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Conditions of Correctional Facilities in the Philippines: Jail Wardens'

Perspectives and Experiences

Article in Otoritas Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan · April 2022

DOI: 10.26618/ojip.v12i1.6531


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1 author:

Van Ryan I. Alipoyo

Jose Rizal Memorial State University


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Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 12 (1), April 2022, 67-77

Conditions of Correctional Facilities in the Philippines:

Jail Wardens’ Perspectives and Experiences

Van Ryan Icalina Alipoyo1*)

1College of Criminal Justice Education, Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City,
7101, Zamboanga Del Norte, Philippines.

Received: 9 December 2021; Revised: 31 March 2022; Accepted: 1 April 2022


The study explored the perspective and experiences of jail wardens in managing jail facilities in the
Philippines for the calendar year 2019. A qualitative study with a transcendental phenomenological
research design was used. The study focused on 10 jail wardens from correctional facilities in the
provinces of Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines. The themes reflect the par-
ticipants' experiences on the conditions of correctional facilities and their viewpoint on quality cor-
rection such as erosion in conformity with the rules, scarcity of resources critical to jail services, the
perils of poor staffing, freedom from congestion, infrastructure development, technology in correc-
tion, lifelong attempt for improvement and character development. This study concluded that the
problems and challenges encountered by the correctional wardens in handling persons deprived of
liberty (inmates) and in managing the jail facilities affected their roles and responsibilities in im-
proving the conditions in the correctional facilities such as in the implementation of the reformation
process of the PDLs, peace, and order within the facility, and in securing the safety of the personnel
and the community. Thus, it is high time for the government and the legislative body of the Philippine
government to improve the quality of correctional facilities, the following may be considered: the
installation of high technology, construction of new and standard correctional facilities, and quick
rehabilitation of old, outdated, or destroyed jails, allocation of budget or appropriations to enable
the employment of more staff/personnel, and limiting the number of inmates in a prison cell.

Keywords: Jail Wardens Experiences; Correctional Facility; Quality Jail

How to Cite: Alipoyo, V. R. I. (2022). Conditions of Correctional Facilities in the Philip-

pines: Jail Wardens’ Perspectives and Experiences. Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan,
12(1), 67-77.


*)Corresponding Author.
E-Mail :

Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
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Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 12 (1), April 2022, 68

INTRODUCTION grams have been introduced across pris-

on facilities with the specific purpose of
Correctional wardens are responsi-
enhancing officer well-being. However,
ble for ensuring that their prison is safe
few of these programs have been subject-
for both personnel and inmates. This en-
ed to rigorous scientific evaluation, thus
tails defining training requirements for
limiting the understanding of their effec-
correctional officers and other personnel.
tiveness (Ferdik & Smith, 2017).
Prison wardens must be prepared to lead
A report on the situation of the Phil-
a diverse group as the breadth of their
ippine Penitentiaries revealed that prison
duties expands. According to Mufarreh,
wardens often face problems such as pol-
Waitkus, & Booker (2021), with the in-
lution or overcrowding, food supplies are
creasing number of offenders populating
inadequate for ordinary human demands
the criminal justice system and the im-
daily (De Guzman, Ibarrola, Idolog, & Ig-
posed responsibilities placed on correc-
nacio, 2020). Also, the lack of appropriate
tional and community supervision agen-
spousal visitation spaces, particularly for
cies, effectively identifying and training
out-of-town conjugal visits, sanitation,
leaders for success is now more critical
particularly for toilet/water supply, ade-
than ever (Mufarreh, Waitkus, & Booker,
quate beds/bedding/mosquito nets, in-
sufficient medical facilities, and poorly
Atkin-Plunk & Armstrong (2013)
equipped facilities are also present in
provide that prison wardens' administra-
most of the jails. These problems are real
tive and correctional obligations are ex-
in jails in the provinces due to the insuffi-
tensive. In addition to carrying out the
ciency of the budget and inadequate facili-
goal of the prison wardens of the state,
ties (C. R. Jones & Narag, 2021).
federal or corporate entities also oversee
Narag & Jones (2017) reported that
the order, security, and prevention of es-
prison conditions in the Philippines are
capes and riots in a facility. The priorities
overcrowded, understaffed, and under-
of a warden may include administering
resourced, leading to the construction of
security and security activities, managing
multi-occupancy cells, which house 100
human resources, handling critical events,
managing the budget, promoting an excel- offenders in a cell built for ten. Over-
crowding usually entails a significant de-
lent organizational climate, presiding
crease in the quantity and quality of re-
over a physical facility, administering
sources available for day-to-day exist-
public relations, retaining professional
ence, such as healthy food and safe drink-
expertise, implementing strategic plan-
ning, and supervising other duties. ing water. The scarcity of resources raises
the likelihood of competition and conflict
According to research conducted by
over their acquisition and retention. Even
Liebling et al. (2021), the correctional
though inmates may react to overcrowd-
staff is aware of the threats they confront.
ing in different ways, suggests that over-
Even low-level security and juvenile de-
crowding usually hurts inmate conduct
tention facility officials expressed concern
(C. Jones, Narag, & Morales, 2015).
for their safety and well-being. Across a
While many studies had been con-
range of facilities, officers reported that
ducted already to look into the experienc-
they think they were (or are) at higher
es of correctional wardens and inmates,
risk for injury and other negative out-
as well as the various policies and pro-
comes as a result of their jobs. These per-
grams in enhancing their well-being,
ceptions could also contribute to conse-
there was a limited study conducted to
quences such as stress, burnout, and turn-
look into their specific conditions in terms
over. Moreover, various policies and pro-
of infrastructure, programs, health, and

Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
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opportunities, particularly in Southern study was conducted in the Philippines.

Mindanao. Moreover, despite the pro- 10 jail wardens in different jail facilities in
grams and services implemented under the Province of Zamboanga Del Norte and
the mandate of BJMP, studies conducted Zamboanga Del Sur, such as Dipolog City,
continue to show that in its extremely Dapitan City, and Municipality of Manu-
overcrowded prisons and jails, the coun- kan, were the key informants.
try suffers catastrophic public health There were 6 key informants in the
problems. focus group discussion (FGD) and 4 key
It is for the above reasons that this informants in an in-depth interview (IDI).
study was conducted to explore the jail Purposive sampling was utilized in select-
warden’s perspective and experiences in ing the participants for this study. The
managing correctional facilities in the main criterion for selecting the partici-
provinces of Zamboanga Del Norte and pants was the phenomenon of correction-
Zamboanga Del Sur, the Philippines for al wardens who have rendered at least
the calendar year 2019. Specifically, this three years of experience as jail warden
study sought an answer to the experienc- or deputy or have management experi-
es of the jail wardens in managing the af- ence with a jail facility.
fairs of a correctional facility, how the jail An interview guide with open-ended
wardens addressed the challenges en- questions was used. The interview guide
countered in managing correctional facili- was self-created, but it was thoroughly
ties, and to determine the needs of the jail validated. It reflects the main points of the
wardens for a quality correctional facility. sub-problems in particular. The research
The findings may provide insights to the instrument is divided into three sections:
government officials of the Philippine the first focuses on the informants' expe-
government to allocate a budget in im- riences in managing jail facilities; the sec-
proving the conditions of the correctional ond on the problems encountered by the
facilities which will result in the improve- informants in managing the affairs of the
ment of living conditions of the Person jail facilities; and the third on the profes-
Deprived of Liberty (PDL). sional and personal needs to achieve a
quality jail facility. Permission to conduct
RESEARCH METHODS this study was obtained from the National
A qualitative-descriptive phenome- Headquarters' Directorate for Program
nological research design was used in this and Development through the Regional
study to explore the life stories of jail war- Director Region 9 of the Bureau of Jail
dens in managing jail facilities in Zambo- Management and Penology. Before the
anga del Norte and Zamboanga del Sur. interview, the key informants signed a
This design is the most appropriate for consent form indicating their willingness
the investigation since it explored the di- to participate in the interview. The goal of
rect experiences of the correctional war- the study was presented to the inform-
dens in managing jail facilities in the ants before the interview and focus group
Province of Zamboanga del Norte and discussion. The IDI and the FGD were
Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines. It is in taped using a voice recorder to document
this context that the purpose of the phe- the interview and with the agreement
nomenological approach agrees with the that their identities would not be re-
idea of Lester to illuminate the specific vealed. The information gathered was
and identify the phenomena through the kept in strict confidence. Their
perspective of the research key inform- hometowns, names, and offices are not
ants (Patalinghug, 2021). published to maintain their anonymity.
This phenomenological qualitative Pseudonyms were used in place of the in-

Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 12 (1), April 2022, 70

dividuals' real names. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

The quality criteria for ensuring that The table 1 depicts the emerging
the study is trustworthy were considered
themes derived from the informants'
following the criteria introduced by Lin- statements about their perspectives and
coln, Lynham, & Guba (2011) to include
experiences in managing jails. From the
(a) credibility, (b) dependability, (c) gen- transcripts of the informants, 370 signifi-
eralizability, and (d) confirmability to cant statements were obtained, all of
strictly adhere to the standards in doing which were directly related to the inform-
this qualitative research. The procedure ants' experiences, problems, and needs.
of bracketing is done by fine-tuning the These key statements were grouped into
data formulation and analysis using notes seven emergent themes, and formulated
to avoid biases in the study's results. The meanings were generated from them. The
confusing data in the transcript was re-
following section delves into these topics.
ferred to the informants for clarification
throughout data collection and pro- Erosion in Conformity with the Rules
cessing. Furthermore, it was presented This theme explains the negative ex-
and assessed for verification of the topic periences of the jail wardens on PDLs
created throughout the data analysis, and who deliberately disregard the policies,
emergent themes were recognized and rules, and regulations. More often than
acknowledged by the informants. For not, jail wardens are confronted with
transcribing, data analysis, conclusions, PDLs violating the jail’s rules and regula-
and interpretation, the ethics committee tions despite the possible punishments
was also consulted. The exploratory re- imposed upon them.
view on the authenticity of the study's re- One of the informants argued that
sults included a debate and exchange of PDLs consciously violate rules because
ideas with the committee to achieve de- they think their life is hopeless being in-
pendability. The experiences of the side jail. The violations may result in inju-
shared informants were thoroughly dis- ry, breach of security, or jail disorder that
cussed and adequately depicted depend- is injurious to the actual objective of the
ing on the informant's point of view of the jail facility, which is reformation.
events. After the study was completed, all This implies that such violation of
of the data acquired was destroyed. rules and regulations inside the jail indi-

Table 1. Emergent Themes and Subthemes

Source: Processed by the Author (2021)

Cluster Themes/Subthemes
Negative Experiences : Erosion in Conformity with the Rules
: Scarcity of Resources Critical to Jail Services
Problems Encountered by the In- : The Perils of Poor Staffing
formants : Freedom from Congestion
Needs of the Informants : Infrastructure Upgrade and Development
: Technology in Correction
: Lifelong Attempt for Improvement and Charac-
ter Development

Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
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cates that the PDLs were not reformed need a building itself to address the con-
from their nonconforming behavior. Find- gestion problem of the jail. The construc-
ings from the study of scholars suggest tion of the building will also address the
that crowding is positively related to lev- standard accommodation issue to im-
els of misconduct (Steiner, Butler, & El- prove the PDL's health concerns.
lison, 2014; Steiner & Wooldredge, 2014). Informant asserts that the facility is
Population turnover, for example, may vital for the development and safekeeping
affect the level of disorder by creating in- of the PDLs. According to him, without the
stability in the social system of a prison. facility, they cannot correctly implement
Moreover, the reformation theory con- the programs and activities designed to
forms to this theme, where the objective reform the PDLs. He further stated that
of correctional facilities today is directed the facility is necessary to improve the
toward changing the behavior of the livelihood training and spiritual activities
PDLs. Thus, the government and bureau of the PDLs.
may consider making a policy that correc- PDLs also hold the same fundamen-
tional facilities should limit the number of tal human rights inherent in the life of any
inmates, and convicts may receive train- person without them, he cannot exist as a
ing, advice, resocialization, awareness, human being (Reichstein, 2022). By hu-
and leadership as better citizens. man standards, accommodation that
should be provided to the PDLs should
Scarcity of Resources Critical to Jail Ser-
meet all requirements of health with due
regard to climatic conditions. Jail wardens
This theme focuses on the insuffi- are often confronted with old, dilapidated,
ciency of resources of the jail facility to and congested buildings that are no long-
provide the standard needs of the PDLs. er suited for human existence.
Like health-compliant accommodation, Since, both people in custody and
proper lighting, ventilation, decent foods, officer perspectives and attitudes are sim-
standard fences, space for recreation, ilarly affected, reevaluating the dilapi-
spiritual, and reformative programs. All of dated facility should be reevaluated and
these must be adequately provided to the restructured. Molleman & van der Broek
PDLs to give respect as human beings and 2014) demonstrate that a positive work
help them in their process of transfor- environment for prison employees is a
mation. In the survey of 213 jail adminis- prerequisite for using an active approach
trators conducted by Ruddell & Mays to convicts. In addition, if the various
(2007), small facilities found that under- treatment types are thoroughly used, in-
funding, overcrowding, and retention and mates are more content with their jail
recruitment of officers were the most sig- conditions. It appears that striking a bal-
nificant challenges. ance between giving support and struc-
According to one informant, their ture for inmates is important. Inmates'
facility is outdated and dilapidated, which satisfaction with jail conditions is highly
could lead to inmate escape. Preventing connected with motivational treatment.
escapes from custody is a critical function
The Perils of Poor Staffing
of prisons, jails, and the individuals who
run these correctional facilities. Accord- This aspect delves into one of the
ing to St. John, Blount-Hill, Evans, Ayers, & most common problems in a jail facility,
Allard (2019), the architecture of the fa- which is the lack of human resources or
cilities can influence the behavior of occu- jail personnel. The implementation of cor-
pants. rectional practices and the increasing
Other informants provided that they number of PDLs require additional jail

Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
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personnel for jail supervision and opera- Freedom from Congestion

tions. Additional jail personnel is an ap- This theme explains how wardens
propriate way to cope with the increasing
deal with the problem of overcrowding in
number of inmates. This also discusses jails. One jail warden claims that submit-
the problems of the wardens on their staff
ting letters to trial courts urging rapid ad-
like work ethics and discipline. Work eth- judication of cases is one approach to alle-
ics is necessary in places like jail because viating overcrowding in his facility. He
they will adversely affect the entire oper- further noted that the plea-bargaining
ations and order of the jail facility. mechanism resulted in the release of cer-
One of the informants narrated that tain PDLs.
there is a security problem due to instanc- According to Informant 6, the na-
es of sick human resources. To aggravate tional government has a nationwide pro-
the situation in provincial jails, the num-
gram of building new buildings to remedy
ber of jail personnel is far from the ideal the current congestion problem. Similarly,
ratio of one human resource to seven informant 8 of the focus group discussion
PDLs. Moreover, in other jail facilities, noted that if the Bureau of Jail Manage-
they experience the insufficiency of jail
ment and Penology (BJMP) succeeds in its
personnel due to the new approach to agenda of building new jails throughout
personnel distribution, which is based on
the Philippines, jail congestion will be
the size of the facility. solved.
Maintaining an acceptable level of During the interview, some of the
services and operations due to the in- informants said that their way of reducing
creasing number of inmates is needed to the number of PDLs in jail is to submit a
have an efficient staff performance. letter to the court asking for a faster dis-
The study by Bernard Nkala & Phael- position of cases. They further stated that
lo Olivia Malataliana (2021) revealed that some PDLs were released due to the plea-
the style of management, low salaries and bargaining system, which resulted in the
allowances, flawed legislation, lack of ap- early release of the PDLs. Plea bargaining
propriate human resource policies, and occurs when the person charged with an
limited development opportunities affect offense pleads guilty to a lesser offense.
staff performance. Furthermore, all of the informants con-
Correctional Service staff remains tended that the present government al-
key for any national correctional agency ready initiated the construction of new
thus issues affecting staff performance
buildings to address the congestion prob-
ought to be identified and attended to re-
duce staff turnover which tends to be very Since the jail has limited capacity, it
costly for correctional organizations. might create issues among the inmates in
Once employee satisfaction is achieved, the jail such as quarreling, riots, the crea-
there is a strong effect that such correc- tion of gangs, and others. Safety is a com-
tional staff will be engaged hence helping mon responsibility for jail and prison au-
in attaining correctional services and re- thorities, given the closeness of motivated
habilitation program goals. As a result, offenders and environments susceptible
the Philippine government and the Bu- to violence (Ellison & Gainey, 2020).
reau of Jail Management and Penology
According to Robinson (2018), for
should prioritize any additional funding the past several decades, the county jail in
that may be allotted for personnel recruit- a large metropolitan city in the southeast
ment and training. United States has been overcrowded,
which has resulted in violence within the

Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 12 (1), April 2022, 73

jail. This finding affirmed the results of rectly implement the programs and activi-
Western (2021), in which it was found ties designed to reform the PDLs. He fur-
that overcrowding gave birth to various ther stated that the facility is necessary to
problems such as prisons rioting, no clas- improve the livelihood training and spir-
sification of the prisoners, and the spread itual activities of the PDLs.
of chronic diseases. The prison institution is legally man-
Jail overcrowding is often reported dated to educate and train the prisoners
as the source of ill health, abuse of in- to make them fertile in their respective
mates, and reoffending behavior. The communities after their rehabilitation at
claim is supported by MacDonald (2018), the end of the sentence. The conduct of
that overcrowding is a critical factor that religious activities is part of the rehabili-
continues to affect the safety and well- tation process of the PDLs so that they
being of inmates and their living condi- may continue their religious practice,
tions. Overcrowded prisons can contrib- which paves the way for the restoration of
ute to dangerous, unsanitary conditions their law-infringing faith (Parsons &
for prisoners ' physical and mental well- Warner-Robbins, 2002).
being. Thus, this should be looked into by Although the national headquarters
the government, and top officials of the were not able to meet all the PDL’s needs,
bureau to prioritize the expansion of jail the informants have tried to establish a
facilities, fast resolution of cases and addi- relationship with the local government
tional construction of buildings to cater to for support, especially on the rehabilita-
the increasing number of inmates may be tive responsibility of the facility. The na-
considered. tional government has an ongoing nation-
al program for the construction of new
Infrastructure Upgrade and Development
prisons to enhance the facilities ' infra-
The facet embodies the need for the structure to address the needs of the
jail wardens to provide the PDLs a proper PDLs. The accommodation in which the
accommodation in the jail facilities. The PDLs reside must meet specific basic
facilities refer to generic fences and build- standards. International standards make
ings for a sufficient number of rooms. it clear that inmates should have ample
The law requires jails to educate and space to live in, with exposure to suffi-
teach offenders as part of their rehabilita- cient air and light to preserve their well-
tion process so that when they are re- being.
leased after their sentence, they will be Pogrebin (1982) revealed that jails
productive members of their communi- situated in rural areas face more rural-
ties. However, due to the lack of areas specific problems than urban facilities.
where programs and activities were con- Jail is usually the worst to suffer when
ducted, the wardens experienced some there are cuts to public services and fund-
challenges. This is reinforced by a com- ing. Although there are increasing de-
ment made by one of the respondents, mands for corrections to be strengthened,
who stated that most of the time, liveli- the government is generally very unwill-
hood activities are conducted in open ing to spend money on facility develop-
places, resulting in devastation, a lack of ment. Thus, the government officials may
attention, and dangers to our security and look into strategic planning on allocating
safety. funds for the upgrading or construction of
Another informant asserts that the facilities for the implementation of refor-
facility is vital for the development and mation, health, and livelihood programs.
safekeeping of the PDLs. According to
him, without the facility, they cannot cor-

Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 12 (1), April 2022, 74

Technology in Correction caping.

