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Rules of Procedure

All committees at Model United Nations inter alia. No abstention is permitted in

conferences are governed and dictated by a procedural votes.
well-de ned set of regulations. This section
aims to introduce the aforementioned and
delegates are requested to read it thoroughly.

The committee proceedings begin with a roll

call. During the roll call, the Executive Board
calls out the names of all countries (not Forms of Debate
portfolios) in alphabetical order and the
delegates may respond in the following ways:
The forms of debate are broadly classi ed into
2 categories:
● Present - When delegates respond
with ‘present’, they are given the
option to abstain, i.e., neither vote in 1) Formal Debate- - Discussion
favour nor vote against a document in in formal debate can be done
substantive voting. Substantive voting through the General Speakers’
relates to voting for committee wide List and the Provisional
directives, amendments inter alia. Speakers’ List.
● Present and voting - When delegates ● General Speakers’
respond with ‘present and voting’, they List (GSL) - In a GSL,
are required to either vote for or against each delegate, by
a document in substantive voting. default, gets 90 seconds
They are not given the option of to speak. However,
abstention. delegates may choose
to amend this time if
they feel necessary. If a
It is important to note that all delegates are delegate nishes their
required to vote for procedural matters such as speech before the
passing a motion for a moderated caucus, allotted time, they are
passing a motion for an unmoderated caucus, required to yield it, as
explained later. There is introduction to the
no topic for a GSL and agenda, present their
delegates may use it to stance, highlight
discuss whatever they problems, inter alia.
feel is relevant. They The GSL is an
can use it to give an inexhaustible list and
● remains open ● Moderated Caucus -
throughout the Moderated caucuses
conference. are of the utmost
● Provisional Speakers’ importance in a
List (PSL) - A PSL committee as they
di ers from a GSL as it enable delegates to
is conducted on a streamline debate. This
speci c topic and is not allows delegates to
inexhaustible. The total debate upon a speci c
time of the list, along subtopic of the agenda
with individual within the prescribed
speaker’s time, must be time.
speci ed. In case ● Unmoderated
delegates nish their Caucus -
speeches before it has Unmoderated caucuses
elapsed, they are are a form of informal
required to yield the debate where the
remaining time. delegates are allowed to
speak directly to each
other. Unmoderated
caucuses are used to
discuss potential
2) Informal Debate- Discussion moderated caucus
in informal debate can be done topics, to complete
via moderated and documentation as well
unmoderated caucuses. as for lobbying and
building blocs.

A motion is raised when a delegate wants to

lead the committee in a speci c direction. The
following are the types of motions that will be
used in committee:

1) Motion to Open Debate

This motion is raised to commence How to raise the motion: “The

debate in the committee. It is raised at _(Portfolio name)_ would like to raise
the beginning of the rst committee a motion to open debate.”
session on the rst day of the

2) Motion to Open the General Speakers' List

This motion is raised when a delegate How to raise the motion: “The
would like to open the General _(Portfolio name)_ would like to raise
Speakers List, and hence commence a motion to enter formal debate and
formal debate. The total time need not open the General Speakers’ List”
be speci ed, as the GSL is inexhaustible
and is reverted back to in case all
motions fail to pass in committee.

3) Motion for a Moderated Caucus

This motion is used when the this motion, the topic, total time, and
committee wants to discuss speci c individual speaker’s time must be
subtopics of the agenda. While raising mentioned. It is important to note that
the total time of a moderated caucus How to raise the motion: “The
must be divisible by the per speaker’s _(Portfolio name)_ would like to raise
time so as to incorporate a whole a motion for a moderated caucus on
number of speakers before the the topic ‘XYZ’ for the total time being
moderated caucus elapses. The 15 minutes and the individual speaker’s
maximum total time it can be raised for time being 60 seconds”
is 20 minutes.

4) Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus

During the rst few committee caucuses do not have a topic or an

sessions, unmoderated caucuses are individual speaker’s time.
used to build blocs, converse with
other delegates, and discuss potential
moderated caucus topics, while in the How to raise the motion: “The
last few committee sessions they are _(Portfolio name)_ would like to raise
primarily used for completing a motion for an unmoderated caucus
documentation. Just like moderated for the total time of 10 minutes”
caucuses, the maximum time an
unmoderated caucus can be raised for
is 20 minutes. However, unmoderated

5) Motion for Extension

This motion is used to extend a for an extension, the motion would be

moderated or unmoderated caucus. It raised by stating: “The _(Portfolio
must be kept in that they can only be name)_ would like to raise a motion to
extended by half of the original time extend the unmoderated caucus by a
they were raised for. total time of 5 minutes”

If an unmoderated caucus was

originally raised for 10 minutes, then

6) Motion to open a Provisional Speakers’ List

The motion to open a PSL is generally a motion to open a Provisional
used for debate when the committee is Speakers’ List on the topic ‘ABC’ for
in crisis or to discuss documentation. the total time being 10 minutes and the
Whilst raising this motion, delegates individual speaker’s time being 60
need to specify the topic, the total seconds”
time, and the individual speaker’s time.
How to raise the motion: “The
_(Portfolio name)_ would like to raise

7) Motion to Recess

This motion is used to temporarily

suspend debate at the end of each
committee session. How to raise the
motion: “The _(Portfolio name)_
would like to raise the motion for
committee to recess”

8) Motion to Adjourn

This motion is raised on the last day of “The _(Portfolio name)_ would like
the conference to conclude committee to raise the motion to adjourn
proceedings. How to raise the motion: committee”


Yields are used when a delegate has time a) Yield to the Chair - When a delegate
remaining after their speech in formal methods yields to the Chair, their remaining
of debate. Delegates may yield their remaining time is dissolved with the committee
time in the following ways: time.
b) Yield to Points of Information
(POIs)- When a delegate yields to
points of information, other delegates prior permission before yielding their
may ask them questions based on their time to another delegate.
speech. The number of POIs d) Yield to Comments- When a delegate
recognized by the chair will depend on yields to comments, speakers are
the time remaining from the speech. recognized to make comments
c) Yield to Another Delegate- When a regarding the speech for the remaining
delegate yields their time to another time.
delegate, the delegate to whom the
remaining time is yielded may
comment on the original speech given Delegates are to note that they are not required
or further build up on it. Delegates are to yield their time in informal methods of
to confer with each other and obtain debate.


Through points, delegates can ask a question in example, this point can be used if the
the committee, clarify their queries, point out delegate wants the Executive board or a
procedural errors, inter alia. Points can be fellow delegate to repeat anything. This
categorised as follows: is the only point which delegates can
raise whilst another delegate has the
oor in committee.
1) Point of Personal Privilege - This 2) Point of Parliamentary Inquiry -
point is used when a delegate This point is used when a delegate
experiences personal discomfort or needs clari cation or has a question
inconvenience that hinders their ability about committee procedure. For
to participate in committee. For example, this point can be used if a
delegate requires clari cation regarding 5) Right to Reply - A right to reply is
yields. used by a delegate to comment or reply
3) Point of Information - This point is when they feel their integrity has been
used when a delegate wishes to ask compromised due to personal
another delegate a question after they allegations, insults, or comments made
complete their speech or during any about them. If a Right to Reply is
point in committee. However, verbal granted, then the delegate will be
Points of Information will only be allowed to speak immediately, outside
entertained during formal debate if the the list of speakers.
delegate yields to POIs. If a delegate
wishes to ask a POI after a moderated
caucus speech, they may do so through
a chit via the Executive Board.
4) Point of Order - This point is used
when an error has been committed in
the rules of procedure by the Executive
Board and not for pointing out factual
inaccuracies in another delegate’s
speech or documentation.

