Module 3 - Sample Essay 3

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Module 3: Sample Essay 3

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follow.
There has been a flood in your community as a result of extensive littering and deforestation. A group
of young people from your neighbourhood has decided to launch a campaign to make people aware of
their duty to protect the environment. You have been chosen to head this group to ensure that the
campaign is effectively planned and executed.
In an ESSAY of no more than 500 words, discuss how your group proposes to make the campaign
effective. Your proposal must address the following:
a) Maintenance of the theme of the campaign
b) Targeting of different kinds of audience in the campaign
c) Use of language in campaign messages
d) Evaluation of the campaign

The campaign, under the theme, “Protect Our Environment” will run from May 1, 2023

to June 14, 2023. The primary focus of the campaign is to develop individuals’ awareness of

their responsibility in protecting the environment. To ensure the effectiveness of the

campaign, the team will consider factors such as theme, audience, language, and methods of


To ensure that the theme is maintained throughout the campaign, the team will identify

appropriate media that would help to sensitize the neighbourhood about their duty to protect

the environment. Therefore, through the use of jingles and catchy slogans, advertisements,

flyers, dramatic presentations, quizzes, speeches, lecturers, text messages, emails, billboards,

public address system, radio, television, internet, neighbourhood meetings, it is hoped that the

theme would become a part of everyone’s daily life.

So, to target different kinds of audience in the campaign, the team would profile the

neighbourhood by various demographics including age, gender, social class, ethnicity,

educational background, and occupation. Thus, for children between three to eleven years

old, cartoons, skits, and jingles would be incorporated in the classrooms as part of the
learning activities (why?) For secondary and tertiary students, there would be speeches, essay

competitions, debates, and lecturers on matters concerning the protection of the environment.

(why?) Also, text messages and emails for those who work in companies/organizations

(why?) likewise, advertisements such as billboards and advertisements via the internet, radio

and television would target the general public. (Why?)

Another consideration for the effectiveness of the campaign, would be the use of

language with specific audience in mind. Example, for the less educated audience the team

would use simple everyday structures, lexical items and idioms in an informal and

semiformal register (why?) The tone would be both casual and serious (why?) For the more

educated audience, a formal register, or a combination of semiformal and formal registers

(why?) The overall tone would be serious with a sense of urgency for their cooperation in the

matter (why?)

Furthermore, to assess the effectiveness of the campaign, research instruments and

methods would be applied before, during, and at the end of the campaign. Thus, use of focus

groups, interviews, questionnaires, observation before, during, and particularly after the

campaign would be conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of the campaign. (Justify

effectiveness in each case)


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