According to Bernard Nkala & Phael-
This theme explores the typical tech-
lo Olivia Malataliana (2021), running a
nological desires of the informants for a
correctional facility in the twenty-first
jail facility. While some existing technolo-
century calls for expertise in information
gies can meet the correction needs, meth-
technology due to the sophistication of
ods need to resolve the nuances, sensitivi-
crime. It became impossible to run profes-
ties, and legal concerns in social and jail
sional correction services with the limited
settings. There is a need to embrace the
building of capacities to induce high per-
advent of technology to improve the qual-
formance. Thus, the Philippine govern-
ity and services of the jail facility.
ment may look into upgrading the facili-
Most of the informants asserted that
ties by installing CCTV, hiring IT experts,
to improve the quality of the jail facility in
and purchase of inmate trackers if funds
terms of security, the installation of a
CCTV camera is needed.
Allard, Wortley, & Stewart (2006) Lifelong Attempt for Improvement and
established that CCTV was being held in Character Development
prison as an identifier for remote access This theme discusses the need for
controls and improved coordination of the jail warden on his character develop-
responses to events, gathering evidence, ment and the human resources of a jail
improving security, and tracking highly facility. The aspect includes the ongoing
specific conducts such as contraband en- development of the prison warden and
try, self-harm, and suicide. their staff to strengthen skills and the
On the other hand, some of the in- ability to manage PDLs. Training and
formants assert that there is a need for workshops were usually held by the Bu-
the installation of an x-ray machine to reau of Jail Management and Penology to
prevent the possible entry of contraband promote work and morale among jail
inside the jail facility. Contraband in- staff. Most of the accounts of the inform-
volves illegal items such as narcotics, cold
ants said that they need additional train-
guns, firearms, or things banned in the ing or review new National Headquarters
region under surveillance, such as mobile policies and memoranda for further per-
telephones, within correctional facilities. formance enhancement. They revealed
Snaking things into the prison is quick. that the training and seminars would in-
Articles may be concealed in the anal crease the knowledge and skills in han-
tongue and, if all other things fail, in the dling the PDLs and security aspect of the
abdomen. To prevent abuse of drugs, vio-
jail facility correctly.
lence, and the commission of other
Scholarly consensuses indicate lack
crimes, prison workers must quickly be of development opportunities affects mo-
able to detect and confiscate contraband. rale as employees feel overwhelmed by
Technology implementation can re- responsibilities (Wood, Van Veldhoven,
duce the number of influential prisoners Croon, & de Menezes, 2012). Targeted in-
from infractions of prison rules and regu- terviews with the Commissioner level re-
lations (Vachiradath, 2013). He further spondent confirmed the department lacks
suggests that in having a technology con- availing development opportunities for
trol system, an inmate will not make any staff thus, in turn, affecting the way they
error again because it is considered a perform their duties. Only induction
shameful move to be caught doing any- training is provided to employees on arri-
thing wrong in CCTV footage. The study val and no other development opportuni-
has shown that the control system has a ties are availed thereafter (Bernard Nkala
direct effect on stopping inmates from es-
Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 12 (1), April 2022, 75

& Phaello Olivia Malataliana, 2021). Daylinda Luz R. Laput's approval of finan-
Vickovic & Morrow (2020) said that cial assistance during the research activi-
by empowering their subordinates, cor- ty has been greatly appreciated by the re-
rectional officials improve the quality of searcher. Thanks also to the Bureau of Jail
the service by their institutions. Learning Management Region 9 for allowing the
and identifying motivation as it relates to researcher to conduct the study in all city
job success in the correctional officer and municipal jails throughout the prov-
sense helps to increase efficiency, safety, inces of Zamboanga del Norte and Zambo-
and security of the institution, and re- anga del Sur. The University of Cebu's re-
cruitment and retention of employees. search censor in Cebu City gave their ap-
Thus, the bureau needs to provide proval to this work.
training and development to wardens to
enhance smooth work relations and equip REFERENCES
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Copyright © 2022, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)

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