Challenges and Solutions

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Aleejah Haider FA23-BBA-061

Adil Abbas FA23-BBA-050

A)Delayed justice and long proceedings:
In Pakistan’s judicial system, it is very common for any case to take more time than it
needs to, in order to serve justice. The procedures and trickeries of the judicial system,
which are very frustrating if repeated continuously. This causes the victims to avoid
going to Pakistan’s judicial system (courts) at all and getting involved in very less
reliable and less professional judicial systems like Jirga and Panchayat.

Reference: Tanvir, Muhammad Hamza. “The Flawed Justice System of Pakistan.” Paradigm

Shift, 20 Nov. 2021,

B) Insufficient Resources:
Whether it is human resource or financial resources, Pakistan judiciary lacks adequate
resources. Lack of judges, staff, funds and courtrooms undermines its accessibility and
efficiency. According to the stats, Pakistan Judicial system have only 19 judges per 10
lakh People. Which is very low if we compared it with United State’s 107 and UK’s 51
judges per 10 lakh People.

Reference: Desk. (2023, December 4). The Challenges and Reforming the Judiciary in Pakistan.

Republic Policy.


C) Power To Inforce Law:

Everyone knows that it is not the court’s responsibility to physically inforce the law. The
Police and other similar institutes bears the responsibility. But the court must inforce
these institutes to force the sentences that court has issued. It can be via accountability of
personals of those institutes and etc. But the challenge here is that the judicial system of
Pakistan don’t possess much power to inforce the sentences. For e.g. Pervez Musharraf
was sentence to death by the courts of Pakistan but still didn’t spent a single day in jail.
(sources (htt1)

Tanvir, Muhammad Hamza. “The Flawed Justice System of Pakistan.” Paradigm Shift, 20 Nov.



A) More Efficient:

We can make the judicial system of Pakistan more efficient by taking appropriate steps.

For example modernizing and computerizing the repetitive tasks, which are time

consuming and repeating. Also making sure the availability of judges and staff and

avoiding unnecessary and illegal absentees. Reducing unnecessary case delays by

tightening policies and rules.

B) Providing Adequate Funds:

The reason for this problem is lack of money. Give enough money and keep track of

where the money goes. Avoid corruption in available funds and increase distribution of

funds to the righteous. These are some, but not the only, solutions to these problems.

C) Power of Judiciary:

In a democracy, power is evenly divided among government institutes. By keeping

balance of power among the judiciary and other institute, we can make it easier for our

judicial system to inforce sentences and defend the rights of victims. No institute should

be more powerful than the judicial system of Pakistan. Everyone should be in range of

Judiciary. Whether it is Government institute or Rich Oligarchs.

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