Smoke Detector Publish Paper Sem 6

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3 author:

Shaikh Mohd Ashfaque

Rizvi College Of Engineering

Ashish Mishra
Rizvi College Of Engineering

Khan Uzair
Rizvi College Of Engineering

Abstract- This paper presents the design, development, and implementation of a smoke detection system
employing Arduino microcontroller technology. The system integrates sensor technology with
Arduinobased hardware to achieve efficient and reliable smoke detection capabilities. The proposed
system utilizes a combination of smoke sensors, such as MQ-2 and MQ-135, interfaced with Arduino
Uno microcontroller to detect the presence of smoke particles in the environment. The hardware
architecture is complemented by a software algorithm designed to process sensor data and trigger
appropriate responses in real-time. Through extensive experimentation and testing, the system
demonstrates robustness, sensitivity, and accuracy in detecting smoke presence, thereby offering potential
applications in various domains including residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Furthermore,
the system's affordability, scalability, and ease of deployment make it a promising solution for enhancing
fire safety measures in both developed and developing regions. This paper contributes to the growing
body of research in the field of IoT-based fire detection systems and provides insights into the practical
implementation of Arduino-based solutions for addressing critical safety challenges.
I. INTRODUCTION detector, including hardware specifications, circuit
schematics, and software algorithms, thereby
In recent years, the demand for effective and facilitating replication and further development by the
affordable smoke detection systems has broader community of DIY enthusiasts and
intensified, driven by the critical need to researchers. This paper contributes to the ongoing
enhance fire safety measures in both discourse on fire safety technology by offering a
residential and commercial settings. In practical,
response to this pressing need, this paper
presents a novel approach to smoke detection
leveraging the versatility and accessibility of accessible, and scalable solution that has the potential
Arduino microcontrollers. By harnessing the to significantly enhance the resilience of residential
power of Arduino's opensource hardware and and commercial infrastructures against the threat of
software platform, we propose a cost- fire emergencies.
effective and customizable solution that not
only detects the presence of smoke but also
integrates seamlessly with existing home
automation systems. Through a
Here’s the project which describes about
comprehensive exploration of sensor
how the smoke is being detected and how it
technologies, signal processing techniques,
performs operations through
and algorithm development, our
logistics available in market
methodology aims to achieve robust and
in a scientific procedure.In
reliable smoke detection capabilities while
this project the detection of gases like smoke,
minimizing false alarms. Furthermore, we
butane , propane, alcohol can be detected by
provide detailed insights into the design and
a sensor named MQ-2 gas sensor. When the
implementation of our Arduino-based smoke
gas is detected by this MQ2 sensor , its
voltage fluctuates and when it of Arduino Software. The Uno board is the first in
reaches a value 200 it indicates that a progression of USB- based Arduino boards;it and
as gas .So, this need to be rendition 1.0 of the Arduino IDE were the reference
programmed in an Arduino uno variants of Arduino, which have now advanced to
inorder to experiment practically , fresher releases. The ATmega328 on the board
as Arduino uno is used in various comes prearranged with a bootloader that permits
multitasking purposes , we can use transferring new code to it without the utilization of
it here for detecting smoke and an outside equipment programmer. While the Uno
need to give a cautios buzzer or imparts utilizing the first STK500 protocol, it
LED blinking that smoke is contrasts from all former sheets in that it doesn't
detected . so this Arduino uno is utilize the FTDI USBto-chronic driver chip. All
programmed in such a way that things being equal, it utilizes the Atmega16U2
when the. smoke senor MQ-2 value (Atmega8U2 up to variant R2) modified as a USB-
reaches 200 or above it needs to to-chronic converter.
give a buzzer or light as output.


The Arduino Uno
is an open-source microcontroller board
dependent on the Microchip ATmega328P
microcontroller and created by The board is furnished with
sets of advanced and simple info/yield
(I/O) sticks that might be interfaced to
different extension sheets (safeguards)
and other circuits. The board has 14
computerized I/O pins (six fit for PWM Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the project
yield), 6 simple I/O sticks, and is
programmable with the Arduino IDE
(Integrated Development Environment),
through a kind B USB cable. It can be
controlled by the USB link or by an
outside 9-volt battery, however it
acknowledges voltages somewhere in the
range of 7 and 20 volts. It is like the
Arduino Nano and Leonardo. The
equipment reference configuration is

disseminated under a Creative Commons

Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 permit and is
accessible on the Arduino site. Format and
creation documents for certain renditions
of the equipment are additionally FIG 2 Features of
accessible. Arduino uno:
"Uno" signifies "one" in Italian and • The operating voltage of this aduino uno is 5V.
was picked to stamp the underlying arrival
• Input voltage ranges from 6V to 20V.
• 14 output pins
• 6 input pins.
• Memory is 32KB.
• CLK speed is 16Mhz.
• SRAM is 2KB.
• DC current for input or output pin is

sensor is also called as grove gas sensor 1. Good sensitivity
module. This smoke sensor senses 2. High sensitivity to gases 3.
hydrogen, LPG, butane, propane ,
Long life
alcohol etc.,. this MQ2 sensor has high
sensitivity and also fast response time . it A buzzer or beeper is a
gives fast instructions when the smoke is audio signalling device. which may
detected. The sensitive material of the be mechanical,
selected sensor is SnO2, it has lower electrochemical, or piezoelectric
conductivity, so when the sensor is Typical uses of buzzers and beepers
exposed to any smoke , the sensitive include
material of smoke detector detects the alarms,timers, and
smoke within fraction of seconds. With confirmation of user input such as a
this it is worthy sensor to engage in mouse click . Applications of buzzer:
detection of smoke in wide range of
1. alarms
gases. One of the most useful use is that
its cost is less and its affordable to 2. automobiles
everyone. 3. warning devices
4. electrc field