Position Paper Guidelines

A delegate’s position paper is of the utmost 1. Paragraph 1 should include a brief history of
importance to the Executive Board, as it allows the agenda in your own words, with respect to
us to understand their capabilities, their your country. This typically doesn’t exceed 5-7
country’s stance on the agenda, and what they lines.
will prioritise in committee. Failure to submit a
position paper by the speci ed time will result 2. Paragraph 2 should detail your nation’s
in exemption from the awards process. stance on the agenda, and what you think the
most pressing issues currently are. Talk about
A rough outline of a position paper would look any past action your nation may have taken
like this: with regards the Republic of the Congo, if any,
and highlight any relevant aspects of your Font. It must be noted that plagiarism above
foreign policy. 3% in the position papers will lead to
immediate exemption from the awards process.
3. Paragraph 3 is the most important, as it All delegates are required to mention the
details the solutions that you will be proposing sources used for their research in the form of
in committee. While we encourage creativity citations or a bibliography in MLA format.
and innovation, don’t go overboard. Think
realistically, and make sure that any solutions Position papers must be emailed as a PDF to
that you propose are feasible and well thought by 11:59 PM on 24h
through. April 2023. No submissions after the deadline
will be accepted.
The position paper should range from 1 to 1.5
pages in length, in EB Garamond size 12 pt.
A Guide to Taking Action
Context: Using an earlier crisis note, the
Crisis Notes
delegate has contacted the Government of
A Crisis Note is a piece of documentation Jordan, and made them a successful o er to
which delegates send to the EB, asking their lease King Hussein Air Base. The delegate has
government to undertake a certain action. The already sent a certain number of forces to this
more detailed a Crisis Note, the better: details base.
regarding how an action is to be taken, using
Situation: Boko Haram has captured a certain
what infrastructure, through which authority,
part of Nigeria and declared this to be a
and what nancial resources are to be used. If
separate State called South Nigeria.
Crisis Notes are passed by the Executive Board
they may or may not be given as crisis updates
in committee. A sample Crisis Note is given

Crisis Note
From: Chairman of the People’s Republic of China
To: General Xuan (Commander of King Hussein Air Base) & Commander of Djibouti Support
1) Send 3 of the 5 Chengdu Pterodactyl I UAVs (equipped with thermal mapping, air-to-surface
missiles and are undetectable to radar) to ‘South Nigeria’ with a refuelling stop in the Djibouti
Support Base.
2) Utilise thermal mapping to nd the Boko Haram safe house or seat of government in ‘South
Nigeria’ using the following criteria:
A. Concentration of people in various buildings
B. High concentration of the thermal pointers of ammunition
C. Sightings of the Boko Haram ghters around certain buildings (Using the UAV cameras).
3) Only if the safe house is con rmed to be that of the Boko Haram, use the air-to-surface missiles of
the UAVs to eliminate the safe house.
4) Make sure that as few civilians as possible are harmed.
Crisis Arcs written by committee members to solve,
prevent, or take general action in regards to an
Crisis arcs, or a series of progressing crisis
issue. Directives must be titled, can take a
notes, consists of a set of crisis notes where
commanding tone and do not require
each note picks up where the previous note left
preambulatory clauses. When writing a
o . Arcs will generally have goals which the
directive that calls for action, delegates should
delegate will need to achieve to reach their nal
only include clauses that call for resources the
goal. By their very de nition, arcs are the
committee has direct control over. This is why
personal story each delegate writes as the
researching the extent of the committee’s
committee progresses. Regardless of the
power and resources is very important.
morality of the arc, delegates should plan out
arcs to further progress their in uence in a Clauses are to address who or what is doing
committee. It is key to keep an arc exible what action when and where. It is also
enough to bend around committee obstacles important to address how these actions are
while also being rigid enough to impact the being conducted. The more speci c a clause is,
debate. A delegate should not continuously the better.
insist on acquiring a resource that Crisis has
The decisions made by the directives are
denied them, but instead try and divert their
usually in response to a crisis or an
arc to use the resources they have at hand to
event/update and have to be passed by
achieve the arc’s goal.
Committee Wide Directives
Please nd below a sample Committee Wide
Directives are the way in which the committee Directive:
as a whole takes action. They are documents

Committee Wide Directive

Authors: People’s Republic of China and Russia
1. Condemns the actions of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the Syrian Golan.
2. Urges the international community to put sanctions on the State of Israel to prevent further
violation of international law and the UN Charter by Israel.
3. Condemns the United States of America for continuing to support and assist a rogue State
Press Releases will be made public.

