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Tissues are groups of similar cells adapted for a par2cular func2on. There are FOUR types of
plant 2ssues:

Plants are typically made up of roots, stems and leaves. Plant 2ssues can be broadly
categorized into dividing, meristema2c 2ssue or non-dividing, permanent 2ssue. Permanent
2ssue is made up of simple and complex 2ssues.

● Epidermal 2ssue
● Ground 2ssue Permanent
● Vascular 2ssue
● Meristema2c 2ssue Temporary

It is important that for each 2ssue type you understand:
● Where it is located
● What its key structural features are and how these relate to func2on
● How each 2ssue type looks under the microscope
● How to draw biological diagrams of each structure


The epidermis is a single layer of cells that are the protec4ve covering of roots,
stems and leaves. They offer the plant protec2on against drying out, mechanical
injury, and acts as a barrier to fungi and other microorganisms i.e pathogens.

Structure Func4on
Single layers of cells, with no Acts as a barrier to fungi and other
intercellular spaces covering the microorganisms and pathogens.
surface of the en2re plant.
Layer is thin and transparent Allow light to pass through, for
photosynthesis in the 2ssues below
Epidermal 2ssues in leaves and stems Prevents water loss from leaves
are covered with a waxy cu2cle
Might have small hairs on leaves, Leaf trichomes trap water in the area
called trichomes above stomata and helps prevent
water loss
Roots does not have cu2cles Allows for the absorp2on of water
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Epidermal cells on the surface of the leaf and stem

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Structure Function
Consists of TWO guard cells- thin outer Enables it to open and close for
walls and thick inner walls gaseous exchange and transpiration
(controlled water loss)
Contains many chloroplasts Photosynthesis helps to change water
potential of vacuole so stomata can
open in daylight and close at night.


Structure Function
Root hairs are elongations of epidermal Root hairs maximize the surface area
cells in the root over which absorption of water from the
soil can occur.
No cuticle Allow water to enter

Click: Root Hair Cell Quiz


Ground 4ssue forms most of the mass of the plant. It is found between the epidermal and
vascular 2ssue. It is oSen referred to as “packing 2ssue.” There are THREE types of ground
1. Parenchyma (including chlorenchyma)
2. Collenchyma
3. Sclerenchyma

1. Parenchyma

Parenchyma forms the basic 2ssue of the plant. It forms the majority of stems and roots as
well as soS fruit like tomatoes and grapes. It is the most common type of ground 2ssue

Structure Func4on
Thin-walled cells Rapid diffusion between cells and close
Large intercellular spaces Allow diffusion of gases and water
Large vacuoles Store water and manufactured food.
Support through turgor pressure
Specialized parenchyma cells known as Photosynthesis and storage of starch
chlorenchyma found in plant leaves contain

1.1 Chlorenchyma

Specialized parenchyma cells with chloroplasts. Located in the middle of leaf, there are two
types of chlorenchyma cells namely the palisade parenchyma which is found just
underneath the epidermis and spongy parenchyma which is found just underneath the
palisade mesophyll

Structure Func4on
Palisade parenchyma or mesophyll- Maximum cells exposed to sunlight for
elongated, ver2cally arranged, just photosynthesis
underneath epidermis contains many
Spongy parenchyma or mesophyll- round Photosynthesis, store food manufactured by
loosely packed, under palisade, large photosynthesis, diffusion of water and gases
intercellular air spaces and chambers, large for photosynthesis.
vacuoles, chloroplasts

2. Collenchyma

Collenchyma is a simple, permanent 2ssue typically found in the shoots and leaves of
plants. Collenchyma cells are thin-walled but the corners of the cell wall are thickened with
cellulose. This 2ssue gives strength, par2cularly in growth shoots and leaves due to the
thickened corners. The cells are 2ghtly packed and have fewer intercellular spaces.

Structure Func4on
Corners of cell walls are thickened, with This provides mechanical strength
cellulose and pec2n deposits
Cells are thin walled on most sides Provides flexibility, allowing the plant ot
bend in the wind
No intercellular spaces This allows for close packaging to provide
structural support

3. Sclerenchyma

Dead cells which strengthen and support. They are found in stems, roots, leaves and fruits.
They form the structure of seed coats and nut shells.