The pins or connecting POWER SUPPLY:
The Arduino Uno
wires (male to female)pins are can be controlled through the used in the
project to connect
USB association or with an
between smoke sensor and outer force supply. The force
arduino. And for the connection source is chosen naturally. of buzzer to
arduino these pins
Outer (non-USB) force can
may be used.these wires allows come either from an AC-to-DC
current to flow from one region connector (divider mole) or i.e.
from smoke sensor to
battery. The connector can be
arduino. The wire is made up of associated by connecting a copper which is
a good
2.1mm focus positive
conductor of electricty and is attachment to the board's force insulated with
thermoplasyic jack. Leads from a battery can material. This gives proyecyion
be embedded in the Gnd and to the user in working.
The board can work on an • 5V. This pin yields a directed 5V
outside supply of 6 to 20 from the controller on the board.
volts. Whenever provided The board can be provided with
with under 7V, power either from the DC power
notwithstanding, the 5V pin jack (7 - 12V), the USB connector
may supply under five volts (5V), or the VIN pin of the board
and the board might be (712V). Providing voltage by means
precarious. On the off of the 5V or 3.3V pins sidesteps the
chance that utilizing more controller, and can harm your board.
than 12V, the voltage We don't prompt it.
controller may overheat
and harm the board. The • 3V3. A 3.3 volt supply created by
prescribed reach is 7 to 12 the on-board
volts. Vin pin headers of the POWER connector.
controller. Most extreme current
The force pins are as per draw is 50 mA.
the following:
• GND. Ground pin
• VIN. The info voltage Fig. 3. Pin diagram of NodeMCU ESP8266
to the Arduino board
when .
it's utilizing an outer IV. WORKING
force source (instead
of 5 volts from the Firstly ,let us know about working of
USB association or smoke sensor , how it works, MQ2 is a
other managed metal oxide semicoductor type gas
power source). You sensor also called as
can supply voltage chemiresistors. So the detection of smoke
through this pin, or, if is based on change in resistance os
providing voltage by sensing material when the gas is
means of the force combined with this.sensor is enclosed with
jack, access it two layers one is clamp ring and another
through this pin. is anti explosion network when the anti
explosion network is removed a star like
connection with six legs is observed inthat
two of them are responsible
for detecting the smoke
and remaing four
concentrates on producing
proper out. Majorly sno2 is
the sensing compound
which is present in MQ2
sensor , in normal
conditions when no smoke
is being detected sno2
absorbs oxygen
molecules from
surroundings as it can pair
with oxygen atoms, so
current flow could be
stooped when this happen ,
when the sensor is
exposed to any Then , the pins of smoke sensor i.e. A0
combustible gas the paired connected to A0 port in arduino and GND from
sensor is connected to GND in arduino and Vcc
oxygen atoms are depaired
of sensor is conneted to 5v in arduino, so when
and it conducts and flow of
the combustble gas is detected around the
electrons occur and current
sensor then the A0 will give output varying with
pass through it and
the concentration of gas , the power to the
voltages are sent to output. sensor is give by connecting to 5v in the arduino
And this sensor consists of port and arduino gets power from USB cable or
four pinout one is Vcc adapter provided for that arduino, and ground
which can be connected to pin of sensor is attached to ground port of
arduino to 5v output. And arduino and this is the operation of smoke
another pin is GND which sensor with the arduino , this should be
is ground and it is symbolised and the output pin we adjusted here
connected to GND in the is 13 port and buzzer is connected to 13 port and
arduino. Another pin isAo ground which gives sound on detecting the
which provides output smoke . In this way smoke or any combustible
voltage in proportional to gases are detected and a buzzer sound is made
the concentration of smoke. when the sensor detects the smoke.
Do represents the digital
representation of presense
of combustible gas.
fire sensors are necessary.
In household works also it can be used when
smoke or fire breaks.

As ionization type smoke sensor costs less

whereas photoelectric type sensor is a bit costly.
these smoke sensors are used up to only a period of
ten years.
The conclusions should be drawn from this
project are :
Inorder to be saved from major happening
fire or smoke breakouts in industries and in
many hospitals and also in household purposes
,for all these natural or artificial breakouts of fire
or smoke , when this device is uploaded near
any ventillator it gives siren that smoke or fire is
engulfing the area under it. So many lives can
be saved by using this low cost smoke sensor.

The smoke sensor

MQ2 is very effective towards butane
, propane, LPG, smoke and combustible gases
and it is cost efficient and life of this sensor is
long,so thus has been a major merit that it can
be used in saving many lives of people.

So , in the view of concluding

project its main agenda is to cope up with the
moder technology and saving millions of lives
This is the
and brightening with the useful aspect of this
sample circuit
device. It’s a geat device that performs its own
connection which is similar to
activity efficiently and importantly saving lives..
real time application using the
Ionization smoke sensors
are less expensive, and The circuit diagram for the smoke detector utilizing
they detect fast,flaming Arduino is a crucial aspect of understanding its
fires more readily. functionality and implementation. At its core, the
Photoelectric smoke diagram illustrates the interconnected components that
sensors detect slow and enable the device to detect smoke presence and trigger
smoldering fires. In appropriate responses. Typically, the diagram features
industrial sector like the Arduino microcontroller as the central processing
automobiles producing unit, responsible for interpreting sensor data and
companies smoke and executing programmed instructions. Alongside the
Arduino, there are various components REFERENCES
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