosing that method. 4

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