Press Releases are documents used by a nation to

announce something to the international Presidential Statements
community/press. Sometimes a country can decide
to send a Press Release as a response to a crisis These are statements given by the leader of the
update. Press Releases may be passed independently country you are representing to the Security
or they may be a xed to a directive. They can be Council. Delegates will have to write these as if they
passed by one nation, a group of nations, or the
are the leader themselves ie. using personal
committee as a whole.
pronouns. They are the only piece of
The purpose of a Press Release is to inform the documentation on which personal pronouns will
public of actions or express condolence, frustration, be permitted.
or condemnation. The goal of a Press Release, aside
from informing the public, is also to in uence Both member states (P5 and non-permanent) and
public sentiment. A press release’s contents may be observer nations can author press releases and
added to a crisis update, and if they are, the senders presidential statements.
Draft Resolution
The Preamble of a Draft Resolution states the
The three days of debate are ultimately directed
purpose of addressing the agenda at hand and
towards reaching a consensus and forming a
highlights past international action on the
resolution, known as the Draft Resolution
issue. Each clause begins with a present
(DR), that sets out how the Member States
participle, called a perambulatory phrase which
must tackle the various issues of the agenda. A
is italicised and the clause always ends with a
good Draft Resolution requires a well-rounded
comma. These clauses can include references to
approach to the agenda and must be supported
the UN charter, citations of past UN
with a realistic framework for implementation.
resolutions or treaties on the agenda,
Delegates must ensure that all solutions
acknowledgement of statements made by the
proposed during committee or presented in the
Secretary-General or a UN body or agency,
Draft Resolution fall within the purview of the
recognition of the e orts of regional or
mandate of the United Nations Security
non-governmental organisations, and general
statements on the topic and its importance.

Some sample preambulatory clauses include:

A rming Alarmed by Approving

Bearing in mind Believing Con dent

Contemplating Concerned Deeply convinced

Deeply conscious Deeply convinced Deeply disturbed

Deeply regretting Desiring Expecting

Emphasising Exercising Expressing its appreciation

Ful lling Fully aware of Expressing

In appreciation Further recalling Guided by

Having examined Having received Keeping in mind

Noting with deep concern Noting with satisfaction Further noting

Observing Rea rming Realising

Recognising Recalling Referring

Seeking Taking into consideration Taking note

Viewing with appreciation Believing Regretting

Considering Expressing its discontent Further realising

Having deliberated Noting Further desiring

Operative clauses are meant to o er solutions 2. Each clause should support another and
to issues addressed during the procession of the continue to build your solution;
committee. These clauses are action-oriented
3. Add details to your clauses in order to have a
and should include both an underlined verb at
complete solution;
the beginning of the sentence followed by the
proposed solution. Each clause should follow 4. Operative clauses must be punctuated by a
the following principles. semicolon, with the exception of the last
operative clause which should end with a
1. Clauses must be numbered;

Some sample operative phrases are:

Accepts A rms Congratulates

Considers Draws attention Encourages

Endorses Expresses Expresses its appreciation

Expresses its hope Further invites Emphasises

Further reminds Reminds Recommends

Invites Suggests Requests

Proclaims Rea rms Solemnly a rms

Expects Advises Supports

Further recommends Strongly suggests Trusts

Welcomes Stresses Urges

Notes Further encourages Strongly regrets

Closing Remarks

As stated before, we are greatly looking forward to nation’s foreign policy, but must also aim to take
seeing all of you in committee, because we are sure action with the consensus of all ve permanent
that we will see nothing but the most creative, yet members. The United Nations Security Council
realistic solutions from all of you during the three has a lot of stakes in this crisis, and the actions you
days of committee. take could either bolster its credibility, or malign it.

While this background guide aims at familiarising Last, and most importantly, please have a good
all of you with the agenda, we urge you to treat this time, and make the most of this committee,
as a starting point for more in-depth research on regardless if you are representing a permanent
your nation’s foreign policy, possible solutions, and member, non permanent member or observer
the ways to implement these solutions. There is a (who, by no means, are ‘lesser’ or ‘inferior’ to
persistent lack of research on African history in permanent members or non permanent members.
general, and our agenda touches upon an MUNs, for all of us, have been a source of great
important event in it. Hence, while researching, learning and fond memories, and we hope this Inter
you may notice a lack of English-language material SMUN is the same for you. Please do not hesitate
on certain aspects of the agenda. If this is the case, to reach out to any of us in case of any doubts,
our suggestion would be to delve into queries or concerns.
French-language material. Being the o cial
language of the Republic of the Congo, there Looking forward to seeing all of you!
would be a wealth of information present in these
sources that one would never be able to nd in any Yours sincerely,
English-language source. Nishtha Anand, Piyush Patel, Aaditvir Singh and
Anoushka Akella
Please keep in mind that any action your country The Executive Board
takes not only has to be in accordance with your United Nations Security Council

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