Structure Func4ons
Fibers are dead and have lignified secondary This provides mechanical strength and
cell walls structural support
Sclereids have strong walls which fill nearly Provides the hardness of fruits like pears
the en2re volume of the cell (grains). These structures are used to
protect other cells like phloem

Ac2vity 1

1. Iden2fy each type of 2ssue listed in the table. Use the terms below.


Vascular Tissue forms a con2nuous set of tubes that run the en2re length of the plant,
transpor2ng food and water. There are two types of vascular 2ssue:
1. xylem
2. phloem
Xylem transports water from the roots upwards to the stem and leaves. It is also used for
Phloem transports dissolved food from the leaves downwards to the stems and roots.

1. Xylem

Xylem has the dual func2on of suppor2ng the plant and transpor2ng water and dissolved
mineral salts from the roots to the stems and leaves. Xylem is made up of long cells
arranged end to end called xylem vessels and tracheids. The vessels and tracheids are non-
living at maturity and are hollow to allow the transport of water. Both vessels and tracheids
have lignin in their secondary walls, which provides addi2onal strength and support.

Structure Func4on
Long thin, con2nuous tubes Effec2ve transport of water and minerals
from roots to leaves
Dead cells: no protoplasm No obstruc2on to water transport
Thick, lignified walls Support the plant and are strong enough to
resist the suc2on force of transpira2on pull,
so they do not collapse.
Pits in cell walls Allow lateral water transport to neighboring
Living parenchyma cells in between xylem Form vascular rays for water transport to
the cortex of the stem

2. Phloem

Phloem is made up of sieve tubes and companion cells. Its func2on is to transport
dissolved sugars from the leaves to other parts of the plant.

Structure Func4on
Sieve tubes

Sieve tubes with sieve plates Con2nuous tubes for the transport of
organic food produced by photosynthesis
from the leaves to the roots
Sieve tube elements are long conduc2ng Form good conduc2ng tubes over long
cells with cellulose cell walls distances. Allows for transfer over a large
They are living cells with no nucleus or Allows for more space to transport sap. It is
organelles such as vacuoles or ribosomes also why sieve elements need companion
cells to carry out all cellular func2ons.
Companion cells

Contain large number of ribosomes and Due to absence of organelles or nucleus in
mitochondria sieve tube, companion cells perform cellular
func2ons of sieve tubes
Has many plasmodesmata (intercellular Allows transfer of sap (containing dissolved
connec2ons) in the wall acached to the sugars) over a large area
sieve tube

Ac2vity 3

2. Answer the following ques2ons:

MOVE TO NEXT PACK: Transport of water and sugar in plants - Anima2on


Meristema2c 2ssue is undifferen2ated 2ssue that is responsible for growth in plants and is
found at the 2ps of roots and stems. It makes the root or stem grow longer by the process
of mitosis, the cells are ac2vely dividing and forms other 2ssues e.g vascular, dermal or
ground 2ssue. There are TWO types of meristema2c 2ssues:

1. Apical meristems
The apical meristems are located at the growing points at the 2ps of roots and stems and
result in an increase in the length of these structures.

2. Lateral meristems
Lateral meristems result in the growth in thickness or width in roots and stems. This 2ssue
is also called cambium. Vascular cambium divides to make more xylem and phloem 2ssue.

Structure Func4on

Large amount of cytoplasm and a large The lack of organelles is a feature of an
nucleus undifferen2ated cell. Large amounts of
nuclear material contains the DNA
necessary for division and differen2a2on.
Vacuoles are very small or completely Vacuoles provide rigidity to cells thus
absent preven2ng rapid division.
Cells are small and spherical This allows for close packaging if a large
number of cells.

Ac2vity 4
1. Name the type of 2ssue, and state a reason for you answer:

a. __________________________

b. __________________________

c. __________________________

d. __________________________

e. __________________________

Meristematic Undifferentiated plant cells.
Apical Found on the tip of shoots and
roots, length growth.
Lateral Cambium (between xylem and
phloem), secondary growth,
Permanent Differentiated tissue.

Epidermis Single, brick shaped layer, cover
surface area, transparent, cuticle.
Root hair Single cell, thin walled,
absorption of water.
Stomata Two guard cells, contains
chloroplasts, gaseous exchange.
Parenchyma With chloroplast (Chlorenchyma).
Large, thin walled, large
vacuoles, intercellular air spaces.
Sclerenchyma Evenly thickened cell walls
(lignin), dead cells- stems.
Collenchyma Unevenly thickened (cellulose),
corners thick- herbaceous stems.
Vascular Xylem Vessels and tracheids, lignin, has
pits. Transports water and mineral
salts from roots to leaves.
Phloem Sieve plates, companion cells.
Transports organic food
substances from leaves to roots.


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