Lesson #2 Interactive Read-Aloud

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Nicole Meyer

ELD 308

Lesson Plan #2: Interactive Read-Aloud

Grade: 4
Time: 15 Minutes
Standards: RI.4.4) Determine the meaning oI general academic and domain-speciIic
words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
RL.4.4) Determine the meaning oI words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including those that allude to signiIicant characters Iound in mythology (e.g.,

Objective: The students will be able to listen as the teacher reads aloud, stopping to
make predictions, observations and connections.

Materials: Hernan Cortes Discover The Life Of An Explorer by Trish Kline

Lesson Sequence:
O efore Reading:
4 riends, today I am going to be reading an inIormational text about
the Iamous explorer, Hernan Cortes. This book is called, Hernan
Cortes Discover The Life Of An Explorer by Trish Kline. Since we
know Cortes is an explorer, based on the cover oI this book, what else
can you observe that could tell us something about Cortes? What
made you think that? That`s interesting, do others agree? Does
anyone know some inIormation about Cortes beIore we start reading
that they would like to share with the class?
4 llow students to share inIormation.
4 Those are some interesting Iacts, Ior those oI you who don`t know
much about Cortes, that`s alright because this inIormational text will
help us learn more about him.
4 s I read, I would like you all to be listening Ior intriguing
inIormation that you either have questions about or inIormation you
would like to discuss in more detail.
O uring Reading:
4 Stop reading occasionally to allow students to ask questions about the
text or make observations and connections.
4 Does anyone have any questions so Iar? Respond according to the
student`s response.
4 I`m sure you`ve all realized by now that some oI the words in this
book are bold, why do you think those particular words are in bold?
Yes, they are in bold because they are important to remember, these
words are important because they help the reader understand more
inIormation about the text.
4 Continue reading and stop at a Iew bold words to ask the students what
they mean.
4 Montezuma is in bold, who is Montezuma again? Why do you think
he is an important person to remember? Yes, Montezuma was the
ruler oI the ztecs and during Cortes`s expedition, Cortes had to
beIriend Montezuma iI he was going to gain control over the ztecs.
Does anyone want to make a prediction about what might happen
between Cortes and Montezuma? Do you think they will become
Iriends? Let`s keep reading to see what happens to Montezuma.
4 kay so we just read that Montezuma died and Cortes`s army was
chased out oI the city, but three months later they came back and
eventually got the ztecs to surrender. Surrender is another bold
word; can anyone tell me what surrender means? Yes, to surrender
means to give in, the ztecs had to give into Cortes and his army.
4 Let`s Iinish reading to see what happens to Cortes.
O After Reading:
4 I would like each oI you to turn to a partner and discuss how you
think Cortes`s actions changed Mexico and how his actions inIluenced
4 Iter three minutes, redirect the student`s attention to the teacher and
ask the students what they Iound interesting about Cortes and how his
actions inIluenced history.
4 How did Cortes`s actions change liIe in Mexico? That is interesting,
does anyone else have another idea they`d like to share? kay, would
someone like to tell me how you think Cortes`s actions inIluenced
history? Interesting, could you tell me why you think that? Would
anyone else like to add on or give their own opinion?
4 reat job today Iriends, you all did a very good job at deIining the
vocabulary and expressing your opinions about Cortes!
4 I know the students are successIul iI they can help me deIine the bold
words in the text and tell me some interesting inIormation about
Cortes based oII oI the text. lso, I will know the students are
successIul iI they can give me opinions about how they think Cortes`s
actions inIluenced history giving supporting evidence Irom the text.

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